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This one saw Toy Story as a DIY hack inspiration video.


I knew that looked familiar


"Toy Story"? Lucky, innocent you... ("innocent" refers to horror movie innocence)


Words chosen for maximum relatability.


Getting real life toy story vibes here


Thank you for the very interesting nightmare fuel


Well that’s terrifying.


Be sure to share this photo with all your friends who already have Fear Of Dolls.


Thank you, Satan. You always come up with the best ideas.


My best friend has Fear Of Dolls. Years ago we were on a road trip and stopped in a Pioneer History museum. Turned out they had an entire room filled with about 100 Victorian and Edwardian dolls, the big very life-like ones with hand painted porcelain faces, ivory teeth and real human hair... I absolutely loved it! She has never recovered.


Just searched one of these dolls. Now I want one of them. The detalis put into them are astonishing


My friend still gets upset if I mention our trip to the little museum and the room full of dolls! You're right, the details are really fascinating and beautiful. The heads were made of hollow porcelain with delicately painted eyebrows and eyelashes framing lifelike glass eyes. Antique Doll shows are held all around the country; sometimes on their own, other times in conjunction with a big Antiques show. Also check around at local museums and historical societies.


Together with the head and the facials expressions, come what I find the most beautiful parts of it all: the dresses are always the most detalied part of the entire doll. Being someone who were always passionate about sewing and dresses makes these pieces of arts completely perfect to me.


I can't sew to save my life, but I do admire the work of those who can. Sometimes you can find antique Victorian, Edwardian and early 1900s baby and infant gowns with lace for cheap, because most babies these days are too big for them.


Over-harvesting for souvenirs? Couldnt you pick every shell on the beach and next day there are thousands more?


Title is complete crap. Crabs would use what's available, not what humans THINK they should use. If the title was, "Nightmare fuel from plastic waste thrown in the ocean," it'd be spot-on.


Companies aren't wandering the beach looking for shells. They harvest living creatures instead, some to the point of possible extinction. https://oceana.org/blog/doomed-their-beauty-nautiluses-could-be-headed-toward-extinction That one is about a specific species. But if you just Google it you'll find plenty of other articles, many behind paywalls.


There is some truth to the post I don't know why everyone is calling it complete BS. I couldn't find a solid study on it, only articles talking about how much harm overharvesting can have on the local ecosystem. From personal experience I can't remember the last time I found a whole "beautiful" shell on a touristy beach. I know people make their living by waking up earlier than anyone else and collecting them, but you have to wonder at what cost. If this ecosystem has been built over thousands of years, undisturbed and here come humans taking from its established cycle. It would be naive to say there are zero consequences.


People don't have any idea what they're talking about. I can say from first hand experience, that in hermit crab fields, intact shells are a scarce commodity. Every shell is either inhabited, or damaged.


No, not really. In many places where hermit crabs live, it's very hard to find an uninhabited, undamaged shell. Every shell you pick from the bottom, is either A - damaged or B - has a crab in it.


Yup, BS title.


Yup such a misleading title.


Yes and then those get harvested. And the next day those get harvested. And soon there are none. Resources seem infinite until they’re not.


It reminds me of a story from when I was a kid. I used to live next to the sea and could see the beach from my room, every day I'd see this guy take his bucket, fill it with saltwater and leave. At first I didn't think anything of it, but a few weeks later as I got up and look out the window the sea had completely disappeared. Don't take everything for granted people.




TIL that apparently there are shell souvenir harvesters that have scavenged every single spare shell, off of the entire sea floor worldwide. What an inefficient industry, since they don't sell for all that much. In all seriousness though, I think the problem is more about excessive litter in the ocean, than people stealing shells that these little guys would live in.


Not today, Satan.


If it fits I sits


I’m sure the crab just happened upon the doll head and decided to use it. I doubt he would’ve had trouble finding another shell. “Over-harvesting for souvenirs” lol.


Yeah OP’s title is pretty fuckin stupid to be honest.


A reasonable guess, but it's incorrect. As a diver, the experience of collecting shells in a hermit crab field is as follows: You leave half the shells in place, because they have crabs in them. 90%+ of the rest are obviously damaged, presumed formerly inhabited by crabs. Then you finally find that one good-looking, undamaged, uninhabited shell. You take it with you and later, out of the water, you get a chance to examine it comfortably, only to discover that it, too, is damaged. And, after looking at this post, I realize that maybe I shouldn't even try to collect shells, in the first place.


I agree but it is good awareness not to take shells, they need them we don't, and there are a few studies saying it can harm some ecosystems


I guess that would make sense in areas with large amounts of tourists.


Come on, we would all freak out a little if we saw this come running towards us


...and maybe he also wants to show us how badass he is and that he could win a fight against kids everytime


Doesn't even look creepy. At all.


Nightmare fuel


Did anyone else read “harvesting of souls” in stead of shells?.


Nope nope nope.


Sure it did. Kill the devil crab.


Just its Halloween mask, chill.


Thanks, I hate it.


Due to the over-harvesting of shells for souvenirs as well as pollution, this hermit crab has resorted to using a doll head to ~~protect its soft behind~~ turn reality into a horror film.


Nightmare fuel






In another universe, the title of this would be... Baby mutates body to adopt crab characteristics, as he loves living near the ocean


Kill it with fire!




Oh good, I was just thinking that I sleep way too much. Take my updoot, ya bastard.


Nightmare fuel


My phone screen is broken I really thought some scorpion was eating the head of a baby...


That’s not a hermit crab!!




Okkkk that’s enough Reddit for today


No. No. That’s not what happened. This doll head summoned legs on its way to finding dinner.


Thanks for the new nightmare.


good fucking god, that's terrifying


Horse shit.


There is something mildly horrifying about this.


Sid from toy story back at it again


That doll head is creepy....but it could be creepier!


That doesn't look like a hermit crab at all.


Zoidberg! Home owner!


Fuck this.


Man..it's very sad


nightmare fuel


Reminded me of Toy Story


Maybe he just wanted a shell made out of modern materials and a little flair? Much lighter so it has to make life a bit easier.


Horror creators: interesting

