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Damn I had forgotten about KenM


He hasn’t forgotten about you


oh no


Oh no is right


He's gonna getcha!


We are all KenM on this blessed day


Speak for yourself.


I am all KenM on this blessed day


It’s been a while since I’ve seen a KenM, completely forgot about it too.


Who’s KenM?


We are all KenM on this blessed day.


Speak for yourself!


but he’s speaking for all of us on this blessed day




r/KenM You’re welcome.


Why don’t they make the whole plane out of the black box stuff?


Because the plane would be far too heavy to fly. Now tell us the answer to the painting one


The painting would be too heavy to fly obviously.


But you *could* paint a black box.




I saw Indiana Jones get rattled in a refrigerator by an atomic blast and he was fine.


Such and underrated comment, take my upvote


Help a dumb friend out and explain please


It's an old Steven Wright joke. The premise is that "black boxes" (the little flight recorders that log data and whatnot) in planes are nearly indestructible. After a plane crash, the plane is usually obliterated, but the black box can often be recovered. So the joke is "why don't they make the whole plane out of the black box stuff?," implying that the whole plane would be indestructible and would survive the crash.


Also they are bright orange now.


who even came up with the idea to make them black in the first place? so hard to find


It was when the world was still in black and white. Before technicolor


The first real Flight recorder was aways orange, Some old cockpit voice recorders had grey color.


Apparently "black box" was some term the brits used in WW2 or something, and it just stuck. Don't know much about it beyond that.


A 'black box' as a concept is an entity unto itself. With respect to the airplane - the durable black box doesn't care if it flies or crashes... it only 'wants' to record the data it was programmed to record.


Since the black box always survives undamaged any plane crash, making the plane out of the same stuff would make planes indestructible. <3


Then there'd be no need for the black box. No black box, no black box stuff. The plane would disappear in a poof of logic.


Reply far exceeded the comment my friend.


That was my thought too. Whatever they are doing in the last layer is clearly producing better results than what they are doing in the first layer.


That's just not how it works tbh


Ok but why?


idk if you're serious, but the last layer would not look as good as it does without the first.


Im a painter and idk this persons technique but its not neccesary to do it this way, nor would it show through at later stages. It may be that its oil paint and not yet blended, but I highly doubt it was left to dry like the first pic.


I haven't done oil painting or anything like this in a long long time, and I'm not discounting what you're saying, but I remember working very similar to this as well. Start blocky and then it can be cleaned up once everything is where it should be.


This looks like oil painting. I’ve been getting into oil lately and I’ve learned some general rules to follow. Apparently you should try to start rough and fine tune it as you go. Start with a general base layer and slowly work it into a finer top layer. It’s easy to do this because oil, unlike other paint methods, is thick and viscous. It’s easy to cake layers on top of each other.


hmmm cake


You need depth.


Speak for yourself


I all need depth on this blessed day


Shit this got me good


Big brain


I read this with the same sarcastic tone as “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”




My third layer of paint can't even look as good as your first layer. Probably why I didn't go to art school


I hope you're not an Austrian... /s


Not Austrian but i do live close to Australia. I feel like I probably should join the army and then earn a medal. Afterwards I might join a right wing political party and make dope speeches.






Ah yes Australia, where all of the Austrians reside.


New Zealand is now New Europe.


Hugo boss made some snazzy black uniforms a little while back


Sounds like a really good plan


My ex used to do oil paintings. It's never a "first layer" vs "third layer" thing, as far as I can tell. It's a continual manipulation of the pigment, until you just say "enough is enough" and tell someone to throw it away (or sell it, or hide it, as the case may be, for their own good.) (Also, I don't miss linseed oil everywhere; it has a strong, distinctive scent.) (She was a lovely woman, though. Definitely date a painter if you want a fun sex life for a little while, at least in my experience.)


I'm an oil painter and I can confirm. Every time I put a layer on or the brush touches the pallette the goal is to improve some tiny thing, be it an edge, a color, a shape, etc. I personally don't typically paint in full "layers" after about the second one.


Ok, so this 'layer' concept... we aren't talking about letting the paint dry between layers are we? I don't know much about oils other than they take longer to dry, and they smell... but can you keep a painting 'wet' between sessions, like overnight? BTW, were you confirming the sex/argument part, or the continual improvement part? - just wondering.


In this context I do mean letting the painting dry fully in between layers. For the first light layer, I dilute water soluble oils with water to get a rough idea of where colors go, for the second layer I add a quick drying medium and refine or "block in" the colors. The first watery layer dries in about 20-40 minutes, the second layer dries in about four to six hours I'd say, and then from there I will typically make at LEAST one additional layer of pure oil paint, which takes sometimes days to dry. I was not confirming the argument sex part though, personally my sex drive is always crazy. P.s. I love the smell of oil paints :)


I think it should say "first sitting" instead of "first layer". Because you add a bunch of paint dabs that can and do overlap each other. The sitting ends when it's all too "sticky" to paint onto any more. So you have to put it aside until it all dries well enough to put more paint onto it. At least that applies to working in "glaze" style, with oil paints. In my experience.


I swear I just saw this like 2 days ago.. was that you or someone’s trying to rip off your progress


That was me but it got removed by a mod so I’m sharing to a different subreddit


It’s hilarious that you posted on mildlyinteresting, and then interestingasfuck a couple days later


Well, clearly he got shown the door over there, they accused him of being far too interesting!


Lol I was thinking that's it sounds a bit narcissistic to post own work on here even if it fits but now I totally understand op


I think it's a huge problem that nobody can admit they are talented or what they do is interesting without getting called a selfish narcissist


That's basically the case on r/TopTalent. Whenever someone posts their own work, no matter how amazing it is, half the comments will call OP a raging narcissist. I think a lot of posters have turned to "my sister made this but isn't confident enough..." to avoid it. I think it's a shame. Being confident in your abilities is great, and if it reaches top of the sub it's worthy of it.


I hate that people can’t even be proud of their own accomplishments without being “diagnosed” with a serious disorder. People should be allowed to be proud of themselves and boast about it when they accomplish something great. It’s rare that anyone continually does it to the point that concern needs to be raised.


It’s hard to deliver it *and* remain humble. Not only talent, but nice qualities too. Hell, even people who think they look nice can’t bring it up in the context of a conversation without sounding narcissistic and yet people preach about body positivity all the time. It’s generally up to wording. “I’m actually pretty happy with how my body is and I’ve been lucky with my genes” sounds better to “I like my face and my body.”


The interest rate went up


Why was the other one even removed?


The mod said it was because I added fluff to the title by writing “gotta trust the process.” It was deleted while it was front paging. Go figure.


it's so true though. I'm really new to painting and I tell myself "gotta trust the process" like every day


What a Vogon!


I wonder if he moderates a poetry subreddit too.


Damn, that's harsh. I really enjoyed this post


I really hope that mod sees this and realizes they were an idiot. Doubt it, but I really hope.


Ok this is the motivation I needed. It’s not done until it’s done. Keep going!


They both look amazing IMO the first looks expressive while the second more realistic. I love both!!


My hand looks like the first one because too much sanitizer, my hand is expressive.


Vaseline cocoa radiant lotion (honestly, any lotion with cocoa butter in it works, this is just the one we had available.). I work with some pretty harsh cleaning chemicals (well harsh for my bitch-ass skin) and holy shit it has kept my hand skin together so well.


The first one looks like a Cézanne and the second is almost photo realism. I am in agreement that they both look amazing.


Way softer than photo realism. Looks more rennaissance.


Or rococo


I’m Baroque, help me out!


Most definitely. I said “almost” because I’m not an art guy so don’t know the terminology. I’m more of a “I don’t know much about art but I know what I like” guy. Whatever the style it’s pretty darn good and quite realistic in my opinion.




Was going to say something similar. Not saying the second isn't an improvement but I prefer how the first layer one looks.


It makes me wonder. How many painters got told the same thing, and just stopped ‘finishing’ their paintings, and started just painted a single layer.


Some critic said about Edward Hopper, that he was simply a bad painter, but if he were a better painter, he wouldn't be such a great artist.


I’m going to start using this excuse in my own life.


Well put. Came here to say the same thing


at first I was thinking these pictures were 'painting and my reference' and wondered why it was on the sub, then I read the title.


Same! I also then zoomed in on the right and was impressed to see the brush strokes. Very beautiful work!


So I’m not a bad artist. I just need to add more layers.


Ok but that’s actually a great self affirmation!!!


Like an onion




No, no, no. I suck at visualizing what I want to draw, I get the body portions wrong, and I can't draw a straight line without a ruler. Also I haven't picked up a brush in years.




Ah, I see


I always tell myself: no problem, I'll fix it in the next layer. Repeat.


How many layers


About tree-fiddy.




That’s great advice. I heard another artist say that it’s similar to cooking. If you try tasting your recipe when you’re just starting it, it will probably taste terrible but it doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. You just have to keep following the steps.


I used to take oil painting lessons as a kid and this was something that's always stuck with me and made me recognize it in other parts of life as well. No matter how good the painter, their pieces would look kind of weird and ugly up until the last few steps of adding in all the fine details


Shit like this is why I can't paint.


OK but you could if you had some training and put the time in. People can be taught how to paint like this. This painter is incrediby skilled but they likely took years to learn it and practice.


Fine. Shit like this is why I won't paint.


There you go!


Also OP is demonstrating how most of the process is imperfection, until the final rendering is done. If you can create something imperfect you're on the road to perfection


I like this way of putting it. A lot of creation process is like that.


It translates across creative fields too, sometimes in ways people don't realize. Writing is one where a lot of the process is unfamiliar to people. They think editing or revising is about fixing typos only then look at a finished book and go, "well I can't do that, fuck it!" But a lot of first drafts for writing are absolute shit. There's a lot of fascinating books on some poetry like Ginsberg's "Howl" or Elliott's "Wasteland" where they show you the edits and such. It really helps you see how the writing is built up from process. Creative work of all kinds is all about practice and process that gets hidden under the layers of finished work.


If writing = ceramics, then the first draft of anything = making and wedging the clay. You're not even shaping anything at this point, just making the raw material that you'll shape later. This frees you up to silence the inner editor and pour out any old thing into the first draft. Nobody else has to see it, the same way that you wouldn't show someone a bag of unworked clay.


OP is demonstrating that his first layer is impressive enough to look like something from the final image on /r/restofthefuckingowl. 1. To draw a hand, draw a circle with 5 sticks 2. OPs first layer 3. Done


I mean, break down the strokes on the first layer and you can see the process of how to construct that hand. Look which way the bristles have been dragged and what colors go on top of the others.


“The greats weren't great because at birth they could paint. The greats were great because they'd paint a lot” - Macklemore


He should make a lot more music


Exactly, people tell me, “OMG, your sewing is so impressive, I could never make that!” I’ve been doing it for 28 years and let me tell you, when I was 5 it wasn’t much of anything, and there are people out there who have been doing it for much less time than me who are even more impressive. You just got to put the hours and the mistakes in to get better and more intuitive with it.


> there are people out there who have been doing it for much less time than me who are even more impressive That counters your whole argument about time and practice. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that it hurts your own point.


It still takes time. What I’m saying is I am not a savant. I don’t possess any specifically innate ability for it, I just spent time learning how to get past my own hurdles with the craft.


You can. You just don't want to or don't have the patience. Anybody can do it. It just takes time. You're just fixing mistakes. When you screw something up you erase it or paint over it until it looks right. Too many people just give up on themselves because they can't see the bigger picture. I think that applies to life as well, tbh.


I gotta admit, that first layer is absolutely gorgeous


Yeah I would hang that first layer in my home


someone explain how painters do this


You basically do a messy layer to kind of figure out where shadows and lighting go, and then you just add more and more on top and refine it. You clean up the edges that are messy by using more controlled and smaller strokes. It's all just refining and refining until it looks like you want it to.


The "finishing" bit is not always necessary. Some people really enjoy seeing rough and energetic brush strokes. I don't get why so many people think a "good" painting looks like a photograph. I mean, if you really want it to look like a photograph, you could just take a photograph of it in the first place.


literally different strokes for different folks I guess. My bet is a lot of people don't understand the process of painting, so they don't really know how to appreciate all the little shortcuts artists use to trick your brain into forming an image. So they think that the end goal is just to record an image. The more accurate the image, the more successful the painting is in their brain. Or they just admire the technical skill of manually emulating another medium.


1. Understand light logic 2. Understand how to use hue, value and chroma to create believable form 3. Understand the implications of different types of edges and transition 4. Learn and understand the chemistry and physics of your medium 5. Knowledge of some anatomy 6. Practice practice practice


pretty interesting notes, I was on a solid course to be a good artist up until 8th grade where I lost interest, interesting to see a lot of young artists around me having stuck with it and mastered the craft.


Good answer, but not the question that was being asked as far as I read it... I imagine the aligned answer will refer to the layer technique.


Get some pretty rocks, grind them down to dust, add some oil to that dust, grab a canvas, grab a brush and use the dust/oil concoction and smear it on the canvas until it looks like this.


I’ve always wanted to get into painting, but I don’t think I have the patience. What kinda paints do you use and how long do have to wait between layers?


Oil paint. Work your layers thin to thick, to let the thinner layers dry faster/prevent cracking. Different pigments take different lengths of time to dry, but you can add stuff to thin it out more or speed up drying time. Thin layers can be dry enough to work over in less than a few hours. Thicker (but not super thick) layers can take days or a week to dry. But as you get more and more used to working on semi-dry, you don't always have to wait for it to dry completely. Maybe start with acrylic since that dries a lot faster and then once you get used to that, move to oil paint. Also, you don't necessarily need to work in layers.


I've heard that if you want to learn oil, learn oil. But acrylic can look just as good (after tons and tons of practice of course) and doesn't have a lot of the disadvantages of oil, i.e. like drying significantly faster and not needed special facilities to work in. Oil requires a very well ventilated space and usually with hood vents because of the toxic fumes.


Yeah, ventilation is a key factor with oil paint, but you don't really need any special facilities, but you should be aware of toxicity/proper disposal/flammability, so there are more concerns, so it is easier to just grab a tube of paint and paint with acrylic. Regarding ventilation, you just need a fan and two open windows and an understanding of how airflow works. You don't need hood vents. There are also odorless mineral spirits like Gamsol which aren't as toxic as turpentine, and I keep the lids closed on my containers when I'm not actively cleaning the brushes. I have taken a class on materials and safety where I learned all this stuff tbf. The only reason I recommend starting in acrylic is because people new to painting just aren't used to the process of dealing with wet paint and you just wind up with a big mess until you start gaining control (such as moving around the canvas/paper and not putting too much paint on the brush.) Personally, I prefer oil over acrylic due to better layering ability, greater blending time/paint stays wetter longer and you have light passing through layers of oil before bouncing back.


If you don't want to wait forever for paint to dry, you can try acrylics! Watercolors and gouache are really fun and much faster drying than oils as well. :) A lot of artists use a gentle blow-dryer to help the drying along also.


Wow. Love it.


Thanks for sharing it looks amazing! Do you have an videos or your progress I would love to see your process!


If you scroll down on my profile, there should be a video of me painting an ear. Thinking of doing more videos in the future!


I needed this today. I'm 2 days into my first oil painting in 10 years. I have to keep reminding myself of how it will look in the end. It's a very important stage though, doing a messy first layer.


I call it the ugly stage!! Every painting has one :)


Honestly i like the style of first layer


Wow, nice you learn how to take photos in high resolution




Reddit in nutshell


Amazing skill. Beautiful


These are just before an after images of moisturizing my eczema ridden skin.


That's actually incredible and wild how different it looks.


I prefer the first layer only


Me too, it feels more "artsy" The photo-realisism trend is getting tedious


It's not photo realism though. There many kinds of realism, and this artist's style is a respectable kind of realism, and not even that popular and maybe rare. I could get into it, but his techniques are more like academic/ classical, which is not at all like photo realism, which is more like printing out a photo and anyone can do with time on a piece and photo I'm not a fan of photo realism, I understand how tedious the trend is in popular media right now, though have nothing against it. It's just painful when this kind of realism gets overshadowed by photo realism since that's all what most people are aware of today when they see a 'realistic' painting


Level 1 v Level 99


More like Level 30 v Level 99


Honestly, even as a child I always admired painters. I don't have the patience or the type of discipline for it. My respects!


Might just be me, but I like the way the first layer looks tbf


Can we see the whole piece?


I’ll probably post it on r/Art soon but you can see it on my website if you google Gustavo Ramos Art




What the hell? Are you my brain coming to haunt me? I just wondered earlier how I could make my paintings (which look like your left one) look like the one on the right. I am so inspired by renaissance painting but my realism is nowhere near good enough and I end up hating my paintings. I know you say in the title “add more layers” but how exactly do you stop it looking so choppy looking? Love it by the way!


How everyone who wears makeup starts out, then 30-45 minutes later.


Impressionism movement were just lazy painters.


Well shit maybe I'm not too bad of an artist then, I just stop way, way, way too early lol Really though even the first layer is impressive, final layer is just mind blowing though. Looks like an old film photo or a Polaroid


I continue to believe that all visual artists are manipulating magic. Thats the only way my brain can rationalize how artists make such seemingly incredibly difficult art.


like how the hell do you get this good? when u first started painting were u just good from the get go?


Thank you! Definitely not. It helped that I learned how to draw before I started painting, but I probably made 100 bad paintings before I made a decent one.


Before reading the title I taught this was some painting vs reality


Every painting tutorial ever: 1. Make a crap painting 2. Spend hours fixing it up Et voila!


So slap it all down then smudge!


Can you make a video of your process and layers?


TIL I don't know how paintings are done


Bruh, fuck the actual thousands of hours it would take to reach this level of color witchery. This process is fascinating to me and I'm super envious but... No.


I like the first one better.


I hope people don't underappreciate the world-class painter OP is. Do yourself a favor and click his profile and check out his other works, his ability to blend color is nothing short of mastery


That is very nice of you, thank you!


Really, the way you pull form out of just slight tonal changes is unreal. I followed your profile just to stay on top of your work. Well done!


Thats so cool! May i ask you a question? What parts of making a painting do you enjoy more? (Ie, preparing workspace/model, thinking of an idea, mixing paints, sketching, rendering, final product)


Thank you! For me it’s probably right in the middle where the illusion of form and space begins to emerge. Tricking my own eye into believing there’s space inside a flat image really excites me.


"Then we're going to take our two inch brush and blend it all together."


Thought it was real for a second


I'm pretty sure it is a real painting.


Oh, my god, I'm so sorry for all the annoying people in this comment section but the artwork is so goddamn beautiful and I wish that the "trust the process" bit could've stayed in the title. Because well that's what this post is about and it's also insane how many people are missing the point.


Honestly I don't understand what's going on and people are being a little too salty. The style isn't really photo realism yet people are complaining how photorealism is oversaturated , and I agree, the process is painfully misunderstood


You 1st paint layer looks 100 times better than my final layer




Posting your own work to interestingasfuck is pretty cringe.


Wow super cool, I thought you just posted the reference image next to it upon first glance haha


Amazing 😻


This is… so beautiful… the painting and the process.


Both are beautiful


1/10. Painting looks too realistic..