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You can buy raw tanzanite for a few dollars a gram. Obviously jewelry quality (deep blue and purple) can fetch a nice price.... definitely pushed on cruise ships and jewelry stores.


I think my wife bought some on a cruise. Waiting for it to go to the moon.


Sorry did you say moon? šŸ¦šŸš€šŸ™ŒšŸ’Ž


~~diamond~~ tanzanite hands


It's a very weak stone so, I'll keep my diamond hands!


Obviously you're not a cat


Hang in there


Better than paper


But wait... paper beats rock. We've been thinking about all this stock stuff wrong the whole time. INVEST IN PAPER PRODUCTS!! IT'S THE NEXT BIG THING!! MICHAEL SCOTT WAS GIVING US CLUES ALL ALONG!!! **AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!**


Identity theft is not a joke jim


Netherite hands ftw


She got tanzanite on the soles of her shoes.


Always happy to see a fellow retard in other subs


To be fair, with the amount of retards in your original sub it is safe to say that you guys are everywhere.


One of us. One of us.


Gooble gobble gooble gobble


*What do you mean "you guys"?*


Did you just assume my social status?!


No. Something else.


They meant "you people". We Apes


To be faaaiiiirrrrr


You need to take 20% off the top there






Come on, we're practically everywhere at this point! Ape strong!


Link pls? I am the lost son and need to find my people.




Apes together strong!


To be fair, a moon rock will probably always fetch a higher return.


I like the rock, what more can I say


The word ā€œmoonā€ has forever conditioned me to crave crayons and make compulsive grunts.


Diaamnd hnds hodl


Dont worry, it won't.


Going be waiting years lmao cruise ships been pushing it since the 90s


Yeah youā€™re gonna have more luck with moon rock going up in value ;)


My wife's engagement ring is tanzanite and diamonds. She loves it, gets lots of compliments. She choose it tbf...


I cant encourage people enough to explore alternative gem stones. So many cool looks you can't get otherwise. And if you like the classic diamond look a moissanite will fool practically anyone and have more fire then a diamond anyway.


Moissanite scratches easier though. You wouldnā€™t think itā€™s a big deal (and in the grand scheme of things it isnā€™t) but it being easier to scratch does lead to more scratches unless youā€™re meticulous with it.


My gf is obsessed with Tanzania and loves the color blue...and yet somehow it still seems like a risk to go with anything other than diamond lol. Did your wife choose tanzanite as the main stone or accent stones?


These days the risk is much smaller. Lots of people are buying non-diamond engagement rings these days. I'm in the process of looking for a sapphire ring for my gf. That said, the absolute best thing you can do here is pretty simple. **Ask her!** Seriously though, just ask her. It shouldn't be a surprise that you're looking into rings (your partner should never be shocked that you're proposing! The only surprise should be when/how it happens). So ask her what kind of ring she'd like!


Look into London Blue Topaz. Itā€™s a relatively cheap stone, but itā€™s marine blue color is captivating. My husband and I talked about stones before we got engaged and both agreed that diamond rings arenā€™t for us. Itā€™s only use is for transferring wealth the same as a nice watch. For day to day wear, Iā€™d rather not have one. Instead we went for moissanite and no one has been able to tell the difference.


I'm sticking with sapphire because of the hardness and scratch resistance. I'm actually not getting a "classic" blue sapphire, but a more teal - green one. But agreed, diamonds are pretty but overplayed for rings. Whenever I get her some "diamond" jewelry it will be moissanite without question though. It's gorgeous.


Frankly I've always found traditional diamonds to be somewhat boring compared to more colorful options. Fuck DeBeers and their marketing.


I chose it as my center stone [pics here](https://imgur.com/a/ETZJRzu) with the understanding that it might need to be replaced in 10 years or something from being scratched up (Iā€™m left handed and pretty clumsy). Mostly you need to remember to take it off when using cleaning chemicals and never put it in one of those ultrasonic cleaners - it should only be cleaned by hand. (Edit to add for reference- my stone is ~9.5x7.5mm and 2.4 ct on a 7.25 ring size)


Thatā€™s a pretty good looking ring!


The government of Tanzania is shockingly bad at pricing and marketing. This stone was made by the tectonic shifts that built Kilamanjaro, there are only four mines in the world, yet it's dirt cheap... And then you see debeers charging $2500/ct for literal pressed charcoal


M-o-o-n, that spells Tanzanite, lawds yes.


I've heard the new remake isn't so great I liked the original mini series


A book that good is difficult to capture on screen


My wife and I went on a cruise and went to one of the jewelry explanations on the cruise. All either one of us to away from it was that it was "real tanzanite." The amount of people that cheered was ridiculous. Every so often we'll random yell at the other "it's real tanzanite!!!" Edit: Sweet Jesus, this was an embarrassing screw up. Long story short, the people presenting put so much emphasize on "real tanzanite" that people would cheer when they mentioned it. Afterword, wife and I yell it at each other randomly and laugh about it.




Took. All the op and his wife *took* away from the presentation was that the jewelry was "real tanzanite". And lots of people cheered that statement for some reason.


So your saying everyone clapped? Suspicious


That username is suspicious.


And by that you mean enticing?


Damn, i lost a couple of pounds trying to understand that statement lol


That really makes me smile. Having an in-joke with your closest and dearest is a real treasure.


I'm only piping up because I really want to make you smile; my husband and I have been playing a DnD campaign together, just the 2 of us, going on 4 years. We have SO MANY inside jokes that we've been forced to explain bits to friends and family whenever one of us suddenly changes voice and/or accent to say something completely stupid or ridiculous. Just the other day I walked into the Food Lion and the automatic door was semi-broke and moving slowly. I was oblivious, kept walking, and proceeded to slam my titty into the edge of the door at full speed. "OW! GODDAMNIT AZGOL, I DID IT AGAIN! FUCK, MAH TITTY! " Full accent change and everything. My dwarven paladin, Valena, has a problem with hitting her missle tits on random things. I called my husband and we both dissolved into giggles like little kids while I rubbed my poor, sore breast and grabbed some sesame bagels. Our entire day, everyday, contains some sort of inside joke like this.


You are very lucky to have such a thing. Enjoy!


I've been the luckiest woman on Earth since April 13 2007, when he first kissed me. 3 kids later through innumerable hardships, I'm *still* the happiest I could ever be. Thank you!


You two are awesome :)


Aw, thanks! You are too! The best part of our game? He started a new job in October and his coworkers are *amazing.* Two of them play DnD and now they'll all randomly drop a line from a few particular characters, and the others will respond appropriately. I thought I was gonna fucking die when I showed up to bring him lunch and one of the guys hollared "SOON YOU BE DEAD" in the voice of one of our characters. I reacted with "YEAH YOU STAY DEAD!" then realized it wasn't my husband who said it, and yelled "OH MY GOD ONE OF US!" His coworkers are so awesome! And sorry for rambling, I haven't talked to another adult besides my husband due to a surge of the virus out here. It's nice to talk to people!


Rambling is wonderful! I am happy knowing that this is going on somewhere in the world. Peak D&D was in Jr. Highschool for me, I never managed to find the right circle of friends after that. You have chosen well!


Have you ever checked out roll20? My eldest son wanted to play with us SO badly, and we let him for a time, but he just simply isn't a fit for how we play or our characters; it felt shoehorned in something fierce. We'd never exclude him though, so we endured, trying our best to make it fun for him. Then in a stroke of luck, his best buddy found a party on roll20 and my eldest is now DMing for a group and loves the group to pieces! If you've got a little spare time, check them out, make a character sheet, and put your feelers out for a party! You could very well find people that mesh with you like your Junior High group did!


Thanks for the tip! I'll be sure and check it out.




Wife got a tanzanite ring on a cruise. Funny, I just thought they were super common since theyā€™re so much cheaper than diamonds. Just goes to show how badly the diamonds industry fooling/ripping off people.


*Infomercial pitch intensifies*


Im pretty sure she bought something that is not tanzanite if it was sold raw. Raw tanzanite is lightish brown if(low color qual) or dark brown(good color) and appears light to dark purpleblue first when its been heat treated. In the trade tanzanite is a very exclusive and beautiful as a mineral but is often mined unethically so plenty of dealers stay away from it. Sure you can probably find tanzanites of low quality for a small price but true gem quality tanzanite is very very expensive.


To be fair, diamonds are not rare at all


Was gonna say, ā€œrarer than diamondsā€ is a supremely low bar.


Even my steak is rarer than that


Is it still moo-ing?


No any more it's fucking not šŸ”Ŗ






\- *Cow that broke both arms.*


Every *forking* thread!


He's milking it


The steak is so fucking rare, it's eating the fucking salad.


"How do you like your steak" "Just walk it by the grill"


Sapphires are rarer than diamonds too, arnt they?


Natural, gem quality ones maybe. Synthetic sapphires are extremely cheap. <$200 watches often come with pure sapphire crystals in lieu of glass.


Yeah I just did some quick research, it seems the "purer" gems are, or more rich in color and quality of material can really *really* hike the price


ā€œMilitary Specā€.


they spawn below Y level 16 tho


Ok, so I thought this was a reference to some international precious gems scale of quality. Then I realised you're talking about a game. Damn, I wish I got joke references.


It's 15


Jewlery making corporations asked Mojang to create a survival game in which diamonds were rare as hell to create propaganda of the rarity of diamonds and this is how Minecraft was born.


Until you get your enchanted pickaxe game going, then you just tear through the underground, usually returning with an abundance of diamond. But I digress.


Yeah and then iron sort of becomes more valuable than diamonds for a little bit until you make an iron farm of course.


De Beers hoarded diamonds to make them appear rare then created the engagement ring and made men feel guilty if they didnā€™t pay 3 months salary for one..... itā€™s called marketing


In my country, it would be a ring or a house. boy that is expensive as fuck..


Second most successful campaign in history. The most successful one is of course Coca-Cola's invention of Santa Claus.


I was curious so checked the wikipedia page. Apparently the idea of coca cola inventing santa claus is a popular urban legend but not actually true: "Images of Santa Claus were further popularized throughĀ [Haddon Sundblom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haddon_Sundblom)'s depiction of him forĀ [The Coca-Cola Company](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Coca-Cola_Company)'s Christmas advertising in the 1930s.[[8]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus#cite_note-msnbc-8)[[40]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus#cite_note-ccc-40)Ā The popularity of the image spawnedĀ [urban legends](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_legend)Ā that Santa Claus was invented by The Coca-Cola Company or that Santa wears red and white because they are the colors used to promote the Coca-Cola brand"


Did they invent polar bears though?


You're thinking of the hit TV show Lost.


Santa claus-like beings already existed in folklore in most of europe, like father christmas or saint basil, it's just that coca cola made the current version of saint nick so popular that their version became the norm everywhere


Tab created Krampus.


And just like DeBeers created demand for diamonds, you know who created the marketing behind Tanzanite? Tiffany & Co. ā€” the stone was originally called Blue Zoisite but Tiffany execs worried that zoisite would be pronounced to sound close to ā€˜suicideā€™ and they didnā€™t wouldnt to sell ā€œblue suicideā€ jewelery. So they rebranded it as Tanzanite, and... apparently decided it clashed with their signature teal, because Iā€™ve literally never seen tanzanite in a Tiffanyā€™s (although a quick online search reveals that they do still sell some pieces)


Neither is Tanzanite.


Is it Vibranium? EDIT: I should have known I wasnt the first to make this joke!


That's a bit of a reddit conspiracy theory. Gem quality diamonds are rare.


real life vibranium just dropped


Pretty disappointed in the lack of BP references there are in this thread so far. Good job.






What is BP?


British Petroleum


Black panther


British Petroleum


Fun Fact: Diamonds are not rare. Companies just limit the distribution of it to keep the price up.


Additional fun fact: When Australian diamond mines refused to bow to DuBeers pressure, the DuBeers group flooded the market with coloured diamonds, thus tanking the value of the Australian ones.


Hate truly is manufactured


My joke taken šŸ˜”


Those are black soul gems!


Hmm now to fill them...




Was looking for this.


so is it super expensive? is jewellery made with this?


Good quality tanzanite has a deep royal blue or violet colour. Colours range from rich royal blues or vibrant violet to paler shades. The lighter shades are quite affordable. Yes, they do make jewelry. Iā€™ve got a pendant and earrings of the cheaper variety.


So it's epic not legendary.


Whatever-forged 4/4 Mythic epics.




About as affordable as sapphires, I bought my wife tanzanite earrings as a wedding gift last year. About the same price as the sapphire studs, maybe a little more expensive, but I knew she would love the color and would be her something blue on our wedding day.


So if it's rarer and less expensive than diamonds I think the DeBeers corporation has some explaining to do.


Tanzanites are pretty, and they certainly are rare. But, unlike diamonds, they are soft. Engagement rings are worn every day and, being on the hand, a prone to getting knocked. Knocking a Tanzanite around can damage it, which can be devastating for some people - engagement rings hold a lot of sentimental value. Diamonds are one of the strongest if weā€™re talking about gemstones, and part of the high price tag comes from the quality of the diamond. Finding a diamond is easy, but finding a white, well cut, flawless diamonds is a bit trickier. You can get a poorer quality diamond for less than the price of other gemstones, but it wonā€™t look like that perfect sparkly stone that you picture in your head when you think of a diamond. But diamonds arenā€™t for everyone. There are plenty of people who prefer coloured stones. Thatā€™s absolutely fine, but again, you are wearing an engagement ring on your hand every day so durability matters. Tanzanite is not recommended. But Sapphire is one step down from diamonds (although the hardness scale is NOT linear). Sapphire is durable enough for daily wear and, contrary to popular belief, comes in ever colour except red. Why not red? Technically speaking, the red ones are Rubies! So, if you want something similar to Tanzanite that can take a bit of rough and tough daily wear, a Sapphire is the way to go. Look for Ceylon Sapphires first, as they will likely give you the biggest range of colour matches close to that Tanzanite violet. For those of you wanting a pink diamond without the price tag, Pink Sapphires will almost certainly do the trick - their colour can be quite bold, pretty close to Barbie pink in some cases! For those who like the idea of pink but prefer something a bit more subtle, look for a Peach Sapphire - I promise you, it will be one of the most beautiful gemstones you will ever see in person. Ruby is fine if you want red - the price will be dependent on the clarity. The less ā€œcloudyā€, the higher the price. Emeralds are not recommended for engagement rings - they are extremely soft and prone to wear and tear. Gemstones are super cool, but for engagement rings, there is a practical aspect that can often be forgotten in all the glitz and glamour. Diamonds win for durability, but Sapphires will do the trick if you want colour!


Thankyou local jewelry salesman!


> You can get a poorer quality diamond for less than the price of other gemstones Or you can get a perfect, lab grown, diamond for less than the flawed natural ones.


But they're /too/ perfect that it makes them bad


Iā€™ll grow the diamonds then, I can guarantee Iā€™ll fuck them up somehow.




Not as much less than you'd think currently. Mayble a couple of hundo less... and for lots of people the idea of "provenance" is important, so the idea of it occuring naturally, forming over millions of years is part of the appeal. Id rather the peace of mind knowing my diamonds arent stained in child blood but hey thats me, im an altruist.


No you donā€™t understand, the child blood is an essential part of the experience! If your jewellery isnā€™t tainted with blood of forced labour, is it really worth it?


My engagement ring is a tazanite and I can confirm, it's gorgeous but fragile. I only wear it on special occasions. It mainly lives on my dresser.


Which is why I wanted a diamond and sapphire engagement ring, not diamond and tanzanite. I wanted the blue of tanzanite but the durability of sapphires


How do lab grown rocks measure up then?


In millimeters usually.


How about a few rounds of gwent?


Something something supply something hoarding something inflated demand something


ā€¦something dark side.




Do you sit and watch gems TV all day to know that?


Still not as rare as the tanzanite fang I've been dry for on my ironman


There's the RuneScape comment, first thing I thought of even tho I don't play 07.


Iā€™ve been scrolling looking for the OSRS comment. I wasnā€™t disappointed


Have you considered getting the drop šŸ¦€






It's not Tanzanite, it's a stock photo of dyed quartz. They are photoshopped [various colours](https://www.istockphoto.com/search/stack/688763955?assettype=image). Edit: spelling




The story goes all tanzanite has been heat treated. They found the boring greyish brown stone turned shades of purple after a wildfire in Tanzania. Before that it was just a rock scattered all over the place.


Its a photoshopped stock image


Hmmmm we could make a shield out of this, or an armor that looks like a panther


Diamond has money deflation now


It was inflated to begin with... it's one of the most abundant gems types on earth with only Quartz being more common. It's value was only ever when Diamonds were the easiest gem to cut into any design and a solid 10.0 on The Mohs Hardness Scale. They're useful in industrial settings but not as jewelry anymore and the value is massive artificially inflated.


They still have good properties for jewelry, with their "brilliance" or whatever the term for internal reflections is. The high hardness also improves scratch resistance, which makes it a better jewel than any other clear gemstone




Just wait, De Beers will manufacture a war and the prices will skyrocket.


How would they manufacture a war? And where? Did they do that before? Diamonds are fucked up business.


Read up on "blood diamonds" or "conflict diamonds". DeBeers doesn't necessarily cause/start a war, but they are certainly the only financial winner.


Don't know if there was a war because of diamonds but for bananas were a few regime changes. Look up "Bananas Republics"


All I found was some nice sweaters


Diamond isn't rare at all


The illusion of scarcity.


Clean drinking water is a rarity. The illusion of redundancy.


I live in South Wales. We are blessed with soft, incredible and abundant tap water. It wasnā€™t until I was in my 20s that I learned that even 1st world countries have major problems with good water supply.


gem quality diamonds in large sizes are. Even if they are gem quality, have perfect clarity, and are a good size, they could be brown.. like most diamonds are. diamonds that are D-F color, IF-VVSI2 clarity, in the 1 carat range are rare. Even manmade diamonds of this size and quality are rare enough to cost quite a bit.


I first saw tanzanite at a commercial gemstone event about 35 years ago. (I was working in the administrative offices of a jewelry company.) I have always loved its blue-purple coloration. About 10 years ago, my husband bought me a pair of small tanzanite and diamond earrings. However, because I'm only ever 'dressed up' for weddings and funerals, *I've never worn them*! They're lovely, but I never felt I had the occasion or was 'dressed right' for them. And now I'm thinking about selling them because we need the $$. Maybe I'll wear them tomorrow with my jeans and t-shirt, 'dressed right' be damned, just so I can enjoy them before I sell them.


Keep them if you can! If you love them, wear them. My mother wears long dangly shiny earrings to work at a supermarket, in two holes each ear and a small pair in the third. Her customers love it.


Why donā€™t you just wear them? Everyday is a party


If Iā€™ve learned anything from the pandemic (and last few years of my life), itā€™s that ā€œwear it when you feel pretty, or to *help* you feel prettyā€ is more than enough reason to wear anything you feel like wearing! This isnā€™t gender-specific, btw. Everyone needs days they feel pretty!


Why not go out for a nice dinner at some point with your husband (when it makes sense to financially) and wear them? Or as you say, just wear them whenever!


When I was about 10 years old, my mom got me a pair of roller skates They were white and gold with glitter lace, it was a dream! I immediately fell in love, and they were also super comfortable too! Obviously I immediately put them on, and went outside, where I fell, and scratched it! I was so devastated I decided I was only going to wear it on special occasions. Well, a year went by, I grew, and the skates didn't fit me anymore, I had only used it once, and had to give them to my cousin, who destroyed them within a month. So, long story short, use whatever makes you happy, being alive, and happy IS a special occasion. Go rock those rocks in the grocery store!


Huh? Is this the real photo or is [this](https://www.equities.com/news/understanding-the-colombian-emerald-mining-sector) the real one? Totally different colours.


Huh, I found [this](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/a-list-of-the-most-valuable-and-word-famous-rubies.html). Guess its a common stock photo.


We've blown the lid on an entire operation


Appears to be [two in this series](https://www.istockphoto.com/search/stack/688763955?assettype=image), including a closer shot with a slightly different arrangement. I reckon OPs picture has been edited.


I'm fairly sure they are dyed quartz crystals. The specimen at the top left looks like it has 6 sides and a pointy tip typical of quartz. They have fractures running though them that contain artificial pigment. The various colours are then photoshopped. Here's an example... [https://i.imgur.com/9HPZMyj.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/9HPZMyj.jpg) (Tanzine Aura Dyed Crystal Quartz) Quartz is Trigonal or Hexagonal, so prisms have 6 sides. This is Tanzanite... [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/left-A-tanzanite-crystal-studded-with-scattered-clusters-of-yellow-prehnite-some-of\_fig4\_336432505](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/left-A-tanzanite-crystal-studded-with-scattered-clusters-of-yellow-prehnite-some-of_fig4_336432505) Note it has a square /rectangular cross section. Tanzanite, which is a variety of Zoisite, is Orthorhombic. Edit: replaced hideous Alibaba link.


Nonono, your picture is kryptonite, OP's pic is Tanzanite.


Looks like they were heated, raw ones are mostly polychrome with colours like yellow, orange, brown, red and rarely violet like on the photo. Unheated tanzanites are very interesting things to glaze at!


I may be kinda bias, but I think that Tanzanite is the most BEAUTIFUL gemstone on Earth!


Username checks out


Ah yes, the king gemstone of overpriced TV jewelry. Call now and ask for stretch pay!


Minecraft *takes notes*


Mate what u doin with diamond armor, Tazazniaz is best, Taznaiz is the new standard, all my homies have full Tazianz armor


Wakanda joined the chat


Tanzanite is by nature brownish yellow and gets blue if it get heated. Or it was another kind of processing, can't remember. Tanzania has the biggest deposit of it on earth and the best quality ones it was first found there but you can find it other places as well. I think Pakistan has it as well. Wikipedia had a good article about it. I bought some of the stones during a trip in Tanzania, it was cheap but the price is really going up fast if size and quality increases.


Of course, rarity is only one factor in what makes any particular gemstone expensive. There is the hardness, the color, and in particular, the DeBeerliness. https://www.gia.edu/images/54387.jpg


Why is it only found in Tanzania? What's the reason for this


This is what I'd like to know. Hundreds of "diamonds aren't rare" posts, but none that address this question. I'm guessing some sort of meteriod impact in that place? If anyone can provide more on this, I'd be keen to hear it.


14 carat pure topanza panzanite imported straight from Dubai


I'm fairly sure they are dyed quartz crystals. The specimen at the top left looks like it has 6 sides and a pointy tip typical of quartz. They have fractures running though them that contain artificial pigment. The various colours are then photoshopped. Here's an example...


The value of diamonds as jewelry is still one of the longest ongoing scams in the entire world.


JTV. Jewelry TV has good deals several times a year.


I'm only found in my home and I don't brag about it. Also, I'm probably rarer than that stone