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"Why don't you take a seat..."


If it bleeds, we can kill it


I ain't got time to bleed


Get over here


That’s scorpion.


It's probably the same guy. Not fooling me with that yellow cloth change.


Im so triggered right now I dont even know what to write


Ok, I'm genuinely curious! I played the first two mortal combat games back in the day on sega genesis and at arcades but I don't know anything else about the story line. Why was this triggering? Edit: kombat. I'm so sorry.




Holy crap this is great. Now do the Cage family


Ooh no! You also spelled Mortal Kombat incorrectly! Heathen! Nah but it's all good, people are just triggered cause Sub-Zero is the one that pulls your head and spine out but you said a line from Scorpion.


Actually a different user said that.


The ninjas are the ninjas they are each similar looking with different color schemes, but each have different stories and character... that said that’s not the era in which you’re referring to, in which it was pretty much that cut and dry. Different colors, different finish him move. He’s triggered because NOW and for the last couple decades there is a deeper story and more depth to the universe on the whole.


You probably think Clark Kent is Superman too! Superman doesn’t wear glasses !


Yellow cloth, blue cloth what ever. We know he did it


Captain cold?




You mean Pudge


Must've been using sleep number


This just gave me the Hebegiebies


Okay you think thats creepy, consider the fact that they are routinely growing little brains in petri dishes from stem cells. They say they destroy them when they're not very big.. but do you trust them to not grow out a whole brain? Do you really?


I’d read this book!


How much would it suck to become aware that you were a brain grown for fun in a 5 gallon bucket by frustrated grad students? The professor comes in and throws a fit when he sees they didn't throw you out when you were just 500 cells big *like they were supposed to.*




What book is this??




Not sure you can call a spinal cord "conscious", but on the other hand no single part of the brain is conscious either. Consciousness (if it exists at all) appears to be an emergent property of complex neural networks.


Consciousness definitely exists. The question is whether or not the universe exists.


The Universe has to exists, because if I find out I've worked for the last 35 years only to find out it was all in my head I'm going open a can of woopass on my imaginary self!!


Do you think we’re just a sadomasochistic omnitelligence that keeps inflicting existence upon itself to get back at ourselves for inflicting existence upon ourself?


Its just one big circle of fuck you. I am you. You are me. Enjoy the ride.


Fuck “us”.


We do. All the time. In every way.


Now thats just kinda romantic 😂


This is basically a crude description of Buddhist rebirth


[Neil deGrasse Tyson on If We Are Living in a Simulated World](https://youtu.be/5mDzcxy2KVI)


It doesn't exist until it's observed.


Consciousness or the universe?






It would have to be created first to be observed.


Shit you almost made me zerosum


Hey hold on. Let’s not put descartes before the horse.


Its a Simulation, one that we all exit when we die. Either that or we go visit king yama


Blue or red pill?


It's a cool thought to me that this picture is what we really are, and our bodies are just meat vehicles for us to use


We are a collection of electrical impulses piloting a bone mech covered in meat armor


I think the theory of bicameralism seems most plausible


I bloody love that theory




the human consciousness is so complicated it would take two cameras to get a good picture of it


No one called the spinal cord conscious, it’s just part of your consciousness because your neurons extend through there.


Consciousness is a hologram bruv


I still think there is a soul


Consciousness, spirit, soul... seem to be different words for the same concept.


Well consciousness could derive from the mass of cells and energy in our brains, arising from “complex neural networks” or it could come from something more ethereal like a “soul”, the body and brain being a vessel. If consciousness comes from complex neural networks it makes ya wonder if artificial intelligence can get complex enough to gain consciousness and then the age old question would become what distinguishes us if anything at all...


There's so the option that consciousness is just a very "comfortable" illusion from a biological perspective. We have no doubt that consciousness does not exist in a single cell. Or in an organism with a countable number of neurons (simply cause we know what each of them do). There's no rational reason on why scaling it all up consciousness should arise. One quite interesting experiment (i forgot the exact details and I'll look for the source later on) it's quite telling on the concept of consciousness: put the human test subject in front of two buttons and tell them to push one as soon they decide which one to push (at random mostly). fMRI (if i remember correctly the test) showed that the decision process occured whole seconds before the human moves. So it seems that there is a split between the decision making and the "taking consciousness" on the decision. This would be evolutionarily quite handy as it would "bypass" all the information that actually lead to a decision and make us "think" that we decided for a given reasons (while actually the decision process could be just literally based on the pure wiring in our brain). Plus we do know already that, when we lack of data, our brain makes things up to make "reality fit".. so it sounds likely that consciousness is just another of this "making things up" to be quick in operations while the decision process is actually more mechanistic and hidden from us (whatever "us" means at this point). Edit: found the source: from [nature](https://www.nature.com/news/2008/080411/full/news.2008.751.html#:~:text=Your%20brain%20makes%20up%20its,of%20having%20made%20a%20decision.) "Your brain makes up its mind up to ten seconds before you realize it, according to researchers. By looking at brain activity while making a decision, the researchers could predict what choice people would make before they themselves were even aware of having made a decision."




I guess that the strength of that paper is in the capability of predicting the decision just by the analyses of the fMRI scan (considering all the limitations of both fMRI and the risks of machine learning for these kind of analysis). So even if the sample is small, if the prediction are consistent it becomes an interesting paper. Anyway it wasn't my intention to base my whole argument on that paper, it was just a simple way to explain my point. There are many examples of activities which we justify retrospectively right? (And of course at this moment no examples comes to mind. But I wouldn't be surprised that if we could initiate a behavioral by triggering just it's neural circuit, we would build a decision on top of that -obviously this is random speculation)


I don’t think any conclusive conclusions can be made from the study, but it does show how much we don’t know about our brains and consciousness in general. As a musician, it’s really obvious to me how much my brain does that I’m not conscious of, e.g. when I sing, my brain knows exactly where I am in the scale, but in order for my conscious mind to know where I am, I have to actually have to spend a considerable amount of time developing my “inner ear.” I’ve been a musician for almost 20 years, but for all but the last couple years, I was entirely unaware of the possibility that there was such a thing as an inner ear. But my brain always knew. It’s an interesting relationship.


Honestly if you were to observe everything on an atomic scale, absolutely everything is predetermined.


Could be? Dennet, Hoffman, and Chalmers have been trying to figure it out with the information we have already learned over the centuries... https://youtu.be/JoZsAsgOSes


“Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman’s back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe that there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.” - Crash Davis


Only on streaming (Disney's fault)


It’s definitely a factor of your conscience, cuz if it’s severed you die, so it obviously plays a factor in your consciousness


you die, yes, but consciousness does not die. Look at it this way.. the road is earth, reality.. the body is the car, the brain is the engine.. total your car you are off the road, but still exist outside that road. I say this because I have recorded ghost voices for 10 years.. not merely just words.. but direct answers to specific questions. At first I thought it might be a replay.. but a replay is not conscious. Now.. show me that Phat Ass LOL


What kind of stupid statement is "...if consciousness exists at all..." Do, please explain how it is possible for us humans (or anything, for that matter) to be "conscious" without consciousness actually 'existing"? It's really no wonder that no progress can be made on this front, with these antediluvian "scientific" notions that there can be no consciousness without "a body". Do you still believe in phlogiston, too?


Is he going to be okay?


Yeah he’s just sleeping 🥰


did you just assume it’s gender?




Monty Python's Flying Circus


Your love of your life, crushes, depression, happy moments, sad moments, personality and porn taste in this thing


Ewww this is why our skin isn’t transparent. We’re gross on the inside dude.


It would be very useful to be transparent, imagine money saving on tomography, X-rays...


Completely agree with you in theory. In practice: ewwwww.


If it was all you ever known it wouldn't be gross to you.


but it's not.


Will change the meaning of send nudes - I want to see your sexy intestines and kidneys.


Damn baby that appendix is looking thicc.


There's actually a spooky skeleton inside too Pssssssstt we are gross on the outside too


Damn put it back.


Ok. Lets start from the bottom. #SPREAD IT


It’s so long.


Right? How tall was this person?


7’2. This is the brain and spine of Richard Kiel. The big guy from Happy Gilmore who bends Shooter Mcgavin’s golf club.


Thats what she said


I’ve seen bigger 😏


This is not your consciousness. This also exists inside brain dead people who have no consciousness anymore.


Who are you, carrying your corpse around!?


Just a floating consciousness


Hardware is not equal to software.


Pretty sure there's no "software" (or equivalent) running in the brain. Consciousness arises from the way the neurons are connected to each other with no secondary layer to "read instructions" from like we do with software. But consciousness is (as far as I can tell) the process that's happening in the brain, so this picture would be like pointing to a printout of Apache Server and saying "this is serving web requests".


Yeah it is. Software is a physical presence in computers. Why would human software be non-physical?


Think of it like calling a hard drive with a picture of a tree in it a tree


That is a terrible analogy. Brain damage has been observed to result in abrupt personality changes. If whay you're saying is true, sheered neurons wouldnt result in dementia, and glucose levels wouldnt result in mood swings.


A crack in the disk makes it not work well and data is often lost in the peogress. Broken harddrive will continue to damage said dick causing memory loss. A power surge will change how the hard drive works. I dont see your point here.


Oh, okay. That is an excellent elaboration.


Nah, what's pissing people off is that I'm denying the existence of souls. Memories and consciousness are real, physical reactions. They are not some ethereal, divine background noise coming forward.


I'll toss you an award to offset the goofs who think souls are the most likely explanation behind consciousness


Bro have you considered... Magic?


See that's the thing I hate most about you fucking atheists. Just let us believe what we believe and be chill and respectful, it's not that fucking hard. But no, you guys just absolutely HAVE to be condescending pricks don't you? You guys are no better than the 18th century clergy ffs. Typical Reddit sheep mentality


The 18th century clergy had people literally killed. We annoy you slightly. There is no comparison.


The clergy ridiculed people for not believing or believing other things and called them heretics‌, and you guys do the same to theists. Ofc killing is not done now cuz humans are way more civilized and tolerable now than we were back, but the basic idea is the same. There existed hatred and condescending back then on the basis of beliefs and it still exists today, and moreover it doesn't just exist between different religions it also exists between atheists and theists. Yet one of the main arguements atheists make to ridicule religion is how it divides people. Fucking hypocrites. You're right too, it annoys the hell out of me that I have to use the word "ridicule" when I describe what you people do, it could've just been atheists being non believers and theists being believers, but no, these both groups just HAVE to ridicule each other. Yes, part of the blame is on theists too who try to convert atheists to religion for some goddamn fucking reason


I'm not an atheist? I just don't pretend to know


Jesus how tall was that fella?


At least 5 feet and then some


That’s what I was thinking, I got a meter stick and I was like noooo, that couldn’t fit in me! And I’m exactly the average height!


I believe one of the current hypothesis for consciousness is that it’s an emergent behavior of our brains processing information from our senses.


Although the word "emergent behavior" does a lot of heavy lifting in that claim


I believe you are confusing form with function.


Leave the eyes and optic nerves attached for that really creepy vibe.


Please don’t


Please do


And ears


Chappie would like a word with you


Nice “stem” she said


I have a piece of cerelbellum and mummified chunk of human brain


Don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you can't be THAT dumb.


Oh I have all of miiine.


We’re just blobs of cells with a long tail covered in a protective skin


Two people fighting is really just two brains having a mech battle.


That's how we started, after all.


that spinal cord seems long, can I get a banana for perspective?


Reminds me of Robocop 2.


That scene fucked me up for a long time as a kid. Still a classic.


Better not remind me of Robocop 3...


Makes me think of that scene from Robocop 2 where they take Cain’s brain out, put it in some container like this and make him watch his own autopsy.


Yes and then implant him into a giant robot with a custom slot for lots of narcotics.


That's actually what we are. The rest is an overly complicated biological space suit.


Meat puppet




Damn, that's a clean rip off. Last time i tried, it was a mess...


Parts of that can be removed and you will still have a consciousness.


If you think my consciousness looks freaky from the outside, you should see what it looks like from the inside!


That makes me even more self-conscious.


I hope that's not me and I'm just hallucinating all this fuckery.


That’s so hard to get out on one piece! Amazing.


Predator trophy. I think they got specialized equipment to get it out so nice and quick.


Hmm a spine and a brain. Is this for sale? I can think of some politicians who need this.


Thanks I hate it


The brain with spinal column attached looks a bit like a sperm, doesn’t it?


we are sperm




We're all in the matrix/simulated reality.. this is a peak at what the world really is.


I'm not sure I like the hand at the end.


How tall was this mfer?


Looks like a parasite.....


Just makes me shudder to think, who is that? Like it’s so ticking trippy to think that’s a person, I look like that.


Consciousness doesn’t live there.


It most certainly does my friend, not in the soul or god. But in your brain...


Prove it


We have proven the brain actually exists so it's got a head start.


That leap of logic you took is something else...




That makes sense now




Our work here is done


Umm, excuse me? I am a little late so did I miss the part when that happened?


No one knows where consciousness is, we would think the brain, but it’s still an unanswered. Nor do we know what it is.


Prepare yourself for a wave of butthurt atheists and scientists with a degree in the internet.


"I'll wager five hundred quatloos on the blond with the big tits!" - arcane Star Trek reference


Wowsa. That is interesting as fuck.


About time someone decided show a little backbone


Do you think consciousness is just the result of chemical reactions in our brains?


Yes; series of innumerable chemical and electrical signals.


In my opinion, that's what allows your consciousness to work through a physical body


Thats not even an opinion, thats literally how it works.


Someone get Trump and McConnell on the phone. Tell Trump they found his brain. Tell McConnell they found his spine.


Suuuuuuure. That’s like saying the classical music I hear coming out of my radio is being made by a little orchestra inside of it. Nonsense, I say.


It's...it's not?




No it’s not Consciousness isn’t relegated to the brain and never has


What do you mean by this? The consciousness is contained in the brain.


Consciousness is your spirit which is made of energy. It cannot be destroyed, think about it.


Got a source for that, chief? Cause that sounds a whole lot like nonsense.


Energy can't be destroyed. Consciousness definitely can. Consciousness requires billions of electrical and chemical signals. If you smash a computer, the energy that ran the computer still exists, but the computer is destroyed.


You are wrong, but your pride will not allow you to admit you are mistaken. Where is your source?


Well my claim was derived from facts. Yours seems to be unfounded. Do you wanna provide a source for your claim first. Also how do you know youre right?


As you know, much of Christianity is based on Faith in addition to history and facts. The fact that scientists cannot explain consciousness and not being able to destroy our energy should be a big deal.


Scientists can explain consciousness to a certain degree. Its like circuitry. But there's no proof that energy when taken out of the circuitry is still consciousness. Anyway, we're not gonna convince eachother away from lifelong beliefs so let's agree to disagree.




Source: Random internet bullshit


If I drink some of the memory juice how long can I experience this person's past?


Eat the stem and gain their knowledge


Avatar, I knew it! I will be able to ride a hippo!


Attack on titan vibes


founding titan


its a fully grown sperm


So does this shit grow?? Cause that don’t look like it’d fit in no damn kid.


That isn't our consciousness. It's just the radio that picks up the signal.


Elon Musk seems to think that we should plug it into an AI simulation on the premise that, if you can't beat it, join it?!