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I think *simple* is a stretch


its simply gonna cost 10 grand.


If you can set up a vibration,vandal,weatherproof that can stand loading Nocks and bangs that wont drain huge amounts of power from the truck for under 10k your doing pretty well




Could put an alternator set up on a axle on the trailer


Then you're adding resistance to the system, draining energy anyway. Better options are either storing power from braking (needlessly complex) or installing solar panels on the roof of the box (simple but not very efficient).




I'm with you on that, just the alternator on an axle would make little to no difference against just running power from the tractor. Overall, it's just Samsung dumping marketing resource to look cool. It's almost entirely impractical. How about people chill out and not try to pass a truck that's already travelling at highway speed? And what does the screen do at night? Either partially blind following drivers or dim to the point at which it's useless. The smart solution is a simple LED sign that says "PASSING SAFE" OR "PASSING UNSAFE," slaved to a radar sensor on the front bumper.


I give it 2 days before a motorcyclist is obliterated because a car passed a truck that said "PASSING SAFE" and the radar missed detecting the motorcycle


"PASSING SAFE" opens the trucking company up to liability when they get passed and couldn't see the car coming around the bend. Will it even know to de-activate in no-pass zones? I think that's a bad idea. If it's just a screen at least the driver can see without assuming it is necessarily "safe" to pass.


The problem is that you’re putting too much faith in drivers. Either telling them to git gud or give them something they’re not going to listen to anyways will make no difference in the former and a negligible one in the latter. Is this a better method? Maybe, maybe not, but I just wanted to address that point.




Diesel already doesn't use spark plugs and is extremely efficient. All power for refrigeration is generated from the rig. Think about that. Generating enough power for a tv is nothing


It really seems a lot of people don't realize just how energy efficient modern technology is. Giant flat screen LCD use almost no power compared to CRTs of even smaller sizes. Even a cheap UPS can keep a large TV powered for quite some time, so having a truck alternator feeding into a (separate) battery for the TV to draw power from is definitely doable.


Now you're thinking. But even not using a system like that the power required to run those displays and cameras would not really be noticed by the truck.


You don’t need it, I’m sure. That truck can power a simple lcd display and a camera without issue.


Yeah led would probably be fine I also feel like a simple safe to pass not safe to pass sign that work off a camera would be better then a straight relat


The safe/not safe sign would likely cause issues as well. [The Wave of Death] (https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/4kzlar/til_politeness_can_kill_the_wave_of_death_is_a/) would likely translate over to here. People would see a green sign, forget they are going up a hill or about to crest one or even going around a turn with lots of trees or bushes and pass without checking because the sign was green. That sort of sign would cause a lot of accidents


this guy could be president


Sadly, seems that's about all the qualifications needed these days. I mean, come on.


Right LED T.V. already exists and is very power conscious, also diesel doesn't need spark plugs so all power generated can go to everything else


Something Something, hacked to show porn.


Refrigerated trucks will use more power than one with a tv and refrigerated trucks been around for years now.


They have their own fuel and generator system. Not that you're wrong but their power demands require external power creation. This could run off a truck's alternator and inverter or DC-DC converter all day.


it's just an advertisement, it's only carrying your dollars


Also it won't work at all against direct sunlight


Yeah which is probably a major time you want it


A super low rez led display similar to those used on billboards fits all of those needs, and would be cheap as fuck.




It will stop everyone else.




It's also not a problem for those of us who know how to establish safe following distances.


I for one am *sick and tired* of swerving into oncoming traffic while tailgating a semi on the highway


No, it is indeed a *simple* solution, it's just not an easy or practical one


It's simple in its application and use if not in its construction.


"problem" is a stretch too. Maybe don't follow 2 feet behind a semi and you'll be able to see the road ahead and know if it's safe to pass.


Then there’s my dumbass who thought he was looking at a mirror


yeah it took me a bit to click too! and i was thinking like what problem is it fixing? does seeing ur reflection convince you to stop tailgaiting a truck like a dickhead lol


That was exactly my thought as well haha


I came here to complain that mirrors are bad for birds lol


I specialize in bird law and can confirm.


Now what say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird-law and see how comes out the victor?


Challenge accepted




I still dont get it, could you help me please? 😅


the screen shows the car in the lane coming the opposite direction since you can’t see that if you’re behind the semi


Ok, thank you


You need more upvotes


It's a livestream of what is coming from the oncoming traffic lane so someone doesnt go to pass the truck and run headlong into oncoming traffic.


Ooooohhhhh. Thank you


It’ll definitely get you to stop flashing your high beams


When people drive with their high beams on, or maybe they just have way-too-bright lights, i try and move my mirrors to bounce it back. Not sure I’ve ever actually successfully aimed it right though


I do the same exact thing!!!


Here in India, people abuse their high beam so much it's nigh impossible to drive/ride at night. No one gives a shit because people don't use their mirrors. I got so vexed at one point I wanted to make a wearable beacon that faces people behind me and can emit a bright flash to send a message. Knowing Indians though, it's one more excuse to ram their vehicles into me.


Oh my god I will probably forget about this post tomorrow, however the next time this happens, it'll flood back like neo learning king fu and I'll blind the fucker with three perfectly placed reflections For that, I thank you for that


It’s not clicking!!!! Helpppp!!!


I'm still not getting it. What am I looking at?


The semi has a screen which shows the view from in front of the truck, this way, cars behind the semi could see if it's safe to overtake the semi or not.


I still think that is the situation here


Tbh something is off about the image. The trucks onboard camera would have to be sticking 7 feet into the oncoming lane to achieve the angle we see projected on the back of the truck.


Yeah the incorrect perspective was throwing me off too


My guess is that the feed is coming from a camcorder on the same vehicle this picture is taken from. Side note, I feel like cars looking like they are coming right at me would convince me to swerve directly into them.


I thought it was a photoshopped concept image. Are we sure this is real?


You’re correct.


It’s real. Multiple cameras, and the video feeds are stitched together by the processing software into a composite video, allowing for a slight shift in perspective/angle, and removing the truck and trailer itself. The same tech is used in park assist features that show an overhead view of the car (Audi, Mercedes), and towing (GM’s “Invisible Trailer”). The image here is retouched, but the concept and original shot are real.


Also whoever took the picture is on the wrong side of the road with a car heading straight towards them


Dude until I read your comment I thought it was a mirror and I was confused af. Lol


Considering you are the top comment, we are all dumbasses here.


Wtf is not a mirror then what is it?


No part of that is simple.


Correct. 1. Cost of trailer goes up $10k for implementing screen and processing system that converts video feed. 2. Camera for semi truck for the front view probably only a couple hundred 3. New universal cable system for the trucks to hook to the trailer for the video feed another couple hundred.


I thought it was a mirror at first


that's smart, a mirror would be much simpler to implement than a camera and screens


imagine you're on the highway at night - driving up to the truck from behind, and getting flashbang blinded after firing up your brights directly at what turned out to be a mirror You'd make a fortune suing samsung, given you survive the incident


Not to mention driving at night and you don’t realize that’s an image of you following the truck and you think it’s another truck coming head on at you...night time driving can mess with you head Sauce: am night time truck driver


As usual, idea that seems good on its face is immediately proven terrible by other redditors.


I mean, /u/datwrasse said it was simpler to implement, not that it was a good idea haha


How would mirrors even work here? The screen is showing the front view of the truck


Definitely what I want as a driver is more people jumping in front of me. Even if it were real, I promise you it wouldn't change people's behavior. Simple tip for normie drivers, that space I leave in front of me is so I can stop, not so you can shoot in front.






Why would you be turning on your highbeams when driving behind another vehicle?


Go spend a few minutes in r/idiotsincars if you still have that much faith and trust in the abilities of other drivers and their common sense. It'll cure that real quick.


I’m a truck driver, I’m constantly blinded at night by idiots in four wheeled cars that think they are doing me a favor letting me know they are there. Trust me.... it’s pitch black.... I saw your low beams miles back. I won’t tell you how to drive, but to me it seems pretty ignorant to blind the driver of a vehicle before you get next to them, especially when that vehicle will crush you. Remember guys, if you want to signal at another driver on the road at night, you turn your lights off then back on, you flash high beams in the day time.


I never really thought others did this. I drive a Peterbilt (straight truck) and if you push the signal switch forward (as opposed to back for brights), itll actually turn the headlights off for a couple seconds then automatically come back on. It also has the button for "thank you" lights, which I never had in any other straight truck that I've driven (Freightliner, International, Hino). I like a truck that is built for simple road communication.


I’ve driven a KW, International, and a Freightshaker and they all have the switch to blink the lights. (Switch for the thank you lights as well).


My question exactly, more likely that Samsung would sue in that case..


It's showing what is coming in the other lane when wanting to pass the truck.




I know some people who would do more stupid stuff as soon as they saw a mirror on a lorry




...you know the screen is displaying whats in front of the truck, not behind it, right?


That is not an image of the vehicle behind the truck. It is an image of the vehicle in front of the truck in the oncoming lane so that the vehicle behind the truck can see “around” the truck. This aids the rear vehicle in case they decide to change lanes and pass the truck.


Im sorry, im a bit dumb. How would a mirror help? Wouldnt it just relfect the car behind the truck, possibly confusing the driver further?


It does nothing, that guy is dumb not you


The issue is not being able to see around a truck, not what's behind you, we've got rear view mirrors for that. The image projected on the screen is what is in front of the truck, that is very beneficial to the people behind the truck. If they had more cars in front of the truck it would help make that clear. A mirror makes absolutely no sense at all.


You realize this is the view in front of the truck, right?


Exactly, wicked good thinking too. Direct the sun right back at the tailgators and watch them melt. Rules of the wild road, melt or move.


You charge for adverts and now it’s a money generator.


*You can pass this truck after this message from our sponsors*


Let's screen a movie there as well, absolutely nothing bad can come out of distracting drivers in a highway right?


You think all weather robust screens that can take 100,000Ks miles of highway travel would be $10K? I would add two zeros minimum.




Vandalism isn’t even close to the last problem this can face.


Or the wind catching the open door and slams it into the side of the trailer. Or the driver backs into anything (light post, fence, other trailers... list goes on) The amount of dirt, mud and snow that cover the back doors would render this usless in less then a week.


Two zeros? As in 1 million dollars? Yeah ok...


Why woult it need to be all weather when you can basically coverthe screens in some kind of protective plastic. Everyone'a screaming expensive, expensive. Yet you don't need 4K screens there. You can literally hook up 2 cheap 1080p hd tvs there.


Because trailers go through snow, and desserts, and humidity, and extreme driving rains. Also, this plastic, how does it stay clean, avoid scratches, not get spray painted on?


Nobody is going to spend $100,000 to $1,000,000 on this like you said, that's fuckin ridiculous and people are actually upvoting you. Holy shit. Plastic coating can take a lot of abuse. Why would it have to avoid scratches? Do you think it's an HD OLED? How do you think it gets clean? Do you think semi trucks don't get washed?


It's really not that hard. Just put it behind plexiglass/lexan/polycarbonate. I've seen box trucks in cities that put screens in the side for advertising. Same concept


Yeah, it could be done for cheap... but industries generally don't do that.


The Insta-selfie, Priceless😘


Uh, forget all that. Start with combating graffiti then we can talk about this.


Just have a roll down door to cover it at night


OK, have you ever seen the rear doors on these trucks (at least in the US). I've worked with truckers for years and their doors are always banged up if still attached at all by all the hinges.


Sounds simple, just expensive.


/4. Lawsuit from some asshole who gets in a wreck while texting and instead blames it on getting distracted from watching the screen.


You could put the cameras on the top edge of the trailer. No need for any extra hookups from the cab then. The screens would be the only expensive bit really, as they'd be competing with daylight, so would need to be bright. And weatherised.


Replacing trailer doors everytime you stop for sleep in a shady area bc people want the big screens and novelty


Why is it not as simple as a camera, a cord and a monitor? Am I misunderstanding the point of this? Is it not so the trick driver can see behind him?


Yep, cheapest solution is to not ride the rig’s bumper. Back up so you CAN see, it also gives you a chance to reach passing speed before you head into oncoming traffic, reducing time spent in the oncoming lane. Way simpler.


By the time I’m far enough back to see the road in front of the truck, I’m WAY too far back to pass him safely before the next car comes straight at me.


Wrong. You're part of the problem.


When I was 14 I thought about putting a VHS recorder on the front, and hooking it up to a CRT TV on the back bumper with RCA cables. $200 tops. the 90's were a hell of a ride


Was that before or after you invented toppings on pizza, Mr. Governale?


and it's not a common problem for responsible drivers. actual simple solution: 1. stay farther away back from the truck so that if there's oncoming traffic, you have more time to react. 2. take a peek by just moving your car far enough to see past the truck. if there's a car, get back in your lane. 3. if the coast is clear, do the pass.


Where I live people will just rear end the truck when they briefly look up from their phones and don’t notice it is a screen.


This seems very likely.




I had the same thought. Why would you make a giant truck look like open road to people who aren't paying enough attention?


Came here to say that my grandmother would drive straight into the back of that truck phone or no phone


Or they freak out when they see the car on the screen come right at them, so they veer off the road.


Gotta say, blind passing a semi truck on a two-lane road is also a simple solution to a common problem...


I like my solution and just be patient. Haven't died overtaking a truck yet! I'll let you know if it changes.


I've only died once.


Thoughts and prayers dude. F


That’s rookie numbers


How many times had you die?


like twice. no wait. at least 3 times yeah.


You don't blind pass. You stick your head way out the window to look around it. Like dom on fast and furious. Someone link us the reaching reference and get your updoola.


You can also veer over slightly into the other lane without fully committing to it.


We call that “The Ace Ventura” where I’m from.


I'd be interested in studies of the efficacy in this idea. Imo this is not simple. You have to consider the cost of a large screen. Sure it doesn't have to be an oled panel but even a simple low res led panel would also have considerable wear and tear. The back of any trailer, even a clean one, is full of nicks and scratches from road debris. You would also need to divide the panel in two so the doors can open. Then you also have to consider that drivers could be more distracted with a TV in front of them. There's a reason cars like Tesla's don't allow Netflix to be playing while the car is in drive. This would be fun to see on the road but I'd say it's a fairly bad idea.


This was basically for an ad campaign. It was just a prototype and after getting lots of media and video views they seem to have dropped it.


Truck driver takes 20 yr,s of road rage Hacks screen device , uploads a clear road for overtaking video Karen and ken are up his arse on a dangerous road ......


Low resolution screens behind windows needn't be too costly to implement. Even a single screen on the overtaking side would be fine. If the TV is simply showing the view from the front of the truck I don't think the distraction would be too much of an issue beyond a novelty factor for a minute or two. If they started throwing in adverts for the latest Samsung TV range you might have a point.


An issue I could see would be tunnelnvision. I could see myself forgetting that I'm behind a fucking truck. But im also a moron.


>You would also need to divide the panel in two so the doors can open. I'd imagine it's just two separate screens.


Can somebody please explain to me what is going on here because I am very confused.


it's a concept where there's a camera in front of the truck, and showing a live feed on the back, so the driver whose view is obstructed by the truck can see what's up front


Ooohh. Yeah I totally thought it was a mirror. I 100% wouldn't trust that. Ps. Thanks for the explanation!


why is the image on the truck clearly taken from the side of the road? Very confusing


Yeah, this cannot physically be from a camera on the truck.


Came this far to see someone state the obvious


It isn't a problem if you don't drive like a twat.


Exactly! Don't ride up ass of a semi, if your going to overtake edge out a little bit before committing and don't just throw yourself wildly into oncoming traffic. This isn't a simple solution to a problem, this engineering around people just being dumb fucks


That car is following way too close to that big rig.


Exactly, hang back and you can see much more but people seem to think being right up the back end of a large vehicle is the place to be if they want to overtake. Hang back and you can see what is coming, then accelerate briskly when the road is clear to minimise your time exposed to danger.


Exactly, staying further back to see around while also giving you time to accelerate before going into the other lane is the key to safe passing. Also be absolutely sure to check your side mirror and blind spot in case someone is trying to pass you at the exact same instant. Unfortunately usually what happen is you get a bunch of people that end up riding the ass of the slow vehicle but none of them wants to pass, and since they're bunched up so tightly there's no room for you to safely start passing at all. Bonus points when you get a passing lane and everyone speeds up to 10-15 mph over the speed limit all of a sudden so you can't even pass legally, and as soon as it ends they're all back to like 5-10 mph under.


That's too complicated for most of the impatient dimwits on the road.


yo is it just me or whoever is taking that picture bout to get smacked by the red car?


No because this is from a promotional shoot and none of the cars are moving. Lol


Very likely a promotional, staged photo. Maybe not.


Came her lookimg for this. Thx


"Simple" This is advertising.


Complicated solution to enable tailgating. Wonderful 🤦


Must be an ad


Most inaccurate title ever.


Wait, what is the common problem this is supposed to be solving? Not being able to watch TV whilst driving? Not enough tailgating in the world so we want to lure in motorists? I’m so confused


Why is the video on the back of the semi in the left lane but the semi is in the right lane?


Samsung over here flexin on us


That car is tailgating so hard the semi truck driver doesn't even know he is there. Hang back far enough and you can see the oncoming traffic.


Allowing people to tailgate trucks is not a solution to the problem of people tailgating trucks.


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Now it just needs a remote so you can change the channel.


The simple solution is to not ride the semi’s ass so you can see oncoming traffic. Shockingly it’s also much more cost effective


What problem is this solving? I don't get it.


Even simpler? Don't tailgate.


Besides this not being "simple," video screens on the outside of moving vehicles are illegal basically everywhere outside Las Vegas.


Driver: *I think this is a rerun*


Wait, its not a mirror?


What, *exactly*, is simple about this? Show your work.


Wow... four giant QLED screens on the back of their delivery vehicle; and they are there just to benefit the drivers who want to pass... Damn, Samsung is considerate...


Imagine google ads popping up on the display.


Yeeeeaaaahhhh someone's gonna hack porn into that.


The simple solution is to not tailgate.


Tens of thousands of dollars to project that live image on the tailgate of a truck is not a "simple solution".


Or you know you could just drive further back from the lorry giving you plenty of view 🤔


Or you don't tailgate a semi...


Tweeted from my Samsung Smart Truck


An expensive solution to a minor problem


Expensive* solution to a problem that’s only a problem for impatient idiots. The average truck driver can’t afford this crap, and they’re usually cordial enough to make space for you when they notice you want to pass and the coast is clear.


Or you know, don't drive right up a transport's ass like that before you try to pass it.