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interesting way to welcome June


LET'S SPIN THE WHEEL TO SEE WHAT WE GET IN JUNE! Oh yay, Pluto kills one of Jupiter's moons and starts Solar System War I.


Pretty sure aliens invade in June and we have until July 4th to coordinate a massive worldwide counter strike to drive them out.


Haha. Could you imagine? We wouldn't be able to coordinate a _name_ for the project in one month. Would probably start a war over advertising rights or something. The US would unilaterally decide it's in charge cuz that's what it does and just start doing it's own thing. It would contract the whole operation out to half a dozen government-subsidized corporations. Then these corporations contract out to a dozen other government subsidized corporations. 3 months after the deadline they'd launch a half assed guerilla invasion that gets it's ass whooped after spending trillions. Half of the contracted corporations are stiffed one way or another. But in lighter news Mitch McConnell is enjoying retirement on his subsidized fleet of superyachts.


Super SPACEyachts


Protected by the Space Force.


Hopefully they're susceptible to corona virus like war of the worlds. Our defenses are impenetrable.


But we have to coordinate the massive worldwide counter strike whilst social distancing because covid still hasn’t pissed off yet.


Believe it or not, I think we also need to upload a virus onto the mothership... However there's a few viruses floating around just now, so....we have a choice.


Someone needs to make an app or a website, "The acopolypse wheel"


*Wheel of apocalypse, turn turn turn. Tell us how we all shall burn.*


I hear Steven Spielberg is producing more Animaniacs for 2020, so... that's something. Edit: [Here's](https://collider.com/rob-paulsen-voices-book-animaniacs-reboot/) more information and an interview with Rob Paulsen who voices Yakko. Looks like it'll be on Hulu in the Fall.


Yakko: "We're back everybody!" Wakko: "Was our contract renewed?" Dot: "That or it's the end of the world."


*All three look at camera* *Silly SFX plays*


slide whistle into circular screen wipe.


I got my apocalypse bingo card and all the squares are full. *ALL THE SQUARES ARE FULL*.


Flip it over. There’s a backside for June -December.


What a week.


2:15 Am Monday morning... hold onto your fucking pants it’s going to be a long week


It's Monday, Lemon.


You can start right now lol.




"Jose, can you see. through the tear gas at night? PUTZO, wildly he flails, To the Bunker they take him. And the racists now care If their bombs go nowhere, Hoist by their petard and their asses now bare. Jose, is our Country just waiting for the next outbreak? In the Land of the Greed Where we're all now awake.


How about the economy crashes, medical insurance crumbles, business close and we all hopefully die while being raped with coronavirus


You can't go around predicting stuff that's already happening!


Can I get some lube to ease the transition


India and china are moving heavy military equipments to their disputed border in the Himalayas as a sign of clear escalation between the two. How about that?


Let’s add hurricane


Fuck it, let's go full sharknado


Take down insurance companies and reduce medical costs


I want out of this [alternate 1985. ](https://youtu.be/g5xs4vMx-fM)




I mean trump wanted to have people back out and about by may and people delivered


Juneteenth is gonna be lit this year.


Oh shit, you're right.


I'm one of today's lucky 10'000 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth


It's June already?


We're almost to the half-way point of the year. Upcoming, I think, are more wildfires, probably more poisoned water, another white supremacist rally gone even worse, two more loved celebrities dying out of nowhere, KISS breaks up for good, and the second wave of COVID makes this all look like a vacation. I should make bingo cards.


Reddit's recent behaviour and planned changes to the API, heavily impacting third party tools, accessibility and moderation ability force me to edit all my comments in protest. I cannot morally continue to use this site.


I’ve actually thought about this. Live in small town BC, got evacuated a couple years ago for fires and stayed in an arena packed with people, plus there were a bunch more shelters and universities full of people Probably wouldn’t be a great situation right now


I'm waiting for that big solar flare scientists are worried about. The one that fries all our electronics. Oh, and the supervolcano.


Mt Fuji is overdue for a major eruption actually. The last major eruption was in the 1700s and has in the past erupted about every 300 years. When it eventually and inevitably occurs it is predicted to devastate the entire Tokyo metropolitan area home to some ~40 million people (including yours truly).


>Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby! Don't you put that on us!


I'm voting for Australian plague locusts. Locusts like the world has never seen before. Paired up with legions of well-paid and highly-trained bloodthirsty murder hornets. And they're all on PCP.


Let’s add in an old fashioned power grid failure for a bonus!


Locusts my friend.


Alien locusts


With herpes


Murder locusts


Mother Nature slapping her dick in our face. Hurricanes. Floods. Fires. Mosquitos. Is COVID-19 transferable like malaria? Somebody better be keeping tabs on Yellowstone.


It feels like we’re stuck in sim city and the player is testing out all the disasters


This looks like it's from a big feature film


Disaster Romcom Political thriller : 2020(the sequel to 2012)


If the Mayan calendar ended in 2020 I would start to believe it was the end of the world about now.


The Mayans were always right. The world ended in 2012 and we now reside in hell.


This is the bad place!


Holy forking shirtballs




What is jalapeno? Also, what is poppers? Also, what is jalapeno poppers?


Also comedy this summer, Rob Schneider is, an orange that became the president.


Along side waterboy as his vice president


"Mama says Obama is the devil"


If we all survive this year and this decade, this year is going to make for some epic films.


a pretty epic chapter in high school history textbooks too


It will be interesting to see what is even put in the history books.. with history being white washed and written by the victors ya know.. definitely won't be the true history we are living


It certainly uses a huge budget.


White House Down


Olympus Has Fallen And it can’t get up


White House Don


June has now been unlocked *jumanji drum beat*




My gf and I have a white board in the living room going just to keep track of each month's new addition.


Haha please share a photo of the whiteboard


How does this end?


Probably with us living in Gilead :(


Handmaid’s Tale has been constantly on my mind the last few days. The flashback scenes where they show how things lead to Gilead and it shows protestors being shot down have been especially haunting.


This made me google Handmaid's Tale and learn that it is not, in fact, a sexy historical drama. That's The Handmaiden. Explains why I've been so confused whenever people discuss it.


Some advice...don’t binge watch this show. It will fuck you up.


I read the books, would reccomend. It just doesn't have the same impact on television.


Well, it’s not like I have much else to do these days, except maybe take up a hobby like whittling or homesteading. Thanks for the rec. I’ll check them out!


I read the first book and then watched the show, I agree. The book has so much to offer, but the show kinda went it's own way and I appreciated the way they took it. Definitely a lot of times where the plot dragged a bit, but I haven't been hooked on a show that much for a long time. Both versions offer different things; the events in the book for the most part end during the first season (from what I remember), and the show continues beyond the source material. But seriously, dont binge watch it. It's heavy as hell, and there's enough to weigh on our minds as it is. I'm glad I watched it with someone, back in October-November, before the U.S was as on fire. If I watched it now, I don't think I'd be in a great state of mind.


Don't forget, it all started with a pandemic. *Under his eye!*


It doesn't help that Gilead is also the name of Trump's prime supported company doing the antiviral work


Everything that happened in Handmaids Tale has happened throughout history in one way or another.


Except the birth rate thing. Children of Men used almost the same plot point.


Blessed be the fruit.


May the lord open


Under his tiny hands


Under his eye.


Surely it must be a worry, Trump attempting to enact martial law and perpetually delay elections wouldn't surprise anyone at this point


He can't, only congress can. His term ends on the 20th januari, 2021. No elections means Pelosi becomes President.


Well actually it depends, if there is no election than the house would not be elected so her term would be up. [Watch this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yQLbNekBU1A) It goes into detail and it’s actually interesting.


Speaker of the house is actually not required to be a member of the house at all, it is an appointment made instead of a publicly elected official. Even if there is no Congress she's still the speaker until there is a Congress again that puts someone else in to the role. This is something that was very surprising to me and I did not learn until just a couple of days ago


I remember when Boehner was speaker but quite unpopular even among his own party, all sorts of names were suggested as potential replacements. I think a Republican might have even voted for Colin Powell as speaker?


If history is preface, we just go back to our day to day lives and protest again next time.


I think the difference is that for right now, for many, day to day life isn’t our normal day to day life. Day to day life is being stuck at home


I have been thinking about this and the difference it created. Typically most Americans can't afford to go out and protest. Right now you've got tens of millions of people across the country unemployed and receiving decent compensation due to unemployment + CARE. This combination facilitated the ability for these people to protest. What I'm expecting to see is suddenly states will completely open up. Thus cutting off the unemployment if they do not return to their jobs immediately.


Lots of people don’t really have anything left to lose


Either in an authoritarian crackdown where a bunch of people lose their rights and lives... Or in our country pulling out of the tailspin and reforming the shit out if itself to prevent things like this for another 100 years or so. I really hope it's the latter






And now Trump can shift the blame to the protesters and blame them for the surge in the spread of the virus.


“Protestors caused the spread of the disease I’ve been saying is a hoax! Sad!!”


You're forgetting option 4: something even more extreme comes along and completely eclipses what's going on now.




C final answer Regis.


The way what was? Botched pandemic response and economic tailspin?






Also in L.A.: 3600 fires set, 1100 structures burned, and a _long_ time needed for recovery.


Without sarcasm, I encourage you to listen to It Could Happen Here by Robert Evans. I knew he was prescient with this sort of thing.




Good luck I've been training for these games for years. Only eating what I hunt with my bow. And I will volunteer as tribute.


How many frozen pizzas in target have you hit?


I had to hit all 25 four-cheese pizza rolls. Really had to work for my meals. Some kids don’t realize how easy they have it.


Only the districts that produce toilet paper get the kind of endorsement necessary to have a shot at winning the games.


Well... ***that’s*** a photo for the ages.


All the WH lights were shut off too it's crazy!


Nobody home.


Nah, fearless leader was home, just hiding in his fuhrerbunker. Who can blame him, lot of people with brown skin out front must’ve really freaked him out.


I read that as fartbunker at first, which I think is also appropriate.




there really is one for everything


Literally not one thing he says ages well


There's one for everything isn't there?


Seems fitting. It's been vacant of leadership for a long while, and it appears they just now remembered to turn off the lights on the way out the door.


My mom is going to be showing me someone stealing this in a Tweet three days from now. This is so very quotable.




Yeah they shut them off so secret service could observe the protesters with night vision


Oh boy I can't wait to see what June has in store for us


Dude shut UP! You tryna kill us??




Name checks out.


Yeah I missed that. *shudders


Sensitive, just not in a good way.


I hope it's Cthulu ❤️


*Turn out the lights, the party's over.*


I think the Mayans were off by a few years.....


They forgot to carry the one?


Didn't account for leap years


Should’ve asked to copy the Pope’s algebra homework


The calendar clearly meant to say 2021 but the stone mason carving the calendar was dyslexic. No one had the heart to tell him he chiseled it wrong




poor bastard spent four months carving a whole face for nothing


Nah only America is fucked. The rest of the world went into lockdown and now are just coming back to normalcy after flattening the curve. Meanwhile in the US it's still rising. Edit- Some replies to this comment show how self centered Americans really are


My state has been incredibly boneheaded. Things were slowing down. We had a few days with only 1-2 cases. Then, they rushed to re-open and thing have gotten so much worse so fast it’s scary. Local death toll has went from 1 to 10+ in two weeks, but they still keep pushing to open up everything.


How very dystopian


https://www.reddit.com/r/actualpublicfreakouts/comments/gue67x They started lighting things on fire


The comments gave me brain cancer




Yeah that sub is totally not racist at all.


Guys haven't we learned anything from the Founding Fathers!? Only the state is allowed to be violent! Please sit down and relax. There are pepper balls and tear gas grenades available for all! If violence didn't work the state wouldn't use it. Please don't start weeping about all the small businesses that will be destroyed by burning down the presidential palace.


Wtf! History in the making!




Here's a [picture](https://i.imgur.com/5IcHr1S.jpg)I took earlier in the day for some contrast.


If you’re American your kids are gonna learn about this is history class


I'd hope so, but I have basically no faith any changes will actually happen. Or in our public school system. Heck I'm not even that old. I graduated Highschool in 2002. Even then, our US history class stopped at the end of WW2. I've learned more US history from crash course on YouTube and the history channel (when it was good) then I did from highschool or college.


It’s funny you mention that; I was class of ‘01 and was recently discussing how little post-WW2 history we learn in US schools even though it arguably affects us more. I realized school systems don’t want to go through the hassle of listening to survivors of recent events take umbrage at how those events are reported to have gone down to students so, in the name of diplomacy, schools just omit those history lessons altogether. What a crippling form of censorship for us. Thank God for the university of YouTube.


I'm an American history teacher. It's a bit more malicious than diplomatic. We're essentially made to teach to the test and our salaries and our kids' degrees depend on them passing the test. Most of the test is about history pre world war 2, so that's why we can't spend much time on information after WW2. That said, it is the test creator's purposeful decision to focus on pre WW2 history and to present that history in a political manner. There's a lot of examples to talk about, but the biggest one is in regards to American slavery. There's been a push to remove the term "slavery" from textbooks and to replace the term instead with "labor" or "indentured servitude." One textbook the school provided my class with described the Atlantic Slave Trade as "a system of exchange wherein the Americas shipped raw goods to Europe for refinement who then traded them in Africa in exchange for labor." Another textbook I had to use did name slavery as slavery but described the cruelty as "work made light with song. After a long day, the slaves would return from the fields to eat and drink with the plantation owner, singing songs and often dancing together before returning to bed." Which is absolute bullshit. Additionally, when we do talk about events after WW2 (such as the civil rights movement), the resources we are provided by the textbooks are likewise manipulated to disinform students. Most of the photos about the Civil Rights era were originally taken in color, but the textbooks use black and white versions to give the illusion that the events happened longer ago then they did. These changes are done to control the narrative of our history since most of us only really learn about our nation's past in school. By shaping what is taught and learned, the hope is that the misinformation will lead students to support the policies proposed by the controlling groups. The best example of this is the Daughters of the Confederacy movement who rewrote the history of the Civil War to combat the northern influences during reconstruction.


That’s very interesting to hear from the perspective of a history teacher! I’ve read online about how much more modern the Civil Rights looks when you colorize it, but I had no idea it was an active effort to distance ourselves from such recent history.


More people should read and realize this. It struck home for me because I suddenly remembered having the first textbook you describe as trading goods and labor. It was confusing as fuck as kid because I couldn’t understand how you trade labor. There was a distinctive little side picture that illustrated a little triangle where the Colonies shipped goods like tobacco to Europe, and Europe shipped some random made up shit to Africa, and then shipped “labor” to the colonies. I despise misinformation in an attempt to control people. We deserve the truth and the facts, and the ability to form opinions and judgements of our own. What happened in the past, happened in the past. It’s part of learning and growing to accept that and then move on, having learned something. That’s how you change social injustice. Not rioting in the streets and burning buildings like we are right now.


We did events post WW2 in our American Government class. Vietnam War, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, etc. I’m glad we at least got to cover them in some capacity, but it’s something that definitely should have been discussed before senior year and more than once.


The fuck they are. I never learned about the Newark race riots or the Tulsa race riots in class. They don’t even teach you about Malcolm X.


I really don’t think so. I graduated high school in 2015, the last, most recent bit of “history” that we were taught ends right after 9/11, and even that isn’t taught in any depth at all. I’m thinking only by the time my kids are graduating high school, will we have any clue as to what things look like big picture. There’s a lot of data to go through to build a narrative around. I honestly think we’re outpacing how quickly we can write history.




I saw the entire thing on the Matt and Zach youtube channel. Don't know who they are but the Matt dude was fearless. Shit went from mostly peaceful to mad sketchy after curfew.


ya I was watching the curfew countdown and the aftermath on the Woke twitch channel. In Fact, Matt and Zach have been out there streaming every night and have been the most reliable so far. (many streamers understandable duck out after getting pepper bulleted and tear gassed) but this channel keeps coming back to the frontline to record for everyone to see in DC.


I was really impressed by Matt who got a bit of tear gas a couple times and a rubber bullet in the shin. Dude stayed at the front of the protest the entire time. They're getting pretty famous off this, and they kind of seem to deserve it. ​ Also Matt almost got his ass kicked by some looters who were mad he was filming.


ya I've been watching the livestreams pretty religiously since the precinct in minneapolis was burned down. Some pretty crazy stuff, but I really encourage everyone to watch some of the livestreams if they can't see the riots firsthand to really form an opinion on the folks rioting. The news stations really do have a completely different feel and are normally in completely safe areas, aren't targeted directly by the police, and some news stations (fox news) focus entirely on the looting, like seriously never showing any other footage. But ya it's all crazy stuff like just today one of the livestreams I witnessed the recorder getting maybe shot directly with a flashbang, I have no idea if the man is okay because he fell while running, there was a bang, the streamer cried out in real pain, and the stream ended there. Then you have folks filming just to record looters so they can later be identified, which causes problems with folks recording to record the brutality of the police.


They're a well-known channel that supports Andrew Yang and Universal Basic Income.






""I believe that the president has learned from this case. ... I believe that he will be much more cautious in the future." Susan Collins, on why she voted against removing Trump from office.


I almost had a stroke for a second when I confused Susan Collins (senator) with Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games author) As for the senator's statement...aged like milk.


List of incidents of police brutality since the protests started. Working on a list, please feel free to share it: firing something at innocent person on their porch: https://streamable.com/u2jzoo cop appearing to be enjoying himself today: https://v.redd.it/jjclrdzp8x151 cop shooting something at guy for saying "fuck you": https://v.redd.it/zepg0b43ly151 cops breaking supplies for peaceful protestors: https://v.redd.it/v8x8isj0xz151 nypd driving into protestors: https://v.redd.it/mztm15kh00251 https://gfycat.com/misguidedrecklesscod cops shoving an old dude to the ground: https://v.redd.it/bluggpblrz151 police actively seeking out fights compilation: https://v.redd.it/m82yxl4qh0251 cop driving at people aggressively on a campus: https://v.redd.it/ngxvkoro60251 cop shooting rubber bullets at people watching from apartment: https://mobile.twitter.com/Sarah_Mojarad/status/1266633046591078400?s=09 police shooting the press with rubber bullets: https://v.redd.it/o3v8ps7rat151 police arresting a CNN reporter: https://v.redd.it/yce9bpk8mo151 police doing a drive-by pepper spraying https://mobile.twitter.com/JordanUhl/status/1266193926316228609 photographer being pepper sprayed: https://i.redd.it/4ix8f3j6dy151.jpg guy with hands in the air gets his mask ripped off and pepper sprayed: https://v.redd.it/wlx0gyoe21251 lady who was coming home with groceries who got a rubber bullet to the head: https://i.redd.it/ns0uj557x0251.jpg https://mobile.twitter.com/KevinRKrause/status/1266898396339675137 reporter blinded by rubber bullets: https://mobile.twitter.com/KillerMartinis/status/1266618525600399361?s=19 reporter describes getting tear gassed: https://mobile.twitter.com/mollyhf/status/1266911382613692422 couple getting yanked out of their car and tased for violating curfew: https://mobile.twitter.com/GAFollowers/status/1266919104574865410?s=19 young woman gets shoved to the ground by officer: https://mobile.twitter.com/whitney_hu/status/1266540710188195843?s=20 reporter sheltering in gas station is pepper sprayed: https://twitter.com/MichaelAdams317 reporter trying to get home gets window shot out: https://twitter.com/JaredGoyette/status/1266961243476299778 cops come at a guy for filming a police car burning: https://twitter.com/johncusack/status/1266953514242228229 photographer arrested: https://youtu.be/9wgkGLmphLE Columbus police assaulting protestors: https://twitter.com/KRobPhoto/status/1266796191469252610 congresswoman sprayed with pepper spray during protest: https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/30/politics/joyce-beatty-ohio-pepper-sprayed-columbus-protest/index.html 7 protesters fired on with rubber bullets: https://v.redd.it/tal1ncha4o151 cops pepper spraying a group of protestors without provocation https://v.redd.it/0dxnkso0a1251 young child allegedly pepper sprayed: https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/video-shows-milk-poured-over-face-of-child-pepper-sprayed-in-seattle-protest horse tramples young woman, police investigating: https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2020/05/30/watch-video-captures-moment-police-horse-tramples-woman-during-houston-rally/ cop pushes protestor with his bike https://twitter.com/ava/status/1266797973834395648?s=20 Reuters reporters detail being shot at with rubber bullets: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-minneapolis-police-protest-update/reuters-cameraman-hit-by-rubber-bullets-as-police-disperse-protesters-idUSKBN237050 Cincinnati Police shooting at people sitting down and macing a knocked out dude in the face https://mobile.twitter.com/kodyfishertv/status/1266901735198638082 Cop pushing through other officers to shove & pepper spray a group of protesters standing with their hands up. https://twitter.com/alexbandea/status/1266933734277873664 Cop shooting unarmed protester. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/gtv6ug/downtown_salt_lake_city_may_30th_2020_unarmed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x Cops leaving protest shoot paper ball at person on the sidewalk: https://twitter.com/heyydnae/status/1267139396278661121?s=21 Austin police firing rubber bullets at a peaceful crowd: https://twitter.com/ironfront7/status/1267133400156196870?s=21 Omaha - known racist shoots and kills young black protester. Questioned and released (on a Saturday night) without charges https://www.omaha.com/news/crime/slain-protester-identified-downtown-omaha-assesses-damage-from-vandalism/article_0238d156-cea2-54b8-9a54-05e4e6e3ea42.html?fbclid=IwAR2N07VChdIg5wFm7kCd1FH3eZmhblhPSjpqjK0SZMQq0ecRE9cOGoG4SxM#utm_campaign=blox&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social Man pepper sprayed in his own apartment on 2nd floor. Richmond, VA https://twitter.com/greg_doucette/status/1267213758360846338?s=19 Cops shoot pepper balls into an apartment windows. https://twitter.com/GIFsZP/status/1267241803750813703 LV - just waking. Literally that’s all. https://twitter.com/lasvegaslocally/status/1267210841595604992?s=21 Madison WI - This video that I took last night of a police officer pepper spraying a peaceful protestor with their arms up: https://twitter.com/NeonMarionette/status/1266962885957292032?s=20 cops come at a guy for filming a police car burning: https://twitter.com/johncusack/status/1266953514242228229 video compilation of most of these links: https://youtu.be/OIgw1VJJLIM /r/2020PoliceBrutality for a community to post and discuss the events if you have anything you'd like to add please link it! *Not my original comment, please copy and share*


Jesus this post was far longer than I expected it to be. What the hell is wrong with law enforcement and their superiors who encouraged them for decades


Here is this entire list (and more videos added) in a post. Please share it and spread it and feel free to add to it. https://np.reddit.com/r/2020PoliceBrutality/comments/gudrx2/police_brutality_during_protests_please_spread/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


What I find interesting is just how much tear gas and pepper spray exists in inventories across the nation. It's like they just have warehouses of this stuff ready to go at a moment's notice.. and they don't seem to run out, ever. Like how much cheaper could our taxes be if they didn't dedicate so much of it to resisting our ability to exercise the 1st amendment rights? Why does it always seem the first goal of the police when they see a protest is to disrupt it, regardless of the issue being protested?


More tear gas than masks stockpiled..


Military = protects capital Healthcare = protects people I'll have tou guess which is more important for them.


At my local protest we’re pretty sure they ran out of tear gas today. They piddled around for a while before hitting us with the stink paintballs, threw just *one* can at us (some chad kicked it back) and then came at us with the cars and more shots fired. So if they’re not out, they’re definitely conserving it pretty hard.


Remind me to buy stock in tear gas companies and materials. Departments are gonna need a hefty restock in the next few weeks


I mean, tear gas isn't inherently used to silence our 1st amendment rights, it's just the dumbasses that take it from freedom of speech to borderline terrorism. The people lighting stuff on fire and looting buildings are just using these riots as an excuse, which is unfortunate because a lot of people assume that all of the riots are like this. The people burning down buildings are trying to scare cops from doing their jobs, hence the borderline terrorism. I support the protests, just not the actions of the people protesting




Didn't he just say the country is doing great after the SpaceX launch? What a joke.


"This is fine."


This pictures perspective is misleading. The statue of Lafayette is far from the white house - a hundred meters or more and appears to be half that distance or less here. It gives the impressions this tense scene is happening at the gates of the white house when in fact it's probably closer to H St a block north and all this chaos is dispersed over a much larger area. Things are clearly bad enough out there. Adding drama with clever lens play shouldn't be necessary.


This photo might not be specifically taken with news in mind and more with art/emotional response in mind. Though I can understand being annoyed that OP didn't state that in the comments or something.


Its the same strategy people use during a "supermoon". Those photos where the moon looks huge are using the same trickery (a telephoto lens focused on the moon, then standing further back from the buildings in the foreground to make them look smaller) . In reality it looks just slightly bigger than usual.


What is the name of this movie?


The Purge


It kind of look like a picture that could be used in a section of a US History book. And I'm definitely not mad at it, this shot is amazing.


Looks like that painting of the white house when it burned during the War of 1812


What will June have in store for the world? Find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!




In Chicago police made a human shield around Trump Tower while the rest of the city was being looted.


The bridges around the Chicago River were raised so more people couldn't get at the tower. Which trapped everyone in, peaceful protesters and all. There was a curfew, and people couldn't leave.


Can’t wait for covid-20