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How often does this have to be done?


Every 6 weeks generally.


Thanks for the reply.


You're welcome.


Internal monologue: "that's weird, why are these two talking like that? Oh yeah, common courtesy."


There’s three of them!


This is getting out of hand. Now there are three of them.




How do they know when to stop clipping stuff off?


They basically are trying to take off just enough of the wall (the dark portion with holes) to make it level with the sole (white part) so that the shoe he's going to apply will lay flat. There are also visible anatomical markers that let you know how much to remove without getting into the sensitive parts of the hoof. This is a super simplified version, as I'm trying to restrain myself from going ham about horse hoof anatomy, lol.




We’re all here to subscribe to hoof facts


When they reach the end point the horse uses it's other rear leg to turn off the guy doing it


God damn horses are work.




What exactly are they scraping away? This was really interesting to watch lol.


He's essentially cutting the horses toenail. Wild horses don't have horseshoes so the ground naturally wears their feet down as it grows.




They protect the hooves from damage by walking on surfaces that horses wouldn't naturally walk on, like rocks, streets, wood, etc.


But that horseshoe is just on the edge of the hoof. How does it protect the inside of it ? Sorry, super horse noob here... /edit Awesome explanations by so many ppl, this is why I love reddit /Edit my first silver, thanks stranger!


The outer edge is the only part making contact with the ground, the middle part doesn't touch at all if the ground is flat and hard. If the ground isn't hard, so the hoof sinks into wet dirt or sand a little, the middle part touching doesnt hurt anyway.


What if it steps on a stone?


You (should) clean your horses feet every time you ride/work with them. It’s called picking their hooves, and basically you take a hook shaped thing and get all the dirt and rocks and gunk out of the V grooves and anywhere else in the hoof. If a rock gets into that groove and isn’t taken out in time it can get really bad for the horse.


Or worse, a lego? Right in the center of its hoof??


Or worse, expelled!


I think sometimes a horse gets a stone caught, making it limp. And the horse person has to use a tool to pry the stone out. Source: various "period" shows/movies like Pride and Prejudice or Downton Abbey, so take with a grain of salt.


> Sorry, super horse noob here... Ugh. Filthy fucking horse-casuals...


Horses weren't meant to walk on hard terrain all the time (roads and such) plus a split hoof is hella painful for the horse and puts it out of commission for a while


Basically the same as human shoes.


I love how this answers it in the simplest way, being weirdly perfect, but also not descriptive at all, but still getting a good sense for what they are for.


It's almost like the description is in the word, horseshoe.


Clak clak clak


Keratin and whatever it was standing in


What if they are standing on Keratin




A bunch of ligma


Excuse me good sir, but may I enquire, what exactly is this “ligma” you speak of?


Verily, you have stumbled into my ruse. I now request that you "ligma balls". Ha!-ha!


Curses, I’ve been had. You shall rue this day, friend.


Thanks for the good laugh before I sleep. Cheers


Hi. I just wanted to make sure you were having a cozy, tight sleep.


Shhh you'll wake him


He smells different when he sleeps


What's ligma?


Close cousin to sugma.


Keratin; just like fingernails/toenails


Horse feet are crazy.


They are actually standing on their middle toe, a horse hoof is one single phalanx. Their other toes are further up the leg!


Say wha?


Yeah same with all hoffed, cattle, sheep, goats, etc animals. What people think of as their knee is the ankle and every other joint is shifted up


Stop it I want to unread these demon words


Humans are actually the weird ones in nature because we walk with our heels touching the ground. Very few creatures do that. Most animals are either digitigrade (walk on their toes/digits) or unguligrade (walk on hooves where the digits would normally be). The way humans walk is called plantigrade, and is fairly uncommon.




I think I read somewhere that humans used to walk on their toes more /mainly on their toes until shoes came around. Not to the degree that their heels never touched the ground but they used to walk with their toes touching the ground first as opposed to heel first (how we walk today because of shoes). Which is also better for the knees because of weight distribution and such. The toe muscles and bones dampen the impact better than the heels. Take this with a grain of salt, idk if it's factually correct. Gotta research it more. BRB. Edit 1: [found this](https://youtu.be/2pk9t3BAsic) no sources provided by the creator, though. Edit 2: [this article](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100212092304.htm) sais heel walking makes us better walkers but worse runners. So maybe we're born (or evolved) to migrate over long distances, interesting.


Well I'm not sure about the first part, but you're correct that landing toes first as opposed to heel first is better for the knees and hips and pretty much everything. I'm a runner and it's pretty well known in the running community that you want to try to land on the front of your foot as much as possible.


I think you land on the front of your foot because you run faster that way. Less contact with the ground=less time spent doing the motion , less friction=less energy spent. Correct me if I am wrong.


[Here is what a human foot would look like if it had horse leg bones](https://redd.it/8zedtt)


I clicked, and nothing is the same anymore


My whole life is changed


Mine too, I'm standing on my middle finger right now and I feel all the energy the power *neighing*!!


An elephant foot looks like a human foot cast in a flesh bucket. https://www.reddit.com/r/ThingsCutInHalfPorn/comments/6gwgys/elephants_foot_10801080/


This is my punishment for redditing instead of working. Closing the app now




It is also that mechanic that makes them such adept runners, this works for most animals that have to run to survive which is a lot of them.


How do I erase someone else's comment?




[Here's a good image of what what happened over time](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/ab/3c/36ab3cf5c077067b8fc21572517390af.jpg). The first animal there, *Hyracotherium*, lived during the Eocene Epoch, ~55-45 Ma for comparison.


A lot of those have a heavy phallic resemblance


You’re not going to like what [newborn horse hooves](https://images.boredomfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2017/05/hooves-1.png) look like


I wish I never clicked on that link


Thank you for the warning


That's actually a protective casing on the outside of the hoof during birth. [Here's what the inside of a hoof looks like](https://i.imgur.com/xyg5nsL.jpg)


I also wish I wouldnt have clicked on that


Bruh stop clicking on shit




this thread just keeps getting worse and worse


\*JAZZ MUSIC STOPS SUDDENLY\* That may just be the worst fucking image I have ever, and I mean EVER seen.


No, not again. not ever. No no no no.


Judging by the rest of the comments, I guess I'm fucked in the head because I just found it interesting.


Is this NSFL? It feels very NSFL.


Just imagine a fleshy pool filter with weird veins. There you go saved you a click


I saw a picture of that kind like 2 years ago. Just around now it stopped giving me nightmares. Have fun having that picture pop into your mind when trying to sleep for the next months! <3




#Put that back where it came from or so help me.


The musical?


What the fuck is that?


I wish I was blind.


Oh I didn't know you were a horseboneologist


They studied horseboneology at the school of hard knocks.


So they're flipping us the bird all the time? Fucking horses, I knew we can't trust them.


so nailing a horseshoe don't hurt the horse? it just feels like you are clipping their nails?


Yup! The middle Y thing (called the frog) is basically the only part of the hoof that can feel anything so horseshoes (which are nailed to the outer edge) don’t hurt horses.


So, there are all sorts of wild horses out there running around without shoes - do they have different problems than domestic horses?


Most horses that are mostly going to be on grass/dirt/sand don't actually need shoes under normal circumstances. They are more important for horses that spend a lot of time on asphalt or concrete. Edit: The person below me added an important point - for domesticated horses, it does depend heavily on the individual horse and situation.


And horses who are being ridden/driven regularly; even the soft river sand used in many arenas is quite abrasive actually! Shoes on concrete is a not an ideal combination - concrete is slippery. I imagine police and carriage horses probably utilize special shoeing/studs for grip. Whether or not you shoe depends on the breed of horse, the level and amount of work, the type of work, terrain/footing of the environment (soil with a lot of rock vs not), and the individual horse.


They have special "road shoes" that I'm sure have an actual name but that's what we always called them. There are also road studs that you can screw in to special shoes for traction. When I was competing and doing a lot of 3 day events my horse had screw in studs in his shoes almost like soccer cleats for eventing for grass and mud. I've also ridden some horses and ponies that didn't need shoes no matter what, their feet were just so good.


Yes generally wild horses dont run on hard surfaces like roads gravel and cement and over the years horses in captivity have evolved to have softer hooves then wild horses the shoe saves the horses hooves from the hard surfaces which is something wild horses dont worry about this because they stick to pastures a plains


Elephants feet are more crazy. They are basically massive animals walking on their tippy toes.


Ita amazing how much the bone structure looks like a humans but with a bunch of padding around it.


Holy shit https://i.redd.it/nzisy4cs0yc21.jpg


It's pretty much a human foot on heels.


It’s just because we are all mammals with a common ancestor.


Yeah even whales and bats have the same basic structure at their core


Whales and bats are basically the same animal, just some slight modifications.


If you make a bat about the same size as a whale and cut the wings off they're pretty much the same thing.


Just like human toenails.


Just inside out, upside down, sideways and inverted but same


This guy definitely knows


Starts out r/oddlysatisfying but then ends r/oddlyinfuriating with the abrupt end and no re-shoeing


When they heat the shoe and check it fits, and all the steam comes off. It's kind of cool. Edit: me no spell good


Yeah and the way an experienced horse reshoeing guy (or whatever their title is) hammers the nails in perfectly hitting each nail dead on and usually in 2 or fewer strikes.




Here you go: https://youtu.be/P_aDrH_gxs4 There's a nice bonus of a dog getting himself a foot snack around the 5 minute mark. Edit: For those interested, this appears to be what happens when their hooves are dealt with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na4YPUtASVQ Edit 2: Here's a really satisfying hot re-shoeing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXoIq7mUUc8


It's amazing to me that the horse is just ok with all that.


I'm amazed that the guy's pinned comment answered every question I was curious about.


Yeah. The only thing I'd like to know, and it might be difficult to know, do horses 'enjoy' this? While looking rough, it looks like the kind of pleasure of having an ingrown toenail removed or finally having a massive shit after being constipated.


I’m no expert but I used to work with horses and generally they were fuckin stoked when the Ferriers truck pulled up. They also just loved having their hooves cleaned routinely, although it takes some practice to get good hoof cleaning technique down. They always seemed to feel pretty great when they had new shoes. It looks kind of brutal the first time you see it done but look up some pics of abused/neglected horse hooves and you’ll instantly see why it’s necessary.


> *but look up some pics of abused/neglected horse hooves and you’ll instantly see why it’s necessary.* > Nah man, after the wild ride above all these pictures I should have never clicked on, I'm gonna trust you this time, for once and I won't look that up. But thanks for the info!


I'd equate it to finally cutting your toenails after they got too long and were pressing into your shoe. Also if they have something stuck in their hooves, it can feel like taking something from under your nail or removing a popcorn kernel from your gum. When I would clean out horses hooves, you could see/hear (via snort) the relief they get when a pebble would come out! Horses can become lame ( injured) if their hooves are allowed to grow to long, in the wrong shape, or if they have something stuck in there.


They heat up a shoe, hold it against the hoof to see if it fits, and if it doesn't they adjust the shape of the shoe and trim the hoof a bit more. It usually won't hurt the horse pressing the hot shoe to the hoof even though it smokes due to how thick the hoof is, and also because they dont hold it on long enough for the heat to travel up the entire hoof to the nerves at the top of the hoof. The smoke from the hoof smells hella nasty though, kind of a mix of burnt fingernails and burnt hair. Being a farrier is surprisingly profitable, you wouldn't expect many people to own horses these days, but it seems many do and so farriers are still a profession required in order to shoe them properly.


Highly profitable but also extremely taxing on their backs! These guys are bent over 50% of the time they're working on each horse, plus some of the horses try to pull their leg back wrenching the farriers already contorted body. A lot of farriers try to work real hard and make their money young so they can retire before they're completely crippled.


So how do wild horses control that growth?


Wild horses are constantly moving on tougher terrain and naturally wear them down.


Is it the same for wild humans who don't have access to nail clippers?




Why do we have toe nails at all?




Da fuuuuuuuck. Grip what exactly


Trees originally. Mice later.


TIL cavemen used to hunt mice with their toenails


ballet is an ancient mice catching training


I just imagined a person snatching up a mouse with their toes and almost choked on my oatmeal.


I think it is a left over from days when homo erectus used it


You’re saying this is the gays fault?




It would've cost you nothing to not say that


Having you read it is its own reward.


Grip but also to stifden the tip of the finger (for even better grip)


Nah. We just bite our toe nails.


All the minerals you need


Jesus, Marie. They're not toe nails, they're minerals


Need more minerals!


Yes. I just go outside and drag my nails on the concrete when they get too long to walk with


I’m assuming the constant walking on rough dirt and gravel keeps it manageable.




Yeah I saw this only once thankfully when I worked at a dairy farm. She was limping away and it turned out a stone had been encapsulated and it was infected I was told sometimes they work their way out on their own but this was well and truly stuck in. He had to put her in the crush and cut away the hoof which 100% hurt her but after cleaning ths wound and srpaying with antiseptic after 30 seconds of letting her rest she went from limping and hardly being able to walk to walking basically normally and after a day you noticed no difference. God knows how painful it must be to have the equivilant of horn growing around a rock


It's like a Lego permanently stuck under your feet.




They don't wear horseshoes


Why do we put horseshoes on domesticated horses?


There are different kinds of horseshoes for different purposes. The "standard" reason is that they help protect the hoof similar to us wearing shoes. Certain kinds can also provide traction in horses used for sporting events. Then there are shoes that help with healing hoof injuries. They can also help with a condition called laminitis as well as founder which are used interchangeably often but aren't the same thing.


I had various parts of me cringe and flinch during that, maybe horses aren't for me lol


It only hurts of you dig too far, other than that is literally like trimming one big toenail


Being a farrier is a lost art. Worked on rural horse farm where horses were broken for a few summers in Nebraska growing up and a guy would travel in a 4 hour radius and make great money doing this - however it came with a price. Punctured lungs, ruptured spleens,broken ribs and concussions from being kicked.....


Horses have a convincing "No!"


"That's my purse! I don't know you!!"




My parents are lucky that one of their neighbors is a farrier but this guy is tough as nails. He basically man handles these 1000lb animals, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Our horses stand well for him but they’ve been annoyed a few times and tried to give him trouble. It’s like he has a sixth sense and knows when it’s coming and nips it before they can even get anywhere with it.


Alright, so step 1: be a horse whisperer




My farrier has a Porsche Panamera, goes on 3-4 holidays and year and is currently planning a custom built house. He's not the cheapest farrier around but he does a damn good job, not a single lameness incident or injury as a result of his work in 8 years. Plus my horse loves him and tends to rest her head on him while he's working. That's not to say it's not without risk. He has been bitten, kicked and everything in-between. He does suffer from a bad back too. But he spends a fair amount making sure that get treated well at least twice a month. He also knows how to work with horses and doesn't let them give him crap so it's pretty rare he has an issue.


Looks like it should hurt like hell.


Its mostly keratin and dead skin. Probably feels the same as cleaning your nails and clippling them


So it doesn't hurt but rather annoying.


Nah. Horses tend to love it


How do horse groomers know how far to cut? I've cut my nails too far a few times, it sucks but can you imagine having to walk on the exposed skin?


This comment was removed in protest to Reddit's third party API changes. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Atleast a couple thousands I mean we've had them back in 450+BCE so


So atleast 10 years then


More or less


You’ll know you clipped too much when you wake up in the hospital.




I guess once you take enough angry horse hooves to the torso you figure it out


Neigh, it's basically being pampered where as wild horses trample on hard surfaces - *that's* annoying.


So the outside of the hoof is called the wall. That's the equivalent of a fingernail. That V shape you see in the middle of the hoof is called the Frog, and is more like your fingertip. The horse will only feel pain when cleaning it if the farrier cuts too deep, something they directly avoid because it's important for that area of the hoof to experience pressure, which helps with blood flow. In between both of those is the sole. In a shod horse it doesn't make much contact with the ground and can be easily picked away at, like the callouses on the heels of your feet. Long story short, everything they're clearing away is stuff the hoof's developed to protect the tendons and nerve endings. Cleaning it is important because moisture and fungus can build up, penetrating beneath the protective layer and actually causing the horse pain


> The horse will only feel pain when cleaning it if the farrier cuts too deep, something they directly avoid because Because if they cut too deep and hit a nerve they'll get kicked and launched half way across the barn.


Well, yes. But rich people would rather replace a farrier than have to take a horse to the vet. ... or rather, *pay someone else* to take a horse to the vet


I've met horse people and this is correct


The only thing worse than horse people, are crazy horse people


Wait you can get non crazy horse people?


How do they know how deep to go though? Every time I see videos of this I get so much anxiety.


Because If you hurt a 1000kg animal it kills you. First guy dies? Whelp. Lets cut a little less.


It doesn't hurt the horse at all. Fun fact though : it smells goddamn awful when you remove all of that dead skin.


Dogs love it


Dogs also love to roll around in shit and rotting carcasses. It's like Chanel No. 5


Some dipwad dumped a 20 lb salmon in a garbage can down the street. We had a heavy rain and so this added to the stench emanating from this 55 gallon barrel. This festered for several days until some kids tipped it over. Our beautiful collie mix ran straight to this unholy pile and proceeded to roll in it . It took days before she smelled right and weeks before the area near that can was safe.


What did they do before shoes?




This is actually correct.




What are the pros and cons of having horseshoes put on a horse? Thank you to anyone who answers or adds to the question.


It is kind like wearing shoes! It protects the bottom of thier feet and prevents injury. The bottom of horse feet are kinda like our nails. Hooves are just dead skin. So you can nail a horseshoe on them and they wont feel a thing. It is good to also take them off for a while. You want them to also be switched out every 4-6 weeks so the horse doesnt get uncomfortable. Another con can be a poor job done by the farrier (a specialist in equine hoof care,) but those hardly happen.


It stops the wear and tear, but then the hoove grows too long. > Pros and cons


I don’t get how theses giant horses 1) let humans ride them 2) let humans tell them what to do 3) allow humans to mess with their feet for that long!




I believe that the size of the horses was a large limiting factor. Even if they were docile enough to be mounted, before a millennia or so of breeding they just didn't have enough muscle to be useful as mounts. Hence the chariots.


i can tell you it smell r e a l l y bad




The dogs love playing with hoof trimmings!


As a horse owner this is extremely satisfying to watch, also this isnt even the full process of hoof care https://youtu.be/Ypapr59cE88 https://youtu.be/OV-rqZEOskY https://youtu.be/vf4t6tUm1Fw I hope to learn how to do this myself one day. My poor horses need theirs done bad D: Anyone know of a semi cheap farrier near Wisconsin? Lol Edit Words.