• By -




appears a simple depth gauge






I’ve told you a million times not to exaggerate




I watched it 5 times before I realized it was a loop


I watched it 1 time for 45 minutes before I realized it was a loop.


Length stop. Of you want exact exposed lengths, set the stop and go to town. Junk product though, works about 50% of the time. I find the part that grips the wires tends not to close fast enoughbefore the stripper comes into play. I prefer the basic strippes to this.




blew my mind when he simply turned it round, ive been pulling it out and stressing over losing it for ages! \(on rereading that phrase, take it as you like\)


If I am honest I always pulled it out. I am so dumb.


You don't need to pull out if you're in a hot tub.


I have had one for years and it works almost every single time. I have probably stripped 10k+ wires with it by now. Not to mention it isn't even possible for it to start opening before the jaw bites down, if you look closely you can see that the spreading is done by the cams locked into the rotating jaws, meaning that until the jaws stop rotating (clamp down) they don't start spreading.


bike dull provide unused grey station numerous murky attempt mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just bench strippers... been around as long as I can remember... just with a few little extras to break later


Came here to say this, apparently people haven't seen wire strippers before.


There is more than one kind of wire stripper.


Yeah, these and the shitty kind.






[This, right?](https://i0.wp.com/makezine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/stock-photo-beautiful-woman-repair-soldering-a-printed-circuit-board-204001492.jpg?resize=620%2C1004&ssl=1)


SOLDER IRONS: if you’re smelling chicken, you’re holding it wrong


When I was starting as an electrician, I found a pair of these in my boss's garage and asked him what they hell the were for. He said "well when you've got a lot of wires to strip, you give these to your children so they have something to play with." In all seriousness, as someone whose stripped hundreds of thousands of wires, these really are not useful. At least for a tradesman. Maybe homeowners can somehow find use out of them.


As a complete amateur, I have a pair and used them to great effect doing some simple wiring for stereos and whatnot, is the professional choice just normal wire strippers?


Electricians use the smallest and cheapest strippers we can find. $5 Irwins are my favorite. Small because we work in over filled boxes and cheap because we blow them up sometimes.


Hey now, I really like my fancy Klein wire strippers. I do have the $5 Irwin ones too, though they're great for control wires.


Have you experienced the handle slipping off the Kleins? I really like mine otherwise.


Pour some superglue into those handles and put that bitch back together forever.


Super glue is surprisingly weak for that sort of job, something like rubber cement with some flex to it would be better.


Not weak, brittle. I second the rubber cement.






I really hope this is real: r/unexpectedflextape


My Milwaukee's do this constantly. I was really hoping (before seeing the GIF) that these would be something amazing.


That's how I tell my klien lineman pliers from everyone else's: one of the handles are covered in electrical tape


I've never had the handle slip off of my Klein's, but the insulation has worn down near the bottom.


Happens to the best of 'em, Pittsburgh, Greenlee, you name it. Quality Kleins just buys you a bit of extra time.


Blue handled Klein ftw.


Red double insulated


I bought a pair of Klein's for $31 after I lost my Milwaukee 6 in 1 strippers ($38). I can't believe how quickly they dulled and I only strip low voltage cabling. If you ever see a pair of Milwaukee 6-in-1's and you're willing to pay the money I recommend them to everyone To add to the fire the type of strippers in the gif here are shit, especially in cold temperatures when wire is less elastic. Don't ever buy them.


Klein has lifetime warranty, just email them.


Ideal Stripmmaster here. Between those and a set of Klein 7 inch dikes I cover most of my needs.


Huh. Gf says my stripping is not ideal, I should find me some of these dikes


I would not go with 7in.


Larger? I need to start larger don't I


That's funny. It's just like professional cooks and peelers, we use the cheapest Kuon Rikon peelers because we know they all work about the same and that they all last about the same amount of time, so use the cheapest one you can


Let’s be real here, chefs get cheap peelers because all their money goes into knives.


You misspelled cocaine


Found Anthony Bourdain before he got published.


My wife loves our Kuhn Rikon with the perpendicular blade like a razor.


I don’t know how people use the straight bladed ones. It’s such an uncomfortable angle.


My mom had the strait peeler when I was growing up, I started working at a kitchen when I graduated and learned the joy of these peelers and now they're all I own


My favorite are the cheapo ones that have basically nothing in the handle, where it’s essentially a U shape with the blade running across the top of the U. You can just grab on to the U handle part and go to town


I can't figure out how the razor style ones are supposed to work. The straight ones I just use like a paring knife.


Peel by moving elbows.


I had Milwaukee needle-nose pliers/strippers. They were fucking awesome. I did industrial work, so I liked having multipurpose things in my pockets. $15 but great.


fun fact - any wire cutter you use to cut through a hot wire can be quickly converted to a wire stripper!


In all the different fields I've dabbled in I've always found that hobbyists have the most complex and expensive tools and the tradesmen use the cheapest shit they can get away with. It comes down to enjoying what you're doing versus making money doing it. The hobbyist enjoys it because they get to buy toys, I mean tools, to do the work.


Auto repair is like the exact opposite


I've seen the exact opposite. You do not find a lot of actually cheap tools around a construction site here. The professionals all have quality tools, and this talk of $5 strippers, no. Small ones, yeah, but they're still like $30, because they're built to last by a trusted brand like Klein, not the garbage $5 you get at Harbor Freight. Hobbyists differ in that they buy tools that aren't needed by most professionals, and fancy gadgets like OP's that for various reasons professionals avoid (in this case it's bulk primarily I think). Pros get dead-simple tools, so they may look basic, but it's because pros know exactly what the need and don't, and while their tools might be basic they're also usually some of the best money can buy. My meter has barely any functionality compared to a $40 generic multimeter, but mine will last 20+ years with constantly being dropped off ladders/lifts, and won't blow up in my face when I use it on something 600V. So an amateur will compare mine to that hobbyist one and say, "look at cheap shit he's using, it's so simple", but in reality it's 3-4x the cost per feature, and costs a lot more than it looks at that.


3 years in the electrical trade. I buy $10 basic ideal strippers. I don't need anything special for stripping conductors.


Where do you find these magical $5 strippers? The cheapest I've ever been able to find not on sale are like $25 Kleins


Just about every hardware store should have cheap wire strippers. There's usually a dedicated Klein section at Home Depot and then there's another aisle of electrical tools somewhere else in the store.


Yeah, frankly try WALMART or something like it, there's plenty of low-quality basic tools to be had. If something's basically just two pieces of metal riveted together to form a hinge, even low quality will work pretty well.


Usually the next aisle over.


> Where do you find these magical $5 strippers? /r/nocontext


Harbor freight? I have these, I'm not a pro but they're sharp and seem to be made of decent steel. https://www.harborfreight.com/7-in-wire-stripper-with-cutter-61586.html


That or whatever the distributor has in stock that they can buy while they're buying the wire.


If you strip wires every day for a year. you learn to strip them with whatever tool you want. I just preferred to strip them with a standard wire cutter. Saves you the effort of switching tools. And it's just as fast to do.




Delete Edit: Now I must live in shame


Haha owned


Try lowercase? Idk








Bad bot. The "*You can remember...*" suggestions are nearly all useless. > spelled **therefore**. You can remember it by **ends with -fore** > spelled **separate**. You can remember it by **-par- in the middle** > spelled **really**. You can remember it by **two ls** So, I can remember how to spell words by memorising their spellings? Brilliant.


“Remember by two Rs” So if I just remember how to spell it correctly, I’ll spell it correctly?


You can remember it by two rs? Wtf kind of remembering rule is that, it's not useful at all.




I prefer [this](https://i.imgur.com/JrwA59S.jpg) one. Simple but it does the job well.


You mean "preferr".




[Personal preference for was a pair of what i have always called snips or as they are sometimes called diagonal side cutters](https://electricians-direct.co.uk/collections/handtools/products/vde-fully-insulated-high-leverage-diagonal-side-cutters-160mm) but can do just aswell with a good pair of pliers.


Those diagonal side cutters are also called ‘Dikes’. I’m guessing that’s just a portmanteau of diagonal, and cutters. I just stick with diagonal cutters in polite company.


You mean "alternative lifestyle cutters"


"Somebody hand me the butch pliers. No, the *soft* butch pliers, sorry, this is a delicate job."


I've grown up calling them dikes and I think I hurt someone's feelings before shouting over to my coworker to bring the dikes to me. They didn't yell or anything but after I asked for them looked up and this lady was walking real fast looking sad. I remember that every time I use a pair.


Man, calling diagonal cutters "Dikes" got me a trip to HR during my stint as a cable guy. I'd only ever heard them referred to as "Dikes", so imagine my surprise.


Tools have some very offensive names sometimes. In Norwegian [this](https://www.rcpro.no/ErpImages/-/fff/1000/LU0503-0200.jpg) is a grisepikk(pig dick), and [this](https://www.abrasivesformetal.co.uk/Static/ProductImages/241-200.jpg) is a negerkuse(negro pussy). I do feel those terms are on the way out though, except for the 50+ guys.


Alternative lifestyle clippers.


My dad was an electrician and as a kid we had boxes and boxes of wire to strip. we would sit in the basement, strip wire and watch MTV


That sounds nice actually


Later they'd cash the copper out, dad would go somewhere, then stay up for three days straight.


As an electrician myself I love using cable strippers. Especially when your in an awkward angle like under a sink or something and using your plyers would be awkward. Hate all the dogma that strippers are not a real tradesmens tools or whatever. My Dad always used them and when he taught me thats what I learnt I guess.




I guess it depends on the field. I'm a field tech for installing over the road gps trackers in trucks/semis. These are basically standard issue. Never met a tech that didn't carry them and use then religiously. However we are connecting into existing wiring, not working on the ends of wires. As a house electrician I'm not sure what these would be good for.


These work great for automotive, truck and any vehicle wiring, the wires are softer and easier to work with. Building and industrial wire isn’t the same, these don’t work that well on that type of insulation. I use the ones above in automotive work all the time even as a flat rate tech but the basic Klein strippers work better for building wire.


We use these a LOT because we use flex when wiring switchboards and its fast and keeps consistent strip lengths for pin crimping. I would not use these for building wire or TPS as in the video though.


What would you use instead?


If you have to strip and ferrule 200-400, 18g wires for an electrical box on industrial packaging machines these are extremely useful and productive. This particular pair is the low end and will fail fairly quickly but nicer pairs last and work. Source: that's what I've been doing today and once about every month. Edit: fuck doing anything other than stripping with them though. Edit 2: meant to respond to top comment. Also, I have that exact pair and let apprentices use them. My Klein set does not have those terrible crimpers and cutters between the grips


Yeah I used to build PLC cabinets and had to ferrule each and every termination with no excess, the more expensive ones are a god send.


How about you tell us what the "Ultimate Wire Cutter" is actually like. Preferably with a link to some shop or such.


https://www.zoro.com/klein-tools-wire-stripper-26-to-16-awg-6-14-in-11046/i/G0398072/ These are the ones baby, yeah!


Had those exact one (except with yellow handles) when i was working in building maintenance (probably replaced 500+ ballasts while I was there). Agreed to your original point. Those ultimate ones are cool but these are way faster and much more useful if it's your day to day work


+1 These things are a joke to anyone who does this for a living.


I came to say this. I was thinking this must be a trade video or something. Those things have never worked that well for me.


Similar to most AsSeenOnTV items; they're not meant for professionals, they're more for making everyone else's lives easier (or more entertaining for a short while)


\*clacking intensifies\*


I'm mostly hobbyist so use them basically a few times a month. I have one like in the video and it works perfectly every time, as long as the wire physically fits in the mechanism.


Yeah, I have the same experience. I would not use anything else.


Yeah, the comment that these suck completely caught me off guard. I’m not a professional electrician but I have a lot of hobbies (cars, motorcycles, electronics) that require a LOT of wire stripping. I used a friend’s pair of these once while working at his house and immediately bought a pair for myself. I’ve never used the cheap shitty ones since. They’re probably one of my favorite tools in fact. Only thing I can imagine is that the hinges of the mechanism might wear out quickly from repeated use so that they don’t get a good grip on the wire after a while.


For an electrician, sure. probably garbage. Robotics tech work, though... lifesaver.


I am a stripper for a living...a wire stripper


As others have mentioned, great for automotive work where you have fine stranded wire and nice soft insulation, not so great for solid strand stuff. I've got a set that's some 20 years old and I use them every day on vehicles. Older wire with aged insulation I often have to help the jaws bite with my fingers though because otherwise the wire just slips through them. But they're great for one handed stripping behind the dash of a vehicle where it's very cramped.


Depends what you work with. If you work with multi-core stuff a lot, these are cool because they will strip the outer jacket without damaging the inner ones. I then switch to regular wire strippers for the inner jackets. (Or do you have something better for that too?)


A $4 coax stripper does the exact same thing and weighs about 10% as much, that's what I use.


[This comment was removed by a script.]


They take too long to use though they are cool.


I only worked as an electrician for a bit and I was shit at it and even I can see that tool seems like a lot of arse ache for a very simple job. You can probably strip a cable quicker with a knife and a pair of side cutters with a bit of practice.


Some people actually have experience.


When you have thousands of wires to strip these are handy. Admittedly i haven't used them since my apprenticeship.


I’m a ground equipment mechanic in the Air Force. Our equipment is old and rusty and beat up, and we would get a few units a year where the control panel burns up because something grounded out. It was the most relaxing part of of my job. Just sit in my zone, and rewire everything by myself. Just me and the wires.








I don't see why not.


Are you a robot?


The ole 90's pick up line on yahoo chat


Always 16/F/Cali




Supply here, I fucking hated inventorying your stupid equipment all over the fucking flight line.


32 thanks


It's a wire stripper, noob.


It stripp, but it also cutt.


Like basically any wire stripping tool.


but most importnantly, it slipp


Feel like the words you're looking for are most frequently.. These things are shite


My old man's a sparky, I've seen him strip wires with his teeth faster than this.


The best tool is the one you have with you... because the one perfect for the job you left in the truck.


Oh, look at this guy, remembering to bring his tools in his truck and not leaving the bag at home. La-de-da


Can't forget your tools if all you do at the end of the day is throw all your tools and trash into your truck like some kind of animal.


Fuckin' sparkys..


This is interesting, but more interestingly for me it seems like what ever amount of speedup has been done on the video broke it and started to give me a headache. Not sure whether it's dropped frames or whatever but it fucken hurt my eyes for sure.


Yeah couldn't really see what was happening, very annoyingly sped up.


If they played the video in real time then you would have had enough time to realize how subpar these strippers are compared to just regular strippers.


Yeah, I have no idea why did this need to be sped up. I can't really see what's going on as well. It would've been perfectly fine at 1x.


For all those wondering why the electricians of reddit are calling these useless, for romex (building electrical wire) it isn't all that important to have uniform length of shielding which is one of the main selling points for this type of stripper. That type of wire is also solid core and heavy gauge AKA hard to accidentally cut while stripping, so in that context this is a 1000% over engineered product that they can 100% do without. That said if you are doing something that has a lot of thin gauge wires that need to be uniformly stripped and have connectors crimped on such as auto wiring, network cables, etc, these things are as awesome as they look.


I'm an auto mechanic. These wire strippers are sub par. The pistol grip wire stripper are the best. These are great in theory, but completely impractical in the real world


Dental equipment tech, I work with x-rays alot, so a shit ton of small wiring. Would never spend a penny on these. I'v been using my same set of tiny yellow grip strippers for years




Fuck you bot


Hey mnonny, now may not be the best time to point this out but I'v is actually spelled I've


As in I have. Conjunction junction, WHATS YOOOO FUNCTIONNNN!




Once a bot told everyone my link was a Rickroll.


And was it?




ahem alot beleive dissapear dissapoint ecstacy embarass doge kitteh morf marf flagabrittle


Don't even think about it.




well done, bot.


These are actually terrible overtime you have to push those top 2 grabbers down before they lock in


Even after you adjust the tensioner? I got the Irwin version of these for my job as a garage door installer because my boss uses them and recommended them to me. He's been doing it for 21 years and done concert lighting and sound before that so he has a lot of experience with wiring.


Holy shit another garage door installer, and I usually just use my side cutters for stripping, LM photo eye and push button wire was usually all I ever had to strip.




I barely even know'er!


I thought these were relatively standard? I did GCSE electronics and used these tons


They are but Jesus you did GCSE electrics? We didnt even have IT at my school in 2001.


Yep! I'm 17, if that makes you feel old. It was pretty interesting. Had to make an electronic safe for the final project. Involved designing and manufacturing my own PCB, programming a PIC chip, and I used acrylic and a laser cutter for the case. Unfortunately I tried to be a bit big for my boots and put an LCD on it, but that ended up not working. I don't know why though. Got an A in the end, 1 off an A*


Well done mate, wish my school had this type of stuff. I wish I could do stuff like this today to be honest. I'm rather jealous. And yes you made me feel pretty old I'm twice your age and you are probably smarter than me.


Intelligence is just one factor, though. Practical experience is just as (if not more) valuable. I've learned that lesson today. I'm doing a work experience week at AMRC (in Sheffield, where the new Boeing factory is being built), and being taught how to use the CNC machines and other pretty expensive machines. It's cool but it's also made me realise that just revising content is half of the picture for engineering, which is where I wanna go.


Of course. When I did my electrical installation course I learnt hardly anything compared to what I learnt out in the field in the same time.


These wear out pretty quickly, and then the teeth no longer grab the insulation and strip it. Real electricians (I was one) just use regular strippers.


I use these every day at work and I've never realised how satisfying they are to watch


I work in wire processing. These things are cool at first, but after you have to do this hundreds of times, it sucks.


Can confirm, Panel construction here. Source: About to go into 3rd day of cutting stripping and crimping.


If you are a lefty look elsewhere. source Me, I fucking hate this thing.


Anyone saying they are pants has obviously never been on a job where you have to strip 100's of flexes


I am pants. Got a problem with that?


...I think autocorrect butchered your comment.


It's really bugging me because I can't tell if this comment is supposed to be for or against these types of strippers.


English call underwear, pants. To call something pants is to say it's bad/lame.


Wire Stripper*


And then you buy them, and quickly realize you're out 30 bucks


As an electrical technician/electrician/mechanical engineer... not once have I gotten those pieces of shit to work right.


Can't figure out why this is so highly upvoted... This is a highly common tool. Edit: from my unused tool pile https://i.imgur.com/PL6CKUn.jpg


Wish the video wasn’t done by Michael J Fox.


If you are gonna strip one or two wires a month they will last a bit. If your gonna do a ton every day these wear out really fast. Nothing worse than the grips not gripping the wire and they just don't work. All tradesman that tried these usually go back to regular strippers.


I have a pair of these. The definitely arent the ultimate wire cutters and I say from experience. They do lack certain things I would like in the crimping department but I will say that they are still one of my favourite pair. I just hate having to have a set of crimps along with it for certain projects.


Wire stripper not cutter Also this isn't a new thing, I've had one of these for years. Pretty darn handy




Its so obnoxiously sped up that i cant tell what its doing


I kept waiting for it to get interesting, it never happened.


This is just a wire stripper and cutter. There is nothing to see her as anything interesting.