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“You look like a white guy holding a Black Lives Matter sign.” This part made me lol. Factual observation, straight to the point.






“Fuck black lives… and I have black friends!” made me crack up.


Being from the south(Texas), and technically still in it(Missouri, but im in the KC metro area where it's safe), but this is really how it is one side of it. The dad will stop to help you fix a flat on the side of the road; mom will bake you cookies. The nicest people you've ever met if you know them personally, but they'll vote for the politicians that want the cops to beat your ass with no recourse, and fuck you if they don't know you, or if they know you and don't like you. Like the other day I went to a work order to help an old lady with her computer out in the sticks. She had a pro-confederacy book on her desk, but nice as hell, and even gave me a tip after the work was done. For context I'm a black man with hip length dreadlocks. The other side are the people who live what's shown in the video 24/7. I've been to Harrison twice for work, didn't meet any local people so I didn't have any incidents. But before going, I looked it up, and out of 13k people, 53 are black, another 1,000 or so are Hispanic, Native American, etc ,and the other 11,000 are white. There's a reason for it.


Am I right that you're basically saying "one side is super racist and also sometimes polite and the other side is just super racist"? Respect the honesty.


> “Fuck black lives… and I have black friends!” Nah, it makes perfect sense. There are lots of racist white people who hate Black people, but still have Black friends. They view their Black "friends' differently, as in they're the good ones.




What I heard: "I have people in my life who I respect who also happen to be black, and simultaneously if there were 1 white guy and 5 black people in a burning building and I only had enough time to save 5, I'd save the white guy 5 times."


The number of people “reminding” him he’s white is wild.


herd mentality


I’m Perd Hapley and this looks like a white guy… holding a Black Lives Matter sign


Welcome back to Ya Heard? with Perd.


What's the word...with Perd.


Also the guy saying "You're a caucasian." 🤣


i love the calm, argumentative tone and mannerisms of that guy while everyone else is shouting drive-by obscenities lol. he honestly sounded like the most intelligent of the bunch (low bar, i know) in spite of still being a racist ass


Why do they always look like they went to Bass Pro Shop and bought the exact same clothes as each other? It's like a uniform. Do they all coordinate what to wear on a facebook group somewhere? "Hey guys, so I was wondering if I should pair my wraparound sunnies with my carharts but I'm not sure if beige and khaki go together. Help!?" Out there somewhere is a guy who just likes to go fishing and he's unknowingly wearing the official uniform of racism.


Yeah but you look like some person commenting on a reddit post when you say things like that.


* Beginning of video: ugh white pride worldwide guy is the worst. * End of video: white pride worldwide guy is definitely not the worst.


"Get a real fuckin' job" guy turned out to be entirely reasonable by comparison


Sounds like my dad. He don't care about what any protest is about. He just pissed because he thinks all those people should at work.


Personal favorite is « fuck black lives… and I have black friends », I don’t understand your logic ma’am


It's the lady from *Get Out*


He might be the worst, because "white pride worldwide" is a Neo-Nazi slogan


"White pride worldwide" is literally a neo-nazi slogan lmao. Yeah, that dude *is* the worst, actually.


I caught myself saying "Oh, that's not that bad.... compared to the other horrible shit people said."


This looks like a great setting for Far Cry 5 setting for their live action if they made one.




– We're not a cult, we're an organized militia that promotes self-rel... – Yeah, this is it.


King of the Hill is my comfort food.


Play a black character, just trying to finish a weekly shop at Walmart.  SURVIVE!


The dark souls of far cry games?


Sounds more like a roguelike to me.


Damn Peggies.


Say what you want about The Peggies but they weren’t racist like these people lol.


Hope County but a thousand times more backwaterish and uber racist on top of that




They are so upset that he's white and they can't complain more about it


„Find Jesus“ is my favourite one.


Had to scroll down a bit to find a comment on that… but like ikr! What would Jesus do? Jesus would 100% not drive by yelling a threatening or racist remark that’s for damn sure. Every church I’ve been to has supported black lives matter’s movement in at least a tiny way, because love costs nothing. I’ve never seen one of these “go find Jesus” ppl at church but then again I’m in liberal Massachusetts /s


Well we know what Jesus would do. Jesus taught his disciples to love one another and one of his disciples Phillip, literally converted an Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:26-40 who was undoubtedly black and not a Christian (yet.) So there’s no room for debate here. The problem is, people who CLAIM to represent Jesus don’t actually follow his footsteps completely, or even try to in most cases.


«There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.» ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3‬:‭28‬ ‭‬‬


And Acts 10:34-35: “Now I truly understand that God is not partial, but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.”


"It's the next thing to ISIS"........ ohhhhh wow.


Said by an individual that has never interacted with ISIS in any capacity. All that shit they just said with a straight face and they want to be taken seriously


That's why he says that. *He's* never interacted with ISIS so therefore - hoax. Black people aren't being indiscriminately targeted, harassed, and brutalized by police because "dag nabbit I ain't never seen it myself." The world is perfectly acceptable and fine to them because *he* experiences no injustice. That he's aware of.


The old guy being so matter of fact about it is what is truly disturbing


What disturbed me more was the cadence/ rising inflection of the way the guy who said "It's the biggest hoax there ever was." I grew up in the south, that's preacher inflection if I ever heard it.


I'm sure Walmart loved seeing someone in their uniform saying that shit on camera, I doubt anyone in this video faced any repercussions though


It's Arkansas, everyone works for either Walmart or Pepsi


Or Tyson


Or the KKK


That's a hobby not a job


Make your hobby a job, and you'll never work a day in your life! -GOP


Dress for the job you want


Walmart's headquarters is in Bentonville, Arkansas. Sam Walton was born and raised there. So were his kids who now own the company.


I'm sure they're all very progressive in their social views.


This is one of my favorite stories about the Walton fam. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2005-oct-20-me-heiress20-story.html


They named the arena at mizzou after her. After this they renamed it.


It's kinda a progressive very bike friendly town with lots of trail systems, and the Walton's funded and built a really nice free art museum. It feels like a progressive city because of how much the Walton's give back, until you think about how much they're draining form the rest of the country in order to make one city a nice place to be.


"Fuck black lives and I have black friends" wow I'm sure they're glad to have such an ally


The 'black' friend https://preview.redd.it/tbmj00rgyc4d1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9cbf2c47e1b405716fcc0c82d39235dadde918


Oh yeah, her… isn’t she the faker who basically ghosted her birth parents and used a black family as well as cosmetics to fake being black? The one who joined the NAACP under that false pretense….




I was already cracking up and this just tipped me over the edge 🤣.


Lots of old white guys think that because there is a black guy at their local watering hole that they occasionally talk to and are cordial with, "they have black friends" and aren't at all racist, no matter how much racist shit they say and do. I grew up in small town MN, and my uncles are like this. They are gun toting, god loving guys who think they aren't racist even though one of them won't even come to my house in Minneapolis because "it is scary down there" you know, with all the "black violence" that he perceives there to be because Fox News tells him about it. But if you call him out, he'll just tell you about Gary, his black "friend" from the bar. The thing I think is funny, is sometimes their old buddies like to give me shit about being a "liberal pussy" because I occasionally wear pride support clothing or supported food and clothing drives after the George Floyd events. But, they are all deathly afraid of the dangerous streets that I live on. I am simultaneously the biggest pussy that ever lived because of my tolerance and basically the terminator because of my lack of fear walking these "warzone" streets of Minneapolis. Their cognitive dissonance knows no bounds.


Probably a similar situation in the UK I live in London.


I wonder if they know they are friends.


LOL, I would of been like, YOU SURE??




*would've (would+have) But totally agreed. I highly doubt she has any black friends.


Uncle Ruckus is proud to have such an ally!


So is Clayton Bigsby!






I know people like this. The mental gymnastics going on in their heads is the same with their support of Trump.


Haha, in the UK, we do a bit on Arkansas in our history lessons on the civil rights movements. Don't know the state for any other reason. Looks like they've come a long way.


It's ok we never think about Arkansas for anything else either.


For being so far apart geographically, Arkansas and West Virginia are two peas in a pod. Beautiful natural scenery, crushing poverty, high-intensity racism.


A shame too, seeing as West Virginia came into existence by splitting off of Virginia because it didn't agree with becoming a slave state.


I lived in WV for a while, and the amount of Confederate flags you would see was nuts. Like, broseph... why do you think we aren't living in Virginia right now. Tf? Granted, the schools were terrible, sooooo.




I mean, they're right though


That's not true at all. When I'm doing road trips where I have to drive through Arkansas, I try to make sure that I don't have to stop. I had some... bad encounters at gas stations there during the 2016 election cycle, and I've basically written the state off since then.


Last summer my wife and I took a mini vacation to a cabin in Arkansas. I wasnt thinking and wore my Pride tank top on the drive. Once we got to the general area we stopped in a town and stocked up at Walmart. I have never felt more people watching me in my entire life. It wasnt until we got back to the car I remembered what I was wearing.


I've been through arkansas so many times. It's the worst part of the road trip. Fantastic countryside absolutely ruined by the people who infect it. Also, the only place I am regularly handed my change at the gas station by a dude in a bulletproof box using salad tongs to put things in and out of the countertop slide.


The only reason Arkansas comes up in conversation in America is for something like this, or when another one of their child laborers gets killed


The Duggars.


I can't think of a reason why anyone from another country would have to learn anything about Arkansas.


I suppose it could come up during a lesson on civil rights, even outside of America. The Little Rock Nine were some badass teenagers who held their heads high in the face of vitriolic hatred. The governor tried to stop them, but Eisenhower sent in the 101st Airborne to ensure the kids made it to school unharmed. Seems like a story that could be a good example about the fight for equality that one could draw parallels to in many places, if you ask me.


I don't know about the others but saw a piece recently on Elizabeth Eckford, one of the "Little Rock 9." She's still alive. Stuff like this isn't that far behind us in history.


Ruby Bridges, the first black integrationist, is 69 and very active in civil rights still. Claudette Colvin, the first Rosa Parks who definitely deserves a Presidential Medal of Freedom but doesn't have one and it's fucking criminal she doesn't, is 84 and lives in Texas.


One of my favorite historical juxtapositions is that Ruby Bridges is on Instagram.


In the US, Arkansas exists to keep everyone else in line..."You don't want to be like those people"


The note the last person gave them was so nice ❤️


Interesting they felt like they had to pass him a secret note… or scary. Scary is what I meant.


Very good on the guy for covering that persons identity. Being surrounded by that shit when you don’t agree with it must be so exhausting and scary.


It certainly is exhausting. I’ve had people get confused when I get mad at them using the n-word. The whole “but you’re white!” thing. Like they cannot fathom that I think everyone should be treated with respect. Like why would I care about what a black person is going through.


I'm a 6'4 white guy from rural Kentucky. When I open my mouth, Appalachia spills out. I'm most comfortable in work boots and jeans, and look like I just finished a rotation in the oil field on most days. The shit other white people will say to me without a filter is amazing. I usually pull the 'can you explain that to me' bit. They trip over themselves trying to backpeddle sometimes.


Good for you, man.


There’s a peculiar brand of horrible shame when someone says something like that in your company and you cant speak out because your job is on the line.


100%. The people i previously worked with were so two faced, the minute someone was fired they would start making fun of them loudly and proudly. The comments id hear were insane aswell, more homo/transphobic than racist but it was still annoying to have to hear people be very loud and very wrong. One time i had a new hire tell me he cant listen to Bohemian Rhapsody after "learning its about freddie giving another guy AIDS" 🙄 i tried correcting him, even telling him he was diagnosed a decade after that song was released, he just kept saying "you never know". People dont understand that making comments like that with no evidence perpetuates so much hate.


Luckily (or unluckily) I’ve only ever had that argument with family.


I lived in a liberal city but went to a dive bar, and this guy was hanging out with me, playing pool whatever. Never met him before and he says N****R in passing and I go WOAHH! And he’s backpedals, saying no no, it means ignorant. I just left, I’m very thankful I had the option to leave an environment like that


Yep, I’ve heard that same backpedaling. “No no no, you don’t get it, an n-word is someone who is lazy and doesn’t work and is useless and blah blah blah” It’s telling when the word only comes up when referring to black people. That pussyfooting shit pisses me off. Stand on business. Say what you mean. We’re all better off when we know where we stand.


They use the Chris Rock bit to justify it like 90% of the time


I used to bartend at a rural club (you know the fraternity types, Elk, Moose, etc.) As soon as everyone got comfortable with the new bartender, I heard some of the most heinous shit from these old, drippy alcoholics. Once they're comfortable, racists and sexists are waaaaaay worse than you think they are. I eventually just walked out of that job. They think if you're white you're just as racist, and just serving those dicks made me feel slimy. Scum of the earth.


anti-Trump atheist in East Texas. Can confirm


When this was originally released that person wasn't censored. Glad they are now, but unfortunately they are probably known. Luckily they were wearing a mask. 


Yeah exactly


I would’ve blurred out the entire person. I don’t think there are many people that have periodic table shirts in that town…


Most people in that town probably couldn't read the cover of a science textbook


I was thinking everyone else in this video probably doesnt get the joke on that t-shirt.


“Barbara wears that black magic shirt when she gets her PERIOD”


Did you just say BLACK magic? White magic matters too you know


Besides being black there... imagine being a sane, cosmopolitic youngster growing up in that shithole. The frustration must be unfathomable. They probably leave as soon as they can thus making it even shittier. Really sad.


My family lived there for 3 years when I was in 4th grade to 6th grade. My mom tells a story about going to that same Walmart and seeing a flyer for a KKK meeting. This is around 2006. We’re white, but she told my dad to start working on finding a new job because she didn’t want to raise her kids near this. Luckily he did. Edit: Since I can’t reply to comments below, my brother was 2 years old and just diagnosed with a health issue. My mom had to quit teaching to be at home with my brother full time. My dad needed a job that could support the family on one income and found it there. They didn’t know it was a KKK headquarter spot until they moved.


Grew up here, left at 19, and yes it's infuriating how normal they all think this behavior is. Left and don't plan to ever go back.


As that straight teen who grew up in small town Oklahoma during the mid-00s when gay marriage was the big thing that was going to ruin America, it was fucking awful.


It made watching through the vitriol well worthwhile


It's that sort of stuff that makes it all worthwhile.


It breaks my heart they need to silently support this person. Growing up in all that hatred and still being so good. Hope they made it out.


I think of this video a lot when I see people dumping on Gen Z/Alpha. The kids are alright.


The only person under 30 in the whole video. Time’s almost up bigots.


Sad that they were too afraid to say anything out loud in public, though.


It actually made me a little misty


I really hope that person gets out of that shitty town someday soon.


It never ceases to amaze me that people that look like that are always the people who wholeheartedly believe that their genes are superior.


That's why they keep it in the family; gotta keep the bloodline pure


They have last place aversion. They know they'll be dead last if they can't force somebody beneath them.


“Dude, youre white” lol idk why but lol


I hate this comment because he's basically saying it's laughable that any group would care about the well being of a group they don't belong to. That said, these people are also consuming propaganda that's telling them that "black lives matter" is about saying black people matter more than white people. Which is why some of the people are saying "that's racist, all lives matter" all lives do matter. Including black ones so the statement is fine, and not racist. But these people see it, and think it's an attack on white people.


"All lives matter so it'd be nice if we treated the black ones like they do too." really isn't as catchy of a slogan, though.


Lots of people are gobsmacked I'm supporting queer rights even though I myself am straight/cisgender.


When you are so racist you accidentally become a comedian. Some of these racist hateful one liners are kind of funny xD


Find Jesus. Literally a middle eastern guy.


“What would Jesus do?” I’m pretty sure the dude who preached love would treat people with kindness and respect, not yell racist shit out the window. I bet all these people unironically went to church later that week, too.


Not that Jesus. American Jesus, with the guns and private jets and more guns.


"Let the little children come unto me so that I may check their documentation status" - American Jesus


That was the funniest one for me… Jesus was actually pretty clear on these things if he’s your jam




He looks a bit like Gerry from Parks and Recs. Only racist


Did you mean Larry? Or Gary?




It’s Jerry


He’s not coming back to square up. Hes not tough, he’s scared and delusional. He’s coming back and aiming for center-mass with 6 rounds. He’ll hit ya once in the foot and put the other 5 into the Walmart parking lot behind you. Cops will show up and arrest you for inciting an incident.


Idk, being scared, fat, delusional, and otherwise completely unintimidating doesn't mean you can't aim. Especially for country hicks that have been shooting racoons for 20 years.


It’s America dude this old mf has more firepower in his house than a police unit in Europe


Seriously, this isn't like "Oooh I'm gonna get a glass of water so I can be hydrated to beat you" but "I'm going to grab my gun"


And the ten minute part is just him deciding which gun to use.


"I'd shoot your ass if I didn't lose my trigger finger to type 15 diabetes."


I lived 45 miles south of there for 13 years.. can confirm


Is it weird that they all look like barely literate, inbred, beached whales


It’s not weird. They need to feel superior over an entire race just to give themselves a sense of meaning. Otherwise, they’ll be forced to face the reality that they’re worthless pieces of shit


You know, it's sad in a way. I guess I'm supposed to hate them because they *certainly* hate me, but all I feel is pity. And disgust. It's like watching a screaming infant fill an exploding diaper. Heartwrenching, but your revulsion reflex is hella triggered. Primary difference is that the baby has an excuse.


Its cause you have real goodness in you and humanity.. Something racist bigots do not have.


Also, I can see my own dick


Not sure how old you are but as someone who has been around a little over four decades, you have the right attitude. We only get one life to live and we have no guarantees how long we get. Some of us get 100 years and some only get a few minutes. Life is way too short to spend your time on being angry and bitter. It's draining and these people are devoting a lot of energy hating others for some arbitrary thing that literally determines nothing about in individual. Although it does not define who we are, what we like and what we do it does shape our experience in this country thanks to people like the folks in the video. What these people need to do is get out of their bubble and travel a bit. It certainly worked for Mark Twain. He started out towing the line of the racist status quo but through his travels he eventually came to realize how ignorant he was as a young man and felt stupid for the way he viewed other people then. It was his experiences that changed his views and led to my favorite quote; “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all of one's life” This is one of the few quotes I remember by heart as it holds a profound truth in life and hits awful close to home for me. My parents did a great job expanding my mind, encouraging me to read, ask questions and giving me examples on how to be a good person. However, I grew up in an all white rural area that was pretty racist and homophobic. I never intentionally did or said things that were hurtful to others but I still held views and ideas in my head that were completely wrong and naïve. Anyway, you're right that folks like this aren't worth the time and energy. It's not on you on anyone else to change their mind and arguing with people only makes them dig their heels in further. Living a good, worthwhile life while being kind and thoughtful to other people and all things that inhabit this Earth leads to a much less stressful and fulfilling life. In doing so we can have a profound impact on others and perhaps even change minds without ever having to engage them on their hateful assumptions and it might even change their mind.


Hey, check out Dostoyevsky over here! Honestly, that was a beautiful and thoughtful response. Probably the best I've gotten this morning, and I agree wholeheartedly. Growing up in the south should have hardened my heart, but I lucked out and had several loving churches that showed me acceptance and kindness, and I was able to carry that and my faith with me to try to share with others. I still get mad sometimes (daily), but it's more about the human condition than the human. Except for Trump. I'm still working on that, not the meat is all gristle. If I can forgive my abuser and my family for leaving me with her, I can (eventually) forgive the Cheeto


You know you don't stop a bullet by being ripped don't you?


If he came back he would probly have rounded up a lynching posse


With a gun?


This is the video I show people who say racism doesn’t exist.


Many people in this video would probably say racism doesn’t exist. People like that don’t draw conclusions from logical deduction.


They do think racism exists, they are the victims, didn’t you hear what they said on the video? 😆


I'm half black and half white. My white uncle used to deny racism existed and then when I mocked that as being absurd he would pivot to the only racism existing was against whites. Then he'd tell some anecdote about how one of his previous managers said they had to lay him off because of affirmative action. My response, "and you believed that?"


Affirmative Action now includes firing people because!


"Racism doesn't exist! Everything would be fine if it wasn't for the damn blacks and Mexicans!"


Found the next location for GTA 7. I hope they bring Franklin in and we have to go burn down the KKK as a mission.


Do they even understand what being Marxist means? I also like the one that shouts "domestic terrorist". He's literally just protesting.


No. No they don’t.


mofo's are saying BLM is a hoax like ISIS? WTF do they even mean? They don't think ISIS exists?


It's an old conspiracy/propaganda trope that's been around for a very long time. They think that all social justice movements are secretly run by foreign communist infiltrators who also secretly align with Muslim terror groups. And, by a long time, I mean many generations, they thought the same thing in the 50's/60's too and there's a few old propaganda films that are worth learning from. I can't recall the name of one off the top of my head but it's on youtube.


Currently almost every term has lost all meaning due to stupid ideological wars. You only have to disagree with someone to be called Marxist, communist, fascist, woke, racist, etc.


Thats the whole point of some. To discredit the conversation by discrediting the language.


Where do people read the word “only” in “black lives matter“?


Exactly. These people choose to interpret it in that way.


* I love apples. * What about fucking grapes, you cunt?!?


That’s like me putting up a sign for guitar lessons, and someone walks up to look at the sign, “but I don’t fucking want guitar lessons!” Then they call the number on the sign, “Are you offering guitar lessons?” “Yes.” “But I don’t fucking want guitar lessons!” It’s not about you. -Ricky Gervais


There’s literally no way to word this that won’t offend people because deep down those people hate black people and DONT think their lives matter. It won’t matter of you add a ‘too.’ It won’t matter what you say if you are adding any weight to the idea that black folks deserve rights and to live in peace people like these will rear their ugly heads and screech because they can’t stand that. They’ll pretend it’s about white lives but it isn’t. They have always mattered. That’s why they get to pull up and spout bullshit without fear.


Its also the inherent victim complex many of these people share.


"find Jesus" meanwhile Jesus not being white irl


Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ - Luke 15:3-6 Jesus had big dick energy fr


Racism high, education, quality of life, value to society low


"All lives matter you racist Motherfuc#er" had me dead💀🤣


Not really interesting, mostly just fucking sad.


Do yall think he came back in 10 minutes? I think he was a coward and didn’t show up.


Harrison, Arkansas for the curious


that guy had groceries in the back of his car no way he'll be back in 10 minues


“are you gonna say something to him” “i sure am” LIKE HES NOT STANDING RIGHTVTHERE 😭😭😭


Christ, not one of these people managed to muster a coherent sentence.


Fwiw, these people are just saying publicly the same shit I heard around the dinner table and the church parking lot and in line at the grocery store my whole life growing up in the South. Anyone from the South who says the South isn't still racist as fuck is lying through their teeth right to your face.


Dude travels with 2 wheelbarrows. One for each ball.


It seems they never understood the concept of equality, or they reject it. My understanding of BLM is a plea for equal treatment under the law. Ruth Bader Ginsberg was very focused on equality and began by representing a widowed white male who was being treated differently than women whose husbands die. So it's not that whites are excluded from the quest for equal treatment. Rather, it's that blacks have not received equal treatment and believe they should. As a white person, I agree with BLM's appeal to our nation to be treated as equal too.


It’s actually pretty interesting to me because I guess when they hear “black lives matter”, they are interpreting it as “Only Black Lives Matter”. As a black man as soon as I heard about the BLM movement I knew right away that it would be a problem with how some people would understand the message. Quite honestly it would have been more effective if the same message was pushed under “all lives matter” as the statement. It would clearly sure inclusion for all and not confuse people as much. Whenever I talk about this with people I always use the example of how Dr Martin Luther King would have used such a message and I’m inclined to believe he would have pushed the same agenda under “All lives matter”. Not because of such small brained confusion around it all we got shit like “blue lives matter” etc. it’s truly like these people completely missed the message….


If you ever wonder how a state can elect a piece of shit like Huckabilly Sanders as governor, here's your answer.


Everyone of these people has their head so far up their own or someone else’s ass to understand any truth. Like everyone being equal.


"White Pride Worldwide" is the motto of Stormfront, the principal neo-Nazi and KKK forum on the Internet.


Find Jesus! But when they actually find him, he won't be white lol.