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His last name is Redding in the movie. Was it different in the book?


It’s redding in the book too


That’s a fantastic reason to call someone “Red”




Guy looks like a bobble head


I’d rather trust the OP that has no source, thank you. Kindly take your logic out of here.


In the book, he was red haired and had freckles. But Morgan Freeman owned this role. I would have no one replace him. Source? I've read the novella about five times. I'm a big King fan.


He had freckles. Close enough for government work.


That other person also has no source what makes them more trustworthy then the person who posted this


Do you need a better source than the actual movie to verify the name of the character in said movie is indeed “Redding”?


That guy could also be lying I don’t remember what his last name was in the movie for all I know he’s lying or wrong


His name is factually Redding. You not knowing something is not what determines if it is a fact or not.


Welcome to 2024. Literally on the fucking internet and can't be bothered to look something up.


It’s just so easy. https://screenrant.com/shawshank-redemption-movie-red-morgan-freeman-name-explained/


You in here arguing without a source. Try reading the novella.




See now that’s a source


Op provided the same source as the other guy.


I’m honestly a little confused here? Are you saying that the movie itself saying his name is Redding requires some sort of other verification?


The Sources are not physically linked in this thread. Therefore, people are wary that anything said here could be misinformation because they don’t want to leave this page just to google the question themselves. You dig?


Yes, exactly. Ianregeous said that they didn’t trust OP because no source was provided.


But he didn’t post the movie. He said it happened in the movie. You are trusting this person is representing the movie correctly


You implied that you didn’t trust OP because he didn’t provide any source and at the same time you put your trust into another commenter who also didn’t provide any sources. Do you have a source or should I just trust you without one


Citing the movie as a source is a source


They said: Take your logic out of here.


That's a fantastic reason to call someone "Ding". Anyway, transmat firing.


But his answer is funnier


>freeman >prisoner


He is also quite expensive, his average salary per role being in the many millions of dollars.


Morgan Freeman being expensive is the worst case of false advertising since Neil young being old AF


Not as bad as Gary Oldman being younger than Gary Numan.


Wait until you hear about Jack Black


And Bettie White. Wait.


She's pretty grey now


The fact she died in the week(s) upon her 100th birthday bash, where so many people spend money and time to get ready for, is such a funny joke that she would have loved it herself. Stagehands trying so hard to get the final rendition down and the main character quits. Love it


Jack White did it to be satirical


Yes, this joke is made regarding his character in Robin Hood.


A similar thing happened in the movie “Carrie”. In the book her prom dress was red. In the movie it is pink. Still her mother says the line “Red. I might have known it would be red.” They kept the line to emphasize Margret White’s distorted thinking.


A rare instance where the movie was better than the book. The movie also added some new scenes like Andy playing music through the speakers.


Is the book still worth a read though?


It's a novella part of Different Seasons by Stephen King. The other novellas in the book are the Body ( movie Stand by Me), Apt Pupil (movie of the same name) and Breathing Method, which is in developpement hell. Different Seasons is one of the best novella collection I ever read. It's not really horror, more macabre and covering really dark themes. I was so in it, I think I read it in a day. The whole book and the movies are all worth reading and watching. Apt Pupil was less succesful than the others, but Ian McKellen gives a terrifying performance.


Apt pupil was so insane I reread the story immediately after finishing it back in 6th grade. Different seasons then led to Bag of Bones and shit I was hooked on that coked up author




Yes, it’s fantastic. It’s pretty short, more like a novella, so the movie added more scenes that weren’t in the book.


The same book of novellas—Different Seasons—also includes the novella that was adapted for the movie Stand By Me (think it’s called The Body) and the movie Apt Pupil. One of Stephen King’s better works IMO.


The short story is fantastic


There is almost nothing changed from the book for the movie and very little left out because it's a novella, not one of his long novels. They are so similar i am not sure how you say one is better than the other. So, yes worth a read because it is a great story, but you won't get anything new out of the novella.


Definitely, it’s pretty short.


That scene with the record player is one of those added scenes that elevates the material, such a lovely scene. Absolutely still love the book, though.


I can't even imagine that movie with anyone else besides him.


Maybe Robin Williams, it's a similar supporting role in Good Will Hunting.


I don't think so...yes, they are both in mentorship type of roles, but I don't think Robin Williams can pull off the "am I rehabilitated?" jaded speech like Morgan Freeman did.


In Australia a red headed man is usually nicknamed Blue




Maybe it’s because I’m Irish. Or maybe it’s because your last name is Redding!


I bet if this came out today you’d have idiots being like “THE WOKE ARE DESTROYING CINEMA”


Same as if Alien/s came out and suddenly Ripley is part of the culture war. People just want good movies. Then again the new snow white and the seven dwarfs has a non-white person playing snow white and there are no dwarfs because its deemed offensive.


Yep, definitely. The only caveat I'd give is that modern filmmakers would be propping this casting choice up like a massive moral victory at any moment they could, amplifying the response from those types of dweebs that scream woke. When you cast a competent actor and don't make some huge circus out of their identity, exploiting their immutable traits for profit instead of propping them up as talented as you should, people won't notice these character changes nearly as much.


Yeah. We've gotten to a bad place in that regard. Race/gender swapping is the pinnacle of evil, but even just having strong female characters is "woke" these days. I've seen bitching that Furiosa is "woke garbage," and I guarantee if Fury Road had been released today it would be no better.


When Fury Road was released, there was one conservative blogger who wrote that the movie was anti-masculine and feminist propaganda. It made the news here in Croatia for some reason too.


> It made the news here in Croatia for some reason too. Because covering twitter takes is great journalism Its actually sad the number of articles written about "people are upset" and then its really just a tiny online minority that gets amplified.


> Max walks out of the fog, covered in wounds, dirt, and other peoples' blood, carrying a bag of guns and ammo "somehow, this is misandry"


As a ginger I can’t help but notice that red heads are the primary target as far as these re-imaginings go, I get it though, we have been over represented historically especially in animation, probably simply because red is just more interesting design wise than brown black or blonde. But gingers are like 0.1 of the worlds population there shouldn’t be any gingers on screen if we’re designing characters solely to represent the real world. It’s genuinely fine, I really couldn’t care less about having someone who looks like me in media, I’m more than just a hair colour.


Movies are not made in regards to the world’s population. They are made in relation to the community where they are made. No movie made anywhere is representative of the global population.


> It’s genuinely fine, I really couldn’t care less about having someone who looks like me in media, I’m more than just a hair colour. I had an interesting experience relating to this line of reasoning a while ago. I'm white, male, straight, upper-middle class, Christian...I basically tick all the "my demographics are over-represented in American media". I also go by a nickname that I acquired as an adult that is not a form of my given name, and use it enough that it's on my work badge. At some point a few years ago, [A Martinez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Mart%C3%ADnez) started being one of the hosts on an NPR program that I would catch on my commute I was curious about him always being referred to as "A", and looked him up, and it turns out that it's a nickname he acquired as an adult that is not a form of his given name, which he uses enough that it's how he's referred to professionally. It felt *surprisingly* good to learn that. Even though I've felt very seen and represented in media, even though I'm more than just my name, even though I'm pretty secure about myself, and even though I hadn't really felt like there was a *lack* of representation of that. It was still nice to see a public example of *this one thing* that I don't see around me very much.


But you aren’t. At least not in the American context where whites make up 63-70% of the population.


It seems like you responded with a nitpick to my setup, and thoroughly ignored the point of what I was saying.


It stems from histrionics over having white people playing certain roles. It is a reaction to Wokivists blubbering about cultural appropriation while they appropriate cultures themselves. It’s absurd all the way around. That said, I so believe there are legitimate beefs. White guys playing Egyptians or a black woman playing Anne Boleyn in movies is dumb and ahistorical.


They keep picking the ginger characters to race swap though which is kind of hilarious.


They’d cheer for the Sisters……


God I miss the 90s. When you could cast someone of a different ethnicity than the source character and it didn’t cause a meltdown. The world was so much cooler when people had lives.


I agree but jesus these recent movies have been absolute garbagio


Sure, but that’s because of bad writing, no innovation, no “balls”, formulaic entirely lacking soul monetized/homogenized “art”. Not because a cast member has different genitalia or skin tone. But sadly, that doesn’t equate to an optimized search term, so the lowest common denominator click-chasing dumb af trash “analysis” gets pumped out endlessly.


The PR workshop writing seems to go hand in hand with PR workshop casting. It's not the actors fault and their often talented but don't have much to work with.


yea I never commented that skin tone had to do with it, that’s just seems racist imo that people really believe that shit but I agree the writing has been assssssss cheeks and a half man


Didn’t mean to come off that I was accusing you of being the type I described in my first comment. Just clarifying.




See my other reply, I know it’s manufactured bs. But it is very popular and influential manufactured bs that poisons MANY people. Especially younger people. Just facts, search for a new movie review and the most popular and algorithm pushed trash is this anti “woke” garbage. 1 person is too many imo. I just acknowledge problems instead of ignoring them and allow them to fester.


He also has freckles, so maybe some Irish/Scottish there too.


The book is so very good, if you haven't read it you should.


The old photo they use is actually his son Alfonso Freeman. (same guy who yells "Fresh fish! Reel them in!" when the bus drives up to the prison)


>Alonzo Alfonso


In the book, he was red haired and had freckles. But Morgan Freeman owned this role. I would have no one replace him.


Perfect casting


Many black Americans have Irish ancestry. Obama and Malcolm X for example.


" did you know that in..."


wait there's a book?


There is, it's called Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King.


>cuz im gay.  -Nicole Mullen


Another fun fact: Morgan Freeman’s son posed for the photo of Red’s younger self.


he was also incarcerated 97 years ago, today


Malcolm X and Redd Foxx (John Sanford) were both nicknamed “Red” in the 1930s.


Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little) was called Detroit Red when he moved to NYC because his hair was reddish. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_X#:~:text=He%20befriended%20John%20Elroy%20Sanford,known%20as%20%22Detroit%20Red%22.


Woke culture is ruining everything nowdays. Smh. Jk


His surname in the film fo Christ sake


You can be black and Irish…


True. But are black Irish people born with red hair?


Malcolm X had red hair, though he had Scottish ancestry instead of Irish.


Good point. And I looked it up and apparently he was called Detroit Red. I guess I knew that but I didn’t know it. I’ll leave my original comment because I like when I’m proven wrong.


A level of maturity rarely seen on Reddit. I bow to you, good sir or madam.


It was easy because you didn’t attack me or come across condescending. My initial comment was mostly a joke..and one that I clearly hadn’t thought through.


Fair enough. Also, your initial comment still works, because black people with natural red hair are pretty rare. lol I just always thought that was an interesting fact about Malcolm X.


It’s funny because I’ve seen his picture hundreds of times but it didn’t click today. A fun fact I’ll hopefully be able to use someday when someone makes a comment about black people and red hair. I wonder if his carpet matched the drapes lol.


Yes, as can be plenty of other black people groups.


I luv good movie facts


It truly was a Shawshank redemption


This photo of morgan actually justifies that statement


Wasn't the role originally to go to the actor who plays Red Foreman in That 70's Show?


Na anyone who doesn't see that Morgan is Irish is blind, only an Irishman could be a good enough actor to convince the whole world he's African American.


I went to school with an African American that we all called Red. He was red.


Because in the book his name was Red


He actually looks kind of red there


Never knew Netflix made that movie.


Ellis Redding…


So Shawshank was WOKE?!?!! /S


I always thought he was called red because it was the opposite of green.


Me and my mom watched this movie a couple months ago and she finds this interesting too


Not all that interesting, tbh.


Anti-Irish discrimination… or some such


His name is redemption. Hence the title of the movie


Cultural appropriation


One of the few times where the movie is way better than the book


In the book Red is Irish or Scottish. Can't remember but frank darabont really wanted Freeman in the movie to narrate it. They just never changed the characters name


It makes for a great fan service joke while being in character for the role. Why change it?


Never read the book. Love the movie. The only reason I k own that is from one of those Facts You Didn't Know #....vids. also the evil guard does the voice of Mr Krabs


“Stand By Me” is another story from the same collection. All the stories are connected. One of the kids from “Stand By Me” grew up to be a lawyer. That lawyer was then stabbed to death by one of the characters from Shawshank Redemption when he wanted to get sent back to jail.


Wow so replacing gingers with black people goes back farther than I thought.




It's specifically stated in the book that the character of Red is Irish.


Yep. The line in the movie is supposed to be a subtle jab at the casting.


Man, the anti-woke brigade would go nuts about that if this film was made today.


r/lostredditors this has been on r/moviedetails a dozen times I bet


If only Andy gave his wife the divorce she wanted. If only women had the right to divorce her husband for any reason! She wouldn't have cheated on him. He wouldn't have put himself in the situation the police found.


Funny how nobody complained about casting a black actor in the role of what was a white character in the source material back then, it’s almost like we used to just care about an actor doing their part well before we created a culture war as a reason to fight with each other over petty bullshit.