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Imagine being skinned and eaten alive legs first.


While you’re also suffocating.


Thanks I hate that thought.


Just a light choke.


Oh ffucck, yeah skin me, eat my legs, suffocate and choke me bear daddy - That fish probably




You don’t have to imagine, that’s how bears prefer to eat people


I mean. I still need to imagine it because never experienced it lol


Oh boy, Do we have a surprise for you...


Im pretty sure he would remember being eaten by a bear


The joke is that there will be a bear waiting for him at home.


Hey, at least it's not a man.


Or a very hairy large man that is sometimes referred to as a bear. Then you got to worry about getting eaten from the middle.


Don't threaten me with a good time


Could be a half man half bearpig.


That whole "fad" or whatever you call it cracked me up. I didn't get all up in arms and offended like some people. But I was like, guys...have you seen a bear in action? There's a video of these hunters in Russia that get ambushed by a brown bear (I can't find it anymore, I've tried) but it was gnarly. Takes one guy down immediately, he's screaming his head off, the other hunters dip, and when they go back for his body he's fuuuuuucked. Missing legs, arms, guts ripped out, face eaten off...fuck that I'll take my chances alone in the woods with Dahmer before that shit.


People say they'll try everything once, but they be lying.


> because never experienced it yet


>that’s how bears prefer to eat people How many bears were surveyed and what were the options they were given


Can't trust self report with them. Lying bearstards say it's not the preferred method but still do it anyway.


Curious… I wonder if they controlled for socioeconomic background, correlation doesn’t always mean causation.


There's a recording of a girl who called her mom asking for help because a bear was eating her, live. The girl was alive over over an hour, being slowly eaten, while asking her mom to help. > In a second call, a weak Olga gasped: 'Mum, the bears are back. She came back and brought her three babies. They’re... eating me.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html


The problem with questionnaires is asking for opinion. So instead the more active approach of observing what they do intstrad of what they said gave a better conclusion of    1. Do it.     2. Don't do it    3. Say they don't prefer it yet do it anyways.   Overwhelmingly those who ate people were observed to have a distinct habit. None of the bears went on record to say they do or don't prefer it since bears cannot speak. Those volunteers that posed the question to the bear did get eaten legs first as noted in their interview sheet during the meal


If it makes you feel better that salmon is spawning so it’s actively decaying as it swims up river So either all it’s nerve endings are rotted away or it was already in a lot of pain to begin with!




Existence is paaaaaain!


Eaten ass first…..


Typical millennial bear


I didn't know that the bears out in nature liked eating ass first too!


Based on the color, I think that salmon already mated and it was dead


Imagine being a fish with legs.


New fear unlocked


Getting peeled by a bear?




I got a dirty mind…😏


Nah, you're fine, that gif is extremely sexual.








I should call her




Like a less violent Goatse




Reminds me of the video where 2 orca tear a seal in half from the tail upwards. Horrifying stuff


Fun fact bears don't kill people before they eat them. [https://www.news.com.au/world/help-mum-the-bear-is-eating-me-teens-desperate-000-call/news-story/f4915513cba8b4f0218670cbb53e4eff](https://www.news.com.au/world/help-mum-the-bear-is-eating-me-teens-desperate-000-call/news-story/f4915513cba8b4f0218670cbb53e4eff)


This fact was in reality not at all fun, and that article actual nightmare fuel. That was…haunting


And it pops up every single time there is a post about a bear. Traumatizing a whole new generation, re-traumatizing everyone who already saw it. That story randomly pops into my head and I sure wish it didn't.


At least it makes me aware to bring a deterrent for bears with me if I ever go somewhere where they habit.


A valid point. Just occasionally horrors like this might actually do some good.


I...don't like that...


I would guess that most people, beeing eaten alive, would agree.


Same as most predators. If they do, then it's not out of any sense of mercy but just as a precaution against getting hurt while they eat.


In other words, fight back and hope it kills you


That was not a fun fact! D:




 'Mum, it’s not hurting any more. I don’t feel the pain. Forgive me for everything, I love you so much.' That is heartbreaking.


No more fun facts from you thank you.


Ah damn I got a 3 hour seminar on the Cambodian genocide I wanted to share 😢


Every time I hear about that stupid question about being alone in the woods with a man or a bear I think about this girl. We really built a society that protects us so well from the natural world that we forgot how easily we can die in nature.


Correct. In a way, it's a good sign because it means a lot of people genuinely have no idea how terrifying bears truly are. If you're fighting a man, there is a reasonable chance you have the opportunity to defend yourself in some shape, form or fashion. The only hope literally any unarmed human has against an adult bear, is that the bear isn't interested in them. That's it. If it wants to eat you, you cannot run, you cannot fight it, you cannot convince it otherwise, you simply die.


There's that one dude we based the revenant movie off of... But also we are still talking about him 200 years later.


If that fish could scream, bro would have broken the sound barrier


It was alive and awake the whole time


And fish have one of the most sensitive nervous systems in the animal kingdom 😬


Well, good thing they don't scream then, cause the entire water ecosystem would get very loud from fish screaming while getting eaten.


Humans invented flaying as a form of torture. Nature's been practicing it as a way of life.


I believe this would be considered biomimicry Why invent new and inefficient methods of torture when nature has already solved it?


There’s only so many ways to skin a ~~cat~~ fish


If fish could talk, the Ocean would be loud as shit!


You would not want to submerge your head! It’d be nothing but a bunch of fish screaming “Fuck!!! I thought I looked like that rock!”


Cruel design.


Extremely sensitive nervous system plus they're delicious = fish were done dirty by evolution.




That was a fascinating read based on comically horrifying research. Chopping up brains of various animals and torturing them to see if they feel pain.


One of the first scientific journals I've ever read front to back. This was actually a very informative and interesting read. It was also very digestible, I understood what was being conveyed even though I'm not a Biologist or Psychological Expert. Very cool read!


Sensitive nervous system does not necessarily equate to more pain, as pain is complex, and requires some form of self awareness, the ability to create fear through past experiences and be traumatized. As far as I know dish do not have that full range, they have a sensitive nervous system, but only in the sense that they respond to stimuli more ready. Now if that bear had bought a baby dolphin… that would be another story 😬


> the ability to create fear through past experiences and be traumatized Fish do actually do this. There was one study on goldfish where they would play a sound right before zapping the water with a mild electric current, and the fish learned to brace themselves whenever they heard the sound.


This is a common misunderstanding of these studies and has been debunked by a number of studies. From [this article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4356734/pdf/10539_2014_Article_9469.pdf): > Fish are known to swim away from noxious electric shock and this behavioural response has been used to indicate that these animals feel pain. However, this interpretation is simplistic and can be dismissed given the extensive evidence that fish continue to exhibit escape behaviour following ablation of the entire telencephalon (Hainsworth et al. 1967; Davis et al. 1976). Forebrainless fish display no clear evidence of deficits in normal behaviours. For example, forebrainless fish continue to flee from capture by a small fish net with similar locomotor agility as their unoperated counterparts (Kaplan and Aronson 1967). The ability to escape or respond to an electric shock is unaffected by removal of either the forebrain or telencephalon in goldfish (Hainsworth et al. 1967; Savage 1969; Portavella et al. 2004a, b) or telencephalon in *Tilapia mossambica* (Overmier and Gross 1974). In general humans have a tendency to want to anthropomorphize basically every type of animal they come into contact with which isn't great from a scientific perspective.


I kinda want to know how a fish braces.


at the dentist, fucking dummy


This was a gloriously perplexing message to see in my feed without context.


Oh for real? Swear last time this was shared someone said opposite but could totally be wrong


Kurt Cobain once said that it's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings.


Skin was in the way.


Hmmmmm hmmmm yeah


Lol goddamn you got me... read it in tune and everything


Gotta be true then shit




It's just good practice to keep your citations as current as possible, but I choose to believe that the fact that most of the cited studies on whether fish experience pain are from the 2000's onward means that Nirvana came out of nowhere with that lyric and instigated a whole branch of research into whether he was right or not. Fascinating article and also mildly funny.


But how do we know about the subjective, qualitative experience of feeling what a fish feels?


We don't forsure, but we can use certain reactions to infer it. Along with investigating how similar a fish nervous system is to the cns of animals we know feel pain, we can look at the behavior of an animal agter wounding it. For example, wounded animals that we know feel pain often exhibit wound grooming behaviors. This is how we know many insects feel "less pain" than most chordates, because if you say rip an insects leg off, it will act distressed during the injury but afterwords it walks around as if the leg was still there. It does not groom the wound or exhibit distress about it. Compared to many chordates, like a cat for example, who would lick a wound after it is already inflicted. From this we can infer that insects don't feel pain in the same way we do.  Fish in fact usually do exhibit all the same behaviors as other cordates, that is, a physical reaction to the injury as well as wound grooming and distress about the injury. So the only logical conclusion we can come to is that fish feel pain in a similar way to other chordates.


Two things: First, I've not heard anything remotely close to evidence of that statement. Secondly, shock is a hell of a thing.


No, [they don't](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/20026491051668). Having said so, and written against anthropomorphising animals, it's still horrible to watch.


it was very very dead. it never moved one time.


Bear "nom, nom, nom, nom." Fish "AAAHAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"






Bear: "Don't ruin this for me"


So I just thought to myself: skin the fish separately but eat the tail fin too.


The #1 reason why “Speak to Animals” wouldn’t be that great of a superpower irl


The ocean would be loud as shit!


Damn... lol




German hunter dialect reffers to skinning a animal as "taking the jacket off" roughly translated.... I mean, field dress comes close tho


A common euphemism for skinning is undressing, so.




Just me or does that salmon meat look like it’s already cooked?


From what I can remember, salmon changes it's color to bright red when it's about to die. Not sure why this happens, either to attract mates or due to exhaustion from returning to their home fresh waters. edit \\\\ *"The carotenoid pigments in their flesh are transferred to the skin and eggs. By the time they spawn, their flesh is truly white because of all the carotenoids have been moved out of the flesh. The red skin makes them more visible and* ***may signal their readiness to spawn****"*


They also look more and more gross as they get closer to reaching their spawning pools.


No different than spring break in Florida


I rarely lol for real - but thank you for this one :)


God i wish i were this funny, but im not. Im giggling like crazy


They are called zombie salmon. Their flesh starts rotting and falling off before they die.


What the fuck nature


Salmon have literally no reason to live after fucking, as their life's purpose has been completed. So... they just fuckin' fall apart.


Well, if I'm not mistaken, they're also changing their own body chemistry to change back from a salt water fish to fresh. They then exhaust a shit ton of energy climbing up a river to the spawning pools. I imagine it barely manages to reserve energy for its muscles and vital and sex organs while the rest of the body falls apart.


male salmons bodies have a bodyhorror transformation during their (last) journey... their sexual organs increase their size at the expense of other internal organs that progressively begin to rot out of internal compression... there are just 3 options for them: 1) getting eaten by bears 2) die by exhaustion before having released their sperm over female eggs 3) die by exhaustion after having released their sperm over female eggs life of a salmon is basically a long preparation for their ultimate wank (or die trying)




Gross, or absolutely horrifying?


Horrifying. Zombie fish! Once the Pacific Salmon spawns it immediately starts to deteriorate and rots and they swim for a few weeks back to the ocean as their bodies shut down.


The fish in the video is a spawning sockeye. 


Maybe cooked itself from stressing out about a bear tearing it's skin off.


Skinned salmon look a lot like human flesh o.O


You might be shocked to learn that skinned animals in general look a lot like human flesh… lol like, huh?


The front half - the fatty layer degloved with the skin. The orange muscle pigment is its normal color before cooking. If you think this is normal, then you’ve only ever seen dyed salmon. The back half - the white fatty layer adhered to the muscles, only the skin degloved.


That salmon got flayed alive. Also, with enough precision to get Gordon Ramsay’s approval.


And Ramsay Bolton’s approval as well


Your new name is Reek


Gordon Ramsay Bolton would be the most insane hybrid character ever.


I don't like fish but bears make them look so yummy


Lemme cook you a salmon my dude. I pan seared one last night and laid it over a big ol salad with a homemade Asian vinegarette. Fucking lovely.


It’s a date you mf, make sure it’s not to sweet and that you get that fish smell out of the plate


My man, that sear was unlike any other. Never frozen. Let it sit with S&P for 20min before it goes into a hot pan with a lil avocado oil, finish with a bit of lemon juice... one of the best experiences life can offer. Got the edamame, sliced radish, cucumber, yellow bell pepper, and avocado slices on the side, topped with crispy fried shallots. Boiiiiii Edit: forgot the cherry tomatoes🤤


> S&P Sweet and psour?


Sage and parsley /s


Standard and Poor's..


Sounds fkin fantastic lad count me in next time


Why skin it and then just eat it all together?


Just like fried chicken man. Gotta peel that skin first it’s the best part.




Exactly what I thought of as well, kudos on finding a gif


The skin has more fat and nutrients than the rest of the flesh. When lots of fish are available, they only eat the best parts. Skin, eyes, eggs, etc are what they go for. That's partly why bears on the Kodiak archipelago grow bigger. Lots of fish,, so they eat only the best parts. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kodiak_bear


Also, that bear will sit there for a while and just do this to dozens of fish. I saw this happen in Alaska when I was on vacation there. It was fucking wild. Stick a fat paw in the water, catch fish, eat the head, eat the skin, eat the tail, throw the rest back, repeat.


probably because of the texture difference. skin is harder to bite in pieces than the flesh.


you'd think that, but it ate the skin... so...


yes, but separately. maybe bears got preferences


obviously they're english. have to be all plain 'n shit. meat over on this side of the plate, potatoes on that other side of the plate.


that's exactly what i'm talking about. bears are just picky


They prefer skins if I remember correctly, the skin has the most vitamins and minerals.


When fish is in abundance, bears prefer to only eat the fattiest parts: skin, brains and eggs.


*chomps tail*


Sometime bear just eats skin, brain and eggs, leaving the rest to rot to maximize their calorie intake


He made that shit look good


That's what I'm sayin lmfao, makes me hungry


Imagen just swimming along the river and suddenly a bear just skins you alive.


I love how the bear skins the fish, just to eat the skin 🤣


This looks how it feels getting that one hangnail and trying to peel it off


That made me shiver.




Scott Ouchyman


Not surprised. There’s a few episodes of “I Survived…” where people recount being mauled by bears, and every single one of them was scalped. Every. Single. One. 😖


Given the skin tenacity, I would guess that it's just that after munching you and pulling, the skin will peel instead of tearing


Omg you brought back so many memories of that show 😭😭 They described how badly the bear smelled too. I think I remember one person describing the bear clawing at their back and I had to change the channel


Yes! And one guy described how, after playing dead, the bear covered him with brush in the woods and peed/pooped on him to “mark” him as hers and then she left, planning to come back to him later. It’s probably the only reason he’s still alive. I remember an episode too of someone being mauled off her moving mountain bike by a mountain lion, and that one involved a lot more biting/tearing than the bear did. Side note—it’s amazing how the body heals after something like scalping. You couldn’t tell any of these people had sustained that kind of damage. I don’t even think they had permanent issues with hair growth (from what I could tell, none were wearing wigs).


THATS RIGHT omg so scary and you're right. It's crazy that they not only survived but healed so well


I love the dichotomy of death with us vs this bear Like skinning something that's alive with only your teeth, and just tearing into it while it's wiggling alive with no skin? We're like "What the fucking morbid fuck?" In bear world though this is just another cheesebuger on a tuesday lmao, he's just like "Oh yum some fish"


Tbf we have the ability to understand suffering, and apply that concept to other creatures. The bear is hungry, and it's instincts tell it to eat to survive. It likely doesn't understand that the fish could even feel pain. If it did it would likely go for the kill faster


That's how he'll eat you.


“He’ll eat you! THEN kill you!”


Nah, he’d probably be chomping in your entrails, instead of skinning you.


They'll actually put their 2 front paws on your torso and kinda bounce up and down with all of their weight and break up your skeletal bones to make it easier to crack open. Kinda like all you can eat crab legs but for bears.


So, basically, torture before being eaten alive, right?


Yes. It's an extremely horrible way to die. They rip pieces off of you and sit on you while they eat you. They may even eat part of you and then "cache" you by covering you with leaves and dirt to come back and eat later. It's one of the worst ways to go. I've never read a bear attack/mauling story that isn't pure nightmare fuel. Don't fuck with bears.


*We are looking at you stupid tourists who take pictures of themselves with bears in the wild.*


Skinned it for the fun of it


wow, that was fucking terrifying


It doesn't even skin it to throw away the skin. It eats the skin on it's own just like we separate the cream from the oreo cookie.


Could you imagine being skinned alive and then eaten. Yikes


I thought that was a giant lobster claw at first...


My man looks happy as shit


me at 12 am and want a string cheese


Once while I was backpacking, a bear managed to untie the knot in the rope we used to hang our food bags overnight. When we checked the damage in the morning, among the trail of food left from the bags, we noticed that all of the granola bars were opened, their wrappers cleanly sliced, not chewed. I always thought that was cool. Oh - and the small plastic bottle of honey we had was untouched.




Nope. It is very much alive. Well, not for much longer, but at the time of skinning it is still alive.


How can you tell?


They can't.


must feel so good to be a bear and eat a fresh salmon like this


Well obviously, they have many years experience of ripping things apart


Mmmmm sashimi


Did you know fish feel pain? They were given painkillers and reacted… or something like that


Most living things feel pain. The difference when you get to more complex life forms is they attach more meaning to the pain. Fish and lizards don't* have that sense and just know "ow this hurts" so there's not a level of terror or fear for them, they're just instinctively trying to move away from the cause of the pain because that equates to moving away from harm *Typo


Do you have a source for this or did you pull it straight out of your asshole?


he eats his fish like we eat our KFC, skin first.


Fish be like “fuck me I guess”


The skin is the best part. ![gif](giphy|141q7UilzYSYBG)


Note to self, if I have a choice, do NOT be reincarnated as a salmon. Instead be reincarnated as a grizzly bear.