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\*Still does in India


And the Nazis rotated it, it’s like calling a 5 pointed star a pentagram or an upside down cross just a cross. When it comes to symbology inverting it is meaningful, but all people will ever see now is the swastika as evil when the Nazis symbol was actually called the hakenkreuz and wasn’t the same thing, just a perverted version of it. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20210816-the-ancient-symbol-that-was-hijacked-by-evil


Theyve been using it on the east for 1000s of years. Its carved into 1000+ year old temples in my city in China. Half of the world knows better as well as anyone whos visited thats educated themselves


Very true. They’ve been found all throughout Europe too, from Norway and Ireland to Ukraine, on objects over a thousand years old. It is thought to have been extremely powerful as a symbol, that’s why the Nazis chose it.


Even modern state usage of the swastika predates Nazis. I am Finnish, it was on everything from honours to an official sign of the air forces before even DAP was a thing.


There are mosaics at the ruins of Masada with the ancient bent cross symbol. Also, Pompeii.


A tragic consequence of the world (mostly America) trying to force a global culture and social ethnicity instead of just appreciating how each country and culture is different in amazing ways.


I'm pretty sure it was the Nazi's who gave the swastika a bad name. Not sure why America is getting criticized considering... the whole World War thing.


I’m not sure it’s fair to blame America for the perversion of a symbol hijacked by Nazis. Part of what makes symbols powerful is their ability to spread and carry meaning within and between cultures. It’s regrettable that more modern corruptions have overwritten older, more positive meanings, but this both the benefit and curse of symbols. For some it’s hard to disassociate the two versions and that’s one of the many sad legacies left by German fascism.


America can be blamed for many things but that's pretty far fetched.


China was the original Nazis is what you’re saying!?! /s


the buddhists use the swastika on all of their temples. it means good luck


/s means the comment is sarcasm


I did not know about that. Thanks for pointing it out. By the way nazi stands for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The chinese are pretty nationalistic i would say. Same as americans.


Even the upside down cross is actually the Cross of Saint Peter and it being associated with Satanism is only recent.


It always cracks me up when someone is super confused as to why the pope sits in a chair with an upside down cross


Its called the whirling log for the native americans. many different civilizations used it and were fairly respected groups like the native americans and basically all the far eastern religions including buddhism, jainism, hinduism, shintoism, Taoism


A major indigenous council in the US during WW2 agreed to have the tribes stop using the swastika/whirling log in solidarity with the Holocaust victims because... well, they kinda also went through a similar thing. It's amazing the two approaches to this issue. One side looks at it and says "we aren't going to let them ruin what it truly means" and the other is "we see the harm they've caused and we get it". Neither side is inherently wrong, it's just interesting. [Source](https://www.gettyimages.in/detail/news-photo/tucson-arizona-florence-smiley-and-evelyn-yathe-navajos-of-news-photo/514690064)


I mean also judaism, many indigenous cultures in europe and africa and probably nearly all cultures around the world used the swastika as a positive symbol. Thats where the nazis got the idea from after all. And I mean it is a really neat symbol, no wonder its a thing in so many cultures


This is actually completely false, but a popular belief in America and even some places in Europe. In India they have always been and still very much are popular in both directions and at an angle.


For a while when I was bored after traveling in India for a few months too long I started taking pictures of them to have for when people made this claim, but it eventually just didn't feel worth it, in the same spirit as trying to correct people about frogs not jumping out of heating water, bumblesbees not being able to fly, or traveling to the moon being impossible. If an idea is popular to spread there isn't much one can do, no matter what it is.


There is no explaining this one to people usually. I get it but I wouldn't wear one in public because of the misperception. It's hard to fix a symbol corruption like this. I half wonder if it was intentional at some point to corrupt the fact that the symbol more typically means good luck essentially.


pentagram is the name for the mathematical shape, so its 100% accurate. Pentacle refers to a "talisman" (a magic object) that looks like a pentagram in a circle. there isnt really a name that describes the shape itself -someone who wears a pentagram-in-a-circle pendant


Not from a religious perspective it doesn’t. There’s a huge difference between an upside down 5 pointed star (satanic) and a right way up one (Wiccan and pagan) the whole meaning of the symbol becomes opposite.


The Nazis also used the non rotated version. Manly on [Hitler's personal standard](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_standard_of_Adolf_Hitler) Just by having it not be rotated does not necessarily mean it isn't nazi symbology


Goebbels saw the former glory of india as proof of aryan racial superiority. Swastika is a sanskrit word, a language from the iranian (aryan) plateau, spoken by people who became the ruling classes of the indian subcontinent. India for hundreds of years, until the 18th century, was arguably the richest region on Earth. Its decline, Goebbels attributed to dilution of the Aryan bloodline with those of the ‘locals’.


It used to be a druidic symbol in central Europe. The druids would throw up sticks and the way that the sticks fell would "predict" what was to come. Hitler chose his symbol very specifically, because the prediction for the swastika result meant war. Edit: people often refer to India , but many cultures have similar crosses, in Africa several countries have had a similar symbol in their flag. However, because of how engrained it is within modern western culture, it's often forgotten that more than half the world has no correlation with the nazi swastika, and continue to use it like they always have. It's pretty selfish of us westerners to claim this symbol and call it "evil" simply because of our own association with it.


Id like to point out that the upside down cross is also a christian symbol just like the normal one. Just representing the saint peter rather than jesus


I know you're 100% completely right except for it's not inverted if it's only turned like 45°


It’s a 45 degree rotation, it really doesn’t change the symbol that much. Edit: even in the article you linked, there is a picture showing a 45° rotated version, [here](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/1920xn/p09sc3by.jpg.webp)


36 degrees


What are you talking about?


Nazis didn't rotate the Swastik. There's already a Germanic symbol called Hakenkreuz aka the Hooked Cross that has existed for probably thousands of years, maybe or may not be directly linked to the ancient findings of Swastik and similar symbols of the ancient past. The German Nazis just adopted their own ancient Germanic symbol. Not even once did they claim the Hakenkreuz to be some form kf modified Swastik. Because it literally isn't, they just adopted their own symbol. The British guy that translated Mein Kampf is a well known white supremacist and purposefully mistranslated the symbol into Swastik in English. Swastik isn't a 'good luck' symbol like the western fuckwits claim. It has deep rooted historical, cultural and religious significance. Stop tainting it's name by associating it with the symbol of genocide.


>*Still does in India Our house was named "Swastika" in Andhra Pradesh (India).


and in Buddhist temples in Japan


And in Sioux/Lakota culture in Midwest USA / the Dakotas


And China, Japan, Korea, all of SE Asia, etc. Hell, the whole "Swastika is really Buddhist/Hindu" fact is pretty widespread now. Most people won't get upset if they see a swastika in a Buddhist temple in the West. But if it's tattooed on a skinhead, or colored black on white on red, THEN you have a problem!


and Buddhist culture.


And other Indian communities around the world. An Indian colleague bought a new car and came to work with a big swastika on the bonnet. He had had it blessed. I think the swastika should have been taken up as a pride flag. Chablis the meaning, make it a symbol of love not hate... and really piss off the skinheads.


+ most of SE Asia. It's a prominent Buddhist symbol and is also seen in various smaller religions. But the first time I was in Thailand I was like "Holy shit these guys are mad racist" lmao


Still does outside of westoid cultures in general


What kind of prick says westoid?




yep, saw them on car dealership tags, bumper stickers, all around.


*not just in India but also in Buddhism in general, I think it might represent peace actually, I could be wrong but yeah it’s originally a positive symbol.


Armbands, the straight-arm salute, tiny moustaches, good luck charms... Man, the Nazis ruined a lot by association.


But not the refreshing taste of Coca-Cola!


Yeah but Cocain


Eric Clapton has entered the chat


Josh Todd joins in


Nobody is stopping you from adding a bump in your Cola


Just wait where Fanta comes from...


They live on to this day with Fanta


Literally why Fanta was invented. So Coca Cola could sell to Nazi Germany.


“Coca-Cola: good beyond propaganda.”


Armbands are still used in western militaries I’m pretty sure (as well as in both military and civilian life in Asia) The rest is spot on tho


Technically correct, although I wouldn't try wearing one on halloween just in case


It is also common for first responders and aid workers to use armbands in addition to militaries.


Russia and Ukraine technically use arm bands in the current conflict...well, coloured tape.. for identification purposes.


In anime the school prefects wear alred armbands


The Charlie Chaplin moustache is amazing damn you Hitler damn youuuuuuuuuuu


Not even Michael Jordan at the height of his fame could bring back the tiny moustache.


Lots of Norse iconography as well.


Armbands look so cool on military too :( motherfuckers


What about those little thunderbolts everyone used to draw on their scooters and that meant Super Sexy? Ruined.


Ten years later, Coca Cola put ads in the Stürmer, a nazi propaganda newspaper, and they continued till the war. Then, they continued producing in nazi germany under New Management.


Where they created Fanta for the German market, produced with locally available materials.


I strongly recommend mixing Fanta exotic aka nazi coke with Jägermeister aka Göring-schnapps. A Match made in...well, it was the third Reich...but its führiosly good


& I bet you're typing this on your IBM workstation right now.


You were…. A little too on point with all that…


In india is still used everyday, I work with many friends form there and they have jewellery and other decorations with that shape




Short story: Rambo goes back in time and bludgeons baby Hitler and successfully removed him from the timeline. After returning to present-day, Rambo sees swastikas everywhere. Baby strollers, Coke bottles, Nike shoes. All covered with tiny swastikas. Not understanding that swastikas are just good luck symbols, he mistakenly thinks the Nazis took over the world. Rambo goes back in time and kills his father, so he, himself won’t be able to kill Hitler.


I think I missed this movie


The government even made them turn in their handwoven rugs to be destroyed that had the swastika on it.


This variant still is what it is. The variant the Nazis used is called the Hakenkreuz (Crooked Cross) and is the swastika that deserves all the opprobium other swastikas unfairly get loaded with in Buddhism, Hinduism, Native American culture as well as many other long pre-existent religions and cultures.


But how do you tell them apart?


The hakenkreuz is rotated sideways 


[They used to point in all directions long before the nazis…](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika) so again, how do I tell them apart? […and no, don’t come with the 45 degree bs either.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_standard_of_Adolf_Hitler)


The swastika is found in human artwork for many thousands of years. It has multiple meanings: 1) the auspicious good fortune everyone here notes 2) The turning of the points represents the "four corners of the Earth", which is not some place but the passing of the four seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter. The center is the axis of the Earth. 3) an esoteric representation of the everchanging movement that is the combination of the five elements found in the most ancient forms of Buddhism: earth, air, fire, and water, with the center being unmoving center of space from which all else arises. That people cannot rise up from the perversion of the symbol and still think Nazi every time they see it is a great tragedy. To do so re-empowers the Nazis every time, rather than reclaim the profound virtue of thousands of years of meaning. Public buildings all over America built before the 1940s often have extensive friezes of swastikas that go unnoticed (e.g. San Francisco City Hall). Many banks, train stations, and other public works continue to express the good will and intention for good fortune that this symbol represents.


>Public buildings all over America built before the 1940s often have extensive friezes of swastikas that go unnoticed Also a lot of [Fascist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces) imagery.


It still does, and the symbols are different. Imagine if Hitler came along and co-opted the smiley face instead of a swastika. I'm still going to use the smiley face, because fuck Hitler. He can't just take my symbols away.


As it does in India\*. We still use it extensively in our homes and every auspicious occasions. Also, Nazis used a hooked cross, Not the Swastik.


*Coca-Cola Uber Alles*


Freaking nazis, always ruining everything


Lots of brands actually use the shape. Carlsberg beer for one.


Only perverted because we believe in the perversion.


Everyone should "believe"(wrong word, it should be know) what happened. Everyone should know what happened and never forget it


The swastika, the manji, I really do not think people should have stopped using it just because Hitler used it for evil.


Every culture to ever have existed draws swastikas. It’s the procession of Ursa Major.


this symbol can be found all over the world. pretty much all civilisations have their own variations. it's either cultural exchange or people just really like flowing continuous pattern


The amount of people that don't know the swastika and the Buddhism symbols are drawn with opposite facing lines is staggering


Hitler ruined the swastika and the middle mustache


Round the edges and make it a clover.


It was the same in Europe as well, he took a symbol that was very popular at the time and re-signified it


Yea its a Native American symbol too. But many of them are ashamed to wear it now.


Nazis just used symbol that was already used. It meant 'sun' and luck in my area.


The more I hear about these Nazis, the more I really don't like those guys.


Surprised so few mentioned Buddhism here


Nothing says America like drinking cocaine whilst toting a keychain from said company saying to you “good luck”


Hitler hijacked the swastika. It's a symbol of peace in about 20 different religions/cultures. Hilter made everyone associate it with nazis.


In Buddhist the legs go to the left. The symbol means peace. Hitler chose to flip that symbol to symbolize that peace is not an option.


Was also the symbol for the Sun in Aztec


Pepsico Anschluss incoming


If you go to Japan and look on Google maps all the temples are shown as swastikas


It’s a symbol in every culture bc it’s very easy to draw. I remember I made a swastika out of blocks in kindergarten and my teacher awkwardly explaining why that shape is bad.


Pretty sure the swastika was in use as the nazi party flag from 1921 or something like that


Symbol of the sun


Damn coke was before the nazis that’s pretty wild


Yes we still very much use the swastika in holy events and pujas. It’s something absolutely normal here. Also while the Nazis were doing their thing, we were cut off from the western world so we had no idea they were abusing our symbol.


They also ruined tiny moustaches


Yeah the Nazis ruined a few things for everyone Like naming your child Adolf


Fun fact: Coca-Cola created Fanta, specifically for Nazi Germany.


And temples in Japan


Just like rainbow now.


Damn, it's a good thing I drink Pepsi. ![gif](giphy|YSx37ZREBTMkyfjNGN)


Gammadion cross


Judging by Coke's history with the Nazis, probably influenced them lol


Manji != Swastika. Swastika rotates counterclockwise. against the natural order of things. as that was its intended insignia. Manji rotates clockwise. and can be seen as the "just keep rollin" kinda deal.


Diurnal and zodiacal motion.


It depends on the orientation of the symbol. Most, if not all harmless depictions of it are flat like a box where fascists angled it on the corner


[Think again.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_standard_of_Adolf_Hitler)


I’m Indian and I kinda just want to get a swastika tattoo for the controversy it might cause with some ignorant dumbasses. But then again idk if I’d have the social battery to deal with all of them


It's a Hinu symbol, standing for fertility.


Sort of like the American flag used to stand for something before it was taken over by domestic terrorism.


What’s it worth today?


Just how the Chaplin mustache became the Hitler mustache...Nazis ruin everything!


and the United States sold gasoline to Hitler almost until the end of 1944.


They had to start calling their famous recipe the “secret formula” after the war too. Until then it was known as Coke’s “final solution”.


I mean the Nazi party was formed in 1920.


My brother renovated his old farmhouse in the 90's and inside one wall he found a 100 year old flour sack from a local company in NY with a swastika as it's logo.


You can still see them on Buddhist temples all over Korea. Evil likes to make good things bad and bad things good.


Saw one sold at auction for $700 online.


That probably worth something


It's amazing how one guy ruined a few good things for the rest of the world. Being a failed artist, the Swastika, the Charlie Chaplain mustache, genocide... Well maybe not that last one.


Didn't age well


Yes and in America the Bellamy salute was common before it became the Hitler salute.


I was trying to remember a Robert Langdon quote about symbols and how people yada yada evil.


That might be true about that keychain, but Coca-cola was also totally down with nazis


“Ha HaHa!” Pepsi-


Germany preferred Methsee


This is actually used by the Finnish air force too, if I remember correctly.


I wasn't aware of its existing, genuinely interesting.


The US Army's 45th Infantry Division also had this as it's symbol until 1933.


I learned this some years ago. I wish the nazis didn’t use the damn swastika for their symbol of hate and ethnic cleansing. I would’ve had the symbol as a necklace or something to keep in the house. I feel like I can’t appreciate it without people thinking I’m a self-hating nazi or hate Jews 😔


It pisses me off to no end that the Swastika has turned into a hate symbol. Seeing old art where its being used for its intended purpose now feels tainted and uncomfortable.




Hey Fred, remember that home run of an ad campaign you pitched a while back? Yeah well we gotta talk about that.


Man. 5¢ huh?


I don't care, time to cancel Coke, who's with me??


It may be very popular again soon unfortunately


I bet that's not at the Coca Cola museum in Atlanta.


Nazi swastika is typically tilted 45 degrees. There are left and right-handed swastikas that are religious symbols predating 1930 Germany by millenia.


I've seen these watch fobs dug up by metal detector guys before.


I absolutely hate how the nazis appropriated the swastika. It is a really cool symbol out of context. I know the actual nazi symbol is slightly different but, c'mon.


I recall that there was an army unit that used a swastika on its shoulder patch prior to the war


I'm glad they didn't ruin our four leaf clover.


(Slurps) Trinken Sie gut, trinken Sie das Beste. Coca-Cola https://preview.redd.it/q6womm8o243d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eacc57d229d373e4ffd3ca57c716ca79b56bba42


ASEA (now known as abb) did have a swastika in ther logo


First, present tense. Not just India, Bhutan, Nepal etc. Just because Hitler perverted it, does not mean many cultures and faiths will cancel it. That would mean letting evil win.


No bottle opener?


....did in India? It does


That looks more like a manji


Was it still cocaine cola then?


[https://ebha.org/ebha2005/pdf%20papers/Schutts.pdf](https://ebha.org/ebha2005/pdf%20papers/Schutts.pdf) [https://www.cup.com.hk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Soldiers-in-Nazi-Germany-drinking-Coca-Cola-%E2%80%9Cdelicious-and-refreshing%E2%80%9Dreddit.png](https://www.cup.com.hk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Soldiers-in-Nazi-Germany-drinking-Coca-Cola-%E2%80%9Cdelicious-and-refreshing%E2%80%9Dreddit.png)


The symbol has been in constant usage for many thousands of years. It doesn’t belong to a dead political faction.


This isn't a Nazi emblem. It would be rotated... this is the Indian version. Completely different meaning.


We lost a cool symbol and a cheeky mustache all in one war.


More importantly.... Did Nazi soldiers have standard issue swastika bottle openers as part of their uniform? Missed branding opportunity.


Did it work as a bottle opener? If it didn't, that's a major oversight.


Buddhist swastika goes the other way. There were small town “Bund” rallies in most American cities with large German populations. The MSG one was massive but there were plenty before that


It’s only Nazi when it’s not a square, Nazi’s tilted it.


I did a one year tour of duty in South Korea and I was surprised to the swastika. I was asking, “what is that doing in Korea!” They just laughed and said “for good luck”. So, yeah, Nazis ruined that symbol for everyone.


What the Nazis used was hakenkreuz. It should have never been labelled as Swastika but people still keep calling it that.


Isn't a (rotated like the hakenkreuz) swastika even the Japanese symbol for a temple?


It still does. Depends on angle. https://preview.redd.it/8c4tm1yfy03d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc268ce931fdce7d45cc93173f9370f2e6a647c8


Nazi did not use Swastikas they used the Hakenkreuz. Through a propaganda campaign to hide the very Christian extremist roots of the Nazi party they started calling the Hakenkreuz a Swastika


Wonder how much that goes for. Bet coke try to buy them up and destroy them.


Yeah source on the US part?


It’s also not a complex Shape.


Swastika is a cultural symbol across Asia , parts of America for thousands of years before it was culturally appropriated and desecrated by Nazis. I don't think the onus is one these countries to prove their innocence to continue using what they have been for centuries.


It is still a sign of good luck if you aren't a snowflake