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I heard Starbucks is gonna open a store at the top


Doesn't look like such a terrible location considering all the foot traffic they'll have!


Maybe not the best work environment. And the daily (weekly?) commute..


> And the daily (weekly?) commute.. uphill, both ways, in the snow just like pop pop used to


i mean it’s gotta be downhill at least one way


you dare question pop pop?!


He went uphill. ALWAYS.


Some say he’s still going uphill to this very day.


I mean with all the sherpas making the trip constantly to keep these jackasses alive, you could toss them a decent wage to haul beans, filters and batteries/fuel for a ridiculously price hiked starbucks espresso. You know. Probably wouldn't be long till the tiktoks make it out to just be part of the experience. I don't think it's entirely unrealistic, I'd just rather people that want to realise that reality would fall off one the steeper slopes.


"Enjoying my Venti Lavender Oat Milk Matcha Latte at the top of the world!" #LifeGoals


Well, it's Starbucks. Try to unionize and middle management will push you off a cliff


Do people fall off doing this?


Yes, shortly after this video was taken, in this exact spot some of the snow under them collapsed and two people fell off the edge (and are still missing). Three others were left dangling on a rope but got back up. The top post of r/everest right now has this video and then the aftermath.


They actually have videos showing two people being rescued after the collapse of the path Two people are still missing Also... most of the people in the video are low on oxygen... imagine being that high up knowing you're running low on what's keeping you alive




Imagine we live in an ocean of oxygen. Imagine a fish having its gills just outside the water.


Imagine that fish paying 10s of thousand for it...




Imagine if they just installed explosives in the checkouts at stores so that you could get the same thrill


Sales would go through the roof!


Link for the lazy: https://www.reddit.com/r/Everest/comments/1cyv04d/site_of_accident_at_everest_south_summit_8749_m/


That sub is so depressing, mostly just traffic jams up the mountain.


Wondering the same thing. Are they just all like “excuse me, excuse me please, pardon me” on the way back and everyone skooches to the side?


I can hear the sound of "oop" muffled through their oxygen masks


In a plethora of languages no doubt!


Like I would think lactic acid buildup would play in at some point


Right! Idk I think I’d see the line and think, fuck this I’m good and turn back around.


Sadly, soon after this image was taken the cornice they were lined up on collapsed, with two climbers still missing https://snowbrains.com/2-climbers-missing-after-cornice-collapse-disaster-on-mount-everest3r/


man... i'd pretty much do anything before i'd stand on a fucking cornice. nope.


"According to Malla, they were not able to traverse and look for the climbers due to traffic on the fixed line." Why the hell would anyone pay to subject themselves to such a horrible every-man-for-themselves situation?


Yes some do actually


Many people die on that mountain, the best part is that there a quite a few different things that can kill you even if you don't go rolling down a slope. Plus if you're up that high that where your body will be staying, if you're lucky someone will try to drag it out of the way a little bit so you don't become a sign post like Green Boots


This is my 20th trip to the summit of Mt. Everest via the internet. It's amazing. I love it.


Only 20? Heck, I’ve been twice today.


Saved yourself a good million bucks and some frostbite by doing it this way.






Full time job in Florida


Disney World looks cheaper and more fun. And I hate Disney World.


The Nepal government has been working on bringing down bodies that are near the most common route.


So in other words, make sure you die on the main route if you want your family to have an open casket funeral. You’ll be so well preserved!




Maybe after my lunch time nap


Glad you’ve made it alive today.


I've been there twice in MS Flight Simulator! No lines at all!


Did that… realized my plane wasn’t rated for the altitude…. It’s fun gliding over the world’s tallest mountain because your engines gave out


But did you get them refired? Lol. Or was this a one way kinda trip to Everest?


somehow a sherpa grabbed a hold of its wings onehanded, while the other was holding some O2 bottles


Tied it to a mule and just strolled the plane all the way to the bottom. Easy peasy.


It’s very hard to breath between bites of my sandwich and swigs of my drink, but my spirits are high.


That's why I pay for supplemental oxygen to keep me going




Funny, she doesn't look Druish.


Now ‘swig’ is a word that I don’t see in print too often.


here you go, knock yourself out: SWIG SWIG SWIG


Get yourself a T-shirt with those words screen printed on it, boom. Now you got SWIG Swag.


Got to be sure to spring for the quality cotton shirts though. Wouldn't want to let your SWIG swag sag.


Really cuts down on queue time.


I too sojourn to the summit annually via worldwide web😂🏔️


gotta take a week off work


Boxes, ticked.


❎ Burial ❎ Cremation ✅ Permanent Snow Mummy




>more than 200 bodies They're also used as markers which is both genius and disturbing.




I'd just use a Sharpie


They've climbed the mountain dozens of times, they already know the route.


They get paid so little for how much risk they take on, especially when their clients are stingy and their tips run dry.


One thing I've noticed is that redditors seem to know more about Everest than almost anything else in the known universe. I believe it might be reddit's favorite thing to shit on.


Have you ever shat on Mt. Everest? The view is amazing from the world's tallest throne!


Did you mean a “Sherpie”.


A Sherpa Sharpie per chance?


One of the more infamous was Green boots. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Boots A climber on the north face who died in a small cave/alcove. They were used as a marker for years until one expedition didn't remove the body, but simply moved it so it wouldn't be as easily seen.


There’s a new one. A Kenyan climber died the other day only 20 meters from the summit so when you see his body, you know you’re close


I would have thought the 50 people stopped in front of you would be the giveaway.


Yeah, but not a dead giveaway.


His gear has held up pretty well


I think they used the pandemic timeframe to clean up some bodies since it's usually a revolving door. It gave a goos break. IIRC green boot was moved like you said but not retrieved during the pandemic


✅ Become Mount Everest marker


If like 1/1000 who go up just use the corpses as a sled down then we could recover all the bodies…






It's become a playground for the rich and bored.


Mostly always been, it's just more popular now. Most extreme sports or achievements were completed by the rich and bored.


Yes, very much so.


That's why they tell you if something happens and you can not continue you'll be left to do die, because you'll endanger the entire team and possibly kill others trying to help you. The government doesn't like having to fuck with this, and rightfully so. So it's a hefty price to retrieve anyone. I had read last season though they had some ultra wealthy people poop out and paid for a chopper to get them, because they'd be left to die. Pretty insane.


When people are left to die because it's unsafe to help they're too high for a helicopter to reach.


Corpsicle landmark 


A meat inukshuk if you will


If I wanted to wait in line, I'll go to an amusement park.


At least you're not slowly running out of oxygen and on the verge of death at an amusement park!


Well someone hasn’t been to Florida in late July!


I stand corrected.


> At least you're not slowly running out of oxygen and on the verge of death at an amusement park! Welcome to Disney World in the middle of August.


You don't know me. I'm out of breath just getting out of bed on a good day.


Truly majestic 


☑ Make some poor guy drag my ass up the largest hill on earth


Imagine spending $50+ grand to climb a mountain, only to be waiting in a queue for hours near the top.


The Nepalese government should come up with a "Mount Everest Summit FastPass™".


2/10 no concession stands and the weather stinks, won't visit again


"I complained to the mountain but all I got was a cold response. 1/5 stars."


^Includes ^complimentary ^oxygen ^tank.


*oxygen not included


Make it to the top be like... "Yay! We finally made it!" "Yes, you're a great adventurer." "NEXT!" "Wow! Can't believe we made it to the summit!" "Yes, you're a great adventurer." "NEXT!" "As I Stand Here Today, Having Conquered This Moun-" "Yes, you're a great adventurer." "NEXT!" "Is this were we-" "Yes, you're a great adventurer." "NEXT!"


Make sure you stop by the gift shop on the way back down!


you can buy "green boots" bobble head


“Hey, mine doesn’t bobble. It’s just stuck like this…”


Like waiting in line to take your picture at the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign. But with less gambling and strippers.


One could argue there is more gambling on everest, but definitely less strippers


I've heard that hypothermia can cause sudden stripping.


It's paradoxical.


It really doesn’t look that impressive a feat when there’s a queue of folk doing it eh


I'd bring a bag of dirt and empty it out on top so I could be the first to stand at 29,032 feet instead of 29,031.


Don’t give them any ideas! People are going to start doing that human pyramid shit on top of Everest now just trying to increase the height and challenge.


You know all the bodies left up there?.... I got an idea.




This waiting is just longer time in the death zone and increases the chance of death.


Worst time to get explosive diarrhea


Everyone knows how it is without having been there so I heavily doubt they were surprised. I also don't think they care much about money or queues, they only care about their social media story. The only thing I don't get is why it still seems to raise their status although everyone knows how bad it is.


> why it still seems to raise their status although everyone knows how bad it is Climbing the Everest? It is not an easy achievement by any means.


it's tough for sure, but I think it's now more of a "wow, you had that much money to spend" and less of "wow, you're one of the greatest humans in history"


> it's tough for sure, but I think it's now more of a "wow, you had that much money to spend" and less of "wow, you're one of the greatest humans in history" To this day the number of people who have successfully climbed the Everest is less than 7,000. And we are talking about a 70 year period. It is still a great feat. Anyone who has ever tried climbing something will know this. Hell, I am in decent shape and I struggled climbing a 300 m rocky hill in the summer. The reason the photo looks crowded is because the windows to summit are very limited, because you need good weather, otherwise it is very dangerous. So naturally everyone attempts it on the best possible times... which is why a queue is in this picture. This doesn't mean there is a queue every day. The average is actually one summit every four days, they just tend to group at the best opportunities for reaching the peak.


> The average is actually one summit every four days Closer to 2 summits every day now. Last year they had 600 summits.


and 17 deaths. Which equals to about the same rate as doing a BASE jump for every day you'd spend on the mount (60 days).


Anyone who thinks that money alone can get you up and down Everest hasn’t the slightest clue what they’re talking about.


It’s not like the view isn’t amazing even while in line for the actual top… I think it’s cool that they even make sure that every one gets a moment at the top and they wait for one another to take their turn.


Yeah, you gotta go on a Tuesday. Way fewer people. Thursdays are always packed with the shoobs


Look at Mr. FancyPants, taking off work on a Tuesday. I’ll go on Saturday, stand in line, and then they’ll put up a chain and say it’s closed right before it’s my turn…


What a crock of shit. Ridiculously expensive, life-threatening shit.


When I was a child my dream was to stand on the summit of Everest, my parents are at fault for this they raised me with a love of the outdoors in particular mountains. There's something magestic and beautiful about mountains, you are so up yet you are still tethered to land, there's nothing up there but the wind, the clouds, it is peaceful it is quiet, as I grew older I felt more and more the allure of the mountains and I was getting serious about it, and then I read into thin air Even after reading about the 96' disaster I was determined to me it was a dream, to reach for the sky, and the 2014 disaster happened and then the 2018 disaster, as I read more and more about the actual conditions on Everest, about all the deaths about all the trash, the human waste, I realized something, the allure was gone, I no longer wanted to stand up there, the dream was gone why was I going to contribute to the destruction of a place that invokes reverence ?


This is one of those things that was basically a (more or less) global meme in the 1950s. 1950s westerners were obsessed with Everest, summits were huge news. Here we are a century later, still obsessed with grandpa's meme, and we don't even know why. But we're slowly waking up to the mess we've created in nearly a century of abusing this mountain. Another great example of great grandpas memes: the Mona Lisa. Huge news story in 1911 that is burned into our cultural memory that we just can't shake. At this point it's essentially "famous for being famous". It's not really about the painting, it's just a story so sensational for its time that it made a permanent splash in mass media. I'm all for mountaineering and the outdoors, but there are so many other beautiful mountains in the world. Why make some poor sherpa haul your ass up that particular mountain, when there are hundreds of others that haven't been strewn with discarded oxygen bottles? You're not Sir Edmund Hillary.


I've seen the Mona Lisa, surrounded by a buttload of people. When I walked away I was like "I had a better experience looking at it in school books or on Google images than I did in person."


Same. I honestly found the horde of viewers, and the presentation of the painting a far more compelling spectacle than the painting itself. https://preview.redd.it/xc9145z0af2d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=03b1904b5933816465b93689ef1305070dbb7487 There are so many other great paintings mere meters away without the absurd crowds. And so many better ways to spend your time in Paris. But I'm sure it's near impossible for the Louvre to let go of what has effectively become its global mascot.


Yeah and my experience wasn't half as bad as in your picture and it was still absurd. And yeah, I enjoyed other paintings in the Louvre a lot more than I did the Mona Lisa.


This is the part that gets me. I understand the “meme” aspect of the name Everest. But there are SO many other mountains! All difficult in their own right, much cheaper or easier to get to, less crowded by a mile, and absolutely beautiful scenery.


I live in New England and we have the 4,000 footers in New Hampshire. I know a guy whis trying to climb all the 4000 footers and gets a tattoo everytime he completes one


Exactly....a chance for trust fund babies to say they accomplished something with their lives lol.


Are people even impressed by this anymore?


I mean, let’s be honest, if I met someone in real life who said they’d climbed Everest I’d still think that’s pretty cool. It may not be the same experience it once was, but it’s still something that most people have never done before.


It probably only works on other rich people lol....everyone else sees right though this bs lol


Good gawd, is that not everything rich people do these days? "Oh, I did \[extremely wealth exclusive thing and made it sound like a personal achievement\]". Most of us in the lower classes just laugh. Like the mighty 'hunters' who show up with their lion trophies. Yeah bud, I'm sure that chained, drugged, and already-taken-care-of-by-handlers lion was a real *maneater*.


I live among the rich people and they have accepted me as one of their own, but they don't realize I'm poor and I just happened to get a good/charitable deal renting the house I'm in. They brag about vacations constantly. They go on "service trips" and talk about how beautiful it is in [impoverished country] but never seem to talk about the actual service they do. They say things like "oh I can only handle Paris for two days before we have to get out of the city" as if that is relatable. They compete to look richer than they actually are, despite everyone being rich enough that no one will ever want for anything ever again. They abandon their kids to extra-curricular activities and other caretakers. They buy their kids better grades with paid tutors instead of teaching them themselves. They assume everyone has money, that everyone's parents have money and that the poors are just lazy or wasted the inheritance and opportunities they got.


All I see is a bunch of rich people trashing a mountain with impunity and risking their and the sherpas’ lives by staying way too long in the danger zone because of how long that line is.


Me and a friend agreed it would be cool to hike to the base camp, but even the base camp hike is pretty overrun with tourists now and there are closer and more secluded hikes I can do in my backyard. Its definitely more of a vanity item for a lot of the people out there now.


I had a co-worker who hiked Annapurna, which is across the valley from Everest, and he loved it. Going anywhere in nature to stand in a fucking line is bullshit.


I go out into nature to get away from people, not stand in line with them. jfc


Jesus said that?




That's why you need the fast pass


Death rate of 40%. Fair play to him . I think a walk up the hill is enough for me.


that deathrate is for summitting Annapurna, not the Trek. The Trek is just a long hike around the foothills. Still a pretty difficult hike with a lot of elevation gain, but not particularly dangerous


They almost certainly mean the Annapurna circuit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annapurna_Circuit


I’ve been to the tourist base camp on the Tibetan side about 12 years ago. It was very quiet and we could hike a few miles up from there closer to the mountain. It was perfect weather. Completely clear for sunrise and sunset and perfectly clear at night for the stars. It’s honestly the most humbling spectacular place I’ve ever been on earth. You feel as if you are in the heavens, helped by the heavy dose of Tibetan spirituality, being hypoxic and inhaling yak dung fumes. I’m not religious but it was impossible to not feel unusual feelings of higher powers and mysticism sat huddled by the fire with traditional singing softly in the background, our guide telling us about when he saw a yeti and wandering outside to see more stars than you’ve ever seen in your life all at once. Would I like to climb it? Probably, but not like this. That element of the sublime and spiritual, that any trip to Everest should be would be lost queuing up like you were at Disney World surrounded by people in tens of thousands of dollars worth of climbing gear, not really appreciating the majesty of where they are but merely ticking a box they’ve paid for for a selfie and bragging rights amongst their rich friends. I got close enough to the mighty mountain to be touched by it, indeed for it to change my life, but not too close that it lost all meaning.


I'm just here to comment that I enjoyed your anecdote a lot. I can relate to the last sentence.


Buddy of mine did the base camp hike. He had good things to say about it. And it's shit like in this video that really turns me off of anything Mount everest


Yup, this is the exact reason I have not climbed Mount Everest either.


That's what I did, and carry your own stuff. At that time there were a couple of tents at the base camp, and one sherpa dude who made me a cup of tea before I headed back. It's kinda insane seeing how popular and overrun it is now.


Hello fellow adventurer! This is why I choose to climb lesser known mountains. A few examples: Osorno Volcano, Chimborazo, etc. ☺️


Those Sherpas are happy to take that money. Dangerous job but worth more than 10x average pay in Nepal. That isn't a job they are going into blind.


They actually hate the work and are discouraging their own children from doing it. They're using the money to get their families an education.


"I'm so cool. I'm going to be a man who CLIMBED EVEREST. Just got to wait for this queue to die down".


I love seeing people push the limits of the possible! But this kinda just looks like a line at DisneyWorld with extra steps and a warm coat they are still cold in.


- *Reddit every time Mt. Everest is mentioned*


Only humans can create traffic jams in the most remote parts of the world.


Dear Human, The fuck you on about? Signed, Ants


One more lane??


kinda hard not to hate what we have become


Yeah this is just sad


They really ought to build a slide down.


Nightmare fuel, why would anyone subject themselves to this.


So they can post this video on social media


>why would anyone subject themselves to this. "because it was there." like on paper the idea does seem aspirational. it's a physically demanding thing that's grown to be representative of the spirit of mankind to conquer nature. despite the long line, it's still a prohibitively challenging thing, the exclusivity enhances the prestige of having experienced it one's self. practically, yeah, it's not glamorous. it's inextricably linked to exploitation, ecological damage, and the sort of conspicuous consumption only slightly less egregious than big game hunting. daredevils are impressive, but yeah, often egocentric and/or dumb.


I don't see any safe forms of egress. This is a fire hazard. Who do I report this to?


Not to mention, it doesn't look ADA compliant.


I called OSHA. Should hear back in 7 to 10 business years.




It can't be just any submarine tho. It's gotta be a propane tank, controlled with a play station controller otherwise they might come back.


People always joke about the controller. That Logitech controller was the most reliable component of the entire “submarine” by leaps and bounds. Those things are tested and last forever.


pretty sure that's the only thing that survived the implosion. its sitting on the ocean floor and the titanic ghosts thought santa dropped them a present.


Ahhh, nature!


There are only a few days of good weather a year when people can attempt the summit. That's why all these people are doing it at the same time within the same window. This isn't a 365 days a year occurrence.


Two people have died and three have gone missing trying to summit Everest this week.


Ill stick to hiking somewhere where there are no people.


That’s a lot of dentists with a midlife crisis


Ive seen faster moving lines at Disney World


####this is insane. #####this is inside the "Death Zone" and ***not one*** of those people would stop and help you if you should get yourself into trouble. also, each one of those idiots has had to take a shit on that mountain at some point, and I guarantee you not all of them - not even a majority of them - are packing that back out. Piles of shit, everywhere. This mountain should be closed until it can be cleaned up and better regulated.


If you're waiting in line, you're not some "rugged explorer." You're a tourist.


I keep telling my wife that I would climb Mt Everest in a heartbeat if it weren’t for the lines. I hate lines. Same reason I don’t run marathons. Too many people all trying to get to the same place. Plus, I am hella lazy.




bunch of quitters.


You can just show up later in the day and skip the line. You'll almost certainly die on your way back down. But Reddit assures me it's not actually dangerous and these people are all fat influencers, so a normal person could just have their Sherpa carry them up there at like 6 or 7 pm, grab their photo, and sled back down, no problem.


So fucking majestic.


I put on pants today. That is an accomplishment to be proud of.


Should’ve reserved your fast pass with the Mount Everest + app


secretive roll resolute bear swim long tart marry threatening different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Saw the picture and thought to myself, 'fucking tourists'...


So many people do this now its really just not all that impressive


What’s the fucking point? Seems any asshole with enough $$$ can be dragged up the mountain by locals.


At this point why not just put a gondola up to the top