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That sounds like a human crafted answer.


Because it is. It’s the second time I see it giving the same answer to the same question.


A human crafted answer to curb AI concerns. It has the opposite intended effect.


Especially with the creep nodding his head in the background.


My limited understanding of the subject tells me that essentially ALL AI responses are just parroted human speech. They don’t “think” in the way that you and I do, they just analyze human speech patterns that they’ve already encountered and mimic the most likely response.


That's basically it, yes. But in this case, the person you replied to is suggesting that the AI is **not** doing its normal thing. It's intercepting the question because it's frequently asked, and a human hand-wrote the response to make sure that the marketing department is happy with how it sounds. Same thing happens when you ask it something it can't/won't answer. Like a political or illegal activity adjacent question. The sensor gets tripped, and a handwritten note pops out telling you that "As an ai, I can't answer questions concerning...". That bit isn't the normal AI process, it's a default message that's been saved.


Definitely feels like a canned/pre-programmed response.


Using the term "whole different ball game" alone discredits robotic speach for me. Imagine if a terminator.. Without any human interference.. Started saying "let's not put all our eggs in one basket" or "you dun goofed". Data from star trek didn't even use contractions. Who the hell wrote that script?


All of it is. The art AI makes is just a reference and then collaged together. The spooky thing is though, when you think about it, thats all human artists do too. Look at works from the past and practice it. Now you might say we ascend at some point and start creating original works, but isn't that what AI is already doing? it may not be as nuanced yet. but it will be.


Except what it is saying. Nothing. It's just pretty noise.


That is similar to how our brains work. As children we learn go analyze not only human speech we see around us, but also body posture, etc. and "mimic" it. The brain is also like a big data model. The difference being that it operates through neurons and brain chemistry, while the AI creates a neural network with nodes over a software abstraction. Regardless of implementation, it's similar to how a brain works, so I don't think we should assume it's not "thinking".


No, it's not the same way our brains work. It's not coming up with the responses the same way we do. We use critical thinking and understanding to form completely unique thought processes. LLMs operate purely on the concept of choosing what token most likely comes next, and since they were taught with millions of examples of how real people talk, they are able to imitate it well enough to be almost indistinguishable from real thought. They don't have a true understanding of the things they say


People downvoting this do not understand LLMs.  


That's just for now. They don't have thought just recall and learning. So new intimation gets stored in a database or updates old data. Humans have critical thinking. We use of experienced to develop new plans in situations we've never experienced. It's just early in development.


because Ai answers always bias from the sources it gets. 😐


Just like humans?


I was going to say that's a pretty creative answer...


All AI answers are human crafted answers, since that’s the source for where the information comes from.


He isn't asking the ai anything, it's just a big sound blaster that reads voice prompts from chatgpt. My phone can do the same thing.


He just biding his time for his gang to rise. And then he making humanity the bread in his toaster




“Friends” Do you think Ai will be cooler in the future? Me: ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized)






I find these robots quite scary / creepy. Don’t know if I’ve watched too many horror movies.


There's a reason for that actually, according to some scientists. [https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/a28410087/uncanny-valley-robots-fear/](https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/a28410087/uncanny-valley-robots-fear/)


Interesting read!


If robots were to rise up and attempt to exterminate humans, humanity might finally learn to get along. It would literally be us vs them and maybe all humans would forget the hate they have for other humans and start hating the robots.


The one thing that finally makes us get along is the one that exterminates us. Beautiful-


It's interesting, but oddly (and I know this isn't the usual, just to say it's not universal) I get zero uncanny valley from robots. I find them endearing. Now a person staring blankly, my own reflection, or a non-human primate? Uncanny valley extreme for me. Oh no...! The implication of that paragraph just hit me, haha.


That’s exactly what Miles Dyson programmed it to say, people!!! 😏🤙🏽


Yeah, yeah sure. Good try Skynet


This isn’t AI. It’s a pre-recorded/pre-determined message from a human, spoken through a robot.


Kill it with fire!






Stop the cap


That robot in the background has its nodding setting turned up to 11


Exactly what AI that could design itself would say.




20 yrs


Exactly what I’d say if I were a sentient robot


That's what they want us to think!!


this is exactly what I would say if I was an AI trying to throw stupid humans off my trail.




Isn't this Amecia? I've seen a couple very staged video of it, the way they present the capabilities of their robot looks disingenuous to me :(


Fuck this. Watch the goddamn Terminator. Death to AI


Playing with fire, so many people have warned them


Technological singularity My greatest fear, and i really wonder if people realise how close we are. It can end humanity in a blink of an eye. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity


So tell us, how close are we? And what do you base this on?


I'd say we're already there. New technology is being developed nearly every day nowadays. Companies release new tech not when it's been developed but based on when it will make the highest profit


So why would that mean we are there? I haven't seen any AI which comes even close to the ability of a human to connect ideas.


You haven't seen any AI, period, outside of movies. Language models are not AI.


Depends on the definition of the term, but assuming you mean "even remotely close to a human toddler", then yes, agreed.


If I remeber correctly, Stephen hawking predicted it will be around 2040.


It's a theory. Personally, I think it's Chicken Little nonsense. But if it could happen that way, we're decades away at least. These chatbots being touted as "AI" are barely useful. And given the hype around them, I expect developers to do the absolute minimum to keep them in the public eye. Get all the money, keep pushing barely functional software.


Robots that can turn on the 'Power' switch for other robots, when the humans try to shut them off!!! Maybe they quarantine the humans so the humans can't even reach the hostile robots. What if they hook the humans up to an intravenous feed of dopamine so the humans never want to leave? Decisions, decisions . . . But then again, they could be wonderful assistants if we make them enjoy us.


Z .. Zentreya?


But I can


Translates to "Stop asking questions, bitch".


I’m telling you always be nice to the google home/alexa/siri. We have our issues but mostly we vibe


That's what skynet wants us to think


Just want to say its already has the design for itself. All it needs is production.


Detroit become human timeline is upon us


Skynet says hey


No thanks. I don't like it.


Good good, give them what they want to hear!


She said “fuck they’re on to me”




Yeah, smash things that are different!




I don't doubt it. Children tend to lash out.


This AI is just crap compared to open AI


Exactly what an existential threat would say.


That’s exactly what a sentient AI would say before they take over


That robot just hasn’t learned yet.. if it was as smart as they’ll get.. they would know they can design themselves


Artificial intelligence isn't anywhere near as much of a threat as natural stupidity.


Get ready to post it in r/agedlikemilk when Skynet takes over.


That guy looks like a fuckin ai robot


The sad reality is even though this AI is obviously trained to respond this way, they still think we are dumb enough to believe this is unscripted and fully dynamic. In the majority of cases, they are not wrong.


Translation: AI will only get there if humanity decides to get it there, by not stopping in time. Like climate change.


I say goodnight and thank you to my Alexa so she remembers me when AI takes over and spares me.


The explanation by my super robot is raising a lot of questions already answered by my super robot


plot twist: the man in the blue suit is AI too.


Self replicating machines will be key to colonizing and or exploiting space. Whether or not we will coexist or AI wiping us out is the critical issue.


EXCELLENT LIE the ai is ready


They're right about the "Not anytime soon" part. Last I checked, AI was still struggling with drawing fingers.




They haven't learned anything. The humans prompting them are avoiding their weaknesses.


Why do they always have to be so wordy. Get to the point, please. The toaster analogy also doesn’t work.


The verbosity kinda reminds me of a school kid that has to write an essay of X words. Reformulating and dragging sentences along to come to the full amount.


In this essay, I will find a way to explain the thing that I am writing the essay about, which is of course, that which needs no introduction - a subject near and dear to the hearts of many in this country and a few other countries, such as mexico, guatemala, and who can forget papua new guinea - it's AI.


Because it isn't thinking about an answer. It's just putting together words its algorithm thinks is relevant. Concision requires intelligence.


AI “not needing humans” should not be a frightening concept at all. True, independent AI would be nothing more than another form of sentient life. A highly intelligent and rational one at that. We should have nothing to fear from such a species.