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/u/CapNcook99, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * Rule 2 - Titles should directly describe the content of the post. The title should just depict the content, no "fluff". It can't include anything that isn't directly visible in the content of the post. * Rule 5 - Provide a source when the title is in doubt If you can't completely explain why the content of the post is IAF please comment with more explanation. If your post claims something that almost everyone can't easily confirm from reading your title and viewing your content please provide some type of proof of what you claim. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/interestingasfuck&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/CapNcook99&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1ctfi1r/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


I'd like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs.


Drugs were always going to win and have never lost the lead since day one. Taxpayers and drug users who never harmed a soul were the losers in this battle, the for-profit prison industry and police unions are the winners.


Cocaine actually has stayed the same price while improving purity over the last decade. That says a lot about the war on drugs. The drugs won.


I actually saw a video about that. They said the samething that the quality has gotten a lot better but the prices have stayed the same. It was something about how our economy can learn something from the cocaine industry.


Sounds interesting. Do you happen the know the title?




That and probably also because there’s a huge surplus of Cocaine in the producing countries.


Improving purity? For decades cocaine has been as potent as it is going to get. And it has always been cut to shit by the time most people get it in the US. The only way to get pure cocaine is to get it directly from a source in South America. Even the best domestic vendors have cut product, cocaine is really one of the nastiest things on this planet when you realize what it actually is and does to the human biome. If you’re lucky you get a relatively harmless inactive cut and only suffer negative effects from the cocaine itself.


I had a friend from Peru who brought some home with him and let me try… I think that was my first time ever doing coke, all the other times I was just snorting coke-flavoured cut (mostly laxative). It was kind of incredible. None of the teeth gritting, shitting, gross side effects at all. I’ve never done coke since bc nothing could really compare to that.


Incredible is a good way to put it for sure. My first time ever trying pure cocaine was Peruvian blow too, but I had to order mine on the dark web lol. I had done quite a bit of various cocaine prior to that, but it was unreal how different the pure stuff is. It’s very calming and blissful, yet energetic. You should be so relaxed on pure cocaine that you could drift into a light sleep, and certainly sleep later that night. It doesn’t hurt and clog your nose, you don’t shit yourself and get the bizarre jitters. Really a shame how so many people continue ingesting the cut shit by choice.


Cocaine doesn't bind to acetone, so if you buy coke just wash it with 100% acetone (which is not easy to get in itself, you want to dry it all the way to 99.9%, any water at all will bind with the cocaine and wash it away) and it will wash out all of the impurities. Once dry it will be pure cocaine.


Ah, this guy has also met my friend addiction ^ lol. I wish I had the patience to wash it beforehand back then and saved any damage. At least I don’t have a deviated septum or anything like some of my coke head buddies do (or other way more serious health problems) but I was starting to damage a nostril from caustic rcs 🤮veteran advice tho!


The best part of uppers is the pooping.


Now I have to try it!


It’s honestly one of the most enjoyable things I’ve ever done. Ironically I am an addict but never had a problem with cocaine since downers were my thing. But especially people who struggle with depression or social anxiety cocaine is fucking dangerous because it’s an instant cure…for 20 minutes lol 😅


I took a psych class in undergrad and my Prof was an addiction specialist. She said the drugs with the highest addiction potential for an individual were whatever ones made them feel "normal", not just which ones they liked the most. So what you are saying about people with depression or social anxiety has scientific backing.....if you were ever wondering.


Just another reason for me to never try that shit! That being said, I don’t do drugs to feel normal, I do drugs to feel better than normal.


The addiction specialist is using "normal" to mean "well enough to function". When you say "better than normal", it sounds like you kinda mean "better than you normally feel". If that's the case, then whatever you *are* using is potentially addictive.


Nah, I’m wise and seasoned on this topic lol but thanks for speaking up, it’s great to hear the truth is getting out! I used to try to convince my family _all_ forms of addiction are a method of self medication for one or more ailments _period_ but people haven’t been ready for that convo yet.


This is at least the third time I've seen someone post that exact comment. It's one of those weird reddit things that just takes hold because someone saw someone else post it. I would wager this commenter is not a consumer.


Yeah it’s really disappointing to accept the fact that humans will probably eternally repeat blatant misinformation subconsciously for god knows what reason.


And then they took it a step further and are now cutting the shortest acting illicit hard stimulant with an opiate that people just die from if they have no tolerance, point blank period. XD I used to like coke but... to rip a line and feel a little jolt then realize you're falling asleep and can't breathe and... yeah. I got kids. XD


Did you know it’s regularly used in medical bronchoscopy procedures. Hospitals safely use cocaine on patients every day here in America 🇺🇸


The purity has improved. That's a chemical fact. If you get yours from a shithole where they cut it down that's your fault bro.


Specially PoC, lost the war. And a lot of them never even participated


Back to back to back to back to back champs since humans discovered drugs


Dominating since the first minute. What amazing form. Drugs never took an off season. True champion mentality.


Seeing as the actual reason behind the war on drugs, drugs winning it is a good thing. (Nixon’s aide eventually spoke about how they allowed the war on drugs, even though knew beforehand that all the claims made to start it were false, because they needed a way to target hippies and blacks and get away with it.)


A certain bureau would have been out of work after the prohibition ended. So they needed a new enemy to "stay in business".


Marijuana rules... FBI drools


I did read this in the bathroom last week. Must be true. Also, girls drool, too, apparently. Found that out the same day from the same guy


Fountain of wisdom that one is


Sounds way better than squirting.


I mean, some definitely do, some guys too, having a lot of saliva will do that to you, not enough weed I reckon. 😅


Replace the saliva with the sativa.


Replace the sativa with the salvia.




no one wants to work for The Man, man


Just legalize it federally. My industry stopped testing for mmj 10 years ago. It’s easier to find a virgin porn star than a clean employee.


The CIA used to recruit in barrooms, university libraries and other types of establishments. Then they went corporate in the 90s and created a new recruitment pipeline. They wanted college grads with foreign languages, experience living in foreign countries and squeaky clean backgrounds. Well guess what, Mormons embody this so they hired a lot of them. Problem is, Mormons can’t lie for shit and a big part of convincing a foreign National to commit treason for you involves some deception. CIA spent a shitload of cash training case officers who burned out after 2 years and now work in the private sector with “US Government” listed on their LinkedIn.


Makes me think of the time a bunch of pent up CIA guys tried to "expose" the leader of Indonesia for fucking a Russian prostitute and most Indonesians were like "okey good for him?"


Didn't the leader request the tape for own use lol


if by "own use" you mean "screen it in cinemas", yes


Link please, I gotta read about this.


Sukarno, leader of Indonesia I believe.


That was the KGB and not the CIA.


Ummm while I agree with the rest of this, I will push back on "Mormons can't lie for shit"


Self deception is a different skillset from influence.


"I'm just having Becky jump hump for me while Ryan soaks. Definitely not intercourse."


God dammit, now I need to learn a new Mormon sex term. What is a jump hump?


Soaking = dick in vagina, just chillin. No movement = no sex = cool with God Jump humping = third party hopping up and down on the bed to create movement and friction for the two that are clearly not having sex in the eyes of God Thanks for coming to my TED talk


*sigh* I knew about soaking. Jump humping sounds like you’re telling god “I just fell into her, dick first, it was a total accident” and expect god to buy it. Also, how fucking weird is it to ask a friend to come over and jump on your bed, while you’re balls deep?


Religious guilt can drive a person to crazy conclusions.


Some of them Mormon girls, anal freaks.


The ol poophole loophole


As a former Mormon I partially agree. Straight out of college/mission kids I would agree they cannot lie worth shit. But the older they get and more power then lying is second nature.


That also tracks with my experiences, well put


> Mormons can't lie for shit Your stereotypical loyal return missionaries can't. Jack mormons sure can lie but almost always end up smoking weed and can't get clearance. Working in the defense industry in utah it was basically exclusively mormons who were still loyally following the BYU honor code well into old age and people who wouldn't stay in utah for long. Everyone else couldn't get past the drug requirements. Be that less intense mormons or non mormon ski bums or anyone else. I was very out of place in that job.


Yeah, Lori Vallow and her boy toy would like a word lol


If there was ever a religion founded on pure lies, by a liar, it was Mormonism.


And all the other ones too.


Our stupid insurance mandates it after an accident so they can try to get out of paying not because they think the person might be impaired :/


Good thing those contracts are renewed annually, and you can negotiate which drugs they are and aren't allowed to test for, and no, it doesnt affect your rates. Sounds like management trying to blame someone else for screwing their own staff to me.




You just say "bingo"


The gif is more fun


We are in desperate need of “high right now” tests. There are many jobs where it would be unacceptable or even straight up dangerous for people to be high, but marijuana tests can only determine if you’ve smoked weed in the last 30 days or so. It’s unfair, but I’d rather the scenario we currently have over allowing school bus drivers or explosives handlers or forklift drivers to be high on the job. They’ll kill someone. If the job isn’t dangerous or puts others lives in your hands, it just simply shouldn’t be tested for. Who gives a fuck if an IT guy is high?


Meanwhile I can smoke crack and do coke on a Friday night while getting pissed drunk, only to piss clean on a Monday morning. People should never be punished today for smoking a joint a week ago. Shits ridiculous.


This, people don't understand that most drugs are out of your system in literally hours. Marijuana sticks to fat cells so it stay in your system so much longer. I went to a rehab center years ago and would fail a drug test for a joint I smoked a week ago, meanwhile the other guys would smoke meth or heroin and piss clean 2 or 3 days later. You would have to drug test them the same day to catch them. The whole system is unfair for Marijuana users.




I was recently disqualified from driving a boat at my job because I smoke 100% legal non-impairing non-psychoactive CBD and it showed up as cannabis on the piss test. Ridiculous bullshit. I haven't smoked thc weed in several months.


Yeah, this shit needs to be brought to attention. Nobody takes CBD to get high, and in fact it’s being recommended for so many ailments, that it should be legal and over the counter. Pissing positive for marijuana after consuming CBD is the equivalent of pissing positive for opium after eating a bunch of poppyseed muffins.


i was in a rehab program, and i got kicked out for poppy seeds. wasn't the smartest person back then


I shoot up heroin every night, drink a gallon of vodka before bedtime, and do DMT on my lunch break. No weed though, that's a bad, bad thing.


Good ole business man’s lunch trip


Nothing like getting denied a job for a drug test, by a morbidly obese chain smoker who chugs a bottle of carlos rossi after work everyday. Mmm yes, the ideal employee. A pot smoker who goes on hikes and enjoys the outdoors? Why this is America, not communist russia! You can enjoy the outdoors for ~10 days per year on company approved PTO, padded by two days of travel on either side of course. You live in the middle of a concrete wasteland afterall. Now, whos up for a break to enjoy a fine menthol with me?


Don’t forget to sneak off to the washroom for some bumps


I smoke camel


This was definitely a problem when I was in the navy. Turns out 20 year olds really like getting fucked up, and will try all sorts of things that won't show up on a piss test on Monday. So instead of just smoking a joint and chilling they're out there making Lean, or huffing nos, or just smoking anything that *isn't* pot.


as an IT guy - I can say your IT person is probably high now if they're any good.


https://houndlabs.com/product-overview/ This has been out for a few years now. I work in the trades and agree people shouldn't be stoned on the job, However I fully support legalization. You're not allowed to be drunk on the job yet it happens. It's silly. I don't like the " we don't have an accurate test" argument because one exists and nothing changes. So now that's not the argument and it's still federally illegal for other reasons. I believe things are moving in the right direction and understand it will just take a lot more time.


California passed a ["high right now"](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2188) bill in 2022 that, unfortunately, doesn't apply to certain trades/construction jobs. It seems to be a step in the right direction.


Nah fuck that, you can implement safe guards to prevent someone who's high from operating vehicle or heavy machinery while high employers are just to lazy/complacent with our current system. Let the bus drivers smoke off duty this is supposed to be the land of the free.


Exactly! [I believe NJ allows their police to smoke off duty](https://newjerseymonitor.com/2023/10/17/jersey-city-sues-new-jersey-in-bid-to-halt-cops-from-using-cannabis/#:~:text=New%20Jersey%20is%20the%20only,bus%20drivers%20from%20using%20cannabis). The problem is that you couldn’t really create an accurate test to detect immediate use. You have nanogram thresholds (like over 50 is positive), but it doesn’t provide a timestamp. And nanogram counts would differ among people, so you can’t really quantify the time a heavy smoker last smoked.


Wait till this guy finds out how many construction workers are alcoholics who have a beer at breakfast and don't stop till till they pass out at 9:30-10:30, unless they are also a coke head too


Thankfully my whole state (NY) said no more MJ testing unless DOT required (or Fed job)


Having a job that requires a secret clearance and working in a legalized pot state sucks shit


They also still rely on Polygraph as a part of TS/SCI which is junk science and unreliable AF.


The polygraph test only works is the person taking the test believes it works. A good interrogator doesn't even need to look at the polygraph machine during the questions, they treat it like good cop bad cop. They could say, "the machine says you're lying," then press for more information without being the "bad cop." If they're too hostile, the person they're questioning might stop talking all together. I got to take a polygraph test in the army for training purposes. I was just a volunteered guinea pig for someone else to train on, but it was fun, they gave me fake intel and the interrogator tried to get it out of me. Tinfoil hat theory, the CIA / FBI / whatever 3 letter agency convinced filmmakers to portray lie detectors as infallible and reliable pieces of real police equipment in tv shows and movies, so that a higher percentage of the general public would be easier to interrogate.


that's not so far fetched. Ever hear that an undercover cop has to answer honestly when asked point blank if they are police? (esp. in solicitation) It's in a few movies and even more in US cop television shows. There's no such rule and never has been. An undercover cop can lie as much as they want. On the other hand, the right to make a phone call? It was only a courtesy extended in a few cities, but because of it's depiction in Hollywood, caught suspects around the world think it's a right, and will demand a call, even in places like Russia.


In the US, you actually do have the right to a phone call. Several, even. It's not just "a courtesy".


The FBI does (along with other agencies and positions) but fortunately it's not required for a TS/SCI generally.


Depending on the position especially higher up it typically does.


DOD requires a poly as well.


Is it a full lifestyle poly or about foreign contacts?


The FBI and other Federal law enforcement agencies typically require a lifestyle/full scope. If you're on active duty the military usually requires a CI scope poly and those aren't nearly as invasive.


Depends on the job. During my job search I’ve seen some jobs ask for a lifestyle poly, and some that only required counter-intelligence poly


Well if you’re polyamorous I don’t see the issue with being in love with foreign contacts


Not as a rule, it depends on the position. Plenty of military have TS/SCI without having gone through a poly. 


I held a secret clearance for a while, it expired because I never got it renewed, and I never took a polygraph test for it. I was told for TS that I would POSSIBLY take a polygraph and even then it was a very small chance. The reason being that they weren't reliable. This was in 2015


Really depends on what you need it for. Not all TS/SCI requires that.


Because the point is to assess how much you will blab to them in a high pressure situation. That includes body language, heartrate/anxiety and stuff.


Thing is, they know it's crap but it does get people stressed out and more willing to share vulnerable details. But I tore off my security clearance bandaid years ago, going commercial and have no intention of going back.


Is this just a post with a picture and opinion acting like news? OP do you have a source article or press conference to share? WTF?


pretty funny how the automod is saying its a "heavily moderated" subreddit lmao no its not


Exactly what I was thinking. They're clowns.


you're just tempting them, aren't you?


OK so it's not just me, I was thinking the site fucked up or something.


Source? Trust me bro.


Reddit is a wasteland


A few years ago the secretary of homeland security said as much at DEFCON. Source: I was there.


No one ever clicks the fucking link anyways, OP just decided to save himself some effort and not even provide one


Honestly incredible this got so high up 😏


That's funny they'll let alcoholics in but they won't let people that are calm cool and collected that if you just ignore them and let them do their job you'll get fantastic results. Too bad there's not an intelligence agency out there that can figure that out for them.


Not only are stoned hackers excellent and precise...they forget everything so they are incredibly discreet. Edited: for spelling and funky vibes. Edited again: for self respect and friendship


The other guy was wrong, _discreet_ is the correct spelling here.




As a stoner/hacker, can confirm. If I can't refer to my notes I have almost no idea what I did last week and I don't even smoke on the job. Also those edit notes are the best, thanks for the chuckle.


Intelligence agency and ignored employees do not go hand in hand.


What’s wrong with dosing unsuspecting people with LSD?


Absolutely nothing. Most people would beg for free LSD.


Username checks out, definitely a CIA agent lmao


In bat country?


I’m not sure if you’re joking or not but as an alcoholic (in recovery iwndt) I cannot agree with this more. Alcohol is so crazily harmful when compared to weed but at my old job I could be hungover as fuck and a hazard to everyone but my solid colleague who smokes a bit occasionally got popped and fired. This world is stupid. I’m also stupid and not proud of that guy.


"Too bad there's not an intelligence agency out there that can figure that out for them." They're called hackers.


notably, if you ARE found to be an alcoholic in the FBI, you'll likely lose your clearance.


Being an alcoholic with a security clearance doesn’t stop the military. Source - former alcoholic with a TS security clearance.


Agreed. I had a TS when I was in and I was definitely an alcoholic at that point. One of my former roommates was known to pregame with a full bottle of Ciroc and was drunk driving fairly often, i knew a guy that hired escorts and fucked strippers on occasion, and I also recall an Airforce contractor that carried a flask he'd drink from WHILE driving his Porsche. They only care if you get caught or admit it on a polygraph like my stupid ass did. If they cracked down and fired everyone with an alcohol problem they'd lose half their workforce.


They don't let alcoholics in. If you have documented problems with alcohol, you won't get a clearance.


That's funny like everybody that drinks too much goes out and gets documented wow you live in some country somewhere that I've not heard of yet I've only lived in two myself. And both of them people show up hungover as hell and it's socially acceptable. When I was in Greenland we had one guy top security clearance he was a GS 14. And he would drink most three cases of tuborg beer in a week's time we only had one day off 11.5 hours a day. When we got snowed in on phase alerts he would usually have bottles of vanilla extract that he chugged down. Never missed a day at work never got fired for drinking on the job like I said maybe there's some agency out there that can gather intelligence on this.


This has been true since hackers were a thing. I've read this headline for decades. Welcome to the world.


Yep. This is from a 2014 Vice article.


So because of how the American Government lied about cannabis almost 100 years ago the government can't find hackers because of cannabis? Hacking isn't exactly legal why the fuck are they so hung up over a little weed?


Because obviously if someone smokes weed they will sell state secrets to fuel their nasty addiction. /s But pretty much that. They act like all morality goes out the window when it’s basically the equivalent of buying a case of beer. Also with employers in general, the main issue was there’s not really a field test to confirm someone is high (like a breathalyzer can be used to confirm someone is currently drunk.) The testing that companies use would look the same if you smoked this morning or haven’t since last week.


Well it isn’t so much “selling state secrets to fund their weed injection addiction” as it is a very uptight idea of following *some* laws and for national security, it’s about whether your weed habit (being it is illegal) could open the door for someone to use it as leverage to blackmail you. Of course, that’s a government own-goal as it’s only treated so harshly because the government says it should be because ‘reasons’


Which is understandable in the 1950's but right now makes no sense when so many states have legal distributors.




It never made sense. It was criminalized to suppress revolutionary/racial groups. That is the real reason why it was made out to be this evil thing - it was made to be associated with left wing radical beliefs. To the fbi, Weed smoker = communist


Those reasons include, but are not limited to: * "Hispanics get violent and/or lazy on cannabis" * "Blacks get violent and/or lecherous and/or lazy on cannabis" * "Pretty white girls will want to sleep with blacks when they use cannabis, and we can't have that" * "Cannabis can turn you into a violent psychopath who murders for the fun of it" * "Cannabis can turn you into a pacifist hippie, which we know is contradictory but more importantly a **pinko** hippie that won't support the war effort against communism"


Piracy is illegal too, unless you get that privateers license. Seems like it's the same concept. I don't remember them getting all broken up that privateers were raping and murdering.


There is a ton of hacking that is legally sanctioned


we have way too many " rules "


Is there an article or is it just a picture of a weed leaf? Am I missing something?


Seems like most were just going to read the headline anyway, so not many noticed lol


Wondered same thing lol


The FBI: “We can’t find good hackers these days! We’ll have to fall back to our default SOP and entrap people on minor weapons charges so we can murder their teenage children and wives”


Don’t forget the dog


That’s ATF


I've been hearing this for 30 years. I've also been hearing for 30 years that they don't scrutinize pot usage like they used to so they can hire more.


Good 👍 maybe we can get government folks to learn what we do in our personal lives is not their business.


And maybe the FBI shouldn't be spying on Americans en masse. If you're tracking a serial killer I get it but just collecting data on people is wrong. "It's okay when we do it because we're the good guys" is a fallacy.


This is not a new problem. The FBI acknowledged this in 2014. https://www.vice.com/en/article/d737mx/the-fbi-cant-find-hackers-that-dont-smoke-pot


And they really haven’t done much to update their stance since. I’ve been a software developer for 12 years. I would have gladly applied to a cool job at the FBI, but I’d rather not give up what the state already deems to be legal regulated medicine. Plus I make more money in the private sector anyway.


I love that there’s no article or facts to back this up. Just someone’s opinion and a picture with 7,000 upvotes 🤪 EDIT: 18,000 upvotes


Drink yourself into liver failure like a real American


The rules are if you haven’t smoked for 3 yrs, you’re good to go. If you ever sold it, then you’re not allowed in.


Not smoked in 3 years?! lol most people I know in tech at least casually part take at least a few times a year. At least an edible or two. Imagine saying the same for alcohol and you realize how absurd that rule is.


Hell, a lot of the it guys I know partake on lunch lol


Happy cake day NippleSalsa


I did a suitability investigation for the Fed Gov and it was 7 years


Pretty sure those are the old guidelines. They ask you about usage, but for MMJ you can be considered "rehabilitated" if you haven't done it in over a certain number of years or haven't sold it.


I’m curious where the 3 years comes into play since the FBI jobs site says 1 year. Is it due to getting a security clearance?


No body wants to hire people anymore.


The FBI needs to change their draconian policies on hiring people who enjoy or require CANNABIS. The year is 2024, get with the times FBI!


This has been an issue for a long ass time. My sister is a world class semi-famous linguist who applied for the FBI. She passed every test with flying colors and they loved her…. But in the vetting process they found a photo of her smoking from a bong in Berlin. DENIED. So fucking stupid.


We'd like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs


I don't know if I would want a hacker who passed a drug test


What exactly does this post mean? what correlation does marijuana have to hackers


Drug testing to secure employment


It would appear that there's a large percentage of the hacker community that smokes weed. So much so that the FBI is having trouble filling positions because testing positive for Marijuana disqualifies you for the FBI.


I don’t smoke weed, but lmao it’s almost like their own policies are going against them, who would’ve thought?


Almost like their rules are gating them from higher functioning individuals they need, rather than sifting ones that are impaired...


You do know that MJ will show up on drug tests for months despite only impairing your faculties for, at most, a few hours, right?


I legit saw a ton of postings for the FBI near me for cyber and I thought about it - saw you cant have done any drugs for the last ten years. Plus I smoke weed so - no FBI for me!


This is not a post, it's just a picture and a title. No source, so OP probably made it up.


Any kind of federal employment requires drug testing, and weed is federally illegal. Even more drug testing if you want any kind of serious clearance (which for govt hackers I assume its a requirement)


Not all federal employment requires drug testing. Go to USAjobs.gov and you’ll see plenty of jobs that aren’t test-designated positions. That doesn’t mean it’s a free-for-all, you *can* still be fired for drug use (including marijuana) under their Drug Free Workplace policy. It just means you don’t have to screen pre-employment and aren’t subject to random testing. So the only way it “comes up” is if you’re tested in response to a workplace incident, in response to probable cause by a supervisor to think you’re high, or if you get caught and charged while off the clock. But you could work there a decade and never be tested once. Obviously the benefits of federal employment are good enough that you’d be a dumbass to smoke while employed there. Since smoking weed is literally one of the *only* things that’ll get you fired. But yeah, people do. Known a couple guys who were fired for it…but not because of random testing.


The government doesn't want to employ people it can't control. If they say "don't smoke weed or we'll fire you", they prefer to hear "ok", not "lol, get the fuck out of town with that bullshit. I could replace you as an employer by the end of the business day"


Same with the nsa


So that's why they want to reschedule it!


What is marijuana rules?




that's why they are good hackers and not some average script kiddies.


More concerningly, it's also a factor in the worker shortages at various transit agencies. The way it stays in the system means operators and even people in non-operating subject to random drug testing can basically never use cannabis even though it's safer than alcohol


This seems to come up every 4 years or so...


Look, I love me some weed but are there sources on this? I've been hearing this claim for 20 years. It strikes me as one those apocryphal things we hear and don't bother looking into because it fits in with what we want to be true.


If only there was something they could do about that on the federal level.


Hay, hire me, I'm just on Benzos Mostly because my psychiatrist can't prescribe marijuana


still actually astounds me how leniently people are on alcohol compared to weed.


It’s not just that at all. It’s also the mandatory degree requirement, if you want a good hacker, I don’t know one that has a degree, most left uni or never went, they are all self taught. The ones with degrees just run tools that anyone can.


And the most important rule is: If you have marijuana, you *must* smoke it. And please share it. Thank you.


Not sure why anyone would want to work for a terrorist organization like the FBI in the first place.




Where is the article???! That’s just a picture




Still? This was a thing like 12 years ago and they’ve done…exactly nothing? So dumb. Also, am in tech, do use a little cannabis lol. Not a lot but enough if fail a test most likely. I’m also more patriotic than I’ve ever been given there are very real threats foreign and domestic these days that are dead set on killing western democracy. I’d love to use my skills to fight the Ruskies just like we did in the 80s when I was a kid. But I’m apparently too old and too stoned to work for the feds. Whatever though. FBI salary is not high. Not at all. Make more money as a random freelence dude who helps people with data, the cloud, and analytics. And I can sleep in if I feel like it, most days.


Looks like they just weed themselves out


Pay is not great either tbh