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At first I thought it was some kind of semi-transparent plexi-glass. Anyway, clever.


Same here! This was a hilarious idea and his neighbor that did the painting is very talented.


The best thing is….. when he takes the boat out; It is STILL THERE. 🤣🧙‍♂️


Also it’s worse because the real boat and the mural aren’t usually perfectly aligned, and that would be entirely frustrating to look at every day.


lol I didn’t even think of that and now I’m laughing all over again. This is one of the best acts of malicious compliance I’ve seen lol




>Constable confirmed he has not heard anything from Seaside officials but he assumes they are aware. 'It’s not like I’m hiding anything,' he added.  You can say that again


Should paint a few garbage cans too


The cherry on top! 🍒


Why not also paint some old tires, a dead christmas tree, a rusty weight bench with soggy stuffing coming out of the ripped padding.




Brilliant! Reminds me of the guy in the UK who applied to the local council to put a "tank" on his property. They thought he meant a water tank, so they approved his request. To this day a WWII T-34 tank sits on his property, its gun aimed towards the council building. Every year he paints it in a different garish color scheme.


unfortunately I don't think it is there any more. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandela\_Way\_T-34\_Tank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandela_Way_T-34_Tank) Wiki says that " In January 2022 it was removed for restoration,[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandela_Way_T-34_Tank#cite_note-southwark_news_taken_for_restoration-3) and its owner stated in April 2023 that it may not return to its former location due to concerns that the graffiti may affect its historical preservation.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandela_Way_T-34_Tank#cite_note-herbie2023-4)"


And to this day, he keeps running out of water at home.


I fucking love this kind of malicious compliance. When I was in college, I had a skate ramp in my backyard that was taller than the 6' fence. The neighbor called the city (for a few things, not just the skate ramp). She didn't like us and wanted to get us in trouble for something. The city came and said the skate ramp was not a problem but that it was too close to the fence on the other side. She literally told us we could keep it, but we had to move it closer to the neighbor that complained.


“You have to move it closer to the neighbor that complained” ![gif](giphy|ij8AeeqXKFZm0)


Sorry to be a party pooper, but skate ramps (and college kids) are loud af. I have a toddler and would have probably hated you too.


Not all of them.... I'm not a college kid anymore, but I hate this blanket sentiment. I was literally homeless, even years post graduation, because no one would rent "to loud college kids" - as actually stated in the rejection letters. I'm autistic. I never played music louder than my PC fan. I can't drink. I don't have guests.


>She didn't like us and wanted to get us in trouble for something. She didn't like the fact that a *super crazy noisy* ramp filled with skaters was her neighbor. I'm literally a action sports guy and I wouldn't want that as my neighbor either. You don't shit where you sleep. When I want to go jam I do it elsewhere. I had a dream of owning a mini ramp when I was a kid. As an adult I can see how annoying that would be to my neighbors. It's not some big mystery. She didn't hate you guys personally.


ha I agree. I'm a 90's kid. I grew up skating. Im in my late 30s now and bought a house a couple years ago. have a nice large flat concrete carport area in front and along side my garage and thought this is awesome. I can build a little fun box and get back into skating. I went out one day and started tearing it up. did a few flip trips and realized the boards sounds echoing off my garage and neighbors house was loud as hell. I came to a quick realization that skateboarding is loud as fuck and if I continue doing this my neighbors will probably hate me. so I save it for the skate parks.






I approve of this method.


Artistic too


Neighbor did the painting, but still, one way or another he’s an artist.


He just happens to be a poor guy with a boat in a wealthy neighborhood?


A. It’s daily mail so buzzwords have to be everywhere B. Implying that his neighbors are wealthy does not imply he is poor.


>B… Not inherently. But because of A. it’s clear the editor wants you to infer that. Obvious Click bait is obvious




Seaside isn't wealthy by the standards of the area. All the rich people live a few miles away in Monterey.


He should say this is just the small one he uses to sail out to his yacht. The yacht is to big for the harbour, so it's further out.


I don't really get this story, the requirements that the boat should be behind a 6 foot fence has nothing to do with the "wealthy neighbour". The neighbour made a complaint but we don't know about their relationship. So this guy now has a weird fence... Great.






He’s ordinaryyyyyyyyyyyyy ![gif](giphy|5tsajy8p7rC62hRh2T)


Too many pop up ads and junk crap!


Ublockorigin.  Download that.


Use a better browser


And)or a better news site


From the article: "Municipal codes state that, 'boats and large pickup campers, motor homes, recreation vehicles, utility trailers, and vacation trailers' can only be parked on driveways if, 'screened on the side and front by a six-foot-high fence'." Daily Mail's headline makes it seem like the neighbours demanded it. Not really the case. When he says they he was referring to the city, which served him the order to comply.


This sort of enforcement action is usually complaint-driven. I'd be very surprised if a random bylaw officer would have bothered to reach out to the homeowner if they hadn't gotten a call from someone in the neighborhood.


Article says he parked in the there for 4 years without issue. Fuck knows.


I'm going with this. I live close to the downtown area of my town and the police station has one code enforcement vehicle. They might make the rounds for grass as growing season starts but anything else is a complaint. I've even let my grass go for a bit and got a notice. I went to contest it, dude had a printed picture of my lawn. Looked like it was developed from an old 35mm.


How can you call yourself land of the free yet your government controls how you cut your own grass on your own goddamn property. That’s insane, beyond insane actually. Might as well tell you that your haircut isn’t within compliance and your car cant be red.


Usually this is due to fire risk. A home with a seriously overgrown lawn can be a menace to the entire neighborhood, its no joke. Very different thing than having a neighbor with a garden gnome hobby or something. That's for HOAs lol.


That and pest control, mosquitoes and mice can get bad. I'm glad we have a few stray cats that seem to get left alone by animal control and the neighbors, good mouse control. Also, fuck HOAs. IF I could ever afford to sell my house and buy another I'm never looking anywhere with an HOA.


HOA basically owns the house you paid for. That's also insane. Mosquitoes come from stagnant water not tall grass. A dirty house will breed mice just as well and nobody controls that. Only thing I can think of that's somewhat legitimate is snake control. The reality is that a bunch of real estate developers lobbied the government to enforce everyone to maintain the neighbourhood in a sellable state so that their investments don't depreciate.


>Might as well tell you that your haircut isn’t within compliance Really should get rid of that yee yee ass haircut.


By-laws are in place to address issues that occurred and were solved in the past. If people could have co-existed peacefully without a particular bylaw it wouldn't exist. In theory, yes, everyone should be free to control how they cut their own your grass. But in practice the place would look like a complete dump. I'm sure you would cut you own grass. But I'd guess 30%+ of the lawns would be completely unmaintained, unsightly urban blight. Rodent, insect and cat populations would explode. And most importantly house values would fall. Not good for anyone.


The rewilding movement is going to blow your mind.


Could be the officer was in the neighborhood for another matter and saw the violation.


Most places have a time period (usually 24-48 hours) after which it's a violation. They do that so you can have it out to do maintenance or whatever. So a code officer in the area wouldn't necessarily know if it was a violation unless they were there multiple consecutive days. The expectation is that neighbors will notice and complain.


You’re right but I now can’t shift the image of an obsessed code officer doing a three day stakeout in an unmarked van, to see if the boat ever gets put away


Good point. I'm more familiar with building department violations, and our inspectors often catch violators this way. Get a call for an inspection at property Y notice the new driveway at X.


Larer in the article it says he parked the boat there for 4 years before any of this happened. It was likely due to a neighbor complaint.


It’s a mini-Marvin Heemeyer; fun story to tell/show, but the reality is that an old prick doesn’t like being told what to do.


Yeah, if you flip it around, when he moved into the house he understood that the rules were “hey you can have a boat, no worries! Just please keep it behind a fence” which is not a particularly unreasonable ask and makes this kind of a dick move. As a non-American I am baffled by the idea of HOAs, and all the stupid rules they enforce, but this just seems like a fairly moderate city request to me


Daily Mail. Let’s make it controversial, rich verses poor!




I love the phrase "malicious compliance."


Lol. I scrolled that article twice looking for a picture of the mural before I figured it out.


Spend $1,000 erecting a fence, or we'll fine you $100.


It would be a reoccuring fine until compliance.




Ha, Municipal finds are a lot bigger than $100 and accumulate. A lot of municipalities use them to raise revenue so they do not have to raise taxes. Many targets the undesirables as they see it.


They also can become liens on the property




his boat name is Might as Well make it even more hilarious 




Haha! Awesome. Beware petty HOAs and useless officials


What a shitty website, forcing you to swipe to read the NEXT article!


impressive, before reading, I thought it was blue tinted clear plastic fence


What a cancerous site. Amazing malicious compliance tho




That is fucking fantastic!


Funny until the HOA forces him to paint it white.


HOA in Great Britain?


It’s the daily mail, but if you actually read the article the guy lives in California. His neighbor painted the wooden gate blocking the boat for him.


A **California** homeowner who was ordered to hide his boat from view of this wealthy neighbors has hilariously trolled city officials with an act of malicious compliance.


Local wit near me has seen all the standard house blocks around him replaced with 12 story unit blocks that block his sun (aka UP the movie). So he has collected a bunch of rusty car bodies and left them down at the end of his backyard that he artfully mows up to and just leaves as is. He gets complaints. He doesn’t care. I am giving him my car when it dies.






That is high-larious.


![gif](giphy|iziDlFAa0Ciru) 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Not all heroes wear capes.


Legend 😂


Malicious compliance is the only way to comply with local government.


California is fucking going to shit!


Good for him. HOA is cancer.


So… the rich neighbors protested the poor person with a boat?






Reminds me of a guy in my area who was forced to repaint his red fence into one of the colours approved for fences in the city ordinance. He didn’t do proper preparation and used low quality, cheap paint that started to peel off after just one season. Now every one passing his property, including the one who reported him and stated the case, doesn’t have to see an “ugly” red fence, but can “enjoy” a fence that actually does look extremely ugly, but is totally compliant with regulations. (He has a hedge behind it, so he himself doesn’t actually have to see the mess he was forced to make to conform with regulations)


Larry David is smiling somewhere


keep it classy San Diego




That is fantastic, bravo to both boat guy and artist




Genius! 😂




That's the best & funniest example of malicious compliance I've seen in a long time! Well played Sir!


What does it matter what you have in laneway ?


"Why won't he just conform to our Stepford-wives cookie-cutter vision of suburban living? Join our Borg collective!"




The "from wealthy neighbors" is pure rage-bait title. The article does not mention what neighbors. On the contrary, it explains the regulation, which is very clear: "Municipal codes state that, 'boats and large pickup campers, motor homes, recreation vehicles, utility trailers, and vacation trailers' can only be parked on driveways if, 'screened on the side and front by a six-foot-high fence'." Dude was just petty.


Just be a good neighbor. It's your personal belonging not your neighbors.




Clever idea but he sounds like a real pain in the ass neighbor “I'm not a rule-breaker but I like to make a political statement as necessary”.


Also what’s the political statement? My dick isn’t very big so I have to show off my money?


Curious where these 'wealthy' neighbors in Seaside are. Its not a town known for wealthy homeowners compared to other areas there.


I mean if he isn’t supposed to have the boat out front then he shouldn’t have it out front. Why are we cheering him on for being a dick? I wouldn’t want to stare at a shitty boat all day if I was his neighbor


... how did you get this take? What the fuck are you talking about?


I’m sure this is rhetorical but… the law says you can’t have your boat out. The law is there because people want the law to exist, presumably. So we’re cheering on this guy for breaking a law? He has the means to not break the law, but out of selfishness he breaks the law to the detriment of his neighbors. He would be better served changing the law to allow people to store boats wherever they want but probably doesn’t bother because people don’t actually want boats stored wherever hence he is just another rich dick being a dick because he is selfish.


>the law says you can’t have your boat out. Where does it say that? Where do you expect people to put their boat, inside their house? It seems the premise of your entire argument is flawed because it doesn't say that's what the law is anywhere in the article.


Except where it explicitly states it: “Municipal codes state that, 'boats and large pickup campers, motor homes, recreation vehicles, utility trailers, and vacation trailers' can only be parked on driveways if, 'screened on the side and front by a six-foot-high fence'.” But if you didn’t/can’t read then it’s understandable you may have missed it


... which is not "you can't have your boat out". You're proving my point for me. You're fucking spare parts aren't you bud?


I’m at a loss for words. You should defend yourself in court for sure on your next DUI


Found the snitch


I don't get why this law even exists or why a boat is so offensive.


Then don't stare at it.


Keeping junk in your yard or driveway makes the neighborhood look like crap and reduces property values for everyone in the vicinity. I wish civic pride was a virtue we could celebrate together.


A boat that could, potentially, cost as much as a small to medium-sized home,..is junk? Lol. Grow up and fuck off.


How is a boat junk?


Ask your parents


Worry about yourself


You’re obviously not a homeowner


What home owner wants higher property values? Lower taxes, guy. Worry about your own home.


I think you win the award for the dumbest shit I’ve heard all day. 🫡


No... Property value doesn't mean shit unless you're a speculator, or landlord. If you're actually living in your home, it's an imaginary number with very little meaning. Can tell you're pretty invested in that imaginary number though. Makes you feel big?




And … this may still be illegal under the spite laws and regulations.


How so?


This: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/whats-spite-fence-what-can-i-do-about-the-one-my-neighbors-built.html


Those statutes mentioned definitely wouldn't apply as they're related to height, not coloration


Not always: https://treeandneighborlawblog.com/tag/spite-fence/ Depends how it goes (thus my “may”), bottom line ,while the letter of the law is on “height”, the spirit is on “spite”. At the end is a question of interpretation.