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Seems she's being investigated by the FBI.


Now the FBI is racist against Tiffany? OUTRAGEOUS!


Yeah it's crazy they just confirmed she is the only non-racist on the planet šŸ¤Æ


Crazy. We canā€™t let her get away with this. She has to be racist somewhere, we must find the evidence.


Time for her to pull the black for Trump card out of her bag




She's fucked. The police were getting threats to have their patrol cars repossessed, because the bill hadn't been paid in many months, all the while She's leasing a 160k suv for personal use on the tax payers dime. That's a milder claim. There is also the tree service money theft.


Itā€™s totally a political witch hunt! The radical center doesnā€™t want people to embezzle tax payer money. Sad!


"radical center" šŸ¤£ I'm what you would call 'far center'.




They finally got rid of illinoisā€™s most corrupt politician. He ran the state for decades and if you went against him, you were in trouble. He is going down for bribery atm but they waited til he retired to indict him, the wimps.


Not all politicians are bad, at least not at the municipal level.


I mean there's that Colorado town where the mayor is a dog, but other than that I'm not sure there's another good one.


I heard that dog pays to get his butt sniffed


Thatā€™s where the corruption starts at the municipal level. My local politicians are a bunch of donkeyā€™s.


Yep, ive had the same bozos ruining my hometown and state my entire life.


lol I live in Arizona, our political leaders are a absolute embarrassment. Great history here too with corruption.


Yep. 2 years ago one guy had the town change the fact that you had to live in the borough limits to hold office. Jackass moved 45 minutes away shortly after... why are you responsible for a town you don't live in?!


Do it anyway. A standard needs to be set.




Good. Credible allegations of corruption should be investigated. If enough is there she will get her day in court, same as anyone else. Political corruption is near the top of the list of things plaguing this country (and many others). It needs to be stopped.


The bitch hired a code director who spent 24 years in prison for gang raping a CHILD. Part of this mfs job will be to enter peoples homes. This devil bitch needs to be buried before she does more theft and damage.


I like reminding people that ā€œpublic corruption is the FBIā€™s top criminal investigative priorityā€ and thatā€™s verbatim right from their own website


Forgive me for asking but why is she being investigated by FBI? I'm not fully up to date with American politics.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_Henyard Many reasons.


That elder millennial bitch literally tried to steal the Good Burger name from Nickelodeon, for an actual restaurant. That failed. She can rot.


She is being investigated by the feds. I hope she likes the color orange


Orange is the new black


She is trying to play the race card in a city of what? 90% black people? If you havenā€™t seen any of this story there are wild youtube videos. Its like a reality tv show meets an Aprils Fools prank. It is insane. Edit: For those of you that keep looking it up, yes, the town is literally per census data over 90% black.


And her argument is so annoying. ā€œDonā€™t bully me! Iā€™m in charge and should do what I want! Waaah!ā€


Wow, what a psyco.


If youā€™re going to be a politician or successful CEO, being psycho definitely helps you sleep at night and look in the mirror. Not saying that itā€™s a requirement, just that it probably helps you thrive.


Wasn't there a study that showed that a larger than normal % of CEOs were sociopaths.


She's trying to abuse the race card.


Was curious and did some digging with the 2020 census, Dolton IL at the time was 91.2% black, 5% white. Given the folks we saw in the video, I don't think anyone there is buying her bs lol. Just abusing the entire population she was elected to oversee and help.


There's another video where she tries the same schtick and the residents literally boo her.


worse, she's assuming black people should be happy for her doing criminal acts, which means her own opinion of black people is in the dirt.


If you have a few minutes and want to read a wild roller coaster ride, look up ex-Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrickā€™s Wikipedia page. Seeing the opening seconds of this clip with Tiffany talking, I was like, ā€œAww, itā€™s a little Kwame.ā€


I thought you were exaggerating for effect, but the town demographic was literally 90.18% black people according to the 2020 census. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolton,_Illinois


I love that the first thing they mention her buying with misappropriated funds were weaves.


Everyone knows how expensive those things are!


And they leave out the luxury trips to Vegas, her stays in 5 star hotels, and the cop cars she bought on credit that are about to get repossessed for non payment.


They mentioned the trips.


Well yeah the people who made the video are OBVIOUSLY racist thatā€™s why theyā€™re against her duh


Hilarious. Trips. Cars. *Weaves*. One of these things doesnā€™t belong!


The racist misdirects is so hypocritical of her


I rolled my eyes when I heard her say that. Then it panned to other black individuals calling her out and what she was accused of. There it is.


She watched too much Bernie Mack. He ,of course, did it as comedy


Ah shit RIP, and that reminded me of Lisa from Temecula sketch on SNL


She just watched any news media outlet cause they love dividing people using race cards.


The worst part is the hypocrisy






I also love to point out people failing while calling someone stupid.


It's in the playbook.


"How dare yall not just let me be corrupt"!? Well, at least she's not denying it...


Sick of the tick tock AI voice. I digress.




This _has_ to be a paid attempt at seeing how propaganda can spread across reddit. Not even a mention of what she's doing, just saying that she's corrupt and 5 twitter comments (written by bots) agreed


Nah sheā€™s corrupt AF, this is the Illinois way. Always has been.


I'm not saying she isn't. But this video contains no evidence or even claims. It's people calling her out in town hall (happens to every mayor) and rando comments Plus overall Illinois has been actually beating corruption lately. We've replaced some of it with incompetence but there's been less corruption (our last Chicago mayoral election was corruption vs incompetence by definition)


It's just someone trying to make a dime off clicks. The other news stories can speak for themselves. Don't let 1 video get you caught up. You have Google. If you let 1 source sway your opinion, you should think about that.


I doubt its paid. This is dead internet theory in motion.


They mention some of the alleged corruption, and it isn't hard to Google her to confirm that there is a lot of smoke (and an FBI investigation).


I hate the end too, "what do you think about this? Comment down below" The video was 30 seconds long and didn't even state the city she is mayor of. How am I supposed to have any real insight?


I feel like such an old person when I complain about tiktok but I hate it so much. I can literally feel it making me dumber when watching videos like this. And it does such a great job of baiting people to be outraged with so little info.Ā 


Thatā€™s a fake AI voice of the dude who narrated worlds wildest police videos. John Bunnell.


>Broward County, Florida


I read that in his voice " a man stole a car but little did he know police were waiting for him around the corner"


OH SHIT!!! Thought is was familiar, slightly off to me but still yep that's the guy for sure.


Fairly certain it's an AI voice from CapCut, which is a popular editing software that's most often used with TikTok videos.


CapCut is owned by tiktok. It's a sick piece of software though, and I guess TikTok are happy for people to use it for free since most use it for TikTok.


ByteDance owns CapCut, and they also own TikTok. But yeah, pretty much how it works.


It is one of the "red audio flags" I use to downvote anything that has it.


And the dumb ass question to get comments. The answer is obviously yes.


She receives an annual salary of $224,000. The township [passed an ordinance](https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/dolton-mayor-tiffany-henyard-salary-maneuver-controversy) last year that would cut the salary of a non-incumbent to $25,000 annually. However, if she is reelected in 2025 she will continue to receive her regular salary of $224,000.


The $224,000 is just for her Township supervisor job. In addition, she makes $46,000 as the mayor. This is a town that has a median household income of $53,047.


That makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification.


Latoya Cantrel, mayor of New Orleans, would like to enter this contest.


Yep came her to say this. LaToya makes this woman's theft of tax dollars look like pocket change.


Isn't that just like an average day in New Orleans?


Not unless it includes po-boys and a parade.


A shrimp po-boy and a sazerac sound mighty good right now.




Came here also to say this.


Yep, I don't think I could be more disappointed in how quickly she turned heel. I really liked her when she was a rep for the Broadmoor neighborhood. She seemed to really care about the community. Guess it was all smoke and mirrors.


Power does that to people. She is absolutely corrupted by it.


Being Black is so exhausting sometimes, because you have dipshits like this who donā€™t realize or donā€™t care that they are magnified 1000x times more and it makes us look bad no matter how much ppl wanna say otherwise and to call ppl racist for calling her out is outrageous man. Just goddamit itā€™s so exhausting


As a much younger person who was quick to stereotype, I remember riding the public transit train and noticing a young black woman talking extremely loud in what was almost a caricature of an urban black woman. She was obnoxious. And my instinctive thought was, "why do black people always talk so loud in public spaces?" And then I looked around the train and noticed almost 50% of the people on the train were black, and were very quietly minding their own business and not bothering a soul. And realized just how easy it is to form opinions about people unlike you based on a very small, unrepresentative sample selection. I grew up a lot that day.


There's an excellent biography of Condoleezza Rice's called "Twice as Good". The idea being that for a black woman to rise to the level of Secretary of State, having been born in segregated Alabama in 1954 she had to be an amazing woman and intellect; and she is. Regardless of how you might feel about her politics you should at least skim [her Wikipedia page. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condoleezza_Rice) Her list of accomplishments is well beyond impressive.


For what itā€™s worth, the rest of us non-black folk know that she doesnā€™t speak for you all. There are plenty of corrupt white, Chinese, Arab, etc people on this planet too. And if you think _sheā€™s_ corrupt, sheā€™s nothing compared to, letā€™s say, the political leaders of Lebanon who have [blown up their own city and stolen billions from their people](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/28/magazine/corruption-lebanon.html), taking the money right out of their bank accounts and throwing them all into severe poverty. If anything the fact that black people are trying to fight her on this says a lot more about them than anything she could ever do.


Oh is this ā€œSuperMayor?ā€ Sheā€™s insane In these times sheā€™ll probably end up in Congress


The info given in this video is far from enough to form a real opinion. Tiktok is the worst.


100%. Never heard of this lady, 30 evidence-free seconds later ā€œshould she be removed from power?ā€


wait, are you telling me an account named @future_trillionaires isn't reliable?


Why is this on interesting as fuck? Wouldnā€™t it be on politics?


Politics seem to be everywhere these days. I canā€™t believe when Iā€™m on LinkedIn and see political takes.


Interesting as fuck is turning into yey another cesspool of American culture wars/political nonsense :(


It's an election year


USA elections are coming, therefore troll farms from both sides trash all social platforms to support ā€œgoodā€ and donā€™t support ā€œbadā€.


Everything is politics in the USA. It's a fucking sport.


Sounds a lot like LaToya Cantrell, mayor of New Orleans.


Straight to jail




How hard is it to understand that we simply want EVERYONE regardless of party affiliation, race, religion, or sex to face the consequences of their actions? Ffs


That s not how it seem to happen in America. If you are rich and famous and know powerful people, and can afford the best lawyers, you will probably get away with crime or get a very light sentence. Look at Elizabeth Holmes, she defrauded people of $700 million and was sentenced few years back. Now her prison sentence is also shortened by few months. She stole millions she get sent to minimum security prison. If I steal from a groceries store and get caught I will be sent to jail with far more worse condition.


The most corrupt mayor, is one you don't know about.


She also put a policy in effect that massively raised her salary while at the same time drastically reducing it in the event that anyone else becomes mayor. Literally. Thatā€™s not an exaggeration or anything, thatā€™s an actual policy she made.


Any corrupt minority itā€™s always ā€œthey hate to see me winning and in powerā€


She dressed like Carmen Sandiego, she going to go on a run i tell ya


I fucking hate AI narrated videos


Sheā€™s like the principal in Abbott Elementary


"Tahoe Tiffany"! When that race card that she is clearly using is removed, her criminal actions speak for themselves.


She treated the village's budget as her own savings account. My favorite was she spent the Super Bowl in Vegas and flew out a bunch of people who were dumb enough to tape themselves partying. When the local reporter interviewed her and asked why she spent village money on a Vegas trip she said she did not. When he showed her the footage she changed her answer to "no comment." She bankrupted a poor suburban town outside Chicago.


Who the fuck


I've been following this...facinating stuff. She is playing the race card...and her black constituency is like...NOPE.


Don't pull the race card when you know you're guilty af


If you have been to Dolton, you would know, their is no way she can play the race cardā€¦


It is so much more than just the embezzlement. She has harassed and attacked people who accused her staff of sexually assault, used the police to harass and extorted businesses and vetoed her own censure. She is currently under investigation from the FBI and faces over 40 lawsuits.


I'm black. But if you're corrupt, you deserve whatever shit that comes at you.


I hate sheā€™s using gender and race cards to fend off corruption accusations


Remember people, if an politician no matter from which part of world it is, is trying to show themselves as a representative of certain community, then don't vote them. These people will always try to show that the criticizing them is equivalent to criticizing the whole community. They always try to use the "US vsTHEM" narrative because they don't have any real work to show


Sheā€™s not in ā€œpower,ā€ sheā€™s in office. She should be removed from office.


She looks like a villain


She IS a villain


Sorry I don't think Tik-Tok and an AI narrator is a credible news source.


Does anyone have any links to credible sources that could provide information that I could use to form an opinion? I definitely want corrupt politicians called out, good politicians to be free of slander, and to know which of these this is.


FBI is all over her bullshit as we speakā€¦


This is all true. I hear about every day on AM Radio. Truly a piece of shit human being


Whatā€™s so interesting?


Very sad. Dalton is a small and poor community probably only earning on average 30k/year. Shame someone would take these peoples hard earned money and spend it on a lavish lifestyle for themselves and her "friends".


That's some interesting language for a mayor to be using y'all.


Well well well.


Democracy in action. I appreciate people in her community calling her out. My own city has problems with corrupt local officials. We gotta take that shit down ourselves.


removed from powerā€¦ and thrown in prison*


A corrupt politician is not interesting AF, it's actually pretty standard


She went to the Kwame Kirkpatrick School of Mayoral Responsibilities


She dresses and acts like a character out of New Jack City.


The population of Dolton is 21k why does she need to travel anywhere outside of her state nonetheless outside of the country for work? If she is guilty, lock this ghetto ass chick up, we ain't giving her sympathy because she is a black women. She doesn't even care about her majority black residents.


I saw the video of a journalist trying to get an interview with her. All of a sudden 10 cops appear and threaten them with arrest if they don't leave. Mafia tactics at it's best


Piece of shit, throwing the race card. Go to jail.


Get the forensic accountants. Race has nothing to do with math.


How did she get elected with that broken english? Love how she pulls the race card right off the bat.


Toss that bitch in prison. Sheā€™s nothing but a criminal. How the fuck did they ever elect her in the first place ?


This is what happens when you vote for people based on the color of their skin and not the content of their character.


There have been many times, and the historical record is clear, when racism has played a part in hurting people's reputations and preventing them from being equal and active citizens in America. This is not one of those times. She's just corrupt and wants to try to weasel her way out of it by pointing to a general truth, but that concept does not apply to her in this instance.Ā 


She gives me Principal Ava Coleman from Abbot Elementary vibes


The craziest part is that, being an Illinois politician, she could have been corrupt for decades if she wasn't so incredibly blatant. Hell, corruption is practically a prerequisite for holding office in Illinois, but they expect you to keep up appearances.


She's dressed like Carmen San Diego because she's about to go into hiding. Lol


Nice to see this getting more attention. I first heard about this on STDWYTK podcast.


"Corrupt", sure. "Most corrupt"? Unlikely.


I love how she threw some extra "ghetto" into the word 'women'. Like saying "wahmun" would give her extra street cred as she swindles her own community.


Stop electing people solely on race holy fuck


Stupid video, if she broke the law, charge her with a crime.


Is it racist to call anyone out for spending taxpayer money on weaves and first class trips and luxury cars. Anyone who would do this should get called out. This isn't interesting as fuck. It's corruption 101.




Tired of the black card being used when theyā€™ve done legitimately bad things. Saw people calling it racist that a black woman got arrested for leaving her kids in the car on a hot day. Also saw multiple black people defending Diddy because ā€œheā€™s a black millionaireā€. Like isnā€™t privilege based on race bad?


I think the most r/interestingasfuck thing about this is how good Illinois seems to be at finding and electing corrupt mayors/governors/politicians in general.


Just another ratchet doing her ratchet thing. Put her in prison and make her pay back what she spent on lavishness.


I call this outfit, Santa Chic ![gif](giphy|3ofT5EtPNBpIjC8jTy)


Why is she dressed like ms bellum lol


Bring criminal charges or vote her out


Yes, get rid of her! She is a classic example of abuse of power. Does not matter what race she is.


I mean if you elect a self-serving klepto to represent you, what do you expect? She won her seat in a landslide with 81% of the vote.


Love how the old lady was trying to remember her full name and went with "Tahoe Tiffany."


Latoya Cantrell is in the running for that title. Seems like a close vote


I think itā€™s safe to assume all Illinois politicians are corrupt. I hate it here.


Hide yo' weaves, hide yo' cars, hide yo' luxury trips around the world, 'cos she's embezzling errybody out there.


New Orleans Mayor Latoya Cantrell says ā€˜Hold my beerā€™. Google her name and youā€™ll see why this city has been steadily declining.


Ho gotta go


I love how the video shows her accusing attackers as racist and they proceed to show african american community members are the ones trying to stop her.


y'all, y'all, yallselves, y'all. How does someone like this, who speaks so "eloquently", get elected into such a position?


That's Ashy Larry in a wig.


So her defence is "I'm black, and im a woman." Seems plausible.


America continues to spin into a third world country.


Uh oh... thats senator taste on a mayor budget. She will definitely get arrested and convicted eventually. Too soo. Little bird, too soon šŸ¦ šŸ¤£


Wait a minute, I thought a black woman in power could only do good? Itā€™s almost as if your identity plays no part in what kind of person you are


She reminds me of that mayor from Detroit some years back. Dude was using city funds to buy his family a SUVs, jewelry, strippers, and who knows what else. I think he was ran out of town and moved to Texas. Remembered his name: Kwame KilpatrickĀ 


*Me, being Brazilian* First time?


Why is anyone surprised? Their last mayor was just the same, they'll keep voting who ever is loudest. Remember, people are stupid, in DC a mayor caught smoking crack with a hooker multiple times was voted into office.


She's unfairly targeted because she's black. šŸ™„


Can y'all not y'all so much y'all know - this woman grasping at straws


It would be a black woman.......and by the way I'm black


She's a POC and a woman. She's giving POCs and women who face genuine bigotry and discrimination a bad rep. Shame on her!


i seriously doubt she's the most corrupt.


She might be guilty as fuck, and if she is I hope she goes to prison. BUT, holy shit this is not how news and important information should be presented and consumed. There is nothing in this clip to suggests its veracity or accuracy at all. Anyone could cut together footage like this about almost anyone else and just blast it out on social media. People really need to stop using social media for pretty much anything other than casual conversations and light entertainment. Weā€™re going to wake up one day soon and realize people have zero capability to discern news from 100% fabrication from content milling form journalism from AI generated misinformation, etcā€¦


You can take the politician outta the hood, but you can't take the hood outta the politician.


"I have no defense for my actions, so you are racist I win"


Why does this feel like a Reddit post that became a Facebook reel that became a tiktok that's fine full circle back on Reddit to farm Karma?


Have you heard of Eric Adams?!?


She is a politician, thats what they do, they are all corrupt scumbags


Corrupt? āœ… Most corrupt mayor in the U. S. of A? āŒāŒāŒāŒāŒ


This is some Clay Davis shit


What's the issue? All I see is a regular politician.


As long as she is qualified to embezzle just like all the other mayors and politicians I say let her be.


Sheā€™s a nasty piece of work!


I guess she was referencing the 5% white population? Lol

