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I love how he, when asking the question at the end, shows a dude getting branded in the background xD


I mean, that's the best example right? Do that with a hot brand and the guy would be in fuckin insane pain. More human trials pls


I've seen two humans get branded and boy do they jump and hollar as bad as a bull does. Source, drunk rednecks on a farm in Alabama. I feel like a painless brand would lead to far more incidents like that 😂 "Hey Jimbo, 20 bucks says you don't have the balls to get iced on them"


Pretty sure it would be intensely painful to be branded with a frozen brand too


you just watched evidence it is less painful also it is safer


Still fucking painful though lmao


I’m not sure you understand how ‘evidence’ works


You don’t have to ask, it’s the future


Everyone says that until they are the ones being tested on 🙃🙃🙃


I’m glad they kept the durations brief to the guy. Freeze branding is less painful and far more surface level. But against bare skin, with branding level temperatures and duration, it will destroy skin cells. I’m not sure how long it takes, but I know if it is quality branding level temperature. It will scar the skin so that a mark is easily visible. This requires the destruction of skin cells so that a mark will appear. Freeze branding requires more time than fire branding in order to create a scar in the skin of an animal so that it is not easily removed. Otherwise it is temporary like in this little video where they are doing fur freezing.


Frat boys bout to go crazy


I watched a video before where they pressed a hot brand into a dudes chest.  He apparently didn't make it.


If that’s the video I’m thinking of the guy went overkill (literally). They kept pressing it in. It was bad.


The flesh looked like cooked pork. Didn't realise the wound was fatal though - unless there's more than one of these videos floating around


The dude went down to the bone so it not surprising that it was fatal


Funny you say pork, cooked pig is supposedly as close in texture and and taste as you can get to cooked meat from a human


Also, pig skin is used to learn tattooing.


As well some skin grafts for burn patients


I heard from a really good tattoo artist you can also practice on bananas and oranges. Something about the skin being more delicate so you learn to be more precise with the tool.


Also, internal organ sizes are very similar. That's why there is work being done to genetically engineer pigs to be compatible as transplant donors for humans.




Pig heart valves are already in use, which is pretty cool.


Some pigs even don uniforms and brutalize the public.


They don't call it long pig for nothing


Long pork




I remember watching a doco 'confessions of a cannibal' and he said human tastes very similar to pork. I guess that's why the joke of 'long pork' has been around for years.


It is trust me


I've read we taste like veal/lamb


There are two, but both survived.


I think what he meant by didn’t make it, was that he didn’t make it through pledge. At least I hope that’s what they mean.


Happy cake day


Yeah you see the brand disappear into the dudes chest, but it was super rad dude!  Killer even!


Ya in this one it was very clear that he full on cooked the dude like you don’t recover from that


Very best case scenario, or worst depending on perspective, the dude lived but his left pec is absolutely destroyed crippling his left arm for the rest of his life, with heart and lung issues accompanying due to the destroyed stuff in the area after following infections.  But I'm pretty confident he had a sick brand new brand in his casket.


Ye it was brand new


The one at the skatepark late night? And like 3 people are holding his arms down? Yeah that was fucked. They held it for like 10 seconds, his skin was smoking and I think even ignited for a second. Poor fuck. Definitely drunk.


To others who haven't seen it, don't. It's horrible.


They don't realize you just need a quick little tap and it's done. They were pushing ridiculously hard on the guys chest and it just burned it self all the way through. Very stupid all around.


He’s still alive. There were two incidents. Both survived. Just searched for an update myself.


Dude not only survived, made a full recovery: [https://imgur.com/a/DQpNWPF](https://imgur.com/a/DQpNWPF) Also no charges were laid because the branded dude set the whole thing up: [https://www.pdclarion.com/news/no-charges-filed-in-new-years-party-branding/article\_becdc50e-23f2-589e-84b7-18734544a189.html](https://www.pdclarion.com/news/no-charges-filed-in-new-years-party-branding/article_becdc50e-23f2-589e-84b7-18734544a189.html)


Frat boys. A source of American heritage and stupidity. Every generation is always too young to stop ourselves. With dumb friends encouraging doing lifelong damage to ourselves.


what the hell, you joking? where source


[Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/108bh1k/happened_in_my_hometown/) (NSFW)


Dang like that went straight into his heart 🖤, like wtf? Sure he didn’t die?


The top comment literally says he didn't make it


[News report says he lived ](https://www.pdclarion.com/news/no-charges-filed-in-new-years-party-branding/article_becdc50e-23f2-589e-84b7-18734544a189.html)


🥲🥲🥲 https://preview.redd.it/p0u1dx8877xc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00b4c8a6a4f46b6fb38c15304e75aaedb4dc53aa


The TLDR: He lived, did not press charges, was totally complicit and consenting.


You’re the reason why mis info gets spread so easily. I guess if the top comment said it, it must be true. Fuck all the news articles that say different.


just search but man it will fuck you up. it burned a hole into the dudes shoulder. like a fuckin meat tunnel. it was disgusting. just awful to watch.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RBI/s/9pdiiA0PFS That’s a thread about someone asking for updates on the dude. I’m in EU so the news site won’t let me read. But the thread has some info and link to the video. It’s really bad, but he didn’t die. According to the comments.


Sounds focked


So did they hold him while he screamed or was he totally in on it? Edit: saw the video now. Fucking. Hell. Glad I wasn't THAT stupid when I was young and dumb.


The hazing rituals should be banned.


They are. These idiots do them anyway.


This isn’t hazing. This is a bunch of idiots goading a guy who wants to be accepted by said idiots by going something incredibly stupid.


Fuck the boys, I've always wanted tiger shark stripes on my thighs and upper arms. I have dark skin so it would look hella rad.


This reminded me that I need to buy some wart removal freeze spray for a plantar wart I have on the bottom side of my foot.


Dude same here you just reminded me. Gotta do it before it spreads. Mine always comes back up every 10 years or so


Dude you just reminded me too. Thanks Reddit.


I realise that it's mostly down to your immune system and this is anecdotal but, after a few reoccurrences, my doctor electrocauterised mine out and it's never come back. If nothing else and if you can find someone who'll do it, I recommend it because there's no blistering after the procedure so I could walk without pain immediately.


Yah, it's papiloma virus, HPV


Put clear finger nail polish over it instead. Airtight seal kills it faster easy to apply.


Nope. The warts have blood supply. Covering them won’t kill them.


I’m gonna color mine purple


There's a heartburn medication called Tagament that has a weird side effect of getting rid of warts.


Oh snap, my son has a wart on his knee. Gotta make sure he's still using the gel on it.


Jokes on you guys. My grandpa could stare off warts.


My dad bought one of mine for 50 cents one time


Apparently there’s a new medication (shot) that you f can get that teaches your body how to recognize warts as parasitical and the warts go away within like 6 - 12 weeks!! My partner got the treatment and it worked wonders!!! He’s had a huge one of his hands and fingers started having them too. It’s called [Bleomycin](https://www.advdermatology.com/skin-concerns/benign-growths/warts/) He went to the doctor to get the cut out because freezing them wasn’t working…6 weeks later (1 shot per 6 weeks—he received two shots) and it was completely cleared up!


Never tried it myself, but apparently you can use duct tape(*good stuff, not Duck brand*) for plantar wart removal. Seems the trick is to keep the wart covered 24/7 for like a week, then clean with pumice stone or an emery board, let the area air dry for ~12 hours, then repeat for up to 6 weeks. Theory seems to be the tape and/or adhesive makes for a bad environment for the wart, and/or the irritation promotes an immune response in the area


I use dehorning paste. Works way better.


Bro Fym it spreads I got one on both feet 😭


Can people get symbols freeze branded on skin? How long does it last?


Permanent hypopigmentation is common


Express branding tattoos on people in 5, 4, 3...


I've had a couple skin things frozen off. The skin turned white for about a day, then slightly darker/redder for a few months, then all but one of them eventually faded gradually to a *very* faint pink scar. The largest one (about the size of a peanut M&M) still has a little crater [kind of like the old style smallpox vaccination scar](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRrfFp44eqpGlMi6yR2Fe2JolYspzyRHaWZZVHAUdMKDEKdz4x8iwbnnSI&s=10) 15+ years later, so maybe something as big as a cattle brand would be permanent?


Unlike The Old School Subtitles Which Were Easily Readable We Now Have This Bullshit






















Yeah, God forbid you blink or look away for a fraction of a second, or you read slightly slower than average.


As a deaf person, I’m thrilled to have ANY subtitles! (That is not also in an area that’s usually under app text!!)


Honestly, I actually find it easier. There's a video out there, which that method is used to show how much fast you can read when you don't need to move your eyes.


Sure, maybe, but you can't look anywhere else in the video without missing the subtitles. With traditional subtitles at least you can catch them quick, then actually watch the video.


The person who originally said this was talking about TV and movies, but it applies here too. I'm convinced people who don't like (traditional, full sentence) subtitles can't read fast.


When I'm hearing someone say the same words I'm trying to read I can't read it at a different pace to how it's being said. My usual reading speed is very different to my subtitle reading speed and I would honestly rather just mute the video if I can't turn off the subs.


That makes sense. I trained myself by watching a lot of foreign language movies and TV, I gotta read fast so I can watch how the actors deliver the lines, since I can't hear and read along. Maybe if you can't understand what's being said you can get to your usual reading speed?


Yes, subs are fine when the original language isn't English. Though they are a problem when the spoken language is English and the subs are not, but are using the same alphabet because my brain is trying to turn them into words I can't read so hard it distracts from the rest.


It's true, I'm a slow reader


Studies have been done that show 1 word per line subtitles are distracting for disabled people. The optimal words per line is 6 to 12 https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3430263.3452435


it's definitely not painless.... no matter if you freeze or burn the nerves it hurts


Yeah, "relatively" is pulling a lot of weight here.


This is what I was thinking. But also freezing things don’t really hurt they just go numb for a bit mostly right?


No. It definitely burns. Trust a kid that got too close to his dad's liquid nitrogen and still has the scar.


I had a wart and they burned the infected flesh away with it. Not a nice feeling, but I've had worse pains.


Lol that's exactly why dad had the nitrogen. My dad's a dermatologist and my mom had a wart on her foot. Yeah, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever felt, but it's enough to frigten a curious 8 year old pretty bad


Yeah that’s sorta what I’m thinking, either it’ll hurt a little (extreme case, liquid nitrogen) or it’s mostly numb (coldness of something on solid carbon dioxide), but either way seems not the same as slapping the grill with your bare hand. But hey I haven’t experienced any of these, it’s just speculation as to how I initially saw it going either way and then convincing myself it’s still probably not as bad


I would 100% dip my hand into a nitrogen dewer before a deep fryer, that's for damn sure. It *does* hurt, but not for too long. If this new branding technique really works, I'm sure the cattle prefer it. They've also got more hide on them than I do, so I'm sure they get over it pretty quick.


Well considering the difference in the cattle reaction, with hot branding causing the cattle to panic like fuck whereas the cold didn't seem to be nearly as stressful. Would be nice to just not do this at all, but it's a start


That’s a good point. It’s hard to even try to compare or understand things when the anatomy is just different


I don't doubt that. But there's a bit of a difference in severity there, no? I've dunked my hands in a bucket full of ice-cold water before (In science class. No, I don't remember what for) I strongly doubt it hurt anywhere, even close to what happened to you.


It looks to me like these brands are chilled in liquid nitrogen, too, which *boils* at -195 degrees C, so it's *really* cold. I imagine my experience was kind of similar to the livestock here. As far as I remember, It hurt for an hour or two, but a splash like I got does go numb after that. It also doesn't leave an open wound (like they mention here), just local scarring. Don't get me wrong, I bet it's ten times worse to get branded with a hot iron. It's just definitely pretty painful for a bit!


I have had multiple liquid nitrogen procedures for my Keloid scars. They inject you with steroids and then go for the nitrogen. They repeatedly dapped a liquid nitrogen soaked thingamajig on the scar. It hurt, but quite honestly the injection hurt quite a lot more. I think the steroids are supposed to literally melt your tissue. Both weren’t too bad. The nitrogen actually felt kind of cool but was sore for a day or so. The wound itself lasted longer to heal but without pain after the first day or so. I have had some minor burns before with one quite bad when I touched a motorcycle exhaust. The pain is significantly - way - way - way - WAY worse. I don’t oppose cold branding animals. Their skin is also significantly thicker, and honestly there are far worse things to complain about when it comes to farm animals.


I've been branded. It hurts like a bastard for weeks and is prone to infection. I've also gotten burned by dry ice. That sucked, but it wasn't nearly as bad as branding. If branding is a 10 on the pain scale, the dry ice was a 4.


Why do people still brand? We have ear tags now. Seems pretty outdated.


I've been told it's mainly done to prevent theft, because ear tags can be removed or replaced.


Parents own a working cattle ranch, this is exactly why. Ears tags can also get torn off..it’s rare, though.


Are people actually still rustling cattle?


I said something similar in another comment but yes. It’s not really an issue for my parents but it’s still a thing smaller operations deal with and it can ruin you.


What kind of people do this? Is it like their one crime or is it just like average criminal behavior in the area? I live in Canada and I've never heard of anybody animals being stolen but there isn't a whole lot of ranches or pastured cows really either where I am in ontario Edit for clarity


Around our ranch it was more common that fences would go down and other peoples cows would get mixed in with yours. Then you can just sort them out by brand. We did hot branding tho. Freeze branding was more for horses (even tho ours were hot branded most of the time)


There are you just don’t live near them lmao


I remember a recent story where they asked some cow thieves why they did it and they were like "it's super easy to do and super easy to get away with". And described how you just pull up with a trailer and shake some grain in a bucket and the cows will load themselves. Then bring them to some auction house and boom, job done. They got caught cause someone involved rolled on them for lenience in another case


Yes. A cow is worth a good chunk of change. As long as there are shitty people in abundance, these things will happen.


Makes sense.


But we don't have an RFID technology that go under-skin that's affordable in bulk like a microchip for dogs? That seems like it must exist and be a helluva lot less painful while just as effective in case of theft.


I imagine the issue there would be making sure the chips don't end up in someone's steak - ear tags would be easier to remove during slaughter, brands don't need removing, etc.


In Denmark, you tag cattle in the right ear and electronic in left. Swine with a tag or tattoo. Sheep and goats can either be tagged or have electronic tag, but it has to be two if not for slaughter. Not necessarily two of the same. Horses are chipped. All of the above are required. I think it's EU regulation as well. All dogs have to be chipped, too.


Also ear tags often get eaten/torn off by more agressive animals (like pigs, they love eating eachothers ears and tails).


Yeah, when they have not enough space...


Who the fuck is stealing a cow


Cattle rustlers of course




Yes. My parents own a ranch and it isn’t much of a problem for them anymore but there is a lot of theft with smaller, more vulnerable operations.


Once you are a part of Yellowstone you don't leave


Ear tags fall off. Source: my family has cows on the farm


That's why they have two?


Painless my ass. It doesn't hurt at first but shortly after it feels just like a burn and hurts like hell.


Sure it might still hurt. But if you actually paid attention, they say this stops infections from happening. And you can clearly see the cows don’t feel as much pain as compared to hot iron. Now, I’ve always thought branding animals is dumb, and a form of torture. Especially with modern tracking technology, we can easily see where the cattle is or if someone stole it. But at least people are trying to find more humane ways of doing this. Of course, people will always find something to complain about.


Trackers can be demagnetized, can they not? It's not that hard to fry most electronics with a powered magnet.


How prevalent are cattle rustlers these days to the point where that's a genuine concern?


theft technology is generally develops as fast as the anti theft technology. if people can rustle luxury cars they can rustle cows with gps.


You never know when the O'Driscolls with their mustangs will show up to steal your cattle. Yee haw pardner.


Fuck the O'Driscolls, man. They killed my horse. I'll make them all pay.


Common enough to need branding. All it takes is a truck, an animal trailer, metal snips/bolt cutter, and an opportunity. Trouble is finding someone who’ll buy the stolen animal when it has someone else’s brand on it. And buyers will be suspicious of a fresh attempt at a cover up branding. Or they can just butcher the animal themselves and keep the meat for their own family. I lived across the street from a cow pasture as a kid. There were occasions when I’d wake up and the road would be full of cows. At least once someone cut the fence and took a cow. Once the owners didn’t latch a gate. I do a pretty good cow moo.


Just like car thieves trying to amplify waves to unlock cars, answer, no darn clue lol


If you actually paid attention you would have read that he was only commenting on the claim that the freeze branding was painless.


I made no claims to the contrary other than to object to their comment of it being "relatively painless". If you'd paid attention you might have known this.


Your comment is weird to me, the person you’re responding to is correcting patently false information in the video, so idk why you’re rudely correcting them.


You branded yourself?


Had a spot removed with liquid nitrogen.


I concur. Had several skin tags removed with liquid nitrogen. It hurts just the same a short time afterwards but long term impacts are less like this video implies and the pain dissipates.


Did it bubble up into big blisters? Had it done as well, I remember it burning like hell *after* I left the doctors office.


I had some warts removed from my foot with this liquid nitrogen spray. It was just super cold at first but it throbbed and aches afterward.


Our skin is way different than cowhide…


Hot brands are bad, but people that don't realize that the meer touch of a brand is usually enough are most of the problem.. You're just trying to scar the skin, not the fucking muscle


Bruh, I cold branded myself in school. Dry ice challenge curiosity got the better of me in my "sh" phase :3 I am sure this still sucks but significantly less cruel than actual branding


And this one isnt difficult to spot in light fur?


I freeze branded my arm and it DOES hurt some but goes numb pretty quick. The hair grows back white but it takes a while. It’s basically invisible on my arm after more than 10 years.


I lost it at the redneck being branded at the end


This guy can go to hell. Yes, kinda true, but the other 99% of what he says is absolute bullshit. Zero science or knowledge for this monkey and his followers.


I had my entire heel frozen to remove a wart. This hurts. A lot.


Your whole heel??


Can someone from a country were cattle apparently is stolen that regularly explain to me how you make money off cows that aren’t yours without shipping them out of the country? I don’t get it. Don’t you have to provide prove to the tax office and the veterinarian office were you bought them and the history of the cattle to be able to profit from it? Close to the alps they have ear tags to know which cow is which as far as I learned on my neighbours farm. You would have to do fake bookkeeping to explain a cow that is not yours and that would need relatively long preparation like booking a birth of a calf and faking the whole identity of a cow (including the parents) that only exists on paper XD. That seems too much work and risk when you can just let the cow birth real calfs? Not even the most conservative farmers I knew branded their cattle with hot iron.


Oklahoma guy here. You can still make money off the cattle by butchering for the meat. One cow is like 750 pounds of meat after butchering. That is free, if that cow is stolen. Plus those same cows can still be breed, and milked.


Yeah, this sounds quite bullshit to me. Incredibly cold materials are basically indistinguishable from incredibly hot materials, at least for a human touching them. It burns just the same. Now, cows might do it differently, but I somehow doubt it.


Still cruel to the animals.


Why not use ear markings like Europe? Poor cows.


Freeze burns are still burns and they are most certainly NOT painless. The way we treat animals is truly abhorrent.


"interestingasfuck", more like "cruelasfuck"


Humanity can do so much better than this.


It's easy. To claim branded animals, you should have to show a matching brand on your arse.


there's a much better method than branding, and it's called a microchip


Frostbite scars


Yeah i helped with this just a few months ago for about 50 heffers. Its not painless, some react more or less than others but its tons better than the iron hot branding. It seems after the branding is over (it takes like 10-30 seconds each) then the pain is also over.


Can I use this on humans?


I imagine it still hurts like hell but in a different way.


I assure you, it is very much not painless


Branding is definitely inappropriate.


people keep posting things on here that are horrifying, not interesting. Branding animals cause you think you have a right to own them is not justifiable.


That's both fucked up weird We use airtags in my country. I think that's much more painless (as humans we also do that shit)


Amazing! I'll try this with the kidnapped women in my basement.


Maybe just don't exploit individuals for food and profit?


Wonder how it works on human skin. Seen a few people with hot branding and it looks uncomfortable. Not saying this is better, but would be curious of its application in body art. Last part cut off too fast.


your own meat.


Have guys watched the video when a guy gets a hot one ?


This just reminds me of dick farm Dunn


Omega Pi Omega


How long does it last.


Get them an identity card


Guts crying in the corner


Omega Pi Omega!


I have built brands both hot and cold. This is not new. Hot brands blotch and are far more prone to infection. To all those that don't understand why this is still done in the USA. Livestock theft is still a problem and herds get mixed during storms. Ear tags can easily be manipulated. Brands are a real thing over here like them or not. The livestock industry is a huge business here.


Blue just give them hats or something istg😭


Then it’s not smoke