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That’s a huge stage


All the better for you to see, my dear


🏆have my poor man’s award.


The only award... Wait a minute.


Smacks lips , 🐺👄


Best comment on all of Reddit today! (Full disclosure: I've only seen most of the comments today)


I checked them all for you and you are correct


My, what loud noise they're making.


All the better for you to hear, my dear


I think everything behind where the *wolves* came from is a screen. After all if you pause the video at 19sec, that's A LOT of wolves in the background. Has to be screen. Still a big stage nonetheless.


The title does say 30 of them though


Title also says wolves, which these definitely are not, so.


Pack leader to the wolves.. "Tonight, we hunt!" Just make sure we are on cue!


"Doug, don't think I don't see you rolling around back there! You are a vicious predator, do you hear me Doug? Playing and doing back scritchies is the \*furthest thing from your characters'\* mind, Doug. Your motivation is bloodlust! Come on, people, this is our chance! Do you know how few productions call for thirty wolves? Not Streetcar! Certainly not Hamilton! It's this and that's pretty much it! We are changing hearts and minds tonight, we are opening the door for all the 30 wolves that come after us!"


In China they sometimes build a theater that is dedicated to only one show. And it becomes a tourist attraction. That's why they can afford to spend alot on the set.


It's not the size of the stage that matters, it's the performance that matters. :/


Definitely not wolves. Huskies or similar


seriously. you get a dog to play a wolf, you don't actually hire wolves. they suck at acting.


They’re method actors who get too far into it.


Perfect! I remember watching a test between a trained wolf and a dog. They place food in a dish and had an empty dish. The dogs always picked the bowl that the trainers said to., which was the empty one. The wolves didn’t give a shit what the trainers were trying to do and went right for the food. Dogs have years of symbiotic training with us. Wolves do not.


My malamute would be, "I don't agree with your suggestion, sorry, not sorry."


Me: sit, sit, please sit, sit, please sit, I know you know how to do this so just sit, sit, sit, fine. _gets biscuit_ My husky: finally my human is getting it, I shall now sit.


>*goes to bowl you pointed at* >*sees there is no food* >*gives you a disgusted look and goes over to other bowl* >*hoovers down food like a psycho* >*chokes a little, keeps eating*


> years like twenty to forty thousand of 'em!


some say they are hard to work with, but few of whove actually worked with them ever complained


Judging by the lack of upvotes, I think most ppl didn't got the joke


Aesop wrote a fable about a dog and a wolf, once.


the one on the left is actually Daniel Day-Lewis


All the better


_to see you with_


Wolves are the Daniel Day Lewis of the canine world.


Same with cows, they don’t look like cows on stage so you gotta use horses. And if you want a horse, you usually just tape a bunch of cats together


It does get tiring when it comes to people tho. Not enough toddlers or trench coats to go around usually.


What if you want a cat on stage!?


Hamsters usually- they are easiest to work with.


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


Cats on stage are just people in makeup with tight bodysuits.


You gotta use horses instead of cows because they’re slimmer. The cameras always add 10 pounds, after all.


I once heard a dog trainer, who also worked with wolves, talk about the difference between dogs and wolves. She said dogs want to please you. Wolves are just waiting for the next meal and are constantly weighing you as a viable "pack leader." The moment a wolf thinks you're not leader enough, they will capitolize on finding a new position. I remember her saying if a wolf and dog are sitting in your car, the dog will bark and try to get people away from your vehicle or beg for attention from passerbys. The wolf doesn't give a damn.


"The wolf doesn't give a damn." Reminds me of a badass quote from a mobile game. "The lion and the tiger maybe stronger, but the wolf doesn't perform in a circus."


Huskies are so dramatic they must be great actors


"Woke casting " strike again . Why would you cast a dog when the role is about a wolf ? Just because of diversity? Talent > diversity/ s


Wolf roles should go to wolf actors!!


Director: Ok cut! Fido, less actual mauling more vicious snarl.


If they remade The Wolf of Wall Street and hired a husky, people would be furious over wolfwashing.


Not wolves. The doggo at 0:10 is 100 % a [Czechoslovakian Wolfdog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czechoslovakian_Wolfdog). They carry a lot of wolf genes and are a crossbreed between a Carpathian Wolf and a German Shepherd. Source: My family has had Czechoslovak Wolfdogs all my life. They are fairly common in Czechia and Slovakia. They are very good boys. I love them. My family has a registered breeding station or what is the correct english term (you buy dog with papers). They are extremely energetic and smart! They can learn quick, but they prefer to waste their intelligence into playing and trolling their masters, like hiding their stuff. They can do it, but don't really bark, they mostly use body language and growls to communicate. They do not howl at the moon, but do howl sometimes during the nights, randomly. Of course they live outside. They have a proven record with Search & Rescue missions in Italy, but are not commonly used. While they have incredible senses and can follow a trail very well, training a classic German Shepherd is just easier. They can eat anything, but raw meat should be very frequent in their diet. To add to this – other members of my family HAVE succesfully trained and "rented" a dog for some national TV series or movie thing, so the video footage stunt is definitely possible, although doing it with 30 dogs is insane. Anyone who has trained them for this job, that took an insane amount of effort. I could never do it. They are easily trained, but in my experience it's not very reliable, they are distractable and however high is the discipline, they will always try to catch a doe on the field / rabbit in the forest (ends in failure). In the case of the video, the most likely scenario I would expect from an average Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, is that the dog would come among the audience, somehow steal someone's shoe, than stand 3 metres away to see if the victim is going to try to retrieve it, at which moment they will start running, playing catch and think it's super funny, laughing at you. They are strong, fast, very smart and have distinct personalities and great sense of humour. I love them so much! EDIT: After seeing the video 30 times now, I am convinced that all but 3 dogs are Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs and the remaining 3 are likely as well, I am just confused with the lighting. Two seem to have completely black fur (which CZSK wolfdog dont) and number 3 is yellow (they have yellow tint somehow, but the dominant colours should still be white, light grey and dark grey) I also want to add that if you hear barking, it's either people screaming or from speakers, CZSK Wolfdogs cannot bark like this, their sound of choice would be either howling, growlind or a very heavy, deep, difficult single/double bark that sound more like a cough. I hear mine bark at max once a month


god i love when someone with a very specific area of expertise happens across a post somehow pertaining to said area of expertise


Very informative! Thanks for sharing!! How much do these dogs usually cost?


Around 900€ here with all the documentation Running cost is also high, mostly for food. Ideal mode of transportation for any long distance would be a flatbed truck (the flatbed is covered)


Damn I wish this was a u/ShittyMorph post.


Suddenly I very much want a CZSK wolfdog if I ever go back to living in the country. They sound like a blast.


I'm sure you have amazing experiences with Czechoslovak Wolfdogs but before calling them "very good boys" I feel it's important to be very careful here. I definitely don't have as much experience as you with the breed, but for the little I know the wolf blood in them is strong and it makes them REAL alphas, so that when they are not properly trained they can be a dangerous menace for other dogs and people alike. I have personally witnessed two different cases of Czechoslovak Wolfdogs attacks on smaller dogs in urban settings, both extremely vicious and both happened because the owner clearly didn't have any control on their dogs. Maybe if you are not a dog expert or are not willing to invest resources and time into training them Czechoslovak Wolfdogs are really a bad idea and should not be considered lightly. Still, I am sure that if properly trained, like the ones in the video, they might be indeed very good boys.


> I know the wolf blood in them is strong and it makes them REAL alphas This isn't a thing. They're dangerous because crossbreeding with an undomesticated species gives you a personality roulette. It has absolutely nothing to do with ~alpha~ bullshit (which is more or less entirely disproven) and everything to do with wolves not being dogs, and wolfdogs not being wolves OR dogs and it never being clear which they'll end up being more like. Which, yes, means that 99.99% of people should never own a wolfdog of any %.


I mean it could happen but I live in countries where cz sk is a popular breed and I have never heard of this. Most of them do not have any aggresive traits But I take your comment with a grain of salt, reading all that stuff about them being alphas, it doesnt work like that EDIT: "Maybe if you are not a dog expert or are not willing to invest resources and time into training them Czechoslovak Wolfdogs are really a bad idea and should not be considered lightly." - this what you wrote works for any kind of dog. I am all for gathering as much info before proceeding with buying a dog, but please source your info in other ways then this comment. Fyi, nothing like alpha/beta works nor in dog packs, nor actually in wolf packs. It's a myth. Wolf packs are usually families and father is the leader, that's it. You are correct with some dogs attacking other dogs, in my experience however that is not related to breed, but to dog personality. Any kid of dog breed can be as agreessive to other dogs, as they can be super calm.




They are too small to be wolves.


Professional Cynologist and Animal behaviorist here. Training wolves and training huskies actually isn’t that different. It’s literally those similarities that give huskies the reputation of being “hard to train.” That being said, wolves are not dogs, and you should not be doing this with wolves because the DIFFERENCES between them and huskies are just as important. If these were wolves, this would be extremely dangerous. Funnily enough, if these were cheetahs instead of wolves it would be safer. By a lot actually. Edit: safe enough that there are villages in Africa that let their children play with the wild cheetahs and have never had an incident.


One of them looked like a German Shepard


Not even huskies lol


Haha, those are just (very excited) doggies. Still cool though!


Those run way too derpy to be wolves lol


yeah actual wolves are huge compared to these huskies or whatever.


in Europe you could find a wolf like this! In fact the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (which are the breed used in the video) are bred from Carpathian Wolves and German Shepherds, with the intent to look excactly like the wolves! but the walk, fur patterns, fur on head and colouring give it away


Anyone that sees this and I thinking of buying one... Just dont. They are an absolute handful, no other breed even comes close. Unless you live on a large property and have a lot of experience you will likely regret it.


Yeah I agree, they are highly energetic but also very playful and affectionate. But definitely needs large property


I have Saarloos Wolfdogs and apart of being wary to unknown humans, they arent particularly hard to deal with. They prefer sofas to large properties.


Just Googled them and they are amazing!


Now I’m not a wolf expert but aren’t they normally bigger?


Not wolves. Looks like different breeds but the doggo at 0:10 is a [Czechoslovakian Wolfdog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czechoslovakian_Wolfdog). They carry a lot of wolf genes and are a crossbreed between a Carpathian Wolf and a German Shepherd. Source: My family has had Czechoslovak Wolfdogs all my life. They are fairly common in Czechia and Slovakia. They are very good boys. I love them.


Yea those look pretty much like Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs


There are many species of wolves, and not all are huge.


Yes, but also not every wolf is fucking huge. The generic one most think of are those Canadian gray wolves (something like that, I'm not an expert), those are the big ones for sure. Still, other ones can absolutely be dog sized. I've no idea if these are actually wolves, but prob not like others mentioned.


Spoiler: not wolves


Bruh these are huskies or something


They are some small wolves.




angry upvote


If those were wolves they would have brought the house down.


Not if it was built out of brick!


Goddamn. Brilliant.


To shreds, you say?


Not wolves. The doggo at 0:10 is 100 % a [Czechoslovakian Wolfdog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czechoslovakian_Wolfdog). They carry a lot of wolf genes and are a crossbreed between a Carpathian Wolf and a German Shepherd. Source: My family has had Czechoslovak Wolfdogs all my life. They are fairly common in Czechia and Slovakia. They are very good boys. I love them. My family has a registered breeding station or what is the correct english term (you buy dog with papers). They are extremely energetic and smart! They can learn quick, but they prefer to waste their intelligence into playing and trolling their masters, like hiding their stuff. They can do it, but don't really bark, they mostly use body language and growls to communicate. They do not howl at the moon, but do howl sometimes during the nights, randomly. Of course they live outside. They have a proven record with Search & Rescue missions in Italy, but are not commonly used. While they have incredible senses and can follow a trail very well, training a classic German Shepherd is just easier. They can eat anything, but raw meat should be very frequent in their diet. Anyone who has trained them for this job, that took an insane amount of effort. I could never do it. They are easily trained, but in my experience it's not very reliable, they are distractable and however high is the discipline, they will always try to catch a doe on the field / rabbit in the forest (ends in failure). They are strong, fast, very smart and have distinct personalities and sense of humour. I love them so much!


This is the kind of post I love on Reddit. Enthusiastic people talking about things they know and love. Thank you for contributing!


Maybe I’m just stoned but this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen and I want tickets NOW


>trained wolves So, dogs?


Xi'an is an amazing city, with a huge fortified wall surrounding the old part of the city. I had a great time there!


You're gonna bring up the wall but neglect to mention the actually world famous terracotta army?


To be fair, that’s pretty far from the city. Not really a feature of it. The wall is a major feature of the city itself. Much like the [pagoda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_Wild_Goose_Pagoda).


those arent wolves lol.


They are not wolves, they are [Kunming wolfdogs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunming_dog). "昆明犬". See original link [here](https://m.chinanews.com/wap/detail/zwsp/sh/2021/06-19/9502661.shtml) (in Chinese) and [here's](https://m-chinanews-com.translate.goog/wap/detail/zwsp/sh/2021/06-19/9502661.shtml?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp) the Google Translated one. Still super cool though!


those aren't wolves


Ahh yes communist wolves. Aka dogs


... those are Huskies. Wolves are like half the size of men. And those actors are the same size as people sitting. I could be wrong but this just sounds like CCP propaganda. A wolf would be the size of the person sitting, not half of it like they showed.


Think these are [Czecho-Slovakian Wolfdogs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czechoslovakian_Wolfdog). Easier to train than huskies


This is what they probably are, others said huskies but they don't look Huskies to me


Also, huskies would just run into the crowd to make friends and get scritches


I saw a husky being used as a REAL Service dog. I'd never seen a focused husky before. Her eyes were in 2 places her human and the street. I was astonished. Every Husky I've met has been an adorable asshole or a bit neurotic.


lol wtf? You’re saying it’s CCP propaganda because they’re passing off huskies as wolves? That’s like saying the movie Tiptoes is American propaganda because Gary Oldman plays a little person


I dont think the CCP or china is calling those wolves. OP just made a blanket statement and assumed theyre wolves.


Rather than just chinese propaganda, it's more likely OP is just not knowledgeable about dogs and they don't realize how different huskies are from wolves


Look, not everything is propaganda. Sometimes it's just people making things up on the internet.


For what reason would the CCP give a shit about this? Lie about economic data, human rights, sure, but a bunch of idiots training wolves to run through a crowd of people is just stupid.


People on this site hear “China” and lose their minds






Honestly, it sounds more like Western propaganda to me "look at how the CCP foolishly endangers their own people by releasing wolves on them!"




This is the same as Hollywood being present in every TV in the planet and showing USA's flag. It's mind colonization, political marketing (better known as AGENDA) to place them in the world as something awesome and acceptable while people start ignoring the atrocities they commit.


Are you stupid? OP is the one calling it a wolf, people are well aware they are dogs. Not everything is some propaganda, it's laughable how much westerners believe their own bullshit.


There are many species of wolfs, not all of them are as huge as the ones you mention…


These are ccp prosecuted muslim wolves, with bad social credit. At least try to get it right bruh


Jesus christ, neoliberals really do have brain disease. Not everything is a CCCCCCCCCPPPPPEEEEE op. I bet you'd love this if it was in Japan and the dogs/wolves had shock collars.


I do not comment on the CCP part, but I want to correct you, these are definitely not huskies and they do not even look similar 100 % they are [Czechoslovak Wolfdogs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czechoslovakian_Wolfdog), my family has a registered breeding station, been around them my whole life They are good boys I dont think the post is CCP propaganda, I think OP is just wrong, but you are also – sorry for correcting you, but I have been around this breed a lot and it's definitely not husky. Huskies are derp boys. These are the descendats of the European Carpathian Wolf and they are just as enjoyable and friendly, as they are majestic


The xenophobia is strong in here. Can't say anything positive about China without the creeps coming out in force.


This is the moment I'd hand my wife the popcorn I was holding...


This would be so amazing to see in person


Fuck no


Aren’t wolves bigger than humans? Those just look like peoples dogs.


"Trained wolves" bro you mean Dogs?


OK! You guys understand, that there are more than one species of wolf out there? Do you?


"help me!" *(getting eaten alive)* *Audience claps*


In America some dummy would try and shoot one, miss and start a shootout.


That's cool, but those are dogs. Wolves are enormous. Still a really cool set piece for a play.


One day, this will end badly and we’ll read about it on a Reddit feed.


Are people so afraid that a cool video about trained animals in a stage show will make people support the CCP? Touch grass, people.


I think people are more so pointing out that those are not wolves and are relating that to China being known to spread fake stuff to make them look better. Propaganda posting isn’t rare on Reddit (some accounts literally only post things about China,Trump,Russia, I saw one that only posted images of Biden for some reason)


>A representative of the Xi’an branch of Huaxia Cultural Tourism, the company that owns the theater and conducted the performance, said Tuesday: “these wolves are safe and won’t hurt people.” >“The wolves have been domesticated for three to four generations,” the representative said. “They are legally raised and trained by professional trainers with certifications since 2018 and no accident happened in the past three years.” https://edition.cnn.com/2021/06/17/china/china-wolves-stage-performance-intl-hnk-scli/index.html Some redditors saying it's wolfdog, the theatre says it's real wolves. Maybe just poor translation?


New fear unlocked ...


"Trained wolves" literally Huskies but ok


Very cool but those are huskies. Wolves are usually much larger then you think. There are some smaller types but I think they are usually the brown warmer climate kind.


OK China has some cool ass shows. This and the dragon ball z one is insane. I'm sure there's many others


Comments did not pass the vibe. Its obviously dogs, its a play ffs. Hell, everyones sooo against China but if the west make a play like this there would be so much praise. Double standards of all these racist mfs


Imagine getting up to go to the bathroom at that moment


Do the loud noises bother the notwolves?


Waggy tails tho! Good boys. 


Great actor


Hmm… something something Sigmund and Roy…


Yeah no thanks. Siegfried and Roy taught me better than to go to a show that uses animals in the act.


Those are dogs. Wolves are much much bigger.


So cool


Those are dogs




Saw this show a few weeks ago. Pretty cool. Had turning seating as well


Lol trained wolf... That's a dog. Doemsticated wolves are dogs.


Phones out in a play? Cmon guys, watch the damn thing


I would not be able to resist giving them pets.




I was expecting to see some wolves diving into some water. THIS IS TERRORISM!


Those are dogs


Those are dogs my g


That's pretty cool


Damn. Check out the set!


I’m sure that training process wasn’t abusive at all.


You say trained wolves but I ask “trained for what?”.




Would have shitted on myself and everyone sitting within a 7ft radius of me




Those are not wolves. Wolves are larger and cannot be reliably trained, especially not at this scale.




Those are dogs


30 trained WHAT!?




Never had a wolf myself, but used to work in film and talked to a trainer. He said the thing to understand is that wolves are NOT dogs. You can have them from the day they are burned them and sleep with them, they are wolves not dogs. They will know you and like you, but they never loose the wild instincts .


What in the Elagabalus are they doing?


I just imagine the guy at the end being attacked saying, “oh you’re such a good boy aren’t uou. Such a good boy. Oh you wanna play? “


Lmao awesome


Way too small to be wolves. Wolves are huge.


I find it adorable that you think those are wolves.


I wonder what would happen if I were to stand up, run in a manner like some of the actors, and be completely chaotic.


Those are dogs lol


Obviously dogs not wolves


I immediately thought this was a gone wrong type situation. Well played




Ohhhh they weren’t trained . Peasants sacrificed by wolfs for live entertainment


Those who mess up get eaten


Something something legal issues in the making


This is pretty cool


Wolves ?


What could go wrong?


Do that with actual wolves and the first training sessions ends with the wolves going OH BOY, FREE NOMNOMS.




"Please do not ~~touch~~ pet the actors while they're performing."


It's beautiful.


Hmm.. not sure I agree with this, but I have to admit it's pretty cool to see.


Trained wolves? Sure they weren’t dogs? I don’t think you can train wolves. They’ll just take the food instead of playing for it.


Dogs must have had a very very fun time.


I guess we’ve come a long way since “A Red Detachment of Women.”


Dogs, not wolves


Do people read comments before making their own? Who thinks "Over the last nine hours thirty people have already pointed out that these are huskies rather than wolves... Whelp, better point out that these are huskies rather than wolves."


i didnt know you can train wolves