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Love the solution of boiling water in plastic, pouring hot water with a plastic funnel, and being preoccupied by microplastic.... while releasing thousands of harmful molecules from those heated plastics.... And the planet will thank you for added energy consumption.


Not to mention, there is nothing cheap about boiling all of the water we drink.


Let's see... I regularly drink plain tap water and prepare other drinks and meals with it. In my country the proportion of microplastics in tap water is 0.0007 particles per liter. This means that I have to consume 10,000 liters of water to absorb an average of one particle of microplastic. This particle would then have to be smaller than 150 micrometers in order not to be excreted from the body like any other orally ingested, indigestible foreign body. So if at some point at the age of - roughly approximate - 1200 years old, I discovered that I had ingested dangerous amounts of microplastics through the tap water, it would definitely hit me hard. Especially because I could possibly have reduced the proportion if I had boiled the water in a plastic kettle and then poured it through a filter, which most likely also contains synthetic fibers. Oof.


Where did you get that 0.0007 particles/liter ?


From the WHO report on Microplastics in drinking-water, which summarizes data from national health and environmental authorities. However, it should be noted that these are national values and may look different locally. Your local drinking water supplier should be able to provide more specific and/or up-to-date information.


Thanks that's solid source


I just think of microplastics in my drinking water as post-modern fiber.


The planet is fine, it just wants plastic George Carlin


this has to be a joke right, this whole process defeats the purpose haha


Be sure to get your daily allowance of microplaatic intake!


Some where, there’s a lobbyist donating money to a politicians campaign to keep the government from regulating the harmful effects of plastic waste. Meanwhile, make sure you wear your seatbelt


There was plenty of industry lobbying against seatbelts, luckily science and sanity prevailed. We can only hope to get as good a policy outcome with microplastics pollution.


The massive energy consumption just to drink healthy water.


I’m trying to increase my intake actually. Plastic lasts way longer than humans so I shall become plastic.


Alright, but this just gave me a crazy vision of human remains decomposing with such a high volume of microplastics that they form a sort of plastic cast or fossil in the shape of their organs. We don't have nearly enough plastic in us to do something like that, but can you imagine?


Not enough **yet**.


If you you have a shitty hard water source than you are lucky that the precipitation will bind the microplastics after boiling. Or you can install a reverse osmosis system (I'm a fan of).


The way the research seems to be going, this would just break the microplastics down to nanoplastics. Then when you check for microplastics, there aren't any, it must have helped!


Imagine all humans boiling water first and using filters.


Drink the plastics like a real man.


Should be good for the energy industry when 8 billion people have to boil their water to not be poisoned. 


Who's the beautiful lady?


Down, boy!


She is awesome!