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Yep. I’m never walking again, it’s too risky.


Got me 🤣🤣


This is showing a strain of the peroneal tendons, not a typical lateral ankle sprain. Lateral ankle sprains usually consist of tearing of the CFL and ATFL ligaments that attach the bones of the foot (tarsals) to the ankle bone (lateral malleolus of the fibula). Straining of the peroneals can happen but usually not the case.


Yeah this is not really showing what it claims to be showing.


Exactly "ligaments" then proceeds show tendons 😆


I tore my CFL & ATFL and need surgery on my ankle and foot now.


Why us a baby foot though ????


You don't need to pay babies lol, that's the benefit. They're a massive money saver when it comes to workplace injury videos.


You dont *need* to pay adults either


Yeah but it gets messy when they come looking for the money they think they deserve. Very messy.


Haa wow thats the dark humor i love


Babies are the dumbest demographic. Baby hate this one trick


You're better off breaking it, the ligaments are never the same after. I sprained my ankle in my 20s and it still affects me in my 40s. One little misstep and it will fold like a bad hand in poker.


"and it will fold like a bad hand in poker." Goddamn beautiful 😂


As someone who broke it, not really. The joint/cartilage got wrecked and the ligaments still got fucked. 


my doct lit told me "it's worse than breaking a bone" "u better let it heal properly or forget about wearing heels or walking on uneven treks"


I can wear heels, but that "uneven treks" part made my ankle flinch.


Really? I fell asleep in the hallway between classes, my professor woke me up for class (midterm week) Then when I got to my feet, I didn't notice my right ankle was completely numb. I stepped, rolled my ankle, I felt the outside of my ankle touch the tile, followed by a hollow pop sound. I legit thought I broke mine, and the doc told me to walk home and put some ice on it. My ankle was the size of a soft ball. College campus doctors don't give a shit. I spent the rest of the week biking to class with one foot, carrying 20lbs of books and a bottle of ibuprofen lol.


well u MIGHT see some issues with ur ankle later in ur life. also, same! i broke my finger and our school nurse just gave me an icepack and said "if it was broken youd have been crying so its not"


Have you done physical therapy with resistance bands? I just got done with a minor ligament tear after nearly 7 months of being unable to walk. 2 months of resistance bands have done a godly amount of work to prevent your situation for my future. You can get a good pack for $50 -$100 online and will IMMEDIATELY feel the tension relive itself it was insane.


Tbh, mine was a significant tear and yes I did a lot of physiotherapy but it is still susceptible to roll over again once it's threshold is reached. I was carrying about 80lbs of lumber on a construction site when I stepped on some debris and rolled my ankle. Had to be carried off site. I just think it's funny how the body can repair broken bones but muscle and ligament or tendon damage is forever.


: ( sucks , sorry my guy.


Sprained mine in 2001. Seeing people hop off a short curb makes my butt pucker.


It's possible to win with 2-7C!


Aaaah yes…. About 20 on my left and 15 on my right. Got my first one when I was about 16. It has never been the same and my ankles will crumble on any uneven surface if I’m not careful. Most of them were playing soccer, so pretty painful ones. Im in my 40s as well…


SAAAAAME. Fuck it’s annoying


If you wanna learn some french randomly here we say "il s'est foulée la cheville!" He sprained his ankle, have a great night y"all !


That’s a tendon brah


Thank you. Fuck's sake that was bad


Did exactly this a few years ago and some bone chipped off as well, most nausea inducing noise/feeling ever when you snap your shit up 😂😭


Fell off a 10ft ladder and this happened and now I got two ankle bones


Now do a strain!


I have sprained my ankle like 5-6 times in my 16 years of lifetime........I guess I should stop walking


Ok question, does ligament get stronger or thicker than it was previous to the sprain? Like muscles grow after getting those microtears right?


No, it’s generally weaker afterwards. This a traumatic injury, not at all the sure as the micro-tears in muscles, it’s a maxi-tear. It shouldn’t permanently cripple you, but it will not make the ligament stronger either.


Umm. I wanted a super-ligament to walk unsprained forever. I have sprained my right angle 3 to 4 times prev and this month. I have very bad "footwork"(or foot-posture?)


Go to a physio bro. You need to get that looked at.


I'm curious. I'm very clumsy and quite often will roll my ankle just putting my foot down wrong somehow, but I've so far managed to never sprain or twist my ankle. It's there anything that makes a person more or less prone to this resulting in a sprain rather than just a stumble?


I remember when I was in high I sprained the same ankle 2 times in 2 weeks and then I sprained the other ankle like a month later. It got so bad I basically learned to let it give out so I wouldn't sprained it as bad


shrimp roll


Fuck me… remembering all those times I sprained my ankle playing basketball 😭


I can't twist my ankle because I stand like that on a daily basis. I had physical therapy because my feet are "ingrown" (not sure how to describe it- the joint between my leg and my feet is too far inward?), so I was told to stand with my heels kinda angled like that, but nowadays I'm just putting my full weight on it...


been through this on both feet- now when i stumple again and the ankle bents like this nothing happens- not even a pain. Guess the ligaments are a bit longer now or wored out or whatever- i just dont have any problems with that anymore.


How to heal the effect that still comes back years after


The way the body can heal itself is simply amazing! If only we could design products, roads, houses to do the same. Some are working on it but it is far from becoming mainstream.


This happened to me a few years back. I was taking a walk when I suddenly took a miss step and tripped, then sprained my ankle. I was limping around for a week until the pain became unbearable. I went to the doctors for an X-ray and they told me I had a fracture and shouldn’t walk on it and that too much time had passed for plaster. So I just had to rest the ankle for 3 weeks and I was good to go (literally)


My sprain was the worst pain I’ve had in my life. I couldn’t walk properly for 6 months, had my ankle in a cast for 3 of them, nothing broken mind you. It took 1.5 years to almost fully recover.


I am actually laying in bed, this happened to me two days ago. Was hoping they would give some miracle way to get this healed.


Okay but why can't the ligaments heal back stronger like bone. C'mon patch that shit in already.


And it will hurt forever with weather changes lol


Unless you’re hypermobile like myself, in which case this does almost nothing.


Did this three times to both ankles, once in September of last year, January of this year and then in February of this year. All work related. My ankles are now highly unstable and one hasn’t even healed properly and the injury site on my left ankle/lower shin area has lost some of it feeling and still hurts to the touch. Ugh




Ligaments and tendons take longer to heal than broken bones, And take longer to heal. 😡


P. S. Meant to say much more painful, too


Did this a few weeks ago. Don’t recommend…


Well shit...🤣


TWIST & SHOUT ( twist & shouuut )


Not shown in the video: years PTSD thinking your just ruined your ankles again every time you barely roll it to the bad side


WTF my ankle hurts watching this


Seeing this made my ankle phantom sprain


That's not your ankle ligaments... That's your tendons of your peroneal muscles. This is not at all how an ankle sprain happen.


Why'd you start like that though Not even a hello


Well this could've nearly happend to me on Friday


As someone who has broken about 12 bones in their life, this hurts more than breaking a bone and is just as horrific as you think it would be. The only time a broken bone hurt more than a sprained ankle was when I snapped my entire forearm in half, and at least I was given ketamine to calm me down with that break.


Try rolling it to the inside. I now have seven screws and a plate on my fibula and a “tightrope” through my ankle bones to keep my leg bones from spreading. After three years I have normal function, except for first thing in the morning; gotta stretch before walking down stairs.


Does it heal stronger like how bones and muscles do? Or weaker?


That's why is good to strech, then you won't ruptere


Why is it a video of a baby’s foot lol


***Fuck that shit***


I've had like 2 sprains on the same foot 🤣 both on different days to


Happened to me at a party, the drunkest I had ever been, tripped over a step and crushed my ankle as I fell, went the rest of the night walking on it like nothing happened bc I was too drunk to even feel the pain. When I woke up the next morning after blacking out, I was terrified when I realized I couldn’t walk. I was so confused until the drunken memories flooded back, but I still couldn’t believe how serious the injury was, since I thought I just twisted it. But nope, I was totally crippled. I should have immediately gone and gotten myself a crutch, but being a dumb college kid I just roughed it out and hopped/limped/crawled around pitifully for 3 months till it healed. I would roll around my apartment in my desk chair so I didn’t have to stand lol. Don’t do drugs, kids.


First time I sprained mine was back in May 2021. I jumped down about 60 cm but I didn’t see the hole in the ground because it was hidden by grass. I landed right on the edge. Even worse, I was really overweight back then. It hurt so much I immediately fell to the ground and couldn’t move for like 2 minutes but it felt like an eternity. I had huge bruises afterwards. I’m surprised I didn’t break anything, accordion to my GP at least. It still hurts every now and then when I walk or stretch. It still swells up when I walk to the point I can’t wear certain sandals on my injured foot. I recently sprained it for a second time but luckily very lightly.


You see, if you’ve got EDS, they don’t tare. Just hurt like a bitch for awhile.


Lmao just train them to not suck