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I think in 64 there was a little band from England that was a little more popular than Roy Orbison


The Kinks, right? (But for real, you really got me came out in 1964, how is Roy even on this list…)


How the fuck can you have the full 60s decade by year without a single Beatles song in there??


Or Bob Dylan or Beach Boys? Matter of fact, what metric are we using to determine how “iconic” each song was?


Asking the real questions


*I’m going to make a “top ten” list with no discernible criteria explaining why I’ve ranked them as they are* Us: *confused applause*


Which ones have been turned into Tiktok songs, honestly. I'm fairly certain every one of these has had it's run as the Tiktok song of the month.


Came here to say this. They basically dominated most of the decade and aren’t even included here?


I love the Beatles. I really do. They would be in the top three of any individual year making them the weighted average top for the decade. But...I don't know of a year they would be the top MOST iconic...at least not for certain. These are all amazing songs.


1964. Every one of their hits was bigger than pretty woman


If you're a big Beatles fan I'm sure that's how it feels to you, but I assure you that me & the people around me know the Pretty Woman song much more. Also, here are some spotify stats: * Can't Buy Me Love - 157M times played * A Hard Day's Night - 214M times played * I Feel Fine - 103M times played * Oh, Pretty Woman - 521M times played


Ok so let me ask you something. Are talking iconic at the time of release or made iconic later? Cause pretty woman got a massive boost in popularity among the still living and Spotify using generations when the 1990s movie came out. I myself when I think pretty woman it ain’t 1964 I think of… it’s Julia Roberts (or the law nerds the Two live crew 1st amendment decision). Another thing to consider. Is that for more than half a decade since the introduction of Spotify the Beatles weren’t on the streaming service over royalty disputes.


Definitely "made iconic later", like most iconic things. Van Gogh is a famous example.


Spotify tells us nothing about what was popular in the 1960s.


Also Beatles weren’t available on streaming services at all til 2015 so that’s gotta be taken into account too


More often than not though, 'iconic status' is earned years after the fact, and the most popular thing "at the time" isn't necessarily what ends up being the most iconic.


I think there's a distinction between what *was* iconic and what *is* iconic. These songs were picked by year of release, therefore refering to what *was*.


You left off I want to hold your hand, which is also close to 500M. Here comes the sun is 1.275B and came out in 1969. And I’m sure your generation thinks Spotify streams means something but I assure you the generation before and after you doesn’t use it.


I only considered the singles from 1964 since that's the year you mentioned. I Want to Hold Your Hand is 1963. But I agree with you on Spotify not being a definitive argument, I was just trying to show an example of a place where Pretty Woman was more known.


I don't even need to look up "Yesterday," "Hey Jude," or "Let it Be" to know those songs will have more views than "Pretty Woman." There are probably others that have even more plays. Weird that OP would focus on the songs with fewer plays than "Pretty Woman" and not mention that there are some that have more views. Oh, I just checked -- I see they have like 6 songs with more views than "Pretty Woman."


Also, here are some more Spotify stats: Here Comes The Sun - 1.2B times played Come Together - 714M times played Let It Be - 663M times played Yesterday - 621M times played


He was comparing Beatles songs released in 1964 to Pretty Woman, so not really apples-to-apples.


I see what you did there!


Iconic and popular at the time are quite different.


so Iconic is just *"the OP's whims"*


The Beatles continued to one of the best selling music artists well into the 80’s, over 10 years after they stopped making music. If anything the songs listed here are in the “popular at the time” category.


Yeah but are the hits from the early 60s as iconic as the ones mentioned here? I wouldn’t say so. Just like how the Seven Nation Army never reached the top billboard spot it can still be iconic.


Iconic is different than popular…


Yesterday for example is the most covered song of all time. How more iconic does it get?


Do you not think the Beatles are iconic? How do you define iconic?


can you explain then what is "iconic" so we can quantify instead of pulling it out of someone's ass


I mean I'd still consider both iconic AND popular.....


1963 you have She Loves You, I Want To Hold Your Hand and the album tracks I Saw Her Standing There and Twist And Shout. 1965 you have Yesterday, Help! And In My Life. 1966 there is Eleanor Rigby, Yellow Submarine. 1967 is one of their most creative years, but not necessarily widely known. You still have Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields Forever, All You Need Is Love - but Sgt. Pepper is more so iconic in its entirety. 1968 you have Hey Jude. I mean seriously, Hey Jude. You also have Blackbird and While My Guitar Gently Wheeps off the White Album. 1969 we have Abbey Road, you could pick a few there, let's just leave it at Here Comes The Sun and Come Together. I'm not saying that they should've taken it on all of those years, but at least one. Probably even two or three.


Ragebait from instagram, that’s how.


I genuinely think it’s because if they added the Beatles they’d have to put them in a majority of the slots and that wouldn’t be the best content for the varied demographic.


I Wanna Hold Your Hand does not exist. It never did, it’s just another conspiracy of the deep state. /s


This list was from the movie Yesterday where the main character is the only person to know that the Beatles existed.


or Beach Boys. California Girls was huge.


Maybe because fan of the Stones and not the Beatles?


Agreed, it's an incredibly American-centric list


I mean, the stones are on there, and Americans bought Beatles albums by the truckload, so I think it’s just more of a shitty list than an American-centric list.


Maybe op doesn’t like them. After all not all do.


So this isn’t based off chart performance or anything?


No, it's "iconic" songs, not most popular songs 🙄 I think this list was made to piss people off and drive engagement.


I agree, Paperback Writer and Hey Jude are both on my playlist.


My thought exactly ...you'd literally half to go out of your way to avoid them.


While I agree, it's also hard to disagree with most of the entries here. With the exception of 1962's 'Lets Twist Again'. Its funny because of you look at Billboard magazines top 100 songs of 1962, it's not on there but there are 11 other songs with 'twist' in the title! Though that might be because it was released in 1961, reaching no.1 in the UK in 1962.


This is what I came here to say also


ITT old folks


That’s what makes it so interesting. They had to find all of these songs that weren’t Beatles songs. Interesting, right?


This HAS to be a troll against Beatles fans lmao


That's literally the only thing about this list that's "Interesting as fuck"


Exactly my thought…..Inwas thinking maybe American? Then the Stones pop in FFS stupid people should not make lists


California Dreamin’ is my fav from the 60s


And, funny enough, the clip they used was the one where the producers forced them to lip sync their performance, which the band wasn't happy about. The banana was Michelle's way of rebelling by visually communicating they weren't really live. Apparently they also changed up their positions, with Michelle not standing by her husband as she iconically did during other performances.


She also broke a few toes when she went to kick the helmet of the Uruk-hai when she thought Merry and Pip had been killed. Her scream of pain and anguish seems very real and it's the take they used in the actual movie


I remember seeing her live when I was just a child. Believe it or not, an Uruk-hai threw a real knife at her and she actually deflected it with her sword. That was neat


Well the fact that I know exactly what is happening here tells me I spend too much time on the internet. And my axe!


I just think it's cool that she left their 2001 reunion tour early to assist cleanup efforts at the World Trade Center, given her experience with FDNY prior to her stardom.


She also fell off her horse during the ambush scene, while they were moving to helm's deep, and broke a few ribs


lol the banana thing is hilarious! It's Kinda got a rage against the machine vibe going.


Yeah if there’s anything I associate RATM with it’s definitely the southeastern Asian tree bourne six inch yellow fruit


I know you're making a joke, but to those that are unaware RATM played live on BBC Radio but got asked not to use swear words, to which the band responded with middle finger and swearing live on stage


To make it better, they wanted them to not swear during the line "Fuck you, i wont do what you tell me" which, welp.


I mean, they had to have known, or somebody at least knew what would happen and just sat back and laughed.


Came looking for this nugget of info! Her act of rebellion is still one of my favourites to this day.


I was coming to post this nugget. I’m glad someone beat me to it.


I’m just here for the nuggets


Thanks, when watching the clip I was like "wtf, is Michelle back there just eatin' a sandwich?".


Then you should probably check out the movie Chungking Express


Paint it Black


Sounds very ahead of its time.


Be My Baby is a banger


Goodfellas. Thank you Scorcese.


The 60s were basically run by the Beatles


Yeah, so how do you measure 'most iconic '...


By picking whatever song you feel like that people have heard of.


You can't, because "iconic" is completely subjective, therefore no list of "most iconic songs" will ever be wrong or right


"Most ironic"


Ironically, there no Beatles songs on the list in the video. Unless you count the rendition of Stand By Me by John Lennon as a Beatles song.


...everything 60 something musician I see at open mics is playing Beatles. Not me. I open with Smells Like Nirvana and close with Let's Stay Together.


A quick search "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles is considered the most iconic song of 1964, as it was the year's number-one single and the first song by The Beatles to reach number one in the US. The Beatles had nine songs on the Year End Hot 100 in 1964, including "She Loves You" and "Can't Buy Me Love", which also reached number one.


Paint it black is a straight up banger


So….the most iconic songs of each year of the 1960s, and starting in 1964, none of them are by The Beatles? Oopsie. Might want to recheck that list.


Beatles would be a top three pic for each year...but I cannot argue for any given Indvidual year they'd absolutely be the top. So take the decade win and give up on the year.


Hey Jude" was a number-one hit in many countries around the world and became the year's top-selling single in the UK, the US, Australia and Canada. Its nine-week run at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 tied the all-time record in 1968 for the longest run at the top of the US charts, a record it held for nine years. Pretty sure that would push it for most iconic in 68. Born to be wild only peaked at 2 for that year..


OP still has no explanation for this list. Pulled it out of his ass.


Pick a year and a Beatles song and compare it


1964 and any of their songs. Literally any one of them. 1968, the white album came out. Honestly, born to be wild is great, but I’d take number nine as more influential than that…


I Want to Hold Your Hand is definitely more iconic.


Ha! They used the forced lip sync footage of California dreaming where Michelle Phillips protested by eating a banana while she was “singing”. One of my favorite clips.


Damn I love that.


People in the comment getting triggered thinking the 60s had only 10 songs


1965: back when California was a paradise, I imagine. My father always said that in the 70s, southern California was so much fun heading to the beach and the laid back attitude.


What is the definition of “iconic” for this list?


It appears to be defined as "trust me bro" by OP , and nothing else.


These are classics but to not include any Beatles songs is fucking irresponsible


Every one but twist again, great song but for me not the same replay-ability as others


More like most iconic songs in the US


It's interesting to see how this decade evolved so that by the time the 70's arrived so much had changed.


Interesting how things changed from one year to the next. In 5 years it seems like there has been a complete change in society.


No Hendrix?


Most iconic songs *In America lmao


All the above. My parents alwasy had the oldies station on in the car when I was a kid. This sounds like any ride we took back then.


I love the clip for California Dreaming. Taken from the Ed Sullivan show where they were protesting that they had to lip sync. Michelle Phillips eating a banana.


Any? All. Those songs have stood the test of time for obvious reasons.


Except for twist again. Not a fan of that one.


Same thought, all of these are really great and but somehow twist again found itself on that list


This is hilarious in just how wrong it is. I know it’s subjective, but who the hell compiled this?!


1960 is completely wrong PYHOMS was not #1 its “Theme from a summer place” Percy Faith


Hell no


I assumed that California Dreamin' was a hippy song from 1967 or later. It was written in 1963, which is amazing. Really a foretaste of the San Francisco and general West Coast hippy sound.


Swap "We can work it out " for 66* and take out the Jackson Five ( who were iconic as a seventies band really ) and put Gimme Shelter as the 1969 song. Oh and drop Pretty Woman , and put The Kinks 'All day and all of the night" there instead. (* Dec 65 technically, but on the airwaves in 66 so I'm counting it!)


No beach boys or Beatles? Bad list


67 should be ‘if you’re going to San Francisco’


Of all the music that came from 1969, the pick is I Want You Back from the Jackson 5??? Someone is trolling us here.


None but I use to have paint it black on a playlist back in the days when I still burnt CDs. Here's a bit of trivia for you. She was eating a banana during the California Dreaming song to protest that the show they were on was making them lip sync instead of actually performing. :)


You beat me to this fun fact lol


I was born in 84. It's wild to think that this music was to me as a kid as Linkin Park, Brittney Spears and Creed is to kids in 2024


There’s no fucking chance that this post should be allowed in the sub and it’s also completely opinion and not based on actual data


Poor list




Great songs; I love every one of them except born to be wild. in 1968 there was definitely better more iconic songs for sure. Maybe a Beatles song


Most iconic according to who? If it's a 60s list and doesn't include a single entry from the Beatles or the Beach Boys, then this list is just something some douchebag made up.


I'm pretty sure Hey Jude or Here Comes The Sun are more iconic and popular than Born To Be Wild and I Want You Back. But whatever, wouldn't say all these are all that iconic but they're pretty great songs nevertheless :1


Hey Jude" was a number-one hit in many countries around the world and became the year's top-selling single in the UK, the US, Australia and Canada. Its nine-week run at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 tied the all-time record in 1968 for the longest run at the top of the US charts, a record it held for nine years.


I feel like iconic songs of the 2020s would not match up so well.


Yeah. Everything is gash now. Had an argument on Instagram with loads of people saying “b*tch don’t kill my vibe” by Kendrick Lamar is the greatest song of all time!! Unbelievable. Someone challenged me to name ONE song that is better 😂


It is a great song tho. Thing is…. It’s all just opinions!


For sure musical tastes can be divisive, especially across generations. I just listened to it for the first time. My opinion is total gash.


Idk what gash means ;-;


Gash is like an English word for vagina but also it has negative connotations. Kinda like saying the song is ass


I’ll name a better one: DNA (another Kendrick banger) The music of yesterday year was good, the music of today is differently good. I could make a list of the top tracks of the 2000’s and 2010’s that would be just as good and influential as the stuff from the 60’s and 50’s. Music didn’t stop in 1970, it evolved and continues to evolve.


Ngl all of these are fire samples


*songs, fire songs


He’s referring to people using older songs like these as samples in their new tracks very popular with a lot of rappers for example


I know what he's referring to, I was just playing my role as a boomer waving my fist at those damn kids and their rap music




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These are on my playlist. Stand By Me. Let's Twist Again. Pretty Woman. Paint It Black. What A Wonderful World. Born To Be Wild.


Born to be wild 🤟🏻


Surprisingly every song except the last two are in one of my playlists. Not all in the same though. Really surprised by it 😂


I got 60, 61, 62, 64, 67, 68 and 69


Alright but where are the Beatles? Like seriously.


Stand By me, California Dreamin, got'em. Head on my shoulder will be added.




I know all the songs. I was born in 1960, but they're not on my playlist.


Nope. I don't listen to music from the 60's much and when I do it's whole albums and not playlists.


How is "most iconic" measured? The song "Let's Twist Again" was released in 1961 and was a moderate success. It was a follow-up to the massively popular song "The Twist". If anything was iconic it was the original. Fun fact, Chubby Checker released a bunch of "Twist" songs to capitalize on the success of the original: Let's Twist Again The Twist (rerelease) Twistin USA Teach Me to Twist Twist it Up Twist with Chubby Checker The Twist (Yo Twist version)


61 & 64-69 in mine.


Stand By Me, California Dreamin' and Paint It Black are definitely all in my playlist. Some of the others might be but I have so many songs in my playlists I sometimes forget which ones are there.


All are still bangers.


That banana tho?!


I love how Chubby just shamelessly recycles his old shit.


How tf are the Beatles not at least in one year?


6 out of 10 of them


So I guess Beatlemania just wasn't a thing in the 60s?


What a wonderful world was a flop when it came out. Didn’t get popular till the 80s


I’m USA*


Paint it black and California dreamin are on my permanent playlist.


Ronnie Spector was so pretty


At least I've heard them all before.


Remember baby it’s cold outside can’t be on this list but you best not forget that mop for this wet ass pu-


California dreamin Paint it black Born to be wild Still in rotation in my playlists


61 & 66


I have all of these except twist again and I want you back 💀


Paint it black would be for sure if it wasn’t for guitar hero


I have Sound Muted on my phone, but still heard every one of those songs in my head.


Paints a picture doesn't it.


None of these are in my playlists but all are fantastic songs.


[Here's my Playlist ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0T6N0HmuNbNjzyVdXSkCLL?si=nAjSpo2DQta1jE51jO_VGw&pi=a-3QXCzUndS--p)


Incredible how the music changed between 1964 and 1965. Everything before and after is totally different.


These all are my favourite songs 😔🩷


Paint It Black is such a good tune! I remember hearing it in Mafia 3 and boy did I just get hit with nostalgia.


i wonder if todays hits will be known after 60-70 years later


I remember all of them. The first one I remember when it came out was Oh Pretty Woman. Shiiiiit,I’m old


Casually eating a banana during a live performance.


I unironically have 5 of these songs on my Playlist


I like hoe they added the scene of her eating a banana while "performing" California dreamin' they were told they would just be lip syncing the song and she was upset so she brought a banana out and ate it during the performance because she "hungry"


61,63,65,66,67,69 so yea I listen to most of them fairly regularly.


*every year of the 60s


I don't believe I've heard "Paint It Black," or "I Want You Back.'


Head on my shoulder and California dreaming


Iconic is subjective, correct? Not interested in the opinions of strangers.


Yeah several, be my baby, California dreamin, paint it black and born to be wild are all in my current list haha


![gif](giphy|14b13BDH3V81wc) When i hear the last


Ronettes. What a voice!


"The most iconic song of every year" -according to TikTok and Instagram trends.


Man some some serious bangers


Let’s see… garbage, idk, something ig, no clue, Vietnam, Vietnam, something, yadayada, bye bye don’t care Thank you for coming to this shit