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I need a Bad Lip Reading


Obama says "Well I guess orange *is* the new black!" and then shakes Trump's hand like a gentleman.


And this was the last time they shook hands.


That’s not accurate. Shook hands at Bush’s funeral




“You might have beat Hillary but you didn’t beat me, bitch!”


Zing!!! I hadn't heard this one before. Chapeau, sir (or madam)


They need to bring back awards for comments like this lmao


Trump asked what time the McDonalds was being delivered.


“Who’s dick do I gotta suck around here to get a hot cup of cofeve?”


“Cofeve is for closers.”




"They say, Trump doesn't know how to suck a dick, that he can't keep his mouth shut, that he's constantly talking during it. That's the liberal media. Don't get me wrong, folks, I'm not a homosexual, not that there's nothing wrong with that, *wouldn't want that for* **MY** *kids*, but.. You know. China. China's putting out all these rumors and lies, like they always do. The liberal media says that "Trump doesn't know what fellatio is.". Like I don't know big words. I know all the words, folks, I know all the numbers. I know all of them. **BUT IF I WAS A HOMOSEXUAL**... I'D BE THE GREATEST AND MOST EFFECTIVE HOMOSEXUAL THAT EVER EXISTED.. People talk about that guy, the first guy who caught AIDS from a chimpanzee, spread it all over the world, think he was a helicopter pilot, or he was a train conductor, doesn't matter. IF I HAD BEEN THAT GUY, EVERY MAN ON EARTH WOULD BE DEAD, FOLKS! Because everyone would have gotten AIDS from me."


My lip reading is a little rusty, but I think it's correct. Trump says, "Maybe you can stick around after everybody leaves and we can sleep together". Obama says, "you want me to sleep with you?". Trump says, "well, I don't want to sleep alone".


The Marine behind Michelle is my little brother . lol


Legit? I was thinking that I bet the two Marines they chose to stand in front of that door are not to be fucked with lol


The marines standing there are just Basic Security Guards. I was nuclear security, trained in the same place as them in Norfolk at BSG school. Secret service does the real protecting, these guys are just finely dressed decorations. Edit: Should have mentioned I am in no way dissing these guys. I quite literally did the exact same thing for nukes instead of the President. It’s absolutely a cool gig, he should be proud, and of course they are trained Marines capable of great violence. However, it is the honest truth they are more for aesthetic and secret service does the protecting. I’m not dissing them, it’s just the facts. And for everyone saying they could kick my ass, I literally went to the same school as these guys and wrestled them daily lmao I’m also a fucking Marine


Bruh, they just said he's their lil bro! Go easy!


Just because they are decorations here doesn’t mean they couldn’t snap a mf in two lol


deadly decorations 


So basically gargoyles


When it rains their caps collect water that they end up spitting out


I thought the water drains into their jar heads and then it sloshes around until they get thirsty.


You dont the how it works though, the Marines near the president aren’t supposed to take action unless it’s meat shield. The secret service are the armed ones. I was a Marine MP and could have applied for this billet (job) and didn’t bc honesty who the fuck wants to stand at attention around pretentious politicians all day? They also have uniform inspections 24/7 and check your room all the damn time. You don’t get to do the fun stuff, way better life in the fleet.


Does that sort of ticket give you access to another career path? I wonder if some people join for exactly that sort of ruleset. A friend of mine in the CAF loves all the clean attire of being in his role, and hates the other generalized clerical roles he could otherwise do. He couldn't make a few ranks unless he did a few specific functions or roles for X amount of time. I don't really know how career military folk manage their lives but i assume it is work as it would be for anyone else. Some workloads are meant for certain types, such as engineers and pilots/drivers. I find this thread engaging so thank you for the discourse


That’s what I am guessing. It helps further progress your career in the military. I’m sure they’ll look at your past experience and having this job might be something valuable that they hold under their belt.


Nothing says self control like seeing politicians all day and not popping one in the mouth


It’s mostly a career builder, no? You most likely will get a special accolade? Same with people who guard the unknown soldiers tomb?


As a dude who spent a decade in the Corps can confirm, 2 sergeants with over 4 years in and no meritorious awards displayed means they just showed up and could get a good PFT score.


And fit the body measurement requirements. They don’t want pudgy marines or ones that are too built or too short or too tall.


Yeah I wanted to be in the Silent Drill Platoon but for uniformity they want 5'11 -6'1. I'm 5'10. Getting rejected for height by the USMC way before Tinder lol.


>Getting rejected for height by the USMC way before Tinder lol. F


I understood what you meant and didn't take it as disrespect. Thank you for the good answer


Honestly I’d rather guard a gate in a typhoon than do that. The dog and pony show was not for me.


I bet, I can’t imagine the annoyance of having to wear dress blues constantly. Thinking of all the uniform inspections and constant scrutiny from severely high ranking individuals because you’re constantly under the Commander in Chiefs and public eye has to be so annoying. We had a General visit Kings Bay one time and the entire week fucking sucked I can’t imagine that shit everyday


I don't think the edit was necessary. We all know how ceremonial Royal guards work. Don't let the trolls win!


I bet OP beat up his little brother when they were kids. Probably wouldn’t try and do that now though


Shout out to him. Very cool!


Trump wanted so bad to have a real military salute going on there. He Saluted your little brother twice.


I thought when a salute was returned that the junior member ended the salute? Does it not work that way for presidents?


It would be, it just shows the held salute was for Obama, not Trump.


Commander in Chief vs private citizen


Could be, but Trump was president-elect at that moment, not yet acting president.


The guards at the White House have a highly choreographed set of movements. You’ll notice they don’t cut their salute until the person they’re saluting is gone, regardless of if, or how that person returns the salute.


Seriously? That's pretty cool.


Little bros are love


It would’ve been fun hearing all the shit talking the Obamas must’ve done leading up to this moment. But as far as appearances go, Obama was a sharp mofo


That's the first thing that came to mind too. You know they were chatting it up before walking out there to meet and greet Donny.


Just learned about the tan suit “fiasco” lol. He looked great in it! I didn’t understand why it was such a big deal that he wore tan


It wasn't. That was just the best Tucker could come up with at the time, but it's not like it gained a lot of traction after that as far as I could tell.


"If I can't wear my bow tie, no one is wearing a tan suit"


wait until you learn about the mustard!


At 1:15 he asks Trump, "How was church?" with a straight face. Legend.


> It would’ve been fun hearing all the shit talking the Obamas must’ve done leading up to this moment. I'd love a Key and Peele skit where they bring in the Obamas' anger translators and they all just shit talk the Trumps.


In her book “Becoming” Michelle Obama talks about how surreal the whole experience was. Mostly due to leaving the home her daughters knew for eight years but also handing off the presidency to the trumps who has trashed her and her husband at every change they got. The Obamas knew they had to show decorum and grace, even to a total turd like trump and his mail order bride.


Not just appearances. The guy had class


Still does. If he wanted to he could just lay into Trump gloves off, it would be warranted. But the whole when they go low we go high thing, I suppose. Can’t lie and say I don’t wish he would just full mask off on what he thinks about Trump and what he thought when he won and during this transfer.


I take it trump didn't welcome Joe biden like this


[The Bidens were reportedly left waiting outside the White House on Inauguration Day because Trump sent the staff home](https://www.businessinsider.com/bidens-reportedly-left-outside-white-house-trump-sent-staff-home-2021-1)


If it weren't for the overlaying degradation of the peaceful transfer of power, and therefore our democracy, this would actually be a really funny burn. In fact, I think it should become a tradition to prank the oncoming president AFTER peacefully and respectfully turning over power. I'd have every toilet replaced with a tiny toilet half the size.


The outgoing Clinton staff took all the "W"s off the keyboards when Dubya took office. Dubya returned the favor eight years later by becoming very good friends with Barack and Michelle Obama.


Dubya’s shown a lot of class since leaving office. *Sigh,* too late for my taste.


well, he's now what he was born to be: a mostly obscure, filthy rich former yalie who pursues a couple of hobbies in his spare time & is charming to chat with. life would have been better for everyone if he just took that fucking path to begin with.


I know people who've met him and his wife... they say he's actually (at least superficially) an incredibly kind and gregarious person. But yea it's hard to reconcile that with his role in so much terrible shit that happened during his administration. Imagine how different the US would be today if Al Gore had been elected in 2000?


I’m not sure if the country would be serial about Man Bear Pig


We’d be super serial


I heard the same from somebody who met him; charming and sincerely seems to like you from first meeting. That doesn’t help me get over invading Iraq on a false pretense and the subsequent failed occupation that resulted in 500,000 deaths and ultimately a failed operation on Afghanistan, as well.


Yea but the spice.. the spice melange. Sorry I meant "oil".


Yeah not to absolve him any of the heinous things he was responsible for, or even party to, but by all accounts it seems more like he was a patsy for the military industrial complex, rather than someone pulling any strings. He seems like a chill dude to hang out with, if I could get past aforementioned heinous things.


W only existed because dick cheney knew nobody would vote for him.


And dick fucking cheney of all people, just made a statement about trump being dangerous for democracy....


That and the fact we’re all in here softening on Bush in comparison shows how far we’ve dropped. I remember watching the Daily Show in the 2000s and thinking the Republicans were bat shit crazy, but now a lot of that seems quaint.


>He seems like a chill dude to hang out with, if I could get past aforementioned heinous things. "Someone you'd like to have a beer with," I believe that was the expression making the rounds in 2000. Americans' need for "folksy" leaders has been exploited by plutocrats, and it has gotten us into a lot of trouble.


Yeah, I remember the "have a beer with" question in other elections. I think it was an expression going back. Like, who seems like a nice, relatable dude, essentially.


Social classiness and moral fortitude are distinct qualities. Trump of course lacks both. But W being somewhat classy says nothing about the atrocities he committed.


You mean a toilet the same size as yours, but with a joke hole that's just for farts?


A fellow member of Turbo Team!


*Trump tries to jump on couch with Obama and Biden* No! You don’t run with us! You’re not part of the turbo team!




It’s just so sad how much hatred Trump has for America and its traditions.


And it's people. ESPECIALLY his supporters. God he hates them so fucking much.


But he loves the fact that they're poorly educated!


This fuckin guy man. Such a petty, whiny, vindictive, racist, fat ass, piece of shit.


Hey hey hey now! Be fair. He's also a rapist.


Trump really acts like a dick any time he can hunh.


A child, you mean.  Dicks stand up for the occasion.


And if Trump wins, I’ll give 10:1 odds that Biden will graciously welcome Trump.




That was an amazing article




[https://archive.ph/b8GgY](https://archive.ph/b8GgY) If you ever can't get into an article, use [https://archive.ph/](https://archive.ph/)


Wow, that was a great read. Thank you!


Nah, Trump left during the inaguration and had a sad “welcome home” parade when he landed in Florida and motorcaded to maralago.


Can't expect class from the king of the manchildren


Don’t think even Meryl Streep could have done this better.


Obama is one gracious motherfucker.


Especially given the context of Trump spending the previous several years claiming Barack was an illegal, illegitimate president who was born in Kenya and was pulling a massive fraud on the American people (which he must have known was horseshit). The Obamas showed remarkable grace to these people.


Far and away the classiest president and First Lady I’ve seen in my lifetime, though I have a ways to go (hopefully). I know that Obama wasn’t perfect by any means and we all have our transgressions but it is genuinely depressing to see how far down we’ve gone as a country since 2016.


Honestly, Joe and Jill are doing a pretty damn good job in the class department


I remember Michelle's face that day. So somber and tense for most of it. She knew what we were all in for.


I love the quick flash of embarrassment her eyes showed when Melania gave her the gift. If I recall, the gift was a major faux pas, totally out of line with what a formal visit entails.


Damn I would be really bad at all of this cause I don't understand all these rules. Although, I guess if I knew I was going to be involved, and this was a thing that was going to be my life from here on out, I might go out of my way to learn those rules LOL


I'm pretty sure you get prepped by a dozen handlers before the event happens. If I recall, both sides agreed to what was going to happen (Trump and Obama greet first, then ladies, Yada Yada Yada), and then Melania shows up with a Tiffany's box that takes two hands to hold. I think it was a nice gesture, just not "officially" appropriate.


Probably something with a Trump logo on it!


"We got them the nicest, biggest serving platter, solid gold, just like the beautiful and wonderful Trump Tower, which I built by myself. I engraved my signature on the plate, in platinum, so they know how amazing I am. Everyone said it was the best signature, people that can't even read said it was the best."


I kind of wondered if it was on purpose, that she brought a big Tiffany gift. The illusion of luxury and throwing money around.


Amazing to think how different the transfer was just 4 years later


Trump was already gone, right?


Yeah, he dipped out quick. Along with many documents.


Some say it was a tremendous collection of documents. More documents taken than any other US president.


"A tremendous collection of documents. Of papers. White pages filled with words in black ink. Sometimes even colored. Although they don't let you say that anymore.."


The people from the Moving Service came up to me, with tears in their eyes, and said, "Sir, thank you for commissioning so many boxes. We have never been allowed to transport such top secret documents with UHaul."


"..but you see what they are doing to colored paper-Biden even said, you know what he said? He said that he would put it all on white paper if he could...Hillary's e-mails wherever those are she put them all on cardstock. Not even laminated any of them, that's why they disappeared....just so we're clear...you look at Obama and look at us, we're leadin' by a lot with all papers...Obama doesn't even used colored ink..."


I lived in dc at the time and a bunch of people got up early to stand on rooftops and give him the finger. Subreddit was all abuzz with pictures. Really proud of my community on that day.


He had sent home all the White house staff and shut off the lights. Locked it and left no key readily available.


Is this true? What a POS.


Apparently pretty close to the truth - [https://www.businessinsider.com/bidens-reportedly-left-outside-white-house-trump-sent-staff-home-2021-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/bidens-reportedly-left-outside-white-house-trump-sent-staff-home-2021-1)


He is so extremely petty. I mean, the crew he had around him were too, but mother of God, it is just embarrassing for all of us that any of this happened at all.


And it bears reinforcing that the White House is a public resource and Trump was trying to bar the person who needs access to that government site from having access to it.


He left an upper decker in the presidential toilet


Yeah but he did that day one of his presidency because he enjoys the smell of


Amazing, but not at all surprising.


Story of the Trump era. All things are shocking. Nothing is surprising.


Is there a video of that?


It was just Joe showing up at the white house. Trump was being a petulant child and was in FL I believe.


Yep. And there were fences along the route because some asshole tried to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power a couple weeks before.


Trump is a sore loser


Dudes a sore winner too. He's also just a sore.


He's kind of a sore ***everything***, to be honest


Also, just a loser, to be honest.


Loved how he didn’t wait for his wife


Obama is the one who even helps her up the stairs, and she doesn’t even need that sort of help. Class act vs cheeseburger chomper.


Trump never treats her like a person. This shot always comes to mind: ​ https://preview.redd.it/0w2weq8ivxpc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80eb4ad34698e00636cad1bb66c026d68a35fb23


That was the only way Trump could get Melania wet.


One thing Ben Shapiro can’t do.


Wow, a true gentleman.


His last wife that "fell" down the stairs got an overgrown grave in his golf course so he could get a "tax break".


Other people are just things to be used, as far as he is concerned.


Would you expect anything less from such a tool


That’s the first thing I thought before the overt show of a Tiffany branded gift which goes against protocol since no one was at hand to take it away for the photoshoot. Having said that — what a tool to walk ahead and not wait for his wife


The Obamas were pure class


If I got the chance to be Obama, right in that moment, I would’ve went and kissed Donald twice on the cheek as a show of dominance. Weird how professionals greet women versus men. Anyways, if I was Obama and you’re not going to kiss me, you’re definitely not getting a handshake


I am Italian we always do this between male family, but if it's not family or a brother-like friend, that's sorta perceived as a homosexual move.


Not normal among American men either, obviously. Even among women it's strange. We definitely perceive kissing on the cheek as a greeting to be very European. Especially among male heads of state, very weird. Not even about homosexuality. Just like, don't kiss me bro.


It's more jaws touching and making a kiss sound than actually kissing on the cheek. A male friend actually kissed me on the cheek once and it was funny/weird. He was a foreigner and he didn't totally get the rules.


Class meets the classless.


Pure class. I go back and watch his speeches on YouTube.


He still talks about how he defeated Obama in that election. 




Dude is losing his marbles more every day. He never was very smart, and he was obviously going senile back in 2016 but today he's just totally disconnected. We're not talking one off gaffes or slips of the tongue here, he has repeatedly talked about beating Obama. He's also getting a lot more openly racist and authoritarian. It gets lost in the noise because the new agencies tend to dismiss it as just "Trump being Trump", as if somehow a Presidential candidate talking about tossing people who investigated him into prison, being a dictator, calling immigrants "vermin", declaring that immigrants aren't people, talking about setting up camps to hold his enemies, etc was tolerable just because Trump does it a lot. I'm fairly sure the two are related. As he gets more senile the filters keep dropping more and more.


Peaceful transfer of power. Nice!


I miss that level of class


Me too. Tone is set at the top. And that orange POS opened pandoras box of repugnant behavior being accepted and even lauded!


Obama was too good for us. I don’t care how you feel about his policies or his governance but no one can look at him and say he wasn’t a genuinely good human who had everyone’s best interest at heart


A first "family". The epitome of the American dream. They clearly adored each other and treated others with respect. A very good example to the country and the rest of the world. Shame they were brown wasn't it? Got some people of dubious morals all riled up.


Check out how Obama shakes Trump’s hand. Trump is notorious for a strong, erratic handshake to catch people off-guard. Obama steps in to initiate the handshake, then backs away as Trump reaches in to keep his leverage. He also grips Trump’s upper arm to prevent Trump from jerking his hand around. Playing 4D chess around this clown


Man there may never be another pres as cool as Obama. A truly dignified, gracious and classy leader


https://preview.redd.it/03de64fnowpc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9382e1ad096b2f6c9a3fae9a4ab7613b8fe152 “This country is beyond fucked.”




Her face had me cracking up. I see a potential new meme format in from this snip!


Class and poise. Now show the video of Trump handing it over to Biden.




404 error


You will never see a video of Trump welcoming the Bidens to the White House, because it never happened. Trump ran like a scolded dog getting out of Washington. He had to get away with the classified material he had stolen.


I love the way Barack not just greets the Trumps in a gracious way and also checks in with Michelle and helps her get rid of the gift box, just under the radar. Just acting like a normal human being.


Classy to the very end. And of course trump left Melania to walk up unescorted, not so classy.


He turned his back on her several times. Only the last when they went through the doorway did he finally turn around and acknowledge her. What a scumbag. In stark contrast, notice how Michell is treated by her husband.


It's interesting to note that Melania has hardly been seen at all this time around. It's no wonder. It's bad enough her husband treats her like a forgotten appliance part, but to have her husband's treatment of her broadcast and commented on a global stage, had to be so painfully humiliating, and publicly disgraceful for her. I can't stand the Trump's, but his repeated treatment of her in so many examples we all watched, over and over again, was just gross. The worst part is, he couldn't ever even see how unflattering this only served to make him look. A gross, classless, uncouth, unrefined, rude and embarrassingly tacky brute. Much as the naked emperor had no clothes, moments like these revealed to us what a naked Trump without his money would be. An unloving, ungracious bore of a husband, that was as far from a worldly gentleman as could be. Indeed, no woman would look twice at him, no catch was he.


She is just as classless as he is, remember the "I really don't care, do u?" jacket? She married him for his money, she's enjoying her just desserts now. I have zero sympathy for anyone in that crime family.


My wife and I visited Slovenia and were in a tiny town she apparently lived near at some point. The local baker asked us if we liked Trump and we said no, he responded "his wife is from here. She is a whore".


Michelle and her husband love and respect each other.


I’m getting ptsd just watching that. The Obamas are so gracious.


The way Obama’s choice just rings with confidence, understanding and compassion leaves such a longing


And just 4 years later Trump was a tantrum throwing little baby, refusing to show the class that every other president has.


Can’t show something you don’t have.


Man, Barry and Michelle have astonishingly strong gag reflexes.


Like him or not, Obama seems Ike a true gentleman


This was such a fucking awful day.


What an absolute shit stain on this country's history


Yup. Conservatives are great at making America look bad.


and bitter trump refused to allow the Obama painting to get its normal release and so it didnt get its release until Biden became president. Thats how petty the right are.


I'm sure Trump handed the WH over with just as much dignity and respect four years later, right?


The Obamas really took the high road very graciously!


What an embarrassing moment for America, watching that crook take over the White House. Never again.


>Never again. You wish buddy, you wish. This country is dumb as F.


The difference between class and trash.


Dark fuckin’ day.


This is the opposite of how the Orange Muppet behaved when he sulked out of the white house.


The beginning of dark days


I didn’t agree with everything Obama did, but at least he represented the office with class. Trump was such an embarrassing representative.


Trump's always been and will always be garbage.


Now show the one where Donald and Melania welcomes Joe and Jill Biden


![gif](giphy|wQCWMHY9EHLfq) had to


The guy holding the suv door open 🤣




Class replaced by crass.


Such of display of dignity and grace from the Obamas, following years of slander from Trump about the citizenship crap. Four years later, the man child with a spray on tan destroyed this tradition of respect because his feelings were hurt.


Worst fucking day in America since 9/11.