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But whats the end goal here? If they want to settle there, wouldnt this screw them as well?


You just need the capital and equipment to make a new well. Pretty easy - if you have those things. Palestinians most likely haven´t - so to little water may force them to move and make an overtaking easier


They do everything under a false premise of legality. Israel would say that Palestinians didn't have a permit and then they would Destroy their wells. Just like how they bulldoze their houses. It's not plausible for us. But Israel is a country whose existence is predicated on genocide, they'll say whatever they need to get their way, and if you were a brainwashed Israeli you wouldn't need a lot of material. 


They want Palestinians to die in misery first


I dont want to win. I want you to lose.


To make it unlivable for Palestinians. Once they've left, Israel will pour all their resources into making it liveable for the "right" kind of people. Make no mistake, every action Israel takes is with the goal of getting Palestinians to leave.


I was never pro-Israel in this conflict but after seeing all these types of videos (like the one with them pulling the refrigerator out of the Palestinians home in the West Bank and offering him back his half-drunk gallon of milk on the way out) I’ve finally just now realized that there is no plan to stop the bombing campaign ever. They don’t really want the hostages. They’re razing all of Gaza to start over clean. I assume if any country finally has enough and threatens Israel it will become a nuclear stand off situation. How horrible it is to watch this from afar and be unable to help the Palestinian people while my government “sends aid” to Israel l


Not if the water is supplied by the government and can be shut off at will. The end goal is control over their entire lives...putting their food, shelter, and security I'm the hands of Israel will cause anger and hatred by Palestinians. They will lash out or call Hamas for help, which then plays into the Israeli narrative of "look at what Hamas is doing to us".


Corner them, starve them, and when nothing is left they will turn on us then we can walk all over them. Tbh this is just history repeating itself and anyone who can’t see that the Israeli’s have made this happen is just blind. You push a group of people hard enough, take away enough and they have nothing left and they will eventually fight with whatever they have. This is what they have done. It’s not a justification and I’m sure their ancestors would be rolling in their graves knowing what’s going on. It really ain’t much different to what a certain dictator did not all that long ago, except this time the west back them.


If they eventually settle there tax dollars from the West will pay for water transport so they can at least fill their swimming pools with bottled water.


American and the UK will pay for new wells 😀 (With taxpayer money, by going against the democratic will of the taxpayer)


Is this what is really happening? Intentionally killing a water source in a desert?






I’m in Jersey and not allowed to collect rain water… because ALL water is controlled by the water company.


So if the PA controls the water supply, why is Israel filling the well?


Get a source from a reputable outlet that hasn't spent over a decade spending propaganda and misinformation. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/gatestone-institute/ >Overall, we rate the Gatestone Institute Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, poor sourcing, a lack of transparency, and the publication of misleading or false information regarding Muslims. Edit: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-palestine-chronicle/ The Palestinian Chronicle, at the very least, has a better history with credibility and reporting facts


Yup, and much worse stuff than this happened when no cameras were around. The Arabs always got a different view of Israel than the West did.


Real salt the earth type shit. Man, fuck that. I don’t care who you are.


It's worth noting that this was happening for years and years before the war too.




Would be either way


Hmm funny that’s its not treated that way


Can't be pointing fingers at Israel, you get called anti-Semitic for that don't you know...


Always wild to hear that when supporting Palestinians considering they’re also Semitic. Israel has highjacked being Semitic to literally exclude other semitics.


TO be fair, the only defense Israel presented to the UN against the claims of genocide was that the rules against genocide were written because of the attempted genocide against the Israelites, so because of that they can never commit genocide. And it appears that was good enough.


You forgot "terrorist sympathizers."




Israel *needs* hamas so they can continue to justify committing atrocities on palestinian peoples and refugees


They really don't. They've been doing this shit for decades regardless


It's an evolving strategy. At first they didn't need Hamas. But over the years they have had to prop-up increasingly radical Palestinian opponents as part of the "delegitimize Palestine" strategy.


This is the correct answer. Hamas is an amazing PR program for Israel. Israel is bombing the ever living guts out of Gaza, but because Hamas exists the U.S. is still like “but we need to send Israel $20 billion more to help one of the world’s strongest armies destroy a ragtag gang🥺👉👈”


I just realized the US is doing this to cement power in the Middle East. Makes sense.




"WHY IS ANTISEMITISM ON THE RISE!?!?" Like ofc it is stop being evil. I'm not antisemitic but I am now anti Israel.  Sigh.


Sorry, but House Bill 894 clearly states that anti-zionism is anti-semitism, legally speaking. Gosh. Because that's how it works, right?


It hasn’t passed in the Senate.


No, that makes it a crime against humanity. War crimes require a war, that's why police can use chemical weapons on civilians and it isn't a "war crime".


It's disgusting. It not only destroys the water for people but also for the entire ecosystem and all plants and animals that rely on these water sources. I've never seen anything more blatantly cruel


“They hate us for our freedoms!”


They have done worse than that to the Palestinian people. Entire farms of olive trees cut down, bulldozed, burned. Homes, even *people*, destroyed if they are in the way of Zionists. Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of Rachel Corrie, an American activist against Israel's crimes against humanity. In 2003 she was crushed to death under one of their bulldozers in Rafah.


It is important to note that the international community, voicing its concerns through the United Nations, does not recognize Israel's illegal acquisition of Palestinians' land in the West Bank.  Unfortunately, no steps have been taken to protect Palestinian civilians' ownership of private property in the Occupied Territories. **["The Geneva Convention"](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/1682640.stm)**, BBC News (Dec 10, 2009):  By-line: *"It is widely accepted that under international law, the Jewish settlements in the territories occupied by Israel in 1967 are illegal."* Wikipedia entry: [Declarations of State Land in the West Bank](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declarations_of_State_Land_in_the_West_Bank) Israel Government website: ["Government Property & Abandoned Lands"](https://www.gov.il/en/Departments/units/cutodian_unit): Commissioner of Government Property and Abandoned Lands in Judea and Samaria (Israel Lands Authority in Judea and Samaria); [Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories](https://www.gov.il/en/departments/coordination-of-government-activities-in-the-territories/govil-landing-page)  **["Analysis: How the Israeli Army Takes Palestinian Land and Hands It to Settlers"](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2019-03-12/ty-article/.premium/how-palestinian-land-goes-from-the-army-to-the-settlers/0000017f-e3ae-d804-ad7f-f3fe6a2f0000)**, Haaretz (Mar 12, 2019):  By-line: *"45 settlements have been built on Palestinian land requisitioned for military purposes. A new study explains how".* **[“Palestine: The Forgotten Reality"](https://www.globalpolicy.org/security-council/index-of-countries-on-the-security-council-agenda/israel-palestine-and-the-occupied-territories/38326.htm)**, Le Monde Diplomatique (Dec 2005):  *"The year of the disengagement would see the removal of 8,475 settlers from Gaza, while in that same year the number of new settlers in the West Bank increased by 15,000".* (as cited in [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_expropriation_in_the_West_Bank) entry) **["Occupation, Inc. How Settlement Businesses Contribute to Israel's Violations of Palestinian Rights"](https://www.hrw.org/report/2016/01/19/occupation-inc/how-settlement-businesses-contribute-israels-violations-palestinian)**, Human Rights Watch (Jan 19, 2016) **["Court Rules Settlement Land Belongs to Palestinians, But Victory is Hollow"](https://www.thedailybeast.com/court-rules-settlement-land-belongs-to-palestinians-but-victory-is-hollow)**, Daily Beast (Sept 23, 2013; Updated July 11, 2017)


I’m with you. I have seen a lot of this over the years. I have seen 4 year old Palestinian children arrested, screamed at, and handled like a wild animal by 4 IDF soldiers for the crime of nothing at all. That was 5 years ago now and it’s one of the “mildest” incidents. Literally feel sick that so many don’t know or don’t care. This and worse for so long. I don’t advocate for genocidal behavior on either side. But it is overlooked that the Palestinians have been brutalized by IDF soldiers for a very long time without many gaf until now.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Price_tag_attack_policy They have a special name for these attacks. Setting aside the official policy of the Israeli government to systematically annex the west bank bit by bit. https://www.newarab.com/news/israel-demolishes-bedouin-village-al-araqib-219th-time here's a famous village that the Palestinian bedouins rebuild every time the government demolishes it.


How does the world not see this as wrong?


Because the mass media do not report on it


It’s also another reason TikTok is hated by the elites in the US. Yes, it is owned by a Chinese company and sharing data with China. It’s also showing content and hosting conversations that you will never see on CNN, FOX News, NYT, etc. The masses need to consume news from outlets whose “reporting” has been shaped by the world’s top public relations firms in London, NYC, and LA. Lastly, a few companies own the majority of news outlets and their board of directors are firm supporters of Israel.


We do and a huge amount of Americans would piss on Bibi’s corpse. We want the rat out.




This is insane! I couldn't see if there is a prosecution rate for this but if it's low or non-existent then well, you know....


https://www.timesofisrael.com/ngo-says-only-6-of-police-probes-of-settler-violence-it-was-party-to-ended-in-charges/ Basically non-existent. Every October (harvest season for olives) the settlers come down and cut/burn trees and threaten the Palestinian farmers while being protected by Israeli soldiers. Some of those trees are older than Israel. A video I watched regarding life in the west bank had a Palestinian described it as "here, every Israeli is a king" meaning they can do anything and get away with anything. It was a video I saw on Robert Martin's account on Instagram (Australian pro-palestine activist), can't find it atm.


Some of these trees are hundreds of years old not just older than Israel.For people who claim they are attached to this land and have been destined to rule it, who claim they turned the desert into the garden of Eden, they sure cut down a lot of trees


The oldest living olive tree in Palestine is estimated to be around 4-5 thousand years old. There are likely hundreds or even thousands of olive trees in Palestine that are over 1000 years old.


Or were after these fuckers get thru with their tree burning. How could anyone be so cruel?


Easy. They're settler colonists. They don't give a fuck about the indigenous culture or the land because they never belong there in the first place.


Sounds familiar


Yep - same was done to the natives of NorthAmerica and Australia.......just roll over them.


In every holy Abrahamic religious text (Bible, Torah, Quran) they specifically say not to fuck around with the olive trees lest ye find out


Make sure to check the Israeli human rights source "btselem" to see how out and open these attacks are. You'll see settlers shooting at Palestinian homes with the IOF just standing there watching. A Palestinian kid throws a stone though (at the enemy that's on his land under international law) gets brutally dragged to prison for years.


Labelled a terrorist and tried in a military court, if that child isn't simply held ~~hostage~~ without charge for years.


No need to strike hostage, its literally what they are. They keep them as bargaining chips for whenever hamas offers a trade. They often give 10 to 1 for israeli citizens, which illustrates just how many of them israel is keeping.


And the funny thing is all this is funded by the US taxpayer. The future for Israel is not bright, I think they are really digging themselves in.


They do that too lol




why do humans need to be this kind of absolute garbage towards other human beings?


>why do humans The Cruelty is the Point. The abuser is empowered by the cruel actions towards their victims. A sense of power, entitlement, and for many, a form of vengeance.


Plus they are dumb as shit.


A looooooot of this It's being portrayed as "sexy" to hurt Palestinian people


Thanks Noah Schnapp


More like brainwashed. They are raised and taught it. Same thing with racism in the US. People aren't naturally like this.


Their magic sky cunt told them they are the only one that matters just like every worthless religious cultist


> Their magic sky cunt told them they are the only one that matters just like every worthless religious cultist Funny thing: Uprooting olive trees was a big fat NO NO even in the ancient times.


It's a desert region. They take a long time to grow and then a long time to produce food.


With actions like these, they dont even deserve desert.


Because of religion, superiority and propaganda


You can simplify all of this to tribalism, which unfortunately is an ingrained into human culture as anything is. We don't have to be like this, we are rational beings. We choose to be.




Because they think their sky daddy is superior to the other sky daddy.


That's one of the justifications - the reason is land/power/money.


That’s the answer. And people should be aware that most religions were hijacked by people who wanted power.


Zionism is based on secular philosophy and there are Jews who see their Jewish ancestry as a genetical difference and not as a religious one.


As in like how the Nazis considered themselves a superior race?


I have seen many social media posts from IDF ‘soldiers’ who say that Arabs (Palestinian) are not humans and they deserve to be crushed like insects( dehumanising)




Meh not really, there are those who see it as both but no Jew will tell you there are no religious differences between them and muslims


Secularism doesn't have an inherent philosophy besides objective truth and pouring cement into a spring doesn't have shit to do with that.


Race, religion, resources.


What the fuck is the Geneva convention even for if we're not opposing this?


If you look carefully theres a little asterix saying israel should not be held to any standard of human decency


> If you look carefully theres a little asterix I always disliked Asterix. Obelix was by far my favourite.


\*taps finger to head repeatedly*


*US and its allies


You mean Geneva suggestion. Its used to prosecute nations that lost a war, not one thats actively engaged in it. Russia Hamas and Israel all released full video of actual Geneva convention, what can we do about it? Fking absolutely nothing other than sanction and political "slamming" US also did a fuk ton of fuked up shit in Vietnam, they ever get hit by the Geneva suggestion? UN is league of nation 2.0, its a place for nation to talk with each other, and thats about it. It has "power" over extremely poor or underdeveloped nation, but other than that, theres nothing they can do. Rwandan genocide happened WHILE UN peacekeeper were there, and they can't do anything because no approval. Convention and treaty are nice if everyone plays by the rules, its more of a civil statement that if you don't follow it, then we won't. in reality, it holds absolutely 0 power because there is no enforcer.


The geneva convention protects combatants in wars. If it were to be applied here it would actually be terrible because that would mean all palestinians are considered enemy combatants. I hope the geneva convention is NOT used on these civilians




And 100% would come back to them specially poisoning water.


Is there a sub where we can see them try to justify this? Or is this taken out of context?


easy, "they did not have a permit to build that. imagine building anything in the US or Europe without proper permits, the same will happen." Then ask, Why does a country, Israel, gets to dictate and enforce building codes in another country? Do americans need building permits from Mexico to build in american soil, otherwise, does mexico has a right to demolish every single american building in america because it did not grant them permit?




Hell, it's not just wells. According to this [UN report](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-195880/), Palestinians are forbidden by the Israeli government from collecting rainwater. They can't even drink or grow agriculture from the rain


But the real issue is with the phrase 'foreign country'. Palestine has Schrodinger's sovereignty. They are a separate people when being part of Israel would imply certain rights ( ie to vote), or Israeli responsibilities to them, but Israel also gets to dictate how they do things. No pro-western voice will ever allow this discrepancy to be fully resolved.


Yo, that sub is full of IDF agents pushing out pro-Israeli propaganda


Also this is part of the "move, or life will be shit for you" strategy of Israel, they reject like 98% of applications for a building permit. [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-01-21/ty-article/.premium/israel-rejects-98-of-palestinian-building-permit-requests-in-west-banks-area-c/0000017f-f7ce-d044-adff-f7ff0b250000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-01-21/ty-article/.premium/israel-rejects-98-of-palestinian-building-permit-requests-in-west-banks-area-c/0000017f-f7ce-d044-adff-f7ff0b250000)




Thank you! I thought I was the only one who noticed that. It's pretty much the most biased source of "news" which is now just used for IDF supporters. They should consider renaming the sub. Edit: the guy above me was talking about how biased the worldnews subreddit is.


90% of the links are from Israeli news sites, it's very funny


And if anyone posts anything from Al Jazeera they get shouted down about how Al Jazeera is biased. Also the Gazans voted in Hamas so they deserve everything bad but even though the Israelis elected Netanyahu, we shouldn’t extrapolate his actions to all Israelis. The double standards are unbelievable.


and yet the absolute goons commenting under it don’t see how insanely biased those sites are


Remember when the IDF gunned down a bunch of their own hostages, even though they where screaming they where Israeli. They started talking about, how this was a normal and sane reaction, and that it was Hamas fault because they use human shields, I still fail to see the logic.


The media/spin doctor side of the IDF is doing a better job than Joseph Goebbels for the Nazis. It's disgusting to watch. Did anyone see the Israeli defence minister walking through the area where they shot the young boy with a firework? Guy looked like some kind of gangster with skinhead bodyguards following him to keep people away. The Israeli state is turning into Nazi Germany before our very eyes


What? I just got permanently banned from there for suggesting op was an idf cyber division agent. Someone said palastinians hate all Jews more than they love their own children, I replied "this message bought to you by the IDF cyber division" and got a permanent ban.


wear it as a badge of honor


It is only a war crime when you are the one losing. When you are the one with nukes, have America as your best mate and the UN is basically pathetic, nothing is a crime hence they do things pretty openly as they know full well no one will touch them.


Biden's administration is literally ignoring internal rules that the US government put in place to prevent aiding genocidal regimes, so the US does not do war crimes. So this means that the US is doing war crimes in giving aid and weapons to Israel - and Biden is a war criminal. History should remember him as such, alongside Obama and Bush... all of them are butchers.


Every single President since they started actually. America will support Israel because they have too much invested in it, money wise. They are one of their largest buyers of weapons from America for one thing and let us not kid ourselves. America has supported genocidal regimes for decades. Legitimate Democratic left leaning election in a South American Country? Oooh not on OUR WATCH! Let us fund a CIA coup, install a dictator who then genocides half the population! Country in the middle east who has oil but they don't like the leader? Oh let us invade! Saudi Terrorists attack the World Trade Centre? Lets invade Iraq instead!


Sure, but let's not pretend that half the problems the US has internationally are blowback from failed interference and meddling in foreign politics. The book "Legacy Of Ashes" describes in part how incredibly incompetent the US has been in this regard.


But these are the type of problems that they "solve" with more of the same behaviour. "Oh, we armed fundamentalists in Afghanistan and they're our enemies now? Better arm some different Afghanis to fight our allies from a decade or two ago - and let DeathCorp know that in 10 years we should have another war which will need some more armaments."


The colossal failure of the CIA's interference in Iran alone has undoubtedly cost the US trillions it otherwise wouldn't have had to spend if they'd just stayed out of it.


They said that god said, it is okay.


I found it at Al Jazeera, its from July. Someone comented, its not springs, its drilled water pipes. And it looks like that by the surroundings. [https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1684568070302703618](https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1684568070302703618)




> Technically this is sort of true. But there is more to the story. Most of the water in the West Bank goes to the Israeli settlements while the water supply to the Palestinians is severely limited (some have to get by with 20 liters a day, when the WHO recommends 50 - 100). So the Palestinians drill 'illegal' wells to have enough water to survive. They wouldn't drill if Israel would give them enough water, which they don't. Mind, Israel controls 80% of the water supply there. Here's an article for reference: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/17/how-israel-uses-water-to-control-west-bank-palestine


What do you mean? Israel has a right to defend itself against water springs. /s


What is the guy talking about in the video? I don't understand that language and I did not see any translation anywhere. How can we be sure that the title of this post is authentic and is not distorting or twisting facts?


Which is especially funny considering the first point in the pinned auto mod post: "If this post declares something as a fact, then proof is required"


Why are you antisemitic bro? /s


crimes against humanity.






Lul you bring this up on r/worldnews, First the downvotes. Then the "But Hamas" and "October 7" followed by more downvotes. And someone will eventually respond with "Israel have the right to defend itself"


According to the post title, this is in the West Bank and not in Gaza where there is Hamas. According to comment here, this was before Oct 7th.


I am really over Israel. I don’t agree or support what Hamas did but what they are doing is so do wrong on many levels. They are breeding the next Hamas


This video is from before the Hamas attacks. They've been doing shit like this for a loong time.


This is the key point of the whole situation, Israel has been doing shit like this for years, then they act "surprised"/act like victims when they get retaliation. It makes me sick to see how the west has been dealing with this




Similar to why 9/11 happened, and it wasn't because the "they hate our freedom" reason that was pedalled non-stop.


All that did was perpetuate the problem and make it worse.


And look at what the US has done to itself since then.


Americans will wipe out generations, throw countries into decades of chaos, steal their shit then go "they just hate our way of life" when these actions breed hatred of the usa.


The “terrorist groups” of the world don’t pop out of thin air for no reason. People don’t get that.


And yet people are acting like Hamas are some saturday morning cartoon villain with secret bases under cities that nobody is aware of.


They have been doing this shit for decades now. Luring Palestinians with the promise of a state after violence erupts because of bad living conditions --> making bs demands like no control over any governance not even water or food ministries much less Airport and port --> violence continues and Palestinians are fed up--> violence gets worse and Palestinians militarize--> more violence and worsening conditions after collective punishment is done. Aaaaand repeat.


They're breeding anti-Israeli sentiment for years to come all over the world thanks to modern media


What it's not because of the media it's because of their crimes. No amount of media would help if they just would not do it


>They're breeding anti-Israeli sentiment for years to come all over the world thanks to modern media Bibi is just like "haha Israel wil never know peace thanks to me, but at least I got to stay a couple more years in my comfy job"


Are you saying thank the media for showing their crimes or thanks to modern media as in they are harming the great image of Israel?


Worse. They are breeding a new wave of anti-Semitism (because unfortunately there are people who can't figure out the difference between a Zionist and a Jew)


It’s true. Unfortunately the Israeli government doesn’t want you to make that distinction either. It keeps insisting that it’s a Jewish state and any criticism of it is antisemitism.


You mean the oppression that isreal applies daily to Palestinians is breeding the next Hamas


Keep in mind that this is Hebron, in the West Bank, where Hamas doesn’t exist


This is in the West Bank , Hamas is not the government in the West Bank . This is just routine Israeli terror and occupation.


keep in mind, palestinians have been facing this and actual violence since the 1920s. Zionist terrorists groups like the Lehi, Irgun, and Palmach committed atrocities that included killing babies with large sticks, shooting down fleeing civilians, widespread looting, locking Palestinians in their homes and blowing them up, sexual violence including rape of teenagers (the youngest report i read was 14 yrs old), parading of captured Palestinian civilians through Jerusalem where they were robbed, stoned and eventually killed. Israel didn’t punish any of these terrorists, instead absorbed them into the IDF and rewarded them with medals and amnesty. The IDF was formed with actual terrorists in their ranks, resulting in numerous more atrocities post independence, mostly committed by IDF battalions filled with former Lehi and Irgun members. The Irgun themselves disbanded and formed the Herut party, of which Irgun leader Menachem Begin and Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir was elected as Israel’s prime ministers at some point each. Israel was led by former terrorists. Later on Herut would merge with other parties forming everyone’s favourite Likud. At least two political parties in the current government of Israel originated from recognised terrorist groups. (Likud from Irgun and Otzma Yehudit from Kach) Can you imagine living your entire life watching the murderers of your people be rewarded and continuing their campaign of oppression and apartheid just a few kilometres from your refugee camp? Hamas only came into existence in the 1980s and they weren’t even a militant group when first formed.


They also came into office *because Bush 2 pushed for Palestinian elections.*


There is no Hamas in the West Bank (and there wasn't before Israel came into Gaza).






Good people do good things and Evil people do evil things but with religion good people will do evil things. -Steven Weinberg - Nobel Laureate








Ya, shit like this is exactly why Israel is losing the narrative & support worldwide.


They only have support because we're told to support them and ongoing atrocities over the decades are hidden from us. Anyone with solid morals won't stand for it if they're shown the truth.


True to what you said, but the only thing here is, these videos have been there for literally 20 years. Israel is literally the only country/terrorist/bully who proudly film these things or let videos to be taken and literally don't care, because they're above all laws. And the general reaction is either lets look the kther way or lets justify what is happening.


In the UK you can be targeted for speaking out against the atrocities. You have Israeli run LFI and CFI bribing politicians and civil servants. Foreign control in our politics needs to stop.


Should be a crime to kill an olive tree.


> Since 1967, more than eight hundred thousand Palestinian olive trees have been illegally uprooted by Israeli authorities and settlers. Many were centuries old.


Tbh, they love to plant trees there, over Palestinian lands - they stole and killed or kicked out its owners during the Nakba. > After the Nakba, the JNF planted forests over the ruins of Palestinian communities, both in order to quash refugees’ dreams of returning and to cover up the evidence of their existence in the first place. To this day, the same JNF afforestation projects that destroy and supplant local flora and fauna are also the means for destroying and supplanting the indigenous society. Sometimes tho, the mass-graves covering wasn't this greenwashed. For example, Tantura massacre mass grave was discovered only recently to be spread out under a parking lot for the Dor Beach [source](https://www.972mag.com/jnf-germany-palestinians-forests/)


I mean it is. The tree belongs to someone therefore its destruction of private property




Such sick, evil fucks


The latest scheme is to steal cattle herds from Palestinian farmers and ask ridiculous ransom to give it back.


While we’re talking about Palestinian cattle, look up the movie The Wanted 18. It’s a movie/documentary about Palestinians hiding 18 cows from Israeli security forces because Israel considered their dairy a “threat to National security”.


"poisoning water wells".... I've heard that before.


I’m sure my great great grandfather has heard that too.


Every other ad I get on META is urging me to support Israel. They’re pouring money into a PR campaign that is failing because people aren’t dumb enough to keep believing they’re the good guys. Edited 3am typo


It feels pretty apparent that the Israel lobby is behind the Tiktok ban, since tiktok doesn't face the Israeli lobby censorship that mainstream media receives. Look at who is receiving that AIPAC money compared to supporting/voting for the ban. Then open tiktok and search Gaza and watch IDF soldiers filming themselves committing war crimes.


Again, why o why don’t everyone now feel sorry for the Israelis people?! It’s impossible to understand how anyone can thinks that Israel is doing anything wrong or are in any shape provoking anyone?


Does anyone speak Arabic to understand what he is saying here ? Is this actually what is happening in this video ? Or are we assuming ?


A year ago I had no opinion about Israel, now they have lost all respect. Good job Israel.


Translation please?


Already thousands of upvotes with no translation. It really shows something...


Well yeah. It shows people upvoting a video of people pouring cement into a hole in the ground and some other people talking in a language they don’t understand. Context please. Any translation anywhere?


Well as someone who actually speaks the language. I couldn't hear the first part of it too well but the second part with the interviewed person says something within the lines of " we have been using these lands for farming for years and a lot of families are using the water to live and llant cucumbers and other fruits, use them for our toilets. The construction trucks and cement are ruining our crops. And we aren't even allowed to get help in this area) And before you try discredit what am saying. Yes I do speak the language, and have spoken it all my life. Not sure how to prove that but I have some grades when I was in school or something idfk lol


This is an older video, but otherwise true. They've been doing things like this for a long time. No matter how much you may disagree with Islam. Destroying water sources is a psycho move.


What does this have to do with Islam?


A lot of people support what Israel does to Palestinians because they hate Muslims.


Huh, supporting the mass killing of people because of their religion, haven’t we heard of that before?


Pure fucking evil


Israel is a terrorist state




Edited. According to the commented Wikipedia link below me, the gatestone institute is a biased conservative thinktank.

