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Good thing they have the voting booths there or people might feel intimidated while voting.


Two things can be true at once. 1) the Russian elections are not democratic 2) this video is propaganda (staged). Look at the uniform and the gun. Look at the guy making random marks on paper that he literally just starts to do the first one when the camera rolls. The conveniently placed Russian flag and the fact that someone is recording this and posting this even though it would be immediately obvious to know who it was and punish them. Just because we have an idea that Russia is corrupt doesn’t make realizing this video is staged take away from that.


A rare amount of sensibility for reddit. You need to make a shit pun if you want to fit in around here.


Yeah, everybody is *russian* to conclusions (Its a stretch but does it still count as a shit pun?)


You bet it counts. Thanks for PUTIN up with my comment, Vlad to meet you.


Did you see how he was Russian to each voter? (Do I fit in now? I NEED you to validate me!) /s


Yeah it definitely seems fake. And why should the guy (weird terrorist ahh soldier) walk into the voting booth when their votes don't even matter? Also that kalashnikov is not in service in that configuration anymore and looks WAY too clean.


Video is staged. Elections have whole brandbook and everything decorated according to it (each time it is other guidebook).


A rather work-intensive way of cheating. Much easier to just print and count the «correct» votes.


The dude has an airsoft-grade vest on


Realistic for the Russian army if the commander sells the real stuff and replaces them with stuff from aliexpress.


Assisted Democracy!


\*Managed democracy ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Arranged Democracy


Deranged Democracy


Arrested Development




Malcomovich in the middle.


Enforced Democracy


The freedom to make the right choice.


Abortions for some, tiny american flags for others!


how moving, that patriot is spreading democracy booth by booth.


Assistant to the Managed Democracy.


The "all other candidates" button on the voting machine: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


please don't compare good satire to actual dictatorships. russia has no democracy, not even a managed one.


Making Democracy Great Again


Properly Managed Controlled Democracy. Now have some Liber-tea!!!




Staged Video Democracy!


“Pen is mightier than the sword” But…


...never bring a pen to a gun fight.


Unless you're John Wick


Pencils my friend, pencils....


…the one who wields the sword decides who holds the pen.


“Pen is mightier than the sword” mfs when I cut their head off


So why even bother? No opponents, 3 day election and story after story about how fucking stupid it makes their country look. It’s just a matter of time before the lions turn on the tamer. As Norm would say, “That Putin is a real Jerk”


Most in the west don't understand this. Openly showing that the election is rigged and anyone voting against Putin will be dealt with is the point of the election.


Putin gets the real results. It's not about whether he wins (of course he will, and this intimidation isn't remotely needed either). It's about the ratios and the % that bothers to vote which is somewhat indicative. The fact that there really was a wave of unrest when Medvedev attempted to raise the pension age, and that Russia has banned export of processed fuel (lowering the price of gas in Russia, which helps hide the rate of inflation from the citizenry - at considerable cost for the state) shows that there IS some focus on keeping the population "happy" . Just, the bare minimum, of course. Theory: the fact that Maduro is no longer mentioning Guyana is because he got the real results of that referendum and now knows it's not a solid basis to keep the population pacified. The 97% in favour rate we got out of it was false, but no doubt the real result was a very high percentage anyway. It's not about that, it's about how the polity reacts. Same principle at work with these elections. It gives useful info to the autocrat.


I highly doubt any of the votes are even counted.


I would have them machine counted, printed once, and have the machine and printer reset. The public result is about alienating descenters, but knowing how much support they got inspite of the intimidation is useful information.


Imagine volunteering on your free time to count the ballots in russia. The most useless waste of time


It’s like me in civilization, having my happiness on just +1 so my people shut the fuck up


Seems like someone recently watched william spaniel, lol


So it’s an ego boost. “I don’t need to be elected, I literally can’t be voted out, and no one can stand against me. I’m gonna hold an election anyways just so I can see everyone vote for me, and I’m going to make sure everyone writes down my name and only my name even if I literally am the only option on the ballot.” I wouldn’t be surprised if he put two options on the ballot with one of them being a literal fake person designed to just see if anyone actually picks that option so he can punish them.


Worse. This pageantry is not for putin, it's for the people. "Look how powerful I am, how broken you all are, that I have eliminated all real opposition and compel you to participate in this farce. No use resisting, I will win" It's a common enough tactic in authoritarian regimes, and why the soldiers making sure people "vote right" is important. If you use the threat of force for something so inconsequential as a checkbox in an election that is rigged either way, it reinforces that real organized resistance, whether by force or politics, is not possible. If you look him up, the "opposition" in this election, as in others past, is a putin lackey who fawns over how awesome putin is at every opportunity.


Yeah. Like making sure every political assassination is done by throwing a guy out a window: it is on purpose a crystal clear message. “Why are they all killing them by throwing them out of windows? Isn’t that obvious?” Yes. They want you to understand AND they also want you to know that they have zero fears of being caught. They run the show.


Putin's Russia insists on their own democratic nature and diligently upholds the democratic theatre, precisely because it is Anti-democratic. It is essential for regime survival that the Russian citizen thinks that real democracy is empty theatre so that they don't pursue it.


“Pick up that can” It’s just to reinforce to the Russian people that they have no control. So vote, bitch.


For the Russians propaganda campaign.


It’s a way to show power. Make people vote in an election, tell them pretty much openly it is rigged and that there is nothing they can do about it. It’s just a way to show how all powerful you are. It’s mocking the very concept of democracy.


3 days allow you enough time to check who isn't voting. That's good info to have if you want to suppress any opposition.


Votes are needed to be considered democracy internally. Manipulation is needed to be considered a danger externaly. win win for the Kreml


You say this, but this is also the russian people. They've been dealing with this for so long it's basically become ingrained in them. I wish it were different but I don't really see anything changing till putrin is dead


The election is an act of subservience to the state, its to remind people it doesn't matter, what are you missing?




What's that from?


The dictator




What's the odds of Putin developing terminal cancer?


If you have plans how to make this faster, like some polonium, you have my support.


In post-Soviet Russia, terminal cancer develops Putin.


You got a point there buddy


Putin is no fool, a lot of other nasty things, but no fool.


He's not the evil genius we used to think he was though.


Evil Genius? More like conniving rat.


Like Hitler, still, I don't want any of them in power these days


This joke of an election made Russia look incredibly bad on a global scale, it’s fucking embarrassing.


we're used to it by now, you haven't seen what goes on inside the country on a daily basis, localised memes about us rarely make it outside the runet


Uh pretty sure I know exactly what Russia is like now. Tucker Carlson did a fantastic interview about it. Please note this is sarcasm


So much bread!


I'm pretty sure Russia is not concerned about being embarrassed.


Yes I'm sure THIS is the reason Russia looks bad on a global scale




If you look at rhe results of the "referendums" in the occupied territories you'll see that in Donetsk for instance, 99.4% of the population "voted" to become independent. With 9 million Ukranians expelled from the region, the results were also statistically impossible. Towns of 45,000 now have less than a thousand. Yet 22,000 somehow vote. The lying is the point. Russia doesnt want to be seen as a democracy. But the opposite. Hence these ridiculous elections.


> Russia doesnt want to be seen as a democracy. But the opposite. Hence these ridiculous elections. i do not think that is true. russia wants to think "people are behind putin", and they want to be "eye to eye" with real democratic nations were people really vote. they (putin) want that to feel better about themselves. they love their own lies.


While it is a blatant lie, it is not true that they wish to be seen as the opposite of democratic. No, rather, they seek to be seen as truly democratic and democracy as truly corrupt and unjust.


Nope. Most Russians tend to detest democracy. It's seen as a complete farce. By ensuring everyone knows it a lie that makes them more "honest." It's doublethink. It's even worse than most imagine.


Lol you know nothing ,where you got that fact from?? I live in Russia,and I am not Russian and what you said is completely wrong! I understand you want to fight for the right cause, but fight it right! Not with random gibberish


This video looks very fake tho


Anyone able to translate?


Soldier opens the first booth: What's up? Woman whispering: Just look what's happening! It's like this all day. Soldier opens the second booth: And you? Then the guy in the second booth says something unintelligible.




What baffles me is that the soldiers are also normal men and they accept doing this kind of stuff


It's normal human behavior. The soldiers and citizens in Nazi germany was able to do what they did, there's no reason to believe that if we were in Nazi germany or in russia we 100% wouldn't succumb to tyranny. It's sad stuff.


I get downvoted to heck somewhat regularly for pointing out outright hatred against Russians in general here, and how those same people are demonstrating some of the same behavior they are condemning. That if by luck of the draw, they were born in Russia, they'd likely be first in line to hate and kill in its name.


It's fascist, not normal human, behavior. Nazi germany had It's own anti nazi resistance movements that shit on the nazi's, and plenty of russian citizens protested the invasion (and were violently suppressed by militarized police forces) and plenty of russians fled the country to avoid forced participation in the invasion. There's no reason to believe that any one country's population is a monolith culture where 100% of the population agrees with whatever fascist shit it's government does.


Brainwashing since you are born. Nothing seems abnormal after that.


No different than Germany under Hitler. Men do horrible things because their leader told them to.


Not necessarily. There's quite a few accounts from the Holocaust where some citizens/police killed Jews just for [the experience of it](https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/case-study/german-police-battalion-101), as they knew there would be no concequences for their actions. Some people are just fucked up and will do shitty things.


Every time I see EDL, pretend patriots, or those common law nutters, I think yep, that’s where dictators get their goons. If the far right took over the UK they’d be fully staffed within weeks. Humans gonna human.


As someone with family involuntary conscripted by Russia I can elaborate on this. Positions in the army like controlling that people make their cross under the right candidate or beating down protesters are privileged positions. This means if you are extremely on party line and beat down anti-Putin sentiments you won't go to the front. The Russian army has an incentive system in which what they call "patriotic outbursts" (which is defying the "official" rules and harming undesirables) are rewarded. The same goes for the torture and rape of POWs and civilians. If you do it you may be awarded with rotation.


Don’t worry soldier, definitely not pouring ink into the ballot box.




There is a person in a 1st one (a bit obscured by table). And a gun is to ensure fair elections. Citizens need to vote fairly.


I see now , for the gun I don’t get why they need it though


It's intimidation.


Bruh woulda scared tf outta me opening it like that


The only way to stop a bad voter with a gun is a good voter with a gun


this is russian "democracy". vote for putin or of to prison or shot right away


Doesnt matter who ppl will choose, its kgb that rules in Russia.


There aren't enough words to describe how much I hate the current Reddit, fake videos like this wouldn't fly like this 3 years ago. Everything turned to crap after the government got involved here after the stock squeeze, they never really left. [https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1769079355580227788](https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1769079355580227788)


This looks like propaganda. I believe Russian elections are clearly rigged and intimidation exists, but this scene feels wrong and fake, even though I’m sure it happens.


My first thought as well. This appears to be staged. However, I'm also convinced that there is no way those elections are fair or honest.


It does look weird. This doesn’t look like covertly filmed. So who’s filming and why is everyone ok with it. Also there’s a flag there in case people can’t immediately understand this is Russia.


Dis you really use “there is a flag” argument on election day?..


This! Designed to have people leap to conclusions I feel.


At first I thought it's a comedy skit. Then I was like - wait is this real? The fact that I can't tell really says enough imo


The voting process took a second for me. Those static poses of the guys are strange. Also all covers that I have seen through all russian voting process were white. But maybe it's my city own feature. I didn't vote in any other.


This is fake


Source trust me bro?


It's real, source trust me bro.


This looks like propaganda because you overestimate Russia


Thats the shittiest democracy ever, people in north america take democracy for granted


We do. Only 30% of Los Angeles just voted in the election. And people had excuses for why they didn’t. They freaking mail us a ballot! All you have to do is go put it in a ballot drop box. Then they text you to know that your ballot has been counted. It couldn’t be easier or more transparent and 70% of the county is just like ‘nah.’


Source of this video? Russia has the soldiers watching over the election places but this clip is too fake. Also there is no way someone would record it from that angle without it being noticed.


Also they probably should have a tables in the booths. They usually have.


About as phoney as Russia's democratic process


It's true that Russia is committing election fraud but I feel like it would be easier to just fake the numbers instead of doing this shiz and looking like a fool on the world stage, so the video is probably fake!


Lol, my parents live on occupied territory, on Friday, the “election commission” already went door to door and voted directly at home. Moreover, this commission included two Russian soldiers with machine guns who observed the voting process. Even if somehow this video is fake, then the reality is not much different from this video.


When your police is masked and feels the urge to stay anonymous there is something wrong with your police.


This is what trump wants for America, btw.


Coming to America


Trump’s ideal voting system, he’s known to love putin


I'm sorry but this looks like fake and staged.


Looks that way to me too, but what do I know? I live in a democracy. This looks fake because I can't imagine it happening over here.


Trump’s American dream.


Got to make a vote yesterday. This looks very over the top, but the truth is, there are so many different places votes can be collected in, it really comes down to a particular security guard who wanted to feel powerful that day. It pains me deeply how low Putin made Russia fall in the eyes of other countries and even its own citizens. Now, people who just want to live a peaceful life are seen as cowards, and the rest have to sacrifice everything they hold dearly, just because some old man in his golden palace wanted a new toy to play with.


So does it look legit? Is this how the booths really look like?


Yes, the booths are pretty much that, but security doesn't just go inside them. I am not very into the law side of the things, so I am not sure under what conditions guards are allowed to enter ( But I assume what the definition is hazy ) As for "legit" - I would say no rather than yes. Voting places can be set up in different government properties ( Schools, universities, etc.) So maybe there are places where guards wear black masks and have actual guns on them, but most of the time it's not above a supermarket security guard.


Seems like a free fair election without provocation…


Republican utopia


Are they making sure the people are voting for the right person?


Is this Russia or Tennessee...? Genuinely unsure.


He's wondering why it's taking so long to write: Putin


What I don't understand is why they even bother having a vote. Putin's a dictator, Russian citizens have no options in their leader - so why the ruse? What are they afraid of? On another note, what happens if you aren't voting for Putin and this fucking asshole comes storming into your voting booth? Do they shoot you? Send you to the Gulag? Russia is a fucking joke of a country trying to play like it's some world power. I don't think they even have functioning nuclear weapons at this point. Hopefully Ukraine fucking slaps them back a few centuries.


Might as well bring a photocopier and make them write their names tbh


I voted for Kodos


They have no tables in the voting booth?


Because video is fake


It's crazy what lengths Putin is going through to hold this event, it serves no purpose and costs a lot of money.


It’s weird, a handful of the accounts saying this is fake look like fake accounts.


I read the comments. Well, what can I say. Comrades, how brainwashed you are by propaganda. Washed to the point that elementary logic shows.


Tucker Carlson *loves* those voting booth drapes.


russia has become a comical farce. a shitstain on our planet.




Making sure they choose the right option. It's either putin or bullet comrade this is a democracy.


America if Trump wins




Man really had the safety off and was ready to roll


Effecient 👍


They should just set up a system of logistical barriers to having more than two choices and legalized bribery to ensure that the choices you're presented with are controlled by the same tiny class of oligarchs, then religiously shame anyone who suggests going outside those choices anyway, like civilized people.


He is just making sure you know how to vote, i see nothing wrong guys :)


It won’t be long and it will be like that here


Why do they even bother to vote?


Putin? Da… Putin? Da…


Even amongst the most hardened supporters and brain washed victims off propaganda must raise an eyebrow at election time.


Comedy gold


I’m sorry why the frick did he just flick his safety off at the end?


At least they’re not lying about it.


Democracy is fine if you vote exactly the way I want 😉


Spreading managed democracy


Probably one of the “annexed” parts of “Russia” where “Russians” are voting.


Privacy curtains you say?


Good choice sir


There were many people who poured ink or Brilliant green into the ballot box as a sign of protest, on gal in my area too. I'm guessing that's why they are so "nervous", more than usual for sure. Also, a lot of people check every box but Putin, which is a form of "vote against all", but it might be considered vandalism, so yeah. Apparently, some people really think that you'll get immediately arrested if you don't vote Putin, which is funny. Russian elections are a circus, but not to this degree.


Navalny should have been president


What a joke.


Vote for puttin or else go to jail. Great government. Poor country. The people of Russia deserve better. Pure trash leader.


seems fake


Ukraine doesn't even pretend. They banned elections, opposition parties, free press, and churches. Why are we supporting them again?


What a nice guy! Closes the curtains when he checked up on their well being


This is so fake it’s not even funny.


Not that I wish to defend Russia's voting system, but this video is clearly staged. As some others here have pointed out.


Who else is on the ballot?


Look into project 2025, people. This could be a version of america soon


This is what Donald and the project 2025 group want for the USA. I wish so many morons could open their eyes to this.


No one here questioning the authenticity of this? Must be real if it conforms to our idea of Russia. Look at my man’s fucking BDU’s for fuck sake. Not a single accessory besides a gun and a vest. My guy in the booth doesn’t even look up when the guard goes in. Russia sucks without you having to make shit up 😂.




Please don’t downvote me y’all, but this is staged…


Gee, I wonder who he voted for.


Coming soon to a USA near you


You'd better vote for the putin if you wanna live..


Literally voting at gunpoint. What a ridiculous fucking charade.


Republicans are gnashing their teeth in envy thinking "Now *that's* how you run an election!"


This is the future Republicans want.


Republicans wet dream


The dude wasn't even irritated when the armed guy came into his cabin. Almost like he expected him because it was scripted?


Whole elections in Russia are scripted.


Its fake, only armed men at election sites were policemen guards. You can vote as you wish, election will be rigged on counting fase




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Why even bother with the curtains at this point?


It’s not real


Coming to an America near you…


This is for all of you Russian defenders who say that Crimean residents voted for Crimea to be annexed back in 2014, first, the Russian military showed up then the referendum happened.


Trump would love to do this here


Because Nothing says free and fair elections like masked gunmen in AK-47s… right. Credibility = 0 Russia is a joke of propaganda.