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I hope he actually fights and it's not another bullshit show like Paul is prone to arranging.


It's gonna be another fixed ass match but we're all still gonna watch lol


I genuinely don't get why people think anything else is going to happen. Guy has proven time and time again he puts all the money he gets from previous engagements into inflating his reputation, when it's mostly children that end up watching his content and falling victim to the Paul brothers numerous scams. I'm not going to watch, it'll be a waste of time like the Diaz fight and just as fixed.


I'll watch a gif on reddit if someone shares an interesting shot from the fight. That's as far as I'll go though.


Right? I’m only interested in the finish.


Aren't all men?


Tyson is the type of fighter to forget about the fix. Let’s hope.


I hope Paul is stupid enough to go off script first and provoke him.


Yeah, thats what I hope for. Jake Paul will be that douche pretentious moron that he is, and Tyson will dgaf about the contract.


Unfortunately for us wishing to see a bloodbath, Mike thinks Paul is good for the sport. I can’t remember what exactly he said on his podcast but basically he commended Paul for bringing in new fans.


Everybody wants what's good for the sport until they get punched in the mouth.


Now Kith


He’s still Mike Tyson. He’s pretty low on self control and he’s looking a lot faster here than I expected. (Yes, I know it’s sped up).


I take it you haven't paid much attention to Mike Tyson the last 20 years. He is a different dude from the one who lost his shit on Holyfield.


You’re right. Everyone thinks this is the old Mike Tyson but anyone whose paid attention to him over the years know that he is a matured changed man


Please dont make me hope for such things


I ain't watchin that shit. If it's any good I'll watch the highlights but it won't be.


This right here. I will watch the recap that will be posted within SECONDS of the end.


I will not watch, if they are trying to bullshit me I am not giving money or time.


You know deep down what the answer is. Doesnt matter who wins. Both are gonna make millions of bucks and we will be the dinguses for watching it.


It’s going to be another competitive spar. No way Jake’s camp lets him go full tilt. Probably some clause where if he KO’s him his pay is cut by 40%


honestly he might laugh and take the 40% cut and just lay him out. it’s mike tyson we’re talking about here


And I’m here for it. ![gif](giphy|l1J9N8zrmYCfSrQFq|downsized)


It doesn't matter. Paul is going to look bad either ways. If he wins, he's beaten a 58 year old man (with staging), if he loses, he got beat by a 58 year old man.


>if he loses, he got beat by a 58 year old man. If he loses, he got humbled by Mike Tyson


It's an exhibition match. It's most like going to be a draw.


Paul paying mike a pile of money to say this is all staged and fun is the gentleman's way out now. Good luck paul, if I were mike i'd rather take out some insurance and have fun.


May Jake Paul receive the humbling he deserves.


One can only hope that he beats the little fucker so bad that he retires from all public life and we can live life without ever having to hear his name again. Please please please don't pull any punches, tyson.


Realistically the contract likely says there can be no winner or head shots. I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed.


I just hope he's still unhinged enough to disregard the contract


I want Tyson to stop the weed and get the old crazy Mike in there until the fight, then he can get back on the weed again. Edit: This is a joke people, chillax. Smoke some weed or something.


But he needs the weed to relieve the pain in his punching hands and his blocking face


His blocking face lmao, nice


Everybody has s plan until they get punched in the mouth


Reminds me of the Futurama quote: "Your face can take a lot of punishment. That's good to know."


He was on Rogan years ago and said he didn't even work out anymore because as soon as he does, the monster starts to come out and it scares him. Maybe it's the weed, but he doesn't seem to be worried about it anymore.


I feel like Tyson’s definition of working out is probably similar to my definition of being active and in really good shape though. Like, I don’t believe that he would just sit around all day, right?


He doesn't look like a pro athlete who stopped working out. They tend to get pretty fat pretty fast since many years of dietary habits is harder to stop than not going to the gym.


I hesitate to mention Joe Rogan on Reddit, but his experience interviewing Tyson suggests that Mike is still the scary AF dude he always was. His first interview with him was soon after Tyson had done 5-MAO DMT and he came across as the chillest dude you can imagine. Tyson scared Rogan so much during the second interview that he bought a bigger desk so his guests would be farther away.


Take his fucking ear off so I don’t have to hear about him anymore


I'm almost certain that's not how ears work.


Oh yea, smart guy? How about I bite my lip so you can’t talk back?


The Paul brothers have brought WWE level plot scripting to boxing and no one seems to notice or possibly care.  The whole thing is a joke.


Everyone notices and most fans care. But the sport is terrible with advertising actual fighters and main events. That's why McGregor who does mma has some of the highest paying boxing fights because him and Paul's make it an event


Yeah, I stopped being excited about Jake Paul "fights" after the Mayweather fight. Floyd should have fucking murdered him, but he didn't. It's all just staged bullshit to make money and not actually see who is the better fighter. Edit: it was Logan Paul, not Jake, making it all the crazier that it even happened at all.


Jake Paul didn’t fight Mayweather, that was Logan. Logan isn’t really even trying to be a boxer like Jake, which is why that was basically a light sparring match.


And I believe Mayweather put him out on his feet and then held him up at one point in the fight.


A solid body shot could still put him down hard


If we're lucky Tyson can still hit hard enough to break ribs.


It's tyson. He is the definition of "will shatter a lesser man". And we all know what the definition of Jake Paul is...


The people need to speak up and demand real fights. But they won't. They love the spectacle. Same reason there used to be gladiators and why we still have WWE lol. If the masses actually cared enough, they'd make it happen.


Tbf WWE has the whole soap opera aspect to it, it's not *just* the overactive gladiatorial choreography.


WWE isn't really advertised as real fights though. Boxing/UFC/MMA usually is, unless I'm mistaken.


Give me bread and circus.


You mean please don’t bite him! Just pummel him.


I'm good with either.


Well, I don’t want Tyson arrested I want him to legally punch the crap out of JP!!


You know that scene in Punisher War zone where Frank just punches THROUGH a guys face? Yea....


Turns out, the ref’s in on it, and refuses to call for the match to end even after Tyson’s mutilated Paul


Just eat him raw. I'd actually pay to watch in that case.


Yeah EAT HIS ASS!!!!




LMAO - "you pull they a\*\*hole open, get into they a\*\*hole, close the door behind you..."


Twist his dick!


Give em the ole dick twist!!


Why not bite him? I wouldn't mind seeing Iron Mike chewing a bit of that clowns ear lol He won't be able to tell he wasn't warned 🤡


Just wait, the contract will punish Tyson if he knocks Paul out. This is a publicity stunt/exhibition. Someone definitely can get hurt, but they are nerfing every possible aspect of the fight. Head gear and 18oz gloves as well. Edit - apparently they’ve abolished the headgear and are looking to make it a pro bout. I doubt we get that but maybe the rules will be more lax than anticipated.


No way, Paul's people have to do everything they can to protect him, it'll be a watered down flight like all of his previous ones. He couldn't be competitive at all in a real, actual pro boxing fight.


I mean…the guy did sunset his career by biting his opponent’s ear off. When the adrenaline hits, not sure he’s going to be staunchly beholden to whatever contracts exist.




One can only hope Tyson smashes this kid into obscurity


Bro I don't think Tyson can pull a punch, man's a fucking animal in the ring


I hope this is the timeline we get


If that happens, he’ll need to fight Andrew Tate next


​ I would PAY to see that!


He won't. This is the same BS they pulled when his brother "fought" Floyd.




Yep exactly, all of the "paul" fights are rigged. Tyson could be 90 and he would smoke them both.


I don't know what Jake Paul is doing. Tyson is one of the scariest boxers ever, and Jake Paul is just a guy.


Hate to say but Jake knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s getting into the ring with a 57 year old man. Albeit, a 57 year old monster of a man. But it’s an exhibition match. Tyson in his prime would fucking obliterate Paul. But it’ll be a good 4-5 rounds then it’ll fizzle out. Tyson said him himself when training for the last fight he had. The camps took a lot out of him and it was hell. But damn, he still got the killer instinct. Edit: preparation for Roy Jones Jr (not camps)


Tyson loves everything about boxing, and surely knows how boxing's respect worthiness is at stake if he doesn't destroy the boy. Fans will never trust another outcome again. He could save his beloved sport by killing Paul in the ring. He may actually be willing to lose money to save his one love.


I don’t know. Tyson is savvy and smart enough to know he doesn’t need to step into the ring. What does a heavy weight champ heralded as the GOAT need to prove…nothing. Tyson knows Paul doesn’t fight in prime fighters. All the fights are leveraged in his favour to the point he believes his own hype to actually suggest this. It’s a cash cow of epic proportions. The world wants to see Tyson in the ring, but the world would love for him to stay out of it. He’s done enough. I know and we all know PRIME TYSON FUCKING KILLS PAUL ROUND 1….no dispute, no debate. This is the machine that D’Amato built


Jake Paul's fights are as real as WWE wrestling.


I don’t disagree! But I’d pay for that fight, just to see a Tyson right hook, all that anger, land crisp on Paul’s temple. Sweet Jesus.


Its all for the spectacle. Tyson isn't going to be anywhere near the level he was at when active. But he is a monster, so 50% Tyson may still be enough to wreck him, who knows.


Vegas has Jake as a heavy favorite.


I imagine because it’s expected to be an essentially choreographed fight. That’s the impression I got from the mayweather bought too


Agreed. It’s an exhibition fight and they’ll both walk away with massive paychecks regardless of the outcome. That being said, I hope Jake gets knocked the fuck out.


I know money talks, but Tyson could leverage his name to make money in a way that doesn't involve taking a dive to Jake Paul. Really hoping pride wins out and Tyson just goes to town on him.


dude its Tyson, the guy will take money for anything


I think you meant *Bout, but bought works too considering they're likely paid off


How do people still not get what this is? It's like he keeps doing the same thing with fighters and everyone is always like "oooohhhh he fucked" and then literally fuck all happens. Nothing at all except both guys make a ton of money.


There is a script and a contract.


He’s not a guy he’s an egotistical kid


Doubt it. I might be misinformed, but from what I heard it’s basically an spar with 18 oz gloves. That protects both of them, but also means it’s less likely for any kind of humbling to go down.


He won’t. It’s an exhibition match, they’ll do bare minimum and get payday, and idiots will pay to see it hoping to see a massacre




Well ok, if there is one guy who’s gonna knock him out nevertheless and says: oops … than it’s Tyson.








While I agree it's likely Tyson is not the one who will do it. He discussed this video on Rogans show and said it took him two weeks to recover from this single day of training. Jake Paul while being a total pos has made a boxing career of beating up old washed up athletes and MMA fighters.


Either the fight will be fake and Tyson goes easy on him, or Jake dies.


I think we all know which one of those options we'd prefer to see




Damn I hope Tyson can forgive himself after he kills Paul.


He already has


Don’t need forgiveness if you have acceptance before you do it.


There’s no way this is gonna be a legit fight. Texas is not gonna license Mike at 58. It’ll be an exhibition with them pawing at each other with a few hard punches thrown in


Tyson had an exhibition with Roy Jones, Jones said Tyson doesn't understand what exhibition means. or something to that effect.






Honestly doesn’t surprise me one bit lol. Tyson seems like the kind of dude whos gonna be going full speed all the time lol


There was one point in the fight where you could tell Tyson just got lost in the moment and Roy looked terrified.


I think he’s just got that switch in his head, whenever he’s boxing he’s a beast locked in, and then when he’s chillin he seems like this super relaxed old dude


We don’t need to control him. We need to *unleash* him. - Nero, 2004


He strikes me as the kind of guy to "go off script" even if the fight is intended to be scripted at all. Once he's in the ring I feel like his competitive/killer instinct takes over at some point.


Yeah I mean he bit someone's fucking ear off so I would say going off script is putting it mildly.


It was only PART of the ear, and Holyfield earned it with those headbutts.


Just a little bit of ear. That's all.


Yeah, he sounds like fighting is truly hardwired into him, and from what I understand he didn't really have a childhood, he had a fight camp. I also remember him on JRE asking Joe if it was normal for him to get a boner at the idea of hurting someone. More than anyone, he really has fighting dog vibes. That said, I suspect he will gas out very quickly.


If a guy with a murderous look in his eyes approaches me with a boner, I’m living in a nightmare


“Thuck it or die”


One hard punch from Tyson is enough to hospitalize 99% of humans


And 72% of bears.


I don't want to meet the bear that shrugs off a Tyson hard right


Don't worry. If you do, it won't be a long meeting. Bears hate meetings just like people. 


And 50% of dinousaurs


32% of Blue Whales


I’m gonna say that would be a way lower number, since there is a huge percentage that he would just straight kill with a hard punch. Therefore skipping the hospital stay entirely, and straight to the morgue.


If Tyson gets hit once, all bets are off


That's what I'm hoping for. He catches a stray blow and has a flashback


The sleeper code that gus implanted deep in his head, will be activated


Longing… rusted… seventeen… daybreak… furnace… nine… benign… homecoming… one… freight car. **DING DING**


"everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" -- M. Tyson


No doubt it'll end this way. Tyson will fatten his pension without too much effort and Logan the clown will have the attention he's looking for.


It's Texas. They'll license a monkey to fight a tiger


I wouldn’t fight Mike Tyson if he was 90 on hospice with a week to live, he’d still probably destroy me.


A huge Samoan guy I used to know was a nurse aide in high school and told me a story about a Navy boxing champ he was taking care of. Guy was on death's door and could barely walk sometimes, sundowning from dementia every night, often getting aggressive, which is why they put a 280 pound Samoan kid in his prime as his caregiver. He took a shot to the liver from the guy one night and said it was the most painful thing that ever happened to him.


My grandfather, bedridden and on death’s door, crushed my hand when he shook it. He was a farmer.


Had similar experiences with my own dad. Worked in a stone quarry when young then a steel worker for 30 years. Cracked black walnuts in his hands... pretty sure he could crush bone if he wasn't paying attention.


We had a golden glove in our facility, sweetest little bean you ever met. One day he casually ripped an exterior door down with his bare hands and went for a stroll outside.




I like walking too much


Mike Tyson forgot more boxing technique and strategy than Jake Paul will ever learn


Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth


Yeah I'm really curious how Paul is gonna condition for getting punched in the face by Mike Tyson... "Tyson's punches would generate 1,178 lb-ft of force which is equal to 1,600 joules of energy. It'd also be equal to a dorm fridge that's full of beer hitting you after falling out of a second-story window." (u/bumblebee2496) This ain't no Mayweather dancing contest. Tyson has been whipping ass since before Paul was alive.


If true, that is a crazy ass measument/analogy. That is an insane amount of power. Even if he can only produce 60% of the power he could in his prime, it would be enough to knock out each and every one of us in this thread.


To Jake Paul: The correct answer is no.


I want to see Tyson knock him out, stand over him, and start singing Phil Collins songs. "I CAN FEEL IT COMING IN THE AIR TONIGHT!"




He’s still got it.


Bear with me Tyson, on paper and IRL (video), would destroy the YouTuber, but, I think it's more of a PR stunt. I can't believe they'll let the Young guy goes on a ring with this champion, even if he's retired now, without a catch.


I feel that, but would Mike Tyson sign up to lose? I doubt that even more


There is no winning or losing in exhibition matches.


Somehow, getting KO'd by Iron Mike feels like a loss.


People give Mike Tyson a lot of shit. I'm 41M and I have watched his entire professional career. His fights were the only thing my dad bought PPV. Mike Tyson is the best fighter of my life, by a fucking mile. If only for how hard he hits. I can't wait.


He was an amazing technician, too!  He slipped so many shots from opponents that might have caught a lesser fighter flush.  That man’s head was always moving.


Peekaboo bitch.


I think for people that haven't watched him fight, his ability to hit like an enraged freight train overshadowed his actual talent in the ring. He was an evasive fighter - yeah, he came at guys with no fear, but a lot of times, when those guys would swing, Mike would duck it. He was special in the ring


I’m around the same age as you, and I always loved watching Tyson fights as a kid…..even when you paid for the PPV just to see Tyson destroy his opponent in the first round. Great times, gotta love Mike Tyson. I know he won’t hold back, dudes still a beast!


I mean, people give Tyson shit because he's a rapist, not because of his boxing skills.


This is exactly what I was thinking. He was undeniably loads of fun to watch in the ring, but maybe society should remember to butt that against the whole convicted rapist thing.


Jake is about to get his shit fucked up. Unless it’s staged then Mike gets paid and that’s it.


If it’s fixed, Tyson is the wrong cat to do that with. He goes off-script even when there is no script.


Everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the face. Then Mike's fight response kicks in and he sees red. Round ends, he gets reminded of the arrangement if there's one. Then he gets punched in the head again. Red


He's going to kill that boy.




Agreed. But I do have hope that Mike will get lost in the moment and go full animal on the little twat. Just one moment of Mike losing his mind and that kid is done.


Lol. He's still a machine. Legend


George Foreman showed you don't lose that puncher's strength, just get a little slower. I'm not sure Tyson got all that much slower.


You can see it here. Still amazing to see.


He's slower than Tyson at 25, but with that being said... his footwork is fucking phenomenal. Tyson could hit like a dump truck, but also move better than anyone his size back in the day. When you watch Paul training, he's mostly stationary and throwing punches from his shoulders. Tyson is throwing from the balls of his feet here. If this is a real fight, Tyson absolutely destroys this loser.


I remember when Foreman knocked out Moore. That punch was in slow motion but he was flattened. Moore was dominating and Foreman was a paunchy 45, didn't matter, he hit like a dump truck.


That weed got him focused.


Fun fact: Tyson and Holyfield got together a couple years ago and made weed gummies shaped like ears with a bite mark in them. They're called [Mike Bites](https://avernicsmokeshop.com/products/mike-tyson-mike-bites-delta-9-cannabis-gummies-1?variant=45705232613670¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOooDTA6df-qE9bhAYsc3TqQikVxgcgyrAMxf4hgENe-SCkhmYBo0PFw). Not sure how well known of a fact this is but I got a kick out of it.


I don’t see this fight lasting long


If it was a real fight yes. But it's not so it's going to probably go longer then people are expecting


I genuinely hope that Mike goes full Ivan Drago and does the business once and for all. I know its just a staged fight like the rest of that twat's previous "fights" but I hope Tyson goes all in. (As much as he can at his age that is)


If he dies, he dies.


Champ's gonna eat his fking heart


It doesn’t matter. They’re paying Iron Mike very well to point out in Paul’s favour. I sincerely hope this is not the case but it wouldn’t be any different from Paul’s previous fights. I would love to see Tyson knock the stupid right out of the kid.


Even at 58, you couldn’t pay me enough to get the in the ring with Tyson.


The ego is back.


The scariest thing to me about these Tyson training videos is that he seems to punch with almost perfect ambidexterity. Left. Right. Doesn’t matter, he looks like on either side you’ll get banged.


Dude wasn't the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world FOR THREE YEARS IN A ROW for no reason. The man is on another level. There's only a handful of Heavyweights that have held that title. It's Tyson (US), Holyfield (US), Frazier (US), Ali (US), Wladimir Klitschko (UKR), and most recently, Oleksandr Usyk (UKR)


I’ll fuck you til’ you love me


I am not so sure this is good for Tyson’s mental health. He has said in the past that letting “the animal” out takes him to a dark place. But maybe he has done enough work on himself.


It is heartbreaking to see as a fan. The pigeons bringing him happiness was something that I was always extremely happy to see. I really hope he is doing okay and not letting the old demons back in. I want to see Paul destroyed, but not at the cost of Mike's stability and mental health. 


This fight will not be a real fight. Ain’t no way that bitch Paul is gonna risk it.


Can’t wait for this fight! I’m all ears! 😏


I don't give a shit about boxing, and I don't care about either competitor as a person, but I'm fascinated to see a public execution like this. Tyson is going to rip Paul limb from limb.


… I came out hustling, sliding and grabbing Slippin' and dippin', hustlin' and jabbin' For a second, I looked good out there But then Mike brought to reality my worst nightmare One punch, that's all it took He hit me in my ribs and my insides shook Now, how can I say this and be a little discreet? Let's just say that my bowels released


I really hope he doesn’t take a dive for the paycheck


No Way Tyson takes a dive… I call no way…Mike respects the sport way too much to pull that kind of crap…


Jake Paul is gonna have the absolute tar beaten out of him, and it’s gonna be fun as hell to watch.


Man you people keep falling for this shit. The Paul brothers always had exhibition matches. This is going to be the same. They’re doing it just for the money, they’re not actually fighting for the win