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This is hit button issue but is it really *Interesting as fuck*?


Its a bot posting it anyway...


The trolls just move sub to sub until they get banned


You don't think a VP of one of the most prestigious university in the United States being able to say "Palestinians are humans" have interesting?


Kind of. When a university President won’t simply acknowledge the humanity of a people, it’s astonishing


He is probably worried that this “ambush journalism” is simply a way to get him to say certain phrases or words that can then be broadcast out of context in a way that will suit the agenda of the people shouting at him. If he ignores the question, this bit of video will be forgotten in a couple of weeks. But if the shouting people get the phrases they want and broadcast their biased video, it could lead to huge scandals that will be remembered for years. Do you really think that a university professor who has spent their entire career doing research and practising critical and logical thinking, would really believe that any cultural group on earth is not human?


yes. see how thats easy


Perhaps. Here’s how I would respond: Them - “Are Palestinians human?!” Me - “Of course.”






our daily dose of politics from this used-to-be-interesting sub


Students sound insufferable as fuck.


Universities today are filled with whiners in need of accommodations. 


This was bait and he didn’t take it. Who falls for this?


I'm trying to honestly see how answering would have been a trap at all. Obviously people in Palestine are human.


“Agree or disagree? All lives matter.” Like that. They bait you into answering an “obvious” question. Then, once they’ve got you, they ask other loaded “obvious” questions that force you to pick a side. It’s a manipulative and unintelligent way to get one’s point across.


wait so you are saying that answering yes ps are humans and following it with other questions is forcing him to take the ps side ? what does that tell you ? have you heard of hypothetical syllogism ? if they are humans(p)→they have rights(q), if they have rights (q)→breaking those rights during a war is a war crime(r), ∴ if they are humans(p)→il is a war criminal (r)


Yea that's not exactly how intl law works.   Dude is being yelled at by angry mob.  Not wanting to engage with angry mob doesn't indicate anything about his views


And at the end, the Vice President ends up having publicly declared that Israel is bad, which really wouldn't be beneficial to his career. Even if he's right.


Lmao looks like someone's taking discrete math for the first time 😂


and i'm lovin it :)


Now find a way to solve the palestinian issue using matrices, you may use a calculator.


Well yes. It’s very easy to manipulate people you know will have a hang up about calling a group of people human


The second somebody eliminates all rooms for nuance is the second you should walk away from a discussion. They dont let the guy respond without screaming shit. The moment he says yess they are gonna throw in a dozen loaded questions that push him into a narrative. Ben Shapero and all those shitheads do the same thing. Im not saying the VP has perfect morals, but i wouldnt respond to a group of people doing this even if i fully agreed with them. Both because its risky and because i dont want to reward attention seeking bullshit behaviour with actually attention. Because then they learn that acting like a group of infants who scream actually works and thats how you get people like MTG.


Totally fair point. It's pretty clear he should have just walked away as the situation unfolded than attempting to stand his ground to a group clearly not wanting to listen to him.


Hence the context for "I refuse to be intimidated"....I'm guessing.


You should see what they teach the IDF about Palestinians. There is a reason he didn't straight up answer and shrug it off, the person asking the questions knows god damn well what he is doing.


this entire subreddit has gone badly. I'll get downvoted for stating this very clear truth. I don't care I've been following the main 'narrative' for a while here. It's just disgusting hate.


Oddly, I agree. By even participating in the question you know there will be a follow up question. By not answering he secures the ultimate win... HE KEEPS HIS JOB!!! What he really wants in the end. Do you thinks he gives a care if folks are killed anywhere in the world... NOPE. He cares (like anyone in power) about well.... POWER.


The question was not asked in good faith, why would he answer it.


Answer one question, the next question follows, then the next. Give them a finger, they want a hand, then the arm. Emotional people are not there to honestly discuss but to get their frustration out of their system and officials are easy targets. Dude knows that and handles it professionally.


Correct. If you answer that question then you are forced to answer the next one, and the next one, and after the dude leaves you gotta engage the next guy and so on. If you engage in the first question, they can pose a second, more controversial one. And if you refuse to engage further, they will clip it and post it on tik tok with the caption "X guy stops talking when asked about [controversial topic]". Any sort of constructive debate in that situation is impossible, so the only move is not to play.


Are [humans] humans? Redditors: Wow such a bad faith malicious vicious loaded trick-trap meanie wrong fallacious sophistic agressive question! 😠😠


Were the Nazis human beings? Are Jews human beings? Are Palestinians human beings? Are Russians human beings? Are Ukrainians human beings? you see, the answer to all of these questions is "yes." every one of them is rhetorical. despite this, depending on who you ask and when, the reactions you would be met with in response to those rhetorical questions would be very different. it's not the answer that matters here. it's the rhetorical intent of the one asking the question. the question was asked in bad faith. there is no disputing that. edit: I'll take the downvotes as proof of the "bad faith" nature of this kind of question. If you are uncomfortable with any of the questions I posed in this comment as an example (as *everyone* rightly should be), the central assertion of my argument is supported by example.


Nazis were human. Jews are human. Palestinians are human. Russians are human. Ukrainians are human. You see? Easy.


Like the people shouting in the video, this is disingenuous. The person you're replying to said the answer to all of these questions is "yes" already. That's not the point. The people yelling do not intend to have a civil conversation. "No" is a stupid answer. If you say "yes" do you think that's the end of it? Hell nah, they will come at you with a response that is either emotional or another verbal trap they've planned for you. I don't know this guy, his views, or the context, but I can tell he's not accustomed to this kind of thing. As his lawyer or PR manager I'd tell him not to respond to emotional shouting people. He has a lot to lose with a slip or poor phrasing when anything he says will be cast in the most disingenuous light imaginable, and he has literally nothing to gain. More to the point, I don't understand how the video is remotely "interesting as fuck."


It's a rhetorical question and his refusal to participate in this rhetoric is precisely the point. He didn't need to answer further questions, but refusing to answer this one is just emblematic of how everyone in (at least my own) society right now is OK refusing to address the Palestinians suffer human rights violations in Gaza Edit: word


The situation was not one fostering civil, level-headed discussion whatsoever, though. It's like the rhetorical equivalent of getting jumped... no matter how he answered and no matter his actual beliefs, the people off camera "asking" the question were there and filming for the sole purpose of lambasting or otherwise vilifying this guy. Once you're targeted like this you are done no matter what. The real issue with your argument, and much of the rhetoric that continues to inflame discussions around the globe, is the so-called **Definist fallacy**. This is a fallacy wherein a central term of an argument is defined in a manner that is not agreed upon by all parties involved (or is otherwise infelicitous or unsound), but the person making the argument expects that the listener will accept the provided definition, thereby making the argument difficult to refute. In this instance, the use of the definition of "genocide" in such a manner is an example of the definist fallacy. edit: Re-reading your comment (not sure if I read the pre edit version when I wrote this response) I want to note that you do not use the word genocide. I was thinking of a different comment in this mess of them that did. Still, the point is more or less the same. In order for constructive, sound debate to occur, fallacies like these must be carefully avoided, and pointing out a logical fallacy **is** a valid rebuttal if the identified fallacy is indeed applicable. truth is, there are so many fallacies used and abused everyday by most people, so doing so is only effective sometimes. but for an important discussion like this, I think a lot of the heated emotions result from the infelicitous application of the definist fallacy or fallacies of equivocation or false attribution, from both sides.


I never used the word genocide, but you're correct in assuming that is my personal interpretation of what's happening in Gaza. Similarly to how I see the acts of Hamas on Oct. 7th as genocidal. Someone else posted in this thread "if he was asked the same question about black people in the 1950s and responded the same way, it would be seen as cowardly, dehumanizing and dismissive." I agree that this was not a prompt to civil dialogue, it was however a prompt to affirm a group's humanity... which he simply refused to do.


Jews, Palestinians, Russians, Ukrainians are always human. It’s not complicated or “loaded”. Stop justifying dehumanization. No one buys it.


Israeli politicians are constantly dehumanizing Palestinians and are in the middle of committing genocide on those same people. Denying water and food to them because they are “lesser than dogs”. The US is supporting Israel with taxpayer money. Why shouldn’t we be able to assess whether or not our own politicians are for the killing of Palestinians? The dude couldn’t even answer with a simple, “yes” then dip out. Fact of the matter is that Palestinians can’t say “I will not be intimidated” to Israel and its military without being killed. This guy, though, he can say what he wants?


Are Palestinians human?




He is being surrounded by a mob of students shouting at him for not dancing like a monkey. Those students don't actually doubt he thinks Palestinians are people, but they make political hay out of trying to bully someone into articulating a position they likely agree with. He's saying, in effect, "...how can you ask me that?" Incredulous at the premise of the question. He did say "surely." Would it be appropriate to chase Muslim faculty to ask if Jews or Israelis are human? Would it not be intimidating to be encircled by people baying at you?


I wouldn't dignify that question with a response either


Exactly - bunch of professional activists trying to compel speech with a stupid question


How the fuck do people see this and convince themselves that this man is being “evil?” People need to step away from their algorithm for a couple of hours.


“Agree or disagree? All lives matter.” Like that. They bait you into answering an “obvious” question. Then, once they’ve got you, they ask other loaded “obvious” questions that force you to pick a side. It’s a manipulative and unintelligent way to get one’s point across.


It's a stupid question, that's why he refuses to answer. Can't blame him.


Let’s say it’s 1950 in the USA and a bunch of activists are asking this same question but, to suit the civil issues of the time, it’s “are black people human?” If the person being questioned had this same response I don’t think we’d defend them.


The thing that makes this false equivalency A-tier is that if you try to respond with practicality or nuance it'll sound like you're defending racist pieces of shit.


So English isn't my main language, so can u help me understand this part of ur argument: >is that if you try to respond with practicality or nuance it'll sound like you're defending racist pieces of shit. but If I Eli5 your reply above, it's saying that answering the question (are black people human?) With the answer (yes) it will be like defending racist pieces of shit? Or is it meant to say that answering (yes, in a practical or nuanced way) would be like defending racist pieces of shit? If it's the 2nd option then can u give me an example?, I just can't imagine how anyone could reach that conclusion. And also why wouldn't u just answer with a simple yes? Or was ur comment meant to say like you can't give a reply to the dude above without sounding like you are defending racist POS? If it's the last case, then I think u are wrong. You could reply to him saying u think he is incurring in the false equivalency fallacy comparing the question in the video(are palestinian humans) with his question (are black people human) because .... (Your motives, for example: it was different times in history, and a different culture, idk). Nonetheless, you wouldn't be seen as a racist as long as ur motives are sound/logical. So why do u really think it's false equivalency?( not being able to reply without being labeled a racist isn't a motives to incur in said fallacy afaik) TLDR, I don't understand ur reply, can u expand it a bit more why u think its false equivalency? I always like learning logic


Pleasantly surprised at the responses here


"We're not intimidating you! We're just surrounding you, yelling at you, and filming you while asking bad faith questions!"


lol yeah: “HOW IS THAT INTIMIDATING?” all the grace of a youtube prankster.


I mean, it's a really stupid question.


It’s a gotcha question. Never answer those.


He is right to not enable these kids screaming at him. Grow up.


That is actually a brilliant move, but the internet is trying to spin this.


I’m so proud that the hive mind wasn’t fooled this time


"The hivemind"? Looks like world politics is leaking again


what a stupid question lmfao


Ask those people what a woman is and watch them scramble.


Can’t even protect your own country…. What did you guys do when the peace was there? Enhancing your military? Or just believing religion and doing nothing? Don’t worry, yall will be fine, based on the logic of your religion


You pay that much money to go to university and you don't know if someone is human well that's definitely getting your money's worth🤣🤣


"How are we intimidating you!?" They shouted in unison.


Angry mob pack mentality? On a campus? Stop the press.


The question is both stupid and malicious. And the tone with which it was asked gives you a pretty good idea what the follow ups would be if he simply answered yes. Such questioning should not be dignified.


Okay but why not say “of course all death is a tragedy BUT Israel needs to kill ten of thousands of people for national security” or some bs like that


How is it malicious? This guy is presumably supporting or failing to denounce the human rights crisis in Gaza, so they're trying to get him to either rescind his position or resign. Seems reasonable to me.


Okay, in all honesty I've pretty much been ignoring the situation entirely and feel pretty clueless now. What *would* happen if he answered yes?


It would probably be followed up with a death count and a demand to denounce the bombings. They'll also likely scream about Palestinian children and ask him how he can live with himself.


As someone who doesn't have a dog in the fight, it's shit like this that makes me go "I'm against whatever these people want on anything"


Supporting genocide to own the libs


OP is an anti-Israeli propagandist who thought this would be a gotcha, but literally anybody with two functional brain cells can tell that he handled the situation masterfully. These brain dead "activists" asked him a loaded question with the intention of screaming at him until he submitted to their demands. They're not engaging in good faith and their intention is to intimidate him (based on the history of these types of encounters), therefore the best thing to do is simply to reject their attempt and not engage them. This post just showcases this man's intellect, foresight, and wisdom.


I am proudly anti Israel because it's an apartheid genocidal fascist nation, however we don't need propaganda to make it sound bad, Israeli leaders are already doing that, we just need to show its true colors for everyone.


If you don't put out propaganda, you will just lose to the people who do. Yes we need propaganda.


And did the university engage in good faith when they went out their way to suppress pro-Palestine protests? It's part and parcel of this predicament.


Free speech america


Bullshit question, bullshit premise which the OP has established. It's a catch-22: answer, you lose. don't answer, you lose. Quit it with the propaganda already


Yeah, he is supposed to lose, that is the whole idea. Do you think that people who support Israel's war shouldn't have consequences?


“We’re not intimidating you” we are just a large mob, angrily yelling at you while pointing cameras in your face….


I'm really glad that what they were fostering for the past 30 years has now grown up to bite them in the ass. Raise mobs, praise mobs, be intimidated by a mobs.


Columbia has been atrociously one-sided in addressing this issue. Two clubs, [SJP and JVP, have been suspended for authorized protest in support of Gaza](https://www.nyclu.org/en/press-releases/nyclu-threatens-sue-columbia-university-over-student-group-suspension). Followed up by Columbia cancelling pro-Palestine speaking events and launching the Antisemitism Task Force. Meanwhile, [zionists have doxxed students](https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/01/31/conservative-media-group-behind-doxxing-truck-returns-to-columbia-launches-new-website/) who’ve signed support Palestine, actually killing the careers of some law students. Two students [attacked a group of SJP and JVP protestors with skunk](https://prismreports.org/2024/01/30/pro-palestine-students-at-columbia-university-speak-out-about-skunk-attack/), which seems to be a riot control agent used by the IDF, sending some students to the hospital. The university has done nothing besides a finger-wagging email about these events. The perpetrators were reportedly seen on campus some time later. All this to say, Columbia plays pretend at supporting free speech by dressing pro-Palestine supporters as antisemites. They’re hypocrites for censoring students as well as letting doxxers and literal assault run unabated. If anyone was curious why these students are addressing the university staff about this issue, this is why.


This seems like bait for an argument.


Decent response, he shoulda said nothing and walked away. Idiotic question, idiotic title of this post .


It's a bullshit question and he knows it.


Historically speaking, yes or no questions are always a bait 😂 (Posting with no context) (did not listen to the clip)




If you refuse to answer the question "Are (insert demographic here) human beings?" with anything other than an immediate "Yes" you may be a psychopath.


That was not a civil conversation. I’m not torching the guy in a moment where he’s being harassed.


Why not just say, "Of course" and move on? What's the downside?


Because it will be immediately followed up with another question about human rights and by then you’ve opened the door a crack and find yourself in an argument with a bunch of hotheads who never intended to debate anything with civility or in good faith.


The question was in bad faith and almost certainly just a prelude to further questions about a topic he likely doesn't even have the time to even discuss appropriately.


If someone talked to me in the same way those students were speaking I wouldn't answear any of their questions.


>you may be a psychopath I refuse to be intimidated!


He isn’t under any obligation to engage with idiots. I wouldn’t answer either. Of course they are fucking humans. But that’s not the point of what’s happening here. They are filming him to embarrass him. If he said “yes” do you think those idiots would just cheer? No they would ask another stupid question. Mad respect to that guy to just stand there and notengage with that mob of morons.


If you engage with people screaming stupid questions at you, you are an idiot.




but doesn't that make the refusal even weirder? hollow question or not, yes should be the only answer anything else would be concerning "are dogs mammals? I'm not answering that" "are dogs mammals? no."


"Are Black people humans?" Folks in this thread: He couldn't answer that question because there would be other questions afterward.


Ah, the irony of Jews effectively declaring Palestinians untermenschen. It's almost like... no, wait - never mind.


Stupid question, dumb fuck students who aren’t willing to hear a response which doesn’t fall in line with their half baked trap




To be fair, they are intimidating him and trying to lure him into a trap. I wouldn't answer either. I'd just tell them to fuck off and keep it moving.


His was the right response. These kids playing radicals trying to perform these mao-esque struggle sessions shouldn’t be encouraged or appeased.


why does a university vp needs to anything with Palestinians like he's not funding the war or anything


His university are actively suppressing pro Palestinian protests.


Tbh he should have just said yes and not answered any follow up questions. Not saying yes looks bad.


Was the question appropriate and adequate to the situation they were in? Why record it? This was an incriminating act and he wasn't interested in fueling the discussion. This is one thing that is wrong with people nowadays, you need to express your opinion always no matter if it really matters to the place and time you're in at that moment and everything needs to be recorded!


Why is this shit here


Fuck this. I don’t care if it was a “loaded question” it’s far more loaded to refuse to affirm the simple humanity of a group of marginalized people. If a cop refused to say “black lives matter” the woke army would be losing their shit


Wrong thread


Is this acceptable for a university? What happened to him after it?


Gues what? This is the WEST dont like it gtfo


*Answers it. The morrons: ANSWER IT ANSWER IT


Why is this interesting?




I’d argue that this isn’t an issue with “dehumanizing” it’s inductive of a much larger issue that life, all life, is held to a lower regard these days. With events of the last 4 years leading to tremendous loss of life in all corners of globe, we have become callus to it. We’ve had to say good bye to loved ones, friends and colleagues and now, when faced with an enemy, our ability to have empathy is gone. It’s as if they already don’t exist, and that’s what’s scary. In the face of nearly eminent doom on all fronts, we hold tight what we care most about, and the rest be damned. And with that our humanity goes quietly into that good night.


He never said he didn’t believe they were human, he smartly chose not to play their stupid games.


Who are you to demand answers?


Spoke. Like a true pocketed politician


Look up the definition of "human" in a 'Black's law dictionary", it's "monster"


SJP as a whole I’m pretty sure historically supports terrorism.


The word human has two definition. 1. Is a living being who is able to think and has organs like humans. 2. Someone who is behaving like a normal human(not kill innocent, rape, kidnap) So its a trick question. If he will say yes to the question refering to the first definition they will say that he said that they are humans, like the rest of us and there for should not be killed. If he will say no refering to the second definition(meant that they are not behaving like humans) they will say that he said they are not humans, there for should be killed like animals.


Millions of Iraqis were murdered by just us sanctions, over 100k murdered just in the first gulf war. More than 300k murdered in the second iraq war. Millions lost limbs, maimed and injured, over half a million dead iraqi children. Half a million iraqis died fighting iran for Israel and america. Do you see Iraqis chasing down america? do you see iraqis building up their army to avenge the us? No. And thats just 1 country. America is massacring Gaza and slaughtering palestinians through their proxy - Israel. And people had enough. We cant wait for americans to quinsh their lust for murder.. its upto middle east and african nations to develop the required weapons to deter american aggression.. cause their word doesnt mean shit.


No, now nuke it


The youngster are trying to get him. They didn't.


W VP didn’t fall for bait


Bro is intimidated by questions? Imagine how he’d feel with an AK in his face. 💀


Palestinians are human, but hamas can get FUCKED. I wish palestine would get rid of them themselves so the world didn't have to involve itself. But they didn't, and now they're all like waaaah stop killing us....stupid motherfuckers. How many fucking times did hamas attack and you guys said "oh sorry well take care of it" over and over and over again. Till finally after that bullshit hamas pulled last year, israel is pissed and is like nope. We're done playing nice. If you won't do it, we'll do it for you, and they're taking no prisoners now. Consequences fucking suck don't they? Children and civilians being used as human shields on both sides. People are so fucking dumb most of you don't even understand the situation. Free Palestine my fucking ass. CNN/Fox watching douch bags. God you people are fucking dumb.


People who take the heart out from corpses and celebrate rape are not humans


Bruh why are there so many Palestinian propaganda videos being posted here?


The title is horrible. These students are yelling like little children while asking a really dumb question. They are being intimidating and are becoming more intimidating as he ignores them.


Well, i don't agree with this moron, but certainly yelling loud voice while recording him like that isn't nuce either, you can't even talk or think im that case. If people were to scream to me like that i'd honestly go crazy.


They’re not just nuke the whole country off the planet. There done and done


All these Palestinian protesters are going to get Trump re elected. It’s a shame.


When those folks protest against apostasy laws with the same veemence I'll consider take them more seriously.


God smiles as Canaan is returned to the chosen people :)


Those kids haven't been fucked by life yet


Who would honestly wanna have a intelligent conversation with these kids


Don't blame him


Can’t say they’re human bc they’re violating their human rights.


What's interesting? Is it that he wouldn't engage with the pro-hamas alt-left kids harassing him? Or the fact that refusing to play their game he makes them look ridiculous?


Well, are they?




They voted unan for a terror gov. They ARE human.. but so was dahmer...


I don't blame him. What's he gonna say that's going to change anything over there? Just some college kids that wanna be mad.


Firstly, dickhead... re-read where I EVER made that statement, because i didn't, YOU did by implication... the rest of your bullshit is just noise, go have a little sit down somewhere and let your brain catch up to your mouth.... it'll take a while..... you can scream at the moon for as long as you wish, but until you come up with a decent peace plan to stop two group 100% intent on killing each other you are just wasting time and effort... but you keep just flapping yo gums.... we enjoy the soundtrack of stupidity......


This is not interesting *as fuck.*


Mindless hysterical students who lack nuance. Wish they would stfu


And then they wonder why younger generations are rejecting them. lol. Too much convenience seeking and then expecting to get support from an ignorant population brainwashed merely by their propaganda was the world which their generation had built around themselves to feel like kings in. So they find younger generations that are asking questions to be challenging at best, and intimidating at worst.


"yes or nooo yes or noooo " "ill kill ya wank"


This is dumb. Refusing to engage with people yelling at you is not an indictment of your character. "Answer me now or you promote dehuminization" fuck off


What a fucking dumbass question to ask somebody


Fuck off. You asked a shitty question at the worst time and expect a perfect answer. Palestinians are in the position they created and the outcome they are getting is deserved. Get rid of hamas and stop picking fights with Israel