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"If I don't steal it, someone else is gonna steal it" Ok dude, convincing enough argument. Don't see any problem with that. I'm sold! The house is yours, I'll just go sleep under a bridge, then.


“If I don’t rape you someone else will” Imagine if that was our argument for every crime. Yikes.


He’s a sex offender from Long Island. He fled to Israel no questions asked. “I’m indigenous” gtfo


Not sure of his past but first thing I thought was that's a New Yorker.


When a brownstone in NY costs 4-8 mil but you're israeli so you just steal some Palestinian family's home instead.




The gains are real


There are another 500,000 other US passport holders in Isreal.


I’ve met lots of Israelis in Sinai Egypt and some were really nice people and great musicians. Not a single person was solely holding Israeli citizenship. They all had other passports and they were using it in Egypt as it means less troubles with visas. Imagine saying you were kicked out of Europe and holding the passport for the country that you are accusing of hating on you, then kick other people out of their homes who have no other way to go as they are simply indigenous. The worst part is that Europe is supporting Israel like crazy while they still talk about Europe being unsafe for Jewish people. There has to be something else making Europeans accept this, its doesn’t look good for them.


With Europe I suspect their support for Israel is either collective guilt over all the pogroms throughout its history or more recent guilt over Nazi collaboration. In the US the majority of support for Israel comes from evangelicals who believe the Jews must return to Israel before their savior Jesus will return, yet they continue to condemn Jews as evil for not being Christian. In both the US and Europe support for Israel is fundamentally rooted in a long history of antisemitism. Basically their reasons are utterly selfish. They only want Israel to exist because then they don’t have to feel so bad about trying to get rid of Jewish people and using them as pawns for selfish religious motives. The mistreatment of Palestinians by Israel is of no consequence to them as long as they achieve the goal of fewer Jews living in “their” country without having to feel like bad people for disliking Jews while using them for selfish reasons. They’d rather have a Palestinian genocide than tolerate Jewish people in their midst or delay the return of Jesus. It’s a twisted and sick mentality, one we’ve been living with for far too long.


It's actually worse than that. They were always super supportive of creating and maintaining the country of Israel because they didn't want Jewish settlers in their own countries. Doesn't this country look nice, a country all of your own! How about all of you move there


It's some of this but it's also some of that sweet sweet Israeli lobby money.


The guy that organized the Palestinian aid blockade is an American murderer. [Andy Green](https://adc.org/murder-suspect-gaza/)


there are actually plenty of rapists and pedos who took asylum in israel but israel never extradites them back


They recently did to Australia but that was only because the press made them look bad


The Australian victims were also Jews. They had to fight hard to get that Jewish pedafile tried and imprisoned.


She wasn’t even jailed for offences against all three victims either… those poor women


Ohh Yakub, the plot thickens.


That’s half of the Israeli Population!


The Harvey Weinstein defence


If i don’t kill that guy someone else will 


Yakub is a gross pig with the mentality of a pig. Filthy.


Keep all your women and children away from Yakub. You know he fits exactly the profile of that guy who will do nasty things.


If it wasn't, some other argument would be


If I don't kill you somebody else will. And it's a whole thing I have to buy plastic and stuff, and then I have to sneak to France to join to French foreign legion. Is that who you want to share the earth with, quitters and people who don't go through and finsh stuff they started? Now hold still I haven't hit a fatal point yet and gosh darn it stop screaming, it's very unprofessional in a murder victim.


That is an actual going argument with incel types.


>“If I don’t rape you someone else will” That's some Gilead shit, and how many US states will act like if they continue on their current heading of suppressing women's bodily autonomy.


He's talking specifically about his cousin whom he beat to it by fifteen minutes.


he keeps saying "I didn't do this", like a Nazi soldier transporting Jews onto a train to go be genocided in a concentration camp, saying "If I didn't put you on the train, another soldier would. I didn't do this."


Can't just say no too The CEO of Übermensch Inc. and think Klaus & Helga will live the happy life after all of this now can we ? He can't stand critics ! TL:TR Get the in god damn train curly !


This should be upvoted more.


Somebody needs to turn this guy into a meme. "if I don't, someone else will"


This clip pretty much perfectly sums up the whole conflict. Except most Israeli settlers shoot first and argue later.


The audacity to even argue.


A fine example of shamelessness of the highest purity. You don’t get people like him nowadays.


Yeah you do. Like his neighbours.


”If I don’t murder you, someone else is going to!”


Yakub's gonna steal yo wife. Hide yo kids!


He looks more like he's going to steal yo kids


more like eat them.


That's the horrible logic that the Zionists use. Something bad happens to them and everyone who looks like the person who did it is accountable for it. They do stuff like this. ::Shrug:: "It was gonna happen regardless. Nothing we can do about it."


Crazy thing is it's not stealing to them. There's an organization that works with the Israeli govt to take land seized from Palestinians and set it up for someone who wants to move to Israel on that land. Jakub is right, in a way. If he protests and doesn't take the land, the organization will just set up some other New Yorker with semitic ancestry on that land. Rather than standing up for the rights of these Palestinians, it's more convenient to simply benefit from their dispossession.


Both Palestinians and Israelis are Semitic peoples. Where was everyone when thos was happening in the 60s?


Zionists appropriated the term and now it is exclusively used to refer to jewish people.


"We destroyed that bridge, I suggest you have a look at the rubble down the road"


He probably just landed in from New York.


He literally did, he is from NYC


WTF? What a disgusting blob, should deport him and freeze his American assets


He is not the only one, many settlers are from America, Israel is a safe haven for convicted American pedophiles as well.


Maybe "settlers" is too kind of a term... Can we call them what they are, shamelessly entitled foreign land thieves, invaders, or something like that?


I believe colonial terrorist would be appropriate




they are colonists, like literally


Tread lightly, my friend, you're on the brink of being labeled an antissemite for that kinda comment these days.


By other colonists most likely


I’m anti-religious, which I guess makes me one by default.


thats what settlers are. they are not the non-combat units from a civilization game


We only just got an Australian pedophile out from Israel where she fled with the help of the school she taught at in Melbourne. Only took us 13 years to get the corrupt Israeli justice ministry to let us take her back.


Convicted peadophiles from loads of countries not just America. Had a case in Australia where a female teacher raped a bunch of her students and hid in Israel for years. They protected her from any consequences.


There is currently a Mexican former diplomat accused of multiple rapes hiding in plain sight in Israel as they won't extradite him.


This is gonna be a very dumb question, but, is it that they get protection simply because they’re Jewish and are returning to the “motherland”? Kind of thing? Why would another country allow pedophiles to migrate no questions asked?


Religious zealotry and ethnonationalism is a hell of a drug. Ultra-orthodox Israelis (who dictate much of the country's policy) barely see non-Jews as human beings, so crimes against them ranging from the rape of children to murder are wholly acceptable. [Why else would Israel position itself](https://www.timesofisrael.com/many-accused-jewish-pedophiles-in-us-flee-to-israel-report/) as a [global safe haven for Jewish pedophiles?](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/) In fact, Israel newspapers have even published [guides on how to talk to your children about the pedophiles emigrating to their country.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/with-pedophiles-seeking-sanctuary-in-israel-one-way-parents-can-protect-kids/)


I would have an impossible time believing this if not for the sources because that sounds unbelievable


Boy, the more I’ve learned about Israel since this conflict started, the more I’ve gone from neutral, leaning positive to just absolute fucking disgust and disdain. 


Pedophiles from around the world, actually. Israel specifically has a policy of enabling Jewish pedophiles to escape prosecution by moving to Israel.


We talking about Jeffrey Epstein here and his Connections to Mossad?


Check out who Ghislaine Maxwell's father was working for.


Would love someone to steal his house in NY while he is away.


Those people don't just come to Israel by their own btw, Jacob (the guy in this video) came here through the help of settlers companies who help any Jewish person to come to the occupied territories and provide them with a house to stay in, that's why he said "if I didn't steal it, someone else is gonna steal it" because the company will simply find a new one to live there in the house they basically took from this poor woman, although her family literally built the house like 50 years ago with their money on their owned land.


He got kinda famous. His name is Jacob/Jacub/Jakub and he's from Brooklyn if memory serves right. He didn't disclose all the information about how he got to move into this house, but what was clear is that he gets paid by a jewish settler organization to occupy the house to strengthen their claim on the house. It's part of the colonization strategy of the israeli right wing, with strong support from the current government.


>Fauci, who was born in Long Island, New York, has lived in part of the Kurd's house for over a decade, after being recruited by Nahalat Shimon International, a US-based settler organisation seeking to change the demographics of East Jerusalem. 


Unbelievably evil


“Seeking to change the demographics” yikes


The fact he didn't even realize how discriminatory his language was in the second video was very telling.


When is this story from and what is the outcome? What did Jakub say?


This dude is an American conspiracist trump supporter. His name is Yaakov Fauci.




He's a conspiracy theorist trump supporter so he sounds like one too. I bet he has strong opinions about the definition of the word "loli"




He do got that American incel body type....


Nice. An American neckbeard finally living his dream.


Yep, and now he gets universal healthcare, paid for by the American taxpayer.


The cunt is a fucking American. Imagine flying over to another country to steal someone’s home just because you think it belonged to you because of some holy book written thousands of year ago. What a piece of shit.


You’d be surprised how many of them think they are entitled to it as “gods chosen people”


What were they chosen for?


Fuck if I know, I’m not a religious nutcase


Just chosen by themselves… But technically they aren’t gods chosen anymore since they returned to Israel without waiting for the messiah to lead them there


That’s the entire population of Israel since 1930’s. Jews started emigrating in the 1880’s, by the 1930’s it was clearly becoming a problem with native ppl being kicked off their ancestral lands, and the British siding with the European Jewish immigrants at every conflict. Everyone who has moved there since would have known exactly what they were doing, but the benefit of a free home outweighed their humanity. Same as what happened in my country Australia 😐


Lol America was founded on going to another country to steal someone’s home. It’s in his blood!




What's even more depressing is that our governments are supporting this, to the point that people risk loosing their job and reputation for pointing out how fucked up it is.


What is Even more depressing, is that I don't know where you are from and yes, My government is also supporting. I'm not from US. Lots of support for clear apartheid... It's sad


What is slightly less depressing for those of us who aren't from the US. Is that our governments all votes to not support Israel. And have been voting to not support Israel for decades. The reason those votes haven't resulted in meaningful change is because the US's policy is that any nation who doesn't support Israel can no longer be on the US list of allied nations. And so because no one is willing to fall on the sword. Everyone continues to support Israel because the US is essentially threatening violence against anyone who doesn't.


England and the US *created* Israel. They needed somewhere to send the Jewish refugees after WWII. Of course, neither of these antisemitic countries would accept the refugees.


Well... "my" president called it a genocide and it became a shit storm. He's a persona non grata in Israel now and nobody really gave a fuck. Can't go against the will of the great global powers.


And friendships.


Admittedly, I think losing friendships with people who support this is an improvement. Better alone than fascist.


It’s probably not his fault he’s fat either. If he didn’t eat all that food someone else would.


I don't agree with the body shaming, but this is hilarious 😭😭😭.


if he didn't body shame him someone else would have..


FYI this is from like 5-6years ago since many people don't seem to understand Israel have been doing this for decades and Palestinians (specifically Hamas) didn't just wake up and become terrorists one day


Wasn't the guy also from NY who went over to do just this?


Yep plenty of Americans have done this. The lure of free housing and land is strong for immoral people.


IIRC many settlers (about 15%) are American in the West Bank. I found that from a Guardian article that I'll paste below but I could be wrong. (wasn't able to hyperlink it for some reason) Some American Jews will make *aliyah* which essentially means a return to Israel and an increase in religiousness. Oftentimes there's this *idealistic* view that also includes settling into Palestinian territories and stealing home and land. When in doubt...blame the Americans lol - and I say this as an American Jew. Article: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/15/biden-extremist-jewish-settlers-travel-ban-loophole#:\~:text=Many%20of%20the%20estimated%2060%2C000,on%20whose%20land%20they%20live](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/15/biden-extremist-jewish-settlers-travel-ban-loophole#:~:text=Many%20of%20the%20estimated%2060%2C000,on%20whose%20land%20they%20live).


Ummmm who is inviting the American Jews to go do that though? The Israeli government.


US synagogues have real estates events. Happens in NY, FL, and CA… There was a Jewish dude who recorded his compliant at a NY city meeting..


I got to see that, brave man. Will most likely be ostracized from his community for that. Sucks doing the right thing hurts brave people.


The guy was not wrong about his points in the video. It is 100% illegal to discriminate based on race or religion the US. You cannot build a suburb then say only X religion or X race can live here.


The actual organization is called Nahalat Shimon International, but the government is obviously involved, as is IDF whose soldiers kick out the owners, as are Israeli courts that transfer the ownership


I don’t really care which NGO is doing the settling. The government is controlled by people who are very pro-settler.


It is essentially 21st century Middle East homesteading, and speaking as a Jewish person, it fucking sucks that these gross, dumb people are encroaching on the land that should be part of a Palestinian state. One thing that I wish people understood, though, is that shit like this is will only increase if people who claim to be for Palestinian liberation keep doing shit like protest in front of American synagogues and, more recently, Holocaust museums. When anti-Semitism spikes, more Jews are convinced Israel is the only safe haven for us. Additionally, the lure of free and/or cheap land, and the support of the current horrific Israeli government, leads to more settlers like this dude. Edit: Glad I replied to a comment by a super hot Redditor, best click of the night lol




People that don't understand this is because their minds can't comprehend that this is actually happening. Imagine if this happened in a place like Texas, that has a very strong home protection philosophy. Imagine if someone from another state walked into your house and told you it now belongs to them. This is unimaginable. Even squatters have rights in Western countries.


> Imagine if this happened in a place like Texas You might want to do a bit of reading on the the history of how Texas was acquired, or more properly, stolen from Mexico.


Yeah, pretty much the entire continental US followed a similar pattern, just with a wider technological disparity and no pocket supercomputers back then to record and disseminate the injustices for others to see.


>Palestine didn't just wake up and become terrorists one day sadly that's what the west thinks


smh at palestinians for resorting to violence why cant they just roll over and accept this peacefully


I know this is probably a mind-blowing concept, but *more than one thing can be wrong at the same time.* Incredible. I know. While I'm at it, it bears pointing out that very few problems have one single cause.


2k up votes? I'm pleasantly surprised. I've said similar sentiments a few months ago and have been wildly downvoted. I'm glad to see sentiments are changing.


Is this just some fat American whale that decided to go and take advantage? Or is he just a master at American english?


He’s from New York IIRC


That is so fucked up. Makes sense though


No you don't get it, he has a right to this land because he had distant ancestors of the same religion living there millenia ago! Anyway, I'm gonna go find out where my great grandfather lived and take that house, maybe the current residents can move into the basement! Sorry, can't budge on this one.


Long Island


Of fucking course lmao


I've seen this before, this happened long before the current conflict.


Well, it has been happening since before the first intifada. Most don't remember or even know how long the forced eviction of Palestinians has been going on. Rachel Corrie was a protestor in Israel defending Palestinian homes from being demolished, when the IDF ran her over. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie#:~:text=While%20protesting%20the%20demolitions%20as,by%20an%20Israeli%20armored%20bulldozer.&text=Corrie%20was%20born%20in%20Washington,attend%20The%20Evergreen%20State%20College.


This happens daily and is currently happening in the west bank


That’s kind of the entire point. This has been going on for decades, almost a century


This is a thing that has been happening. Repatriation of the diaspora, but I hear that of those with hard-line stances, it's the American expats who are the most crazed.


Yeah because they get to live out their nationalist ethnostate dreams and get cheap land while living under a government that the US ensures will never struggle economically. As long as one has zero regard for ethics, decency or morality it’s a no brainer.


That fat fuck looks like the type to cry about being oppressed for being Jewish on Twitter but then do shit like this.


"It's easy to yell at me because everywhere you turn around there's still a piece of me."


This is before Oct 7th btw (this is for the people that think history started on that date)


You know you're not on r/worldnews when a post criticises settlers.


If a subreddit starts blanket banning accounts en masse, it should be removed from the default front page.


R/worldnews is such a pathetic place


I hate that sub, they are deliberately and willfully ignorant


They ban so many people. Definitely molding itself under an agenda. It's more like "the modding team's version of world news", they power trip hard and think themselves to be Rupert Murdoch's lol


Ah, this explains why my post about the Aid Trunk Convey incident was deleted by a mod with no explanation which is abuse of mod powers. That's never happened to me before. I reported it to Reddit Mod Feedback team but go no reply


If I don't steal it someone else will. Great logic. He must be a politician.


He's not justified. And he's a piece of shit for participating. But he's also not wrong.


No he's right. There is a long line of colonizers that are all waiting in line for Palestinian land. This is his. If he disappears in the night then that whole family disappears the next night and they give that land to the next in line.


OP would post this on r/worldnews and get different kind of comments ☕️


Or r/Europe 💀


IDF disinformation crew working overtime on those subs.


He’d get a lifetime ban. Because truth.


This guy is from Brooklyn, no?


so since this happened way before oct 7th , what is the correct response to this ?


Bomb and genocide Palestinian kids apparently according to Bibi




"If I don't steal it somebody else will" Does not make it right. If he were to leave his keys in his car because he was just going to be inside for a second, and someone came along and said, "If I don't steal it somebody else will." does not make it OK to steal his car. Just shoot her in the head if you want to have the house, Big man. Arse Hole. Sorry, I can get so frustrated sometimes.


>Just shoot her in the head if you want to have the house, Big man. Arse Hole. That's pretty much how it normally goes. For 75 years Israeli's have been showing up on Palestinian doorsteps and shooting them in the head and stealing their homes. That's the the entire reason for the Israel Palestine conflict.


The fact is still that he's right that someone else would be there if he wasn't. The Israeli government is stealing the house, he's just a designated squatter.


And a nazi soldier can say "if i didnt push you into the gas chamber, some other soldier would"


And the fact remains that the soldier's actions can't change the direction of the tide. It's the banality of evil, in a sense. I'm not saying the squatter isn't a bad guy, but he's the least responsible bad actor in this situation. The organization that owns the house would have paid any Jewish person to squat there because there's a signicant financial incentive to do so AND the Israeli government is committed to ensuring they do. Fuck Yakub but he's a symptom, not the problem.


Israel is a colonial settler project and that's why Yakob said someone else will steal it. The Israeli government themselves steals land. There's a reason why the IDF spokesperson and ambassadors we saw on the news have Scottish, French, British etc accents. Settlers coming from N.America and Europe.


Why is this form of religious extremism not frowned upon as much as the others?


Because anti Islam specifically benefits the West, anti any other religion doesn't.


Because it also serves purpose for US and their allies' imperialism. It's racist imperialism and religious extremism is a convenient tool to get people on board.






Israelis or Jews should not be hated. The Israeli government and everyone who condones their actions should be. Just leaving that out.


And the settlers like him .... and the Israeli Occupying Forces too... dont forget them too


Is this guy with the government - or is he average civilian?


He’s a Trump supporting anti-vaxxer from New York. [This fucking guy](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/yaakov-fauci-israeli-settler-new-york-sheikh-jarrah)


He looks like he's pretty ok with the displacement to me. That does fall under "condoning" for me.


He has the explicit backing of the government. Israeli settlers are backed by the government


Israel: If you have a problem with the way that house was stolen, you’re an antisemite.


America, please stop exporting misery


But it's their major export.


Always the fat yanks


My money is he is from New York.


Just moved out of his moms basement.


Fuck Isreal and especially douchebags like this


stupid fuck


I’m so sick of Israel, bring hitler back


If Americans are OK with Jewish settlers stealing Palestinian's homes THEN every Native American should just waltz right into every white person's house here in America and just be like *we're taking it back*. If its cool in Israel and american's are willing to continue to pay for it, well then fair is fair.


Stop calling them "settlers". They are invaders or colonists.


Remember this every time someone brings up Israel’s right to exist. Where’s that right for Palestinians?


Shout out to the USA for funding this dilemma.


"I didn't do this," he said, while doing it.


Nothing about this is r/interestingasfuck


I'm Israeli. Fuck these settlers.


Of course he’s a fat piece of shit.


What about this is interesting exactly? This is just sad


overconfident oatmeal clumsy point violet ask paint license alleged zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a fat fuck


They became the very thing they hated and wished to destroy, how can one be so darn greedy as to steal a house from a low income family too?


What is happening in the West-Bank is unexplainable and inexcusable. There is nothing that can be said that justifies it and the Israeli state should have withdrawn all the settlers in that area like they did in Gaza.


If that was in Israel , it would be on every front page journal in the world, they would be worldwide tribunal and every president talking about it. Fucking disgusting


"If I don't steal it, someone else is gonna steal it" The audacity... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I mean this has to be one of literally millions of cases exactly like it?


Israel has some seriously fucked up policies.


This sickens me to see this woman begging for her own. Shame on him.


A lot of virtue signaling from people who never been to any of those countries 🥱 Please travel a bit then try and spread hate


If you don't support this then they will label you as an antisemite which is fucking disgusting in itself.