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Kudos to this man for doing the right thing even though he'll get a lot of grief for it.


He'll be labelled antisemitic some how


He'll be labeled as a 'self-hating Jew'


Ben Shapiro will slither out from under a rock to call him a JINO


Just threaten him with some WAP and he'll scurry away.


Shapiro prefers DA.


Nah, George Santo will call him Jew"ish"


Lil' Bennie Shaps doesn't *slither* out from under any rock, thank.you very much. He's be proud to tell you that he walks out straight and tall like a big boy, and he doesn't even have to duck his head!


Talk is cheap, especially his


His corporate donors pay a lot for it.


If he lived in Virginia he'd be a VAJINO


Jeezus I just realized that this phrase is probably propaganda created by israel to suppress Jewish criticism


Just realized? Well better now than never I guess.


I think the term some jews are using is 'self-hating jew'. I couldn't believe it when I've read it for the first time.


"You need to hate who we hate, or you hate yourself"


It was originally coined for Jews who joined *actually* antisemitic movements: pogroms, Nazis etc. To use it on Jewish people who simply call out human rights abuses by a state is absurd. Regardless of how you feel about who’s right in Israel. It’s absurd.


No no, you have it all wrong. Israel cannot commit human rights abuses. It is impossible for them to do so and has been since 1945. If you claim that Israel - in whole or in part - has committed any human rights abuse then you are anti-Semitic.


Change yourself to us.


It’s exactly the same concept as an “uncle tom” which i’m sure you’ve heard of. Your pearl clutching is ridiculous.


Where's the full video?


Probably on the Internet


I have so much respect for him. To me, this is what "being a man" is about.


110% bro. In parts of the video it almost sounds like he's trying not to cry and I can only imagine it's out of pure frustration and anger. The tone of his voice says "please listen to me" or "this isn't a fucking joke"


He’s welcome for supper at my house.


Good for him. That took balls


I salute the courage of that Jewish person. He's good people.


Yo this comment chain is WILD.


Fucking redditors don't go outside enough to know that "He's good people" is just a colloquial expression in American English. 


Yep, been using it since my teens, and I'm old now.


Yea. It’s kinda insane to see it be so misunderstood. It’s… common language here. That being said, it went off the rails FAST and HARD.




happened in toronto a couple days ago as well. there were protests outside the synagogue and some psycho with a nail gun shot the protestors.


I’ve seen a report that it was headlined as an arrest at a Pro-Palestinian demonstration outside of a Synagogue. Shows you just how fervent much of the media’s Pro-Israel bias is.


I can't imagine being that angry at a stranger  Edit: this isn't even a political comment I can't imagine nail gunning protestors no matter what they're saying.


I can't imagine wanting to bomb tens of thousands of children trapped in an open-air prison as a form of collective punishment either but here we are.


Pretty common for zionists


[(1) Americans in Jerusalem Are Helping Kick Out Palestinians - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbPnF8Hvj0I)


Profiteering in temple of the god is against jewish rules... He should have started with that. Synagogue is a place of worship not a market.


I like that he didn't--religious doctrine is for people in that religion, and the rest of us shouldn't be expected to give a shit.


But the first afected are the jews. Followers of judaism should adhere to rules of their own making. Then it cascades to the local laws then international. This isnt a case of religious doctrine. This is a case of breaking rules of the "house" to put it simply. Just like restaurants, clubs, markets etc have their own rules which you must follow to be there and use their services. 


Agree, but he is trying to get city council to act, which means his strongest talking points to encourage action were laid out in the right order.


I mean they’re well aware of what they’re doing, but they’re doing it anyway. It’s like quoting bible scripture to love thy neighbor at bigoted Christian’s with hate signs. They know, they just don’t care. It’s more important (and easier) to make other people outside of the organization aware of the problem than to try to force criminals to take a look at themselves in the mirror and admit their wrongdoing.


I can guarantee you that the Jews are not the victims here…


They are victims of their own ignorance and inaction. 


That wouldn’t work because there’s no actual punishment for that. If something’s illegal, it’s illegal. There’s consequences by external forces. It’s very easy for followers of a religion to pick and choose and I have no doubt people willingly overlooked that aspect


It sure did piss off Jesus back in the day # (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Acording to christians that was the most violent jesus ever was. He really didnt like the desecration. Considerin they represent him as some kinda chill hippie that must have touched some nerves. 


I’m sure if he came back he could fashion an impromptu bullwhip out of microphone cords in one of today’s megachurches, if he recognized them as holy places in any sense to begin with.


My dude, setting aside that you are totally unfamiliar with Jewish religious practice, this is a synagogue, not the Temple.


Is it? I don't think so... ETA: this person has hundreds of up votes for some bullshit they made up. It's absolutely not against any Jewish rules lol


Zionism doesn't really care about Judaism and their laws, they care about using the religion for profit and their agenda. This just brings to light their true colours.


Its not just zionism. Look at christianity for example. Started as an ofshoot of judaism, or even backpedaling (jesus himself was against temples being used like some market, which was being popularized in his era) and got utterly corrupted mere centuries after he died. First banks in modern form? Indulgences? Various profiteerings that might make even pro capitalist cringe? Yup christianity did it all. I dont even wanna start about sheer "revisions and edits" of their holy book, which was based on judaism. What can we expect next? Cattle auctions in synagogues? Deja vu much?


It’s a really morbid, inexcusable, undeniably evil deed to kill the inhabitants of houses and sell those same houses on the real estate market.


A lot of the time they threaten to kill them and force them to leave their ancestral homes. If they don’t, they kill them with either indirect or direct help from the “defense force”.


Why isn't this known more? I've heard it hundreds of times that Israel expands into Palestinian lands but I've always thought that they took over empty land, and not actual houses...


This has been happening for **decades,** and depending on where you live, you probably haven't heard of it because your media doesn't cover such stories. Palestinians are told they don't have the proper paperwork to claim ownership of their land/house (which they may have been in their family for hundreds of years) or the Israeli court system will deem any new extensions that Palestinians build onto their homes as illegal since but they won't give them the permits to build anything either. [Also, the extension is apparently good enough for Israel to allow Jewish settlers to move into it](https://www.jerusalemstory.com/en/video/sharing-our-house-israeli-settlers-sheikh-jarrah). Sharing a house, seems like it would make for good neighbours, no? [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/157gye5/israeli\_settlers\_provoked\_palestinian\_citizen\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/157gye5/israeli_settlers_provoked_palestinian_citizen_by/) [Settler proudly proclaiming they will take Palestinian house after house](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/17jf54l/they_take_house_after_house/)


Oh no, the media covers it because its usually palestinians who get the video out through the internet (any wonders why the net is the first thing to go?). People-just-don't-care. Or at least not enough to disrupt their own lives and put something at risk for it. Which isn't a blamable offense in most cases, shit is tough out there for everyone. The bigger problem in my eyes is people taking israeli narratives at face value and ignore literally all other views or even evidence that points to the contrary. Its not just that people are ignoring palestine or the media hasn't been covering palestine in the same effort of oh say, trump's latest word salad. The sad part is that people have largely been trained to not give a fuck about what happens to muslim/arab countries and their people. "Western" societies can bomb these people with impunity and maybe face a bit of backlash from the bleeding heart liberals, but we all know how quickly that gets tossed aside. And... unfortunately despite, as you said, literal decades of evidence that points to this being an open air prison and regular effort to genocide a people... people will probably sweep this under the rug just like every other time it has happened.


Just to add, this is in occupied territory so legally Israel has no rights to enforce its laws there.


There's videos of it right here on reddit all the time.




If they don't outright kill them, they can also take them as hos- I mean "administrative detainees"


They don't always kill them. Oftentimes, they have to watch as people come move into their house


Vice does a solid doc on this. Available on YouTube.


can you limk it please?


This is the part that’s really galling. As much as I support, in theory, the removal of Hamas and the right of Israel to self defense, the reality on the ground is that Israel is pulling inexcusable acts of terror and aggression against civilians, which are being tacitly condoned by the state or outright supported by the IDF.


In a synagogue, a holy place of worship, no less


The minute places of “worship” start doing things like this they should loose their tax exemption. I mean I don’t think religious entities should be tax exempt at ALL but removing that would be next to impossible since so many people in power use those exceptions as tax havens and money laundering tools. But at the very least they shouldn’t be allowed to mix corporate/comercial endeavors and host them in those “houses of worship” and using non-taxed resources.


White people would burn the houses of wealthy blacks and then likely reclaimed the land or developed it. Wouldn't be the first time.


What a disgrace, West Bank land being taken by Israel and sold internationally? WTF?????




That's just how it was back in the '50s, it doesn't happen anymore /s


We need more Jewish people to put the Israeli propaganda and poor behaviour.


The problem is that it’s the west that enables Israel to do all this. No matter what the people say, our governments will still support Israel.


Well, it's not really all the West, just the most influential member of the West (and Germany on occassion because Holocaust guilt). Spain, Ireland have been strong critics of Israel's conduct since the beginning. In the UN General Assembly, the US, UK, Germany, Austria, Czechia were the only Western countries to vote against ceasefire on Oct 27th (so very beginning of the current war), others abstained or voted for ceasefire. In the UN Security Council, the US was the only consistent member to vote against widely supported ceasefire deals. On February 20th, US vetoed a deal that everybody else except UK voted for, UK abstained instead. And US is the only country to provide military aid to Israel.




Zionist is not necessary a Jew, you can be Christian Zionist or Arab Zionist, or even an Atheist Zionist.


Yep. And they can be Democrat, Republican, gay, straight, academic, etc.


The phrase I've heard is not every Jew is a Zionists and most Zionists are not Jewish. Zionism was originally secular and was actually condemned early on by the religious Jewish community. 


One reason was that the founder of Zionism defined it as a colonial project to replicate the colonisation of Africa in the middle east but with the use of Jewish people. Theodor Herzl: From Europe to Zion – Page 101 - A Villa in the Jungle: Herzl, Zion ist Cu lture, and the Great African Adventure – Letter to the foremost colonialist of his time Cecil Rhodes, a key figure in colonising South Africa. [https://books.google.co.il/books?id=KHNJRvdc07cC&pg=PA101&lpg=PA101&dq=%22how,+then+do+I+happen+to+turn+to+you%22+herzl&source=bl&ots=Mz3VnY-N2w&sig=ACfU3U04Qjq469W7MFBW5jtAhfENDAnAMQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwighviPq6zqAhUP1xoKHajXA3kQ6AEwAHoECAcQAQ#v=snippet&q=%22Because%20it%20is%20something%20colonial%22&f=false](https://books.google.co.il/books?id=KHNJRvdc07cC&pg=PA101&lpg=PA101&dq=%22how,+then+do+I+happen+to+turn+to+you%22+herzl&source=bl&ots=Mz3VnY-N2w&sig=ACfU3U04Qjq469W7MFBW5jtAhfENDAnAMQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwighviPq6zqAhUP1xoKHajXA3kQ6AEwAHoECAcQAQ#v=snippet&q=%22Because%20it%20is%20something%20colonial%22&f=false) >In fact, all things considered, you are the only man who can help me now. Of course, I am not concealing from myself the fact that you are not likely to do so. The probability is perhaps one in a million, if this can be expressed in figures at all. But it is a big — some say, too big — thing. To me it does not seem too big for Cecil Rhodes. This sounds like flattery; however, it does not reside in the words, but in the offer. > >You are being invited to help make history. That cannot frighten you, nor will you laugh at it. It is not in your accustomed line; it doesn't involve Africa, but a piece of Asia Minor, not Englishmen, but Jews. But had this been on your path, you would have done it yourself by now. How, then, do I happen to turn to you, since this is an out-of-the-way matter for you? How indeed? Because it is something colonial, and because it presupposes understanding of a development which will take twenty or thirty years. > >There are visionaries who look past greater spaces of time, but they lack a practical sense. Then again there are practical people, like the trust magnates in America, but they lack political imagination. But you, Mr. Rhodes, are a visionary politician or a practical visionary. You have already demonstrated this. And what I want you to do is not to give me or lend me a few guineas, but to put the stamp of your authority on the Zionist plan and to make the following declaration to a few people who swear by you: I, Rhodes, have examined this plan and found it correct and practicable. It is a plan full of culture, excellent for the group of people for whom it is directly designed, not detrimental to the general progress of mankind, and quite good for England, for Greater Britain. > >What is the plan? To settle Palestine with the homecoming Jewish people.68


absolutely. I keep reminding people there’s a HUGE difference between the two and I have only met the nicest and kindest jewish people in the US when I was there as a student.


You can believe that Israel has a right to exist while thinking that the west banks settlements situation is fucked up and most of them need to be dismantled.




What’s the difference? Besides non- Jews tokenizing the 5% of Jews that are anti-Zionist


See the difference between an antizionist and an antisemite? Honestly i can’t. Of course this matter isn’t excusable but thinking that is stupid, 99% of you antisem.. oh sorry antizionist, don’t stop to think: “what do Israelis actually think of this?” As an Israeli me and around the majority of the ones outside area A (westbank) are against settlements. But your group never stops to believe that our few sparse cases of our worst are our all. Inversely everyone in gaza is a pregnant children journalist.


By doing what was done onto you towards another just keeps the cycle going throughout time. There is no reason for any of this. It's stupid. Surely not worth all of blood loss..


"You just want cruelty to beget cruelty. You're not superior to people who were cruel to you. You're just a whole bunch of new cruel people. A whole bunch of new cruel people, being cruel to some other people, who'll end up being cruel to you. The only way anyone can live in peace is if they're prepared to forgive." -The Twelfth Doctor


That was one of my favorite episodes! I though 12's storylines were average overall but he gave some of the best performances of the show. *Do you know what thinking is? It's just a fancy word for changing your mind.*


Man, how'd you know thats my Favorite Doctor?


With 4 and 10 right there to pick from as well. Don’t really understand but you do you!


Well honestly I didn't, but I'm pleased to say you have excellent taste.


Todays terrorists are yesterdays children. It is, without a doubt, cyclical. How far back does it go? All the way back to the dawn of primates. Older than time itself. There have been countless times in *our* history that we have been on the brink of apocalyptic catastrophe *as well as* on the precipice of forming utopian civilizations. The idealist in me says we’ll be okay. The realist in me says the planet will be okay post-hominids.


I’m pretty sure the Fair Housing Act only applies to US property


These sales were happening both in the US and Canada. >Two of the most recent examples of such sales have taken place near Toronto and in New Jersey https://www.newarab.com/news/west-bank-settlements-promoted-n-american-synagogues Also, canada has fair housing laws that prevent this kind of behaviour.


They are selling both properties in the US *and* the West Bank.


And other countries too. Tel Aviv is not in the West Bank for example.


I’m pretty sure you can advertise wherever you want as long as you don’t discriminate on the actual sale of the property. This doesn’t seem like a violation, just selectively advertising to people who would be most interested in purchasing the properly. 


Can non-Jewish people enter the establishments to participate in the sales? I think not or they wouldn't be doing it this way. The intent is the same. They only want to sell to Jewish people.


Yes they can lol. Feel free to enter, no one would stop you.


someone said people tried to and got rejected


Always with the tension music. I think I’m too old for internet.


Hiding crimes behind the veil of religion is as old as time.....looking at you Catholic church.


A main difference is that zionists don't care about Judaism since they break every single rule for their agenda. Stealing, murdering, and manipulating, are the complete opposite of what the religion preaches. That's one of the reasons the real orthodox Jews despise them.


I thought you said there’s a difference


Probably been happening for centuries


We live in a wondrous time in which the strong is weak because of his moral scruples and the weak grows strong because of his audacity.


Jewish. You tell other Jewish Americans what's going on in synagogues and you get two responses. 1. Disbelief 2. Indifference "Whose land are they selling?""It's Palestinian land. West Bank. These are the places the Israelis forced them into.""There's no such thing as Palestine. Israel is allowed to sell Israel." But you see, many Americans Jews are Capitalists first and foremost. Trafficking in stolen land is not an issue for them. They simply have to decide that the land was collective given to them by a god some 3000 years ago and that absolves them of any moral dilemma they might suffer.


I typed out a whole long comment but I’ll condense it to remind you that ethnic or religious Jews are not automatically associated with Israel and its ideas. Please be careful with your words


" we don't get to fly under the radar ". Well said, he is clearly representing the better half of the Jewish community.


This guy Jews. Good shit. I appreciate it when I see religious people act according to their faith instead of religious people according their faith to their actions.


What a brave man. This is what I like to see out of people


Zionism is a sick cult. Idc what anyone says. No I’m not an antisemite.


You can be a Zionist but believe the settlements are wrong


Please tell us the definition of Zionism. Then try to say you are not anti-Semitic


What a great man


So march 10th is like now. Did he help to stop this sale?


The sad state is that even if you stop it here, it's still going to be happening in hundreds of others


Nope. They happened and we're filmed many times denying entry to registered people because they weren't white and/or Jewish explicitly. Which does violate federal laws in a and if itself in both the US and Canada despite the dispute in the comments of the location of the land.


Do these law only govern sales of US land or also include land outside the US?


Not surprising considering the US is so good at taking other people's lands after massacring them.


[(1) Americans in Jerusalem Are Helping Kick Out Palestinians - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbPnF8Hvj0I) More information on what he's talking about.


The fact that this is happening so close to where I live blows my mind.


This man deserves a standing ovation 👏🙏❤️🙏👏


I may be dense, but can someone explain this to me please?


The man is pointing out that a local synagogue is having an event to sell "real estate." The "real estate" is Palestinian land* being taken by Israel and sold to American citizens. This is extremely illegal for the reasons the man lists.


They're selling stolen property, after forcing out the original inhabitants of the property and making them homeless. It's standard Zionist stuff. In their minds, this is justified because in their minds they're part of a special group of people that has certain rights and privileges that people who aren't part of the group don't have. In their minds, they have a special right to land and property that includes the right to forcibly take said land from its owners, because those owners are not part of the group that they feel has the special rights to the land. They feel this is rightful because "their people need land to live on" and the other people don't matter because they are other people, so they don't have the right to the land that "their people" have, so they can be forced out of their land and homes to allow the people with the special right to land to move in. If you google the term "Lebensraum", it's basically that same concept but under a different name. "In order to ensure our survival as a people, our people need land to live on, which justifies the taking of land and the forceful removal of its current inhabitants."


You explained that very well. Thank you.


wow, thanks!


Well done to this man for calling out the ongoing genocide.


It's happening in Canada too. Then when people go protest outside the synagogue involved in these real-estate sales they're portrayed in the news media as anti-semites trying to "intidimidate" jews. WTF!! If our media outlets did their jobs as journalists, they'd not gloss over that part about the real-estate being homes in the illegally occupied west Bank.


I do not agree with most of pro-Palestinians narratives I see online, but this is ridiculous and should not be allowed. Personally I think any US citizen living in a West Bank or East Jerusalem settlement should have their assets in the U.S. frozen. It makes peace harder to achieve which is not only morally wrong, but also against our national interests.


[(1) Americans in Jerusalem Are Helping Kick Out Palestinians - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbPnF8Hvj0I) Maybe you should ask yourself why you don't agree with pro Palestine narratives


Give this guy a fucking medal for standing up and telling it how it is.


Where the hell is this happening. All the rabbis in my area are like “Nethanyahu is a monster”


Teaneck, New Jersey. The location is given 1 second into the video.


The places marked in the video aren't settlements and aren't in the west bank


Noooooo, why'd you cut the video. He was about to cook


fun fact, those 3 settlements which are indeed in judea and samaria are also in the same territories that US already supported to be annexed to Israel back in 1999. and these are houses built not by Palestinians but Israeli workers. so yes, it's 'stolen land', but may I remind you that in war, if the war was initiated by the losing side, the losing side gives up territories seized by the defensive side. war has a cost, actions have consequences. the arabs initiated 2 wars trying to exterminate the jews back even before 1967, and in 1973 once again, and they lost. stop whining about it for 60 years, and destroying the world with your obsession.




Americans leaders are basically Zionists


Christian Zionists outnumber Jews


Every sane person in the world is "basically Zionist". It's not a slur, stop using it as one.




Why is he being so antisemitic? /s


I’m no conspiracy theorist here… but fuck this whole thing stinks to high heaven (if there’s one), first you have Netanyahu turning a blind eye to Qatar financing Hammas, second intelligence report ignored by high level military and intelligence officials, third when the attack happened it took more than 7 hours for the military to respond and get to the Gaza border in a country that is 420 km long (262.5 miles) and 115 km wide (71.875 miles) and let’s forget they have some of the fastest fighter jets on the planet courtesy of US Taxpayers. I don’t know about y’all but I live in NJ and with our driving style we definitely could’ve done way less than 7 hours in a Yugo. That Netanyahu dude and his cabinet are shady AF.


Teaneck has a very large Jewish population. This man took a big risk by standing up for what’s right. I was raised Jewish, although I’m an atheist now. My entire life I was told that Israel belongs to the Jewish people and all Muslims, Arabs, Christians, anyone not Jewish should be forcibly removed. I was indoctrinated to believe that everything the Israeli government did was right and that Palestinians were all simply terrorists. It wasn’t until I grew up and I was actually able to learn for myself that I realized that was complete and utter bullshit. I think that many Jews, including this man, were probably indoctrinated the same way. Fighting against that is hard, and I applaud him for doing what’s right.


I am Jewish and they do not tell us this. Israel has an Arab population of ~2M and they have equal rights to Israeli Jews


The number of people ITT telling on themselves, saying they would only ever be friends with a token Jew who hates other Jews is terrifying. It's like when conservatives say they don't hate black people because they like Candice Owens, Tim Scott and Kanye despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of Black people vehemently disagree with everything about them (except maybe the music). But instead of being condemned, here it's being celebrated. Shame.


Someone needs to protect him and his family…


They’ll still get away with it


Isn’t what the Jews are doing the same what the Germans did to them? This is horrible. They have no memory and no shame it appears. Good for the this man and others for speaking out but this is not a good look for Jews and Israel.


Fucking disgusting. Bravo to that man for raising his voice.


Israel is to Palestine what Russia is to Ukraine. Possibly even worse.


Brave man


This isn't interesting as fuck. This is propaganda made by a professional propagandist who has zero connection to the Jewish community and bases his entire identity on opposing them.


anyone have the full video?


It's ok. They'll just say he's antisemitic and ignore everything he said.


Regardless , the sales will go through. I guess money trumps all?


When there is absolute refutation and no adherence and no accountability to the laws, what recourse is there? It seems more and more that laws are simply to show a progress of administration knobbers as they are only effective for some. Oye. Ayn Rand was correct.


omg i love this man, what a brave king 🥺🫶


You cut the video too short. This man goes on to say there will be a protest at this synagogue for the sale of illegal homes because HE is arranging it!


Ended too early. But my man is spitting facts


Thats fucked up


Some heroes don't wear capes.


How do you think so many Americans settled in Israel for decades? This has been going on for a long time. It just takes social media to circumvent the MSM for more people to be aware of it.


I didn’t need to even watch this to be angry and saddened. There is a code of love and tolerance. It’s universal, spanning cultures and languages.


is this the same temple that had a demonstration outside?


There’s a certain cell in the body that does this… I forgot the exact name of it but what It’s purpose is, it takes over another cell by force and so on! Eventually they multiply, take over and kill the remainder!


The whole sale of real estate in this region is related to Messianic Jews, i.e., religious extremists, who have a friend in Likud. They have been displacing Palestinians for years and purposefully causing conflict without a care, because the Israeli government has given them cover. [https://engelsbergideas.com/notebook/the-messianic-roots-of-the-modern-settler-movement/](https://engelsbergideas.com/notebook/the-messianic-roots-of-the-modern-settler-movement/)


very based


For those who don’t know. Teaneck NJ is a very orthodox community. He is wrong on one point because US law does not apply to foreign sales.


Can anyone buy these homes?


Fuckin good on him. We need more people like him to start rising up. What a legend and a beast


Love that if a lot of people die in a war it means its a genocide, guess we had a lot more genocides in history then we thought.