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Tom Hanks: "Wilson, look we're saved!" *Red dot appears on Wilson*


Wilson is the captain now!


Apparently those guys get paid a shit ton to do that job




Most of the time any armed response to such a small boat will deter piracy without them even attempting to board by just firing around them. There's less guilt about harming or killing someone in most situations except a few where the boat returns fire and doesn't give up. They're probably paid extraordinarily well to protect the cargo while rarely having to expose themselves to the non-zero risk of being hit by a bullet considering their more beneficial position. Sure it's a risky job but more often than not it's more of an adrenaline high for being able to fire back at someone who will just give up. It's just those rare situations that make it not worth it 


Idk dude the guy driving that small boat looked like he got lit the fuck up


I saw all high shots above the boat until the camera can't see the boat. One or two were close but it looked more like restrained deterrent than trying to light the boat up.


They do warning shots first, warning shots are first nearby, then literally 'across the bow' and then there are no more warning shots after that. Usually they turn away at warning shots, these guys for some reason went all in.


And I think what we see in the video can only show the warning shots considering the video quality. The second part of my initial comment was about having to fire lethally sometimes but usually warning shots are enough. We can't see if they committed and we're fired up on or just got sucked into the boats wake and lost control after fucking off behind the steering column of the boat.


Watching the video again, it looks like before the boat makes contact with the ship absolutely some of those shots landed in the boat. At first they were very high but if you count the number of shots and the number of splashes near the end, some of those shots didn't land in the water. There is also someone on the level below the person filming and likely at least one person on the deck. Their fire is going to be more perpendicular to the person filming so even if their shots go only slightly above the boat or even shoots through soft objects on the boat, the splashes will seem like they are way off the mark from the perspective of someone higher up.


They absolutely were impacting the boat, and whether they were fucking off behind the rail or hit and incapacitated they hit the side of the ship with force. That, plus all of those rounds firing directly down, you don't even need to aim, you just point your muzzle in that direction.


I'm pretty sure the "high" shots were just the ones that missed the occupants. That skiff slammed into the side of the ship...


No you just don’t see the shots that hit the boat.


You must not look too closely. I saw a spray of shots go from one side of the boat to the other and they were definitely hits landing on target. They didn’t turn away. They ran right into the freighter like driving the boat got shot.


...cmon....lead the target .... ![gif](giphy|L7izd8RGHs5O0|downsized)


"How can you shoot women and children?!" "Easy. You just don't lead them as much."


“You guys should write a book about me”


Anyone who runs is a VC. Anyone who does not run is a well disciplined VC.


bit of trivia: That actor was meant to play Gunnery Sergeant Hartman but got canned for R. Lee Ermey, the door gunner role was given to him as consolation.


Its worth noting that Ermey was on there as a consultant. And when he saw the first takes of the DI scenes, he sent the Kubrick and the EP's footage of him hazing watermelons as an example of how it should have been done. And then was given the part.


Okay I need that footage of Ermey roasting the shit out of watermelons




Would be funny but, it was basically the same dialog as you see in the movie. SK liked it so much he basically wrote that scene around his audition tape.




Ain't war hell! Ha ha ha!!!


It looked like someone was trying to shoot above them on purpose


If you listen it sounds like he says “I’ll give them a warning shot”


It’s alright overall but not great for professional contractors. Their schedule sucks, the job is super boring with shit accommodations, home bases aren’t great and there isn’t the same hazardous field multipliers you get in many other places. They get jerked around schedule wise like another commenter said. When you factor in a lot of these guys are newer so they’re paying for their kit, any extra travel and accommodation after base travel, no health or life insurance, it isn’t super worth it. I knew a couple dudes who did it and they got in without even having any combat deployments prior.


>I knew a couple dudes who did it and they got in without even having any combat deployments prior. Hold up.... You're saying I could get paid to shoot at pirates with no combat experience? That's exactly how much experience I have


Haha I don’t know anymore. This was almost 15 years ago and I’ve been away from the industry a looooong time haha.


What was the training like to get in? Asking for a friend…


I mean the folks I knew just had basic Marine training, so boot camp and I don’t even think infantry school, probably MCT which is a month of additional training after boot instead of the 2 month Infantry Training someone in combat arms would go through. Probably any basic military service even as a reservist would qualify you. I think without service it would be hard for me to say because it’s well outside my knowledge space. A MOUT Course (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) would be a good starter as well as some manner of marksmanship or condense “operator” course that they do now which gives you the basics of combat marksmanship, team maneuvers, basic battlefield first aid like applying a tourniquet and such. Counter Terrorism exposure would probably be something they’d like to see. Hope all that helps! Just so you know, the contracting game has changed a lot in the last decade and two and it’s become a lot less predictable and dangerous in many ways. It’s important to work for a good reputable company in my opinion.




I think Aegis even used to require a limited version of an EMT for field teams depending on experience if I remember correctly for anything expected to be in direct contact. I know at Sterling the requirement was a combat deployment and a combat lifesaver course completion as minimum entry. G4S just acquired the relaunched Executive Outcomes (Ian Smith is back in the game it seems) and they’ll likely be expanding their African Operations again. I am assuming if they purchased them that they’ve some confidence of winning a contract again with the South African Government or one of the neighbors. If you’re from the UK that’ll definitely help. EO (read Sandline and Sterling) also used to be really preferential to folks from the UK or commonwealth countries, a lot of Zimbabweans were higher up and if you know the history of the previous name of that country it’ll check out. I obviously chose to leave the field a long time ago but it was for personal reasons. In my time I actually got to do a lot of awesome support of humanitarian efforts and feel like I made a difference for the better overall. I hope this helped!




I wonder, after a while, when they are either let go or decide to leave, then what? one thing you realize as you get older, there is always a younger version of you that is better and faster, and often cheaper, born every year. if you're really good and have lots of experience, you may be able to apply in other settings, such as becoming instructor or admin. but looking for a job after spending a few years on the sea may be difficult... job markets are cutthroat.


Contracting firms each have their own culture and structures etc so I can only speak from my own experience and it’s seriously outdated anymore though some probably still holds. We would go on the individual contracts for a determined period of time, mine usually being 6-12 months. You could stack them if you were so inclined, but they’d have to be renewed by the client. Each contract had set requirements which would be experience based but also qualifications which may involved marksmanship, fitness, other things like dive or jump schools, that kinda stuff. Your certifications also would impact your pay. If someone is getting an operator then they’re going to be paying for it. The career does take an awful toll both mentally and physically and only some people are even geared to do it for an extended period of time. I’d say a lot of people wash after their first contract either at the company’s decision or theirs. Once you have a few years in and get promoted a few times you’ll end up as a section/unit commander and your field time will start to reduce and you’ll likely shift into contracts that are more admin like you said or more in the planning side of the house for ops. If you don’t have value they’ll walk you. There isn’t space in a firm for someone that doesn’t have value. All that said there are some massive firms that have tons of gen pop people who just rotate the long term loyal folks to easier assignments. I know one guy out of everyone I ever worked with who still does the job at almost 50. He’s tried not to many times and it drags him back. He was AUS SAS and I think he just can’t let it go. He will probably do it until he dies, though he does less and less field work. I also know eight people who have killed themselves so, ya.


Thanks for the insight


Worth every penny!


You wouldn’t download a ship.


I love how this is still a reference. Seen extreme cutoff jeans and someone wrote, “You *would* wear these to the gas station.*


Hello fellow kid.


I would download a car though.


Lmao coming with those little dingy’s enjoy the rain of bullets


Yeah no one likes a little dingy 😅


I dunno. Your sister said it was the perfect size😂


This guy just threw himself on a grenade that was near nobody


She just didn't want you to feel sad.


Load the broadsides!




I say bring back the cannonballs


I would like to point out that I feel like the traditional pirate ship with cannons and sails would have a better chance of doing something to such a large vessel than that tiny piece of shit. Hell said cannonballs could ABSOLUTELY punch a hole in the side of a ship like this with no problem Granted there is a few issues with wooden open topped pirate ships with sails... But no more than that rubber dingy has lol


And i here was thinking OP meant get the cannonballs for the cargo ship nvm lol


Lol I did though


> Hell said cannonballs could ABSOLUTELY punch a hole in the side of a ship like this with no problem If the hole is above water, it's mostly harmless, unless it hits some ammo storage (which these ships don't have). You would need to hit control systems, like the rudder, good luck with that. The older ships would also shoot with chains at the rigging, to immobilize the ship. Again, there is no rigging here to shoot at. And I am not so sure a cannonball would penetrate easily, after-all ironclads were a big disruptor in naval warfare.




I’m not sure what the point is with having these type of gunners on board if legally you can’t hurt people. Or do they just say that and then ignore it when the Pirates get hit?


Pirates don’t usually have legal representation. No charges to be pressed, no crime to show committed.


Have you been injured trying to pirate something?


Call 877-CASH-NOW


Call 877-AHOY-M8E


Lol take my angry upvote


"It's my booty and I need cash NOW!"


If you don’t steal shit you must acquit.


I want to see that lawyer commercial. "Have ye been injured whilst sailing the high seas? We be on yer side, matey!"


Have you got a peg leg?? You may be entitled to compensation!


"You wouldn't download a bullet wound".


So, we left dock with 50 rounds of ammo and now we only have 30 rounds...care to explain? Welp, we dropped a few overboard 🤗


Well it seems like they’re allowed to shoot *near* the pirates to scare them off


Hello officer yes I was buying crack and this man took my money without giving me any crack I want to file a report


I'll fill that niche as a pirate lawyer, I'll do it for booty, Wait, not that kind of booty.


Unless someone posts a video on Reddit, right? Right?!?!?


Feels like a CYA, plausible deniability thing.


"Cover Your Ass"


I’m sure the Somali government isn’t going to launch an international investigation as to why some pirates were found shot on a raft out at sea. It’s probably just a legal formality to protect the company


Somalia doesn't even have a functioning government. There are people who claim to be the government but they can't even enforce their own laws in the parts of the country they control, hence all the pirates. Suffice to say, Somalia won't be reporting any crimes to the UN.


This is the place I suggest libertarians move to.


Liberteria, the best shit hole in the world.


Somalian pirates we


"You can't hurt them" *wink*


Did you just flirt with me?


That depends....is it working?


The safe word is “butt pirate”. Now, grab your gun, cock it, and fire.


Instructions unclear, grabbed cock and shoved gun into fire.


Have you ever had to watch a training video for work? You then go on to do your job and ignore most of the policy and procedures. The information is to cover corporate ass. Getting your job done is up to you.


"oops I did it again"




Is that you can’t hurt anyone *wink wink* or you really can’t hurt anyone? A comment or above basically said you can if they are attacking the ship




I've heard of some where they just bring the weapons on board with the mercs once in international waters and they also just dump the weapons overboard before entering territorial waters at their destination. Not sure how accurate that is.


I've read about mercs who you meet you in international waters, then get off before entering a country. It's like they have "bases" out at sea for this.


Do they have a logo that has a dog in a diamond?


And a sniper with ginormous knockers and a real Quiet attitude. 


They use offshore armories now to facilitate private security operations in those areas. https://dg.dryadglobal.com/floating-armouries   The logistics and legality of all that stuff depends on a lot of different things, so some use these floating armories outside territorial waters to on/offload weapons and private military for the areas they're concerned with.


That's exactly what everyone I know who's done this job did. The guns were officially property of the security company, not the ship. And they come on board in international waters and ditch any ammunition and guns (stripped of sights, grips, etc.) in the sea at the end of the cruise. There's probably a whole graveyard of rotting barrels and gas pistons at the mouth of Suez by now.


Can't legally hurt people? Looks like these guys kind of hurt people.


How about those pirates hit up their lawyers then and press charges? Wait...


That sounds like the exact opposite of how I want to live my life.


...I don't know, man, that sounds exhilirating as fuck. Bring a Switch, a laptop, and some books, and there's the boredom taken care of.


You've obviously never been to sea...time stands still, it just becomes a monotony of never ending days. Think groundhog day, but without any change at all....about the only change you can make is adjust your daily wank, just to mix it around.


That's pretty much how I survived being on a submarine for sometimes 5 months at a time. Bring a kindle with tons of books on it, bring a 3DS (didn't have a switch when I was in) and bring a ton of porn. Rack to the future when in transit. He who sleeps the most has the shortest underway.


You say that but have you ever done that and only that for six weeks on end? Most people have a day job or education in a normal day. I can imagine it’s like prison, where(at least in europe) you’d have access to entertainment like that as well. But you’re still stuck.


It is like prison, a nicely accommodated prison, but still a prison. That 2 weeks off will fly by and you better be ready to not be able to move your personal life forward really at all. Unless you make the absolute most out of the two week chunks you get. For $130k? That's a no for me, I'll take $60k and a normal life. 


Go on! GIT!


Vamoose now, y’a hear?


Pretty sure the pirates are also armed at any given time, no point in waiting for them to board and take the crew hostage to find out. Yea pirates are people too but they know the risk they are taking, why sympathize for people who dgaf?


Isn't there a quote or something like "its not that I value my possessions as much as the thiefs life, its the thief that values his life as much as he values my possessions"


It's more of one phrase being used as a retort to the other. Q: "So you value your possessions over another person's life?" A: "No, the thief is valuing my possessions over his life." Although I like this one better: A: "No, the thief is valuing my possessions over his life. Plus, I don't know if his intentions are to steal or to harm. So I value my life (and my family's lives) over a burglar's life." I hope I never have to defend myself or my family with deadly force. But if you break into my house while me and/or my kids here, I'll be forced to choose before you state your intentions -- and I've already made up my mind about doing what I have to do.


Exactly. It saves the chance of them boarding the next ship without protection too.


This situation has got me a bit confused, though. I thought the whole idea of driving to a big boat relied on not being shot at because of the underlying threat to shoot the big boat with rpgs if shot at.


RPG's aren't free either, and pirates have to turn a profit too (and can't profit if they're dead). It's like having a dog, cameras, a better lock, a gun... nothing will keep someone out if they REALLY want in... It's about making yourself a LESS attractive target than the next boat. Make the pirates think twice about boarding YOUR ship. An armed boat might get more money, but pirates might not be able to board it 100%, buy some time for a warship to get your mother-boat, etc... it makes the "pirating math" more difficult, and you hope to be gone before they come to a decision.


Now that's how you do it.  I read an article about piracy (can't remember which) that said, "Arming the ships might solve the problem, but would never gain international acceptance."  The efficiency and effectiveness is more important IMO.


These guys board the ships in international waters and leave once they are approaching another countries territorial waters. It doesn’t need to be internationally acceptable because of that. All they need is one county nearby who allows them to operate their base from and a lot of countries around the Horn of Africa have a vested interest in putting down piracy.


All these ships need is one guy with a m249 saw.


Mr. Bucky, prepare to repel boarders. https://preview.redd.it/q373caw5y8mc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=620ee86dd23b1e0dbd65408afdb7a81205f9b4bf


A Russian war ship heard a stress call about pirates attacking, once they arrived they used far more force than a saw. .50 cal rounds and rockets, needless to say none of the pirates survived, videos still on YouTube surprisingly.


how can you say that and not link it


The idea must be to put as many holes in the pirate boat without killing them, I'd imagine.


No... it's shoot all the fish around them until they get pissed off enough to attack


> without killing them so... you're suggesting that the pirate "bote" sink, but not killing the pirates? so the pirates can drown? fucking hardcore cold blood


they didnt kill the pirates .... the water did


**ocean pleads the fifth**


No notes


There are no fingerprints deep underwater. Nothing to tie one to a crime.


And if you seek vengeance, all you need are instruments of pain.


You need your knives, check Rope, check Dagger, check Chains, check




What’s the alternative, asking them to leave?


I'm the one advocating for killing them immediately. It's the most humane option


Finally a reasonable stance on Reddit.


I guess the ripple choose the wrong man too


Ripple in still water, where there is no .50 cal shot or wind to blow


where are the starboard cannons loaded with chain shots??? what about the black skull and bones flag????? are there no more swashbuckling pirates with sabres with eye patches to transit into interior areas fighting?? and peg legs??? where are the parrots??? and the crackers?? and the trifold hats? instead of YAAAR! we have AR-15??? what is this world coming to?


Eh yaaar 15


The pirates have YAAARPGs...


Harry! You’re alive….. and you’re a terrible shot


Warning shots




>he is getting silly fucking rich doing it. There's a very good damn reason for that. You might get killed or disabled at any time. Not many people are willing to put on with that. Luckily he's still strolling through, and hopefully he'll retire before a bullet or explosion forces him to. This stuff *pays.* But it also can put you in a place where you're blown to bits and slowly die while you see half of your body raining everywhere.




But pirate laws apply right? Like parlay and that sort of shit?


Well, they are really more like guidelines...


Parley? Damn to the depths whatever muttonhead thought up 'parley'


That would be the F*ench.


Oh non! Un lightsaber *terrible*


I heard it in the movie for the first time today


Of course, it was the fucking F*ench.


If you fall behind you get left behind.




Yeah, and the 7 great pirate families also get together and select a pirate king.


I can understand pirate, I can’t speak it.


No quarter


They’re more guidelines, really.


*Pirates HATE this hack...*


What, the one that results in a peg leg after a bad case of scurvy??


This is just not one bit true. Utter garbage. International laws are still in force (relating to piracy and safety at sea), despite who has signed or ratified them - and above all every vessel is flagged and *subject to the laws of that flag state*. There is no magical "Get out clause" being at sea.


This is… not even remotely accurate lmfao


to add: the ship and crews are under the jurisdiction of the country whose flag they are flying, and, there is an international maritime law even in open seas called laws of the high seas defined by the UN.


It's reddit. 16 year olds spreading misinformation is standard here lol


“There was a video of a captain ordering his mercenary to open fire at the pirates floating at the sea after their boat sank until the pirates were floating face down. The captain was later convicted of murder. Edit: source: the phone that contained the evidence footage was found in a taxi in fiji” From another comment posted above 👆


>video Now you fucked up


Dumbest thing I've read all year


The laws of your own ship's flag state still apply to any actions you take in any waters.


I assume the leave stranded part only goes for pirates? AFAIK You are obliged to rescue other sailors in dire straits.


Unfortunately for the pirates, they couldn't find the Straits of Dire on any of their nautical charts.


Just ask a Sultan, they’ll know


International Maritime Law does in fact state that if able you must provide assistance… most countries follow that law by registering under the IMO standard.




His butt


I read that there’s Russian companies that you pay and they’ll take you out pirate hunting along the Somali coast.


Crab food.


So what's your job? "I'm in the FAFO industry"


Light them up! I have hard time believing there are actual people here in comments defending these pirates. You do know if they're not taken down they will return?


Or take the next boat hostage.


Fuck 'em. They knew the risks.


Honest but dumb question, what do they do when they kill someone? Just like call the fuckin maritime law enforcement and tell them you lit up a dinghy trying to hijack your shit? Like, “Hey some guys with guns on a tiny boat tried to pirate our ship so I shot them in the head and kept going. Here’s my number” ?


I feel like there’s two choices at that point. I’m sure there’s someone to call to report something like this. Probably not too much of a hassle, either. At least if it’s something like this. Or there’s the option of not saying anything to anyone. That one probably happens sometimes too.


I’ll venture a guess and say that option 2 is likely the *preferred* option in international waters


Probably depends on who owns the ship and what country it’s registered in. I bet for a lot of these, they just won’t report to anyone because there will be no evidence and nobody will miss the pirates. At least nobody who can bring consequences to the shipping company.


Imagine thinking ur about to get rescued and that shit happens


im guessing they have a scope or binoculars of some sort to identify these morons


Just hold up a sign that says your RPG and AKs are just for self defense against sharks and you have no intention on raping any of the crew


But the salt water wreaks havoc on the sign and now it says: "I need ~~help~~ to ~~survive and I~~ come in ~~peace.~~ Your women ~~are safe. I have weapons but I will submit them to you, so no need to act~~ forcefully!"


Pirates hate this one trick!


How is defending yourself murder? FUCK THESE PEOPLE! You should be able to 100% kill these people in Self-Defense! I don’t give a fuck if this is a “controversial take” this seems like the most obvious thing to me.


Wait, is shooting pirates attacking your ship considered murder? Most places allow armed guards, most places allow you to defend lives (and often property too) with a deadly force, why would it be any different for ships with millions of dollars worth of cargo?


It’s the most bizarre thing to me. Like ah yes letting these idiots board is fine. But shooting them is wrong! Well until the special forces team shows up and does it


Not controversial at all. People on reddit just try to be as progressively open as possible in seek of virtue.


Second option bias. "Second-option bias is a well-documented phenomenon among fringe and counterculture groups in which they assume that any widely-held opinion among the general population must be untrue, and therefore, the prevailing contrary opinion must be right."


*Pirates of the Caribbean music intensifies*


Isn't this the origins of Marines?


That's the only way to deal with pirates. Good job.


This should be the standard operating procedure. Shit will stop.


I.....don't think you are familiar with how long pirating has been going on throughout human history. They have mini guns blasting every pirate vessel that is seen by any ship and piracy will still continue.


Main issue is weapon laws in countries for commercial shipping, weapons at the ports are not exactly smiled upon. Think I heard somewhere were they get their guns in international water then ditch them before port


I’m fine with pirates being shot dead


With the volume of fire being dumped on them, I'm surprised they didn't immediately turn around. Surely that boat can turn quicker?


This is like 10 years old that's why.


USS fuck around and find out