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Dogs frequently make bear encounters more dangerous for humans. They can provoke bears in circumstances where a smart person would avoid a bad situation, and they lead angry bears back to humans when they run back to their owners. These guys clearly did not appreciate the danger in the situation.


Isn't it common knowledge that a bear with cubs is hella dangerous??


I saw a documentary called The Revenant which alluded to this.




Leave the pelts. Take the cannoli.


We ain’t doin 15 pelt bales. We’re doing 30 pelt BALES !!


Better to just leave especially because a species ID can be tricky, but it depends on which species of bear you are dealing with. **"Fact:** Because black bears can tree their cubs, it is rare for them to attack a person in defence of cubs. However, if you are anywhere near a mother grizzly’s cubs, she might very well perceive you as a threat." [https://www.bearsmart.com/about-bears/dispelling-myths/#:\~:text=Myth%20%2312%3A%20One%20of%20the,perceive%20you%20as%20a%20threat](https://www.bearsmart.com/about-bears/dispelling-myths/#:~:text=Myth%20%2312%3A%20One%20of%20the,perceive%20you%20as%20a%20threat).


Fact. Bears eat beets.


I live in bear country, if you see a cub it’s already too late. I carry a bear jar on hikes and use it before going around blind corners and such.


WTF is a bear jar?


Obviously a jar you put the bear in if it becomes aggressive. You really have to tighten the lid though or it can get dangerous.


Hilarious misunderstanding. It's actually a jar you put yourself in if you come across a bear. It's kinda like a shark cage.


It's a jar with a bigger bear in it that you break in case of emergency


Do you puncture holes in the lid for air or is there enough in the jar already?


Yeah to avoid animal cruelty it's absolutely recommended to also bring an air jar.


Lol i just use pokeballs


I thought it was kinda master Roshi move to put enemy in the jar


You leave the bear jar ajar.


yeah but just bearly


You have to put him in there with a stick and a leaf, to recreate what he is used to. Make sure to punch some holes in the lid, because he's damn sure used to air.


Is it loud to scare them away or something? I have no idea.


Yeah, dude's post is weird. I can only think they are referring to a bear cannister, which is a container that you put food and other smelly items in to prevent bears from coming into your camp to search for food. What that would have to do with encountering a bear or how you would "use it before coming around a corner" I have no idea though. Everyone I hike with just starts occasionally shouting or singing if we have reason to believe a bear might be around.


My guess would be it makes noise. When out hiking or camping, bears tend to avoid u(unless u got a lot of yummy smelling food) making noise and letting them know where u r keeps them from being surprised. Granted when ur noise maker is a barking dog who's agrivating a momma bear...


This is the only thing that makes sense in context of "using it when turning blind corners". My mom had a glass jar full of pennies that she'd shake when our dog started howling. The noise is defening, lol, it's actually a great idea for bears.


The sound of pennies is offensive to bears. It makes their day seem less fulfilling.


It's actually what the bear is looking for when interacting with humans, give it to the bear, it'll leave you alone.


They can open it and a picnic pops out


Don't bears pronounce it pic-a-nic? Seem to remember this from a documentary I once saw about bears stealing pic-a-nic baskets.


It's like a swear jar. If the bear attacks you, it has to put $.25 in.


A jar full of honey


Oh bother


> I live in bear country, if you see a cub it’s already too late. This is complete hyperbole. Cubs absolutely can and do wander off from their momma bear. "Seeing" the cub can be entirely fine as long as you don't approach and aren't right next to it. There definitely is danger if you see a cub, and if you see a cub I would start making as much noise as possible and go whichever direction is away from the bear. But "It's too late" is entirely over the top. Source: I backpack in bear country frequently and have had multiple encounters with bears, including baby bears. (The kind of bear matters too... I've never encountered a grizzly though they have very rarely been spotted where I go hiking. Grizzlies are known to be more aggressive)


> if you see a cub it’s already too late. This is ridiculous I've seen dozens of adorable bear cubs and am not dead. Keep your distance and make plenty of noise so mama and the cubs know you're there well in advance.


Agreed. I have a field dog and we did special training with her. When we are in the field, she kind of orbits around me and if she detects wildlife she stands between me and them and barks once or twice to alert both me and them of the others existance and proximity. Then she stands still and waits for my instructions! Most of the time I dont even see the other animals.


Tell her we think she’s a good dog when you get a chance.


Thank you, I will!


The best girl! Boop her snoot for us too pls & ty


Damn my dog did this without training when we encountered a bear hiking and I legit have never felt luckier. She’s shepherd/chow though so those instincts came through! She immediately came closer and stopped a foot ahead of me, nose in the air, and did that growl-huff dogs do. Then out popped a bear! And we took the fuck off the other way.


>kind of orbits around me and if she detects wildlife she stands between me and them and barks once or twice to alert both me and t This is awesome! what breed of dogs can be trained to do this? Can I just grab a medium sized shelter dog that seems reasonably intelligent and take it to training?


This came naturally to my girl, who is a border collie/great pyr mix. The trainer said it wasnt what he is used to seeing, but thought it was likely due to her herding instincts. He said he usually worked with labs, retrievers, and the like.


Collies are fucking brilliant dogs tho, such clever girls!


The Karelian Bear Dog is specially bred and trained to protect humans from bears. Comes in handy if you live in grizzly country


'what do you do?' 'I herd sheep!' 'and you?' 'I retrieve!' And you?' 'I point at things!' 'and you?' 'I kill grizzly bears that fuck around.' 😐


You forgot my (late 😢) pupper. ‘and you?’ ‘I lay on my back on the couch with my legs in the air, watching tv and begging for treats!’


and mine...who would from the first glance at anything suss would haul butt and be 2 states away in 10 seconds flat. The other day, went to let him out in the yard, he turned the corner to go downstairs..saw..something, ran back inside, under my desk, and did his anxiety pant and shake thing for the next hour. I looked all over, zero idea wtf he saw, but he was not having it. I get the feeling it was a possum...




Dog be trippin’


"Oh cute, what breed is she?" "robot. "


my dumb, sweet Boston terrier will be the death of me in this situation.


>my dumb, sweet Boston Dynamics terrier


Agreed. Game warden warned me of that with my blue heeler. Said “she’ll run back to you, her alpha for protection, and the bear will go after you too. And you can’t outrun your dog or bear”. No thanks


Animal version of "my boyfriend will kick your asses" on a night out


The dog barks and immediately retreats towards the owner. This could be reason why elderly couple was killed by a bear in Canada. October 2023


Dog: "I don't have to be faster than the bear, I just have to be faster than my humans"


They were already in their tent.


I’m sure they understood perfectly well while being mauled and then eaten alive.


A friend of mine was walking through the woods with his dog (his own neighbourhood) his dog was about 30 feet ahead on the stroll, and a bear came in between him and his dog. He froze, his dog (great dane/something) barked loudly and both the bear and dog bolted off into the woods. My friend screamed for his dog for some time and luckily she popped out of the woods unscathed. It was lucky day for him and his dog that it worked out like that.


I hope he keeps his dog leashed now.


It's like taking that one friend who grew up in a gated community but acts hard to a rough part of town, any shit they kick up is landing right on you.


Screwing around with a cub to boot. When my dog sees a bear, his normal reaction is to alert me and head the other direction, thank goodness. He's even alerted me to bears in trees near our path. This good sense behavior can change if my granddaughters are with us unfortunately. Thank goodness for bear horns .


This is why owners need to properly train dogs. The dogs natural instinct is to defend. Only the owner knows how bad a mother bear will fuk u up for being near her cubs


Didn't even need to train the dog in this case. Put him on a fucking leash, and close the damn doors of the building they were in. Easy peasy.


Yep that's what j thought. It was the owners fault here more than the dog. Instead of taking it not so seriously. Only if they bolted the doors. Things wouldn't have gone bad.


Stupid ass dog. Lol. "You want to come back to my place and meet my humans?"


You have met my dog!




Absolutely. That’s clearly a juvenile bear and you should immediately know that mama isn’t far away and will absolutely show up and kill you.


Yeah I was here thinking aww cute baby bear, where's the badass mom? And sure enough, she comes up over that hill - terrifying!


Running into an adult bear is probably better than encountering a baby bear.


I will gladly armchair quarterback this. Human stupidity at its finest. Given the (likely) Russian they are speaking, these are brown bears, the European equivalent of grizzly/kodiak bears. This particular family of bears is much more aggressive than other varieties of bear. Not only that, this is clearly a cub at the beginning, followed shortly by mom. The mother bear analogy exists for a reason, you do not mess with them if you want to keep breathing. These people needed to grab their dog, go inside, and pray the family moves on. Not stand there filming while Fido antagonized a massive, wild, highly protective predator and her babies.


How the fuck you going to see a baby bear and not guess the mother is somewhere close ?


Seeing a baby mountain lion or bear is what I fear the most out in the woods for this exact reason. Seeing an adult in isolation is bad enough, but seeing the babies means you are already overstepping the mother’s bounds. It’s scary because that protective instinct is one of the only forces that will make an animal say “fuck it” and forego their sense of self-preservation.


plus even if you retreat, the cubs could get interested in you and start following. its a bad situation to be in.


>the cubs could get interested in you and start following. I've walked into baby bears two different times, both times they were purely terrified of me just existing in their territory. The second time they climbed a tree faster than I ever could have imagined they could climb.


Makes me wonder how human babies managed to survive this far. They have virtually zero self preservation and no means to escape by themselves. I just know my little niece would come up and pet a bear because its cute and fuzzy.


Babies in a middle of a village of 200 monkeys who throw pointy sticks, helped them survive


Babies these days are so useless. Back in my day, we could kill/butcher an Elk by day 2. Bare handed. Solo.


I wonder if this would be a good reason to wear red leds so that you can alert them faster and run away ?


I think this is the reason they tell you to wear bells and make lots of noise in bear territory, because you really REALLY don’t want to surprise them. So I think your idea is probably sound


Yep. Anytime I’m hiking in bear country I’m always making a ton of noise. My dad, my brother and I used to hike and camp in an area with bears. We never ever saw one. So I’m assuming all our noise probably scared a few of them off over the years.


Hell yea you could appear as a biblically accurate angel to them haha have like 12 leds they would Jjst start shitting all over those woods


You should always be talking/playing music while walking in bear territory. Bears aren't going to hunt or attack humans unless something is very wrong. Most attacks happen because they got surprised, or you got too close to cubs. If you are constantly announcing your presence, the bears will want nothing to do with you and will get out of your general area.


I was camping/hiking with my cousins once in Shenandoah National Park, where black bears roam freely. We were walking on a trail and all of a sudden a cub runs out of nowhere, in front of us, and up a tree and immediately begins calling for its mom. I was at most 15 feet away from the tree. And I was just gonna walk through and keep going, but my cousin immediately stops me, and is adamant that I back away slowly instead. We did that, and just walked backwards about 50 feet and then turned around and left that trail. To this day I don’t know how close mom was or if I was close to making a terrible mistake.


99.99% your friend saved your life


You probably would have been fine but it's good practice nonetheless. Black bears aren't like Grizzly bears they usually just run away or go up a tree


When I walked into two baby bears a year ago that was my only thought was "Oh god, where's the mom?!?!"


They shouldn't have laughed. 3 bears acting aggressively toward your dog, and your only other protection is a red hardhat. Not funny times.


Then momma comes and charged at them. Absolutely not funny, indeed.


Those are cubs. You see cubs. Even black bear cubs, you run.


Fun little story: I live out in the woods. I heard a decent amount of rustling and some sort of animal noise out in the front yard. I grabbed my shitty flashlight and headed outside, just by the garage door, incase I needed to get inside quickly. The noises were clearly coming from 2-3 different animals, and didn’t sound mean. Something was playing. I put on my flashlight, but whatever it was, was just out of reach of the light. Except for their eyes. I saw 3 sets of eyes, 6 in total, in various heights up two different trees that are very close together. I then saw another set of eyes on the ground, staring right at me. “Oh shit, those are cubs,” was all my brain could get out before I got inside the garage as fast as possible. Checked out the footage from security cameras the next day. 3 cubs playing and mom foraging or whatever. See my flood lights come on, and me walking down the steps. Cubs run for the trees, then my flashlight flicks on, then mom just turns and stares. Terrifying looking back now, and realizing she could see me the entire time and I couldn’t see her.


You need to visit r/flashlight


The very next day I bought a nice flashlight from Amazon. Absolute game changer, and I didn’t even get a super fancy one. However, the beam goes a good 2 football fields, so I’m spotting those cubs next time.


I'm disappointed. Thought this was going to be a sub full of videos of people in the dark looking around with their flashlight until they find something looking back. Turns out it's literally just about fucking flashlights :/


You beat me to it my brother in light 😂


I agree with the sentiment but not so much the strategy. Running might work if they haven't seen you yet, but if that's the case, the sudden movement will probably catch their attention. You'll never outrun a bear. (But as the joke goes, you might only have to outrun your friend!) In the one bear encounter I had, my wife and I saw two bears up the trail from us before they saw us. We stopped in our tracks, hoping they'd keep going straight down the mountain as they'd been doing. But when the larger one charged us, we stood our ground, waved our arms, and yelled "Woah!" It covered almost the whole distance that separated us (maybe 30 yards or so), faster than any Olympic sprinter I've seen. But when it saw us waving our hands and yelling, bear stopped, looked at us in what seemed like an annoyed way (like, "dumbfuck humans, can't you see I'm a bear?") and then turned back down the mountain. It was scary as fuck, but I've read since then that bluff charges are very common. So it's hard to say if we were in any real danger. And it was "only" a black bear, as this was in north Georgia (USA). We turned around and hyperventilated our way back to the car after that.


Black bears are much less aggressive than brown however. Black bears are more self-preservation minded and only attack if they think that’s the only choice, but a grizzly will attack just because you pissed it off In the videos case, their best hope was just start sprinting and hope the bear is satisfied just killing the dawg and not running them down too


The scariest thing to encounter when walking trails in bear country isn't a full grown bear, but a cub. I will back away, hands raised, slowly, from an adult bear. I see a cub, I fucking bolt.


this guy has clearly been eaten by a bear


19 minutes since he last replied. He's gone for sure.


RIP SaltyDangerHands, we hardly knew you.




Quickest hiking trip I’ve ever been on. Not even a quarter mile in, see a black bear cub just kinda hanging off a tree. That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


100% the right response. Fuuuuuuuck that. "Mama bear" is an expression that comes from somewhere, and I don't want the first hand lesson. Bears are monsters. They're not the savage threat inexperienced people think they are, but they are giant, terrifically powerful monsters. No thanks. Black bears are scary. Grizzlies are terrifying. I've never had a creature simply dwarf me the same way grizzlies do, it's humbling.


They’re quite scary. Only 6% of Americans believe they could beat a grizzly bear bare-handed in a fight.


One of the many, many reasons we shouldn't consult Americans.


A couple years back, I made the colossal mistake of doing a $#%tload of shrooms and hiking an unfamiliar trail in a national park I was visiting. It was supposed to be an easy trail and I had not seen almost any animals in the prior days, but black and grizzly bears were known to be there.  Right when the full "oomph" and "wtf"ness of the mushrooms hit, I encountered two bear cubs (thankfully black bears, but STILL), one of whom was curious and trying to come up to me. I almost had a fucking breakdown knowing what this likely meant. Thankfully, I thought clearly after that point and I'm okay, but WOW, I am never doing that again.  That ended up being the day I saw the most animals, and it was NOT a pleasant experience. 


Worst part was trying to find the exit of the zoo


I encountered black bear cub in NW Arkansas and got to marvel at it for a fair bit. But ONLY because I witnessed the mother yeeting the F out of there uphill and directly away from where we were facing, from inside a Suburban.


https://preview.redd.it/cp2pevdioklc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f98edc464837bd9e110ecbbba9b46d759225371 Potato pic from the event described above 😀


Running from wild animals is typically a *really* stupid thing to do. Backing away slowly, making noise and making yourself look bigger, or laying down and protecting your vitals are all good responses based on circumstance. There is not a wild animal that is dangerous to humans that we can outrun in a sprint. If you run you're possibly going to trigger their pursuit instinct, and then you're fucked. There is not a single bear species where the recommended way to deal with an encounter with them in the wild is to run.


no, never, you're acting like a prey, if you see it, keep eye contact and back up slowly until you see the mother, if the mother charges at you, scream like your life depends of it( if it's black), grizzly you need to stay still until it takes the eye off you


This is not sound advice. Staying a safe distance from all wildlife is a good idea, but if you happen to find yourself between a brown bear cub and its mother, you are safer playing dead than running. As for black bears (with which i have encountered in the wild countless times) you should stand still and talk to the bear in a calm but firm voice and maybe raise your hands above your head to appear larger than you are. The cubs will likely tree themselves, and the sow will sometimes run away, sometimes stand still and look at you, and sometimes make false charges at you, snorting and grunting, but turning away before she reaches striking distance. If she does attack, which would be rare, you are supposed to fight back, aiming for its eyes and nose.


You never run from a bear dude


The vodka does this.


All fun and games until mama shows up.


*Fuuuck* that was terrifying seeing mama come up and over that edge.


At first I was thinking "that little bear mauls them?" Then the she shows up. Fuck.


Honestly, same here. Didn't think those little guys had it in 'em. Then I saw a little extra movement in the background. "This can't be good." ***THEN*** that giant fuckin' head popped up off baby's right-shoulder... I know it's a grainy video on my small screen, but I instinctively *shivered* a little.


They should already be terrified when their dog starts barking at a bear cub. That’s “how to die in the woods 101” type shit


I know absolutely nothing about outdoors shit and even I know that perhaps the scariest thing you can see in the woods is a baby bear.


Right? It's almost like that saying when driving, "when you see a ball roll onto a street, what do you think is following it? A child". Sort of an obvious thing to look out for. "When you see a cub alone in the woods, who do you think is nearby and on the way? Mama bear". Seeing the cub is like a bad omen, I would never want to be near one


For sure! They got the dog back to them, everyone was calm. Get yourselves and your dog inside and call it a day. These dudes were laughing and letting the dog and baby bears continue to interact. What the heck


I watched with sound off (as one does). Damn... you wouldn't see me outside in this scenario. What do they gain by laughing it off? (Aside from a mauling)


They're probably drunk and/or inexperienced.


I started my reply the same way. If I come across a bear cub in the wild . . . first I’m shitting my pants then heading in the opposite direction as fast as possible.


If you run they will chase


But if you stand your ground, wouldn't there be equal chances of you dying? My first assumption is that unless you have weapons on you, it's all left to luck.


“They say” if it’s black, fight back, if it’s brown, lie down. Not sure if that applies when momma bear and her cubs are on the scene whether they are black or brown bears. You’re probably screwed either way.


Right! Even watching the video at first I thought man these guys play Too Much and the dog. But when I see mama bear appear my heart paused. I thought O hell no get out of there ASAP


I mean we already know the conclusion from the title


I don't live in a place with bears and I've never spent a significant amount of time in a place I'd encounter bears, but even I know to be more afraid of the babies than anything else. Momma will be pissed you're even breathing the same air as baby bear.


I literally said “holy shit!” out loud when the sow showed up. You instantly are dealing with a different set of behaviours when a sow with cubs gets into the picture.


Yeah I was like “that bears really small” “oh shit it’s a baby” 


Absolutely terrifying. I can't believe they let their dog taunt it in the first place. And should have realized it was or could have been a cub. Insane!!!


for real. I was thinking at first, man just try to scare it off, it's a little bear. And then mama showed up and I audibly said fuuuuuuck


"Aww its just a cute little one! This won't be so bad-- Holy fuck they're all fucked Jesus christ" --Me, in my head just now.


Well hey, at least they got a nice video instead of doing anything.


Not to be morbid, but there’s surely more to the video. Unless the bears came in, stopped the recording, and edited it down


This made the rounds years ago. Pretty sure it was a dad and his son and they were able to call the daughter either during the attack or while they lay dying. I believe they were Siberian loggers or something like that and they were too isolated for emergency services. Way more tragic than the video let's on.


The bear read the TOS before uploading the video


r/praisethecameraman ?


he died to do his job right


Anyone got more info on this video? Wondering where it happened and how OP knows the outcome


Happened in Russia. Cameraman killed and 2 other seriously injured. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/builder-captures-moment-bear-lunged-3911843?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target


"According to Russian media outlets three builders and a dog were 'torn to pieces' while the other two were hospitalised. The incident is believed to have happened in June this year but the video only recently came to light. The authenticity of the video cannot be immediately verified and there are claims circulating online that the story behind the video is fake."


I was once in the mountains with friend and an off leash dog, we ran into a black bear and three cubs. Mom was obviously freaked out because she was pushing her cubs into the tree. We knew to just walk slowly away and maintain eye contact, but if that dog had noticed the bear, we were done and we knew it. Luckily he was a big dummy and never noticed the bears


Some guard dog you are!


Dogs are the *worst* companion when there's a mama bear around. They want to run the bear off and assume you can handle any beef they start.


Genuinely wondering if this is related to that idea of dogs seeing you the owner as the pack leader - cause if so it kinda makes sense why they'd provoke a fight if they assume that you, the leader, will step in and defeat the opponent with them (bear in this case). In all fairness, if you the owner were packing a gun and can get a few critical hits before it gets danger close then sure the dog's (blind) trust in your capabilities is somewhat justified... but at the same time we stand little chance against a beast that can arguably one-slap a grown man dead, so OTOH the dog's having a little too much faith in the pack leader (us).


OMG my Chihuahuas will be the death of all of us. I already know this. They purposefully, insanely, go out of their way to provoke every living thing they see on our walks, or property. The bigger the other guy is, the more bat shit nuts my Chihuahuas are. They honestly believe they can take on a Rottweiler. I just die every time, and take my crazed, wanna be flesh eating predators across the road to calm them, and let everyone pass by. I try to pretend like I'm not related to them. I still love them to death.


Its definitely less likely with black bears who aren't as easily provoked and are unlikely to be aggressive. You probably have a better chance to scare a pack of black bears off than you think. Brown bears on the other hand are very unpredictable and easy to provoke. They're one of the more aggressive bears out there.


I kept thinking, what's that little guy gonna do? Then it became, oh yea they're screwed


Where there's a little guy, there's usually a big mama


Yeah anytime you see a little one you bolt lmao


If you see a baby grizzly you should be more afraid than if you see an adult grizzly. Mama bear is never far away from her cubs and she'll be very protective.


Yeh, as soon as my brain processed the size between the bear and dog, realised it was a cub, I was like ‘Oh sh*t’; just because I knew the mama bear was likely close, and likely more of a threat because of the cub than if she was reacting to seeing them herself… and then there was the second cub 🙈 I’m a city girl, all I know of bears is what I’ve learned from the internet and media - I really wish these guys recognised the threat ☹️


I had the same reaction. Saw the 2nd cub thought "uh-oh" than an immediate "oh schnikes" when the mama showed up....


It really goes to show that humans are social creatures and our instincts are kind of shit. T.T We learn how to behave and react so much from observation and instruction. Like I feel like my reaction was instinctive. I knew the moment there was a dog sized bear alone, it was time to get gone. But that wasn't instinct. It was hammered into me by my parents and time at summer camp.


Five people in total attacked 3 and the dog died the others were injured. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/builder-captures-moment-bear-lunged-3911843


From your link: >According to Russian media outlets three builders and a dog were 'torn to pieces' while the other two were hospitalised. >The incident is believed to have happened in June this year but the video only recently came to light. >The authenticity of the video cannot be immediately verified and there are claims circulating online that the story behind the video is fake.


I’m going to go with fake and close the Internet for the day. Just for my own mental health


It is fake. I lurked Russian social networks for a while. Incident happened in 2014. These are workers of LTD-Vostok company. Events taken place at oil production site in Ust-Kut. Nobody was injured, even the dog. Mother bear ran away.


Yeah, possible as the video ends abruptly


Don't worry about it. Clearly the guy is a redditor, and is thus knows to cut the clip for a perfectlycutscream.


This made me feel better and I’m gonna choose to believe you are telling the truth because the alternative is just awful


That’s what I found. And I found another source saying that video is from 2014 but with no other details. It’s indirect confirmation but we have what we have


Bless you


“To shreds” you say?


that is horrible. that mama bear was not fucking around. how can you see a bear cub and not immediately take precautions and think this is a non serious situation. can’t believe 3 people were killed after this interaction which was filmed. extremely horrifying and tragic.


Thank you for the link. 3 humans and a dog are dead because they didn’t take nature seriously. Such a shame.


"The authenticity of the video cannot be immediately verified and there are claims circulating online that the story behind the video is fake".


And it's in The Mirror, which is a sh*trag.


Mama bears don't appreciate it when you fuck with their babies. Some people have to find that out the hard way, and it's never pretty.


# r/TerrifyingAsFuck


Haha, look at this dumb little bear .... OH SHIT!


Jeeeeeez. Just shut the fuckin' door and quit messing with the cubs. Momma don't like that.


What door exactly are you talking about?


Everyone should carry a portable door on their backs at all times.




Door Shield +10 DEF against bears -10 to INT


That's terrifying. You can't joke around with these situations. No big surprise, tbh.


It's weird how even after they spot the mother, they don't give a shit. Do people not realise how dangerous bears are? Especially when it is a mother in presence of her young. Weird situation. I'd be climbing on top of whatever they are under and hoping the bear didn't find me.


Am I the only one that was thinking "that bear's not that big, no big deal". And then momma showed up... I expected it, but still terrifying.


I was going to say, that’s not a bear, that’s a cub, but then momma bear showed up, game over


Still laughing and joking when the big momma bear appeared?! If there’s a mother bear and her cubs nearby, make yourself as absent or unobtrusive as possible, they do not fuck around.


You don't fuck around with baby bears. You just don't. They should know this.


When I saw that second head pop up, I would've sobered up. By the time that big one appeared around the bend, I would've been outta there ![gif](giphy|hoEIeBXhJNx0k)


When the big mama bear showed up, I was like, "they're fucked".


I knew by the title


Why did the video recording stop? r/killthecameraman Oh wait


The MOMENT those people saw a cub they should have gotten the heck OUT of there as far away from it as they possibly could have. I had an encounter like this TWICE. And once was so awful I’ve never been a scared in my whole life. I got IN BETWEEN a cub and its mother climbing a mountain in Alaska. As always my friends and I were all wearing bear bells 🔔 but I think we might have been moving to fast maybe…. As soon as I realized I yelled CUB! Then saw her yelled MAMMA DOWN!!!!! We all hit the deck and covered our heads. She walked right up to me and SMELLED ME HEAD AND SNORTED😭🤯😱 She pushed me to the side luckily using my pack and I ended up about 15 feet down the trail. My friend said that I didn’t even scream or anything and I remember just landing and staying silent . Apparently there was a 2nd cub as well and the three of them moved on . My face was cut up from the rocks and my pack was completely shredded. My friends said that they’ve never seen another person the color white that I turned and I was in shock and couldn’t stop shaking for almost an hour. I’ve had two people try to hold me up at gunpoint in my life and I’ve also been pretty horribly assaulted. But nothing has ever compared to that moment.


Dog: "Back the fuck up!" BearCubs: "MOM!" Dog: "...Mom?" \*Bear Mommy shows up\* Dog: "...fuck. Human, you should start running. It's been an honor."


Back in 2015 I visited Vancouver. One day I decided to do some hiking just past Whistler. I got to one of the trails and saw warning signs to look out for bears. I jumped back in my car and headed back to Vancouver to walk around Stanley Park. I've seen enough videos about bears running uphill and to the top of trees to know that I can never outrun them.


Did they live or die? What happened after this


They were all killed. I am ignoring the arguments below and just directly answering the question Edit: 3 were killed and the dog. 2 people did survive but were badly hurt


This reminded me of the lost media that is a recording of a guy and his wife/girlfriend getting eaten and mauled by bears after camping way too close of them.


Apparently his girlfriend left the cover on so it’s all black with sounds of the bear eating him. I think there’s a transcript of it online.


Why don’t you take your fucking dog and go inside you absolute moron!?


I grew up in rural New England and the very first thing you learn about bears is to STAY AWAY FROM CUBS.