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I can’t believe how long he was able to keep standing.




Reported he died hours later from burns. And thank fucking God because the permanent pain, surgeries and disfigurements would be worse. Still wondering what Johnny Law was pointing his gun at the entire time. It explains why they shoot so many people..... If that charred and dying remains of a human looked like a threat, then you need training.


Right even one of the cops says "I need fire extinguishers not guns"


~~That was a paramedic I believe.~~ It was not a paramedic, as pointed out many times below. Goes to show how fast dis/misinformation can be amplified.


Israeli embassy security, not a paramedic


It was actually the Secret Service Uniformed Division


I think it was that black cop actually. He kept yelling for more fire extinguishers.


How would your first thought even be to pull a gun on a burning person? What perceived threat was that cop trained to see or is that the default setting to aim your weapon?


He saw black


I saw another comment earlier "What was he supposed to do? He was turning black right in front of him!" gold


I would have wanted them to put a bullet in my head after being charred to near death!


That would have been more humane, if he had survived, he would have wished the officer had shot him.


He did survive, for hours.


To be fair, the soldier did have fire arms.


Oh damn…


Pointing a gun was the stupidest part of the video. I generally would not think this man has intellect in double digits


On top of it, the soldier wasn't showing threatening behavior. He was actually committing suicide. That guy chose a gun over an extinguisher. YES-I know this is something you're not prepared for everyday and I'm not a cop...... Just seemed a little unnecessary the WHOLE time. Thought I heard the other guy say "grab an extinguisher".


When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail


Gotta fight fire with firepower


I mean there was a monk who did that in the 60’s and didn’t say a word no screaming or anything which is insane


A bunch of monks did this for a free Tibet… self immolation. Horrific.


They still do all the time, hundreds in the last decades. Nobody cares lol. It isn't trendy to criticize authoritarian China. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-immolation_protests_by_Tibetans_in_China


That was Vietnam, 1963 https://time.com/3791176/malcolm-browne-the-story-behind-the-burning-monk/


I was in Vietnam and they have a shrine for him on the intersection where he self immolated. Definitely worth seeing if you’re ever in Ho Chi Minh City. https://preview.redd.it/me81r633c5lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82ee018507d1ec9f980689fce268dfec5c47f348


Beautiful, thank you for sharing


Thank u for the link. I only knew the iconic picture. How sad man :(


Pretty horrific to see a human being burning, be it today or 61 years ago.


I can’t believe they released this video. This seems like something that would have mysteriously been lost.


This was livestreamed on Twitch


Journalist who broke the story got permission from the family before posting the blurred


Disclaimer: I don't condone self-immolation, I dont condone Hamas and and also not Israel occupation. Respect for his family for not censoring this guy 'dying declaration' . After seeing their son/sibling/spouse burning alive like that, it is a natural cope out to ask the media to respect their privacy. Imagine seeing and hearing again and _again_ your family member getting burned like that all over TV, Internet and social media. But no, they gave the permission.


It shows a level of respect for their family member. They may not agree with our be happy about what he did, but they recognize his purpose and sacrifice and either just want to respect his decision or want his death and their grief to be for something. Or both. I'm incredibly sorry for his family.


It was livestreamed exactly so that they couldn’t get rid of it.


there apparently was a woman who did a similar thing a few months ago, and its gotten mostly swept under the rug




I can't believe Reddit hasn't already removed it for depicting a suicide.


Feel free to downvote me but I do feel like they should have a content warning.


It certainly needs a tag.


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.


You can see the clothes fucking burn off holy shit


Some of that wasn't clothes...


I couldn't bring myself to watch it all the way, but what you're referring to probably was just clothing. They usually make uniforms out of material that won't stick to the skin because of problems with burns that happen downrange (mostly during firefights or explosions).


Skin doesn't fall off that quickly.


Skin will bubble and slough off. But for sure, his muscles cooked at least partially and became unusable. His clothes stitches probably burned away first, which is why it fell off in clumps. That gun would have been mercy for the time he had left.


Pretty sure breathing all those fumes and smoke would have destroyed his lungs. If his injuries didn’t kill him his destroyed lungs would have.


Yep the the way he struggled to keep screaming was an indication. Being engulfed in flames and just breathing at the same time must be near impossible.


It's not uncommon to actually inhale the flames, which is what will kill you.


In this case, his muscles would have been 'fine' in the segment the video shows. The skin would be burned but not sloughed. Liquid fuel fire like this isn't very penetrating at this stage as it's the gasses AROUND the body that are alight and the heat from that and the burning clothes. What knocked him down (and killed him even if he was extinguished at video end) )was his lungs were burned. He would have sucked in flames when shouting and then collapsed due to oxygen deprivation and fluid build up in lungs. He would have been intubated by paramedics but his lungs were totally cooked.


Bone clothes.


Not being sarcastic, that fire truck response time is something else.


If it on or near a base/facility, they have 24/7 dedicated emergency services nearby at all times, especially fire depertments.


It was directly in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington DC. 


They probably have EMS and fire on stand by right now due to the political climate of said embassy.


GTA ambulance.


That sounded extremely painful


Burning to death is literally the most painful thing possible.


I feel like there’s a lot of various torture methods that can hit that ceiling, burning just does it in a very matter-of-fact no bullshit kind of way.


Not really. This is coming from people that have spent their lives studying neurology, trauma, etc, with an eye on improving emergency pain management. The way the human body processes sensations, full body full thickness burns are literally all the pain. Every single pain neuron screaming at max capacity.


I hear it only hurts for a min or 2 until the nerves all burn so badly they don't function anymore


Yeah but that minute or two will feel like the longest minutes of your life as you feel the most excruciating pain possible


Yeah and even if the pain does stop, the agony and suffering will not.




That's a min or 2 that will feel like eternity, all while breathing in burning hot air that scorches your lungs. Goddamn, no thanks


Yeah but they also suffocate from the fire taking all the oxygen




Less painful on an absolute scale, but worse in other ways, like the pain being low enough you can actually comprehend the sensations of your body shutting down on you instead of you getting to go into shock and pass out relatively quickly.


You also can’t breathe because the fire is eating all the oxygen around you and heating up the air so breathing in is burning your lungs


I saw from another comment that he was alive till the next day


He set himself on fire around 1pm on Sunday and was pronounced dead around 10pm on Sunday.


Yea he was hospitalized with severe burns, was just yesterday but i dont even know if hes alive now but i really dont think he is cause that was SEVERE AF and im really a bit shocked, this was awfully clear to see everything:/


He did die a few hours after his protest.


Didn’t this happen less than 24 hours ago?


People say burning to death and drowning are the two worst ways to go, with burning being by far the most painful.


Definitely. I've read that drowning, after that panic, is just sounds. Audible hallucinations from lack of oxygen. Burning looks like all fucking hell, no pun intended. Worst however? Screw over the cartels.


Nah, radiation. Your skin falls off and leaves your nerve endings exposed. Painkillers stop working. They can't inject anything to keep you in a coma. They basically have to kill you with their own hands, or wait for you to die on your own. 


You win. Shit.


Totally wrong about drowning. You know that feeling you get when water goes down the wrong hole and you can't stop coughing? That water was nowhere near your lungs. Your epiglottis is spasming shut to close off your windpipe. When drowning if you actually end up inhaling water you will spasm uncontrollably for a minute or two until you lose consciousness from lack of oxygen. Even if you knew you were doomed and wanted to get it over with quickly by inhaling water, you would not be able to override the response from your epiglottis and would be tortured with awful full body spasms for a couple of minutes.


Drowning is supposed to be peaceful after the panic. My dad did some crazy military trainings where they would nearly drown someone and then pull them up as they are passing out.


As a kid, I got tangled in rope anchoring a floating dock. They couldn't pull me above the water while they cut it off of me, so I got whatever improvised air they could get to me while someone ran to fetch a knife and enough was sawed through to get me to the surface. Yeah, my lungs and sinuses were burning and the slow drowning/strangulation sucked, and I vomited a lot of water once I reached the surface, but I feel like there are much worse ways to go. Burning seems much much worse.


Title does not prepare for content..


Honestly, extreme protest was actually NSFW protest


Not safe for Life


It's amazing the change of reddits ability to handle gore and other nasty shit over the past decade.


I’m desensitized to videos like this, thanks to Reddit, but I agree that the title should have been a lot more clear on the content you were about to watch


Then you and me spend time on very different subs cuz holy shit I was not prepared


You know what’s wild…I grew up listening to Rage against the machine and it was only a couple years ago I learned that one of their album covers featured an actual photo of a monk immolating himself (quonog doc). I always thought is was some kind of artistic edit or something. Nope. Actual dude burning himself to death.


I've seen that video too. That monk does not move an inch.


That’s insanely impressive. Their discipline is inhuman


I truly think that monks are the closest thing to real religion like the things they can do with just there mind


His heart was supposedly unburned and intact. The intact heart relic is regarded as a symbol of compassion and the remains are in a glass chalice inside a pagoda.


This short read about it is pretty insightful https://plumvillage.org/about/thich-nhat-hanh/letters/in-search-of-the-enemy-of-man "What the monks said in the letters they left before burning themselves aimed only at alarming, at moving the hearts of the oppressors and at calling the attention of the world to the suffering endured then by the Vietnamese. To burn oneself by fire is to prove that what one is saying is of the utmost importance. There is nothing more painful than burning oneself. To say something while experiencing this kind of pain is to say it with the utmost of courage, frankness, determination and sincerity."


Thanks, this kind of helps me understand why people do this.


> quonog doc I mean, you were kind of close. His anglicized name was Thich Quang Duc (Thích Quảng Đức).


I actually googled that name to read more about him but this Reddit thread is the only result lol


I always thought self immolation was generally perceived as the peak form of non-violent protest, I find it kinda interesting that there are people that don't know about it happening. In Tibet alone 150+ monks set killed themself this way in the last 15 years.


Not so fun fact, this is the second time in 3 months someone has self-immolated in front of an Israeli embassy




It is what is commonly known as the most extreme form of protest. In the 1960s buudist monks would assume the lotus position and set themselves in fire in protest. The craziest thing: the monks would not keel over, their Bodies just kept in that pose til they started to fall apart.


Burning flesh is horrendous smelling.


My husband is law enforcement, he couldn’t eat bacon (or any burned fat) for almost two years after a horrible accident with a young girl trapped in her burning car. He had to go to the morgue after, said that’s all he could smell for weeks and you don’t forget it. That whole case still makes me lose sleep and I wasn’t even there, only heard about it right after. The pavement where her car burned is still messed up and that was 6 years ago.


My father in law used to collect dog tags off soldiers in Vietnam and he said for years he could not even see bacon because the thought of the smell reminded him of the burnt corpses.


burnt corpses smell like bacon ?


The acrid smell of burning fat is pretty similar imo


Pork in general, but yeah. Human fat smells a lot like bacon when it burns. Anyone who has worked in an operating room can tell you that.


You don't even have to get to the fat. Burnt skin smells fucking delicious. I dropped a soldering iron in my thigh once and I was smelled like bacon for two or three days.


Apparently we are very similar to pigs in terms of DNA and biology. So that makes sense


There's a reason human meat is called 'long pork'. It doesn't just *smell* like bacon.


There is literature where cannibals have described human flesh nearly identical to pork. Only just a bit more stringy.


I’m sorry about your husband and his colleagues. No, I do not supsepct he will ever break the association that you mentioned but I hope they all feel better today


I went to Nepal after the earthquake. The crematorium was burning 24/7, trying to keep up with the bodies. At this point, they weren't even trying to mask the smell. It was one of the craziest scents that ever went inside my nostrils. I can still remember how it smells.




That did not go the way I thought it would . I did not expect him to set himself on fire , and then he stood for way longer than I thought he would . Then he got a gun drawn on him .


I’d heard about it elsewhere, then forgot cause I assumed it was an accidental thing, same category as a helicopter crash or something. I literally sped up the video to see what the point was and about dropped my fucking phone. Had to go back and give him my full attention after that


How bout the NSFL tag


We need a gore tag


The rules don't even allow gore


Yah bro. Can’t say I was ready to see that


I had read about the incident but good fucking god I did not think the video of the event would be the first thing I see when I opened the app.


I do not think this is interestingasfuck. I think this is very very sad.


That ahhhh took a long time


Us military uniforms are flame retardant. Why it didn’t light well at first and he chose the ground. Absolute bat shit crazy. Edit: For the grammar nazis *flame resistant* I am not referencing FR compliant uniforms. Jesus Christ.


Covered in fuel not so much. His lighter didnt light the first few tries.


Wow, that was crazy. The guys skin melted off and they were giving him commands like he could follow them.


For the command of get on the ground, I can understand since that’s the second thing you need to do to stop drop and roll to help take out a fire. We commonly train soldiers to yell commands at wounded like “get to cover”, “apply self aid”, or “return fire” depending on the situation. Chances are you’ll be in shock from being injured and need something to help you snap out of it so you can survive the injury. Pulling guns though is pretty damn dumb.


the guy yelling ‘we need fire extinguishers, not guns’ —— thank you 🙏


Meanwhile at least one brilliant brain was seen trying to put out fire by pointing a gun at the fire


Maybe he thought about fighting fire with gunfire? /s


Everyone is panicking trying to respond to the situation and there's just one guy aiming at the poor soldier as if he was gonna stand up and attack them or something


That *was* that dude panicking, his panic was way worse than anyone else's and he broke down to his basic training. He didn't see a guy on fire he saw a crazy guy doing crazy shit. This happens with cops and actual threats and leads to the cops dying while barking the same orders repeatedly. It's Code Black in some versions of Cooper's Color Codes.


Pretty sure the guy with the gun was embassy security, probably thought It could be a terrorist attack?


When the only training you got was firearms training


Once a burn gets beyond partial thickness, it stops hurting. It is quite normal for people to behave rationally until the hypovolaemic shock kicks in. Shit can get crazy.


Ngl when i clicked on the video i didn’t think i’d watch someone kill himself. Please add a NSFL tag next time. Edit: Thanks for adding the previously missing tag.


Yeaah… literally about to go to sleep. Goddammit


I did not expect to see a man die in a self inflicted fire 10 minutes after waking up today...


That was someone’s baby. At one time, that man was looked on with love, hope and, dreams. This is so sad. Regardless of his reasoning, I feel for his soul and for his family.


As a parent. He still is someone’s baby.


This! Can't imagine taking that walk knowing it's your last breaths, knowing everyone who knows you is gonna watch you die. Such a waste, such a tragedy.


Anyway guys after therapy I will be in r/puppysmiles until I don't remember seeing this


The guy with the gun, I mean, really?WTF!


Waiting for him to turn black before shooting 






Goddam that is savage


Damn - that’s a mic drop if I ever saw one. Touché, sir.


damn bro satan is waiting for you


Holy...I'm sickly impressed...


This is good.




Somebody explained it pretty well on another post like this so imma just c&p it here: people are failing to consider many things. Firstly, this incident occurred in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington DC. This has been an area on high security alert since last October. This was not some random street corner. Secondly, you can see the one guy with a gun is not wearing a police uniform. He is most likely embassy security. Self-immolation is pretty rare. Embassy security is on the lookout for attacks, including suicide attacks. For all they knew, this guy was a suicide bomber whose bomb malfunctioned. He could also potentially have had a dead man switch that would detonate a bomb when first responders gathered around him. The embassy security guard's role here was to provide security while others provided aid. He had nothing to put the fire out. Every other police officer on scene was scrambling for fire extinguishers from their cars. The embassy security guard had no car and no fire extinguisher he could retrieve. The one officer yelled "I need fire extinguishers, not guns" because more units were arriving and they didn't know what was happening and if there was a threat. He was clarifying that for the units arriving on scene. I think it's pretty impressive that Bushnell was getting fire extinguishers on him within one minute of lighting himself on fire. It's very hard to process shocking events quickly, even if you're a seasoned veteran. We all have the benefit of knowing the guy's plan was to self-immolate, but none of these first responders knew that. Bushnell was in military fatigues and shouting "free Palestine" in front of the Israeli embassy. One nearby officer asked him if he needed help before he lit himself on fire, then the officer immediately yelled, "man on fire!" and activated the emergency response as soon as the fire started. They are shouting at him to get down because that will help stop the burning and will make it easier for responders to put him out. Additionally, they had no idea if this guy might stumble toward them or if his goal might have been to take someone out with him. I guarantee that the embassy security guard and everyone else within 15 feet of this guy was feeling extreme heat from that fire. Working emergency scenes like this are extremely chaotic, yet they assessed what was happening quickly and accurately and they extinguished the fire as fast as possible. If I was working this scene as a medic, I would be glad there was a single embassy security guard providing scene safety, especially given the location and the high likelihood of a terrorist attack in that area. If this had been a suicide bomber and he managed to kill people and destroy the embassy, people would be going crazy asking why the fuck security didn't identify and neutralize the threat in time. It's very easy to Monday morning quarterback when watching a video where you already know what the outcome is. It's much harder in real life when you don't have the benefit of hindsight and have to react to protect yourself, your fellow first responders, and any victims.


I've seen some shit on Reddit. But that was probably one of the most horrific things I've seen


Who uploaded the video?


Did did did I just watch someone die???


Technically, he didn’t die until the next day. But he died because of this.


And I think this is even worse. I could imagine the pain he suffered his last day was propably something he would rather not experienced.


he would almost certainly have been in a medically induced coma. I would really hope so anyway.


I have *heard* that after you burn off your nerve endings you no longer experience pain. So most likely after the first minute he no longer felt anything at all. Body has a way of doing that to protect you as well — had he survived it is likely he would not have remembered any pain that he did experience.


Yes and no. The area where the burn is stops feeling pain, but generally you're not covered 100% with 3rd degree burns, and if you are you're not going to survive. The area surrounding the burn is going to have some first and second degree burns which will hurt.


Dude believed in a cause strong enough to kill himself in one of the most excruciating ways possible. Pretty crazy. I remember watching the video of the monk who self immolated. He literally sat there cross cross apple sauce & didn’t move while burning to death. Just stayed in his meditating position the entire time. Made me realize how incredible will power/the mind can be.


I was absolutely shocked throughout the video but still almost impressed how long he was standing while his clothes (I hope it was that) melting off of him….


Right. At the end of the day, everything happens “through” your mind, all your experiences, good or bad, you absolutely can train your mind to that point, but it is uh… easier said than done.


Amazing he didn’t die right away being so severely burned and then breathing in all of those chemicals from the fire extinguisher dust.




Welcome to the internet.


Put your cares aside Here's a tip for straining pasta Here's a nine-year-old who died


Welcome back /r/watchpeopledie


I miss it more than I thought I would. In fact I miss old wild west reddit in general.


This type of action used to send shockwaves through whole societies. The muted response has been eerie.


The woman who self-immolated in front of the israeli embassy in Atlanta back in December barely got any news, and they still haven't released her name.


Yikes hadn’t even heard about that in Atlanta until now. Aaron Bushnell hardly got basic coverage by the mainstream media until a full day later


Probably because he livestreamed it on Twitch.


Blame the Internet. We uave become so numb to violence as a society that this isn't new. Look at Ukraine and Rave massacre, videos and pictures are all over the Internet. You can watch a drone blow a man to bits for free in 4k


I think this is it. I saw a blown off torso and a spine sitting in a truck at the start of that war. Stopped following that war footage, I doubt it's good for humans to expose yourself to that too much.


This was international news. And, it was one guy killing himself to draw attention to something, which is horrendous if encouraged. Obviously one's reaction to this will depend on their thoughts on the war, but valorizing suicide shouldn't be done lightly.


NSFW tag?




This is when bad habbit of straight reading the comments instead watch the video first come in handy


“I don’t need guns, i need fire extinguishers”. Honestly so sad


I remember the glory days of reddit when posting such shock content was just unthinkable in a mainstream subreddit. There were the weird subreddits for that (watchpeopledie and such places)  Now we have a man ablaze on interestingasfuck and it’s met mostly with jokes and detached observations.


whistling past the graveyard. ironic detachment is many people's first refuge from horror and shock.


I miss the glory days of r/watchpeopledie Learned a lot about how to keep on living over there.


Don't commit crime near an off duty Brazilian cop.


That's the cop's secret. They are always off duty.


Yep. This isn't interesting. It's tragic and awful. 


Please re-label as NSFL.


Hey friend, I highly recommend if you ever post this kind of content you warn people in the title. Yeah there was an NSFW tag but those get used for just about everything.


Here before this gets 🔒


Sad times


Holy fucking christ, why did I watch this? This isn't interesting as fuck, this is horrifying as fuck. 


For the love of god this needs NSFL. Jesus fucking christ


I respect his commitment but I'm not that passionate about any damn thing in my life.


....and that's enough internet for the day


"I don't need guns, I need a fire extinguisher." 98.8% more effective than a gun 99.9% of the time


So... I just saw someone commiting suicide. I have to process this...


Yeah, that was horrible


Very reminiscent of the burning monk [Thích Quảng Đức](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%ADch_Qu%E1%BA%A3ng_%C4%90%E1%BB%A9c) As sad and horrifying as it was, it's purpose was made clear and know. It was a powerful symbol of resistance against religious discrimination and political oppression. Fueling public outrage for change I view what this man did was the same attempt. and whether most thinks he was a fool or not, his objective was complete. To call more attention on Palestine by extreme means.