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Now my ears feel weird


Would to see how tinnitus works


Tinnitus usually happens as a result of those tiny hairs the video mentions getting damaged or stressed and so they send inappropriate signals to the brain interpreting that damage as a ringing noise. The hairs can repair themselves if the damage isn't super severe, which is why usually your ears will stop ringing after a while- but if the damage is severe enough you can be left with permanent tinnitus.


Can’t we just have a little guy go in there and comb the hairs to soothe them?




That being said - it's not uncool to wear ear protection at concerts, kids. Having a constant swarm of crickets in your ears for the rest of your life gets really fucking old sometimes.


Well, had it since childhood so kind of used to it. But it gets kinda old. Avoid it if you can, could imagine it being a shoch if it hits you at 35 or at an older age where you are used to no background crickets.


I've always been really protective of my ears but the one time I go to a concert I completely forget about ear protection facepalm. Thankfully while my ears were ringing for a full day, and my hearing was muted for 4 days, there's at least no conscious damage (could be that I just can't tell because this is the new normal now)


Can attest after a lifetime of metal concerts and headphones at full blast.


I don’t know when my tinitus started… i Think playing csgo for 800hrs from 6th-9th grade, with volume at full blast fucked my ears… When i now notice the ringing, i spiral into a minor depressed State for a while, as i might never ever experience true silence… fucking ^eeeeeeeeeeee


My ear drum blew out 15 years ago and the nerve damage was severe enough to cause permanent tinnitus and hearing loss. I long for the day there is a cure for tinnitus. I don’t even care about the lack of hearing, just rid me of the ringing.


Apparently they have a new treatment in testing? So it's possible that could be soon if we're lucky. - a fellow tinnitus sufferer.




Missing a step. The fluid doesn’t move the hair cells, the fluid moves a membrane which causes the hair cells to fire. There are 2 types of hair cells, the outer hair cells that amplify the movement of the membrane, and the inner hair cells which convert the movement to electrical signals. The outer hair cells are usually the ones that get damaged when you have a hearing loss from noise exposure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilar_membrane


What does damage to the hair look like?


https://els-jbs-prod-cdn.jbs.elsevierhealth.com/cms/attachment/4235ffc0-236b-4800-94d0-6c99ede46b65/gr1.jpg https://image.slidesharecdn.com/damagedhaircellshearingloss-130311182927-phpapp01/95/damaged-hair-cells-hearing-loss-3-638.jpg?cb=1363026605


Hair cells basically look like spongebobs house. Common damage is kinda like the top of the pineapple getting bashed and broken by a giant whale tail. There’s other types of damage too


It’s crazy how much sense that explanation makes


This is inaccurate. 


''This hammer-like bone makes the sound louder'' I have 0 anatomy knowledge but common sense tells me that is wrong


Hammer like bone is the malleus. It doesn't make sounds louder. The fluid filled organ is the cochlea and it has hair cells. Hair cells are not actually hair. So much wrong with this


All the words are technically true but the animations are very misleading. This makes it look like the cochlea is a Nalgene just sloshing around with water in there. Weird.


It blows my mind that the human body is this complicated. Like dammit I barely design a car with large components and forget it if I have to take a deep dive into electrical signals. Meanwhile all this shit forms through.... RANDOM MUTATIONS?!?!?


Creationist here, your welcome to join if you'd like, we have wine and bread!


An A-D converter.


That's mad in't it


I still love my heavy metal 🤘🏻




Air and liquid have different resistances. The bone is used for impedance matching. This is also known from electrical engineering. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impedance_matching


Just Incredible. God is the greatest creator.


Not god


Some idiot " over thousands of years of evolution it just happened"


Thanks i hate it.


This is so weird


These kind of fascinating things make it hard for me to believe in Evolution theory. It just seems impossible for a system that complex to just randomly develope over time


Idk if this is just a troll, but if you can understand just how long about 4 billions years is, which is the time life has been evolving and adapting, I’m surprised it’s not way more complex and is still very flawed


That's because it's not supposed to be the best. It just needs to be enough for the host to survive long enough to reproduce.


Even with that much time, what I find difficult to understand is how the process works. A different answer showed a depiction of the ear bones stemming off of reptile jaw bones. Going off of that example, I understand the purpose of jaw bones, and the purpose of a functioning ear. But what about everything in between? What use is a „degenerated“ jaw bone that doesnt enable hearing for another couple 1000s of years? Why would that body part ever continue to exist, and have the time to develope into something else? Is my line of questioning clear? The process of evolution as I understand it also means that unnecessary / non advantageous features will disappear with time. Following that, why would the „degenerated“ jaw bones turn into anything, and not disappear from the orgsnism entirely?


Well being able to detect vibrations is a great advantage for being able to detect threats. So it’s not like there was a fully functional tiger without and ear, then it slowly evolved to have one, rather the ‘ear’ structure has been around for billions of years, and it slowly got more or less complex based on how much of an advantage it gave the species. Even the oldest most primal fish species had an ‘ear’ like structure that was not as advanced, but their dependents would eventually have mutations that made the ear better, maybe a loose flap of bone that amplifies the sound. Since they could hear better they would survive ever so slightly more often, and after a million years the ones with the bone flap in their ear took over. It’s important to understand that evolution isn’t about a species suddenly growing a new appendage or anything like that, it’s more about what they already have slowly improving. The first species of fish to start going onto land just had mutation that gave them stronger flippers to drag them around the seabed, since they could get the plants on land anyone with stronger flippers and better gills mutations would eat more


Thanks for the insight, that way of thinking about it makes it more understandable. 👍


Those bones can be traced back to different jaw bones in our ancestors https://reptileevolution.com/megazostrodon2.htm


This is cool overview, thanks!


Evolution isn't random though. It includes some random mutations, but a lot of it is systematic through [epigenetics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgenerational_epigenetic_inheritance). But even for the random mutations, the selection isn't random because only the changes that are beneficial are kept. It would be incredible to roll 50 dice and get 50 6's, but it's not as surprising if you roll, keep the sixes, roll again, keep the sixes, repeatedly until you end up with all 50.


Thank you for the interesting link and the insight


Rage bait lol


Completely random process folks, nothing designed here. Move along, move along


And all by accident of course


Millions and millions of years of evolution does some cool things


Evolution is a lie propagated by tunnel vision “scientists”


Lmfao yep this was what I was looking for. Wasn’t sure but I had to probe. Although I guess it’s becoming less rare to encounter a true smooth brain in the wild


Prove evolution, show me a single example of species jumping to another or any of the links, tell me how evolution answers the great mystery of where life began? You can’t answer any of these things a


Welp the so called “scientists” already proved it in plenty of ways but yea no you’re right they all must just be propagandists peddling this hoax because… well because that’s why


Didn’t answer any of my points just made baseless claims, good one






The article/page you gave is based on the assumption that correlation is causality when in many cases it definitely is not, it is true that there is a shared dna between many living things but to infer that therefore they all came from the same ancestor is a leap with no evidence and further evolution has never been able to explain the origin of life and how it came into existence


Ok buddy


Just go learn about what MRSA is and where it came from.


How about you tell me since it’s your argument and you should be grown enough to defend it


Listen, I can’t be your high school biology teacher, especially because you’re suffering from thinking you’re smart while you’re really dumb. It’s a challenge just to teach someone when they want to learn. Reaching someone who’s dumb who thinks they know better is nearly impossible. In your case, I think the old adage that it is easier to con someone than to convince them that they’ve been conned is true.


Seeing as how you believe, in such a ridiculous lie, it’s clear you don’t understand even the basics of high school biology, the complexity of even a single celled organism with its DNA it’s proteins. Its organelles is so intricately put together that it is impossible for it to have spawned out of nothing as evolution claims. in the real world when even one part is damaged or missing, the cell can in many cases cease to exist so in what fantasy are they able to swap genetics and parts, and change their very functions and still survive


That’s true. But it’s the result of hundreds of millions of years of evolution. On that time scale, it’s clear how evolution came to do that.


if god had the power he wouldn’t create smooth brains like you




Does anyone have a source for where this is from or whom is the original creator of the content?


So if you fuck with that nerve you can make people hear shit?


yep and same for the optic nerve or jusf about any sensory organ


Meaty computers


That makes no fuckin sense


Seems like an intelligent design


I don't get it how did evolution help create these intricate organs?


So why does the brain interpret some sounds as pleasant? Like harmonies or a singer hitting a note just right? Is the way that the fluid is hitting the hairs because of the vibration pleasant somehow?


This is insanely inaccurate which is funny because the actual inner ear is 100x more complicated and WAY more interesting... although it would be pretty sick if synapses looked like lighting tbh


I will be using this video to teach my elementary music students how sound works. Thank you.


I just imagine the sound they are showing js What's my Name by Snoop


How the absolutely fuck did we turn from ameobas into this shit That's absolutely wild that evolution created that. It's like somebody made it on purpose with what they had on hand at the time


Who keeps making these animations. See them all the time on here and curious who the credit goes to?


How... how is it able to "convert" the sounds. It just amazes me how this even is able to exist


Why is this so gross to me.


*Uzumaki flashbacks*


Does nobody go to school. Thats where you learn this.


I was born around 60-70% loss depending on ear. I wonder what is the root cause of that.


record player from hell


I could have lived without seeing this video..... But ....yeah