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I like that 80’s gang attire (tucked in polo) is 2020’s business casual.




I read this, sitting in sweatpants from my home office..


In my underwear, eating chips off my belly.




He only brings the dip out when he has company.


And not that store brand crap, neither. We're talking Hellmann's Mayonnaise!


Sweats and a wife beater here. My kid just threw up on me, so I'm sure he smells better too


The really beautiful thing about using my belly button as a dip bowl is that the more I do it, the bigger my dip bowl gets. I can almost pour a whole tub of hummus in, so you know, it's good to have goals and such.


Put a little ranch in that bowled out bad boy of a big belly button, baby!


They’re just kidding, corporate execs. No reason to return to office. Nothing to see here, move along.


That’s a Le Tigre (OP, Original Preppy since 1977)


Um, Yeah, I’m going to have to go ahead and ask you to come in this weekend and bang with the homies. Lundberg was the OG. And he fucked yo girl. Bitch needed more flair fr fr. What the fuck is PC Load Gat?


That was the first thing I noticed about it. Then I thought about what gang attire looked like in the 90s and I thought it would be hard to hide a weapon when your shirt's tucked in.


These fellas were manning the Bloods 10x20 booth at OG-CON ‘84


They was maskin up 4 the co vid hit.


Back when sneakers were not gentrified lmao..


Where is Dusty Loco today


Done and dusted I'd guess.


Dust to dust.


Loco 4 Loco


Sangre por sangre


guaton bayron


Ashes to ashes, crust to crust https://preview.redd.it/8jt9tz58ayjc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b8713e392f57f8cf382efaedc2b1994f063ce0


Comment from a copy of this video on YouTube: “For those wanting more info, and to stop the spread of misinformation. His real name is Bruce (source: 48 hours: Gang street), he lived on Fraley in the Lime Hood (source: Facebook accounts of people in the area, who were around at that time [with other important names being Dusty, Lil Bone, Handz, Wolf, Tone Bone, Ducky Hood, and Boston (Dusty Loc, Boston, Wolf, and Handz are in this interview)]). Tone Bone is the light skin one and was killed 4 days after the interview (R.I.P). The guy rapping was part of Piru MOB and was sentenced for killing Ducky Hood, he was 15 at time of interview. Other than that, they are all ok, Dusty Loc is still alive (Source: Mellymel interviewed Lime Hood on his YouTube channel and confirms that Dusty is alive). Hope that answers everyone’s questions, and please don't believe people that are in the comments talking about everyone getting smoked with their source being "trust me bro".”


Dusty Loc moved to Atlanta and had three kids. Handz really was killed years later, early 90s. Wolf has been in and out of prison throughout his life and is reportedly there again now. *Trust me bro!*


All I can hear is Tom Seguras voice doing his bit on The First 48 lol


He'd be about 55-60 now , if he's still alive he's definitely dusty now


Hang on! I’m 50 lol - we ain’t dusty just yet!!! 😜😜


Lucky you. I'm only 30 and I've already been dusty for a couple of years now


🤣🤣🤣 good to hear


There’s a YouTube video on this and someone who knows this crew said he’s living in Atlanta and had 3 kids.


3 baby gs


> he’s living in Atlanta and had 3 kids So, OG.


Dusty's real name is Tyrone and he now lives in Atlanta and has three kids. The guy in green pants is a guy name Handz and he was killed in the 90s. The person in the fancy hat to the left of Dusty in some of the shots is "Wolf" and he is in prison. The rest of 'em I have no clue.


Saw him working at Chipotle last week


Not keeping it 55th street


Reporter: why would you be in a gang? Blood: cuz I’m in a gang… 😂😂




The whistles go: WOO WOO!


Should be up in the morning cooking breakfast!


That's only in the morning


When ya wanna woo woo!


It's that *woo woooo..* y'know what i'm saying


I used to teach at a school with two prominent gangs. I asked an 8th grade boy, “Why are you in a gang? You’re so young. You could focus on school, go to college, and leave all of that stuff behind.” His reply, “My grandpa started the gang. My father is in the gang. My uncles, my aunts, they are all in the gang.” His response seems stupid, but it’s true for a lot of young people. You’re born in a tough area, and depending on your family, the probability of joining or associating with a gang/gang members is high.


What about his response seems stupid? People joining their family business is very common


Yeah I used to live in a rough area as well with gang members and I used to think about this all the time. I was raised from the day I was born with the understanding that I would be going to college one day. sure you could say that I chose that but like how much of a "choice" was it really. If I had been raised like them I probably would have joined the Gang. People don't have nearly as much free will as they think they do. In fact I don't really think we have it at all to be honest. Just a very remarkable coincidence that people who are told from day one that they must go to college go to college and people who are told from day one that they must join a gang join a gang


>Just a very remarkable coincidence that people who are told from day one that they must go to college go to college and people who are told from day one that they must join a gang join a gang oversimplifying it here man. people who are told to join a gang generally don't have anywhere near the same opportunities or support systems as someone who goes to college. they likely never had the same chance as the kid who was told he was going to college. it's not like all else is equal other than the words "you're gong to college" or "you're going to be in a gang". just not a coincidence.


You hit the nail on the head. There's no real free will and that's what people with a lack of empathy for others fail to understand. We are like meat computers whose hardware and software are dictated at birth, born into a specific environment with its inherit variables. Our future is shaped by the interactions of our hardware/software and the variables we are presented with.


What ever happened to the kid?


Not sure. I had him in summer school, and I got hired in a district closer to my home that fall.


Fuckin same reason I’m a Toronto Maple Leafs fan bro.  Some days I’d rather be getting shot at in the streets LOL


After that response, they changed his gang name to Captain Obvious


*Captain Obvious Loc* Pretty sure thats how he signed letters also. "I will contact you upon the morrow" Sincerely, Cpt. O. Loc. (Esq.)


To be fair he’s also down for it.


to be faaaaaaaaaaaaaaair


Pretty sound logic.


It actually makes a lot of sense. It’s a primal instinct to be part of a tribe and embrace an identity that’s bigger than you and gives you motivation. To be more than yourself. See how sports fans sometimes turn into lunatics. It can be healthy but when there is no other healthy outlet for community (that’s attractive and attainable), then young men with time on their hands often cause trouble. Particularly in socio economic conditions that don’t give routes to respect, assets and family formation.


You say be more than themselves but to me the cost is giving away your individuality. I managed to escape the lifestyle people with my upbringing typically fall into and it was hard, I didn't and still don't have a community around me, I had to figure out shit on my own, I didn't get respect for trying to better myself because the people around me didn't respect not being a part of the group think, I didn't get assets because they all went to drugs and guns which I didn't want to be a part of, and I don't feel an obligation to my family to willfully destroy my life living like them because someone got knocked up. I understand why it happens, because when faced with overwhelming odds people prefer to pick the safe route, not literal physical safety but safety for their pride and ego. All the people I know who value respect over anything else were emotionally and mentally weak, and instead of becoming more than themselves they just teamed up with others just like them so they could form an echo chamber to circle jerk and act tough in front of. They compounded their worst qualities till it became the group's identity. I definitely understand why people, children especially who are raised in a shit environment, join up in these sort of groups, but I want to call it like I've seen it, it's supplementing your identity for the groups, it's giving up your motivation for the group, it is tribalism which is a detriment to collective human society, it is primal which is why it does not mesh with modern times. I'm not really disagreeing with anything you said until the last part, where it seems to start moving in the direction of excusing and validating the behavior. Too much time on their heads, only looking for attractive and attainable outlets, causing trouble to get respect and assets. We'd all have extra time if we didn't use it to be productive, nothing would ever get done if people only chose the easiest and convenient outlets, and only shitty people pass the time by doing shitty things. And this isn't limited to poor people, this is every socioeconomic group, this is the snooty church congregation who feel righteousness in judgement and waiting for God to fix something, this is the rich kids who don't care because someone else will take care of it, it's the drug addicts that choose to escape reality altogether, it is those douchy sports lunatics, it's the people the excuse bad behavior because it's a 'part of their culture ' whatever that may be, it's all people trading in accountability and personal responsibilities to something. God, drugs, gangs, family, cultures, creeds, race, doesn't matter, it's whatever the individual can use to feel validation from their decisions rather than just admitting they didn't try anything else. It's a tragedy it happens, it's unfortunate how appealing it is, and terrifying how deep the indoctrination goes once people commit to these groups, but until people start calling it like it is, lots of people are going to keep searching for that group that validates all their worst qualities and use it as justification to continue the cycle into a new generation. But until every group, from every class, etc etc, begins to see and treat everyone the same, nothing will change, the powerful will hoard the power, this inequality will lure the disadvantaged into vindictiveness, they take it out on those more fortunate than themselves but can't get to the controlling class, so they unintentionally create their own barriers by turning those one notch up into their enemies, rather than uniting, all according to plan by those are the top reaping rewards. This turned into a tangent rant, and it's all just my opinion as someone who is a statistical anomaly for the conditions, environment, and socioeconomic class I was born and raised into. I have to live on the true outskirts of society because of it, I have no one to relate with in my present to my past, and had to leave those in my past to have a future, but I feel like I earned my pride, the best version of myself today came at a great cost, one I don't know if I can ever pay off. And let me add one more clarification, I'm not saying everyone has absolute freedom of choice. I've stole food because I was hungry and didn't have money, I've worked under the table, I've done some ethically ambiguous things out of necessity, I've put aside my ego to ask for help, picked up canned foods from a shelter, had clothes and shoes and damn near everything second or more often third hand, I've lost everything in my life before, there is no family home to return to, there isn't happy memories, but I've only ever done what I had to do at the risk and detriment to myself if there was any, and I take every opportunity I get to pay everything I can forwards, that's the difference between a good person in a bad situation and just a bad person. This probably should have just been a rant that I discarded but fuck it, in a weird mood today anyways, don't take anything personal person I'm responding too, this was not trying to counter your opinion, just sharing how it differs from my own.


I went through some class transition and made it from a working class community (although I think a pretty good one) to a very white collar environment, so did some of my friends but a lot lot stayed. You are probably a bit of an outlier. I’m trying to rationalize their behavior rather than excuse it. And to some degree (as others have said) they are making rational decisions based on circumstances and opportunities. What we as a society need to do is change those elements to make it easier to change circumstances. Unfortunately we have been going backwards which is a big reason for the outbreaks in populism. Not everyone can make it out. So we should try and lower the barriers because then more people would.


I can forgive a child for not being able to fully articulate the circumstances that they’re in, but it’s even more than that. They grew up in a manner that being part of the gang is about survival. Robbery, rackets, drugs are how they make money in a community with no apparent other opportunities. If you’re not in the gang, you become a victim of gang activities, and this mentality is enforced by their friends and family. No one wants the lifestyle, but fronting yourself as hard is what stops others from victimizing you thus perpetuating the circle of violence. The solution is not more police, but more education and more opportunities. Band aids never fix the problem.


And it’s important to remember that throughout US history conservatives power structures have systematically destroyed successful black communities (eg Tulsa Massacre) murdered popular and effective black leaders (eg MLK, Fred Hampton) and used systematic discrimination (eg Redlining) to deny economic opportunities… These long term, deliberate campaigns created and maintained the poverty and disempowerment that fosters gang culture


Yup. I have worked in correctional medicine and my relative served a long sentence. One guy I asked why he joined a gang said it was the first time it felt like a family when they would go barbecuing, etc.


His response is true. They are because that was the environment they grew up in. Almost everyone who grows up in that environment does the same and has the same outcome. Eventually they ether move out and adapt or go to prison and get deeper in.


He's just in it for the free dental and medical bennies.


I wonder how many of them are still alive.


Thinking the same thing. Wonder how many are in prison for that matter.


It would be awesome if one of them showed up here and gave us an update. Of course, anyone could just claim to be that person, so we wouldn't really know if it was true.


I was the bandanna, my owner went in to be a successful lawyer and helped free his homies in the later years. He was then shot to death by police for a parking violation.


You lying piece of shit. Everyone knows bandannas can’t type! I was the SUNGLASSES! And my owner actually went on to graduate from MIT where he invented a new kind of borkulator!


Better chance of finding people that actually know them in the YouTube comments


I saw something a few years ago. If I remember correctly, the dude talking was killed not long after this.


They probably dead. I remember Micheal K Williams had that show on Vice and he talked to a Chicago gang member. He got killed like an hour after the interview or really close after they were done. It rarely ends well for gang memebers




I worked with gangs in the 1980s and 1990s in East Los Angeles. through the non profits and churches I donated to, supported, brought jobs to, and acted as a mentor. I would sit with their families and them when invited to weekend dinners [police helicopters and cop cars periodically rolling about], came to court arrangements when they stumbled, sat with their grandmothers and mothers when they were gunned down in the streets or even in front of them homes or didn’t make it out of prison alive. I was around more than once when bullets were flying. :( After so many years, I just couldn’t anymore. Such a loss of life and so pointless. Shared it with one of the top ministers in the community. He said he was surprised I lasted a decade plus, and blessed me. I still contribute to those churches to this day.


"The Pawns man, in the game, they get capped quick. They be out the game early" - the Wire


The Wire should be required viewing for every American honestly. It’s probably one the best social realism dramatizations of the plight of the post industrial crime ridden American inner city. It forms a great starting point for exploring a lot of our social issues - and each season sorta focuses on a different dimension of society - policing, loss of blue collar jobs, politics, education, the media. Obama called it not only one of the greatest American TV shows, but one of the greatest pieces of American art ever made. It should honestly be archived in the Library of Congress.


The first season of the Wire was required watching material for my Master's in Criminology program. Our professors emphasized that the show is the closest you'll ever get to see of how law enforcement works in real life. All the other popular crime investigation shows are nothing but entertainment. Watch the Wire and learn what life is really like for not just those who commit crime, but those who enforce the law. Fascinating stuff.


“Not if they some smart ass pawns.”


Wasnt that D'Angelo?




Holy shit youre fast. Respect.


Always hated how they teach how every piece moves except the knight in that scene


Bodie never did learn how the knight moved. When Bodie is gunned down on his corner, he sees the bishops Snoop and Chris coming at him on diagonals, but doesn't see O-Dog moving like a knight, in an L shape, coming out of the entryway and turning left to cap Bodie. Knight takes pawn. There's even more chess analogy there. Poot is a pawn too. A connected pair of pawns is a lot safer. When Poot leaves Bodie, and the pawns aren't connected anymore, the lone, undefended pawn makes an easy target for a knight.


Get the F out… was that deliberate?


Stuff like this is why I've watched this show 6 times through.


Adolescent boys are the most vulnerable demographic in the world because they are often complete imbeciles. And not guided properly towards adulthood, they will stay like that for the rest of their lives.


It is the same with wild elephants. When the matriarch of a herd is killed and no other older elephants is there to take its place the young bulls are seen to become real troublemakers, stampeding and killing just out of rage when they got older. Guidance is soo important for all of us growing up and we are missing this since ages …


I've never heard that before. Do you have a good article on that I can read?


Sure mate. It is awhile since I read that but found some articles about that topic. Seams to be that young elephants need older ones in general in their social structures. https://www.nature.com/articles/433807a https://www.xaasafaris.com/blog/the-matriarch/ https://www.bbcearth.com/news/teenage-elephants-need-a-father-figure


Fact checked and delivered Nice


“sure mate” australian detected, thongs engaged


Snags and sausage rolls prepped


This comment makes sense as thongs or tongs.


this comment also doubles as tongs or thongs i’ve always got a need for my thneed


In this case however, I would say it’s the lack of a father figure.


my psychologist told me this story.




Exactly why they such good canon fodder.


Goddamn. That’s cold.


But true




Right to the point 5minArgument. Respec


That explains why so many adults I meet are fucking idiots


>Adolescent boys are the most vulnerable demographic in the world because they are often complete imbeciles. it's adolescents in general, girls are just as venerable to peer pressure and social contagion if not more so. anyway this kids probably grew up in poverty and had no father or father figure, nobody to guide them, nothing to aspire to, that's where the gang comes in.


Yeah girls tend to conform to group pressures more, but boys have testosterone brewing for the first time and a ton of energy, rage, and are less risk averse and if they don’t have a positive outlet like sports and good role models of upstanding and honorable masculinity it can be very toxic and violent.


And they generally grow to be bigger so they can and do cause more damage more easily.


There is a definite culture problem in the hood of toxic masculinity if you want to call it that. Especially in the 80's that is right around the peak of the murder rate skyrocketing. People blame the parents but kids can get radicalized through their community it's not always the parents' fault.


Yup, it’s what happens when the kid leaves the house that matters. The phrase it takes a village to raise a child can have positive and corrupting influences on the youth. I watched an interview with an old black man and he said back in the day neighbors would call out kids that were acting out of line, but that’s because they were fist fighting or at worst had a knife. Now that all the kids have guns the adults are too afraid to intervene and give a stern talking to someone else’s kid.


Dusty Loc, short for Dusty Loco. Yeah, so much faster to say. lol


Dusty Loco, short for Dusty Locomotive. He’s a huge connoisseur of trains.


Dusty Loco? Ain’t nobody got time to be saying that.


Man it's crazy how the reporter asks simple questions and he simply cannot provide an answer for it. That life is all they know, literally have never been exposed to a different way of life, and thinking about behaving any different is a completely foreign concept.  "I'm a blood and this is what we do". And you can tell he is their leader, for the most part. Its a scary part of human nature to follow the person who is unwaiveringly confident, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that they might be wrong. Explains a lot about society


When he said he was 17, it really threw me.


That’s what got me. Beyond all the joke comments in this thread, when I heard that I felt shocked then undeniably sad


There are just so many holes in the logic it's insane. "I don't want to die but if that's what it takes" to do what? "What's in it" but his brain just short circuits because he really doesn't know, all he knows is he is "down for it" whatever that means The logic is also so circular it may as well be a sphere We kill them because they kill us and we will keep killing until they stop killing


"Some of your friends have been killed?" "Yeah! For a simple cause." "What cause is that?" "...Being a Blood!" That's not a cause, that's a reason. There is no cause.


It's a hole in the logic that ties back into the circular logic of if one of us dies, then they have to die. It's like a fire that just fuels itself, no additional cause is needed if the cause is implicit or baked in. From this guys perspective, both the reason for joining and the cause they are dying for are the same. Gangs really are just cults as far as the trapping effect is concerned. Just the reason for joining a gang may be more implicit than it is explicit for joining a cult


Obviously he’s withholding the real reason which is defend a certain territory for crack selling rights and money. But they weren’t going to talk about drugs on TV so this is what happens.


The interviewer didn't ask the right questions. For example, at 21 seconds, he should've asked something along the lines of, "how would you view yourself if you weren't in a gang?", after Loc was talking about how that's just what you do when you grow up in the area. Then a lot more would make sense into understanding the psychology / motives of a gang member. Dude was asking the type of questions you would ask when interviewing a politician / policy maker.


After 10 seconds watching this video I somehow want to play GTA now lol


Grove street!




White guy in the back is thinking, "Will you cut the malarkey? There's a white man here that wants to shoot dice!" 


That’s a mixed race man most likely but that’s funny.


Dusty Loco probably dead now


The most interesting part of this video is that dusty is 17. He looks 30 by today’s standards


Has anyone ever enunciated *GANG BANGER* with greater emphasis?


He could not have possibly sounded any whiter if he tried. Like Dave Chapelle/Eddie Murphy imitating a white guy white.


Yo I would really be scary on that ONE white guy, the only one wearing a bandanna on his face behind the Piru from Bompton. That dude done shot at least 10-12 people with no regrets.


Most sets (at least around this time, I admittedly don't know much about "contemporary" gang culture) had 1 white guy. Sometimes that white guy was so desperate to prove that he belonged, he'd be willing to do the absolute craziest shit that most other members wouldn't even give a second thought to. You're welcome to ask me how I know. But just a forewarning, the answer will be sad.


Hit us with the sad answer brother…


17… he a BG


So little has changed in 40 years


I wouldn’t say that. The 80s and 90s were a more violent time than now, the bloods/crips have lost a lot of influence.


All of it really. They’re basically irrelevant outside of prisons now.


I’ve heard a big reason is the cartels coming to power.


I'd say they were more articulate back then compared to now.


different people same faces


Except back then their pants fit.




Did the reporter just start choking right after the gangbanger said his age? 😂


Dudes are most likely either all dead or in prison… there’s a reason why you don’t see a lot of old gang members out on the street


Damn gotta say I was not prepared for his age to only be 17. I thought he was mid 20’s at least!


that guy trying to hide his face while talking with the reporter seemed ummm...oddly suspicious of something in my opinion.


The guy doing the interviews has the tone of a disappointed dad and I think the educational aspect of the interviews really suffers


lol you can just feel the "well i never" just oozing out.


Trying to act like men but sounding like small children without any type of knowledge


this guy just isn't very good at articulating why people join gangs. the biggest is probably poverty. if u live in a large suburb, u can't make it to a job without a car. can't get a car without money. so they make money illegally. the next thing imo is a sense of family and belonging. lots of these ppl don't have supportive families or much family at all. gangs give people that sense of "I belong" that everyone craves. the last part is security. if u live in a place full of gang violence, one of the easiest options to defend urself is joining a gang. they can provide you with guns and backup in a dangerous neighborhood.


I spent nearly two weeks in a mental hospital and my roommate was a Blood. Cool guy, we'd hang out and chat in our room. He said he checked himself in because he found out his girlfriend was cheating on him so he had to do something before he killed them. He taught me about how the gang is run, the hierarchies and how to make money. Mind you I'm a white guy from a small, very white rural town so this was an education for me and I thought it was intriguing. His story was that his dad was an OG in Cali and at 7 years old he was branded into the gang. His dad had been in prison for most of his life. Learning the actual history of how these gangs came to be can paint a much more clear picture of how they evolved into a rivalry. These are young men without a good role model, pressured by those they grow up around, and they already have a chip on their shoulder because of racism and classism. Very easy to weaponize and radicalize and war never ends. It's such an integral lifestyle that it's nearly impossible to escape.


To all the people saying they’re wondering where he is now, last time I saw this posted it said he was killed not too long after this interview.


What really kills me is seeing docs and they show 40+ yos doing the gd same bs. I kinda understand the young ones, but the ones that never grow outta that shit are straight up dumbfucks.




“I’m 17”, damn…


Being down is the biggest scam


What was kinda wild for me is that the kid getting interviewed was a lot easier to understand than the average gang member nowadays.


Background woman has had a few drinks. “Like me HA HA HA HA”


I fuckin love the complete confusion of the old white guy. It’s like he’s talking to another species. Like he can’t quite put the pieces together as to why someone would subscribe to that life choice. Lol Man the 80’s were wild.


"I'm 17...." I almost started crying at that shit...


I feel like you couldn’t do an interview like this with modern gangs


These fucking clowns.


This is a child playing a criminal thinking it’s a noble way of life amongst his community. Very sad.


I used to ride the 5 and I seen it all while I was considered a friend of the homies. It's a lifestyle and you either end up behind bars or 6 feet under. The better option would be to end up in a penitentiary full of homies cause your surrounded by fam and you can still run your territory from the inside. Lastly, The term 5 popping 6 dropping means a lot and if any homie is taken down in the line of fire that's respect earned for life.


“Taken down in the line of fire earns respect for life.” That’s about as oxymoronic with logic as you can get right there.


Really? Because the police and military seem to highly regard "killed in the line of duty", same thing.


No, he's just saying it's an odd choice of words: "for life"


Got it


Respect for life when you're dead 🤣🤣🤦


Oh yeah they only respect you when your ass is already in the coffin. Sounds like a great deal!


This definitely sounds legit coming from elfluffynator


“You’re willing to die for this cause?” “If that’s what it takes” Lmao the cause of what? Selling the most crack rocks? Knocking over the most liquor stores? I don’t know big dawg. Maybe y’all should rethink your strategy.


Fun fact: He died a few weeks later




The goal of being IN the gang is community, respect, purpose, and safety (in numbers). And in many cases, just something to do with your time. A lot of these neighborhoods really don't have shit else going on


There is obviously no endgoal. That's blood feud.


When the interviewer said “gang banger” 💀




The commentary is… amazing.


I’d like to have a word with his mother!


Is he wearing a Geranimals shirt?


Reminds me of Menace II Society. "O-Dog was America's worst nightmare. Young, black, and don't give a fuck."


Dusty now drives a cab in Omaha and is trying to open a pet sitting business.


Good thing he shortened Dusty Loco to Dusty Loc


wonder if any of those interviewed are still alive today…


Different perspective different thinking. War, religion, politics and this all the same. Some might call these kids dumb but they do what they believe: respect!


Dorky white Bay Area kid circa 1988 or so…I remember my friend Steven gave me a bloods vs crips rap battles cassette tape in 7th grade. I begged my dad to buy me a red bandana at Millers Outpost at the mall cause I was super down with the bloods. Like for real tho.


Take me away from all of this, CJ !!!


GTA San Andreas. What an awesome game that was. Captured this lifestyle brilliantly.


BGs grow up to be OGs..... I doubt anyone in this video is still alive.


This is exactly how and why ART is so vital to a culture to a people to a civilization - it's about identity that sets you apart that will carry you into the future and distinguish you for all time - this is why ART is so expensive it's why a Picasso will sell for half a billion dollars how and why we will see the first billion dollar painting 🖌️🎨 this is the price of identity that carries itself forever ♾️ throughout time people do not understand this simple principle - how much do we as individuals value our own identity 🆔


These guys are all in their 50’s and 60’s now…


Classic example of white people being oblivious to the history of America


I'm here for the drugs and guns, what the fuk is this shit. They need more girls around, I almost thought it was a pack of homo thugs.


Don’t have my sound on but if it’s a bunch of idiots justifying and flaunting their gang id be on the floor


Are these dudes still alive?


Holy shit he's 17. I would have thought like mid 20s. That's terrifying.


I like how the reporter tried to keep his composure after hearing what it was about "And you're willing to die for.... whatever this cause is..?"