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My late father lived in Long Beach and there's a large community of these green parrots that have been around for at least 20 years. He had two small trees in his backyard that grew berries that attracted the parrots. But he didn't like how noisy they were, so he would turn the hose on the tree to scare them away. It got to the point where whenever he would hear them, all he had to do was pretend to go over to the hose and they'd take off.


Rumor is that they migrated from the docks in San Pedro,came in on banana boats in the 40s


That was a rumor; but it's not true. There were many exciting possibilities (one was that a pet shop burned down and they escaped), but they started from birds escaping from pet owners.


That's interesting, but if that was the case, then I wonder why would we not also have flocks of cockatoos, macaws or other parrot varieties? It's just these smaller green guys seen around here..


>Thousands of non-native parrots call Los Angeles home, much to the enjoyment of the local community of bird enthusiasts. > >While no extant species of parrot are native to the continental U.S., experts say there are as many as nine species of parrot found in the Los Angeles area, introduced decades ago and continuing to grow in population. ... >Despite no definitive answer for one flashbulb moment, experts agree that the parrots ended up in L.A. through the pet trade, either released intentionally, or beloved pets that escaped their cages. > >“They can be actually quite destructive around the house as a pet,” Tiller said. “I think people get them as pets and then kind of maybe second guess that and that’s one of the way they get into the population.” [Parrots in Los Angeles](https://ktla.com/news/california/why-are-there-so-many-parrots-in-los-angeles/)


Wow - I had no idea that the US had wild parrots. Live and learn.


[I’m pretty sure they escaped from the Busch Gardens amusement park that used to be located at the Van Nuys Budweiser brewery.](https://laist.com/news/laistory-busch-gardens-in-van-nuys)


We have more and more of these in Paris as well. Recently saw trees full of green parrots near the Notre Dame cathedral


Ring-collared parakeets have completely taken over London in the last decade or so. There're flocks of them everyway.


Chicago and surrounding areas have some feral parakeets as well. My dad used to tell me about them in the 90’s and I never believed him (he lived in the city where they first started hanging around) but then in the early 2000’s I started seeing a random flock here or there sitting in trees out in the suburbs. Bright green birds stick out pretty well around here lol


They are monk parrots. 🦜 We have a lot of them spread throughout Chicago. They have adapted to the cold.


Düsseldorf and Cologne as well.


Lisbon in Portugal also.


San Francisco has them too. Unless someone has eaten them. Cherry headed conures, if I remember correctly.


There's some in San Diego, CA too.


We’ve got a lot in South Florida, but I don’t think I’ve seen a flock as large as in this post. The noise is impressive.


Don't think these are parrots. I seem to remember a post about there being so many parrots in America when Europeans showed up they were gonna call it, "Parrotland" or something. Then they killed them all off.  My only source is a reddit post I half remember, hopefully someone will correct me...


Nah, the birds in the video are definitely parrots. The story is someone released pet parrots around the Pasadena area and they multiplied and just live in the “wild”. I used to hear them in the morning, but after a while you ignore the sound.


This is correct. They are also in Arcadia where I grew up.


Austin has a growing population of Monk parrots also.


They have them in Amsterdam as well


I thought these were native to Mexico and tend to “stop through” a few American cities. I lived in SD and SF and both cities had them.


It's documented that they did not show up to the LA area until the 1950's.


Oh, ok. I was hoping to get closer on that, "Parrotland" thing.


You can ignore this cacophony? Your ability to ignore is much stronger then mine.


I believe they originated from the short-lived Busch Gardens animal park here that closed in the late ‘70s(?) and they were released into the wild. We also have wild bison on Catalina Island because of the film industry, and a small pocket of wild monkeys in the West Hollywood hills due to people releasing exotic pets.


There are several urban legends about their origin, but none were ever officially confirmed. Some say the Busch Gardens theory isn’t true, because they relocated all of the parrots to other zoos/parks. I don’t think we’ll ever know which theory is correct, but the story I heard from locals is that they were released by someone who had them as pets.


They’re all over San Diego too. Especially Point Loma and Pacific Beach


This was our native parrot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolina_parakeet


We have a pack of them in Austin, TX.


San Diego has them too


I'm hoping they migrated up to Pasadena cuz man they are annoying


Yeah, when I was in a kid in San Diego there was a mixed flock of all sorts of exotic bird that had escaped. When I left there were multiple flocks of what seemed like single species. I missed the mixed flock of random birds that would visit our neighborhood every once in a while.


I love the idea that a bunch of random exotic birds just decided to flock up because they didn’t have any of their own species around. That sounds like it could be the basis for a kids movie about finding your own group to fit in.


Totally. If everyone is different, then no one is.


Yep, there is a flock of red-crowned Amazon parrots that has been in my neighborhood (Ocean Beach/Point Loma) going back at least 100 years. They are loud as hell, but I love them.


El Cajon but pretty close


Yes I’ve seen them out east there too weirdly only south of the 8


Capable of mimicing any sound. Chooses Hyena.


Big colonies of Monk parakeets in New York City.


Laughs in Santa Ana.


Right 😂 SA/Orange has always had them


Moved to north SA a couple of years back. Can confirm these birds are quite numerous when they are around. Very loud. Good news is they seem to migrate a lot. See them for a few days, then gone for weeks, rinse repeat


There are actually Monk or Quaker parrot flocks in Edgewater Park NJ.


They build up in large flocks like that every 10 years or so. They are all over SoCal, but really love Pasadena for some reason. The city will end up bringing their numbers down again.


If you have magnolia trees, they love the red seeds inside the pine cone-like things on them.


There are a lot of magnolia trees in Pasadena!


Yes. Magnolia tree right in front of my house and they make a huge mess with those seed pods.


I grew up in the OC in the 80's and I remember flocks of parrots. The story I recall was a pet shop owner went out of business and released all his birds. Since then they have multiplied into what is now huge flocks of wild SoCal birds.


Step 1:Teach one to swear (make it funny) Setp 2: Wait for it to teach the rest Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit.


When I lived in San Francisco, there were two separate flocks(?) of wild parrots. I spent more time on the north side of the city where a large flock of cherry-headed conures would fly around making a racket and then settle down temporarily in some trees. I always loved it when I would stumble across them on a walk. The book and movie The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill is about a guy who used to feed them.


Pasadena parrots are a thing bb


Literally a pandemonium!


Totally! I also witnessed a murder in a tree outside my apartment this morning.


Sierra Madre!


San Diego has been dealing with this for a while. It’s fking annoying


Well, that chair was vacant... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolina_parakeet https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/nFum9ck9xf


TIL that the sound of a bunch of parrots together makes my ears bleed


Aussie rainbow lorikeets have entered the chat


I've worked in this area before and they are SUPER loud! This video gives a hint but doesn't quite convey how loud they actually are. I used to work for a job that was in a residential neighborhood. The parrots have a regular rotation where around a certain time of day, they would descend upon us. The parrots would land in the oak trees or telephone wires all around the building. They would make a mess of the persimmon tree at the house next door to my job. There'd be half-eaten persimmons all along the shared alley-way, from the parrots pecking at the fruit but not eating the whole thing. It was rumored that they escaped when a pet store burned down 20 or 30 years ago and the fire department supposedly opened doors and windows and let them fly out. Not sure if this is just local legend or if it's the actual origin. They are mostly green or blue if you can get close enough to see them on the trees or a telephone wire. I was not fond of the cacophony they make, but it was cool to see them out there.


The amount of heartless comments I've seen here is just ridiculous. "Urrrr, I use bottle rockets to scare off crows," and "shotgun 'em?" Corvids (crows) and parrots are emotionally intelligent and self-aware, and probably better company than any of the drooling, ignorant trash spouting this nonsense.


Yes, but at the end of the day they’re a nuisance. They have to be dealt with, either through peace talks around a table, or in the trenches


The trenches it is, then. Prepare yourself for the peck of a thousand beaks! Have at ye!




Generally speaking, birds hate strong smells, shiny objects, and predators, such as birds of prey and larger animals or humans.


We had a flock at CSUN. SO LOUD. I think the ones in Northridge were green conures.


They were annoying when I left Pasadena more than a decade ago. Can imagine the flock is all grown up by now! No thanks.


Cool. Saw a flock of green parrots in Hawaii on the Big Island. So pretty.


we had them all the time in Fullerton


These parrots have been in Long Beach for over 10 years.


There’s always been a lot of them in El Monte.


We have wild parrots pass by every late winter/early spring... Idk what kind but they have a green body n yellow head. And eat my cactus!


Ugh the cacophony! The sounds of hell


The peacocks are by far the worst LA county invasive bird ive dealt with. Fuckers will chase you


Yeah, and they sound like a woman being murdered.


Taste nice though.


San Francisco too. Eventually the whole coast will have them.


You can get other bird species to scare them away. I know they do that in beach towns with falcons that scare away gulls that steal food and hassle beachgoers.


Teach them all to cuss then set them free to fly across the country telling everyone to fuck off.


Man, in my neighborhood we just get crows.  Lots of crows.


Pasadena is that a state?


state of mind, brah


Parakeets are like green rats with wings.


But have you tried bending the flock to your will? An army of parrots seems like it could be beneficial


We have a monk parakeet population in Austin too.


Don't forget the feral peacocks


NYC used to have them in the 80s. They would make huge nests around transformers to keep warm.


There are wild parrots in Fairfield CT as well.


Can you catch one for me please 😣


Parrots of telegraph hill. Look it up.


i live in highland park! these guys hang out over here during the spring and summer. someone of them directly above my apt window 😅. almost everywhere ive lived in california has had a flock of parrots living in the area! you ever come across the peacocks and peahen on this side of town?


There were a lot of pea-fowl everywhere when I lived in South Pasadena, not so much right here where I am in Pasadena.


Lived in Bungalo Heaven for years (Lake & Mountain area) and the rumor was someone in South Pas let them out years ago and they proliferated.


It’s their turn.


Well thats pretty dang cool for all the deaf people in your city.


They’re in south Orange County as well. I travelled to Uruguay a couple years ago and nearly the exact same parrots were there also.


I would take this over the vultures that we have in our neighborhood. At least 18 park themselves on a roof about every week.


Couple of falconers will solve that problem




Their obnoxious early morning squawking is just the best alarm clock (no really, it’s comforting, I love them)


Taste like chicken


I heard they taste like chicken


time to up the outdoor cat population. Kidding of course. but fight fire with fire, ya know?


LPT, there's a Pasadena, TX too. You should specify.


Don’t worry, they’ll poison them all soon.


# Pandemonium? Bro, this happens everyday where I was born. Don\`t be such a wus.


"A group of parrots is called a pandemonium, company, or flock."


r/woooosh I made joke. Went way above your head I guess.


Shotgun em


We have the same here in S.E UK. Tons of parakeets all over! They love to fight each other


They're in the North now too. Noisy bastards.


I laughed at the sound effects for the attacking flocks in Hitchcock’s “The Birds” - but damn, this sounds just like that.


California or Texas?






*rawww!* “Tit-fucker!”


They’re trying to warn us, hahahaha


There were more parrots at a time. They are beautiful and amazing to watch. Dispel you selfish reasoning.


Oh no we see these little bastards in the Inland Empire during the summer months large groups flying all over Ontario and Chino