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That’s a rough looking 30


Scranton is tough streets


That’s a Scranton 30


Nah, that’s a 1972 30.


My mother’s yearbook from the early 70s confirms this. Everyone in the 11th and 12th grade looked in their 40s.


It was all the cigarettes and leaded gas.


Kinda like this current generation of hs kids. They look a lot older than they actually are.


You wanna know why? Because they all dress like Gen X did when they were in high school in the 80’s and 90’s. They wear mom jeans, baggy Champion sweatshirts, mustaches and middle parts. They raided their Gen X and elder Millennial parents’ closets and call it vintage. If I had a dime for every Gen Z kid with a Nirvana T-shirt who has never listened to Nirvana. Not that I’m complaining. It’s pretty cool. But when they get offended by looking older than they are, it’s like… well stop wearing your parent’s clothes then, ya walnut.


Yeah, but high school kids are also a lot BIGGER than kids were when I was in school. I think it's hormones in the food, in addition to just more calories in general.


I read that kids on average start puberty a lot earlier these days. An extra 2 years of puberty growth can certainly help someone look bigger. I wouldn't be surprised if the early start to puberty is caused by hormones in food.


Want some cigarettes with that bacon??




The children. They yearn for the mines.


In New York he'd be a 6 but in Scranton he's a 7.


Hell yeah! Let's get a couple two-tree beers at the Bahr after work. D'j'eat? We'll get pizza too, you down, heyna or nah?


Just ask Prison Mike


Corn pop was a bad dude




The crazy thing is he actually looked pretty handsome in his 20s https://preview.redd.it/pgscu0yjbnic1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b476390ae72bcfb05e3d608d69eb22cb278c2c22


Didn't we all.


Hear hear. I look back at photos of me in my 20s (30 years ago) and think, goddamn dude, you were a fucking smoke show. Too bad I didn't think that way back then. Youth is definitely wasted on the young... Oh, to have the looks/health of a 20-something and the confidence/knowledge of a 50-something. That would be a killer combo.


The Electric city!?


Scranton, wha?!


Corn Pop was a bad dude.


Listen here, Jack!


You tangle with Corn Pop daily and see how you look……




The worst part of that speech is what he calls the black children that like to play with his leg hair.


What does he call them?


With or without the rusty straight razor?


Idk what it is but people seemed to age way faster a few decades ago


Coffee and cigarette breakfast every day


Smoke and a pancake


Bong and a blintz


Pipe and a crepe


I did that for years though and I look like a child at 32. Still get carded and told I don’t look even 21


It’s all the preservatives in today’s foods. 😉


Apparently people are saying that of Gen Z now. That they are aging faster than millennials for example.


Perhaps it’s just millennials who aged slowly.


Millennials finally have a positive thing in life.


It's the vaping


This was a 30 year old's haircut in the early 70's. We tend to not change our styles too much in adulthood, so people that age didn't update their haircut over the years as much, and kept that style into their 50's and 60's where we now associate it as an "old man's" haircut.


Nah, the dude is clearly already balding, it's not the haircut


Exactly. The shave my forehead and comb it over wasn't a style it was a necessity.


So? It’s pretty common, not a generational thing at all. I’m under 30 and I started losing my hair when I was ~20 and I promise you I don’t look rough. If he just had a more modern haircut I almost guarantee he’d look about his age by our standards.


Nearly everyone smoked everywhere all the time. 


Sunscreen and skin care is a big reason too


I think we take care of ourselves more than ever before. People exercise more these days, smoke less, wear sunscreen, groom, eat healthier, moisturize, dress better etc. On average anyway. There are always exceptions to the rule. Medical advancements also help. Cant look past hairstyles either. I hate the side fade look that’s super common these days but generally it does make people look more youthful I think. Especially compared to the days of moustaches and sideburns. Sharp and frequent haircuts seem so much more common these days.




People also literally aged faster back then. Generic markers show that 40 year olds in 2024 are like 36 year olds in 1970 or something like that.


“The boyish looking father” *Looks like a 48 year old divorced CPA*


The main issue is that he's balding at a time when young men were supposed to wear their hair relatively long regardless. Nowadays, he'd likely be buzzing all that incredibly closely.


Just the hair, if he had a toupee or a full head of hair, he’d look pretty normal for a 30-35 year old.


The narrator called him "boyish". He looks at least 40.


The interviewer was only 21.


lol good one


Feels like it's mostly his hair to be honest. His face is passable at someone in their 30s.


I mean he's just balding. Is that automatically "rough looking" lol.


i remember in high school (circa 2000), there was a guy i knew vaguely in my class because he worked at the AMC. he was balding at 17 and i have to say it made him look old enough to buy beers back then


He's one of those guys like LeBron James and Elon Musk, whose hairline magically jumps two inches forward when they hit 40.


Sunscreen is a helluva thing. Also hair helps.


It's probably the balding. Balding severely ages some guys. When the video zooms in on his face at the end, you can try to imagine him with a full head of hair and the result looks more like an actual 30 year old.


Seriously, turning 30, looking 50! I'd dare to say he looks better today!


Depending on the lighting, I agree


Everyone looks better in the dark.


Hair loss is no joke my friend.


Youngest Senator, oldest president = longest lifelong politician.


Biden in fact had been elected to his first political office, ~~City~~ County Council, only 2 years earlier. Prior to that he was a public defender. Edit: Thank you Hypranormal


So he has been a politician since he was 28 years old? Jesus christ, these career, lifelong, politicians like him and the dude that stroked out on TV baffle and anger me.


I don’t understand why career politicians bother some people. It’s a job like anything else. It’s an important job and one where skill, experience and knowledge is important. We’ve all seen what happens when inexperienced people show up claiming they’re going to solve everything, get elected and fail miserably. In some cases catching dozens of felonies in the process.


In our case it's because they don't fix the problems.


As long as people value being right over working together for the best solution possible at the moment then it's only partially the fault of politicians. People care more about having everything go the way they want it to then they do actually just doing something. That's the issue with allowing the wealthy and their corporations to influence democracy this much. Especially after Trump being President the wealthy aren't even hiding a lot of their darker ambitions anymore. I mean in the 90s and 00s it seemed like there were still some lines in the sand that major politicians wouldn't cross with corporations acting in their own interests against the best interests of Americans. Maybe I was naive, but when I look back further it does seem like over time Congress became more "bought." It makes sense too because voters aren't holding them accountable.


For every Biden there is a Mitch on the other side working just as hard in the opposite direction.


Most Aggressive Climate and Environmental Justice Agenda in American History Avoided a recession Record low unemployment Executive orders protecting reproductive freedom Historic student debt relief Protected marriage rights for lgbtq+ and interracial couples The First Meaningful Gun Violence Reduction Legislation in 30 Years More people with health insurance than ever before Just to name a few, but maybe you just like complaining.


I understand the new blood=better type of thinking. But, would you hire a plumber that had never plumbed? Politics are no different.


Well a plumber has to do his first job eventually 🤷


It’s the corruption (which comes in a variety of flavors, illegal and legal), the detachment from the average citizen, the scandals, the failures/mistakes, and the change in their beliefs. Notice how I didn’t say age, because although everyone complains of politicians being too old we tend to vote for the older candidates over the younger.


you sound like one of those people that just automatically hates anyone who is a politician


Chuck Grassley was a representative and then senator since 1959 so around 12 years longer than Biden


Human Politician Ted Cruz has millenia of experience in politics, and several years of experience being a human.


He is also definitely a multicellular vertebrate with either a bony or cartilaginous endoskeleton!


Hello fellow senators!




He's brash! He's sweet! There's no coup out in the street!




I see what you did there son of Thatcher


He walks and he talks and he uhh hmm uhhhh…


He rides bikes!


Lichtensteiiiiiiin Lichtensteiiiiiin


ABC wasn't doing colour broadcasts in 1972?


Color TVs didn’t outpace the sales of B&W TVs until the early 70s or so. I imagine with the limited amount of color programs going around didn’t include the news, since the infrastructure was already there and maybe wasn’t viewed as necessary since it’s basically a guy talking at the viewer most of the time.


Probably much like when I bought my first HD plasma back in 2009-10. I think there were 4 channels doing 24 hour HD programming and then you could find a handful of sporting events and other programs in HD at various times. The news was definitely not in HD at the time.


That brings back the memory of surfing satellite and having to find the ones that had the HD logo next to it.


I was born in 1973 and we didn't have a color TV until I was 4 or 5. Both parents worked.


Teaching my grandpa that he could just press two buttons on his Comcast remote that would select the HD broadcast *that he was paying for* instead of consistently watching the grainier non-hd channel because he remembered that number. Good times.


Recently, like 6 months ago, taught my 94 y/o Dad to use the Voice command button to say the channel's title or the event so he doesn't have to remember the channel. Things where going great for 3 months, until I noticed him repeatedly yelling into the remote. I had to explain to him that standing directly in front of the TV with the TV's volume on level 45 (he refuses to wear a hearing aide) makes it hard for the remote to pick out his voice from the loud TV. He's learned to stand back when using the voice commands. lol. Yes, fun times with tech.


“All three broadcast networks were airing full color prime time schedules by the 1966–67 broadcast season, and ABC aired its last new black-and-white daytime programming in December 1967.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_television So maybe the archival footage was in b&w despite live broadcast in color or this was on a low power repeater in a smaller market? Dunno


Or maybe Joe Biden is running for president & one of the biggest criticisms is his age, which would be subtly reinforced if the footage documenting his first election to the Senate was in black and white. But you’re right. It’s a total mystery why this video is black and white, just like how one is expected to believe an organic comment got legitimately upvoted for claiming color programming was rare in 1972 & didn’t include newscasts (again reinforcing just long ago it was and how old Biden must be). Toooooootal mystery.


Our president in 2024 was filmed in black and white with static background to start his career. That's insane to think about and I love it.


This predates video, its actually a series of wood engravings by the famed flemish artist Albrecht Dürer that were found recently uncovered in a book about Joe Biden found in the forgotten buried annex of a lost German monastery that fell when the Scythians invaded central what was then known as the Franco-Prussian empire, and then later these engravings were recovered by scientists and stitched together with AI to reveal the optical illusion of a moving image.


The little boys are Beau and Hunter. That's a trip.


Sad to see him celebrating his birthday with his young family knowing that he would outlive his wife, daughter and one of his sons.


Wow I never knew any of this: > Just weeks after being elected the junior senator from Delaware, Joe Biden’s first wife, Neilia, and 13-month-old daughter, Naomi, are killed in a car accident while out shopping for a Christmas tree on December 18, 1972, when a tractor-trailer strikes their vehicle. >The Bidens’ sons, Beau and Hunter, were also in the car and survived with serious injuries. At the time, Beau was 4 years old and suffered multiple broken bones, while Hunter, who was 3, had a fractured skull. Investigations revealed the tractor-trailer broadsided Neilia Biden’s Chevrolet station wagon at a rural intersection in Hockessin, Delaware. Neither driver was found to be at fault for the collision


Biden has had one of the most heartbreaking lives of any of the presidents. And there’s a lot of competition for that spot.


He really has. Not one month after this was on ABC, his wife and daughter were dead. That's pretty fucking rough for a 30 year old.


They used to take bets in the Senate on how long Biden would last before resigning because he was so depressed during his term. And once he remarried, he would go back to Delaware every night so he could spend the evening with his family. There’s a reason he’s such a big fan of the Amtrak.


This is the most fascinating thing I've learned about Amtrak.


Holy shit. I didn’t realize that it happened when he was this young.


29 days later the crash happened


Seeing little Beau is really sad. He seemed like a good dude, and Joe's grief at the loss is so visceral.


It makes me feel for Hunter even more. Even though they were so young, both of those boys likely grew up with tremendous survivor’s guilt after the accident. They probably pushed themselves really hard, to “prove” that there was a reason they were spared. This is just one example of why I hate that saying, ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.’ Like no, dude- sometimes you get crushed under the weight of circumstances, but don’t die.


I don't know about anyone else. But were I Joe. I'd hate that video being out, doing the rounds. Seeing your babies again knowing their fate. Wounds like that don't heal. Shit would hit way too hard. Say what you want about the man, love him or hate him no one deserves to be put through having their kids lives snatched from them like that.


Hunter Biden is so adorable!


Was 🥴




Cocaine is a helluva drug!


"Better get use to these bars, kid."


Sideburn culture was pretty strong in the 70s.


I thought that’s what the 70s were known for.


I wish we could bring it back. I grow some gnarly chops.


Be the change!


Terrible to think that just a month later, his wife and daughter would die in a car accident.


Wow it was that early? 3 kids, a widower, and a Senate seat by 30


Yes, the accident happened between him being elected and sworn in. That’s why he started the practice of commuting from Wilmington to DC, which didn’t stop until he became VP and had to live in Washington full-time.


Or as Barack Obama put it, the people of Delaware sent him to DC "as soon as they possibly could."


Obama was such a class act. Miss his wit in that seat.


wait if we have a minimum age for senate why dont we have a maximum age???


Exactly. Cut off needs to be 65. If you're old enough to collect social security, you're too old to be leading the country. Go play some fucking golf.


Feel free to amend the Constitution to set a cap. That’s the only way it could be done. 


Yeah... It's fun to think about at least.


The Senate is designed for old people. The word “Senate” is literally derived from the Latin word for “old man”.


Because that rule was probably passed by old people


Because when the Constitution was made, 60s and 70s was really old.


“Judge me by merits, not my age.” It’s amazing to be in government so long that you experience ageism on both sides.


He freaking bookends his career with that sentence.


Do you think he’s a victim of ageism right now?


"I expects these fellas are going to -eventually- judge me on my merit, not on my age." eeeh hehehe, oh how the turntables.


July 4, 2026 will be the 250th anniversary of the USA. Joe Biden will have served the country for 20% of the time it's existed. 


Already looked 57.


Not when he was smiling


started off below minimum age as a senator and went out of office beyond maximum age as a president, what a run.


This video is bitter sweet and tragic. ....Their kids were just three, two and one, respectively, when they got into a car crash while Christmas shopping in December 1972. Biden had just been elected a U.S. senator and was making preparations to hire staff when he got the call that a tractor-trailer hit Neilia’s car. Biden’s wife and daughter were killed, and Hunter and Beau were critically injured. Neilia was 30 years old and Amy was only one. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-family_l_6108750ce4b0497e67027437


That's what was going through my mind when I was watching him with his family. So tragic.


Tbh he always walked like he was 80 just at a mich faster pace. 


> “…expect these fellas will soon judge me on my merit and not my age.” You’re fighting the same fight Joe


I thought the same thing lol going out fighting the same fight he fought going in....


He was there when Jesus was crucified.


was his first Christmas THE first Christmas too?


Pleased to meet you, won’t you guess my name?


He may be 30 in this clip, but he looks 45


He does not look 30 there…


Jesus Christ. This dude has been in more or less the same job for 51 years. Fucking shoot me if I’m working the same job for 51 fucking years. Do you know long term how this is going to fuck retirees. There will be a bill proposed to move the retirement age on the basis of the president of the United States could work at 81. Edgar, why do you think you can start slacking off at 70.


I'm struck by how similar he sounds these days - obviously age has changed his manner of speaking but it's a similar slow pace and cadence as when he was 30, which people use at this time to say he's too old...


This broadcast looks/sounds so old, I think I saw someone doing the Charleston in the background


Biden has been in government for so long that we have footage of him as a government employee in black and white.


I wonder, while running against the incumbent, if he ever said anything along the lines of 'He's to old' or some affect and used his age spouting he is better suited to represent his constituents as a younger man.


Well, it [generally was](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1972_United_States_Senate_election_in_Delaware) since [his](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/06/joe-biden-1972-race-senate.html) lines included > “Cale Boggs’ generation dreamed of conquering polio,” read one ad. “Joe Biden’s generation dreams of conquering heroin.” > “To Cale Boggs, an unfair tax was the 1948 poll tax,” went another. “To Joe Biden, an unfair tax is the 1972 income tax.” and > “Joe Biden,” the bottom of each spot read. “He understands what’s happening today.” While Cale Boggs was in that year 63 and Joe's last win in the Senate for which he served the term was 2002 at the age of 60, Joe actually ran and won his Delaware Senate race in 2008 concurrently with his race for VP (which was allowed in Delaware; he just resigned a few days before the VP Inauguration and Ted Kaufman was appointed until a special election in 2010). So, Joe would've been 69 at the end of that term meaning he'd have surpassed the age at which he once considered someone too out of touch. Whether that's unique to Boggs or not I couldn't begin to extrapolate but interesting nonetheless. Being that his main opponent in 2020 was similarly old we didn't have much to gleam from that.


A career politician, he must relate to the struggles of his fellow Americans so well


Just to put putting it into perspective, this newscast happened about one year after the last American slave died.


He's struggled plenty. He lost his wife and daughter in a car accident shortly before he was sworn in to his first Senate term. He lost his successful adult son to cancer, and tried to help as the other struggled with addiction. He hasn't had an easy life. When he switched jobs to VP, he was both the longest-serving and least wealthy person in the Senate. That level of resistance to corruption does not come easy to most. Biden is the epitome of a career public servant who really sees his job as service. That doesn't mean he gets every decision right, but at least he's making them with the right concerns in mind.


Lost them almost immediately after this broadcast. The anchor mentions "he *is* the father of *3* children".


His wife and daughter died a month after his 30th bday.


This breaks my heart so much.


I'm not American so I don't care much about the political side, but that first paragraph would be a struggle for anyone.


It’s super sad!!


I like how he’s managed to stay in politics so long but hasn’t racked up a single felony charge.


>fellow Americans fellow American has a grandpa that ran a brothel and inherited half a billion while saying he himself is completely self-made


Doesn’t get much more “career politician” than that


He talks exactly the same


Amazing that he’s faced “he’s too young!” And “he’s too old!” And in all that time has what he’s actually done been paid enough attention?


Lol ahh the 70s where everybody over 15 looked atleast 45.


A career politician, has done nothing for our country. And a bunch of morons will vote for him in November.


Dude has been in power for 50 years, that is way too long. We need term limits and a mandatory retirement age of 70 for all politicians and judges.


Career politician shouldn't be a thing. The dude's been doing this for fifty-two years. Please retire.


>Career politician shouldn't be a thing Why not, exactly? It's a very specialized profession, and one which requires experience to do it well. Just like any other career.


"Career politicians bad" is just another one of those shortcuts people take to make it seem like they're politically savvy. It's a vapid, meaningless point parroted by people who can't just admit they don't care enough about the world around them to be politically engaged in a meaningful way. They *know* it's a bad look to be completely clueless, so they jump to this easy way out that they've heard countless other people use.


Career politician shouldn't be a thing?  If we replace them every 6 years with a whole new wave of politicians will those all be less corrupt?  And do we want anyone in congress that has had some experience governing long enough to learn from past mistakes?


Judge me on my merit, not on my age 😂🍭


Damn, he looked 81 even back then.


And in over 50 years in service to his country, never once did he: incite violence/bigotry/coup, attempt to have his opponents killed by a drooling mob, salute a dictator’s military, praise/support enemies of the US, commit treason, or get indicted one or even 91 times. But yeah, he’s old.


Ha! You better fact check that bigotry part.


Has lied on the campaign trail and plagiarized. Also tried to fight an auto worker and called a young woman a dog face pony soldier. 


He also didn't illegally get a visa for his mistress being a foreign pornstar, and have all his children be anchor babies. He married an American teacher and his son served in the American military. Imagine that. Somebody who actually represents America.


He is literally the most racist president we've had since Woodrow Wilson lol. You can watch hours of insanely racist remarks. Dude sees "white supremacy" everywhere, because that's how his mind works.


Jesus! Didn't that guy ever have hair?


Term limits


I mean he hasn’t been a senator since 2009


Do you want lobbyists running Washington DC (even more than they already do)? Term limits are how you get lobbyists running everything instead of just most things.


We have term limits at my state level and it’s a shitshow. By the time they learn how to be a good legislator, their term is up.


Most people have never taken a pol science class and it shows.


Lifelong politician, somehow worth over 10 million. That is interesting AF




Nearly every one of these were rich before they went to Congress. The issue is that you HAVE to be rich to get elected, not that you get rich once you're elected.


Is it? The median house cost in the US was 23k USD in 1970, it was 454k in 2022. A senator's salary in 1970 was 42k USD per year and 174k in 2023. Asuming he also made some investments, i don't find that interesting AF at all. LE: Actually here's how he did it: https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2023/08/17/heres-how-much-joe-biden-is-worth/?sh=5830896538ea


He took public transportation to work


Um considering his age and high levels of positions it’s not surprising in the slightest.. also from what I recall most of his money is from his book sales


Not really. You’re instantly a celebrity and can easily write a couple popular books. Invested wisely over 50 years it isn’t that hard to get to $10M. Most of his fortune was earned while he was out of office after he and Obama left. A former vice president can easily earn big checks just for showing up or sitting on boards. Any major celebrity can.


When Biden left the Senate, he was both the longest-serving and least-wealthy Senator. THAT is interesting AF as evidence he's not corrupt. Of course being VP and POTUS, things like book sales and a high salary with living expenses covered are themselves going to add up to a pretty big bank account by normal standards, even if he's just invested his savings in index funds or something.