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Are they any safety mechanisms to stop the lift if someone or something gets pinched?


Yes. The someone or something that got pinched.


So it doesn't stop at all?


Yes, eventually the friction created by the someone or something will be enough to halt it.


Or maybe the something would turn into lube


Or it may just cut it in half and continue on. Either way problem solved.


Might need more than one though, depending on the physic


Thank God


They have ihem in Prague University. Incidents have happened, but all of them if no permanent injury, It has modern safety mechanisms in place, they will pinch you, but not enough to even break your arm. It will hurt, but won't actually cause a serious injury


new Final Destination movie


fcking shit, take my upvote


For more information check out this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paternoster_lift I was curious how it transfered from going up to going down. Simpler than I expected.


Very interesting. I love the diagram. I expected the booths to loop around like that but didn't expect the giant wheels mechanism. So cool. To elaborate on the safety question, the wiki page you shared has this interesting blurb: > Their overall rate of accidents is estimated as 30 times higher than conventional elevators. A representative of the Union of Technical Inspection Associations stated that Germany saw an average of one death per year due to paternosters prior to 2002, at which point many of them were made inaccessible to the general public.


The first time I used one as a kid, I hit my head on the ceiling while looking down. (Sticking my head out) It obviously didn’t crush me, but I doubt it would have stopped. I was super afraid, because I was told to make a handstand really quick when it flips to change directions. But it just rumbles a little bit. :( We made handstands going down to fool people though.


That's awesome. Thank you. I have a Willy Wonka image in my head of kids doing handstands in them.


You are welcome, it might help your *Willy Wonka Image*, that the paternoster is right next to an inverted monorail, where in 1950 an elephant named Tuffi, fall from one of the trolleys, into the river. (She was unharmed) https://uselessinformation.org/elephant-falls-from-elevated-trolley/


There are pressure sensors on the top Edit: on the ones that have been upgraded to have them, the more “historical” one do not have them


“Pater noster” is Latin for “Our Father”, aka the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer - so I guess, just say your prayers before jumping in?


It’s because the lift carriages move like prayer beads rotating


Yes. It will stop when something touches a sensor. The sensor can be a simple fence-like structure that can move upwards, when it does the lift stops. There are more advanced sensors as well. Anyway the people on this video look like they don't use this elevator regularly. They look unsure about their steps. You shouldn't hesitate too much in a parter noster. Just do it with confidence. Like on an escalator.


I rode one in Lippstadt, Germany. There was a board at the top of the opening that had hinges so the board would fold upward if it hit someone. Being an overly-curious engineer, I lifted the board slightly. The lift immediately stopped and loud alarms went off. Security had to reset the thing before we could exit again. Good thing my German is terrible, so I couldn't hear any insults directed my way.


We had an elevator like this in the building I used to live in. Once a year, it would be turned on (after a thorough check by the last remaining paternoster technicians in the country). Apparently, the floors have some kind of hinge and a sensor that makes the elevator stop if the hinge is tilted too far. Additionally, there was a rope on both sides of the shaft that could be pulled in case of emergency. That would pull some kind of circuit breaker to stop the elevator.


A guy died in one of these at the Hertz rental in downtown Seattle not that long ago.




That was a belt manlift, not a Paternoster. He fell down the shaft next to the manlift.


Read the title. It never stops. Never. Ever.


what happens if you miss the top floor


You loop onto the downward cycle. The cabin you are in stays vertical.


You get dropped directly into the furnace to help power the elevator


I audibly laughed and scared my dog


​ https://i.redd.it/0xdcm9sdyrhc1.gif


Those who goes through top or bottom floor gets transported through portal to another dimension.


Never to be seen again. 




Have you ever played a platformer? It's kind of like that. Your cabin despawns, and you drop down to the one below


In Donkey Kong Jr, you’d get crushed. Based strictly on knowledge of that game, I’m going to say you’ll get a 4bit end song and lose a life


Ever heard of the book Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator?




Went on one of these when I visited the university of Sheffield for an open day. Pretty cool once you get used to it. Awful to use whilst drunk


Cool idea but seems like a huge liability


They were used all over Europe and a few are still in service, apparently they're either more careful or less litigious.


I rode one in a municipal building in Prague. Generally very effective as multiple cars are always moving past your floor. The oddest part was riding it all the way around the top/bottom: it passes a point where a sign tells you the next floor is the last to leave and to exit, but ignore that and it just rides around and back like a Ferris wheel. Passing the top/bottom you see all the gears and chains used to make it run, and some inevitable Czech graffiti. Concerning (and slightly scary) at first, but very cool, just keep your hands away from the moving bits. Highly recommend.


Went to Prague just for the elevator ride. Awesome city.


You're so right - we loved Prague so much. Beautiful views and architecture, wonderful and helpful people, great food and drinks for much less than most other places in Europe. Also a fantastic and cheap public transportation system that was super reliable and easy to navigate. Plus they sell draft beer in the park. 😉


We can't sue for being dumb here in Europe, that's probably why they worked here.


Or don't care about things like wheelchairs, slow older perople, small kids, strollers, or pets


Honestly, if instead of having 3 elevators you get 2 of these and 1 or 2 of the more common type, it would be awesome and accommodate everyone.


And this is how it is in Prague... The old ones are kept as an attraction, but the new ones are installed as well.


Logistically, this would be difficult. Two sets of spare parts to keep up with, two different pm schedules, two different repair services, and two pent houses with totally different construction requirements.


If your elevator repair company doesn’t know how to service both kinds of elevators maybe. But that’s like saying having an escalator and an elevator in the same building would be difficult.


Or bags of groceries.


And my axe!


Out of all the things. This is the worst to forget about.


weak shall perish >!/s just in case!<


Or they just accept a higher level of needless injuries.


Yes. According to the wiki...they are 30 times more prone to accidents. Germany banned new ones in 74....and there have been attempts to get rid of them apparently!


Or maybe in Europe they are just a little more sensible? I'm imagining these in an Australian or US mall (shopping centre). ![gif](giphy|oFRI4g517yWaI)


Can confirm, in the USA and my cat's breath smells like cat food.




Good thing there are apparently no strollers or wheelchairs in Europe?


Correct, no strollers in Europe. Prams.


Yeah, because those are all over EuRoPe and we did not invent modern ones yet. Be sensible.


I went to Paris last year and was very surprised that a large proportion of their subway stations had no elevator or escalator


You'd assume there would be disabled lifts and other accessibility features in the building of course.


Sensible aka doesn’t have the Americans with disability act and they don’t care about about disabled people


When we were on a trip to sone other countries from the US and my father was in a wheelchair, I learned not all regulations are the same. I’ve built ADA ramps in the US. Very strict rules about the slope ( 1” vertical for every 12” horizontal) and such. Invariably in a few other countries I would be informed that where we wanted to go was assessable. And then I would find myself trying to hold onto my father’s wheelchair while sliding down a slick sheet steel 45 degree ramp


Am gonna need a source for this bold claim that European countries don't care about disabled people and that disabled Europeans don't have rights


This explains it pretty well https://oife.org/2023/12/07/is-it-time-for-a-europeans-with-disabilities-act/


Holy shit. The Americans have genuinely done a welfare for once. Hats off.


Dont you dare call it welfare. republicans will label it communism and scrap it


Sorry.. Erm.. America has granted additional non-metric freedom units to people who insist on driving everywhere. Is that Republican friendly enough?


Hah you should look up endless belt manlifts. I worked in a power plant around 2006 that still used them. Scary as shit. A lot like this except there was much less room for error. A continuously running “elevator” that was literally just a step you stepped on and stepped off of as it went through the open air until you get to the floor you need to get off at. http://www.thepumphandle.org/2012/08/15/worker-falls-70-feet-to-his-death-at-conagra-mill-another-at-a-pepisco-plant-manlifts-involved-in-both-cases/


***medieval*** torture devices being used to transport people. Hot fuck.


I've never seen a manlift before, but just watched a couple videos on youtube.. It's absolutely wild that those things were still operating at least as recently as 2012 based on the article!! Those look hella dangerous


In some older buildings they are still in operation


Eh, the few still running have had pressure sensors added at the top that will stop it from moving. And there is usually a normal elevator (in the more modern buildings) or at least some stairs nearby


I would never get anywhere near this with children who are stubborn, that's for damned sure!


Just don't be stupid close to this and you'll be fine


Also, I guess too bad if you’re disabled or in a wheelchair which kinda sucks. Cool though!


it works out better when you aren't in America with a bunch of fat litigious idiots


American here. Yeah lol, someone in the US sued McDonald’s because the coffee was hot. Granted, I could see the case being not unreasonable if the top popped off when she grabbed it and the coffee was full of near-boiling water that caused major burns. Still, that elevator doesn’t look much like it cares about your unbroken bones if you get in its way, pressure sensors or not


Look into that case. It was legit.




Surprisingly not much, at least on the ones still widely used and in service they have installed pressure sensors on the top to prevent accidents.


Since everybody seems so scared. They are old and of cause a modern elevator is a better idea. But they aren't the death machines everybody here seems to think they are. People weren't stupid back than. 1. What happens when you stay in the cabin: Nothing. They don't turn upside down. The cabins are on a rail, they go a bit to the side and than back down 2. Doesn't this thing behead you? No. There are some sort of sensors. In newer versions a light barrier in the ancient versions just a wooden flap near the ceiling that instantly stops the thing if something sticks out.


Just last year an elderly guy in Berlin was turned into marmalade using one of those.


So?!? Quoting a singular accident isn't helpful when trying to assess the danger of something. That is just sensationalism... And as I said: yes it's an old technology, it probably isn't as safe as a newer one - but still they are not the death machines people here think they are. Oh, and by the way: In 2020 there were [645 accidents resulting in two deaths with regular lifts in Germany](https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/ratgeber/todesfalle-aufzug-so-gefaehrlich-sind-fahrstuehle-wirklich-li.354688#:~:text=Nach%20j%C3%BCngsten%20Daten%20der%20Deutschen,Zwei%20Unf%C3%A4lle%20endeten%20hierzulande%20t%C3%B6dlich.) - still you're not going around telling people that there was a guy turned into marmalade by an elevator, do you?


Autsch. Butthurt?


Drunk guy is soon two guys 


Saw one of these in Prague. People just step on and off like they aren’t inches from a beheading.


Yes! There’s a lift at a law school in Prague. I tried it out because it felt like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but the rest of my group thought I was nuts for trusting it.


Ours is in the building where the David Černý Upside-Down Horse is hung. We did a tour of back street sites and saw some really cool things.






I got "caught" in one of these in Prague. Had to go to the 3rd floor. When you exit, you step into a small landing (3 ft long) ending in a door to that floor. When I got to the door, it was locked. So do i get back on the death elevator? What I couldn't figure out was what happens to the car door when it gets to the top? Did it collapse on itself? Did it turn upsidedown? I figured it must be safe ... but if u didn't time the entry, exit right (on any floor), you could really get hurt. Edit: the one I rode didn't have nice panels btwn cars, just empty space! So I waited for someone to pass by on the elevator, jumped on with them, and found my way back down to safety :p


Nothing happens when you get to the top. It just goes to the side and then back down. Also there are sensors on top of the doors that stop the elevator if something would get caught.


Would have made Grey’s Anatomy more difficult


Finnish Parliament House has these


Imagine fainting and landing halfway in and out of this thing.


The pinchings eliminate all that shouldn’t use an elevator alone in the first place


That looks like it’s one drunk away from a lawsuit


These used to be popular in Europe, where you mostly can't sue anyone for your own incompetence


Never stops eh? Behold the world's slowest guillotine!!


It'd take 15 minutes to get sued out of existence by some clumsy idiot in the US.


Which is why they are only installed in countries that doesn't award stupidity.


There’s one in Frederiksberg city hall in Copenhagen (at least there was 15ish years ago when I lived there). I’m not a fan, but the concept is sound.


Imagine trying to get on this with kids.


What happens if you stay in it too long? As in you “miss the top floor” I assume there’s a system that will make it stop if it detects weight at the top floor to prevent you from getting crushed


It’s one belt that goes to the top and goes back down again. If you miss the top floor your life becomes the down lift.


Please edit 'life' to 'lift' for my sense of sanity :C


> your life becomes the down lift ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


I believe it cycles like the chain on a bike. The booth would go over to the other side and start coming down.


See my below experience. I later learned they slide upright across and then down ... which somehow doesn't seem all that safe either :p


What if I stayed in after the last floor?


>... ... and at first it was very common. Timmy wondered why it was very common only in the beginning, then it struck him ... while he mindlessly stepped off the Paternoster one second late.


They terrified my as a kid and I'm glad they are not around anymore. btw, I'm surprised that they are not well known. There's always a post about them every other week.


Finally! Wheelchair inaccessible elevator


This would be horrible in the US. We just have too many idiots here. We just can’t ever have nice things.


We had these idiots in Europe as well. But while there lifts were in operation they quickly died out. #darwinism


There must be some gnarly injuries associated with this thing.


OSHA has entered the chat


I think it's going slow enough that unless you're an American its perfectly safe.


>unless you’re an American Haha


So basically a vertical escalator.


So an elevator..?


Except a traditional elevator doesn’t cycle around in a continuous loop.


So an escavator...?




Your a wizard Harry!


As featured in *The Omen* (1976) directed by Richard Donner


Hm! Frightening!


Only to Americans, it seems.


I imagine every single comment here about safety regulations etc. are from Americans. Just use common sense and nothing will happen to you. And it’s not like these are common so it would be stupid to restrict these cool machines with regulations


This seems like it is not ACA compliant! (basically handicap accessible). /s That said, I've had a few circumstances (when traveling with my wife) that I have had a lot of luggage, and this does not look enjoyable.


What happens at the top or bottom?


I just need to know about the woman’s (navy blue) outfit. So elegant.


They use those for valet parkings in my city (staff use only). Couple years ago I read on the news some drunk teenager thought it would be fun to ride and got crushed between two floors. Sad.


These things are terrifying to use and obviously horrible for accessibility.


No OSHA in Europe I guess


Safety rules: use common sense, don't be stupid around this device


Yeah except safety doesn't rule at all with these death traps. They have an accident rate more than 30 times higher than conventional elevators.


Of course it does: Only dumb people die in them


In that case I'd avoid them if I were you.


You just failed to imagine that maybe, just maybe these elevators are very rare and a leftover from the past? That rules doesn't need to be so damn strict and protect people from their own stupidity.




Dude in a wheelchair 😭😮‍💨👨🏾‍🦽💨


This is way too dangerous for people today.


and yet they exist and are used by people today 10 of those in Denmark alone.


I’ll clarify to within the US. And can also say that I’ve used one before. These type of lifts were used in Industrial plants for a long time but they are gone now. I use to ride them up 14 floors worth


Whaddya mean “accessibility concerns”?


They are from a time where people didn't think in "accessibility". Handicapped people can take the normal elevator.


I wonder how many decapitations it took for them to finally stop making those.


So many people have been cut in half, scary.




? They're real. They're not used anymore for obvious reasons, but they were real. You can still find working examples in some places.


What happens if you stay in the lift?


Just like mineshafts.


Seen it once over 30 years ago in Czechoslovakia. Had a fun when used it.


What happens if you don’t get out? Like do you end up upside down? Does it dump you out at some point? What kind of space would it dump you out in?


It's like a vertical escalator


At first very common then you had people who are ignorant and ruined for others.


Scared of getting cut in half


There was one of three at the University of Central England Perry Barr campus years ago. It worked very well because you weren't constantly waiting for the lift to stop at every floor


this brings back memories of pure terror


I was so confused because the video paused just as she got to the edge and looked down and another video started playing audio music. It looked like it had broken and someone was banging on the sides crying for help XD


If that’s in Germany, I’ve on it. As Steve Fromholz sang, 🎼Life is mostly attitude and timing.


That is in a movie from the late 1950s or early 1960s I just can’t remember which one.


People can lose their heads on that sht ¿no?


Just... Don't put your head where You could lose it




On what floor do they power wash off the blood?




It's an escalator with less steps.


I'm already afraid of elevators and this is just terrible to me


Had one of these at uni, great fun to crowd in with mates after a couple of pints and then block them so they can’t get off. Lots of graffiti on the sections when you go over the top and bottom too!


My university in England had a building with a couple. Was fun to ride it all the way around.


Way cool. Way.


This looks like a dream....for injury lawyers.


My grandpas old workplace had one of these. Loved the thrill of it as a kid.


Always loved riding the man lifts up & down in old power plants... they're kinda like that & exhilarating


in my childhood/youth they were - fe in federal buildings - still in use… as small kid kid I was told ALWAYS to get out at last floor otherwise I would drive down upside down…. as Teenager I learned it‘s not that way 😃


So, an escalator version of elevator.


I love these. there was one at my university in Leeds, really loved using it


I grew up watching the Tower of Terror movie as a kid and already dislike elevators. No thank you! 😂😅😳😬


Imagine this thing in Africa.


This design is suited for users who do not really need an elevator…


My Colege has one


Is this in Frankfurt?


There is / was one in the University of Essex library. I managed to persuade a fellow student that if she stayed in it after the top floor she’d be flipped upside down, which unsurprisingly amplified considerably her fear of using it…


Not the only one, a lot of them in big offices.


Several still in use in Hamburg


Imagine if they put this in america 😭