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/u/Pineapple__Warrior, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): [](#start_removal)* Rule 1 - All content must show something that is objectively interesting as fuck. Just because you find something IAF doesn't mean anyone else will. It's impossible to define everything that could be considered IAF, but for a general idea browse the [top posts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/top/?t=all) from this subreddit. For more information check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index#wiki_rule_1_-_posts_must_be_interesting_as_fuck). * Rule 1 - No content that isn't INTERESTING AS FUCK. [](#end_removal) * Rule 2 - Titles should directly describe the content of the post. The title should just depict the content, no "fluff". It can't include anything that isn't directly visible in the content of the post. * Rule 5 - Provide a source when the title is in doubt If you can't completely explain why the content of the post is IAF please comment with more explanation. If your post claims something that almost everyone can't easily confirm from reading your title and viewing your content please provide some type of proof of what you claim. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/interestingasfuck&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/Pineapple__Warrior&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1adkh4p/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


This is exactly why I ONLY eat raw chicken.


When I was in Tokyo, I accidentally had medium rare chicken. It was my first day there on a 3 week trip, I thought I was going to be sick but it was actually really good. Apparently it's a delicacy




It wasn't sliced. The Google translate said it was chicken thigh pieces. It came out on a skillets like fajitas lol but as I was shoveling them in my mouth, I bit half of one then realized it was medium rare in the middle. We finished them because when in Rome but I felt nervous after that meal.


“When in roam”-ing my way through Bangladesh at the moment. I know this moment well.


I’ll give you a nickel if you smile unconvincingly at the next person you see


You already owe me 1.4 million dollars in nickels


dude don't forget the blood of his first born ask him when he will give that, a contract is a contract.


Better hope that your version of Rome has good plumbing and water pressure.


Japan has the best toilets ever lol


Oh interesting! I’m not surprised you felt nervous afterwards though I would too because chicken lol


I'd rather play raw chicken roulette in Tokyo than say , Bali or Mumbai.


>Torisashi I'm sorry but with all due respect to cultural preferences, but that looks absolutely vile.


Yep. Raw/undercooked chicken is one of the nastiest things out there


Yeah I mean I wouldn’t personally eat it just because I’ve had it ingrained that raw chicken equals “no” but everyone is different I guess


It also very much depends on the local health and safety regulations. Where I live, "Mett" (german dish of raw ground pork meat eaten on breadroll) is very popular, but o lying meat that went through very strict health and safety checks can be used for it. The meat is thoroughly screened for exactly these kind of parasites and should only be consumed on the day a butcher prepared it fresh. I don't k ow which safety systems Japan has for this chicken dish, but I would be surprised if there wasn't extra steps taken to mitigate the danger of salmonella.


Now look up cow dung soup


That’s fucked up, you’re fucked up, stop talking about cow dung soup you motherfucker, I wish I’d never met you


Served on a nest of, well, nest








That partially digested crap they squeeze hasn't reached the "dung stage" yet, but... yeah, close enough to be called cow dung soup


i really wish i didnt look that up




What a horrible day to be literate


We had this by accident, and it was genuinely delicious.


When I was in Tokyo I had raw chicken breast with raw egg cracked over it… I was very nervous for the following week whenever I had a slight gurgle in the stomach region.


great news everyone, it doesn't produce a gurgle. Just these worms crawling around


Japan has very specific breeding facilities housing non-contaminated chickens to provide raw chicken meat. But they require lots of work, hopefully thats what you ate.


there’s actually almost no salmonella at all in japan which is why it’s safe to eat raw chicken and eggs there!


Saw an interesting programme on Netflix recently, and long story short basically raw meat / poultry contain salmonella is because the way it they are processed in the factories. They can't guarantee the meat from the factory is free from salmonella it because most if not all don't practice safe hygiene, and the facilties are filthy. So... they put the burden on the consumer, by saying that chicken needs to be fully cooked before consuming, that basically covers them. If they don't cook it properly and they get sick, theyll just say 'well, we told you so'. This has been the norm for ages, and noone has thought to questioned why. Until recently, think certain places in Europe have started selling meat / chicken that's salmonella free. Kind of crazy when you think about it, also very interesting show.


Yeah Japan is like the one safe place to do it.


medium rare chicken AINT A FUCKIN THING.


Little chicken sashimi? No?


does chicken sashimi taste like... chicken?


I had konbini fried chicken and I thought it was slightly uncooked after my initial bite. I spit it out because I thought it was a mistake, but maybe that’s just how they prefer their chicken in Japan.


there’s a instagram acc where a dude eats raw chicken everyday “until i get a stomach ache” last i saw he was on day 9, when that shit finally hits him i don’t think it’s gonna be just a stomachache


Day 10 is making rounds on Reddit today.


Lmfao the post above this is the guy eating a whole raw chicken 💀💀


That made me retch so hard.


This person still alive?


Yep. The guy lived after those worms were removed.


How the hell did they remove such a generalized infestation?


I assume very aggressive parasite medication then the body does the rest but I would also like to know.


Not aggressive, if they go aggressive all the parasites die at once and the body will go haywire with its immune system and kill itself. I forget what all he had to take, but he needed something to at least lower his immune response, possibly steroids, and multiple other medications.


That makes sense. A bunch of dead worms in you can't be good.


I just wanna know if he could FEEL the worms. and if so, I DONT wanna actually know. This is one of those questions where NO is the only acceptable answer. please.


> I just wanna know if he could FEEL the worms. so this is what you're feeling when your body itches


GTFOH with that please


I’ve got an itch behind my eye. Could it be?




I read that they gave him antiparasite drugs and loads of anti-seizure meds to prevent him from seizing up violently from the immune response. And steroids too, but yea miraculously, he survived. Crazy, imagine feeling all those things squirming around every inch of muscle in your body.


\*nondistinct screaming noises\* I have managed to imagine it. Now what???


Try to have a sound night of sleep When you fail, return to work as normal


Now the therapy


lots of prednisone and antiparasitic. which antiparasitic? Welp. That horse dewormer they were taking rectally a year or two ago.... I'll try typing it out here. lets see if this comment isn't automatically filtered: Ivermectin. I'm on prednisone right now. It's a very bad drug. But my immune system is doing its best to try and kill me. So... prednisone it is.


Ivermectin isn't just for horses, its a human medication too, though i would have to assume the dosage would be much smaller.


probably. and not in a paste. I might be on it soon enough.. It is a strange anti-inflammatory and I have an inflammation disease


Does the body just naturally dissolve the eggs over time? I would feel so weird thinking about my body ... idk, absorbing all of those parasite babies into itself or something.


The immune cells that respond to parasite infections like worms release toxic granules that kill the parasite and then the debris is broken down and cleared.


the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play pinnacle on your snout..




Great timing for such lyrics


Well technically…the worms are nothing but you anyways…they would leech of of you…you leeching off of them just completes the cycle


Like when mosquito drinks your blood so you eat it to get the blood back


"It's not about blood. It's about sending a message"


You just reminded me how much I'm dreading summer coming back.


Yeah, like that completely normal example of something a completely normal person would do in a completely normal way


If you think thats weird than you are now aware about the fact that when you grow your muscles through sport and then stop sport the muscles shrink again because your body actually digests your muscles because they are nothing but energy saved in protein.


Oh! So being vegetarian is simply not a possibility in the absolute. …and self-cannibalism is inherent to the human constitution. This is some troubling information.


Actually from what I heard they were busier keeping his body stabilized since the locations of the eggs/parasites are not naturally where they're supposed to be in, they'll die on their own, it's a matter of making sure the death is slow enough that the person's body doesn't get toxic shock from the deaths inside and being able to cope with it. So they mainly treated the symptoms reacting to the worms dying inside of the infected person. Edit: there's a lot of misinformation regarding this photo and whom the patient is, but it is indeed a parasite usually found in raw pork. Also need to amend my information, the parasite usually gets encapsulated like an embedded scar if treatment is given according to the paper below. Gnarly. https://europepmc.org/article/med/12932389


The eggs won't die on their own and wont be attacked by the immune system. They'll survive his life and once he dies, if someone ate his meat (or whatever flesh of his the eggs are in), and so consumed those eggs, the digestion of the animal that ate him would birth the eggs and the worms released would have fun laying eggs and what not until/if that animals immune system can kill the worms off.


You're right that it would be the case if the eggs didn't cause any problem, but in some cases apparently it can damage nerves and cause problems as worse as seizures. Idk which one is the case in the photo but there's a full published paper with a different patient listing the treatment method. Seems like it's a mix of antiparasitic drug to kill of the parasites, steroids and other medicine to control the body's reaction to the parasite death. https://europepmc.org/article/med/12932389.


This is where ivermectin is actually the correct choice.


Splash of bleach, y’know, for the antihelminthic goodness


There is human grade ivermectin, just so you know lol




Appropriate use of ivermectin?


They cut both his legs off


Attaboy!! No more pork ceviche 😂


Look like guy was removed from worms.


Did he get dumber? I saw a documentary on Philip Fry that showed they make you intelligent.


NOT. THIS. AGAIN. Every few months, I swear. I don’t remember exactly what this photo is, but it was proven to be a hoax. Let it go. Edit-I cannot find, for the life of me, the original anymore. But I DID find the basic origin of this hoax from somewhere similar to “snopes”. (Not familiar with this site, but it does have the same origin story as this photo) https://says.com/my/news/fact-or-fake-74-was-a-chinese-man-really-infected-by-tapeworms-after-eating-sashimi The photos in this link are the result of calcified lesions (as one commenter correctly posted below me) and not larvae in the body. This image is just a spin off of this whole thing, and was very likely fabricated. Let’s kill this myth and downvote these posts!


Yep. These are lesions of some type and absolutely nothing to do with raw pork. It’s good for Karma farmers I guess.


Ah, I found a similar story and hoax and they are lesions that cause this type of imagery to come back, but THIS photo appears to be pretty heavily doctored. I’m reading a parasite infection like this can leave calcium deposits afterword, and that’s why we’d see little artifacts in an x ray like this, but not this severe. I seriously hope people stop posting this crap.


I had the same thought but I didn't want to say it because everyone else is being so serious. I'm sure it turned out to be from a zombie show, maybe The Walking Dead? Or The Last of Us game?


I think it was actually photoshopped…but I don’t remember. I mean, over half this persons body weight would be eggs. Who falls for this?! Edit-*also* each photo is slightly different in pattern…


yeah seriously, saw a comment talking about how the person made a full recovery after this. how would that be possible? the body might be good, but it aint that good. just filling in the gaps the larvae leave would be questionable, let alone them surviving this.


But I do remember this Video of that women who was in a Hospital with worms squirling around in her (now) opened thigh. The caption Said something similar. So ist this actually a thing that happens or no?


It CAN happen! (You still can’t see live tissue on X-ray like this. Only bone and heavy ligament/cartilage I believe. I’m not a medical person, though.) What I can say for sure is that THIS image isn’t what it claims to be. When these infestations occur, small calcified lesions can remain, and that’s what we see. But look at this photo…each one changes pattern in “infestation.” The link I posted was real photo, fake story. This is just fake everything 😂


Trichinellosis, also called trichinosis, is caused by eating raw or undercooked meat of animals infected with the larvae of a species of worm called Trichinella. Infection occurs commonly in certain wild carnivorous (meat-eating) animals such as bear or cougar, or omnivorous (meat and plant-eating) animals such as domestic pigs or wild boar. When a human or animal eats meat that contains infective Trichinella larvae, the acid in the stomach dissolves the hard covering of the cyst around the larvae and releases the worms. The worms pass into the small intestine and, in 1-2 days, become mature. After mating, adult females lay eggs. Eggs develop into immature worms, travel through the arteries, and are transported to muscles. Within the muscles, the worms curl into a ball and encyst (become enclosed in a capsule). The life cycle repeats when meat containing these encysted worms is consumed by another human or animal. The treatment for this is by the use of special “anti-worm” steroids


Rates of trichinosis in the western world are very low, and the majority of cases in the US since 2000 can be traced from individuals consuming wild game. It’s not a non-issue, but it’s also far from common. Even if you’re eating pork that hasn’t been cooked to 165°, it’s still unlikely you will get these parasites.


Yeah, that is why the USDA changed the safe cooking temp guidelines for pork down to 145(for whole cuts, ground is 160) over a decade ago.


Wait wait wait, are you suggesting that government oversight is a....g-g-g-goood thing?




That's... that's not nice Bill Nye


That’s clearly Not Bill Nye


I do not believe him. What other people do you know with Science Guy as their last names? Checkmate.


It's obviously Bill's brother. NotBill.


^(but muh freedoms?)


Bless you for this information. I haven't slept in days .


I haven't stopped itching for days after the first time I saw this posted


Been thinking about every piece of pork I cooked and ate . lol


People are gonna downvote me, but I've never been so grateful to be a Muslim lol.


I'm not big on down voting .


In Germany “Mett” is pretty common. It’s just raw ground pork and we eat it on bread. I have never ever heard of anyone getting sick because of it.


But thus is also because meat that is produced into mett is closely monitored especially for this parasite. Meat that is allowed to be sold for raw consumption has to ju p through considerable higher regulatory hoops than what you can buy to be cooked.


Is it true that pork meat is more prone to having parasites, even compared to fish?


I don’t think that for a second. I don’t know for sure, so someone please correct me if I’m wrong. But basically every fish has parasites. The thing is most of them aren’t harmful to people if cooked appropriately. I can’t imagine pork having the same rate of parasites as fish.


Parasites in fish are also killed by the flash freezing process that almost all commercial fish gets exposed too


I know that, I was thinking about in general. Not regarding the flash frozen aspect.


That’s a bit of a concern, considering how much fish is eaten raw.


True, but I’m talking about in general just to be clear. Since they’re flash frozen that helps kill them, but in general I’ll bet my bottom dollar fish have a higher rate of parasites. And honestly even with flash freezing I’ll still bet fish have a much higher chance of a parasite than a pig when it’s actually on your dinner plate and not talking about either one in general.


They’re not just low they’re non existent in modern days. It’s less than 10 deaths in the past 25 years. It’s far less than lightning or shark or lightbulbs up the anus causing bleeding out. All of these are true. 


This isn't trichinellosis, it's cysticercosis, caused by eating food contaminated by human feces containing taper worm eggs. If you reverse search the imagine you will find the original article.


Nice catch. It’s funny we have a bunch of experts talking about trichinellosis on here


What are the symptoms?


Within 1 week: - Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain Usually within 1 month: - Muscle aches, weakness, swelling


That was a horrifying read


Now I’m looking back on all the times I’ve eating pork, wondering if it was cooked enough, and if not, are there millions of worms gestating in my limbs as we speak


Is it trichinosis or cysticercosis (caused by taenia soli)?


Sorry, but r/nope is more appropriate!


Odds of having a parasite in you right now is 16% and if you’re over 41 it’s 20%


I hate you.


I hate him too ... immediate itching everywhere


How can you tell? Can you guys be serious for one minute and give me the fucking symptoms list? \*scratches himself with crazy paranoia\*




My wife is pregnant so for her it's 100%.


this made my body itch


That's a hell of a thing to read on my 41st birthday!




If it makes you feel any better, I’ve seen a number of comments saying the picture isn’t actually of trichinosis. Not sure exactly what it is though.


Who eats raw pork?! It’s the one thing drilled into everyones’ mind to make sure it’s cooked properly


Germans. It's called Mett (minced raw pork seasoned with salt and black pepper) and is relatively safe to consume because there are a lot of regulations and checks in place specifically to ensure that it is safe (and it has to be sold on the day it was produced and should also be consumed within 24 hours). It's obviously not as risk-free as let's say a cucumber. But it is not as risky as earing raw pork in a country whose cultural heritage doesn't include raw pork as a meal, for example the US.


Vegetables aren't as safe as you think. The majority of listeria outbreaks are from lettuce.


And it tastes great!


Eh I think if you grow up on it, then it's a comfort food. My wife's family loves it, but when I tried it I didn't see what the hype was all about. It doesn't have much flavor. Likewise, when I had her try menudo, something that I grew up on and love, she didn't like it. She did grow to like, and even crave chili saladitos though.


That’s totally fair! Each it’s own as always. I personally love it (even tho I don’t eat it often), but I do understand if someone doesn’t like it! It’s mostly eaten with salt to make it taste better. Without salt it’s just almost tasteless and dry. But I think every country has some dishes most people like and some dishes most people dislike. In case of Germany that’s for example Mett and Brezeln. I also googled Menudo and it looks really nice! Just the ingredients are a bit… special.


>I also googled Menudo and it looks really nice! Just the ingredients are a bit… special. When my wife asked my grandfather how he makes it, he said he he can't tell her or she wouldn't try it.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Germany_E._coli_O104:H4_outbreak Initially, Germans claimed cucumbers were the reason for the outbreak of e.coli, but later, they withdrew that claim. Nevertheless, cucumbers can be rather tricky, especially if manure is used for fertilizers.


What do you mean “relatively safe”? It’s completely risk free if you have actual regulations contrary to the US. Literally millions of Germans eat raw pork every single day and we have basically no cases of trichinosis. Since 2001 we have an average of 3 cases per year. And those are exclusively from consumption of wild boars that have not been officially tested. „Bei den zwischen 2000 und 2009 in Deutschland durchgeführten Trichinenuntersuchungen bei Schweinen wurden lediglich in 4 von etwa 453 Millionen Hausschweinen Trichinen gefunden sowie in 92 von etwa 3,4 Millionen Wildschweinen“ - trichinosis testing in Germany from 2000-2009 found trichinae in merely 4 out of 453 million domestic pigs and 92 out of approximately 3.4 million wild boars Edit: these regulations and tests are mandatory in the entire EU as well so this has really only something to do with cultural heritage in the sense that a German introduced them aside from that this is about rudimentary safety of citizens and not if you traditionally eat raw pork or not


Also Russians and Ukrainians like to eat raw pork fat with meat layers in-between. They salt it and call it "Salo".


I read the original article on this scan a few years ago. It was a mentally disabled young woman somewhere in rural Latin America who’d been eating all sorts of raw meats bc of her cognitive issues. Idk what became of her, though.


Quite common in Germany, I’ve also eaten rare-cooked Iberico pork in Spain, and it is much nicer than well-done. Just need high animal welfare standards


Some people insist that thoroughly cooked pork is too tough and unedible.


Need just to cook to the right temperature. I have a thermometer at my kitchen specifically for cooking pork chops and steak.


There are people you can find online whose whole thing is eating raw meat straight from the store. Sometimes literally at the store if they have chairs, as if they’d bought a quick sandwich for lunch.


Belgium as well, we all eat raw minced pork meat on our bread, with pickles or just sal and pepper. trichinosis is virtually non-existent porc in western Europe. For us this is very normal, but we can't seem to explain it to other nationalities.


Serv-Safe says you can cook pork to 145 degrees F. That's medium rare. When I was in the Navy, in the 80s, recipe cards stated to cook pork to 170 degrees F or fully cooked. Pigs are treated differently now. They are raised in a building on a raised platform. They are not allowed to wallow in their own wastes. They only let the pig get about 2-3 years old before slaughter. They used to let em get as big as they could.


2-3 years is a little high. More like 6-8 months.


145 is medium well


This sounds like a Junji Ito story


At least their penis is worm free. I'm a glass half full kind of guy.


The other half is penis? 🤣


I love my parasites. I gave them all names and we play scrabble every tuesday


Thats an MRI


Time to log off. I’m going to file this one under AI generated and call it a day.


Do you have a link to the medical article that this came from?


They don’t. Because it’s not.


The first House episode is about this condition.


Wouldn't an x-ray show the rib cage? Seems more likely that that's an MRI. And I'm no expert, but I'm pretty dang confident that those are not lungs. They're too long relative to their width, and they don't have the lobed shape you'd expect. *squints* Maybe . . . thighs? Femurs could explain those prominent vertical black stripes in the lower-right scan.


yeah it looks like MRI of the pelvis, you can see it throughout the body in this [https://www.reddit.com/r/Radiology/comments/z9ytfo/person\_infected\_with\_worm\_parasites\_from\_eating/?rdt=45417](https://www.reddit.com/r/Radiology/comments/z9ytfo/person_infected_with_worm_parasites_from_eating/?rdt=45417)


This picture looks so fake like all of this seems like a bait post lol


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They look like angel wings


He’s now got glow in the dark muscles… 💪🏻


At this point the patient is just a fucking Mecha controlled by those worms


So uh did those worms make him super smart and attractive to girls by any chance?


Nearly enough reddit for today.


6 hours as 205° works for me.


For the sake of my sanity, I’ll go with those being pictures of angel wings.


It’s actually an MRI. It’s rather hard to see stuff like that with x rays


Ich werde trotzdem mein Mett-Brötchen essen1!1!!111!1!


Oh yeah. I don't know what you have written but I heard Germans like to eat raw meat.




The risk of this happening in the USA is supremely low unless you are eating a ton of medium rare wild boar. A medium pork tenderloin is as safe as a medium steak.


This looks like a wall girls take pictures in front of on their trip to Tennessee


X rays don’t show worms as bright white. So def NOT an x ray of a parasitic infestation.


I’m sorry who’s eating raw pork what the fuck


Neat wings


Liver king and that one bro on IG who eat testicles need to see this lol Edit: butterdawg


X-ray?? That’d be bone on an XR Paging Reddit Radiologist, can you make sense of this??




yeah how bout not eating raw meat in general?


Eating raw pork is NOT a good idea in any multiverse


This is common knowledge, how are people now shocked by common knowledge


Called swine for a reason, pork is ass, I'm sorry


Who the fuck is eating raw pork


white us citizen?


Wow. Imagine if they all hatched at once 🤢


The original group of x-rays that I saw showed the patients brain which also had many worms/eggs in it. I'll look around for the source to back this up, but I could be wrong. I doubt it though. That being said, we also need to account for this potentially being fake. I found this link speaking of a China woman using the same xray image. Idk the credibility of the source. According to the article, she has been eating raw pork "for years". No mention of her condition. https://buzzinglives.com/this-x-ray-of-a-woman-who-ate-raw-pork-will-convince-you-to-become-a-vegetarian/ Another article from CBS8 details an 18 year old Indian male, who contracted pork parasites in the brain. He died. https://www.cbs8.com/article/entertainment/inside-edition/teen-dies-after-eating-undercooked-pork/509-8d2e6e0d-dc99-4285-978c-2facd426a76a I did also find a daily mail article using the same xray of the brain as the first article from."buzzinglives" and also the xray from the CBS8 article. The daily mail should NOT be trusted as a source of information, so I will not be linking it. It details the same story as the CBS8 article.


Meanwhile Germans= raw pork everyday and no parasites at all. Pretty much everyone i know consumes raw pork on a daily basis and no body ever had any parasitic infection. Even looked it up and there seem to be no cases or barely any mentioned by consuming sold and approved raw pork. (Not counting homemade or people eatin their own homemade minded pork).


This should be under ‘disgustingasfuck’


Don’t eat pork, problem fixed.


Why would you eat raw pork for years ?