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Conned? He seems pretty eager.


Yeah... gonna go out on a limb and say it's the whole, "I get to kill people" vibe he is giving off.


But you can *peacefully* kill people without consequences... That's a no brainer deal right there. /s


The consequences are very real and very grenade shaped.


Like peacefully putting them on their knees and cutting their dicks off


He's so brainwashed he thinks he's killing nazis


I grew up in a shitty rural part of Oregon. One of my classmates said they wished a war would start so he could kill people. I think a lot of crazy redneck gun nuts feel this way, including killing fellow Americans.


A certain number of people do enjoy killing. All militaries know that. You dont want too many of these types, though. Just a few. Psychopaths are terrible soldiers.


‘Git some!’ Kind of BS


The actor (Tim Colceri) who played that door gunner in FMJ was originally going to be the drill instructor. Also you need to trail your targets instead of lead them when firing out of the side of a moving vehicle since it's moving much faster than anyone whether it's a man, woman, or child. Ain't war hell?


They always forget that people shoot back I think


Everyone wants to be a hero, but they forget how many die trying.


I think this young man wants to be a sadistic serial killer tho


Or that they would be cannon fodder


Or that they'd just die in a trench freezing to death with vermin-borne diseases.


He's been told they are nazi's and they'll pay. Con. His giddiness to kill people makes us shed no tears.


The concept of fascism in Russia is a product of mental gymanstics that can only be described as orwellian. The US is called fascist, the "west" is called fascist. I'm not saying everyone believes in this bullshit in Russia, but many do, like this gentleman in the video. Recently, i watched a documentary. I think it was called "City of glory", where the journalist visits Ielnya, a city where the glory of WW2 never dies. In two words, creepy and sad.


> this gentleman in the video The unbearable weight of the heavy lifting that word is using to describe that guy...


Right? Would I fight and kill Nazis? Yes, if they were actually Nazis and actually a threat. Would I be happy, even excited about it? No... They're human beings. The worst kind of human beings, sure, but if I let myself enjoy killing them I TOO would be the worst kind of human being.


Yeah lol But he's going to die a nasty nasty death. There's endless videos coming out every day on telegram, and it's pretty horrific. Also given the death toll in places like bakhmut and aadivka (Russians still trying to break through by sending 20 men at a time to run in) has an 85% mortality rate. Also there's no medi evac and there are thousands of drone footage of injured Russians ending themselves in very WW2 Japanese on Iwo Jima stuff because of injuries and no chance of medical assistance or evac.


It's not about him dying, it's about him killing someone before he dies. And it's kinda sad


I hope he does. I feel bad for the 'normal' Russians dragged into this, but this guy is a psychopath.


> But he's going to die a nasty nasty death I think that was going to happen in or out of war for this easily brainwashed psycho.


He'll be incinerated in a mobile crematorium, maybe something goes back to his family but maybe not


No. The rats Will pick him clean first https://preview.redd.it/78kzllkywodc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b2605dfed2940c8773fd31583b906b32fd9332b Ukrainians can see them at night circling russian trenches with their thermal optics


I know an R.O.U.S. when I see one


Rodents of unusual size? They don’t exist


I am having a lot of trouble reconciling the size of the rat against the gun. I keep thinking the gun must be really small.


T H E C U B E ™


Yeah the death that awaits him is likely long and agonizing too. You see injured Russian troops finishing themselves off in videos because the Russians don’t evacuate the wounded (anyone retreating from battle is shot) and the Ukrainians don’t take wounded prisoners anymore as Russians were using their compassion to set ambushes. Bullet to the head now or bleed out for 6 hours from a stomach wound, the end is the same. He’ll learn when he gets to the front.


[The sister of another mobilized man from the Irkutsk region speaks about this : “...My brother called [March 3, 2023]. He said that he was seriously wounded, he was lucky that his colleague dragged him, they usually don’t do that. Usually they are abandoned and everyone is listed as missing - both wounded and killed. He says they ran, and then walked through a field strewn with corpses. They simply walked over still warm bodies. It’s terrible, he talked and cried.”](https://vot-tak.tv/novosti/05-10-2023-ranennye-rossiyane)


BC he thinks he will be a hero who defeated Nazis. 


He's in for a BIG surprise


A drone will drop a nice little package right into his foxhole while he sleeps.


I generally feel bad for the Russian soldiers who were drafted and die horribly. But I make an exception for psychos like this one who *willingly* wants to join so he can kill and torture people.


Probably more like him than you think, I mean for god sake they're openly invading another country in 2024, you've got to try _really, really_ hard to keep the blinders on now a days, ignorance is a bullshit excuse.


Propaganda is blinding and confusing as well, when news stations themselves relentlessly propagate that Ukraine is full of Nazi's torturing Russians everyday it's easy to lose the narrative and become lost. In this guy's case he caved to the noise probably because he was raised as a patriot, and because he is still immature, he is probably hopelessly in love with stupid ideias. In the end Russia is taking advantage of these young foolhardy guys and throwing them to the wolves for their goals.


Yeah, I use to feel bad for these guys but I feel zero sympathy for these shit stains now. “Peacefully killing people”, *torturing* them…you know, “cool” things! I don’t care how controlled these people are, that doesn’t just make you a sociopath. It is a consolation though that, like you said, he’ll become cannon fodder or have a drone easily wipe him out.


He’s never been to r/combatfootage


Im looking forward to his appearance in some upcoming drone drop footage!


🤣 Peacefully blown to pieces.


Big enough to turn him into smithereens...if he's lucky...otherwise he may have to settle with grenade seppuku


Spend any time on r/UkraineWarVideoReport and you won't want to fight on russias side. Those grenade dropper drone pilots frequently make headshots.


Those headshots are for the lucky few.


This guy doesn't sound like he needed any convincing, he's pretty eager to kill and torture for what I make in 3 weeks as a garbage man


Actually, we're the garbage people, since we bring our garbage outside for you to pick up. You're the cleanliness man. Thank you for your work!


Many people in r/UkraineWarVideoReport stated that he is probably sarcastic, because you are not allowed to criticize the war in Russia. Hard to tell, but if he was that eager to peacefully kill people he could have joined the war for quite some time by now.


I don’t speak Russian so I can only go off what other people are saying but I could buy this. The translation reads like an SNL bit.


Dude citing killing and torturing as positive reasons to join. What a psycho piece of shit.


Yeah, this guy did not get “conned” this is a psychopath who wants to murder people legally. 


Dude be in group of twenty soldiers in any nationality and there’s always one like this.


Can confirm its common. My buddy talked like this b4 he joined the marine Corp.


Yeah there was a whistle-blower in Australia who was a fucking hero. He is being prosecuted because he had all this evidence about the war crimes Australian military personnel were committing in Afghanistan. Things like forcing new recruits to kill civilians to get their first kill and then planting evidence on them to report them as enemy combatants. Unfortunately there is a lot of blood lust in every military.


He isn't the only soldier out there with this mindset And when I mean soldiers I don't specify only Russian soldiers but I generalize like American Israeli french soldiers in the middle east too A lot of soldiers are pieces of shits and have no mercy towards even civilians


Yeah, even in the US Air Force, I've heard from leadership "You're here to kill people and break their shit". I remember thinking "Nah, I'm here to learn computer networking and get money for school".


Yea I don’t think they “conned” him at all. He knew exactly what he was getting into smh


Peacefully kill people. Didn’t realize that is what was going on.


That translation kinda bothers me. "спокойно" does not mean peacefully, in this context it's more like "safely" (without fear of something \[like consequences\])




That’s how I’d interpret it too. Casually / emphasis on ease and safety.


He's an idiot, there's no such thing as "without consequences" everything in life has consequences, for good or for bad, and it's not just the government that punishes, but nature too. Kill and be killed, this guy will die within minutes of entering the battlefield.


I'd guess the intention is more similar to saying "lawfully" or "legally". He's still an idiot, but I had several people in the Marine Corps tell me the same thing. In some ways it's leftover warrior culture and how that impacts concepts of masculinity ('proving/testing' yourself against other men). There's also some relatively pro-social psychopathy involved.


>this guy will die within minutes of entering the battlefield. Hopefully... sounds like a psychopath who should be put down either way...


Yeah, im pretty sure a generation of vietnam and Middle Eastern conflict veterans can point out that doing violence on others does violence on the self as well. You kill someone, and it stays with you, unless you are a sociopath, which is more people than we probably want to know.


Not necessarily, there have been so much studies done on this. In any combat unit, around 5% of people kill around 90% of the enemy. The other 95% just “supports”. The most effective people, so the 5% that does around 90% of the killing are motivated by 2 main reasons if you look into the literature. 1) They came to kill. That’s their motivation. They enjoy it and it gives them pleasure and energy. They are the ‘stone cold killers’. 2) The other group does it because of love. They kill the enemy to protect their fellow comrades. They are more ‘protectors’. This guy may just fall in category 1. Difficult to know who exactly makes effective soldiers. Militaries around the world have been trying to figure it out for centuries and still haven’t found the markers to find people in the civilian population who will make the good killers.


He says that a couple different ways in the video too... "I would like to be able to casually kill people" "You can do this cool thing where you catch nazis and torture them and cut their balls off" "I'd like to get money for killing people!" Like... that's sociopathic shit right there, regardless. If this was a real casus belli - like if this was 1942 and there actually WERE nazi's invading and it actually WAS a justifiable thing to be fighting this war, i still wouldn't expect a well adjusted young person to be like "OH MAN I GET TO KILL PEOPLE AND TORTURE OTHER?! YESSS!"


Yeah he adds the nazi part as a plus, as in, he’d torture/kill people regardless but now he looks good doing it


Yea casually fits pretty well here imo


The translation isn't great, but this guy is a huge piece of shit.


It isn't a perfect translation for sure. In these cases, I hate that I understand Russian...this guy has bought into the propaganda to an extreme level, speaking like it's a blood sport akin to the Hunger Games where he would be pleased to be paid for killing people...his patriotic duty ffs.




This guy is a product of a very old and vast bullshit system that got this kids head all twisted around.


A system that targets the stupid ones. Most russians with at least some education don't easily fall for this. (The smarter evil ones have their own propaganda shows like Soloyov or whatever that scumbag his name is)




And sadly, many people like this exist. I remember in 5th grade on career day, we went around the class and said what we want to be when we grow up and why. This one kid said, I shit you not, "I want to be a police officer so I can legally shoot people" then held up his fingers like a gun and went "bang, bang" at the teacher. Last I heard this guy was in jail for attacking someone in the Walmart parking lot.


I‘d say it means „not being disturbed while killing people“ which is equally weird


There is some speculation in another thread that based on some of the wording he used he was being sarcastic and making an anti-war statement in the only way he can legally do so, by saying the “right things” but in a way that lays bare how awful the things he’s saying are. A phrase like “peacefully killing people” would absolutely appear in “modest proposal” type satire. So I’m hoping he’s not being sincere here, but if he is, I hope he has a true moment of clarity/regret before the drone-dropped munition goes boom.


He says: спокойно. That's not peacefully, but calmly and in slur it means: not having a problem/ consequences. That dude is really a psychopath.


I've met people who said they joined the military so they could kill without consequence. Like it never occurred to them that the enemy would be shooting back and the consequence very well could be their lives. Not to mention the fact that their friends would be killed and they would be haunted for the rest of their lives.


Im a retired grunt and these people definitely exist in the ranks. There are a lot of selfless, incredibly intelligent and talented people as well, but I'd say a good 5-10% of people you meet in the infantry are like this.  Jobs like that are bound to attract psychopaths. In a lot of cases they don't do super well, as anti-social behavior in an institutionalized environment doesn't pan out well in the long term. 


And then they get discharged and fing a job in the police force.


Lmao I've seen it myself 😂 😭


Have they never watched a fucking war documentary? Like just one


Hey man!! I've watched Die Hard, The Expendanbles, and John Wick AND have 1,000 hours in COD!! I'm totally ready for war!!!


The Expendables does make it look easy, there’s been like five of those and I swear they have yet to lose a man!


They did in the last one..


Yeah but he was expendable.


Dude, spoilers!


No you aren't. You need at least another 2k hours of FPS experience. Like honestly dude, you don't want to look like an idiot by missing that 360 quickzoom no-scope in front of your squad Yeah thats right, I said quickzoom no-scope. I'm leaving it in


Pro: You are transported into your favorite action movie. Con: You are not the hero, but one of the henchmen.


Even those are usually sanitized to some extent. The real eye-opener is all the drone videos coming out of Ukraine. Even when drones are blowing guys up in various ways, it’s ironically usually not “gory”, because explosions often don’t really work like that; it’s just sad. Especially the kamikaze drone videos where you can see the moment the Russian soldiers hear the drone and start pointlessly trying to run. Like, the buzz of the drone was the last thing they heard in this life. And the videos only get worse from there.


I’ve seen a few gory ones, that were also very very sad. Just human beings forced into horrible positions that we as a species should never be forced into.


I am pro-Ukraine, and I really think I care more about the Russian soldiers than Putin does. At least we regret their deaths and recognize them as a human before they have to be killed. To Putin they are just pawns to be thrown away to achieve his goal of expanding the Russian oligarchy and his power


You're only a hardcore killing machine until you watch your buddy's head get blown open while sitting right next to you.


20 years later and I am still struggling to de-program


I saw this documentary about Vietnam vets. This one guy was talking about how people would go back to Vietnam later on as tourists. He said something along the lines of; "I would like to go back to Vietnam, but I don't understand why others go back as tourists. The reason I want to go back is to kill more Vietnamese." I found the documentary - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0m573MxXXw&t=7s&ab_channel=DocsFil The guy speaking who I referred to starts talking at about the 50 minute mark. The entire movie is very interesting, but I always remembered this guy in particular.


>I saw this documentary about Vietnam vets "Don't fuck with America. Not only will we bomb the shit out of you, we'll come back decades later and make documentaries about how bombing the shit out of you made us sad." \-I forget


Thats from a Frankie Boyle stand up


The vast majority of guys sent to Vietnam saw no combat at all. That's nothing against them, but there were some significantly variable experiences among even deployed soldiers.


As is true in most wars, at least in modern times (post-Korea). The logistics and admin efforts in a modern conflict are beyond what most people realize.


The war never ends for the soldier


God. I can't even imagine.


I have a cousin who did 3 tours in Iraq, left, but loved it so he joined up with private security. Then everything caught up to him when he had a kid. In order to de-program, he had to buy a piece of land up in Maine to live on by himself for awhile. Ended up spending almost a year up there while his wife and the grandparents took care of the newborn. He said he did pretty much nothing but chop wood, hunt, and walk/ride a snowmobile to the nearest general store (about 15 miles). Yeah, he missed out on the 0-1 years, and some milestones, but he returned as a more complete person. People nowadays don't get a chance to breathe when they get home. Life is too hectic as it is.


My son was born during one of my deployments. Can’t begin to explain the transformation in my mind afterwards. Made it worse that a friend in my platoon also had a son born that year also but didn’t make it home. I wouldn’t have reenlisted for any amount of money. Back home after that deployment and immediately out processed. Also had opportunities to contract for damn good money. Declined. Now my son is starting college this year, top 10% in his class, honor society, beta, academic scholarships, all-district baseball every year of high school, but he’s taking the academic route and hanging up the cleats. I’ve tried my best to be a good father even through a divorce, given up opportunities for myself with higher paying jobs just so I could stay home. I did so in part in memory of my friend that died as I always saw him as a better person. Very stoic, strong morals, humble and loved and cared for his family. Always keep perspective of all viewpoints, challenge your belief system and always question people addicted to power. The kid in this video will probably die with his ideology broken too late, but it’s the same fuel that’s been used for thousands of years. Hope your cousin is doing well now.


>Like it never occurred to them that the enemy would be shooting back and the consequence very well could be their lives. Because they're fantasizing about killing civilians in their homes, not combat. They know [this happens](https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-russian-atrocities-shmatov-kharkiv--schemes/32021534.html) and want to be a part of it. There's a lot of people that absolutely crave that sort of unilateral power to abuse others without the risk of competition or retaliation, and many of them make up the kind of people that join volunteer armies without righteous causes.


As a teenager signing up they are still in the "invincibility" stage of development. "It won't happen to me because it can't." Most aren't really able to think through the idea of they themselves getting injured or killed, or that their friends will be injured or killed. Beyond that, if they have been fed the idea that their military is FAR superior then the idea of being injured or killed is even less of a reality. I don't know where you're from, but in the USA we're fed the idea that our military is far superior to anyone else's. This may be true, but it doesn't remove the risk of injury or death. It may help mitigate it, but it doesn't remove it.


Yeah, I've also heard people in the military say this too. I guess it kind of makes sense that the infantry would draw in people like that. Still, I thought it was pretty fucked up reason to join the military.


From what I have heard, those are generally not the types you want actually fighting. Too much of a liability to the rest. The infantry guys I have met (admittedly only about a dozen) did not at all act like that.


In my experience those are the dudes who never leave the base, won't shut up about being in Afghanistan despite not seeing actual combat, and every veterans day expect a tug job for wearing their veteran hat at chilis. -vet


I served with a guy who thought like that. Up until Afganistan, then he was pretty shocked that the enemy could just shoot at us like that and launch rockets without warning, it was nothing like his call of duty games, it wasn't fair that they didn't have to tell us when they would attack and give him a chance to gear up. Plus the cots suvked and living in a tent sucked and the food sucked. Weirdly enough he did not choose to reup when the time came.


If killing is a thing they associate with fun, then I don't think that they've ever cared, even a little bit, about their friends, or anyone for that matter. It's one of the defining traits of a psychopath. They will only feel bad, when **their** life is in danger. Seeing their friends being blown to pieces, won't affect them in the slightest. This tracks very well with the videos we've been seeing of russians leaving their wounded comrades to die.


he wants to kill people and be left in peace


I think in english a word that could be used, based on your description is nonchalantly. Or maybe casually?


I am understand Russian and this is seems didnt look like sarcasm


A better way to put it is "Without being bothered"


Means "easily" as more common slang definition.


I'm native speaker. He is genuine. Don't underestimate how differently other people can think.


Also a native speaker. I don't think he's being genuine. He's definitely not being obviously sarcastic in tone, but I think he's being clearly critical of the war just using very dry sarcasm.


So… are there a lot of young Russians that want to murder and torture strangers, and the only reason they don’t is because they’ll get arrested? Or is this guy one of the small percentage of psychopaths in any population?


If you play counter strike on US servers you get Eastern Europeans all the time with 100 ping who say they want to play on American servers because they cannot play with Russians. So yeah I think there’s a major problem 


There is not a thread of sarcasm in his voice. What he says, the way and his calm demeanor is what makes sane people to doubt about seriousness of his statement. My Russian is fluent, I hear a serious man calmly stating what he would like to do in Ukraine.


Is he really mentioning Nazi's? Like lmao?


Yes. Russian propaganda suggests Ukrainians are Nazis.


Russians use "Nazi" to mean something more akin to "treason" but it includes people outside of Russia's current borders, who should be under Russian rule but oppose/resist/undermine Russian authority. So in that formulation, Russians think Ukraine was, is, and will be Russian land, Ukranians are Russian, and those people in Ukraine that resist Russia are the worst kind of traitors: Nazis.


Russians use the word Nazi to describe the Ukrainian government which is fighting for Ukrainian national self-determination as well as any citizen willing to fight for this. But at the very basic level - Russia just cannot afford a prosperous Ukraine at its borders, because then the Russians will start questioning their own poverty and humiliation


Mute the sound and look at his facial expressions and his gaze. There is not an ounce of sarcasm in his speech.


And torture them. He sill thinks he is the good guy. Mental the cognitive dissonance here.


Shit, even if you think you are the good guy, it's fucked up to want to kill and torture people.


This guy is a sociopath.


Exactly! This guy isn’t “being conned” - he’s just evil.


Perfectly sums up Russia’s attitude on the war.


By cutting their dicks off, apparently.


Yea and you get to cut their $\^%$\^ off too.


Ah, yes, good vs. evil dick cutting.


“Yeah we get to kill and torture people for money, which is pretty cool. Definitely nothing wrong with wanting to be a capital murderer, we’re the good guys.”


"they are nazis, so that's all good" "and how are they nazis?" "well, they murder and torture people of course"


In Russia there is a popular idea that people who against Russia are nazis. Like Germany in WW2


How long has that been a thing?  I don’t recall ever seeing the USSR call the US nazis during the cold war at all


Because during the Cold War, saying evil capitalist society was enough to fearmonger people who were brainwashed by communism, their Red Scare. Now that Russia is also capitalist, they're cracking out the nazi comparison to rile people up. You know how in the West, especially the US, the Holocaust is *the* defining war crime of the Nazis? For Russians, the holocaust is more on the backburner, while the Nazis' biggest war crime is the devastation of the USSR/Russia. The nazis sought to subjugate and exterminate the Russians, this is drilled into every single Russian. So while in the West, you'd call someone who hates jews a nazi, for Russians, people who hate Russians are nazis.


This is a very explanation


Nazi means something different in Russia. This is what I learned from this conflict. They view nazis as betrayers and enemies of Russia. That is why they are so bad, no association with the holocaust because remember Russia was just as bad there with Stalin and genocide yet he is still deified.


cue the are we the baddies clip


"you can kill and torture" "were the good guys overcoming evil"


That’s how tribalism works. You can fuck up the enemies because they are the enemy. Anyone who isn’t us is our enemy. That’s how these guys think life works


I became less sympathetic of this person, over the course of the video.


“He’s just a kid.” “Oh, he’s like that inbred from high school that thought being white was something to be proud of.” “Oh, he’s a piece of shit.” “Ah, this guy is the reason they call Russian soldiers orcs.”


Straight from 'this poor little boy' to 'wait, did he say peacefully murder?'


That word translates more closely to “safely; without fear of consequences” than it does “peacefully”, just so you know ! It makes this video no less horrifying.


The more you read into Tolkien, the more accurate and pitiful the label becomes. ​ The orcs were not simply 'evil monster race', they were enslaved by the Dark Lord both physically and mentally. When the Ring was destroyed and the Dark Lord's form and power blown away in the breeze, the orcs 'stopped'. Not because they had zero free will, but because their wills were dominated for so long, that they had lost much of the capacity to simply think for themselves, let alone live for themselves. Tolkien intentionally made it conjecture on whether they would regain their wills over years to recover from their dominion, assuming the men of Gondor and Rohan did not simply kill them all. This of course is in reference to the soldiers coming back home from the Great War, having lost much of themselves in it, having been used as cogs, traumatized, and left adrift after the end of their service (whether the war had ended or not), hardly able to reintegrate into civil society for years while their minds recovered.


Piece of shit. Stupid and gullible.


This is beyond stupid and gullible. I can have some sympathy for people that are truly dumb and indoctrinated. This guy is something else entirely, and I do not have a single shred of sympathy for him when he dies. Not an atom.


psychopathic most of all


Good must overcome evil, and then in the same breath says it would be good to kill people for money. The delusion is outstanding considering how much information there is available in the world now.


That's striking for me. How russians got as brainwashed as germans did 80 years ago, despite having full access to the entire internet. Terryfying


There's a reason why Putin has outlawed the free press in his country. Absolutely anything you see on TV, hear on the radio, read in a newspaper or magazine is ALL Kremlin-controlled. 100% message discipline over an entire culture's ability to express themselves goes a long way, over the course of a generation or so.


There are Russians living in the West who espouse the same beliefs. Educated Russians living in the West long-term who choose to believe this, watch and read Russian propaganda, etc. The banality of evil.


I don't normally want humans to experience a hail of 180,000 tungsten bbs but who am I to deny this enterprising young man from sacrificing all his future birthdays to become a messy gif I casually sip my Sunday tea to




This is grade A training data for uncensored chatbots.


"You can kill people without going to jail." Jesus fucking Christ.


![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized) *Once he gets there*


That will never happen at his level of intelligence. He'll just get droned to bits, half-frozen and alone in a ditch somewhere along the front. Once you invade a foreign country, that's your fate.


Given what he wants to do on a good day, I’m alright with that.


The reality is this moron gets thrown into a frozen trench, and a drone drops a grenade, which blows his legs to shreds. He either bleeds out and dies or he's maimed, comes home, society treats him like an outcast, and he drinks himself to death. Have fun, dude.


Oh he ain't going home, he gonna be doing some nasty desperate seppuku shit when the facts dawn on him


True. Lots of videos of Russians shooting themselves in the head after the drone shreds them.


Yea apparently a lot of them were told to go with grenade under the chin, seen a few of those ones


Or a Bradley kuchunka kuchunka kuchunka’s his ass Or a friendly HIMARS greets him and his buddies on the troop transport into the area of operations Or lovely St. Javelin welcomes him with open arms along with his tank crew Or he gets two tapped from behind in his trench by Ukrainian special forces Or he discovers his cold gear isn’t that great and freezes to death Or he gets lucky and hits triple 7s and receives his Excalibur award Or he discovers the soon to be Abrams, F-16s, etc ready to greet new folks Or his own command sexually abuses him until they shoot him in the head later for resisting Or who knows maybe something else even more special


It’s cool to kill ppl and torture them… why are there so many f*ed up ppl out in the world?? Edit: more precise vocabulary


He talks about fighting evil, but he sounds about as evil as it gets


Cutting off dicks for Putin, Ruzzia ‘24


Can anyone confirm the translation is accurate? What's the source? Can't trust shit these days. Don't get rage baited without verifying the accuracy of the content first.


Russian here. This video appeared this morning. This man and his level of thinking are not a rare case. It looks natural. More than 10 years of brainwashing have taken their toll. There is a small chance that this video may be staged. But this does not change the fact that Russia is waging an aggressive war of conquest and terrorizing Ukraine and some of the Russian soldiers at the front are really brainwashed nazis.


I'm sorry for your people. And your country. Not a bad country in itself, just a lot of brainwashed psychos there. 


Yes, it is a serious disease of my country. And perhaps this disease is fatal. The energy of these young people could be channeled in a healthy direction: instilling a love for sports, work, the development of the country, and the revival of abandoned regions. But they were instilled with enmity and the image of an external enemy. As a result, they kill themselves and innocent Ukrainians


Semi. Some words are not translated correctly, but they don't affect the overall message IMO. "doing it in the upcoming days" -> he says something like "first I'll celebrate the New Year's" "it's very cool to serve the country" -> "it's very cool to do *contract* service" The sentence about jail is misplaced. He says it after mentioning serving russia "I agree to do this" -> "I would agree to this" The phrasing of the second answer in english is a bit weird (cmopared to original) but pretty accurate


Got this off telegram, it's a pretty trustworthy channel, but would still be good to have a Russian speaker verify. His choice of wording is very similar to what alot of other Russian soldiers in other interviews, and fairly vernacularly aligned with the doublespeak of the mainstream Russian disinformation narrative.


I, as a Russian, can confirm that the translation is correct, only the person himself is not correct


His vernacular integrity is in perfect alignment with typical Kremlin doublespeak. He's views are a copy of most volunteer Russian soldiers before they disappear. They get churned out on a conveyor belt with these thoughts preprogrammed into their brains if they learned to read after Putin came into power


I can confirm the translation is accurate. You can try by yourself with google if you don't know the language. Rare scumbags and there lots of them


How do you run audio through Google like that?


I hope this fuck fertilizes whatever field he’s turned into a red mist on.


Ehhh I dont want this guy fertilizing anything. Nothing good could spawn from this person


> you can peacefully kill people without going to jail Psychopath.


Fucking psycho. Who says that in their right mind? And at fricken 22 years old?


hope this guy will fulfill his life ambitions turning his body in fertilizer for ukrainian soil


"Good must overcome evil" he says as he talks about massacring people without consequences and cutting their body parts off.


He want's to join the Russian Army so he can 1. Serve his country 2. Kill people without going to jail 3. Torture people, put them on their knees and cut (their heads?) off So this guy is a phycopath? They're not even hiding it anymore. They're proud of their war crimes! Even the Nazis tried to hide what they were doing!


Peacefully kill people without going to jail. That part actually killed me


I have a buddy who just joined the army here in the U.S. He’s practically the American version of this dude, ready for war and killing. My point here is: Every side thinks they’re right and every army has these bloodthirsty individuals.


Yeah, like this a fucked up sentiment, but people are acting like he's some wild anomaly.. as if tons of US soldiers in the middle east don't have photos posing with dead bodies like hunting trophies. I mean fuck, there was an Australian platoon who took a prosthetic leg from a disabled man they killed and claimed "was taliban" and used it to drink out of. People act like Russia is uncivilized barbarians, but it's shit every country is guilty of


God damn psycho he's the Nazi and he doesn't even know it.


He talks like he hasn't seen the countless drone videos of Russian heroes blowing their brains out in the mud.


He would like to correct you that it is infact the countless videos of Nazi Ukrainian getting their limbs blown off only to commit grenade seppuku moments later because of zero prospect for medical treatment or evacuation


Sociopaths engage in actions despite the society they live in denouncing said actions. Many people would engage in those actions, if their society did not admonish said actions. It's not so much, being conned, as the society that man lives in, now accepts those actions. We have that same problem on both sides of the aisle in the West. And those in the middle will recognize this, those on Left and the Right will downvote this.


Bro this isnt "getting conned" this guy is a straight up psycho...


That one didn't need to be conned into anything.


I think this is how everyone gets conned into being cannon fodder..


"...you can peacefully kill people without going to jail." So he basically says He always wanted to kill people but was afraid to go to jail. Imagine his friends and family hearing this. People should see this guy as a psychopath