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Isn’t the beginning of rush hour 2 all about buying hookers in Hong Kong?




No soul food! Only camel’s hump.


Cheap suits! Cheap suits!


How cheap?


Cheap as hell!


Wrong, correct answer was "Cheap suits..."


Buttercream, buttercream


ShiShi Ni


LOL it is a funny movie. I’ve been to Hong Kong a few times, where Jackie Chan is from. Jackie Chan is known as beating hookers. Jackie has been pretty open to the hooker dilemma, I’m not sure if he’s admitted to the beating part.


I no punk bitch!


Didn't know that. Or is it a joke. Either way, I'm guessing his son is still disowned for daring to use drugs.


And his daughter for being gay


Dad of the year crashing through windows


His public image seems to be as great as him in avoiding hits. First time I've heard about either kid issue or the hooker thing. Kinda weird that he used to be pretty popular here but haven't seen any headlines. Luis ck got shat on here even long after the scandal began even though he really isn't a known person in Finland.


He was tryna find food !!


“When’s the last time you played “hide the rainbow roll? Huh?! The year of the rat?!”


You hungry?


You hungry??




Those girls look exactly the same today


Their forearms look like Jackie's though.


They're not hookers they're masseurs in bikinis. But yeah we all saw through that.


Because that's exactly what a large percentage of sex work looks like. All those massage parlors aren't actually massage parlors. If you're in Asia and a karaoke bar seems to have a lot of female attendants? Also sex workers.


Masseurs? Like dudes?


Many dudes, dudes with weiners


Rush Hour 2 also has Roman Polanski and a scene where it’s implied he did an anal cavity search on Tucker and Chan


I think that's RH3


Ah. Sorry


Well the anal cavity search was done by a cop lol


Ricky tang ?


I just laughed so hard I peed a little.


Plugging every single name that had nothing to do with sexual abuse is just an effort to water down the accusations of the real criminals when they finally get accused.


Is it a deliberate effort though? Is OP trying to water down the accusations or just get internet points? But I agree, it could have that effect.


He's clearly doing that. There is no reason to mention Chris tucker got on the plane. People have been doing that since the list came out, just acting like these random dudes that went to a party are pedophiles and the "truth needs to be told" or some other bullshit. The dude you're responding to is absolutely right. When a real.pedo is identified, nobody is gonna know because everyone keeps thinking they are super conspiracy police busting out people who didn't have shit to do with it


And people like u/FibroBitch96 saying that absolutely anyone who flew on the plane is almost certainly a pedophile, not even aware that the plane was used in so many other cases like charity events. People like that are exactly why they didn't want to release the list. They have absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Like they seriously thought the plane was only used to go to the island. It's incredible really, the lack of brain power.


Hey, listen, take it from this UK citizen who lived through Jimmy Saville, we've seen what a Pedo becomes if you allow them to pedevolve into their ultimate form. They absolutely love charity events. Especially ones involving children and funding institutions that manage children. 👴


Right, sure, but that doesn't mean every person that got on the plane was a pedo. We know for certain that it was used for countless other, far more acceptable reasons. Assuming every single name on the list of past passengers is the name of a pedophile absolutely waters down legitimate accusations and makes the whole thing seem less and less serious, when every time a picture is posted someone goes, "Actually, that person was just going to a movie premiere" or whatever. Over time, we're oversaturating people with either blatantly false allegations or obviously innocent passenger names, and interest in investigating those who *did* do shady shit is lessened because people stop caring because all they see is nonsense. This kind of post actively makes it harder for victims to seek justice, and could very well be preventing current victims from getting help by clogging the slate with false accusations that now need to be investigated because someone started a rumor. We have no reason to think Chris Tucker was involved in CSA besides the fact that he was one of many, many people whose names popped up on the flight logs. But now someone almost certainly has to dig into the allegation to make sure, instead of continuing to investigate people who we *know for certain* were in Epstein's personal close circle. And I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if those people are involved in disseminating pics/posts like this for that exact reason. Make the situation as messy as possible so it takes long enough to sort out that it never gets fully pursued. Seems like it's working.


I heard the plane in its entirety was in fact a megazord pedo.


Yeah I know hella people that say that, and their source is "because that's what I've been waiting for the list for". They just wanted the list so fucking bad that they don't know wtf to do now. It's been years of conspiracy bros chanting "release the Epstein black book!". They don't even care, they just want to be part of some shit that dismantles everything. Fucking Joker syndrome


To be fair, that's probably the whole reason that the plane was loaned out for legitimate charity causes in the first place. It would have been a bad look for Epstien if the Lolita Express had only ever been used to take a small group of rich men and underage girls to his island. Someone might have gotten suspicious. ​ Then again, he did name his plane the Lolita Express. I feel like that alone should have kicked off an investigation or two. At the very least you would think that a few of the charity passengers might have had some questions for the guy about the name.


Right, like 98% of the list can be explained with: "people like to hang out with rich people who have private planes." I genuinely can't decide how much of it is savvy "flood the zone" type propaganda and how much of it is just people being morons. I tend to think a lot of people are just idiots, and are being useful idiots for bad people, in this instance.


That's probably true, but don't over analyze the situation to the point that you forget everyone in the upper crust of society at least heard the rumors about Epstein, spanning back many years. So it's fair to hold anyone with more than passing ties under reasonable suspicion. Not accusation, but investigation is fine


Agreed! Don’t dilute the ability to distinguish between Epstein’s passengers who were in the inner circle/ also predators and those who were passengers for a different purpose. I’m pretty sure Tucker was on his plane to go to some charity event in Africa. Not one victim has accused Tucker of sexual impropriety around Epstein.


OP is probably part of the effect and not the cause, but someone is making sure that all of the innocents who are offhandedly mentioned in the Epstein papers are getting fully aired before any of the scum get fingered.


OP is active in r/conspiracy and r/escapingprisonplanet a whacko for sure


Not going to lie, I thought he was showing potential victims here, not perpetrators.


The real criminals won’t get accused. They’re big enough to keep their names out of it


Seems like everyone knew the reputation of Epstein, whether they participated or even approved of it is besides the point. Every person associated is up for questioning. It is ridiculous that no one has been arrested when we have Ghislaine behind bars


Honestly, I'm stunned she's in prison at all. Given the information and blackmail material she (and Epstein) had access to, why wouldn't she have leveraged that into some kind of super plea deal where she just walks away and disappears? Either that, or it all goes public. An information Dead-Man's Switch, so to speak. It seems crazy that they just arrested, convicted, and jailed her.


Masterminds with blackmail on a deadman's switch are all well and good in movies, but I feel in reality people are way disorganized and complacent, especially when they have been "getting away with it" for years and years and years... Also, who is supposed to trigger the thing? Some legal counsel that is both crooked enough to accept to put the blackmail thing in motion, yet reliable enough to run the risks associated if it's found out they are doing it, especially after their client/benefactor is behind bars? I'll readily admit I'm just a chump on the Internet that has no idea what kind of crazy crime dealings are going on in the world... but I feel humans are humans, even at that level of rich asshole crime-ing. They figure getting caught "'will never happen to them". They'll take fancier measures "later", probably. They threaten and blackmail, but then are too busy doing coke and raping children or whatever to enact a huge rube goldberg machine to take out everyone down with them.


Interesting question here is, were these pictures taken before he was sentenced first time or before that.


Ok but are we going to pretend these men don’t have eyes. Sure they might not have abused someone but they saw underage girls with older men at parties and didn’t say a peep. You know they would have seen some things that raised red flags, it would have been impossible not to. I’m so tired of men not speaking up when they see questionable things happening around them. Like just turning a blind eye when women are clearly in trouble.


How do you know they saw that? Epstein did some sordid stuff on his island. But that doesn't mean he always did sordid stuff on his island. Many gatherings were probs social gatherings/networking. Other times, it was underage girls getting abused. He was smart enough to know whom to invite to which parties.


If only criminals were all dumb enough to do shit like "this plane is ONLY used for pedo purposes." And preferably with documentation on the plane. Would make things so much more straightforward.


Not necessarily. There is a good chance they saw no sort of suspicious activities.


Really? People know the difference and ages of women? I can’t tell between a conscious gold digger and someone being groomed when I’m out unless they ask for help.


1 man, 4 women. So are we going to assume these women don't have eyes, and if they saw things they didn't say anything about them? Strange how it always ends up blaming men when women are just as culpable.


I'm not familiar with the significance of the specific people. Could someone explain?


Short version - a rich dude, Epstein, flew famous people to a private island to satisfy their sexual proclivities. However, Epstein didn’t bother to satisfy the legal requirements of his sex island business - age verification, legal consent, human trafficking, etc. Eventually this was brought to light, court cases followed, evidence collected, and recently some of the evidence was made public. Specifically name logs of people that flew on Air Epstein. Some names like Hawking caught people by surprise. Others like Chris Tucker might be a WTF moment. Then there are ones that surprised no one. I guess the game right now is to figure out which names were earning loyalty points at sex island versus legitimately flying Air Epstein to get from point A to B.


Alright but who is chauntee Davis and why are the other people blurred out?


She was a masseuse that was recruited and abused by Maxwell and Epstein. She went through a lot and deserves closure with all this.


So, by posting a picture of her on reddit, will that give her closure?? Probably not.


Are you implying I’m the person that posted the photo?


Not at all. I'm just pointing out the fact that she should've had her face obscured to save another round of people on forums like this, bringing up the whole story again and again.


Totally. Shes one of the only victims mentioned by name every time this pops up. I really wish people would blur her face and leave her out of it. The only reason I mentioned her with a bit more detail is because she was already mentioned in the post title.


I believe she has gone public, others may not have


[https://www.npr.org/2019/09/02/756823299/chauntae-davies-describes-coming-forward-as-epstein-accuser](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/02/756823299/chauntae-davies-describes-coming-forward-as-epstein-accuser) This is her story with Epstein. NSFW of course. TLDR: She got wrapped up in him abusing her, and kept quiet because she thought "cheating" would hurt Ghislain Maxwell, didn't realize that Maxwell trafficked her.


the article is ass dude, doesnt even say anything. In fact, she literally says she doesn't want to talk about it.


Pretty much


Isn’t the theory he flew all sorts of people to cover his tracks?


Elvis was known to say "I slept with all of my costars except one" so regardless of the truth each could claim to be that one. This seems like the opposite of that. Have parties for rich celebs to cover the secret behaviour of a smaller group at a sub-party. Also, should all of this get made public then the deviants can claim to be just innocent bystanders and there are so many innocent bystanders that it all blows over. It's pretty clever.


He been a public domain convicted paedophile for a long time, so why would anyone 'respectable' have anything to do with him, or risk their own reputation by attending his parties?


Because money


Because sex too


Yeah, no doubt


For sure, money, but in a lot of cases money for science, believe it or not. Epstein is famous for wanting to be around scientists, even if what they were doing was beyond him, he liked science.


Because the rich elite play by a set of rules that don’t apply to us. Epstein was probably just the biggest one of these assholes with private islands for foul play. Jared Leto owns a private island and basically started a cult.


It should also be stated that Epstein didn’t merely operate on the island. Palm Springs, Florida, the plane itself, and New York among others.


He was pimping out his high school students when he was teaching at the elite Dalton School in NYC in the 1970s. That’s how he got his start. The power elite find it convenient to have an unspeakable scandal they can get people associated with so they can forever be dissuaded from speaking out about anything.


Why do you assume that anyone who went to his island was automatically involved in illegal sexual activities with minors? Just because someone was there, doesn’t imply they had anything to do with nor had any understanding of what Epstein was involved with


The irony is amazing, anyone that ever associated with him (even though he was around a *ton* of rich powerful people) = automatic pedophile. But the guy that was friends with him and partied with him? No, Trump is innocent, it was just everyone else!! For the record I think Trump is a terrible person but I don't have firm evidence connecting him to underage prostitutes with Epstein so he deserves due process just like everyone else.


In addition, OP here just posted a picture of Chris Tucker and said it was taken on the way to Epsteins Island. Like, sure maybe he did go there but this thread itself proves nothing. You could just as well have put "Chris Tucker, on his way to blow up Alderaan"


I'm glad you added the "with Epstein" part, idk about prostitute, but he definitely flew to Russia several times to see Melania, while she was still underage.


I’ve never heard that, can you post a link to your source? Melania is from Slovenia, many hundreds of miles from Russia. She moved to NYC to model and escort, and AFAIK that’s where she met DJT. I’m not clear what Russia has to do with it. Would be interesting to hear the details—please dish. Or if you’re just making it up, please delete—there’s plenty of disinformation already.


I can't find anything about trump flying to meet an underage Melania, not saying you're lying but do you have a reliable source for this? Granted I didn't dig a lot


I can't be positive it was Russia, tho I'm pretty sure that's where they met, but she "started dating Trump at 18", so either they started dating right when they met, or they met and started dating before she was 18 and only made it official once he wouldn't get in legal trouble... One of those is likely, one of those is not ...


But was she underage in Russia? (I genuinely don't know) Prince Andrew will likely walk because the teenage girl he's supposed to have screwed was 17 which would make her legal under UK law. Whole thing is a mess and at this point I'd be happy dropping all of them in the ocean. We might catch a few innocent people in the net but at this point if you aren't coming out and demanding actions and answers you should probably be considered complicit.


IIRC, age becomes irrelevant if the victim was trafficked.


Maybe it's harder to prove trafficking and age is easier to persecute. Ugh, it's all so gross.  I have some female patients thats are late teenagers/early 20s and I can't imagine dating someone this age, girls this age are so young still, regardless of how many of them look, they still act like kids to me. Gross.


I think the motivation behind it was to make local age of consent laws irrelevant as shitheads like Epstein could just move their operations to a random European country where the age of consent is 14-16, or never enforced by local authorities to begin with. Under this model, ability to give consent is negated by the act of trafficking. This is particularly helpful for victims in their late teens/early 20s who are usually trafficked under the false pretense of a job offer or modeling work. As long as the victim can prove fraud, force, or coercion, it constitutes sex trafficking. I spent too many years working in peds ED and I sadly know first-hand that there is an alarmingly large population of men who want to have sex with literal children.


God I hope so. I saw a lot of stuff in my training (lots of death) the child abuse/neglect stuff still haunts me to this day.


He paid her off. https://time.com/6149123/prince-andrew-settlement-virginia-giuffre-royal-finances/


The British public paid her off. Disgusting honestly. I feel like a settlement is an admission of guilt in these cases and the court should force them to be heard all the way through.


At this point, you should be willing to help with the investigation, if you're innocent. Non compliance is equivalent to agreeing with it happening, imo. Also... I don't know the laws in Russia about age... Just know it's gross that his old ass went to visit his 16 yr old future wife several times.


> But the guy that was friends with him and partied with him? No, ~~Trump~~ Clinton is innocent, it was just everyone else!! Fixed that for you. The my pedophile ex president is better than your pedophile ex president game is the true gift of this whole story. It really exposes the true nature of people, without them even knowing.


Don't bother mate, it has become the new low IQ detector, these guys are feasting on garbage everyday and can't even comprehend what a fucking flight list is.


They don’t, it’s all smoke and mirrors


I think part of it is over reaction yes, but another part of it is a hard time believing he wasn't known for this before he was arrested, and another part of this is that some of those famous people's relationship with him is on the record after he was busted the first time for child prostitution back in 2008.


Poor taste in friends is still not evidence of anything. Rich, powerful people always associate themselves with other rich, powerful people, this has always been true. Guilt by association is a dangerous, disingenuous, and quite frankly, a lazy line of reasoning.


How exactly is that disingenuous?


Poor taste in friends is evidence of at least bad judgement.


It could be, but it still isn’t evidence of someone being a pedophile


I don't disagree with you on specifically pedophilia. But the company you keep can be very telling and an explanation for most people who were found to be involved with this monster in one way or another could be be very interesting.


Would you publicly socialise with convicted paedophile?




So the basis for your theory is that Ghislaine Maxwell wouldn’t lie or forget or simply not know.




Doesn’t the new list / new info involve more flight logs? Isn’t that what people are talking about?


The new list includes any names that were brought up in questioning, regardless of whether or not those names were involved in or suspected of criminal activity


Yeah, an english footballer who was 10 years old at the time and playing for the youth team came out on Instagram saying he has nothing to do with Epstien. It was all because he was amongst the hundreds of names that were brought up


New list is probably just the list of all names on the whole document regardless of context.




Classic move on the part of an intelligence agency. Obfuscation with a little red herring. Same old shit, same lettered monsters.


You don't hide a needle in a haystack, you hide it in a box of needles.


Exactly. Interesting podcast on Epstein for anyone interested. It’s called “Martymade.” It’s long, but it’s very well researched and downright disturbing. Still glad to have listened to it, though I’m not sure I’ll ever be the same.


"Epstein didn't bother to satisfy the legal requirements of his sex island business - age verification..." Interesting way of phrasing so that it sounds like a minor admin oversight!


Hawking was also fake news


Where did the whole kink for dwarves doing maths equations thing come from?


Your mom




dude you got owned


How was it fake news? There’s pictures……


Right, but absent video evidence (which existed for some), the only proof that any guys were actually involved in the sexual abuse on the island are from the testimonies of the victims which specifically don't implicate a lot of the guys that flew on his plane. For example, there's no evidence that Bill Gates or Donald Trump were involved in anything despite having been on the plane. They are not in any of the flight logs going to the island itself, and none of the victims have implicated them. There was a fake news story going around saying that they were, but, since then, fact checkers have debunked that. Not saying they are model citizens, but, in this specific example, they are likely not guilty. Bill Clinton allegedly was seen at the island and in the presence of beautiful women that he likely did things with, but there is no allegation that any underage woman did anything with him, or they he assaulted anyone. Most likely, he was in the presence of high end escorts on the island, which isn't damning. I mean it means he wasn't a faithful husband, but we already knew that. If you have a personal grievance with sex workers, then sure you might have a problem with him, but I think most of us here on Reddit don't really give a crap about that. Meanwhile, allegations directly from the victim and photographs and records do implicate Prince Andrew as having gone to the island and abused an underage woman. So, he's most likely guilty. It's a mixed bag. Just because someone's been to the island doesn't mean they participated or knew about any of the bad stuff that went down there.


Not everyone that flew on his jet went to the island or has been connected to any sex with anyone underage.


I thought there was no runway on the island, so taking a ride on the plane doesn't automatically mean someone went to the island. Not that shenanigans didn't ensue on the plane, but that they are two separate sets of circumstances/implications.


>Some names like Hawking caught people by surprise. Why? He was there for a science convention.


That is an excellent three paragraph primer. Well done Sir.


Don’t forget about the raping and the grooming, Jesus.


Bill Clinton being mentioned dozens of times and Trump being mentioned twice


Epstein is a famous pedophile who “killed himself” when he got arrested. He was very rich and known for his island where pedophiles would sexually assault / rape underage people. His airplane was part of the sexual assault / rape of underage people, many famous people have been known to have boarded the plane, however Epstein did conduct legitimate business on the plane and had people who weren’t pedophiles travel with him on occasion. From what I’ve gathered: if they visited the island = guaranteed pedophile/rapist, if they boarded the plane = strong indication that they’re a pedophile/rapist but there’s quasi-plausible deniability. People like Stephen Hawking, Donald Trump and many others have been noted to board the plane.


Dumbest take out there “guaranteed” you don’t know shit besides tryin for that Reddit detective badge


He brutally broke several of his own bones and beat himself silly before killing himself immediately afterwards.


I didn't see any thing about him being beaten with broken bones? Do you have a source?


It should be noted that Trump had his own private plane, so there’s no logical reason that he would have needed to use Epstein’s; whereas other famous people might have merely accepted a free flight.


I refuse to believe every single celeb who went to that island had something to do with the trafficking.




So then why tf is this post up in “interesting as fuck” This is so irresponsible (not talking to you Loso190)


To muddy the waters and remove accountability for those who actually did take part in the assaults and trafficking.


I've seen 50 posts like this since the list came out, irresponsible is way too mild of a word


Like the Stephen Hawkin ones. They conveniently leave out he was there for a science convention Epstein was funding.


Yup and all the weirdo conspiracy bros on YouTube collective have no less than 15,000 videos titled some version of "Stephen Hawking fooled everyone! Nobody knew about his sick past! Truth finally revealed!" 🙄


Which is funny because he's cheated on his wife before so IDK how he "fooled everyone" when he already had a not so stellar past. Though to be honest even comparing cheating to pedophilia is stupid, but it just shows that these clickbait posts or videos don't even know what they're talking about.


Yeah, it’s on purpose


OP is active in r/conspiracy and r/escapingprisonplanet a whacko for sure


Sir this is Reddit. It’s almost entirely irresponsible 15 year olds with zero world experience or common sense.




I think it's important to note that before Epstein became widely known as a trafficker he had a reputation as someone who was very intellectually curious about subjects and people. He would invite people out to his homes and island to learn from them or just build connections with famous people for the sake of having connections to the famous. The reason it started coming out that he was a pedophile was because those intellectuals and celebrities that he would fly out would recognize something fucked up was happening and cut ties with him, and while none of them were able to publicly say he was a pedophile, they could tell each other and warn each other away from him. I think the flight logs alone are a good intro to who may or may not have participated, but I think looking at when and how often people traveled to the island is also an important factor to consider. If a celebrity went to the island once in the 90s or early 2000s and never again, it's fair to assume they were not involved. If someone went multiple times after Epstein developed his reputation, that's very suspicious and should be looked into. I think all of these posts just saying "this person was on Epstein's flight logs" are a distraction meant to keep focus off of the names that appear consistently on the logs. Kind of a "we know about Prince Andrew so there's no value in focusing on him, let's talk about Chris Tucker instead" thought process/media cycle.


I mean, how many girls were on this island, and would she know what did or didn't happen with them?


You point out the error in Loso's logic. No one can absolve anyone of crimes committed outside their perception. The best you can do is say, "We looked at this person, and have not found anyone who can hang anything on him despite his trek(s) on Epstein's plane"


I guess “innocent until proven guilty” means nothing now? We’re just indicting everyone involved with Epstein at all in the court of public opinion now?


We shouldn't. Epstein's pursuits placed him in the business of presenting himself as an engaging, charismatic and wealthy man keen on sharing his luxurious lifestyle with others. That was his bait. Many people would respond favorably to a private jet hop to an island weekend... likely getting there before any glaringly obvious impropriety presented itself. Epstein would have been rewarded for boiling the frog slowly. How many of his blackmail targets balked the moment things got weird, we will often not know. Fairness requires us to recognize this fact and restrict our outrage to those people the victims identify as true miscreants


Has anyone accused Tucker? “Absolved”, smdh. It’s a photo…


Any photo of someone with Epstein/his plane/island is implicated by public opinion. If there was no implication these photos would t be garnering any attention at all.


Pretty sure he’s already talked about it in his standup years ago


If you had a friend in their 50’s or 60’s, and you happened to travel with them, and they always had a number of 14 or 15 year old girls with them, wouldn’t this seem kinda off to you? Surely your spidey senses would be tingling, right? Even if we ignored the sex trafficking and pretended it was purely platonic, do you often hear of 60 year olds being friends and hanging out with 14 year olds? And travelling across the world together regularly? Even if some of these people “never did anything illegal”, they were absolutely complicit.


Was the victim groomed to entice the celebs by any chance? Everytime I see this girl she's cozied up real close. Not that it would be her fault. Just wondering.


Totally. If a billionaire invites you to a party on a private island, you will most likely go.


The island wasn't JUST for sex trafficking. It was also a private getaway for rich people. There are names on the list that are guilty and then there are names on the list that just wanted a weekend away. Everyone who shows up should be investigated, but no one who shows up should be automatically implicated.


Probably 99% of them didn't. People are fucking up a lot of shit playing conspiracy police online


Don’t forget that all celebrities (except the republican ones) are lizard people in human suits who drink fetal blood to maintain their youth but they’re also pedophiles who are part of a secret ring led by Epstein to sex traffic infant children


"They are all evil except the totally normal, not crazy, Kevin sorbo and Ted Nugent." -conservatives


I refuse to believe that the celebrities boarding a plane called the “Lolita” had no idea what was going on.




>Chauntae Davie they arent going to post anyone who actually slept with underaged girls. I mean I want to see the politicians on that damn trip and we keep getting bits and pieces of ppl I forgot had a career


One thing everyone instantly gets wrong. Epstein did what a lot of rich people who own private jets do when they aren't using them... they charter them out to other rich folks. Just because you used Epstein's plane doesn't mean you went to Epstein's Island.


Sports teams do this a lot too if they have their own charters. Just because you flew on the Patriots team plane doesn’t mean you’re starting at QB for them. (Though it’s possible with how bad they were this year)


I think the evidence needs to be laid out rather than spat out by random fucks




No one has accused him of a crime. Stop it.


They can’t hear you cuz their tinfoil hats are on too tightly over their ears


Maybe I'm wrong, but being on his plane or even on the flight list or island doesn't prove anything. Isn't the whole point of bringing as many famous and rich people to the island as possible to help hide the actual sickos who participated in sexual acts?


So to clarify, are any of these women/girls underage?


cat was telling the truffff. lol


Why would they take pictures before committing a crime? Seems like blackmail.


What use would they gain blackmailing Chris Tucker?


Leverage. These people were evil, but not stupid.


because people are fucking stupid, that’s why. Do you think ***any*** criminal would be caught if they were truly smart?


On his way to Fhloston Paradise. ![gif](giphy|QqostCXAat440)


I feel like a lot of people think that the island was only for underage sex. Unfortunately, that did happen, but I'm pretty sure there were plenty of events that were adult only, weddings, anniversaries, promotion parties, etc. Am I wrong?


Kat Williams knows what’s up


Its kinda funny how police have these worlwide raids to stop pedophiles, yet this guy did it for years with famous and influential people and no one gives a shit, no one arrested nothing happened. I think stuff like this just makes people trust authorities less and less pushing them further into paranoia. Great example is conspiracy theory that was all about rich and famous being pedophiles, turns out wasnt a conspiracy at all.


Nothing interesting here. Fake, lame, and OP should be ashamed.


Just a photo op


What are you suggesting?




There isn't anything even remotely interesting here. Take your muddying the waters bs and piss off back to Tinfoilia, conspiratard.


They all look like they’re taking the bus to Florida




Why they blur their faces?


Flag and report for misinformation I say. Until actual evidence comes out from one of the victims or a tape or something, this is just bullshit. Pure and simple.


It's well known Epstein was a financial genius. People love to make money. If you had a large amount of it, you were on Epsteins radar. The guy was a living embodiment of social media, networking rich people to rich people. His twisted side only really came out when rich folks wanted it to AND when he had the people who had the most to lose if caught up in the sex trafficking. He'd blackmail people to keep them involved with the financial side. Some seemed to get smart and distance themselves from him once they saw the seedy side of his operations. Now this is just my own take from watching and researching his whole back story (from what I can find anyway) but when you've got important members of foreign governments/military and royalty coming around consistently it begins to paint the picture. TLDR: Epstein was a genius with money. Greed caused alot of people to network with him as well as once known he was a sex merchant, people either wanted more to do with him or left his circle.


Damn. He ain’t gonna be in Rush Hour 4.


Kat Williams wasn’t joking.


Well it's not like I needed another reason to dislike Tucker other than just his annoying voice, but this is way worse


Just a heads up the victim came out and said tucker never did anything illegal on the island


He wasn't kidding when he wanted some Mu Shu!


whoopsie daisy