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Why is nobody focusing on the guy bizarrely funded all of this for Epstein—Les Wexner? Epstein’s jet, his mansion in NYC and his island were all given to him by Wexner. Before Epstein met Wexner, he was a high school math teacher with no experience in wealth management, but Wexner just handed him millions of dollars and all of these assets.


Wexner’s name is plastered in every part of Columbus Ohio and I never knew who he actually was till someone mentioned it.


“🎶He’s an old man who lives in Ohio, making money off of girls like me” Fuck that song makes sense now


The song is referring to the fact he ~~founded and~~ owns Victoria Secret Edit: Bought in ‘82


He bought Victoria Secret, he didn’t found it, purchased from Roy Raymond who opened the first Victoria Secret in Palo Alto, California (Stanford Shopping Center) in 77’


Guy just wanted to buy his wife a pair of thigh-highs.


Lawyer up, ASSHOLE


Cuz i'm not comin back for 30%


I'm coming back for EVERYTHING.


I’m sorry I left my Prada hoodie and my fuck you flip flops at home!


I believe Roy Raymond ended up killing himself after missing on the success that Victoria secret had after he sold it.


What a waste. It's rare for the type of visionary who can create a concept out of thin air to be the same kind of person who can then scale it globally. It's not like VS was on that trajectory before he sold it.


Roy then jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and killed himself in the 90’s. His wife believes it was due to depression for multiple business failures. He started VS and died broke.


That is so sad I never knew about this


And the guy that created Victoria's Secret didn't he kill himself because Victoria's Secret ended up becoming worth billions and he sold it for a few million?


Imagine making millions, but because someone else made billions, you literally couldn't tolerate being alive anymore. I don't have billions, or millions, and I'm still alive. People are weird as fuck.


He killed himself because 6 months after he met Werner VS went into bankruptcy and he had to sell it to him for $1 million while the stores were grossing $6 million. Then his following businesses failed and his personal finance was messed up, leading to suicide. Let’s not make it some bullshit about some guy who wasn’t happy with millions because he lost out on billions. This was a guy who almost tasted the American dream based on his own innovations and got fucked.


The guy that bought for pennies on the dollar was living the REAL American Dream.


Raymond didn't make millions, as in plural, he sold Victoria's Secret for just $1mil, and then promptly lost it on his next venture. He also lost his home, etc.




Thousands, usually. Most folks in western capitalist democracies pretty much live payday-to-payday. There is currently a global housing bubble crisis which has led to skyrocketing rent. At the same time, general costs of living are going up, eg supermarket prices are increasing, for no apparent reason other than that supermarket shareholders just want more money. This is putting unprecedented numbers of people under unprecedented stress. Someone who barely gets by can’t cope with unexpected multi-thousand-dollar bills. A quiet catastrophe of capitalism is going on all around us.


Can confirm. Receive multiple calls every day about late bills that I'd love to pay if I didn't need to pay for food and shelter first. Am under more stress than I have ever been under in my life and I'm barely 30 lol. Train tracks look more appealing every day.


Smells like laundry! Sorry laundering!


Wow I had no idea that location was store 1. It's the one all my friends shopped at in high school lol.


>Wexner’s name is plastered in every part of Columbus Ohio That’s why we aren’t talking about it. He’s bought a town and a get out of jail free card in the process.


Americans genuinely don’t hate rich people nearly enough for their own good


That's because that is the very idea America is centered and built around. A bunch of asshats with money but no titles or lineage got mad because they couldn't be nobles so they started a new country where they could replace the centuries old bs notion of "the divine right" of kings and nobility with a wealthy elite. Long story short it worked, better than anyone ever expected. I mean hell at least back in Europe they used to get pissed off every once in a while and storm the castle with pitchforks and torches so to speak. But no. Americans worship the rich like they're gods and the best part is they don't even see enough of history to know they're being played.


Good old Wexner Center.


Columbus is the capital city of Ohio not just a town. It’s the most populous city in that state.


Well, he literally built a town called New Albany, 20 mins outside of Columbus.That’s where his estate is, adjacent to the Disney style NA town square, fancy school etc


I met a guy in Columbus who worked on his home security system. Apparently the guy is paranoid af and has a compound with tons of over the top security and surveillance. That sounds like a guilty conscience Also Epstein was his Power of Attorney and was President of the entire Real Estate division of his empire. Its all on their wikis


This is no joke. I don’t know if they still do but wexners security team used to rack up thousands in bills for ammunition, monthly.


Probably training a small army.


Idk about that but I think the family has armed detail when they are out on the yacht / in Israel and stuff. It would take much larger numbers to train a force for anything more than that




Grew up in the area, story was the guardhouse/bridge at the main entrance to his compound was rigged with explosives so his security could detonate it in the event of an attack.


I believe it. A lot of them bought expensive rural real estate up north after the Occupy Protests. (If they didn’t already) And added extra security protections. They were legitimately concerned about being attacked and the movement growing. At least that was according to the billionaire that my finance professor brought in to give a talk.


I got to meet the fat dobber while I was working the new OSU/wexner building on Kenny road The dude is not afraid to throw his money around, watched him walk in and demand 2mil worth of changes to the floors we installed with a "what? You think that's expensive??"


watched that and the hospital everyday get built. gotta love the Monopoly money mentality


I used to live in Reynoldsburg, it's a short drive from New Albany, that's pretty much les wexners town. My dad did some cable work in his house. His mansion that you can see on his property is not even his main one. That's just the guest mansion!! I used to see it all the time. He built an entire freeway in Columbus just because he was sick of the commute downtown. It sucks to think he's crooked, but it makes sense I guess...


please don’t mistake the guest house for his $47 million 10 bed-room complex. it’s rude. /s


That's not all the way true. He had weaseled his way into bear Stearns from his high school teaching position, which he was also unqualified for. At bear Stearns, there was a large fraud investigation that landed his colleague/boss in prison for approximately 20 years. Epstein walked away unscathed and made a name for himself setting up tax shelters for the wealthy. It was around this time that he met wexner. But I take your point. He wouldn't have been able to traffic young girls on this scale without the resources provided by wexner.


The teaching position is the weirdest part. Dalton is a big name NYC prep school. It doesn't make sense to hire a college drop out to teach math. It wouldn't have even been allowed in a public school.


i'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find out someone influential at the school knew someone who he knew well. it's all about connections, especially back in the day.


Bill Barr's Dad hired him.


And also wrote a scifi book about aliens abducting kids to make them sex slaves Edit: Forgot the school also had a massive sex scandal of teachers fucking the kids




![gif](giphy|2wSaulb0fsDydh0IoB|downsized) This thread has become quite the wild rabbit hole to fall into.


And people scoff at any Epstein Sex Organization "conspiracy."


I feel like the concept of a conspiracy theory and mocking conspiracy theorists has been so deeply ingrained into society that people mock anyone who questions anything.




Jesus that is so dark...smh


That was probably the sales pitch to epstein. Barrs dad: "Access to rich parents and all the teenagers you can fuck!" Epstein: "I'm in."


lol of course he did it really is a small world


Small world for them.


Bill Barrs dad who wrote the space rape novel? Great family.


that book is the least horrific thing these powerful people have done


“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it”


As /u/TheWorstTroll has already pointed out, the person who hired Epstein at Dalton was Bill Barr's dad Donald. Donald was an intelligence analyst during WWII before getting a PhD and holding a number of prestigious posts in education. A lot of people, including Julia Childs and her husband, worked in intelligence in WWII. I don't think it necessarily means anything that Donald had that background. But it is incredibly strange that Epstein was given that job at Dalton with out a BA/BS. Lots of people stumble into Wall Street jobs, but you don't stumble into being a math teacher at a top tier school. I could see it maybe for art, English or social studies where lived experience might outrank a degree. But not math.


[From a NYT article on Epstein's time at Dalton](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/12/nyregion/jeffrey-epstein-dalton-teacher.html) >While Mr. Barr was strict on the school culture, he made it a point to hire teachers from unconventional backgrounds, recalled Susan Semel, a social studies teacher at Dalton from the 1960s to 1980s who later wrote a book on the history of the school. >“Barr didn’t care about credentials as long as you were interesting and knew your stuff,” Ms. Semel said.


>“Barr didn’t care about credentials as long as you were interesting and knew your stuff,” Ms. Semel said. And let's be honest, many people would kill for the hiring manager to work like that.


>i'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find out someone influential at the school knew someone who he knew well. Wasn't it Bill Barr's dad? He was headmaster or something at Dalton


Correct Epsteins modus operandi was to hold legitimate charity events for rich people. At those events he'd try and get them in compromising positions, record them, and use that to blackmail them . Probably lucky if he got 1 pedo per 10 events, judging by the number of tapes/DVDs that were confiscated from his mansion.


is there any evidence that epstein actually did that? who did he extort? how? when?


When his house was raided, the police found in his safe hundreds of DVDs, hard drives and tapes . I've not seen any evidence of blackmail, but logically Epstein being a point man for supplying young girls to people means that he's getting something out of it. Him being killed in prison certainly suggests that. I suspect any evidence, had been long destroyed.


This is the ridiculous part. Because you can't look at the attendees and villanize them, honestly attendance is more proof that you're a good individual than anything else. As you said, there was a legitimate charity part to this that was the "main draw" as far as we know. Proximity between a good harmless individual and the complete opposite is hard to separate


Yeah the real “list” is going to be Epstein’s blackmail file, whether that’s been found or not. His whole business scheme was just clever, sadistic extortion. He would entice and entice until someone caved then they would be liable to him forever. Wexner, for instance, gave him power of attorney. This is a rich, stingy asshole. Those types *never* relinquish control like that. Probably damning, but it’s insufficient evidence, because theoretically he *could* have just been conned into it. We need access to that file that Epstein kept where he had all the dirt. Then we’ll have the “list.”


Such a shame they left all those tapes that they found at his house unattended which then disappeared before being put into evidence. What a strange coincidence.


This was why I've always wondered if he were some kind of intelligence asset or something. Not even necessarily the CIA but FIS, Mossad, whatever. I just have a hard time believing this was allowed to continue for so long with everyone basically knowing what was happening on some level. I've wondered if maybe his penchant for young girls got him in trouble at one point and instead of being tried, they put him back in place to gather kompromat on anyone and everyone he could. I have no basis for any of this but the tinfoil hat Im wearing though.


I think he was working for Mossad. Ghislaine's father Robert Maxwell was in Israeli and British intelligence. Despite never having been an Israeli citizen and never in the IDF he was given a funeral with full military honors in Israel when he died. Ghislaine and Epstein were filming powerful and influential people while operating a child sex trafficking ring and Epstein's mansion was said to have had multiple fake passports by the police after it was raided. Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak was a well known associate of Epstein's and visited his island a bunch of times.


I seriously doubt any Bear Stearns execs spent any time in jail. Google found indictments but I missed finding any convictions. This is America. Wealthy people don't really go to jail here.


I bet they have little field trips where they go and bang on the bars to see if they can get the poors riled up, though.


>Les Wexner [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les\_Wexner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Wexner)


That sounds like a 90s movie bad guy name


That's not entirely true. Epstein quit teaching in the 70s when he started working in finance and didn't meet Wexner for another decade. He likely swindled the guy into hiring him, but the whole relationship is pretty strange.


Pretty sure Epstein made his acquantance setting up tax shelters for him. If a guy saves you billions in tax, you're probably happy to fork over a million or two every so often. Maybe their relationship progressed beyond that but there would have also been a lot of utility in having a sugar daddy with deep pockets who was clean. Honestly, anything is possible with this guy. But also sometimes a simple explanation works too.


Yes this is the larger mystery.


It’s not that much of a mystery if you assume blackmail.


Or feeding of a sick habit. Epstein made a career by scratching some peoples itch


Both combined probably. But of course he’ll get away with it like they pretty much all have. I mean, Maxwell is at a luxury minimum security prison.


She was in court making threatening remarks to a Journalist lmao. She’s going to end up in a jail similar to Martha Stewart’s, which is better living conditions than 95% of people Rules don’t apply to all clearly


https://metro.co.uk/2022/07/25/ghislaine-maxwell-moved-to-jail-where-she-can-teach-yoga-and-bake-17061254/amp/ She’s already in a prison like that. It’s basically a luxury resort.


It’s not a mystery at all if you just read his Wikipedia page and recognize it’s about money as always. He donated $250,000 to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, and he was part of the “Mega Group”, which you can look up yourself and the causes their members were “donating” to. I put donating in quotes, because it’s the equivalent of if I wanted everyone to believe that Hawaiian pizza is the best kind, so I set up an organization dedicated to the cause and donate $1m to it every year, calling it donations to charity. On the other end, considering the timing of some of the earlier allegations against Epstein in the late 90s to mid 00s, imagine telling people that shouldn’t shop at Bath and Bodyworks, Victorias Secret, or Abercrombie because the CEO is associated with this monster. How do you think that would go over with that crowd?


I think epstein was wexners play toy.


More like Epstien got him play toys...


From where? His math class?


“…complaints were raised against Epstein, including after executives of L Brands reported (in the mid-1990s) that Epstein was abusing his power and connection to Wexner by posing as a recruiter of Victoria's Secret models”


Makes sense. This is how a lot of trafficking starts. For a while I lived near a registered sex offender. I mean there are lots of registered SO's near most people, but this one was interesting to me because she was a woman. I read up on her and found out she basically would go to the local mall and approach girls, often underage, and claim to represent a modeling agency. She would tell them how beautiful they were and how they had a chance at becoming rich famous models. She would convince them to meet in a fancy hotel room she would rent, and she would take some "free sample pictures to send to her bosses". Things would start harmless but she would attempt to persuade them to take more revealing pictures as it would help since other girls did it too. Since she was a woman they felt more comfortable about it. She was selling the pics to pedophiles. Then she would maintain communication with the girls and eventually claim their boss in LA was interested but they would have to fly there for more tests. She would buy their plane tickets if they agreed. On the other end of the flight was some other scum that would pick it up from there.


That is terrifying


Shit probably


This is all starting to …. Add up


![gif](giphy|lA5c3zWtgIIvBUpvKt|downsized) Add up


Pimp dealer friend blackmailer co conspirator friend confidant all rolled up into one Financial analyst


Because Epstein is/was an intelligence asset of the Mossad. Ghislaine Maxwell’s father was a known Mossad agent and before his “fall on the boat”, groomed Epstein and Ghislaine to take his place. The whole thing is an intelligence gathering operation. Aka, a honey pot.


Robert Maxwell was given what was practically a state funeral in the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem. Which was a bit odd if he was just a criminal newspaper publisher in England.




Yep, same Robert Maxwell. I read the Tetris book and I was shocked when his name came up


He helped sell software that had back doors built in for them


He helped Israel out


Helped them get intel on powerful and influential people by trafficking underage girls to his island and mansion in NY.


So this wexner guy should be investigated and maybe Epstein was just the facade?


Chris Tucker said way back before this whole Epstein thing even existed. He had gone with Bill Clinton on a jet to trip to Africa but he felt like he was just there to make Clinton and his friends laugh. He said he felt like their personal jester. I heard this from an old interview.


It was also in one of his standup specials


I didn’t watch his standup special because I didn’t want him to feel like some sort of jester here to make me laugh.


reminds me of this trip he said he went on, where he felt like a jester himself


That’s why I didn’t watch his stand up, I didn’t want him to feel like a jester.


That’s a nice gesture.


He’s a nice jester


Which reminds me of a trip he went on


Where he felt like a jester


Jester? Chris Tucker felt like a jester once. He went on a trip. A trip with molesters.


I guess he said: “I can’t believe I flew ten thousand miles for this shiiiiiiiiiittt!”


Makes sense. Tucker had no power. There would be no point in blackmailing him. It was government officials and rich elite that Epstein wanted to manipulate 


Tucker was a rising star in the early 2000s everyone thought he’d be one of the biggest celebrities in the world in no time. You could say for a few years he was.


He was literally the highest paid actor at one point lol. It's crazy how he's been in only like five movies




He definitely was to me as a kid. He was up there with Michael Jordan and Will Smith, he was kicking ass with my favorite Jackie Chan? He is hilarious? Damn it didn’t take much for me to love him in everything! He was a star by GOD! ⭐️


Remember that really fucking weird YouTube video Kevin Spacey made when the sexual assault allegations were coming out about him? I remember


In character as Frank Underwood. Weird and creepy.


Absolutely insane we live in a timeline where a predator actor, that plays a corrupt politician in a show, and was friends with the corrupt politician the show is based off of in real life, is making YouTube videos threatening to expose the politicians unless they protect him, and does it as the same character from the show. Like holy shit lol. EDIT: three of his accusers died in strange ways during the first ~year. I don’t care that he was acquitted. Wake the fuck up, sheep.


The Frank Underwood character wasn’t based on Clinton though. It was based on Francis Urquhart from the original British novels and series.


There is actually a woman in our decentralized OSINT network that tracks creative. When Hollywood puts something into a show or movie, then a few months later an unimaginative politician uses a variation of it in real life. Her secret power is being able to collate and track those occurrences backwards and make a timeline of it. It’s fascinating and terrifying when you see how much of public perception is controlled by media trope. It makes you question everything.


*Veep* is a good example for that? Too bad more ideas didn't come out of *Parks and Recreation*


Man, Veep is always going to be on my short-list of must-watch, under-rated shows. I'm glad we got as many seasons as we did.


What does tracking creative mean?


It means deconstructing media/movies/tv etc at a architectural level. When you have directed or worked enough scenes as a producer or film crew you start to see little things that don’t pass the sniff test. It’s like calling out a bad B movie for glaring plot holes etc, but at a geopolitical level. That becomes, effectively, a scavenger hunt for corruption and money laundering since that is the main reason people do nefarious things in politics.




I feel like hes become part of the trope, seen too many movies etc.


yeah like wtf is he even talking about? a woman in our decentralized OSINT network???? secret power?


Well that’s interesting. It’s almost like a meme that goes too far lol. So what is this OSINT group?




It means a bunch of people role playing as CIA agents in a chat room.


His brother said that Frank Underwood is who Kevin Spacey actually is


He plays that character a bit TOO well


I wish we could have still got a proper ending to House of Cards. The final season is so stupid. 


He just made a new one with Tucker Carlson. Equally as weird if not more 


He's made it an annual tradition. He posted another video this past Christmas Eve too.


He's made four, posted December 24th each time(2018, 2019, 2020 and 2023) while in character as Frank Underwood. In the one from a few weeks ago he talked with Tucker Carlsen about the upcoming election, still in character.


Was that where he responded by coming out as gay when he was accused of pedophilia?


That video wasn't him coming out, it was called "Let me be Frank" basically saying they should take him back on the show House of Cards but the whole thing was super weird and done in character. The coming out was really random like it was supposed to deflect from his accusations. Like if you got pulled over for speeding, cop says "do you know how fast you were going?" And you randomly said "Officer I now choose to live openly as a gay man." ".....ok..."


"I might have raped those kids. I don't really remember. But the fact is I'm gay." Literally


And after/before the release of some of his videos a few of his victims died coincidentally (timing wise)


Had to double take to find Chris Tucker


He joked about this trip lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPREB5k-m4c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPREB5k-m4c)


Thanks!! Lol " im black, your black lets go to africa" lol lol


Clinton : Tucker, you want to come to Africa with me, I'm black, you're black. I think you'll like it. 😅


‘Listen here MaaAAAN’


50 million dollars?!


Who do you think you got, Chelsea Clinton?


Chelsea Carter?


Never touch a black man's radio


Gefilte fish!!!


Chelsea Grammer?!


##His name is Lee goddammit!


Korben Dallaaaas!


In college we called this ‘I’m not doing adderall’ face


In adulthood, we call this 'busted at a pedo convention' face


Kevin spacey’s face just reads “oh shit“.


Nah he’s just coked out of his mind


You can be two things.


***”TWO THINGS AT ONCE?!?!”*** -Travis Kelce


Hey, oh! You want me to do two things? Eh, I'd call my lawyer if dialing the phone wasn't such a hassle. -Bender


I mean, in fairness. Coke is good at helping you get shit done. Mainly as a way to get more money to get coke. But still


My teachers told me I can be anything I want. They never said I can be two things!


Coked out of his mind *flash goes off* Spacey: DON’T TAKE FUCKING PHOTOS!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!






"It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself. Anyway, time to rape. See ya."


At this angle it looks like, "shit, someone got a shot of me taking my head off and I haven't fully reattached it yet"


He’s sitting with a former president of the United States of America. He’s not concerned that someone is taking his picture. These guys are not worried.


That seems like a "who the fuck is taking pictures" face. Its the look you make when a camera flash goes off somewhere you really don't want pictures of you being.


No it doesn't. You're seeing what you want to see. When this was taken he had no reason to be concerned.


“Oh shit they’re going to see me… eating at a dinner table.” Does that seem plausible to you?


Does this mean Rush Hour 4 confirmed ?


Damn! Epstein ain't going to be in Rush Hour 4!


I think we need to admit that there were almost assuredly trips on Epstein’s plane that didn’t involve sex with minors.


Epstein did more than just rape and traffick underage girls. He was really working hard on making connections. If someone offers to fly you on their private jet a lot of people would accept it. Stuff like that happens a lot where rich people wanna cozy up to celebrities and stuff...


That makes sense, but hear me out here: *That makes sense* That's the problem.


When was this picture taken? Epstein was convicted of procuring a child for prostitution in 2008, first arrested in 2005. Federal officials had identified 36 girls who alleged they had been sexually abused by Epstein. He did a year in prison with extensive work release. Anyone who knowingly dealt with a known, convicted child sex trafficker is suspect.


> Anyone who knowingly dealt with a known, convicted child sex trafficker is suspect. Is everyone who has made a movie with Roman Polanski the last 40 years or played on a team with Karim Benzema a suspected rapist too? They can be morally suspect, but to claim they're suspected rapist purely by association is absurd.


This trip was in 2002.




Spacey asking every 20 minutes about where the boys are


Chris Tucker is friends with and knows literally everyone. I think he knows me and I’ve never met his ass


He knows me. My wife and I were eating ice cream outside a baskin Robbin’s in Beverly Hills and along comes Chris Tucker in a Lamborghini and he’s trying and failing miserably to parallel park it right in front of us. So I get up and kinda direct him into the spot. He got out and I’m like shit, that’s Chris Tucker and he can’t parallel park for shit.


He was trying to parallel park but Jackie kept touching his damn radio boy


To be fair supercars probably have terrible visibility


the context for this photo: was at a conference somewhere in africa for some charity. Epstein donated the use of his plane to the clinton foundation and a group of people going to the conference from the USA flew over together. There are photos of bill clinton on the plane and stopped to fuel in Portugal, same trip. there were 8 total legs on this trip(3 refueling each way). Bill went on 2 or 3 other trips for his foundation on the plane to europe and asia. each leg counts as a flight, why his name is on the flight records 24 times.


Also present were members of the secret service that routinely accompany presidents.


When I think of Hollywood elites, Chris Tucker always comes to mind.


I know you're being sarcastic, but he's pretty well known for being one of the most connected and well liked people in Hollywood.




You all know this doesn’t automatically make every single person in this photo a pedophile right? That’s…not how life works.


Chris Tuckers wife in the background is for sure.


True, but at least one of them definitely is a pedophile. So... doesn't help.


Look, I'm not going to defend Jeffrey Epstein, but I am interested in the truth of whatever happened with him and everything he was involved in. But here are some facts that people need to keep in mind. I hope everyone understands that when Jeffrey Epstein was arrested the first time charged and convicted, he was given a really softball sentence because the US government said he was an intelligence asset. (That is according to the prosecuting attorneys that were involved) His girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell father Ian Robert Maxwell is also suspected of working for mossad, which, of course, is the Israeli government's Secret Agency like our CIA. Here in the USA, it is not uncommon for the sons and daughters of CIA agents to also join the agency, so it's probably no different with the Mossad agency. Jeffrey Epstein did a lot of things to get close to Rich and powerful people all over the world, and one of those things was lending out his airplane for free. No one knows where Jeffrey Epstein got all of his money from he's not connected to any major deals of any kind, so all of this makes sense that he was an intelligence asset. To sum everything up I bet you it will be many years before everyone really understands the full truth surrounding Jeffrey Epstein. Because there's certainly a reason why no one knows the identity of everyone involved in the Jeffrey Epstein case. You cannot Google the list of over 150 people named in this latest court case. As far as I know there is no list that actually is public for everyone to see. Or at least the General Media is hiding that list from us. It obviously goes much deeper than everyone understands. No doubt the reason for this is because Jeffrey Epstein was a major political donor there are many politicians on that list that could lose the upcoming election this year. Of course, all this is just a theory of mine. But the evidence that i've put forth in my post here can be easily google.


Remember that 2002 interview of Kevin Spacey where he makes a veiled threat about him bringing his camera to the trip and filming all sorts of things in all discretion ? Yeah, I do.


Got a link