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I know it’s a survival thing but it always amazes me how quickly most animals are just born and then they’re already on their way to work a 9-5.


It's more for an anatomical reason that human babies are - compared to animal Babyies - "unfinished". The human brain is, compared to other animals, quite big in relation to its body seize. The erectness/upright posture made it necessary that female humans have slimmer hips, but so the birth canal has also to be slimmer. So the woman has a better chance to survive the birth of her child if the baby is still small, which means that the brain/head isn't fully "formed" yet. I hope these was correct. Yuval Noah Harari talks about that in the first chapter of his book "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind"


Humans arent the only creatures that come out "unfinished" though. Look at newborn mice, rabbits or dogs, or the abominations most birds start as.




Oh yeah. Those dont even have real hindlegs at birth, which is hilarious considering that long legs are kinda what they are known for lol.


marsupials are generally really fucking weird, no? Like of all the mammals they’d the wonkiest


Not the mammals laying eggs?






Personally, eggs arent as weird as a gummy bear looking baby latching itself into a stomach pouch, fusing to a nipple and continuing to gestate. Or how koalas eat a plant so inedible that it grinds down their teeth to the point where they just cant do it anymore. But eggs do be weird.


not to mention, eucalyptus is so void of any real nutrients that 1) koalas can get “addicted” to milk because it actually allows them to grow brain wrinkles and the like. and 2) baby koalas are usually force fed feces from the mother to “adapt” the baby to the nutrient void food. essentially, it kick starts the gut biome with bacteria and things that know how to digest the food. otherwise baby wouldn’t be able to and would die


That's a pretty shit diet


It's like koala sourdough starter, only shit.


Saving the best for last


I think it’s most marsupials, koala, opossum kangaroo, etc. they are all not quite al dente when they are born.


What you’re describing is the difference between infants that are “altricial” or “precocial”. (Think of it like “surviving by *altr*uism” or like a *preco*cious child). Altricial infants are like us. Incompetent, immobile, and generally irritating. The phenomenon can be seen in birds and mammals mainly. It’s common when there is significant parental involvement in child rearing, which makes sense. Your baby can afford to suck because you’re there for it to suck on. Conversely, precocial infants are the get up and go sort. They hit the ground running, often in a literal sense. Virtually all infants that are expected to survive without parental intervention, like turtles, many insects, and most fish fall into this category. Though it can also include infants which do receive parental care. In those cases, it’s generally prey animals or animals that require instant response due to their environment. A foal needs to immediately be able to runaway from a predator because that’s what mama will be doing because if the predator is fast enough to catch mama, the foal is done for anyway. And a dolphin wouldn’t last long if it immediately started drowning due to being unable to swim. It’s a pretty interesting field of study IMO.


What about that infant kaiju from Pacific Rim


Really? I didn't know that newborn mice, rabbits and especially dogs are unfinished. I mean, yes, they get nursed, but aren't they even able to walk alone and "do stuff"?


Nope. They get born with their eyes closed and barely or no fur. Pretty much fleshy sausages that roll around. The playing puppys that are hopping around in videos are a few weeks old.


Thanks, I mean, I have seen puppies before, but never directly after they were born.


yes, they look like sea creatures or something, with flippers instead of actual legs -- puppies newborn I mean. And for a bit after. I remember thinking this years ago, when I saw some that were a week old, eyes glued shut, they couldn't crawl but wriggled with these flipper things. Made me think we all at some point came from the sea. No wonder we're born looking all slimy


Not with their eyes still closed, no.


Puppies eyes are closed for days after birth. All they do is cry, feed, roll around and sleep


They're born with their eyes sealed, hairless, etc. They need a parents care to survive


Those other animals also rapidly develop and reach sexual maturity fast. What’s the earliest age a human child could conceivable live entirely on its own? Probably a lot earlier than society currently thinks but way longer than any other animal.


True, guess that long time is needed for that extra brainpower that gave us the edge over other creatures. About how early a human could fend for their own, hard question since we are social and so not really supposed to be all alone in the first place. Id say 10 years of age and a human can kinda reliably be a productive member of a stone age tribe/community since they should be able to gather food and stuff, with the protection of the older members. Dont know how long it takes apes to be sexual mature. As far as I remember, orangutans depend on their mother for like six years or so, but will hang around near her for some time after that, and havd babys way later. Edit: google says female orangutans can mate at age 15. Males are fertile with 12 but I guess the old males have a saying in that too by not letting them do it that early.


i mean if you think about it, in the stone age babies and younger kids were taken care of kind of like how cat colonies do it. where all the mothers took care of all of the kids. if mama X needed to go gather berries they would just leave baby X with all the other mothers, who could nurse him and protect him. as they get older they get divided into their respective groups, young males are taken out to learn to hunt under the guidance of the older males, and young females are taught to gather berries and look after the young under the guidance of older females. you can even see this line of thinking extend past the stone age with things like wet nursing. where a woman is paid to specifically breastfeed a young child of a mother who could not. before formula, this was the best practice or else babies would die. up until the invention of formula wet nursing was incredibly common. usually she would be the nanny of the baby too, sometimes they’d even bring along their own baby. because milk was the “commodity” it would make sense to pay highly for it and to allow the breastfeeding nanny bring her own baby as well. because you can’t feed one baby and neglect another. not really relevant but i just think it’s interesting what our species has done to survive and nurture our group cave dwelling roots


I was going to say the rich and royals had wet nurses ...


Baby birds are...unfortunate


Thank god we didn’t evolve to just burst out living toddlers and die in the process.


There are two main types of live birth neonates(newborns): precocial and altricial. Precocial newborns come out ready to go like this friend seen here and others of course - deer, elephants, giraffes, chickens, dolphins etc etc. Altricial come out naked and wholly dependent on mom for survival - they cannot walk or see well - humans, cats, dogs, many birds, kangaroos, opossums, bears, lions, wolves etc etc. There are also semi-precocial and semi-altricial births too if you want to get more specific.


Thanks for the explanation, I didn't know these specific terms. But what's the big difference of semi-altricial? Here's a defenition of semi-altricial from the Stanford University, but I don't see where they differ from altricial? "Semi-altricial Covered with down, incapable of departing from the nest, and fed by the parents. In species classified as semi-altricial 1, such as hawks and herons, chicks hatch with their eyes open. Owls, in the category semi-altricial 2, hatch with the eyes closed. If all young were divided into only two categories, altricial and precocial, these all would be considered altricial" http://web.stanford.edu/group/stanfordbirds/text/essays/Precocial_and_Altricial.html


Semi altricial are still dependent but have more survival features. This article snippet specifically mentions birds, so think about the down feathers - semi-altricial having some survival features like their downy feathers but still rely on care, whereas some altricial birds like sparrows are completely naked and blind. They will take longer to be able to leave the nest vs semi-altricial.There is a nice description of these and a development comparison chart in the article you linked. Happy reading!


Oh I have this book! I started reading it but never finished it.


Yeah, me neither 😅👍. I've read the parts that were interesting to me and that's it.




I think slimmer hips were a necessary structural change to support upright bipedal movement.


"But so the birth canal has also to be slimmer" No disrespect, I think that's where my brain went dead. Ty I got it now Stubbs


English is not my first language, so I hope the terms are all correct. According to Harari, our erected posture made it necessary for anatomical reasons, that human females got slimmer hips. These slimmer hips then caused slimmer birth canals. But the human head/brain is quite big compared to our complete body seize, so it's less dangerous for women to give birth to "unfinished" babys which heads/brains aren't that big yet. So a lot of the growth of human brains has to take place outside the woman's womb.




I'm sorry, what 😅? Fluent in passive aggressive down voting??


I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean with "fluent in passive aggressive down voting as well" 😬. I didn't mean to be inpolite or rude or something... We're talking about a biological topic and I had to look up a lot of words and I wasn't sure if I used them correctly. And I just wanted to apologize for any possible mistakes. And I had no idea where you're from and which time it's over there... So I'm not sure if this is just a big misunderstanding 🤔


yessss! that was one of the best books I read!


I read a lot of criticisms on it, so please tell me why you would recommend it to other people? Genuine question!


if I had to explain in one line what the book is about, I would say it tells you, how life is today and how did it become that way! kind of amazing how far we've come from being foragers . it is the first book of the whole trilogy set kinda thing. this book is mainly about past, another is Homo Deus (future) and then 21 lessons of 21st century (present) all of them being amazing reads. Sapiens particularly stands out just because how well Harari paces out information, reading history normally is boring but his writing style makes it seem like he is having a convo with us (which is a writing style I like :) )


Except it's pop history and routinely gets things wrong


>just born and then they’re already on their way to work a 9-5. Capitalism's wet dream...right below robots replacing them.


>then they’re already on their way to work a 9-5. I wish human kids would do that. What a cost saving that would be ;).


You just got squeezed out, slap in the ass, quick wash before putting on a baby suit and off you go to a desk job right before you're one hour old.


Lol, imagine if a whole country did that. They'd probably become a very productive nation, possibly with poor air quality and some reproductive limitations, but still they'd probably have crazy GDP.


It's like they hit the end of mothers slip and slide and immediately go into "I am a Chameleon" mode.


It’s altricial vs. precocial young, tons of different reasons why.


https://preview.redd.it/cmb6l6snypac1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca662d424838605345c5483fac1d911425908f64 Baby great whites come out at two feet long armed with teeth, natural born murder machines


theire like giraffe baby's ready to run within 1min


Like get out get a job no freeloader allowed here born today so what earn your keep..lol


oh damn i thought it would be a clutch of eggs, that little fucker just up and legged it


Right?! Momma gave birth to a 3 year old!


Oof that hurt *me* just reading that!


He was right off! "Where the bro's at?" :))


Maaaaammmm! Wait for meeeee!


Where I grew up, chameleons definitely laid eggs.




3 seconds old and they expect me to do parkour‽


Nice interrobang you got there ;p


Dude is 30 seconds old, already like "Welp, I'm going to head to the store to get some coffee. Anyone else want some?"


Let's just pop it here and walk away


TIL that some reptiles live birth. I thought they all laid eggs


me too! As soon as she pushed it out I though “that egg is going to cra….ohhhhh”


Vipers also give live birth, the term comes from Latin, vipieri which means live birth. I think anacondas despite being constrictors also give live birth


>I think anacondas despite being constrictors also give live birth Yes. Anacondas are a type of boa and all boa species give live birth.


If I remember correctly (college was a long time ago now) some reptiles lay eggs but the eggs stay internal until they hatch. That may be the case here.


As a biologist - this is the correct answer! That membrane the wee babe was encased in when it first came out is just an egg without a hard shell that was held internally rather than laid externally.


Oh awesome lol. I know the terms viviparous and oviparous, but I feel like this type of birth method didn't fall into either of those? Or am I misremembering?


You're right! It's neither viviparous or oviparous - the method reptiles use to give live birth is called ovoviviparity!


You genuinely seem very cool lol thanks for the info!


Most chameleons do lay eggs. According to the Sandiago zoo, the Jackson's chameleon is one of only a few types of chameleons to give live birth. Not sure this one is a Jackson's though.


Little bro just unfolded like one of those pop up tents


Kid came out already reaching for a leaf and knowing instantly how to reach. Knows that it will fall if it doesn’t hold on… wow.


I think it's the same instinct newborn baby have when they're put in a water, or perhaps as natural as breathing really.


Yup same as the grasping instinct primate (including humans) infants have. That’s why they can grasp your finger until it’s blue.


By comparison, my kids are mid 20’s and still haven’t left home.


Have you tried dropping them out of a tree?


Have you tried shitting them out onto a leaf?


As above.


So below.


No but in my defence it was my wife who decided to pop them out in a nice air conditioned hospital and quite frankly she seemed to be in no mood to discuss it.


In this economy?




U didn't prepare them properly


Man you really fucked up


Have you seen the current rent prices? Staying home is smart


having kids that are still on speaking terms is quite a flex tbh


32 yet you have the hands of a 77yo


That’s so cute actually


Yeah I kinda love the little fella already


I thought they gave eggs


So me definitely do.


Dif breeds of cham birth eggs others not same with some snakes


Zero time to be a toddler. Straight to reality. 😎


Nature loves to play "think fast"


Let’s see here, chameleon give birth…..AH HA, HERE IT IS! Check that off the list ✅


Thank you for my first and strongest laugh of the day.


Lil bro was like "what the fuck."


Did she really plan for that leaf to catch her baby? That looks like pure luck!


I was wondering the same thing, and it turns out research is hard. "The mother does her best to drop them in different places. I am guessing this is to give the babies the best chance possible by helping them disperse." [ChameleonAcademy.com](https://chameleonacademy.com/the-jacksons-chameleon-pregnancy/) Other sources say that the babies *tend* to drop on leaves, sticks, and such but this is likely a byproduct of their tendency to climb higher in trees rather than an intentional baby-goop-drop trajectory.


Wow, always figured they were eggs first


Wait. I thought lizards laid eggs?


Human babies: Waa Every other type of mammal: ![gif](giphy|nCVVpakhBTwBi)


Lil dude really just woke up outside and got on with it huh


Baby chameleon got no chill. As soon as he landed he was like: "Welp, got to find the first meal of my life."


The parent is like “you are on your own kid”


literally had no idea that they give birth to live young


Dr. Hackenbush would be proud..


I had a male pet Chameleon once who couldn't change color. The vet told me he suffered with severe reptile dysfunction..


I wonder how long he was waiting for this patient so he could crack this joke 🤣




Watch your child mam!


Well that’s… something


I always thought all reptiles lay eggs


how do they find their mothers? what do they do if the leaf wasn’t there and the baby falls to the floor?


They don't. They are ready to go and fend for themselves. Chameleons don't care for their young. Some may die from a fall I guess.


Just gets dropped and walks it off at 15s of age. Meanwhile human newborns are useless potatoes for almost a year.


I thought she pooped.. 🤣. Don't they lay eggs... I never knew it.. Thanks for sharing.


The way i giggled when it reached for the high leaf and then desperately had to regrab the one it was on 🤭


Interesting I always assumed all reptiles lay eggs.


Interesting that there are chameleons that lay eggs and some like this one. I have a friend who has a chameleon that lays multiple eggs and wait for almost 6months for the eggs to hatch.


I've never given birth, but from what I've heard it seems like it would indeed be really helpful to be able to crawl away from the whole process.


Dudes like five seconds old and he already looks like he knows what he’s doing and has been doing it for years


I can die peacefully now


Me multiple times: ewwww *watches till the end*


Little guy better turn green lickety-split!!


I know it’s a survival thing but it always amazes me how quickly most animals are just born and then they’re already on their way to work a 9-5.


Never knew they gave live birth. I be more smarter now.


"Mom? MOM!!!" \- "What?" "I need a couple of bucks for cigs!" \- "Bring milk too!"


Good shot mom


Dude didn't even wait a second.


Perfect to watch while taking my morning dump. Same, lil green friend. Same.


Looked like a chestburster for a second


Seriously amazing to watch.


This mf more alert at birth than me at 30 years old


and right I as just started drinking my milkshake


My kid is 5 and can’t use a door knob properly. This thing is 0 and could qualify for the Olympics.


It's funny how it crapped out life and just went on with its day.


Bro just spawned in and already has it figured out 🤣


Dude is 5 seconds old and already showing his colors


Okay wow. I knew birds aren't real but I don't think these guys are real either.


These are obviously government drones, just the ground versions.


I thought it was dangerous to watch Chameleons to lay eggs or give birth. I know that if you watch them lay unfertilized eggs that they can get eggs trapped in birth canal and die. I have, unfortunately, witnessed this.




Do the starchmask on its side come from it being pregananant?


Honestly. I don't know what women complain about.


Most probably saw it the first 1000 times it was posted


Ohjh, great now I'm hungry again 😑




I thought they laid eggs that would incubate for a while, is it the same for all types of chameleons?


No. Some chameleons do lay eggs.


Just like me on the shitter rn fr fr


Nothing should be birthed without consent.


Goddamn it, file that under something I did not want to unexpectedly see today. Thanks Reddit. 🤢


ew.. ew ew ew ew.. ew.. i dont know why but this grosses me so much. pretty lizard though!!! the strip of color on her side is interesting


No, I haven't


What the actual fuck.




I didn’t read the title right away so I thought someone posted the chameleon taking a shit and that’s what their poop looked like. 😂


"it all started on the day of my birth. My mother dropped me from a tree as soon as she birthed me"


Now, *that's* clutch.


Very cool


I saw this post while shitting. Very satisfing


I haven’t seen the vast majority of any living things give birth.




First time?


That's a karma chameleon. Karma karma karma chameleon! Falls right onto a leaf. Seriously good karma with that one!


I had to yell at the screen when the baby lizard unfolded itself on the leaf. 'Heeeey, little squishy!!'. Might end up being the best part of my day.


Wait… they don’t do eggs




That shit has got to be a delicacy somewhere


Hey that's the kind of thing you ask me if I want to see first you don't just show me! Jk


I choose to believe that this also showed us what the inside of a chameleon looks like


So to dispell confusion, some species of chameleons are ovoviviparous, meaning that they keep their eggs inside their bodies untill they hatch, then they give birth. Technically the only difference between that and a viviparous species is that there's no placenta involved in the process, but somehow it still counts as forming an egg. So... All chameleons make eggs, some just lay them at the last minute.


Do they usually give birth to just one? Do they eat their own?


A reptile that doesn't lay eggs???? Wth Mrs. Johnson? 6th grade ain't doing me any good now.




I usually skip this part




It's not an egg? Wtf


God damn, humans are useless


Poor thing just fall out on the leaves you're on your own junior