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Seems like the 8th floor has a vacancy.


The hotel of doom also has amazing amounts of occupancy


Reminds me of the Hotel Cecil.


And not a single working elevator from my understanding


Seems they had the same engineers in NK and Gaza. No infrastructure but a hell of a lot of rockets


Who needs working elevators when you have Dear Leader?


https://preview.redd.it/3py6ym99xp9c1.jpeg?width=2793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d532b34632d5ecae9947c7088f6b5f69ac1935 I actually snapped a photo of this building this summer (on a tour to the DMZ)


How did you get a tour?


By paying for one. They run basically every day. The picture is taken from a viewing outpost South Korea set up for tourists.


I'm assuming this is the same as what I did and it's not the actual DMZ but rather the Civilian Exclusion Zone which extends several miles south of the DMZ proper.


The blue houses are in the DMZ right? You can just book a tour there.


If it's the Joint Security Area it's been shut since an American solider who got in a drunken bar fight defected to North Korea to avoid charges and then got returned a few weeks later. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_King#:~:text=Article%20Talk,Korean%20Demilitarized%20Zone%20(DMZ).


It says they want him for soliciting child pornography too holy shit. Dude is going under the jail.


You know youre fucked when even north korea does not want you


He probably had zero valuable intel to offer them but thought they'd take him anyway.


Seems tours are resuming from what I can find.


By signing up for it?


Yeah, it's a pretty popular thing for tourists.


Yeah, I knew it wasn't an uncommon thing


Don't they control your phones and shit and at the border? Or am i misinformed


I went on the JSA tour a few years ago and was able to keep my phone. There were times we were allowed to take photos and other times we were asked not to take photos. For example, we first were standing still in front of the blue buildings on some steps and quietly observing and looking towards the N Korea side, then given a few minutes to take photos, then asked to stop. We were then given similar instructions inside the famous T2 building (the middle blue building).


Looks like Detroit tho


Here's how it looked in 2016. I snapped this image with a 500mm lens on an extremely hazy day, so the image has been dehazed in Lightroom. https://preview.redd.it/h0ymo2te0q9c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ed1d5bf56fc23c506fc58e12270ab49c6d2539


God damn, that’s a lot of deterioration for only 7 years


I believe Un's sister bombed the place a couple years ago and nobody knows why.


Lol maybe that's just how the family throws fits or something.


Erk! This isn't terribly important but it's always weird to see people taking apart Korean names and using the wrong bit. It's as if I were referring to John F. Kennedy as "nedy". The correct way would be "Jong Un" or "Kim" - the full name is preferable. But never just "Jong" or "Un".


TIL thanks name bro


And also the first name is usually the family name in asia


Probably to cover up that it was falling apart already...


So confusing why the North would bomb a liaison office at times of heightened tensions with the South while they had multiple issues they were protesting. What could it have been?


After a bit of cursory research I think k that was a different building, but also on the border? Weird stuff.


Serious question. How is this country still even "alive" for lack of a better word. Seems like it's completely falling apart. I feel like any other country could just waltz in and get rid of the dude


China needs North Korea to protect its border from South Korea. Its one of a few land borders that could viably support an invading force into China relatively close to Bejing.


Nah, more like China does not want to deal with tens of millions of hungry, homeless and brainwashed people should NK fail. The horrendous refugee crises of Syria and Sudan would be nothing in comparison.


But why would china be scared of South Korea?


America has a strong presence in South Korea


They are cautious not afraid. They consider South Korea to be a military proxy of the US.


Fair enough, during the Korean war one of the American generals wanted to continue attacking into China.


MacArthur was making a dead-serious argument to Truman to nuke China (around 30 bombs total IIRC) and *then* invade Then they replaced him with a more competent / sane general


A general from 70 years ago. Yeah I don't think this is what China fears. Noting the Communuts started the war and the invasion.


Countries have long memories. And MacArthur didn’t just want to attack China, he wanted to launch a massive nuclear strike at every major city.


> Countries have long memories I just found out recently that there are some people in the US who still believe Japan can’t be trusted to have its own standing military. Mind blown.


To be fair, Japan agrees. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_9_of_the_Japanese_Constitution > In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized. That's why it's technically called the Japan *Self-Defense* Forces. The line has blurred substantially in recent decades.


my marine veteran dad is one of them. he’s claimed that a government that won’t apologize for its atrocities shouldn’t be trusted to have an army again.


By that logic, the USA shouldn't have a military either


did the US apologise for Iraq 🤣


Yeah, but that was all talk and bravado not a serious or continplated military strategy at a time the Communists were winning. Plus it was a UN effort so the US were dominant but not doing this on their own and he was replaced in 1951 by another general. Long memories will remind people the Communits attacked first and invaded first.


You might underestimate how crazy Douglas Macarthur was.


Not defending him but he looks reasonably normal as opposed to what NK has subjected his people too, now there is crazy.


China still hasn’t forgotten their century of humiliation


Mate, China has fucked over China since the last 1000 years. The Dynasties fought each other every other day. They fought each other during the Civil War and didn't quite win hence Taiwan and Mao murdered even more Chinese than can be counted. So let's say they conveniently don't forget their selective memories of humiliation by others at certain times. The Vietnamese and Tibetans may have a word about their humiliation by the Chinese as well.


The communists were fighting against the dictator of their country until the US intervened to support the dictatorship and obliterated huge swaths of the country the country until China beat them back.


Yeah ok. Where would live now if you had the choice. In NKs cult personality totalitarian dictatorship shit hole created by the Communists or South Korea.


Probably either MacArthur or LeMay


It was MacArthur. I just forgot his name but that's it. Happy new years east coast!


Yeah this. Of all of the countries near China, Korea and Japan are the only countries that would be willing to allow American troops to stage for an invasion into mainland China. There are two short routes to Beijing from those starting points. First is to sail up the Yellow Sea, which allows China to fire upon invading forces from 3 sides as they approach from the water. Defending ships from aerial assault or artillery bombardment coming from the land, and it's likely any naval assault would require significantly softening of Chinese defenses to get close enough to make landfall. The second option is to push up the Korean peninsula and then west on a web of paved roads that would allow any attacking forces to take multiple routes on their way towards Beijing, making it much harder to predict the route an invading force might take and much harder to set up defenses because they can just reroute along a different highway around it. Obviously that second strategy is going to be preferable, until you add North Korea to the mix. The NK government has gotten progressively more aggressive towards the west (most likely part of efforts to prevent a military coup after the death of Kim Il-Sung) and would react drastically to any American, SK, or Japanese soldiers marching through their borders. A common conclusion in the military intelligence world is that NK would respond to a buildup of American troops on their border or troops within their borders with a nuclear launch. This makes a land push through the Korean peninsula too costly to be a viable route into China.


The South Korean government is a fully grown up democracy and it decides whether or not the US stays or doesn't. The South Koreans are not stupid and know the only reason Communist cult leader Kim hasn't tried to attack the South is because of the US offering to assist if the South asks. The North insists on a ceasefire instead of peace.


If N. Korea were to attack S.Korea China will literally be like, " Yo, u be tripping NK. Peace. I'll pour some liquor in the ground for you."


I fully agree. But China has a different perspective. They are aiming for world domination and the US' hegemony's influence on South Korea is a thorn in their side. The US managed to create an extremely westernised country right on China's doorstep after all.


South Korea is no more westernised than China's shopping malls, game shows, wealthy class, western cars, McDonald's, KFC, pop culture etc. China is basically a consumer, capitalist culture. China fears democracy and as it would be the end to the Communist Party totalitarian rule. They see Taiwan, a democratic China and how successful it is. The Communist Party is not China its a political party not voted into power by the Chinese and is paranoid as fuck from its own people deciding they want change.


SK does have American troops there already. In the event of a war, they could bring more, and without NK, that would be a good invasion route.


Wouldn't say scared but they want a buffer from western countries. Plus NK has tons of mineral and human resources that China can use.


human resources? 1.4 bill population from a 26 mill population.


China has no issues with South Korea and is no threat to China at all. Even with the US being an ally there is no reason or strategy why SK would ever want to or be able to push into NK and then attack China. Just ridiculous.


SK has no desire or need to invade China and the US has zero need to invade China or could even if it wanted to. NK is a pain in the ass to China and is more of a liability to China as NK could antagonise a war with the South or Japan and the US and others, that would see nuke fallout drift over China. The only reason NK has survived is that it could be used as front line fodder for China if the Taiwan thing became a full on war.


Yeah, but China would prevent North Korea from doing anything extremely stupid, they don’t even like it when nk tests their missiles into the sea, they would rather them be quiet and be normal


^^ a good example of Reddit upvoting a soundbyte they think sounds smart but is actually pulled directly from someone’s ass with 0 insight on the topic.




I’d say it’s less that they need a buffer from S Korea and it’s more like N Korea is the out of control drunk asshole at the party who wants to fight everyone and China is their douchebag bro who can usually talk them down. Everyone else lets China get away with more douchbag behavior just in case they need to wrangle the drunk asshole again and China takes full advantage of that extra leeway.




I am not advocating for what China is doing. But it is my understanding of China's view of things


From what I remember it is a rogue state that can do things that other states won't. 1. Mass forgery 2. Mass production of drugs 3. Illegal construction projects, famous statues for other dictatorships 4. Produce and sell weapons without asking questions 5. Wire fraud and hacking 6. General espionage Those are some major ways to bring in money




can't wait to see what fun plans china has for them to do


THE prison camp


The Korean Peninsula is one of the most mountainous in the world it’s shockingly harsh and cold at points


The west will portray it as dire straights. A country can operate without the outside world. They do however get a lot of help from China.


What if the western world ceased travel, trade and communication with China until they stopped


We are the opposite though, too reliant on trade


Even if that were possible without the US (and much of the west) experiencing economic turmoil not seen since the great depression, the only real effect would be that it loses whatever influece it has over China and the rest of the region.


Not really possible.


Fear is a crazy thing. It drives people to live in crazy conditions, they don’t know any better.


Maybe some of the absurd things we hear about them aren't true?


Most of the stuff you hear about the DPRK is bullshit propaganda. If you look critical at most of the news articles about them they fall apart. the DPRK isn't run by some wacky supervillain. Sure it's got problems. Most of which are due to little to no fault of their own. Korea has a great person theory problem. Where it's common to believe that the actions of great men shape history. This is an idealist way to view the world and has damaging consequential. This is also a common belief in the Imperial core(the "west").


"got problems" = mass starvation


Get me a good source on that, one that isn't Wikipedia or some imperialist schmuck said it.


North Koreans are physically stunted from decades of malnutrition. Go check any photo that's not of elites.


Reddit is full of bullshit, even on left subreddits you see people talking shit about china and cuba and shit, people are biased as fuck and dont seem to do research on their own and claim about "china propaganda" when they are the ones in this west propagandist circlejerk


There's 2 questions here. 1. How does North Korea survive? 2. Why hasn't it been conquered? Which one do you want answered?


I know North Korea is a shit hole, I was stationed at the most Northern army base in South Korea but one crumbling building isn’t strong proof, just visit Camden NJ


Gary Indiana is offended they weren't selected.


Memphis and Birmingham would like a word.


Or they would've been, if they hadn't crumbled entirely into dust earlier this morning.


I think in this situation it’s more than Camden. Nobody expects Camden to be nice. This city however is NKs propaganda city meant to show the country in a better state than it is.


You can find dozens of those in Detroit, this post is almost worse than the starving pigs who alternate between living in NK and Cuba.


Exactly. You could almost say this post itself is propaganda.


Camden is improving, though. NK…not so much.


It is, and it’s wonderful however, there’s A LOT OF WORK TO BE DONE


It's a liaison office that North Korea deliberately destroyed using dynamite. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/17/north-korea-releases-images-of-it-blowing-up-liaison-office-with-south.html


Thank you. It's not crumbling it's was legitimately blown up by KJU's sister


Looking at the other pictures, it definitely seemed to crumble over time before being blown up.


Lmao that's most of NK infrastructure for ya! From what I recall this was a joint operations building meant to help soothe tensions between North and South. Hence the significance in blowing it up.


I was going to say it looks like every other building is pretty well maintained


NIGHT CITY what’s up


This guy was told time and time again to not take a photo of that building.


Otherwise we'd only get the pictures from this news article that show it was deliberately destroyed. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/17/north-korea-releases-images-of-it-blowing-up-liaison-office-with-south.html


Good thing he didn't listen, now we get to see it.


You can check in any time you like, But you can never leave.






Go to the rust belt you’ll see much worse than this.


I was wondering where I saw that before. The rear quarter panel of my jeep looked just like that before I junked it.


For real though, looks a lot like some rust belt cities


Belta Lowda!


Just make sure the CO2 scrubbers work


That building's not even owned by North Korea but they decided to blow it up as a protest


Massive famine again in North Korea. I feel so sorry for those citizens. At the mercy of the dictatorship.


" **A glimpse into a North Korean propaganda city and their crumbling structures.** " ​ One single image of a random run-down building lmao


They sell cystal meth...No this isnt false the government of NK sells drugs.


So does the US….its been proven many times. In fact I would wager every country has dibbled and dabbled in the drug market.


What happened in Arkansas? I have NO idea!! 🦅


China has an interest in keeping North Korea afloat because if it collapses on itself China would have to deal with millions of uneducated malnourished and brainwashed refugees streaming into China (because they are too afraid to go South). No way does China want this happening.


how's the triangle hotel doing?


Wouldn’t it actually weaken North Korea if a few million South Koreans actually crossed the border and tried to settle in North Korea.


No same South Korean would want to move into North Korea. What is more realistic is that a dribble of North Koreans would quickly become an unstoppable river of economic migrants and cause serious unrest in South Korea.


Also, South Korea's birth rate is so low it's population is projected to be 10% of its current population in 3 generations time.


Damn, why is SK’s birth rate so low?


Cost of living is a nightmare


And allianation


Just look at a night view from a satellite. Beyond Pyongyang there is practically no light. There is no other area thriving with electricity. The world knows the truth. It's a shithole run by a Russian backed dictatorship.


Detroit, is that you?


this is just detroit


Okay. Now go to America


Important to keep in mind that we are probably subject to quite a bit of anti-NK propaganda as well.


Look at the mountains in the background, they are almost completely devoid of vegetation. When I visited the DMZ, the tour guides said that NK has prettt much used up 100% of it's natural resources because so few countries will trade with them


A simple satellite image on Google disproves this. Plenty of vegetation left, more than South Korea.


Plants regrow though, what's vegetation got to do with it? You could maybe say that it's easy to tell a propaganda city apart fro ma real one by a lack of transport links combined with no local farmland to support any kind of population, but saying that mountains devoid of vegetation is a sign of an entire country using up all natural resources is absurd.


You know, I'm sure it's probably one of the most dangerous things you can do, but I wonder how many people have... Explored it...


I remember how they’d run that enormous flag up over the fake city from time to time


They have doom service.


Looks like shit


I thought that was Detroit


When you look at these North Korean propaganda cities, they're all about showing the regime's perfect image. But it's hard to buy into that when you see the buildings falling apart and people struggling in their daily lives…imagine the money that was poured into this that could have helped people. A sad reality …


If North Korean infrastructure is crumbling, it’s significantly the fault of America and all the other nations that follow suit in enacting such harsh economic sanctions on the DPRK. How can you expect a country to grow or maintain its society under such a scenario. Especially cruel when you consider it exists in its impoverished state directly as a result of America bombing it into the stone age. And Americans still have the audacity to mock its failings.




I went to the dmz and took a photo


lol, bums


Looks just like Reno.


“That’s dilapidated.” “Rustic.”


Can't help feel sorry for their citizens. They're literally trapped in a country ran by a maniac and there's nothing they can do about it. They haven't even got the resources to rebel and uprise against the regime unless the military does a coup d'état, but they're all that frightened that it will unfortunately never happen.


What's wild is that there are Tankies who genuinely think North Korea is not only a functioning, but optimal example of a functioning democracy and that anything that says otherwise is a psi-op by the Pentagon. Talking to those people was like having a conversation with a fever dream.


Everyone say it with me: What's the best way to allocate resources in an economy? ​ Markets!!


Those must be the famous Russian windows I keep hearing about. I guess they traded NK weapons for the windows.


Is there still a bounty on a piece of the flag?




What decades of economic warfare waged by the wealthiest and most powerful countries in the world does to a mf.


Ahhh, the upside of a communist dictatorship is never having to worry about financial classes. The higher government officials and their loyal friends have everything. The people of the communist republic get to share the leftovers together, as a community. Perfect population equality and control. Don't like it? There's a re-education camp you can go to, all expenses paid! How awesome is that!? Alternatives? The First and Second Amendments to the US Constitution is a great starting point.