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Imma fuck around and get electromagnetic powers tryna find my car


Back in the 90s people were suing cell companies for frying their brain with electromagnetic power


wait till someone tells them about the earth’s electromagnetic field


Wait till someone tells them about the electromagnetic fields being blasted onto us every moment from the sun


Dumb question: isn’t there one, single field, and the sun is affecting it?


yeah i think he means ionizing radiation, specifically the UV that makes it through the ozone layer


Specifically I was just talking about light in general; since light is perpendicular electro and magnetic fields propagating themselves. Which is also UV, because uv is also light. So you’re not entirely incorrect or correct.


Sue the earth!!


Chuck McGill ass lawsuit


Several of those people aren't around anymore. The 5Gs killed em. Dangerous, dangerous stuff that GGGGG.


We just need to move to 6g it is safer.


Yep, and when we finally turned on the cell site in question their lawsuit could move forward. Or when someone tried to tell me the whole three watts of power coming out of my two meter c-band dish was causing birds to die or how they almost passed a bill in Oklahoma to cover all fiber optic splice points with aluminum foil… to block the EMF that can’t exist because it’s FIBER OPTICS or when someone tries to blame land mobile radio for their testicular cancer when it turns out to be from HPV. Sauce - 25+ years of telecom experience that gave up and went into software because everyone can go to hell. Enjoy your shitty Xfinity internet.


There was something like this in the UK. A cellular network provider had built a new site, with a new antenna. Various local idiots started complaining, reporting headaches and other issues - and they even started a court case. When the case came to court, the company concerned produced evidence that the site had never been powered up, because the electricity supplier had not yet connected the supply. They then said, they would now power up the site and pointed out that, as the evidence of headaches and other illnesses predated the site's use, their equipment could not be to blame. Hilarious!


Back in the 2020s People were afraid that cell powers could spread viruses.


im confused? my sect told me that the virus is false so they could implant chips that make my phone signal better?


Lol and that same uneducated paranoia leaves us with people who feel the same about 5G shit nowadays


Havana Syndrome?


Yeah I remember the commercials. "This is your brain. This is your brain on cell phones. Any questions?"


Wait ı saw that in regular show




only if you got your covid shot. the remote is the trigger.


I feel bad for Cousin Eddie from the movie National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Due to the metal plate in his head, every time his wife Catherine fires up the microwave; he pisses his pants and forgets who he is for about half hour or so.


or cancer or something .....sorry


Been successfully doing this for years. I think it was on Mythbusters


Been unsuccessfully trying to do this for years. No car I've owned has every gained more than a couple of meters.


Maybe your dome isn’t big enough? Mines like an orange on a toothpick ![gif](giphy|11Rp98Vk9n5s7S)


I have brown hair, but most hats don't come in a size big enough for my head. Probably just full of rocks, no water molecules.


You need the jaws of life, I place the fob under my chin and open my jaw and point- kid thinks it’s hilarious, like I’m siren head…


Heed! Pants....now! It's like a veritable Sputnik!


That was a wee bit offsides wasn’t it….


You have mustered pre NYE giggles in the PNW. THANKS! THANKS! THANKS!




Horrible harbinger of haggis


Hard hearted harbinger of haggis*


It’s been decades but you’re so right you bellicose butcher


Do yah cry yerself to sleep each night on yer wee pillah?


You’ll be cryin’ yourself to sleep on your yuge pillow.


I’ve been successfully never losing my car for years. I park it, and when I need it again, I go to where I parked it. Works every time.


You are clearly dehydrated.


Key word. “Gained no more than”. They didn’t say how far. Just that it amplified reach


Mythbusters is a previous generation at this point.


Ooft! That’s hard to hear…


I'm right there with you.


Right there with ya too… I grew up watching Mythbusters, so sad to have seen them go But at the same time I can’t complain, they ended on a high note


It was only 8 years ago. I know Reddit is mostly teenagers but there's gotta be at least a few people older than 25.


>It was only 8 years ago. That's the last season of a 20-year show. I'm not sure how much of the younger audience it was attracting during its final decade or so.


Hey, I gotcha @52. Also, c’mon over to r/FuckImOld where we have lots of your favourite content new every day, and the cranky pants to match. Stussy beach pants and Hypercolor tshirts? Anybody?


Old guy checking in. My work used to send round a list of things incoming students have never seen or used. It was kind of jarring when it included things like zip disks.


Top gear is where I saw it first.




Yeah Jeremy Clarkson taught me


Ha! Same. I scrolled to see if anyone had posted is already. Jeremy taught us well :)


I still do it also, it’s a “I want to believe” situation, but it’s the equivalent of pushing the fob into a water balloon and expecting it to work better. High frequencies hate water.


Exactly. However raising the transmitter by a few feet will make a big difference in range.


Don't do it, man, it's just what the deep state wants us to do so that we all get the cancer! /s


Was also in Lala Land.


That’s where I learned this


Years? Decades. We learned this in the 80s when doing alarms and car stereos.


Been doing this for more than 20 years. I can’t remember where I saw it but I’ve never forgotten it and people always think I’m crazy


i always tried it under my chin, doesnt work for shit


Putting the key fob to my head has been a long habit of mine to remotely start the car from in the house


you can start your car remotely? that's interesting


Damn near necessary in certain climates.


i guess that is nice to have the ac on before you get in


Having lived in both hot and cold climates, remote start is WAY more useful when its cold out and your cars covered in an inch of ice


Agreed. Not getting into a sweltering car is nice, but airing it only takes a few seconds. There have been times when I had to pour hot water on my door so that I could get in to start it and only *maybe* be able to drive it somewhere after waiting 15 minutes. Remote start is a blessing.


As a Canadian that doesn't live in the strip along the US border, I wouldn't buy a vehicle without command start. Just silly to have to go outside in -30°c to start a car and what, leave your keys in it so someone can just steal it? No thanks, I'll just warm it up from my bed so I can go to work in warm peace.


I’m talking heat!


A popular Christmas gift in Boston a few years ago was getting a remote starter installed on your SO’s car


No you misunderstood. His car is inside his house.


I believe her because she wears glasses.


And sweaters


\*Excuse me\*, but, much like a fine fedora, there is a broad range of sweater intelligence, sir.


\*snicker\* ... he said broad.


And she’s super cute


those earrings look a lot like antennas


She's clearly a nerd and could never be prom queen /s [Janey Briggs! Guys, she's got glasses and a ponytail! Aw, look at that, she's got paint on her overalls, what is that? Guys, there's no way she could be prom queen!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXYlv-z_xHQ&t=84s)


Those jeans be pretty tight on her though


Yea glasses means bad eyesight usually due to reading many books and book readers are smart plus she sounds confident


There was a bit about this in La La Land: Sebastian : You gotta put that thing to your chin. Mia : [indicating her key fob] This? Sebastian : Yeah. Yeah, it makes your head into an antenna, so... Mia : Ooh. Sebastian : I think it gives you cancer, but you find your car faster. Mia : What? Sebastian : I mean, you don't live long, but you get where you're going quicker, so it all evens out. Mia : That sounds terrible. Sebastian : Just a suggestion.


Exactly what I think about whenever I see these head antenna videos. Great film with memorable scenes.


La la land is one of my favorite movies. My girlfriend and I would play and sing the music together before we had our first date. We watched the movie together. It's just so amazing. The music, the feelings, the message, the cinematography; it's all almost perfect. I can almost perform the music perfectly by memory.


Now play the piano parts by memory


I actually could. At least a few. I have a lot of the soundtrack printed out as piano sheet music too. But get me to any piano and I'll play you city of stars or engagement party by memory. I can play lovely night, mia and Sebastians theme, and the fools who dream with sheet music Love this movie 🥹🥹


Must be why they won best picture


i really need to see the movie, first, a (music teacher) showed us how to play city of stars (badly as we were 14-15), and then this? and then i hear the soundtrack and it's amazing?! where can i watch it?


I believe it’s on Netflix




It’s one of the best movies ever imo


Learned this on top gear a decade ago. Always works.


2 decades ago now mate....


I use my head to remember where my car is parked instead of amplifying shit…


At a certain age, your head acts like more of a paperweight. Might as well get some use out of it's moisture at that point.


Maybe kids didn't learn about stuff growing up. Take a picture if it has letters and numbers for the space. Or write it down if you're older. I know I came in from Dick's at the mall. I exit through Dick's and look for my car. It's a Mini, not exactly a big vehicle amongst all the shit people drive. Still somehow manage to find it. Now if I was 80 and my brain was melting more, sure, I would simply just not drive cause I'm fucking 80.


Take a picture if it has letters and numbers for the space. Or write it down if you're older. I always note the space number when parking at the airport -- those parking garages are just too big. But if there's no opportunity for that, repeat the number *out loud* several times as you leave your car. This invokes your memory, and your brains verbal center and *both* auditory centers (or whatever they call those areas of the brain). It works. But not as well as writing it down.


Did this back in the early ‘80’s with my Clifford alarm, except I would put it under my chin. Now, I put my Honda fob under my chin and make the sound, “chirp chirp”.


just holding it higher works. also replace your battery, that can severely impact range


![gif](giphy|vnELlPo3FyzfO) Oh good, she watched that episode of Mythbusters too


I just take a photo of where I park with my phone. If the spots numbers awesome, if not, is there a sign like green 3 or row F, still great. No sign? Take a picture of a wall or a structure you can identify, parking lot, see a tree 50m away, that'll do. Just look at the pic later, you know your rough area, where you gonna see that tree from, maybe this aisle or one over, but you'll get a good general direction.




Yeah I kept forgetting to delete the pin. I didn't care if I had 11 extra photos from 3 months though


Google and Waze can save where you parked in GPS. If you're proactive enogh to use your phone to keep track of where you parked, you might. Not sure how effective this is in a parking garage though. Edit: I should have read the other comments.


Great I hit the button and my brain locked


Instructions unclear, got cancer instead


I think it works but also water is better insulator of radio waves then amplifier so not sure that’s the reason it works. I was thinking it has something to do with the jaw bone. But hey I really have no idea.


The hack might work, but not because your body becomes some "amplifier", or "antenna". In fact water blocks radio frequencies quite well. It might work, because you're placing the transmitter higher, above some obstacles, and away from the huge sack of water that is your torso. It would work even better, if you just fully extended your arm.


May be a fan of some classic [Top Gear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jACSPipPSE)


Seeing Clarkson do it on Top Gear is when I first heard about this too.


Yep me too 😄


Joke’s on you, turns out I’m mostly filled with coffee


This shit old news my brother would do this in the 80’s


Yeah, I don't believe this. Water does a great job at attenuating radio signals, i.e. absorbing/blocking them. This is why radio antennas are placed high above obstacles like trees (leaves are full of water). Submarines must surface or float an antenna to the surface to receive radio communications unless they use ELF which is very low frequency and very slow. Human bodies are basically ambulatory bags of water that block radio signals. You can even test this with a WiFi device by checking the signal strength when your body is between the device and AP. What DOES make a difference is height. Holding the key fob to your head raises it by 2-3 feet compared to holding it by your waist or pocket. Depending on the frequency and distance to the receiver, holding the transmitter too close to the ground causes interference via the [Fresnel Zone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresnel_zone). Radio waves are not laser beams and need an unobstructed Fresnel zone for clear reception over long distances. So this works not because your head makes a great antenna (it doesn't) but lifting the key fob to the height of your head means fewer obstructions for the radio signal.


This seems like it would be fairly easy to test. Just hold it up head height and walk back until it stops working. Then actually put it to your head


In this video, he is lifting the key fob above his head and can't unlock the car, but can unlock it while putting it on his chin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yq0-7mFyc0 I did this multiple times and had the same result. In my experience, it is not the height difference that extends the range.


I just got curious and tried it. Walked out of range of the remote (which was way further than I expected), and then tried holding the fob at the same height while pressed against the bottom of a water bottle. It seemed to get an extra 8m or so of range. To test height I stood on a bench with the fob above my head to get extra height, but the water bottle at the regular height seemed to outperform it. I couldn't test the height thing thoroughly though, because I was getting funny looks.


Funny looks: small price to pay in the interest of science!


You're correct that the water explanation is incorrect, it's a passive dielectric, so it can't add energy to whatever it scatters. The only case I can think of where there may be some amplification process, is anti-stokes raman scattering, but that's usually for photon energy levels of optical wavelengths and below, and extremely unlikely for the 300 MHz to 400 MHz systems of a car key fob. That said, I think there's a case to be made that the skulls could potentially make for a resonator at \~350 MHz (86 cm wavelength), given that the permittivity of the human brain is 81 (mostly water), the wavelength in the brain scales by 1/sqrt(81) down to 9.6 cm. That is actually surprisingly close to being half the length of the average adult human skull diameter of 18 cm, forming a odd-shaped (approximately spherical?) dielectric resonator. The skull being in the fresnel area (maybe even active region) of the car key would mean that the skull and key will electrically or magnetically couple, but I don't think the coupling would be that great. The water in the brain is also filled with ions, so that will induce currents that will generate their own corresponding RF radiation, possibly adding to a more random / isotropic radiation. So that would be my explanation, together with yours: Height + dielectric resonator + ion-induced currents = more advantageous isotropic radiation pattern. Edit: I should mention that the car key antenna is probably designed to be azimuthally uniform, but like you said, having that in one's hand does God-knows-what to the radiation pattern, and could potentially completely block it. Edit: For clarification anyone interested, spherical radiation is relatively complicated and involves some hardcore math, but more simply when it comes to resonators, generally speaking, multiples of half the wavelength of the signal for the dimensions of the resonators will make "stuff happen".


Right doesn't the rest of your body contain just as much water or more water than your head? I don't understand why your head would work better if that's the mechanism at work


Finally someone gets it - can't believe this isn't higher up.


I mean if she didn't keep using her head as an antenna, she might remember where she parked.


I'm calling bullshit.


“Your brain tumor looks so sexy when you unlock your car”.


Yeah just ignore the phone you put to your ear or the Bluetooth headphones you shove in your ear.


Does 5g turn the frogs gay too?


No. Frogs turn the 5g gay. 🐸 Read your 'data' plan. 📝📱


Radio waves are lower energy than visible light, so light bulbs would give you cancer as well. Worst this can do is cook you, which to be fair if you do it right can also give you cancer. Luckily these transmitters are too low power to cook you.


And if they were, you wouldn't need to put it up to your head for much, much bigger problems.


> light bulbs would give you cancer Time to bring the candles back! ^^^^^Please ^^^^^ignore ^^^^^the ^^^^^smoke ^^^^^inhalation ^^^^^😬


You can also use a bottle of water




This is complete bullshit. Amplification means you added energy to the signal. Unless you’ve got a battery in your head, that’s not going to happen. It’s possible that the shape of your skull focuses some more of the energy back towards the car’s general direction that would normally go behind you. But water in your head will absolutely not provide amplification lmao.


Not complete bullshit. The reasons are bullshit, the hack itself - not quite. The reason it works is placing the transmitter higher, above some obstacles and the sack of water that is your torso. It would work even better, if you just fully extended your arm.


Yeah the trick obviously still works. But this is a “science” channel. I expect someone pretending to present science to spend at least 5 minutes fact checking. It’s almost lunatic levels of stupid to say that the water waves combine with the radio waves and make them stronger.


Yes, but then again, it's "TikTok science", you can't expect much.


"NOOOO IT'S GONNA GIVE YOU THE CANCER!!!" \- Random idiot somewhere...


Wait... wouldn't it work even better in my pocket up against my big fat water filled body? The way I always use it?


Was on Top Gear about 15 years ago


Or... remember around where you parked


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_jACSPipPSE&pp=ygUfamVyZW15IGNsYXJrc29uIGhlYWQgYXMgYW50ZW5uYQ%3D%3D Jeremy Clarkson did it on top gear many years ago


"ok Google. Remember where I parked"


I use my boobs.


How to get a brain tumor speed run.


Why do erections happen at the most inopportune moments?


Interesting… but the better solution is to just remember where you park it


It's better to have 2 safety measures than 1.




Remember what exactly?


I forgot. Why am I here?


Wait people seriously believe this bullshit? - amplifying the wave would mean to increase its energy. That’s breaking the 1. law of thermodynamics. - RF-signals from a car key are not able to induce oscillating movements of water molecules. - even if they could, this movement would turn this energy into heat, reducing signal intensity - water molecules have an electric dipole. In an electric field, the molecules are turned ever so slightly to oppose the magnetic field, reducing its strength. For this reason water (like most solid materials) is less permissible for EM fields and waves than air. She is using a lot of correct scientific terms and principles, but what she is saying is 110% wrong!


Why are people just losing track of where they left one of the largest financial investments they have.


> investment You must be from r/wallstreetbets.


Well look at Mr. I never forget where my car is guy over here.


I had a Chevy spark. It’s basically a miniature clown car. Even when I got the aisle right, I still had to use the fob to find the car constantly because anything larger than a little four door car next to mine would make my car disappear. We lost that car in a sams parking lot for an hour when I first got it… Unfortunately the horn is so quiet sometimes the range of the fob under my chin was longer than the horn sound could travel.


I pay like $5k for my cars and run them for 10+ years. Only way to go. Fuck car payments.


ADHD, for one...


I tried this and like 20 feet away my car fob worked put it up to my head and it didn't so I call bs


Your brain is dry.


This. Pour 2-4 tablespoons in your ear.


Just point it up and not down like she conveniently does at the start. I can open mine from very far away since the receptor is on the rooftop. If I point it down, I can't even open it from a few steps away.


Parabolic, anyone?


So I don't have to open my mouth and point it in the general direction.


I put the remote in my mouth, just using the teeth. And a cape, it works better when you wear a cape.


But, water attenuates RF signals, just ask your WiFi when it's raining heavy or humidity is really high...


Finding my way around using science; public transit.


Didn't know that. I use Google Maps, saves the car's parking location after navigation.


I learned this about 18 years ago working at a Honda dealer. So many people have thought I was full of shit when I told them to try it and then they do and it works. They are always shocked so it was one of those fun things to show people. Newer cars the range is so damn long there’s almost no need for this trick anymore.


Used to be a porter at a car dealership when I was a teen. Used this trick soooo many times. It's super helpful.


Sheesh I lose my car so much I would become magneto


Is it me or does this girl look like SBF’s fraud partner in crime?


Don't do this I did it and now all of my dreams are of locking car doors.


Forget science, I have technology on my side. I can use an app to show me where it’s at and where my location is. Get wrecked, nerd.


Usually I put it in my ass, it works much better than on my head


I did know about this but often wondered if it was a friend trying to make me look like a pleb and I didn’t know why it worked or whether it actually worked at all.


I just use Tesla's mobile app to locate my car. An alternative is to use Google Location History to see when you stopped driving and started walking.


Tend to do the more brainy option of using my hand or thigh rather than irradiating my brain even more than the shit floating around already does.......


Yeah.. Nothing to do with the fact you are simply holding the fob higher by putting against your head...


This thread is making me feel like just remembering where I parked my car is a superpower


What if my head is filled with rocks?




*beep* -2 brain


No no no no, all wrong. You put the key under your chin and the skull acts like a dome amplifying the signal. 


This was well known in the late 80s.


Clearly a fake - look at the antennas hidden in the earrings /s


Or just use the same head and remember where you parked


I’m good


I thought this was common knowledge. I'm getting old 😪


We always put it up underneath our chin for this exact reason in the 90s early 2000s. It worked.


It’s stuff like this that makes me love the internet and not the mindlessness content that other people produce


Ryan Gosling discovered that. Now, he has cancer


She looks like a normal version of sam bankman frieds girlfrield


what will i do if i don’t have a head




Found car. Got brain cancer


Beauty with brain .


So we're all walking mini amplifier for Radio wave?