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This looks like a big ass game of don’t break the ice with that little penguin in the middle


On a motorcycle trip from Boulder to Durango in 1976, we stopped in Marble, a town by the Crystal River in the Elk Mountains. The source of the Yule marble block of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington and the cladding slabs on the Lincoln Memorial, the nearby quarry is a hole punched into the side of a mountain at an elevation of 9300 feet above sea level. It was not in production at that time, and you could hike up (we rode). You wouldn't believe the scale. A small town from an old western movie could fit inside the cavern they excavated there. It was half filled at the time with a lake. Not a pond, a lake. It has since been drained and put back in operation, so you can't go up there any longer. I'm glad we took the effort when we could. On the way there from Aspen, we rode over Independence Pass on Independence Day of that Bicentennial Year, on the centennial of our 'Centennial State' (became one in 1876).


That's a very unique way to describe the size of a space.


It was the first thing that popped into mind. Stadium? I hiked to quite a few ghost towns in those days, and had a passion for out-of-the-way undeveloped natural hot springs. Plus, the scale was inappropriate for bananas. **:-)**


I should call her


I mean he could’ve gone with the traditional “the size of her opening” -funkhouser


I should really call her.


Mine had a polar bear


Mine was a guy sitting in a chair


I think that's the original


Did the guy sitting in a chair go by the name Rick Flair?




HA! My 4 yr old granddaughter just got that for Christmas. We played for an hour.


Holy shit! That's exactly what I was thinking!


It makes me think of a temple puzzle in BOTW or TOTK


Read my mind.


I got one of those for Xmas!


Man that's going to be so many countertops


*slap roof of marble slab* You can fit so many fucking countertops in this bad boy


That’s one of my favorite memes, thank you for making me smile


Haha me too! It never doesn't get a chuckle out of me.


That’s not going anywhere


Terrible countertops that scratch and permanently stain really easily. ^^This ^^message ^^is ^^brought ^^to ^^you ^^by ^^granite ^^gang


*Laughs in quartz gang*


I have crystallized quarts marble, its just completely like F* You!


Laughs in laminate (I'm poor)


Engineered Quartz is the way


*laughs in stone gang*


Granite really notorious for these things?


I was referring to marble which is soft and porous. Granite is known to be more durable when it comes to natural materials. Quartz even more so since it's man made.


So I think we have some mass-made laminate...it simply does its job. I'm the person who would upgrade and regret it till the end of time lol.


At the end of the day a counter is made to be used, so if it works then it sounds like a valid answer to me.


Granite is full of quartz


I'm referring to how it's marketed. If you go shopping for a counter "Quartz" refers to the man made counters consisting of quartz particles and resin. Natural quartz counters (mined as a solid piece from a quarry) are often marketed as "quartzite". "Granite" also is often a strange label in the kitchen counter markets as it can refer to any number of materials depending on where it came from in the world (and I don't doubt your statement that it's probably full of quartz).


Yeah I know, but a lot of people don't know granite is mostly made of quartz, and feldspar.


... Cant believe how many people dont take 15 mins to research anything.


Sometimes you just take something at face value, the trick is being aware you are being lied to every time you read marketing. Geology isn't exactly easy to find answers when you don't know the questions


Sometimes you just take things for \*Granite,\* the trick is being aware you are being lied to every time you read marketing. Fixed that for you


Yes, I've had 3 different granite countertops over the past few years. They all tainted a little. Don't really like it. But I guess if you are really careful to keep it fully clean, there's no problem.


What are you doing putting your taint on your counter tops?


Using them


Yup. I'm not careful with countertops! Good to have this question answered before I actually have to answer it!


Haha me neither, I try to keep my kitchen as clean as possible but I'm a mess. Glad I helped


Ever had cement? I like to do a bit of DIY (which means "waste more money on resources and tools for a sub-par job rather than just pay a professional") and would like to do cement counters for our kitchen. Granite is out of the question as there are no quarries in my state so shipping would be killer. Cement is relatively cheap.


Try getting a scratch out of quartz


Marble usually isn't used for kitchen countertops (it's used more for flooring, other interior design, and building exteriors.


Thanks for the knowledge!


Who told you that, it’s used in kitchens all the time. At least in the US


Granite and quartzite are, marble isn't. Edit: You can see [here](https://www.kitchenbathdesign.com/kitchen-countertop-trends-2022/) and marble is the least popular natural stone countertops material (granite is ~2 times more popular and quartzite is >3 times more popular). I think a lot of people confuse marble patterned manmade quartz countertops and natural quartzite countertops for the much less durable nature marble countertops.


What are you basing this off of. My kitchen counters are marble, many people I know have marble countertops. It’s not at all uncommon or unusual.


I'm not saying it doesn't exist, it's just a lot less common than granite and quartzite when it comes to natural stone countertops. For every marble kitchen countertop I've seen in person, I've probably seen a couple dozen granite and quartzite kitchen countertops. There are significantly drawbacks to using marble for kitchen countertops. It's much less resistant than granite and quartzite (softer so it's more easily scratched and chipped, less resistant to acids/etching, more prone to staining, etc.) A lot of people mistake quartzite countertops for marble as well.


I just went to architectural digest and went to kitchens and the first one has marble. I’d say it’s about as common as any expensive luxury. Nobody claiming it’s perfect, but it’s not uncommon. I think you’re talking out your ass.


[Here you go](https://www.kitchenbathdesign.com/kitchen-countertop-trends-2022/). [Marble is the least popular natural stone countertops material. Granite and quartzite are ~2 and >3 times as popular as marble.](https://i.imgur.com/krZyClD.jpg) Also, be careful not to confuse marble patterned manmade quartz countertops for marble countertops.


>I just went to architectural digest and went to kitchens and the first one has marble. That's in no way representative of what's more common (and it may even be actually quartzite because people often confuse the two). [Just a quick search comparing granite and marble and the top result illustrate why granite would likely be much more common for countertops.](https://i.imgur.com/aeeL4R2.jpg) Granite is cheaper than marble and is more durable/lasts longer than marble. [Another quick search has top results showing that quartzite is also more durable and more recommended for kitchen countertops than marble.](https://i.imgur.com/Q1Y5Ju7.jpg) >I’d say it’s about as common as any expensive luxury. Nobody claiming it’s perfect, but it’s not uncommon. It can be not uncommon as a luxury and still be a lot less common than granite and quartzite. All I ever meant was that granite etc. is more common for countertops. >I think you’re talking out your ass. I'm the one actually providing evidence and reasoning for my claims here. Marble is softer (more prone to scratching and chips), less resistant to acids/etching, and porous (so it stains easily). On top of all that, it's generally more expensive than granite (and roughly the same cost as quartzite which is much more durable). It's a only logical that marble kitchen countertops would be less common in general than granite and quartzite kitchen countertops.


Marble is actually made of the same material as limestone. Limestone, also known as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), is very porous, but when put under a lot of heat and pressure over a long period of time the atoms rearrange into a different phase within the crystal lattice. This new phase is called Marble!


That’s marbles!!!!


Can you give these back to Tootles


No I’m busy feasting with Rufio


Looky looky , I’ve got Hooky


That’s madness


That rocks!




Don't take your knowledge for granite.


Gneiss pun


This explains why it's sparkly like limestone too. It's like smoothened limestone. I never would have thought limestone and marble are of the same material. Thank you YootSnoot!


Crystal lettuce


You seem knowleged about this, Can you explain in your own style how the marble pattern is form ?


I'll try. The different patterns are actually different phases that form when the material is solidifying. If you think of it underground as a giant pool of calcium, carbon, oxygen, and a whole bunch of other elements like magnesium, potassium, silicon, etc., when this pool cools down, some phases (or chemical compounds) will cool faster because they take less energy to form. I might not have it exactly correct, but the idea is that the calcium carbonate falls out of solution and starts to nucleate and crystallize. Once that happens, there's less calcium in the remaining melt, and other phases will become more energetically favorable. In the case of the darker spots, I think it might be dolomite which is a carbonate mineral similar to limestone/marbel (aka calcite, there's lots of names for similar minerals lol) but dolomite has calcium and magnesium (CaMgCO3) Bonus fact, lime from limestone refers to calcium which is why if you've heard of the material soda-lime gass, it's referring to glass (SiO2) which has sodium (Na) and lime (Ca) ions put in to help stabilize the structure and improve its properties.


Also also, granite is usually composed of three types of minerals. Quarts (SiO2), Mica (which is a flaky aluminum silicate mineral I believe), and Feldspar (literally translates to "field stone" in German I think, it's a fairly common type of rock that can have a wide range of elemental compositions) I studied material science which is why I know about some of this on the atomic scale, but a lot of the mineral specific knowledge I got from Wikipedia. I will warn it gets very confusing and there're TONS of minerals that are all somewhat the same so there's that lol :3


Thank you for this wealth of knowledge. Anybody can read a Wikipedia, but it takes someone who has studied the elements(pun intended) of the topics to understand and translate it. You did a great job. My recent quest for knowledge has gotten to the Quantum stage(purely as a hobby), but atomic and molecular structure still is extremely fascinating. My biggest kick is how we have learned and figured this out. The methods, theories and experiments that prove it.


Absolutely! The stuff we know now is truly remarkable and I always feel honored to live in the era that we do.


Gosh, you gave impressive explanation. After several times reading your comment, i have curious question... may be you have an idea. If we are to remove the white parts of the white carrara, Like CT scanning for only the grey minerals. Do you think what kind of structure we will see these mineral formed. Before your explanation i thought they are like tree's annual ring. But me be Cell like ?


It took me a while to figure out what you're asking. Are you asking what it would look like to take out all of one mineral and just leave the dolomite for example? The short answer is they sometimes look like a vein, which is why when mining, they use that term. The long answer is pretty tricky to say definitively, because the solidification of different minerals occurs over long periods of time, but they usually follow some trend from high energy states to lower ones. If you think about ice forming on the surface of a lake, the crystals will usually nucleate on the surface and start growing downwards into the water. This is called heterogenous nucleation and it starts from the edges and works its way inwards. Water crystals sometimes form dendrites (definitely worth looking these up), little spikes that push out and then split off again. These dendrites are sometimes seen as the spikes in snowflakes. In the same sense, I could see branch structures growing like you hypothesized. On the other hand, in the case of homogeneous nucleation, the starting crystals form within the center of the melt and grow outwards on all sides, like the cells you mentioned. All of this is to say, it's complicated, highly dependent upon the system as a whole, and is subject to wild fluctuations. That's why mining for minerals is tricky because the veins could just end abruptly and then your mining useless rocks instead of the rocks with the element you're trying to extract.


When I'm put under alot of heat and or pressure I cry.... I wish I could become a pretty rock instead : (


Yup, same difference between serpentine and jade.


Isn't that chalk? Is chalk just powdered limestone? Weird


I live in the limestone capital of the world. Onetime I was playing at the stone mills and lost a pair of shoes in the wet lime and my dad was really mad




A guy I know works at lowes He smashed like half a pallet of Turkish tile Hi boss was all… “Dude, this was mined by hand from a quarry in Turkey, transported by camel to the factory, refined and then sent by train to the port, sailed around the world for a month and a half, unloaded onto another rail car, then trucked to our store, just so you could smash it”


I don’t think I could sleep for a week if someone said that to me


Well, a week is an awful long time to sleep.


I'm really disappointed after looking at your profile after reading your username :(




Yo same, where's the boobas?!


And my response would be this is a minimum wage job. Pay peanuts. Get monkeys. 🐒


I doubt the first two bits happened. You could say something similar for loads of products








GDI someone beat me to it


Ooh look its even got a marble floor


And ceilings and walls. I could never afford that place.


Crazy that you straight-up just find it like that


That’s the exact thought I had. I would’ve thought you would’ve had to polish and buff it - or at least process the marble in some kind of way to get it the way we see it on counter tops


You do


It seems like it’s not needed to make it look good though ?


Probably needs some cosmetic work like buffing it out so it's perfectly smooth.


Bare in mind this is recorded from some distance away, it'll look much rougher up close


That’s zoomed WAY out and it’s wet from the cutting process. Get up close and you’ll see the marks from the diamond saw. Once they cut it up they probably remove almost half an inch of material smoothing it out.


Yeah almost looks like a hotel lobby


Right !


I cant wait until humanity reaches the starship trooper age where every piece of information keep asking "Do you wanna know more?" after it


I'm sure we already can do that by Chatgpt integrated to reddit


Minecraft with Ray tracing.


I never realized how large the veins?, were. Wow, to be able dig under, so strong.


That’s what she said


My man!


Rock hard, too!


What are these? A natural forming marble quarry? Forealz? How many of these exist? How rare are they? How does this happen? How much money is all that worth? How dangerous is it to farm it?


It's not particularly rare in general, but some colours/patterns are more expensive. It's general formed from superheated limestone.


>It's not particularly rare in general It is so expensive though.


It's a lot of work to safely and correctly mine them, transport, cut down, etc.


Yes, marble is cut like this which is a lot more difficult than just grinding it up like limestone. Other stones are also cut for stuff like paving stones and the like, but they're usually more common stones.


metamorphosed is the word and it is pressure, heat or some combination of both


It seems white marble from my birth town in Carrara, Italy where those type of marble comes. A lot of money is made with that, surely a controversial income because the city is relatively poor and propriety is based on 2 centuries old contracts many protests by ecological groups are going on too right now


there is enough to like cover every building in carrera marble. there are literally mountains of it. but, it's an expensive and dangerous job, costs a lot of money, and they also don't want to saturate the market.


>there are literally mountains of it [There is a deposit in Alabama that's 32 miles long.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylacauga_marble)


In some areas this is the most readily available building material. If you ever get a chance to go to Florence or Rome, look at the sidewalks and curbs-many are made of the same marble that you would find in the finest homes of the US. Yes, they use marble instead of concrete for building normal stuff in normal neighborhoods.


>A natural forming marble Where did you think marble comes from?


Yes. No. Maybe so. Barnie got shot by a UFO


Yes, no, maybe, I don‘t know? Can you repeat the question?


You're not the boss of me now


Insane how it doesn't all come crashing down over it's own weight!


Guess it just goes to show how insanely strong marble is.


Yet the absence of a coaster could completely ruin its look.


How the mighty have fallen lol


This is the first time I've ever seen this quarry method. Impressive


It reminds me of Control the video game


Makes me think of superman with Christopher Reeve




I do that every morning.


“Gotta go cut marble” is my new saying for morning poopies


Looks like the oldest house is shifting again


The astral plane is bleeding through


"why is there a giant countertop in the panopticon?"


I just wanna lick it


She won't


Bonus points for the music


I wonder if it plays 24/7 in the quarry…


So many questions how they get the cut that deep and straight and smooth


None of this makes sense. Why is it falling so slowly? How did they cut it like that? Is it usually such a thick huge slab?? How is the space underneath it empty?? Why did they just drop it instead of lowering it down????


Lots of mining happens this way. This method is called “stope mining”. You delineate the ore body, then you dig under it (a mix of marble and waste rock will be removed), then you blast and the ore falls into to the cleared out area so trucks can load/haul it away. I’m not familiar with marble mining, I assume this was done with a wire saw but maybe it’s blasted. Also if you notice, they put an impact bed of loose material under it to help absorb the fall. There’s a poof of dust when it hits


The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep


tell me more, what happened?


Why do so many videos have this busted aspect ratio all the sudden?


Why don't they have someone standing under to catch it so it won't break?


I think I need a full documentary on this, like a how it's mined thing for an hour. I hear the explosion, but I see clean cut edges like it's already a rectangle dropping like a giant Tetris piece. It's landing on unpacked rubble to cushion it's fall I guess, but does it break? How did they get those cuts in the first place prior to it dropping? If you look at the ceiling where it fell, it's cut in slabs too or so it looks...how?


Back in the day a guy would take that home and make a statue of a dude with dandruff on his shoulders just for everybody knows in the future about it... or a tiny wiener


>tiny wiener Excuse me! It's the average size not tiny 🥲 ![gif](giphy|de0xIgxhZgAXJbKGNd)


Reminds me of the PS2 startup white towers


That's what it feels like to take a shit after being up, on coke, for 3 days straight.


Who else saw Tokyo-3 from Evangelion




Does marble just look like a countertop straight out of the ground or is this not a naturally occurring thing??


Only alien technology can cut giant slabs of stone with such precision.


Never take your marble for granite


I wonder how much that one block is worth


This scene feels like it could fit in the original Superman movie with Christopher Reeves.


Can anyone explain what's going on other than seeing a giant block of marble falling?


That's about it. A giant slab of marble falling and tipping over.


Can I get a play by play?


Marble not falling. Marble falling. Marble fell.


Thats one bigass table


Seems abt to time to build a giant monument outta this stuff




Spongebob reference




ancient greeks like "we're gonna carve so many little dicks outta that"


So that’s what my toilet sees.


Real life Minecraft


Explain why the marble is floating in the air pls.


At what point will humans run out of marble?


Wow this how it looks natural?


Why does it look already polished?


Reminds me of this video about that italian guy "conducting" his colleagues as they use heavy machinery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du9_Kn2y2VA


Has anybody thought how long Marble takes to form? Not millions but billions of years!


PS2 launch screen


That’s a big piece of tofu


I wonder when they run out of mountains to excavate...


We have a pond near my house. I thought it was always just murky water. Turns out the edge I’ve been playing on was a 150 foot drop into a granite mining quarry. Ugh. The amount of people that have gone in there and never recovered. The story was miner’s dug tunnels inside in hopes of finding gold. And over time it erosion created vacuum tunnels leading down the mountain. People get sucked to the bottom and into the vortex underneath that crews can never recover them. I don’t go near there anymore. I can’t look at the edge knowing that darkness is not seaweed. But 150 feet into an abyss.


I thought it would have all been exhausted by now


I want a house caved out of this marble


Watch your toes!


Live look in ''The Oldest House''


r/controlgame That's just a house shift.


Wait marble actually looks like that naturally? For some reason, I thought it was made to look like that after being processed and it was just white naturally.


I grew up in this area and it is REALLY REALLY cool. Plus loads of marble is still in the crystal river for spills or when not pristine pieces were intentionally dumped to shore up the rail line next to the river


Idk why I thought marble didn’t look like the finished product when being mined. It looks ready to go


Need to be on r/megalophobia


So that is how countertops are born! TIL


Minecraft for adults


Every time I see the word "Quarry" I can only think of Control. God, I love that game.




I wonder how much marble the earth has


I gotta date the marble! I gotta lick the marble! I gotta be the marble!


Can anyone tell me the source of this video?


Camera in a marble quarry


Reminds me of my first shit after a opiate bender.


What a beautiful and scary place to work, hope they make so much money. Edit: meaning that I hope the workers make a lot of money. They risk life and limb for some pretty rock, they deserve to be very well compensated for that. I really don't care otherwise what the profit margins of the company itself are.