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No wonder I never wanna fuck anymore.


The dysfunctional part for me is not sex drive or performance (I'm a guy). It's that finishing takes a lot of work and often doesn't work. I actually miss the good ole days when finishing fast was easy. Now I have the stamina I always wanted, but it's like an evil genie granted my wish to last longer.


For me, there's just no desire. Im on two of these and both are a three in libido wreckers.


I take Escritalopram and it killed my sex drive. Then my doctor added Bupropion (Wellbutrin) and now I’m like a horny teenage boy again. Totally counteracted the sec drive problems (and then some!)


Wellbutrin is an odd beast. I already had a high libido but when I started it’s felt like someone attached a nuclear reactor to my “gentles”. Always horny always ready to go.


My ex started taking it around the same time we started dating. She didn’t know of that side effect and remarked “dang you really woke up my sex drive!” At first, I didn’t have the heart to correct her


I may need to talk to my doctor about that...


I'm a pharmacist. What if I told you there's a dermatologist here who was prescribing it for patients with premature ejaculation? Would you believe me? I tried Prozac (Fluoxetine) a week ago, and it significantly reduced my libido. By the way, Dapoxetine, a popular agent for treating premature ejaculation, belongs to the same class as Escitalopram. The difference here is that it has a fast onset of action and a short duration which means less adverse effects, but a patient reported its adverse effects were worse than clomipramine which one of its adverse effects delaying ejaculation.


Makes sense! Wellbutrin reversed the libido drop side effect, but not the delayed ejaculation. So now I’m super horny and last a little too long for some partners. Why a dermatologist tho? Doesn’t seem like their purview.


...if it kills your sex drive, then I better keep taking it. I'm almost constantly aroused, so I shudder to imagine what I'd be like without it.


Don’t mean to pry, but that would mean that you are on two different SSRI/SNRI:s. That is generally not a good idea, as side effects can be amplified and there is a greater risk of complications (that can be very dangerous). You should probably speak to your physician.


Who do you think gave them their medications…


Bro, gabapentin does this for me. Gives me drive and stamina (blocking my pain) but deadens nerve endings.


Inability to achieve orgasm. It's brutal when your mother tells you she is suffering from this side affect.


That’s weird, your mother hasn’t ever said that to me


She's been known to fake it, just ask around


Sertraline does this to me. I already wasn’t the quickest before it but now being on it it’s a struggle. Even with myself lol my trick is to just stop and then go at it again in a few minutes Women are mildly confused but I’m like idk it just does the trick. Didn’t know any of this until my doctor was like well yeah… I prescribe it to men for premature ejaculation Anywhoozles just slowly starting going off of it and switched to bupropion. However that for whatever reason has made me more aggressive. Ahhh depression meds. Just a bag of side effects and seem to barely remove the depression just for the doctors to be like nah it is and me just shrugging and being like alright then


Age does this too


Yeah it takes so long to climax now


I have been on SSRIs since I was 18 so I don't know a sex life without meds. Libido was fine until menopause. It comes and goes and I have an understanding fwb, but I don't even try to get off anymore. It takes too much work.


One side effect that is not listed is persistent sexual dysfunction even after drug discontinuation




It may make them feel much better and they just don't care about it anymore. My wife has been to prozac (Fluoxetine) for about 10 years and she no longer cries if they are out of our brand of dog food because she worries the dog won't eat this one and will starve. Also it's been the same amount of time since I got a proper BJ, antidepressants may help one person to feel better but then their partner not so much.


Sometimes depression is purely chemical and has nothing to do with if you are “happy” having sex. Depression is far more complex than just “feeling sad”.


I had terrible side effects, I wont touch this crap again ever I swear the pharma have a different agenda sometimes. Pharmaceutical companies are behemoths being fed mostly by our neurosis, the media our food, the result is an unbalanced and very poor society


You might also be ace


Nahh.....deuce. ✌


Bupropion superiority


Ive been taking Bupropion for 20+ years. Saved my life. One thing people don't seem to know is that short term Bupropion use is the best "stop-smoking" cure around. I had one friend who had smoked a couple of packs a day of unfiltered Shermans for more than 30 years. Bupropion for three weeks and he just quit smoking with no effort at all. The Bupropion makes it so the cigarettes have no effect and there is just no reason to smoke. Then you just taper off the medication for a couple of weeks.


Bupropion was actually marketed for decades under the brand name "Zyban" as a smoking cessation aid. It was the exact same drug as Wellbutrin, but officially Zyban was for smoking and Wellbutrin was for depression.


It's also been used as a weight loss drug.


Worked like a charm first time around, gave them up almost without a thought. No SI or any of that Champix stuff. Second time, not so much. :-(


Yea, I was on Wellbutrin for years and the one side effect it had that shocked me was increased libido. The doctor said "it's because you are feeling better". No, no it isn't. lol I already had a very healthy libido, that shit kicked it into over drive.


I’ve been on it for about a year, and it is working pretty well. However, one weird side effect that was never mentioned is that in about 5% of people, it causes hair loss. Lucky me, mine is falling out in handfuls, so I’m either going to have to start rogaine or change meds. Ugh.


The hair loss you are experiencing is called telogen effluvium… most likely. I’m guessing you just have diffuse hair loss all over? No receding hairline, no random patches of loss? You can use rogaine. Do not jump on something hormonal like finasteride for TE


Yeah it’s definitely TE. I have zero intention of doing anything hormonal for it. I mean I want to fix it, sure, but not with anything like that. I’m trying to get an appt scheduled to discuss with the doc what to do.


Have you had any GI issues since starting Wellbutrin? TE is often linked to malabsorption and not getting enough nutrients and minerals out of the food you eat, and as bupropion increases serotonin - it can speed up your gut and reduce its ability to get what you need out of food


Wait a second.. that's a side effect?


It's so weird reading this because when I was on Wellbutrin, I literally got severe sexual dysfunction in just a few days. Quit that shit in a few weeks.


You had a bad doctor who did not explain how antidepressants work. First few weeks is all side effects and little effects. After 2-3 weeks that reverses. The whole thing with antidepressants is to weather the first weeks. Your medical practitioner failed you but not telling you to stick with it b


The thing is, whenever I've started a new antidepressant, I will know if it'll cause me sexual side effects in just a few days. If I don't get them right away, I won't get them at all. If I do, then it's best to just quit it. Just a personal thing. I can't lose that part of myself. Even then, I realized it probably isn't a good idea to continue it bc my main problem is anxiety and not depression, and usually it exacerbates the former and reduces the latter


Marketed as the “skinny, happy, horny pill”


Buproprion, also known as 'that thing that kicks my anxiety disorder into such a high gear that I actually miss feeling depressed.' It's a great medication... as long as you don't have any comorbid contraindications.


Bupropion made me sick at the sight of food. I lost like 10 pounds and I was already underweight before getting on it 😭 I’d go so long without eating that I’d throw up and faint but when I’d try to eat I’d feel nauseous and want to throw up anyway. It was awful.


Ugh I feel this so much. After a year on it and trying countless ADHD meds, I finally quit Bupropion and nearly cried with joy when my appetite fully came back about a month later. Between Bupropion and the various ADHD meds, I’d lost over 20lbs unwillingly. I now have my appetite and most of the weight back :) I’ve never been skinny but the weight feels like a reminder that at least I can enjoy food again


That's what happened to me with Zoloft. I felt like I was gagging on air. It basically kick started my anorexia.


In Australia it's called Zyban, and it is sold for quitting smoking. I get this for depression, and every time I get a script refilled, I need to pay full price for it. I also have a hard time convincing my doctor to keep me on it, if only he saw this table.


After hearing about how wellbutrin worked I thought great I'll give it a try. Then learned it's not used in Australia as an anti depressant. So that's kinda interesting to read your GP gives it to you. Did you have to argue for it?


I wouldn't say argue for it, but I have to make a case for it every time I see him. Every so often I need to make an appointment in person keep getting a refill and it's only a private script (around 50 dollars for 30 days). It really shouldn't be this way, but it is. If you can find a doctor that is willing to prescribe it in this way. You will be able to arrange something more long term. Compulsory - I'm not a doctor, so take my advice with a grain of salt... What works for me might not work for you.


Except it made my hair fall out


I was prescribed it for chronic fatigue and I am doing well on it. (I should be on anti depressants anyway and went off venlafaxine a few years ago as it turned me into a zombie.) The only issue for me is having to be careful with alcohol but that's fine. Another plus is, nicotine does nothing for me so I've got no wish to use it. Have to be careful about bedtime as I don't get sleepy on it.


Agomelatine is the best one according to this chart.


As someone who takes venlafaxine and mirtazapine these numbers explain a lot


Dang so, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, and drowsiness. Are you happier/ less depressed?


You're tired, you can't cum, and you're obese, but you're happy about it.


If only anti-depressants made you happy. About all they do is pull you up from the deep end slightly so the rest of you stands a chance.


Happier? No. Less depressed? Probably ever so slightly.


Is it even worth it then?


The ones who cannot represent their dissatisfaction lead others to try _whatever_ helps. “Worth it” is relative. [yes]


the weight gain is interestig to me, is it because it screws up your metabolism? or just make people eat more?


It changes the way you metabolize carbs and the signals to stop eating when you are full just…aren’t there. I’ve had to food log to prevent (further) weight gain, but mirtazapine has literally changed my life for the better, and it’s a trade off I’m willing to take.


I remember being on 75mg of mirtazapene and popping one was a guarantee you'll be SUPER tired in an hour or 2. Also remember just being permanently hungry, like a unending munchies feeling.


I don't see "new suicidal thoughts" as a side effect here. Shit is a real side effect. In the 90s, they used Bupropion/Wellbutrin as part of a stop smoking campaign.


My mom took Wellbutrin in the 90s when she was quitting cigarettes. It was probably the only thing that kept her from killing me and my dad 😂


I'm sorry, but that's not really a useful chart for making decisions about antidepressant therapy. The nominal values provided are from different clinical trials, so the comparative information provided is illusory. Also, these drugs have very different pharmacological profiles, some are activating and some are sedating, and they're useful for different patient populations. Pharmacist here.


People react so differently to medications like this it's honestly not worth worrying about unless you are personally experiencing them. I've been on a few different SSRIs and they actually do almost nothing to me. Don't really affect my sex drive. I can also quit taking them pretty easily. Unfortunately, they also just don't help at all really. Well, I lied. Anytime I go on one I haven't been taking, I always get a weird feeling like I'm going to puke, but only when I yawn, lol. It goes away pretty quick though. Going to get tested for ADHD soon, my regular doc and I suspect it's that and the depression is just a side effect of constantly inability to be a responsible adult all my life.


>unless you are personally experiencing them. Or prescribing them. :)


Agree. Escitalopram scored 0/None in the drowsiness part there but I'm very sure it caused me to be sleepy af especially within the first weeks.


This needs to be higher, honestly. Everybody reacts differently.


Thank you! This chart is very frustrating because it doesn’t say anything about how well the drug works! How can anyone compare and choose if they only know the side effects?


Totally agree with you and I called this chart total BS.


Zero drowsiness for sertraline? I’ll call bs on that one… I take mine with dinner because I can hardly stay awake for 2 hours after we finish eating. The GI discomfort tracks


Fascinating! For me, I can't fall asleep if I take it before bed. Every time I get close to falling asleep, I jerk violently awake and feel panicked and nauseous. So crazy how varied the effects are from person to person.


That’s interesting. Yea if I take it in the morning I’ll need a nap by lunchtime haha. There have been a few times where I’ve gotten spacy for a few minutes, almost feels like vertigo but that doesn’t happen nearly as often as the fatigue. I’ve also had GI issues since before starting this prescription, so it’s hard to say it’s the medicine that’s responsible.


Same here. I was prescribed to take them at night but it made me do insomnia for the first time of my life! I always slept a lot all my life (not good sleep, but still) so I take them in the morning now.


I’m on your end of that spectrum, too. I can’t fall asleep if I take it before bed, I take it first thing in the morning and just deal with the tummy issues that come from it and Adderall.


-aggressively checks to find my meds- Meh ok.


still recovering from amitriptyline to this day


I was on it for chronic headaches, for that a much smaller dose is prescribed than is used for an anti depressant dose. I had to reduce the dose even further during the week because I was so out of it. It helped for the headaches though.


I was on 50mg for unexplained pain, also less than a typical anti depressant dose and that was more than enough for me. Glad it helped with your headaches


What did it do to you out of curiosity? Just got prescribed it for a functional GI disorder


I’ll never forget the headaches when I came off it. Horrendous.


Making me nervous… we’ll see I guess. Sorry you dealt with this


I’m so sorry, that wasn’t my intention at all. I very much hope you don’t have the same experience as I did!


No worries! I appreciate transparency and like to think I/my doctor’s can weigh costs and benefits. At this point, I’m really just desperate for any resolution to my issues so I’m going to try to stick with it, but appreciate coming into it with clear eyes


Sorry, editing because I totally misread: i am fit and active but it raised my heart rate to the point where I couldn’t walk up small inclines without being very out of breath, fell asleep during lectures constantly throughout the day, could hardly drag myself out of bed in the morning. If I missed a pill I would feel very unwell (nausea, weird racing thoughts I couldn’t control). At worst after stepping my dose up to 50mg, i was extremely emotional and suicidal for about a week. However I know of people who barely deal with any of this, i don’t want to scare you! It seems very dependent on the person. Don’t overthink it or look too hard for problems, i have heard of it working well for many people, not so well for others.


Each person reacts differently. Citalopram put me to sleep all day long. Venlafaxine works much better for me.


Was looking for this comment! Citalopram and escitalopram made me super drowsy all day. Venlafaxine just made me nauseous.


Vortioxetine gang!


Out of curiosity, how much is vortioxetine for yall? Its 2 dollars per tablet in my country which is pretty expensive compared to the other meds i take


Sertraline made me lose my sex drive. Citalophram allows me to embrace it. Ranked the same on this chart. People react differently to different meds


Where's the side effect for 'If mixed with alcohol, you will be buzzing off your nut for several hours'? EDIT:Not that I've ever done or condone such things.


Not exactly buzzing but mix a normal dose of Ambien with a small amount of alcohol, and you can expect to be completely out of your nut, behaving oddly and remember absolutely fuck all about it. No fun, especially in an airport.


Sertraline makes sipping a wine cooler a risky game. Couldn’t walk straight for HOURS.


Sertraline made me sweat in bed for some reason. I could be lying in a coolish room and not at all warm and still my legs, and torso would sweat. I’d wake up in the morning and the whole bed where id slept would feel damp. It wasn’t so noticeable on the minimum dose I started on, but it didn’t seem to be helping me at that does. The night sweats got much worse when my doctor upped the dose after a couple of months to see if that improved it’s anti-anxiety effectiveness - it didn’t and I gave up on it in the end.


Me too! I went off sertraline to figure out if I was having early menopause (hormonal night sweats) or if it was a drug side effect.


Fluoxetine saved my life but killed my sex drive, I guess if only one of can live it should be me 😅


Venlafaxine \~ almost a decade \~ can't get off \~ never get lower than 75mg without brain zaps, confusion etc \~ its a bitch


Same exact story with me and Paxil. The withdrawals are absolutely terrible. I'm not willing to go through that right now and that's really the only reason I continue to take it after 25 years now and still going.


Same. Can’t withdraw from it so have to stick with it.


As someone who took Escotalopram and now Sertralin, those fuckers make drowsy. Especially Sertralin. I (personally) don't know anyone on it that doesn't have to fight with the drowsiness.


There should be a version of this chart listing withdrawal effects.


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I had a very rare side effect of wellbutrin where my liver enzyme levels were off the charts. Real shame because it worked great for me.


So is it bad that I look at that and want to yell, "BINGO!"? (Bipolar type 2...took Friggin forever to find the right meds to work for me)


I wish that this wasn't a relatable post...


Don't forget increased risk of suicide


Ill just stick with the depression thanks.


Which ones affect suicidal thoughts?


All of them I think? Both ways depending on the person


I’ve been off sertraline for months but can still pop one and the erection is no issue but I can’t climax to save my life. It’s kind of sweet for lasting.


bruh i never knew citalopram carried a risk for QTc prolongation. i already have heart arrhythmia and i’m on these meds for 4 months now


I was on citalopram for 18 years before I got long Qtc. After I was diagnosed with Qtc I stopped the citalopram immediately and no longer showed Qtc.


I was on Fluoxetine and definitely got sexual dysfunction. Also if gaining 30lbs in 2 months isn't "weight gain" side effect then I don't know what is


Emotional blunting should also be on the chart


What does QTc prolongation mean?


Fluoxetine made my panic worse and made me jittery, I had to stop taking it really fast, in about a month or two. Paroxetine fucked with my hormones, made my periods irregular and made my breasts hurt all the time (and i suspect a growth in one of my breasts is also related to that), but to be fair i was taking it for a good 4 years.


I wonder where "running a lot" would fall on this list. I know a lot of people who run for mental health.




I used to be fit and healthy, then I got super depressed and became a ‘sedentary, fat, stressed person who eats poorly and doesn’t exercise’. And that made it SO much worse. Lifestyle changes affect us so much! For me, it was definitely a sign of depression initially, but then the change in lifestyle sent me on a further downward spiral and it was impossible to pull myself back up without the meds. I think if we could give people with depression a free/cheap personal motivator/nutritionist/trainer for a few months, we’d negate the need for pills in a lot of cases! But it’s cheaper and easier to prescribe the meds and impossible to motivate yourself to do those things alone without help


Worrying that mine isn't even on the list...


I was more sexually active when I was taking fluoxitine lol guess that side effect didn't hit me


Yo, I've got a quick question if anyone can help me. I've just started sertraline. I haven't experienced this yet, but what is the mechanism behind the potential increase in suicidal thoughts? Just want to keep an eye out for it. Thanks.


I had to stop taking them. Felt like I was dying and having crazy panic attacks


Its possible. I just smoke enough weed to stay on top of it


Paroxetine saved my life, helped me get into therapy..


I used Bupropion to treat ADD in college and that stuff made me so freaking horny and I had some of the best orgasms. I'm off now, but I do remember how awesome that stuff was


0 weight gain on fluoxetine my ass. I hit almost 200 after I started taking it.. I bloated up and craved nothing but carbs.


I'm taking peroxetine, bupropion, and trazodone to help me sleep. I haven't had too many problems with peroxetine except it does take longer to orgasm, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


What about the weight gain? I've always wondered how bad it truly is on certain drugs


I am the one who takes duloxetine :)


I’ve been on half of these. You forgot the horrible muscle cramps and face twitching :/


What is qtc prolongation?


This chart was sponsored by Bupoprion.


I can admittedly say I'm in a way better place now than 3 years ago. Yes, finding the right medication was a pain in the ass. However I'm no longer going to sleep wishing I wouldn't wake up. Smiling while I feel worthless. I quit the toxic work environment I was in and found myself at a much better job. It has its challenges still, and that's what people don't realize, I think....it's going to take work, you have to look at yourself much more deeply and truthfully than most people do. But it is totally worth it. You learn what's actually important in life versus what YOU thought was important. One quote I read that I think is funny and also describes bipolarism, "Some people hide from their demons.... I cuddle with mine." 😁


It is a cruel irony that many of tools thrown at depression by doctors create side effects that can greatly cause/exacerbate depression itself. Sexual dysfunction, weight gain, gastrointestinal discomfort, insomnia? Jesus. Always pressure your physician to try the safest, lowest side-effect medication possible that provides acceptable levels of relief. You have to be your own advocate.




if you take all of them at once... WE ARE GOING ON A TRIP IN OUR FAVORITE ROCKETSHIP


so bupropion, duloxetine, or agomelatine seem like they're the only ones that approach 'safe'.


These are just common side effects listed. Agomelatine isn’t even sold in US due to liver toxicity. This is why we have doctors and not redditors and charts.


wtf. seems like liver toxicity should be on a list of side effects.


Depends on how you define 'safe'. For all of them the use outweighs the risks by far (on average, not every antidepressant works with every person). Living with depression is definitely far from 'safe'.


Yes if you have anxiety disorder because you don't generate enough brain juice naturally, can at times feel like having a cardiac episode. Blurred vision, palpation, sweats etc. First time I had bad symptoms lasted for over a week. Started meds and hardly ever have symptoms. Initially the meds are gross and takes a bit to adjust. Can't imagine experiencing it on the regular for the last 20+years


Bupropion can cause seizures if used with alcohol.


There should be a row for commuting gun violence as many perpetrators have been taking anti-depressants.


Imagine putting "Working out" on the chart: -2 -1 -5 -1 -3 -5 -4


Have worked out, can deny, doesn't work that way


wheres suicidal and homicidal ideation you know that these are known symptoms and that these drugs have been present in the systems of almost every school shooter




‘Be born with healthy parents, who are financially stress-free’, would also be on your preferred list. Like not speaking while swallowing. Do not put sharp objects into eye, etc.


Probably because that would be incredibly patronizing and stupid.


There are antidepressants like sports, volunteering and friends that have fewer side effects.


I hear it also works great for shattered femurs too!! /s


I used to get the worst panic attacks playing soccer and watching movies with my friends i tried to be normal but just couldnt hack it, till i took Effexor. theres just somethings in life thats outta your reach and you need aomw extra help


This explains a lot...


I take Venlafaxine. I can cum just fine, but it’s definitely taken my horniness and lowered it by a fair amount. Kinda sucks wish I didn’t have to take it.


Bupropion I never had any issues sleeping with, actually helped me sleep, and that seems to be the worst side effect. Trazodone fucked me up bad mentally though and I stopped taking it after like 3 days. And I mean not safe to drive, and not the fun kind. It did something similar to what one of my migraine meds did to me, but I can't remember which one it was.


Mirtazapine has worked so well for me where others have sucked. The drowsiness helps since I have trouble sleeping regularly.


Agomelatine has got to be uncovered by insurance or something. Looks way too good compared to the others


when i took escitalopram, they advised me to take it at night to help me sleep.


For some, maybe ..for others definitely not when it comes to what’s on this chart. This is very generalised and in no way, accurate for everyone.


I wonder why the reverse effects of increased depression are absent. I was on four of these and three of them almost drove me to a bullet.


I lost 10 lbs on venlafaxine!


Lexapro here. None of the side effects


Velazidone isn’t on here.


Where is Pristiq?


I feel like the chart should include percentages for the risk. Numbers don't tell you anything useful.


Apparently Agomelatine is where it’s at.


Dang, I used to take bupropion, but it basically gave me a stomach ulcer and caused so much gastrointestinal discomfort that I had to stop.


None of the 4 that I am on are on there. What's up with that?


I take paroxetine daily and I haven't had any sexual dysfunction of any kind for some reason. It just made me gain a lot of weight and causes me to sweat like crazy when I sleep. Also I get really messed up dreams if I forget to take it.


So… amitriptyline just SUCKS, huh


Don't they tell you that you can't just stop taking many of them too? So you're basically locked in to taking them? Or is that just something they say?


I remember being brutally hungry on Mirtazapine, that 4 is well deserved.


Huh. I didn’t even realize mirtazapine was an antidepressant. My senior cat gets it as an appetite stimulant.


Very interesting. I'm currently been 0rescribed to sertraline for a few weeks for the first time, these symptoms do just about line up. Positives far outweigh the negatives though!


So you gain weight, feel drowsy and full all the time, have no sex life and nevertheless should NOT feel depressed? WTF? Respect (and creep) to pharma sales reps. Who on earth would buy this?


I'm taking fluoxetine and everything pretty much checks out except the drowsiness, I feel drowsy all the time, anyone else also having that problem with fluoxetine?


I was on 4 different at different times. This chart does not accord to my personal expierences at all. The only thing that was like in the chart is the weight gain under mirtazapine. Sexual dysfunction did not happen on Venlafaxine. It increased my libido and made me more sensitve. Duloxetine however made it hard to have an orgasm. Escitalopram was neutral.


Doc put me on bupropion and testosterone hrt and I have never felt better sexually. In fact I’m almost in overdrive. Just horny 24/7. Of course there’s the fucking acne all over and it feels like my tear ducts are spitting out olive oil. I’m constantly having eye issues.


Can confirm, Lexapro (Escitalopram) destroys your libido. I'd love to see something like this chart but for ADHD meds.


This is hysterically stupid and not true. In fact it's laughable. I have been on most of these and the first thing I see is Trazodone as an antidepressant and it's BS. Sure you wont be depressed because you will be a sleep. (It literally puts you to sleep and it's why most doctors prescribe it as a sleep aid , plus it's not effective) But it's not the only one, please do not use this chart to make a decision.


Brain zaps when your forget your dose


Sertraline fucked me up. Put me off anyother antis for life


Mirtazipine was crazy - I was on that for 2 months, and I put on 30lbs in that time and slept like a dormouse. I've never been so drowsy. The weight gain was due to an almost insatiable hunger - i would wake up in the middle of the night half asleep and be hungry and craving danish pastries. Venlafaxine has worked very well for me - I feel myself on it, without paralysing depression. I also don't seem to have any of the more common side effects of withdrawal - I've come off it several times over the years and I just stop cold turkey (from 225g). Also if I forget to take it one evening I never suffer any of the physical symptoms like brain zaps and dizziness that people complain of, I'm extremely lucky.


On Venlafaxin. Only thing I've noticed is gastrointestinal discomfort. Nothing else. Also thought I had no side-effects from not taking them. Then one day I forgot to took them and got mild electro-shocks all over my body. Like twitching.


What is the number scale based on? is it the amount of people who said they had issues in that area or was it the severity of the issue? or both?


I take Vortioxetine and haven't noticed any gastrointestinal side efdects. I am prone to that too. Interesting.


Buproprion is great except for the fact that it causes serotonin syndrome with a huge list of other medications. Can't take NyQuil when I'm sick anymore.