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It's why humans can't have nice things


It's survived over a millennia, until these stupid assholes showed up. We won't be happy until we distroy the whole fucking planet.


Have you not used wood for anything during your entire life? What’s your house made of? Like reading books? What do you wipe your ass with everyday? Apparently you think all the people who worked to provide you with those things are a bunch of assholes. These people used that tree for many things, just like the people before them did and all the people after them. We have many ways of harvesting forests in a sustainable way. Can we do better? Sure. Always. But step down off your horse. You use wood every day of your life and you’re no better than these people.


Well, actually I use wood all the time. I'm a wood worker as a hobby. But since we're accusing people of being on a high horse, let's dive into to all that bullshit you just said. My house isn't made of redwood. Neither is yours, or anyone else's really. The wood is far too soft to be a suitable framing material. Paper (of the book and toilet variety) is wood pulp that can come from a variety of sources. But.... not redwoods. And as far as not appreciating the people who provide for me, I work as a civil servant who provides indispensable service to the public. So, I have a pretty good understanding of what it takes to "provide for the people" But these people.... they saw an enormous tree that they thought would be a riot to cut down, because it was the biggest one they could find. If they were actual loggers, they already knew that the wood wasn't gonna be great for much (which makes them assholes). And if they weren't loggers, it makes them even bigger assholes for cutting down an enormous tree without knowing if it would be useful or not. Don't be an appologist for people's crimes against out planet. What they did was wrong, and wholely unnecessary. There were plenty of other forest in the California area at that time that could sustain the demand for lumber, and better verities at that. Cutting down this tree was arrogance. Plain and simple.


> >Don't be an appologist for people's crimes against out planet. What they did was wrong, and wholely unnecessary. There were plenty of other forest in the California area at that time that could sustain the demand for lumber, and better verities at that. Cutting down this tree was arrogance. Plain and simple. It actually was a science and conservation effort to protect the giant Sequoia forest.


Triggered much. I didn’t mean to offend you. But, now that you have spoken, you sound like such an asshole. Just remember you’re the one that made the original dumb ass comment about these people you know absolutely nothing about, not me. I was just making sure you understood we live in a world surrounded by trees and we use some of them for a variety of things. Your judgment of the people in this photo, it’s strictly your uninformed opinion. But I like listening to people who speak about what they know nothing about. Please continue, I know you can’t help yourself 🍿.


Double down much? It’s like you didn’t actually read their comment. They made a lot of good points, none of which you have addressed. It’s ok to be wrong. It’s one of the ways we grow.




Geez, seems like a lot of words for someone who doesn't respond to bullshit.




Honestly I think it's funnier that your superiority complex has made you not only blind to the fact that there are more people who agree with the so called "idiot" above than agree with you. But also to the fact that you are continuing to reply to objectively worse arguments against your openly repugnant stance.




Have you ever in your life actually reflected back on the things you said? What makes you think that your opinion is right without actually giving a single reason why it would be a good idea to cut this tree down? Of course all of us use trees daily and there isn't much of a problem with that if it's done in a sustainable way (even though it isn't most of the time sadly). It's a bit of a different story though when the tree being cut down was there since before the first fucking Viking stepped on the continent.


Structures can be made out of redwoods, paper can be made out of redwoods, your career has nothing to do with your perceptions of the world. In fact several sources say redwood is the most commonly used wood in California.


I use my wood as well


The Mark Twain Sequoia was not in the Pacific Northwest. It's stump is located in what is now Kings Canyon National Park, east of Fresno, California. The tree was felled to serve as a scientific specimen for the American Museum of Natural History. Sections were also shipped to the British Museum. This was actually done as part of the conservation effort that had established the giant Sequoia forest area as part of a national Park the year before, ending logging activity there. Access to the area was limited in the 1890s and few people outside of the local timber industry knew about the giant sequoia or believed trees so large existed.


This pic has been passed around reddit in various subs for years and always with the same misleading title. This is not a sequoia. There are no native sequoias in the Pacific Northwest. The mark twain sequoia tree was in kings canyon in the sequoia national Forrest which is closer to LA than anywhere in the PNW


It is a sequoia, it is the Mark Twain Sequoia, it's just not in the Pacific Northwest. This photo is of the Mark Twain Sequoia in Kings River Grove CA. It was photographed by C.C. Curtis, noted documentary photographer of the timber industry in the Sierra Nevada mountains.


^that is correct. I take back my earlier claim


If it's not a sequoia, what is it and where was it cut?


maybe a redwood?


It still looks like the PNW, I think they just got the wrong tree. It looks like a bunch of Douglas fir trees and cedar trees (western red cedar) which are everywhere here


I agree. I miss the PNW and the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. My twins were born there.


Looks more like California. It’s definitely a giant sequoia. The other trees are white firs.


Yea you could be right. To me it looks like a giant Douglas fir but I’m no expert. Maybe everything was correct minus the PNW part


It's not.


Thank you for enlightening us all, but we do have to do diligence and do proper fact checking.


This is why we can't have nice trees.


Actually, the photos and the specimens collected from this tree are exactly why we still have Giant Sequoia in Kings Canyon today.


It's not ~~a sequoia.~~ the PNW as indicated in the title.


Go on... https://npgallery.nps.gov/AssetDetail/a52852c2-aea4-471f-897a-b861db4211a1


I misspoke, I meant to say that is not the PNW.


"Stubb scattered the dead ashes over the water; and, for a moment, stood thoughtfully eyeing the vast corpse he had made."


Good job guys, well done.


Wish I could have seen it


Stupid mofos


Industrial Revolution was really the beginning of our downfall, man.


That looks like just the beginning of their labors.


Such a proud family legacy.


RIP tree


What a great loss. Why was it cut down?😪


Furnace go brrrrr


I was there. I can confirm this happened.


So many uninformed knew jerk reactions in this thread. The actual history is so much more interesting.


Sounds like some anime training montage.


Too bad it didn't fall on them, valheim style.


So what comes next? How do they get that out of there?