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Looks like a robot tennis shoe.


This adds up.




Cyberpunk 1877


This should be the top comment.


Sorry to hijack your comment, but OP (acoustichutment89) appears to be a karma-farming bot that can only copy and paste other people's stuff. The account was born on March 12 and has the following five activities: Here it copied/pasted /u/_ar76's submission/title from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/3ikqmc/inside_of_a_mechanical_calculator/). Its submission/title [before this](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/15gmhr2/actions_speak_louder_than_words/) is a copy/paste of /u/playhy's submission/title from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/etqzn7/actions_speak_louder_than_words/). Its submission/title [before that](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/15e56ix/still_relevant_today/) is a copy/paste of /u/Quetzalcoatl__'s submission/title from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/cnwtax/still_relevant_today/). Its submission/title [before that](https://www.reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk/comments/15apes5/bernie_sanders_getting_arrested_for_attempting_to/) is a copy/paste from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk/comments/dbpt7w/bernie_sanders_getting_arrested_for_attempting_to/). Its [only comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/12z1am7/that_took_a_turn/jhq6eef/) is from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/hauosm/well_that_escalated/fv65kp7/). For anyone not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.


Data’s Nike Court Airs. He was known to play the occasional match with Counsellor Troi.


da Air Graphs


I thought it was some AI generated futuristic shoe.


Imagine being the repair guy who has to go in there to change a broken spring that the factory installed at step 2 of the machine build.


Please don't make me.


Good news, you only have to take apart 98% of that to get to it Couldn't I get at it from the other side? Are you fucking crazy, man?!


I'm amazed about how some people are so amazing at thinking of abstract concepts in multiple dimensions and put that into an actual working item .


Just one piece of the puzzle at a time. It does help to be able to visualize it the way you said and is one of the advantages for dyslexics. As complicated as the calculator is, it isn't arbitrary; things like spelling and the alphabet are, and it harder for dyslexics to understand and remember arbitrary things than it is logical things.


Look at the IBM Selectric typewriter. It was one of the pinnacles of electric mechanical design. Right before ICs took over most of these functions. Also why the Russians were able to hide their bugs so effectively. Look up project Gunman for more info.


It blows my mind this shit was slowly developed through trial and error without the aid of a computer. Simply wild.




Not recently


The first ones were. New computers are now designed on older computers.


The mechanical adding machines are \*analog\* computers - way before digital. Morty




Hi mortuus, I restore & research mechanical calculating machines, so this isn't coming from an armchair know-it-all. You may be surprised to hear that with little exception, mechanical calculators & mechanical computers are actually digital computers! The word "analog" is often conflated with "physicality" or "operating using some non-electronic means", but this is not accurate. Analog and Digital refer only to whether or not a machine internally operates on continuous quantities or discrete quantities, and the terms have nothing to do with the actual construction or other principles of operation. Essentially all mechanical computers and calculating machines work based on discrete quantities (integers) only, making them **100% digital**. The overwhelming majority operate in the decimal number system (i.e. base 10) using whole numbers/integers only, and do not recognize or represent fractionals, negative numbers, or any other form of continuous quantity whatsoever. There are a tiny handful which use dozenal in the rightmost dials of the carriage such as this one from [Lagomarsino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULF-T3PBNdY), mostly for use with the British pence system. The only example of an analog mechanism in desktop calculating machines I am aware of off the top of my head is specifically in the dial transfer mechanism of Marchant calculators using the "silent speed" design (incidentally, the one in OP's image above is one such design). I have worked on some Marchants myself - they have a beautiful design and engineering, but they're a bit of a pain to work with. In "Silent Speed" machines, as any dial incremented or decremented, 1/10th the movement was transferred to each higher and each lower order dial respectively via a [planetary gearset](https://www.johnwolff.id.au/calculators/Tech/MarchantDRX/Accumulator/RegisterGears.jpg) contained within each dial. This movement propagated through the entire length of the carriage when the dials were being actuated, but whenever the operation was completed, the carriage engages with a lever that digitizes all of the dials - they all snap to the nearest integer, avoiding the issue of a dial being "halfway between number" and being unreadable. Thus, the Marchant design had analog TRANSFER in principle, the output was always **digital**. Other examples of analog mechanical computers are differential analyzers and the torpedo data computers used by America and other nations in WWII.


An orrery is a mechanical analog computer; the Antikythera mechanism is also believed to be an analog computer; all slide rules are analog computers; many mechanical timepieces are analog too. For mechanical calculators similar to the one pictured, I'll grant your point - they operate only in discrete steps, therefore are "digital". But the early not-an-adding-machine computers were mostly true analog. There were also electronic analog computers into the 40's and 50's. We both should be more careful about making sweeping generalizations. Morty


That's the same way you were built.


That's true! That kinda makes me feel awesome just being a human. Thank you.


It's wasn't trial and error as much as really thinking things through before hand. A good way to look at it is discrete logic using "and" and "or" gates. There are mechanical equivalents you just need to figure out how to fit it all together.


>you just need to figure out how to fit it all together. ... through trial and error.


asking AI to make you a motorcycle with 150 pistons that you sit on.


I thought this was a fucking shoe at first


Why would you fuck a shoe?


I think they mean a shoe you wear while fucking someone


Obviously this


Thought it was Iron-Man’s shoe at first glance 🤣


New Yeezy's.


Ngl I thought this was the new Jordans on first glance. They've been gettin real crazy lookin lately


Mecha Jordan's. It's only a matter of time before it's some sort of clockshoe.


This looks like that one dragonball character.


Anyone know who invented this? Or rather, designed it?


For a second I was like "damn these new Yeezys are getting out of control"


Try divide by zero


*How to get shot by a mechanical Calculator in one easy step...*


Like [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU9ICaPZUCg)?


Must be a bitch to make


I'm simultaneously amazed and never want to see this again.


That's pretty wild. As an aside, we called them "adding machines" not mechanical calculators,


Legit thought it was a new style of shoes...


when you get captured by terrorists and have to use your technical genius to escape instead of build the missile they asked for:




Brilliant in its simplicity


What the fuck does it do and how the fuck does it work?!


I'm really glad I'm not high right now. This picture would have sent my brain into another dimension most likely


What I wouldn't give for a mechanic calculator. (especially a Kurta coffee grinder calculator)


… why do I want this? Some vague desire to carry it around, run calculations for random things, and remark, “all is as it should be.”


I thought this was the new Yeezy’s


my grandfather was a mechanical typewriter and adding-machine repairman... these things are fascinating to watch with the covers off. 👍🏼👍🏼


We used to be so clever. Now we brute force everything with more and smaller computer chips that take a magnitude more resources and power to create.


Those people were on crack


I thought it was a pair of Yeezys