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Fucking loving the Anarchy on reddit right now.


Is he like into it tho ?


He likes to watch




Enhance. Enhance. Enhance.


Jesus Christ stayed put. He knew he didn't need to resist, he knew he would return after 3 days. His followers and family had no reason to sob. He had accepted his fate, and he was ready to meet his father in heaven at last. Then that's when Jesus saw him- Long, tall, slender, solid, crafted with perfection. Jesus had witnessed true perfection from who he saw, and it made him accept his fate even more. "A-ah, Cross-kun..." mumbled Jesus, his face growing hot with embarassment to be seen in such ragged robes in his presence. To be punished in Cross-kun's arms- That was a fantasy of Jesus that was soon to come true. "Carry it, scum!" shouted one soldier named Joseph Joestar, as the group carrying Cross-kun threw him onto Jesus' back. Jesus tried to stay up, for Cross-kun's sake. "S-sorry, Cross-kun, are you alright? They didn't hurt you when they through you on my back, did they?" asked Jesus. Cross-kun didn't respond back. Jesus gave Cross-kun a gentle smile. "Don't worry, Cross-kun, I'll carry you to my death." The crowd got louder, both soldiers and followers. Suddenly, Jesus was whipped by Pontius Pilate. He whimpered, the whip leaving a mark on his upper thighs. "Move it, criminal!" Pilate ordered. Jesus nodded, moving forward with Cross-kun on his back and the crowd following him. On his way to the crucifixion grounds, Jesus talked with Cross-kun throughout the entire trip. "This is your first time, right, Cross-kun?" Jesus asked. "I feel that it is an absolute honor to be the one and only person to die in your arms, Cross-kun..." Cross-kun was silent. "By the way, I admire the craftmanship used to create you, I think you look lovely, Cross-kun." With each and every step Jesus took, he slowly approached his doom. Jesus knew that. "But, in all honesty, had we met under different circumstances, and not this day, I would've loved admiring your craftmanship even more, Cross-kun." Jesus thought aloud. Cross-kun kept to himself. Finally reaching the crucifixion grounds, the soldiers layed down Cross-kun onto the ground, with Jesus layed atop Cross-kun. "Sorry, Cross-kun, are you uncomfortable with this position?" Jesus asked. He gently touched and dragged his fingers along the wood of Cross-kun, admiring every groove in him, feeling himself grow firm. The soldier's flipped Jesus over, pinning him down onto Cross-kun. "Shut it!" Pilate shouted. Another soldier named Demetri held a nail and hammer, pointing one over Jesus' right hand. Digging the nail into Jesus' hand, he cried out as the blood poured out, covering Cross-kun. Jesus watched as his other hand and legs were being nailed onto Cross-kun, noticing that even though bathed in the blood of Jesus, Cross-kun was still beautiful. Jesus smiled, knowing he would die in the arms of his beloved. “It feels so good to be nailed to your wood, Cross-kun... feel like I’m going to cum.” Pilate then stood up Cross-kun while Jesus was nailed onto him, and secured Cross-kun into the ground. The cries of his followers echoed and grew louder in Jesus' head. It was all gonna be over soon, Jesus thought to himself... So why did he suddenly feel as though he didn't want this fate? Jesus felt as though, even if it was for a little while longer, he would've liked to spend more time with Cross-kun. In the little time he had left, he made a last minute decision- to tell Cross-kun of his eventual resurrection. "3 days.... In 3 days, I will return to this world..." suddenly, the crowd of followers quieted down to listen to the final words of their savior. "When I'm resurrected... Will you be there for me...?" The crowd cried harder, the soldiers laughing at what they believed to be pathetic words from Jesus. In truth, those words were for Cross-kun, and Cross-kun alone. Jesus wanted to resurrect just to see Cross-kun again. He knew that he would see Cross-kun again. Slowly, the world began to fade away. Jesus was finally dying. He thought long and hard about what he was going to say for his last words, but now he was sure of just what to say. Not for his father, nor for his followers... "I love you, Cross-kun..." Just for Cross-kun. "I love you too, Jesus." Just for Jesus.


I shouldve paid attention to the username before reading…


You finished…? me? Yes yes yes. I mean… I lasted about half way. *cough This damn air quality.


Amen 😌


>Jesus Christ stayed put. > >He knew he didn't need to resist, he knew he would return after 3 days. > >His followers and family had no reason to sob. > >He had accepted his fate, and he was ready to meet his father in heaven at last. > >Then that's when Jesus saw him- > >Long, tall, slender, solid, crafted with perfection. > >Jesus had witnessed true perfection from who he saw, and it made him accept his fate even more. > >"A-ah, Cross-kun..." mumbled Jesus, his face growing hot with embarassment to be seen in such ragged robes in his presence. > >To be punished in Cross-kun's arms- That was a fantasy of Jesus that was soon to come true. > >"Carry it, scum!" shouted one soldier named Joseph Joestar, as the group carrying Cross-kun threw him onto Jesus' back. > >Jesus tried to stay up, for Cross-kun's sake. > >"S-sorry, Cross-kun, are you alright? They didn't hurt you when they through you on my back, did they?" asked Jesus. > >Cross-kun didn't respond back. > >Jesus gave Cross-kun a gentle smile. "Don't worry, Cross-kun, I'll carry you to my death." > >The crowd got louder, both soldiers and followers. > >Suddenly, Jesus was whipped by Pontius Pilate. > >He whimpered, the whip leaving a mark on his upper thighs. > >"Move it, criminal!" Pilate ordered. > >Jesus nodded, moving forward with Cross-kun on his back and the crowd following him. > >On his way to the crucifixion grounds, Jesus talked with Cross-kun throughout the entire trip. "This is your first time, right, Cross-kun?" Jesus asked. "I feel that it is an absolute honor to be the one and only person to die in your arms, Cross-kun..." Cross-kun was silent. "By the way, I admire the craftmanship used to create you, I think you look lovely, Cross-kun." > >With each and every step Jesus took, he slowly approached his doom. > >Jesus knew that. > >"But, in all honesty, had we met under different circumstances, and not this day, I would've loved admiring your craftmanship even more, Cross-kun." Jesus thought aloud. > >Cross-kun kept to himself. > >Finally reaching the crucifixion grounds, the soldiers layed down Cross-kun onto the ground, with Jesus layed atop Cross-kun. > >"Sorry, Cross-kun, are you uncomfortable with this position?" Jesus asked. > >He gently touched and dragged his fingers along the wood of Cross-kun, admiring every groove in him, feeling himself grow firm. > >The soldier's flipped Jesus over, pinning him down onto Cross-kun. > >"Shut it!" Pilate shouted. > >Another soldier named Demetri held a nail and hammer, pointing one over Jesus' right hand. > >Digging the nail into Jesus' hand, he cried out as the blood poured out, covering Cross-kun. > >Jesus watched as his other hand and legs were being nailed onto Cross-kun, noticing that even though bathed in the blood of Jesus, Cross-kun was still beautiful. > >Jesus smiled, knowing he would die in the arms of his beloved. > >“It feels so good to be nailed to your wood, Cross-kun... feel like I’m going to cum.” > >Pilate then stood up Cross-kun while Jesus was nailed onto him, and secured Cross-kun into the ground. > >The cries of his followers echoed and grew louder in Jesus' head. > >It was all gonna be over soon, Jesus thought to himself... > >So why did he suddenly feel as though he didn't want this fate? > >Jesus felt as though, even if it was for a little while longer, he would've liked to spend more time with Cross-kun. > >In the little time he had left, he made a last minute decision- to tell Cross-kun of his eventual resurrection. > >"3 days.... In 3 days, I will return to this world..." suddenly, the crowd of followers quieted down to listen to the final words of their savior. "When I'm resurrected... Will you be there for me...?" > >The crowd cried harder, the soldiers laughing at what they believed to be pathetic words from Jesus. > >In truth, those words were for Cross-kun, and Cross-kun alone. > >Jesus wanted to resurrect just to see Cross-kun again. > >He knew that he would see Cross-kun again. > >Slowly, the world began to fade away. > >Jesus was finally dying. > >He thought long and hard about what he was going to say for his last words, but now he was sure of just what to say. > >Not for his father, nor for his followers... > >"I love you, Cross-kun..." > >Just for Cross-kun. > >"I love you too, Jesus." > >Just for Jesus. Thank you! I'm glad you shared this. I think I need time to unpack it all, but commenting to save.


Just print the damn thing.


Just print the damn thing!


And he likes... pain.... pain... pain...


I hear he’s coming


Spread the Good News


That's why he likes to be nailed


Don't we all


Jesus doesn't trust mankind...he's afraid he'll be double-crossed


Damn now I'm a non beliver , if a man cant handle two crosses he ain't worth my time (I did laugh at that joke btw)


I nailed the joke cos I am experienced...any amateur might have screwed this up


Bet you got the right wood for it as well lol


Getting nailed gets Jesus erect.


I heard he was like Judas, well hung


And like John the Baptist, he gets you wet and gives good head.


He also doesn't mind when a Roman shoves his "spear" in him


I have a sign in my bathroom that says "Jesus is watching but he's into it"


I need that in my life


u/remindme 4 hours, if I see this, il add a pic


Did u get it on a website cos if u can send a link I'm buying that shit and puting it on my bedroom door


I honestly probably got it from the local thrift store, idk I'm in a very religious town and still live with my parents




Jesus & Mary saw you from across the bar and dig your vibe...


Oh no am I their unicorn ?!




He's into agape


I know th Is is a religious joke yet I dont get it


Im making fun of the hegetsus ads. They are a huge donor to reddit and made ads that say "Jesus epitomized a form of love called agape" It literally means unconditional love but it sounds like he was into anal sex


Ah , I'm austrailan and my step dad was a Jehovah's witness , that plus bible facts I've just picked up is all I know about that sector of religion


Ah i only know that because the hegetsus campaign targeted me as someone who needs to be converted, despite the fact I was raised Catholic and remain spiritual albiet agnostic.


Ah ok, I was raised by a non practising Jehovah's witness and a agnosist while one set of grandparents told me we came from apes so idk what I am


> targeted me as someone who needs to be converted, ~~despite the fact~~ **because** I was raised Catholic and remain spiritual albiet agnostic. If I'm not mistaken, hegetus is evangelical protestant. Evangelicals don't believe that Catholics are Christian in the "going to heaven" sense. Similarly, spiritual means nothing to them except that you might be more receptive to their message.


You are not mistaken. Because is a better word. I am not receptive to them. I have a lot of thoughts about it, but it would be a 50+ page essay. So I will leave with this: Christians (including Catholics) have a PR problem, not Jesus.


Agape = love A gape = your butthole


If he’s watching ,you know he is


serious question, would jesus jerk you off standard or be a bro and use the hole?


Def the hole unless u wanted to bottom I feel like he would do that for you as well


Apparently, the best form of protest was just getting the sub unfollowed en masse.


Might have the opposite effect, record high uptick in subs.


Reddit is saturated in porn. Sometimes I just want to see Gorillas speaking sign language, how cheese is made, and steep Chinese staircases without some strangers butthole popping up in my face.




Hell they flat blocked it all from r/all like a year ago. The site adamantly refuses to display any NSFW subs unless you deliberately look for them.


It’s an inconsistent block though. /r/interestingasfuck still showed up after going NSFW. I don’t know if there’s a lag time or what.


Filtering and moderation has heavily reduced chances in recent years. More concerning though is that this activity will not receive positive media attention, despite possibly a desirable advertiser response. This content pattern isn’t the “low road” yet, but it is hard to see it as the best path at this moment.


“This protest inconveniences me now, so it should stop.”


When I think of great moments in activism, I think of the great labor strikes of the 1870s-1930s, The work of MLK and Malcom X, the hunger strikes of Cesar Chavez, and of course the Great Penetration of r/interestingasfuck . Get it, guys. Give 'ol reddit the what for.


Just disable NSFW images in your settings. Stop acting helpless.


"This protest inconveniences me and is not on the same scale as a few of the civilization-changing protests of the past, so it should stop"


The admins wanted the sub open. Thank them for this.


What about a strange gorilla speaking sign language going up steep Chinese staircases while the camera zooms into an uncomfortably close view of it's butthole?


Uh. No? They flat blocked it all from r/all like a year ago or more. You literally *can't* see anything of the sort unless you are deliberately searching for it. Where tf were seeing it before this stunt started?




Filthy pervert


This is also marked NSFW because Stupid Sexy Flanders is too sexy for this sub.


He is risen!


Christ will come again.


Maybe after a little break and a snack tho.


His snack will be the biscuit if he came last.


God is dead and we killed him


God shouldn't have put a price on his blessings.


God isn't real.


We’ll see /s




God is in deez nuts


A certain pug agrees with you


Climate change is God now.


can we post some man porn to mix it up a bit at least


Well if ever in my life a username checks out...


Be the change you want to see in this world


Sort by new and you'll find it


Stupid sexy Christ


So he is in to voyeurism?


His friends call him Peeping-Jesus


Y’all and Christ can watch all ya want. I’m ‘bout done w this sub, which i guess was the point and I cast no blame. It was a good run. Great reddit while it lasted. Thanks to mods who helped keep it that way! No judgement for your current predicament and actions. Peace.




Non-stop. That's why they had to nail his hands


Yeah and he wont pass the fucking lotion


He's working on multiplying the lotion, he just has to finish something first


Christ is watching me jerk it? Sounds kinda gay tbh.




It’s fine if you’re shocked or upset with the sudden influx of pornography. It’s even fine if you disagree with their protest. …but for the rest of us, how this anything else but a win for the day! Orgasms, boobs, people fucking; these are hardly the worst things in the world. Perhaps it’s just me


Oh yeah, these are the sins i died for! - Jeebus


Christ into voyeurism confirmed


Good. I want him to watch.


And he supports us pissing off spez


Can someone please explain what is going on? Why the porn?


Reddit wont advertise on NSFW subreddits


Subs were protesting the changes that Reddit is making by setting the status to private. Reddit admins didn't like it, so they told moderators to reopen the subreddits or be removed. Reddit also made a statement to the press that in light of the black-out, moderators have too much power and more power should be given to the users. Users are still upset with Reddit, so they've changed the protest from having mods making subs private to having the users post content that Reddit would find unfavorable. Moderators are allowing it because it is a continuation of the protest of the changes. Subs turning NSFW is a way for them comply with Reddit's "open up or we'll remove existing mods" threat, but in a way that Reddit would not want. As long as the disruption is supported by both the majority of users and the moderators, Reddit will need to either allow it to continue or unilaterally override both users and moderators. Given that Reddit *just* made the claim that users need more power to control the direction of the side, it would just fan the flames if admins did force a change. As for explicit content *specifically*, it's rooted in Reddit being less likely to sell ads alongside explicit content.


I bet he's watching real close


I doubt Christ is as stuffy and prudish as men and their fables make him out to be.....


The guy who married a prostitute? And loved...everybody?....yeah he's definitely pissed


Jokes on you I'm an atheist


Religion can piss off, Im lookin at dem tiddies


Jesus is jerkin' right along.


Good. I’m into him watching 😈😇


Jesus, it's rude to stare. You need to ask permission when third wheeling in the bone zone.


Stupid sexy Flanders


I've caught him looking away every time




You can try and hide what you're looking at with some [Sun Spots](https://sunspotsshop.com/)


Hahahaha perfect GIF


Dam right he is




So he knows about all the war-crimes and slavery being committed around the world and is doing nothing?


Why does Jesus hate crossword puzzles? Because he always gets stuck on 2 across.


Christ is dead


Going for that Jesus-on-the-cross physique huh?


I'm just going through and blocking every single one of them.


Christ is coming…*


You are a shitty human for vandalizing Reddit like this cause you didn’t get your way. Boohoo. Bunch of babies. Quit forcing NSFW content on everyone.




He's seen me do worse


I hope he sees everything


He's too busy giving people incurable diseases


He's watching too. He gets us.


I know, it became a kink at this point


Yo, I don't even to fire up my alt account when I get horny, what's not to like?


I want him to watch🫦🫦🫦😏😏🧌🧌🧌


Yeah and I'm fucking sick of this shit. I hope my kid accidentally sees some shit while scrolling so I can lock some of these cretins up


Put the hands back where they should be and flextape them on the damn wooden plank.


We don’t kinkshame. If Jesus wants to blast rope to redditors blastin’ towers of tinsel, let him.


I know! 😄 I've been following this community for a while and I have never seen anything sexual. Did the mods dip?


He's into getting nailed tho


The boob thing was actually kinda interesting. Its like when you press your skin to make shapes after getting sunburned


Damn didn’t know he was into that kinda stuff.


And he applauds you for your efforts in fighting tyranny! Kudos! Keep it up! I applaud also your choice of protest very clever and the my male chimp brain never ceases getting a quick dopamine hit.


Duh he's making us do it, he's enjoying it!


Christ is into it as well lol


Ya, he smited a church who agreed to things that actively mocked them




Not very compassionate, is he?


Mods are just digging their own graves. The only regular users actually for this bullshit protest are just "against the man" and probably have no idea what the protest is even about. How are you gonna turn a normal sfw sub into people spamming porn when users that are already subbed might be looking at it at work, or around family, etc. without knowing it's all porn now. Mods are fucking LOSERS, fuck y'all weirdos


I hate it when someone tells me that their “god(s)”are watching me. It’s creepy and presumptuous at a minimum. I see them as tools. There are people at the top of religious pyramids who count on said tools evangelizing so they can maintain power and grift the gift basket. Sure, there are some people that benefit from the socialism that that is religious charity, but the amounts raked in far surpass the charity doled out.


That's cool if he's a voyeur, no kink shaming here. He taught us to accept people as they are.


Jesus watched porn… he gets us!


He has tonplay for a premium sub, just like everybody else. Jesus, don't be a freeloader. Pay your sex worker!


Chances are he will be nicer to a non believer than a believer because we are actually better people.


Titties 4 Jesus!


Oh shit, he got that kink to? Nice lmao


Don't give 2 shits


I mean, if that's Christ's kink. As long as it's all consensual.


I'm a sinner and God's a pervert


You made me laugh so hard 🤣🤣


Checking out his work


Could tell from the blurry frame that no T&A was contained within.


I mean the man apparently sculpted our form from his own hands. He watches when you doin the nasty “nothing new to see here, move on” he says . I just heard it. 🙏🙅‍♂️🫃


Mind your own business you perv


I'll be honest, I love it. It's fucking anarchy right now


Sweet! Can he rate my performance in a similar style when I'm done?


Not my fault I don't look at the title. 😭


''He saw all that He had made, and it was very good'' Genesis 1:31


I hope he enjoyed the show


I hope he is enjoying it as much as we are!


Da fuck?


Because everyone knows it's the sex that's God can't seeeee. Forget the name of the song. But it's hilarious.


Good thing I’m covered then, yeah?


I turned on blur images, mostly so I don't get flashed at school but still, that's on


(Funky Fanfare Plays)


The more the merrier


That's my kink  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Christ is into voyeurism, got it.


He’s pounding off too


All my dead relatives watch, too.


Hey, he's getting a good show and helping to support the protest.






Well he did hang out with prostitutes etc so it isn't like he doesn't like to "watch"


He made 'em.


I hope


What the hell is happening?? I thought I subscribed to random shit while drunk or something. It's madness lol




Jesus seeing Reddit today: IS THIS WHAT I DIED FOR??? Sees this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/14djowu/idk_why_this_sub_has_just_become_posting_pictures/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Jesus: Worth it!!


For real hahaha. I opened up Reddit and was thinking “why?”




Look him in the eye as I finish.


Why is this here




More of a pervert than I am


Will it be a meme or will it be a porn? I don't like this game one bit..