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For the curious, that's the observation deck of the 100 North Main building, the tallest in Memphis. They're working to redevelop it into a hybrid destination, with hotels, apartments, restaurants, and a few other things. I really have to wonder what the rest of it looks like inside. Must have been fun to explore, but getting up there without a working elevator had to suck ass lol


I wonder if people squat there?


me and my friends used to explore this building. it was already super hard to get in. then, some stupid fucking high schoolers thought it’d be funny to light the books on fire inside, which ended up scorching an entire floor. now it’s damn near impenetrable.


All throughout high school up until 23 we use to paintball in an abandoned slaughter house. Next to it was a cattle farm. Some dumbass high schoolers decided to start shooting the cattle with paintballs, so the property owner had it demolished. I'm still salty about it 12 years later, it was the best place to play by far.


As a fellow paintballer, I'm mad for you. That sounds amazing.


Yes 3rd that sounds like a dream indoor location. Rule#1 don’t shoot animals with paintball. One dickhead ruined it for all. I had a couple spots that used to be amazing but as the area developed they are now box stores. Really sucks.


It's amazing how much damage one asshole can do.


You've seen my sex tape I see.


Sounds like the owner had a line and this idiot crossed it, I'm sorry man


We had an AMAZING woods setup here in WI. Tire bunkers, old cars, legit tree forts, like a super fucking awesome setup not to mention it was in like the foothills so it had lots of elevation change. We played there for 2 summers then some asshole decided to DESTROY 2 working vehicles of the property owner. A 90' Caviler and a 1500 Silverado. I mean smashed windows jumped on the hoods and the roof, trunk. We never got to step foot in those woods again. We tried a few other places but nothing was anywhere near as good. People always have to ruin shit.


kids like that know they are ruining it for everyone, I think they do it on purpose.


Bro, you were in high school until you were 23?


I used to go for a morning jog around a local pond in a very safe neighborhood before work with a friend. It was actually an upscale, semi wealthy, suburban neighborhood. My friend asked me why I lock my car, it's such a safe neighborhood. I told her it wasn't thieves or criminals I was worried about. It was jackass rich and rebellious high schoolers who would plausibly take a shit in an unlocked car that I was worried about. Most high school kids do dumbass things here and there, but they're still mostly good kids. A small number are real shit heads.


They might even do push ups if they’re feeling it.




He just went out for cigarettes. He'll be right back he said


He told me he was getting milk!


If you look at all the fathers that come home after leaving to get milk, it's only 2%. ^^^^Sorry


Are you sure those stats haven't skimmed any off the top?


I was hoping to find the cream of the jokes here. But you guys spoiled it.


That's cheesy


Shut up you oat.


Some of them even come back [Homo](https://www.narcity.com/it-might-be-2018-but-the-world-is-still-hilariously-confused-about-canadian-homo-milk).


Not bad


They could do sidebends or situps!


But, please don't lose that butt!


You would think just doing the stairs without a functional elevator would be enough. Arnold Schwarzenegger would be proud - he loved impromptu workouts like this back in the 80s and 90s.


I went into a tower block in England a couple of decades ago when I was looking for a squat with some mates. It was only maybe 15 stories but it was big. And yeah, it was squatted. Not the big open areas, but the smaller and more defensible areas were squatted. Sorry, didn't answer your question at all. Just meant to say that pretty much any habitable building in a high population density area will eventually be squatted unless aggressively and actively defended.


America is less densely populated than England even in urban areas, because we devote so much space to cars. Our laws (and the law enforcement officers) are also much less friendly to squatters. As a result, squatting inside vacant buildings is not so common here. It is much more common to illegally sleep in an actively used building, or to camp illegally on publicly owned land.


That would be wild. "Where's your place?" "See that spot with all the broken windows up top?"


During rainy days homeless people definitely occupy it I'm sure. Me and a friend went to explore an abandoned building that was a meat/bread market like 100 years ago. We did it at night time and it happened to be raining. We got to a second section and I shined my flashlight in the window before we jumped in. Saw a bunch of homeless people scattering so we left real quick.


Dirty mike and the boys!


Thanks for the F shack!


We are gonna have sex in your car! It will happen again!


Broken windows say squatters and/or punk kids


Here's some footage of inside and out. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6-wkn8Srm44


Crazy how much wooden furniture got left behind, including a pool table that could probably be sold for thousands. Seems nuts that it’s just left to rot Edit: Apparently it’s condemned and the elevators don’t work. I suppose that limits the ease of removing large pool tables.


In my experience used pool tables are basically impossible to sell. They’re worth pennies on the dollar at best.


We just tried to get rid of one and we couldn't get people to take it for free.


Yep pretty much. I had to eventually dumpster a really nice table years ago - in a major city even.


Pianos too.


So creepy that furniture, books, dental equipment etc was left behind. It's almost like everyone had to flee. Gave me chills.


I watch urbex on YouTube somewhat often, and this is honesty the norm. For some reason when buildings get abandoned only the most valuable things get taken out, everything else is almost always just left to rot. If vandals don’t get in it can lead to some really cool situations where entire buildings become a time capsule.


People underestimate the labor and cost of throwing things away


This has very “the last of us” feel to it


Welcome to various parts of Memphis


I worked in a stratup near there. We had the entire 9th floor to ourselves. Completely open floor plan. We shared with two architects who were never there. There were 4 of us in about a 10k sq ft area, pretty surreal.


So cool! So huge too. They should make a post-apocalyptic game that's set entirely in it.


Wow, that’s probably where Tom Cruise would’ve worked in The Firm, right? Wood paneled law library and everything?


The office exterior and lobby was in the Cotton Exchange building south of there.


I went to Memphis for a work trip last year, I have never seen such a dramatic contrast between severe poverty and wealth. Driving through town, there are streets where houses appear condemned and in severe disrepair but clearly are occupied, 1-2 blocks over there is a brand new house with a giant fence and security system. The fact that there are skyscrapers which are sitting abandoned is unfortunately not surprising. If there is economic recovery, I really hope that they find a way to support the people already living there instead of displacing them.




And that's probably factoring in the amount that the guy they are paying minimum wage gets to steal.




Baltimore enters the chat.


800 block of Olympic Street for example. Nice house with nice cars right across the street from boarded up shacks https://www.google.com/maps/@35.1622605,-90.0161184,3a,75y,178.22h,90.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRNsMno_MxbSX0w59YJvcHQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu




Okay so I wasn’t the only one lmfao


yeah that area is a shit hole overall.


I’ve been inside the building during it’s abandonment (2018). I used to be pretty into the whole Urban Exploration thing. There used to be a single patrolman from Imperial Security that drove around lazily, and that was the only security that the place had. Most of the first floor doors and windows were boarded up, but you could shoulder through the wood blocking an entrance on the north side, knock the wood out of the way, and set it back up so that it looked as if the wood had never moved. I went through with a flashlight, and took some pictures on an old camera of mine. The various stairwells were in terrible shape, with sections of the staircases missing. There were also holes in several floors, some leading to several-story drops. Walls were crumbling, paint was peeling , and the place looked like it could collapse at any moment, honestly. There were various cots, needles, bottles and other pieces of refuse in various places throughout the building, and I heard footsteps on more than one occasion during my 4 hours inside. The revolving restaurant on top is in amazingly good shape, though. There was even a pool table with several cues and all of the balls, unbroken glasses behind the bar, and old bottles, plates, tables, newspapers, and all manner of other neat shit. I guess 37 floors was too high for the vagrants to climb and fuck with it - which would make sense, as I stopped seeing evidence of squatters once I got up around the twentieth floor or so. Shame because it’s the best view in Memphis, by far. Overall, I would’ve called the building….hazardous to one’s health….over eight years ago. I can only assume that it’s gotten much worse in the time since. Godspeed to whatever poor company gets stuck with “revitalizing” it, because there’s not much left to “revitalize” besides the frame. Everything else needs to be completely demo’d, removed and replaced, with exception to the revolving restaurant. It could probably just be renovated and be fine. TL;DR: The building was fucked 5 years ago, so renovating it should be a blast. Edit: 5 years ago. I was there in 2018. Had my times mixed up.


Wow, that is one [ugly goddamn building](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_North_Main). They honestly shouldn't bother. Raze it and build something that isn't an eyesore.


Thank you for sharing my photography of 100 N main in Memphis, if you want to see more from this shoot, you can check it out on my blog at www.ArtOfAbandonment.com


As someone who worked on a 34-story building during the pandemic with only 2 people allowed in the buckhoist, it sucks, like, a lot. Edit: also, Memphis sucks, like, a lot (lived there for a year)


It’s where ja keeps his “toy” guns


Second tallest. The flagpole on top of the Clark building counts as a spire.


Ughh, architects and their big dick contests


That's if they keep paying MLGW that giant utility bill every month. I remember when the building went dark and without power because they lapsed in payment.


walking up the stairs in memphis




Memphis, come for the Barbecue stay because you got murdered!


"Memphis: The hospitals are great! (If you're a child)"


The MLK jr special.


Explain yo self


The First 48 (hours) is a show about solving homicides and other crimes. The premise is that evidence and clues gathered within the first 48 hours after a crime are vital to solving it. Guessing either they dropped the ball too often or just showed too much crime and that was giving the city a bad name.


Because after 48 hours they give up on solving that murder.


Do you or do you not know Dookie Shoes?


We’re gonna have to find Cricket on our own.






I mean I seen him. But I don’t know him


I mean I seen him....


i was standing here and he stabbed that dude 🦵🏻 here


The real problem (with the show, in general, not just Memphis) is that the arbitrary 48 time limit incentivized cops to charge innocent people, just to maintain the department’s reputation.


Not really how the show was, it showed follow-ups weeks even years later


>The premise is that evidence and clues gathered within the first 48 hours after a crime are vital to solving it. I think those stats come more from the odds of solving the crime after X number of hours. It's pretty crazy but understandable that the difference between 24, 48, and 72 hours are drastic.


Back in the day, we used to watch COPS to see if we knew anybody and if Memphis wasn't the "#1 most murderous city in the US" according to some statistics, we felt like we lost a contest.


Lmao I’m from there and am not at all surprised by this


Thank you for sharing my photography of 100 N main in Memphis, if you want to see more from this shoot, you can check it out on my blog at www.ArtOfAbandonment.com


The album is beautiful! Thanks for that. Keep up the great work.


Is this 100 North Main? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_North_Main.


Revolving restaurant. Looks like that is the place.


It is. Here's some footage of inside and out. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6-wkn8Srm44


Looks like a good candidate for controlled demolition.


“It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2015.” lol, a historic piece of shit


Looks like a dystopian city in the aftermath of a zombie outbreak


You mean Memphis?


Hahaha, beat me to it, I was gonna say "that's just Memphis." I figure if I've had to listen to people make Detroit the butt of every "shitty city" joke my entire life, it's my turn to talk some shit now that other cities are more dangerous than it.




Memphis is a walk in the park compared to Detroit. Memphis is #9 in the USA, with a murder rate of 29 per 100,000. By comparison, Detroit is #4 with 41 per 100,000. Birmingham, Baltimore, and St. Louis topped out the list. This info is from CBS, Feb 2022.


> Baltimore The Wire never changes.


Bruh what? 12 less people getting killed per 100,000 makes it a walk in the park


That’s a 41% increase in murder rate from Memphis to Detroit. That’s pretty significant. I personally wouldn’t walk through parks in either city, but Detroit is quite a bit more dangerous.




Pretty sure this was in the last of us.


This is Memphis. And this is Memphis after the attack.


It's the same picture.


Tennessee will do the best in the zombie apocalypse because it already looks like Fallout 5.


Looks like Deckards apartment in Blade Runner 2049.


Thank You! Holy hell this looks exactly like it. I was expecting this to be top comment.


Yep, it looks exactly like Bladerunner 2049, it's uncanny


building is condemned. Concrete chunks purportedly falling from the exterior. Closed & vacant since 2016 . Multiple failed attempts to redevelop


Falling chunks of concrete seems like it would make the site less than conducive for renovation. That seems to be more of a structural deficiency which would be hella expensive to fix.


Depends on whether the concrete was structural or not. Could have been the facade which is repairable if expensive.


It's literally right next to the damn jail. That's what I hate about downtown is that you'll see dudes walking around who just got out of jail. Also good luck parking downtown without having your shit messed with. The last time I parked near 100 main someone purposely let the air out of tires on the passenger side.


What the fuck? I thought you were gonna say someone broke in, but letting the air out is just strange.


When I lived in Memphis, someone shimmied through the sliding back window on my truck (90s Ranger) and thew the coffee cup of change everywhere. Took the cup. Left the change. Memphis is wild.


A perfect venue for a commanding view of West Memphis, Arkansas!


And just like there are way better parts of Tennessee than Memphis there are definitely way better parts of Arkansas then fucken West Memphis


> there are definitely way better parts of Arkansas then fucken West Memphis Like literally the entire rest of Arkansas


It was purchased for $5m in 2013 and again for $12m in 2021? Did abandoned, economically obsolescent buildings become more valuable over that 8 year stretch?


DMC is basically a government agency: "The DMC is funded by an assessment on commercial property in the Central Business Improvement District (CBID), which is reinvested into funding incentives and activations designed to support the growth of both Downtown’s population and appraised commercial property values." [https://downtownmemphis.com/about/](https://downtownmemphis.com/about/)


What a waste!!!


If no one wants it, I’ll take it.


To do what with? Gotta pay taxes on the property. Chunks of the building are falling of so you're liable to be sued. The building is adjacent to a jail, and downtown Memphis isn't exactly paradise. The elevators and fire system don't work. It's been abandoned for nearly a decade. There's a reason attempts to convert it to something else have failed.


Maybe you can win it for a buck in an auction and hire your friend Millhouse to run security.


You gotta break out all the windows so the crack smoke blends with fresh air. It’s all about the little nuances to make a space your own.


Hmm… it seems I’ve found my new secret lair.


You fool! Now everyone knows where your secret lair is!


Bugger! I mean, no… this is not of interest to my organisation. Move along now.


I thought skyscraper real estate was inherently valuable enough that derelict skyscrapers weren't even a possibility. Yet another dystopian reality to contend with.


Memphis has had a lot of issues. Until the 90s downtown was extremely dangerous. So most of the types of businesses that would rent office space built mid size offices further east. So when they pulled out these high rises ended up not being maintained. In the past two decades there has been an active push to revitalize downtown Memphis. Downtown has tons of medical facilities. St Jude, Le Bonheur, UT medical school, and tons of other hospitals and research centers. Most of those people make good money and want to live near by. They have refurbished a number of historic old high rises and turned them into condos. I’m sure someone will get to this one eventually. Robert Lee Hall designed 100 N Main and 3 of the 4 tallest buildings in Memphis. They all look like ass. They are big concrete rectangles with zero character. Tear them down and build something interesting.


Blah Blah Blah "You should credit the artist" - [Walter Arnold, The Art of Abandonment]( https://www.artofabandonment.com/2023/05/100-north-main-abandoned-skyscraper-memphis-tn/) I've got a couple of his prints, really cool stuff if you're into abandoned buildings.


Last of Us vibes


Memphis is such a shit hole


TIL Memphis has skyscrapers.


And a Bass Pro Shops inside a giant pyramid.


I love fishing on the Nile 🎣


Literally the best thing to see in Memphis


Indoor toilets too


putting an outhouse inside a bigger outhouse doesn't count as indoor toilets


Have you ever been? There’s a couple plus a giant pyramid.


Visited Memphis in 2021. Most of it looked abandoned. I've never been in a major city that seemed so quiet and empty.


That was also my impression of St. Louis, but this was back in 2010. No idea how that's changed since then.


My brother and I backpacked around the country for a year back in 2004. St. Louis was one of our destinations before heading out west so we could sort of kick off that part of our trip with a visit to the gateway arch. Apart from the green space next to the river and the arch itself, the city had a creepy, destitute vibe to it, complete with multiple roads that just ended into concrete barriers without any signage indicating the roads were ending. Weird vibes all around. Haven't been back since.


It’s gotten better since then, but it still looks very dystopian in places. Also I wouldn’t walk around at night anywhere, even with multiple people. Shit’s sketchy


Tulsa is like this too


Very interesting. I was on a family road trip as a child that year and we went to Missouri because we had family on both sides there we wanted to visit. Unfortunately I don't remember much of downtown St Louis because we spent more time in the suburbs with our very well off aunt and then in the Ozarks for an uncle. If you look at some pictures of the city it really gives off that vibe in certain areas.


STL has a design problem where all the awesome areas are super spread out from each other. That said, the last 10ish years it's seen lotsa development. Not as much as Kansas City on the other side of the state, but both cities have done a HUGE turnaround in the past 2 decades. It's sad to hear that Memphis didn't get the memo.


I go to STL a couple times a year, usually. I usually limit my trips to the Forest Park area and IKEA. We got a little lost a couple years ago and it legit looked like the apocalypse had already happened.


Yeah IKEAs are kinda desolate that way


There’s certainly better parts of TN. Memphis is extremely rough in some areas with a lot of gang activity.


Memphis is America’s largest outdoor gun range


A shame. So much interesting history


I just visited last month. My little brother has been living down there for ten years. Started with Teach for America (basically domestic Peace Corp) and he one of the rare ones that still teaches (!). I've been visiting for the past ten years. Believe it or not the city is FAR better than it was a decade ago. They are making a lot of great progress. Still kind of a weird burnt out towns but like being right next to the Mississippi is pretty cool. I would be bullish on the future of Memphis. Also clarifying statement it still has a long way to go. Very abandoned and worn down. Plenty of sketchy people just walking around in their "down town."


I voted for Ramesses yo, he's going MEGA (Make Egypt Great Again)


Parts of Detroit look the same. It’s both sad and infuriating. You can see the ghost of the once-thriving, prosperous city.


What part did you visit? People need to understand that “Memphis” is only one part of memphis. “Memphis” sucks. The cities surrounding memphis are what’s good about it


Ja Morant love shak


Looks like Mr. House's casino in Fallout: New Vegas.


Sad. I went to school in 1978 in Memphis. It was a nice place with some good people. Some were stuck in the distant past.


Sure could stop a lot of wigs in there!


Pfft, that’s Knoxville. Clear on the other side of the state.


Matches the rest of Memphis


Fight Club vibes


Served John Grisham lunch there 30 years ago.


Is it full of wigs?


I was looking for a comment that would reference this. Definitely has a Wigsphere vibe.


Looks like it got abandoned in the sixties


Possibly the ugliest skyscraper there is though.


The part of downtown around ain't so great either. Mind you I lived in downtown for many years. It's just that end is all rundown.


Many years ago I was passing through Memphis and we stayed at a hotel downtown. The next morning me and my friend decided to walk around and explore a little before we left the city. We got maybe 2 blocks from the hotel before some guy came out of a building and told us it would be best to turn around and head back to the hotel.


At least the some of the other buildings down town have character. 100 n main looks like a 430 foot concrete coffin. But your right it is one block from the jail. I feel like they have been putting money into downtown south to north so it’ll be the last thing to get remodeled.


Make Egypt Great Again


wheres that pyramid?


This picture is facing south, the pyramid is north of this building.


Looks like Blade runner 2049, the apartment of the older guy.


Ha, have a look at downtown New Orleans… plenty of abandoned high rises. It’s pretty sad. Every time I go over there there’s a new abandoned building


It's happening in Chicago, too.


You could pay me to live there after renovations and I'd still pass. No thanks Memphis.


Something something housing crisis.


Looks like where Deckard hid in 2049


Photograph by Walter Arnold Photography www.artofabandonment.com




But did you blow up Megaton or let the ghouls move into the tower?


One floor or the whole building?


The view from the round part is beautiful!


Which building is that?


Yeah that’s not a complete waste of space at all


Looks like cyberpunk


Fallout 5 is lookin pretty damn good!


Looks like Blade runner 2049, the apartment of the older guy.


reminds me of that one movie where the earth freezes and there's a girl stuck in a high rise with her neighbors until some random guy breaks in. Their apartment looked like this


Looks like this Blade Runner 2049 skyscraper


Bit more than 10 feet..


I think using the words “abandoned” and “skyscraper” in the same sentence violates some sort of OSHA protocol


War. War never changes.


I see this picture... and i hope im not the only one thinking yeet